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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

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the team also went through fire, water and copper pipes in order to be in the golden series, how difficult was this season? well , in principle, the question already has all the answers, the season started, let’s say, very badly, the team was practically new, plus not all our positions were filled at the beginning of the season, there weren’t enough central players, then with the goalkeeper it was like 50- 50, but let’s say there by the end of november yes...
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fixed on the helmet of the referees, so keep an eye, dear viewers, on our hockey, studio, that’s all for me, it will be very interesting in the third period, tatyana, i return the floor to you, thank you, christina, we are following the progress of the game, we will definitely return to them later. a powerful storm hit the persian countries.
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dubai disappeared under the water, roads, highways, shops were flooded, flights were cancelled, in oman, due to strong winds and heavy rains, people died in the disaster zone, myanmar, bahrain and kuwait. footage of the rampant elements in the material by olga davidovich. lightning strikes the spire of the world's tallest skyscraper, lamborghinis and ferraris float through the streets, and people move along the streets knees in the water. this is all dubai today. a powerful storm hit the mega. last night shows no signs of slowing down, almost 50 mm of precipitation fell here in 6 hours, while in the whole country the average precipitation is less than 120 mm per year, the city actually went under water, metro stations were flooded, many highways were blocked , residents share footage of the violence of the elements on social networks. due to the fact that rain in dubai is rare, the roads are not equipped with a drainage system; during heavy rainfall, water accumulates on the roads and floods buildings, this happened with... dubai mall. water
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poured into the lower floors and the parking lot, the sellers are trying to salvage what they can, but they are not very successful. the goods are drowning, luxury handbags and expensive brand shoes float through the aisles. the police blocked sections of one of the main highways in the capital of the emirate of the same name. water flooded the basements, the first floors of residential buildings flooded the courtyards. television does not work in some places. institutions have been transferred to remote work, beaches have been closed, public events have been cancelled, authorities are asking residents to visit the city to go out. at dubai international airport, the world's busiest airport for international flights, flights of both long-haul carrier emirates and its low-cost subsidiary fly dubai were disrupted. planes were redirected to other cities, and those that still tried to take off literally became ships. runway. it's flooded and
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you have to make your way with the liner, cutting through the waves. many flights are canceled or delayed, including the flight. belavia from dubai to minsk. two took off, delay of about 2.5 hours. the evening flight is also expected to arrive late. bad weather hit all seven emirates. the country has entered an orange alert level. in some regions, the rains are accompanied by thunderstorms and hail, as well as strong gusts of wind. giant palm trees literally fold in half. there are problems with water and electricity supply. in many cities, drivers complain about poor visibility due to rain. the storm has been raging in the gulf countries since sunday. heavy rains hit bahrain, qatar and saudi arabia. in aman, the elements could not survive 18 people, including 10 children. a school bus that was swept away by stormy currents. there are missing persons.
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the eastern provinces suffered the most, where water flooded hundreds of houses and dozens of cars. roads are washed out, schools, offices are temporarily closed, dozens of flights are canceled at the local airport, the amount of precipitation in the region has reached 90 mm, 1,500 people have been evacuated, the weather forecaster's forecast is disappointing: thunderstorms, hail, and hurricane-force winds will continue to rule the gulf countries until tomorrow morning. olga davidovich, mikhail drugakov, television news agency. ukraine does not need peace in any form, this is the official position of kiev, the reuters agency writes, it immediately refused to conclude an agreement to ensure the safety of navigation in the black sea, which russia, ukraine and turkey had been discussing for 2 months. the reasons are unknown, but it is reported that ukraine initially did not want to formally sign the agreement, but agreed to have the turkish president announce it on
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march 30. ankara acted as a mediator. in the draft agreement the parties pledged not to attack merchant ships or search them if there was no one on board. declared military cargo. zelensky doesn’t care about the number of ukrainians killed. today he signed a law on tightening mobilization, so the document introduces the mandatory provision of information about citizens, the military registration and enlistment office, including those who live abroad and gives the right to detain a person liable for military service for lack of a military id, and failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on the basis of a summons already served will result in criminal liability , while the timing of demobilization are not specified in the law. it is not surprising that ukrainians are fleeing the square, not wanting to die because of zelensky’s corruption, eu countries have become a haven for them, although ordinary europeans are quickly tired of the impudence of ukrainian migrants who do not want to work and behave defiantly, now the biggest fear of the inhabitants of the garden of eden
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borel - the ukranization of europe. lyudmila gladkaya will continue. i’m not even talking about corruption in ukraine, which has already been talked about in the american congress, tank divisions, planes, and other military equipment that have disappeared without a trace, tons of weapons and ammunition. it’s no secret that everyone from zelensky to the last soldier steals from square. by the way, zelensky’s fortune during the svo, according to the most conservative estimate, has already exceeded a billion. but that’s not about that now. let's talk about how ukrainian refugees who... have been fooling europe for a year in a row. at the beginning of this year , polish and german journalists were the first to sound the alarm, saying that ukrainian migrants are squandering local budgets by huge sums simply by moving from place to place. the fact is that there is no unified register of ukrainian migrants. each voivodeship or state has its own register, so they can receive a lump sum
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benefit every time they move to another voivodeship. it’s not even necessary to leave the country, or the old fashioned way: we arrived, received support and went home, and then to another. this is the way to make money. in general, there are many schemes for how to deceive ukrainians in europe. for example, poles and other citizens of the european union receive calls insistently offering to invest in well-known companies. those who took this bait lost their money. here's another. in ukrainian communities on the internet you can find services from manicure to delivery of lard from ukraine. of course, not officially, so as not to lose refugee benefits. payment from hand to hand, or to a ukrainian bank card. eventually. income that is not controlled is not subject to taxes, and the local population watches in amazement as poor refugees waste money in restaurants, shops, and drive jeeps, while german burghers and polish gentlemen earn their allowances. those who arrived after february 2022,
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for example, were provided with all kinds of benefits in poland, free medical care, even botex cali, housing, education, food, having quickly adapted, the ukrainians began to introduce their own rules into poland. literally in the first few months , a wide network of fraudsters, smugglers, drug smugglers, and carriers of illegal migrants launched its activities. a separate niche in the fraudulent market was occupied by so -called consultants, ukrainians and poles, even without a legal education, but who know the loopholes in polish legislation. for money they teach how to deceive the polish state and get additional benefits, playing on the status of a ukrainian refugee. the british have basically two complaints about ukrainian migrants: they fatten shamelessly and deceive the gullible british, for example. with the beginning of the northern war , almost 170,000 ukrainians settled in british homes, they were given money, and later it turned out that they were coming. rich people from regions of ukraine, where there is no talk of a special operation, the british are perplexed about
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the number of fake guarantee visas with which ukrainian migrants come to the country. applying for a real guarantee visa to enter england costs not cheap, well, here it was: i paid a couple of hundred, received the documents, the plane landed, and in the uk it turns out that the documents are fake, so the play begins about the unfortunate ukrainians with their children... who were deceived by bad people in england. in fact, they knew everything, thanks to this scheme, those who arrived saved a lot, and they were not expelled from the country. among other things, ukrainian refugees bring national crime to europe. theft, assault, showdowns, prostitution, drug sales, etc. and those who are territorially close, like the poles, according to ukrainians in general, they simply have to support them, almost for life. they want to turn poland into a small ukraine, but if the fields... don’t like something, they can leave, most of all they are afraid of russia’s victory in the northern military district, because then,
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they think, another 20 million ukrainians will flee to europe through poland and germany, they should also go to paris, for free. and now about the details of the accident in minsk, which occurred this morning. on the smelovicheskiy tract, a regular bus crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road. according to the ministry of health, there are more casualties forty of them are children. our film crew worked together with specialists at the scene of the accident today. victoria radevich will continue. by the time our film crew arrived , investigators had already recorded all the necessary traces at the scene of the accident. the necessary procedural actions are being carried out. the bus and truck drivers were taken for medical examination. rescuers also worked at the scene. they prevented a fire, fuel spilled on the road, and all the victims were taken to the hospital. accident during
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morning rush hour. on footage from the recorder you can see how the rice bus travels along the smilovicheskiy tract in the direction of selitsky street. what happens next is unclear. the car swerved to the side, and then there was a blow. the bus crashes into a truck standing on the side of the road. within minutes , emergency services and an investigative task force were at the scene of the accident. according to initial data , at about 7 am today, a fifty-five-year-old driver of a passenger car. the bus, moving along the smilovichesky tract, drove into a volvo tractor unit standing on the side of the road. according to initial data, 20 people, of which two minors were taken to medical facilities for assistance. due to the accident , a serious and long-lasting traffic jam formed on the smelovicheskiy tract. delays in public transport schedules amounted to up to 20 minutes. the causes of the accident have not yet been reported even in advance. experts also worked on the spot to establish a clear picture of what happened. assigned to auto technical, road trossological. examination. as a result of the collision, the vehicle received mechanical damage, movement restricted,
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traffic police officers immediately arrived at the scene promptly, and accordingly, organized a detour to the scene with the help of employees of the ministry of emergency situations, who also provided assistance in treating the victims. and as the ministry of health later clarified, a total of 43 people were injured in the accident, some were taken to the hospital immediately, others went to doctors in minsk and the minsk region on their own during the day. three others were examined at the scene. performed an operation, eight people were hospitalized, out of forty-three, three were teenagers, two patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit; the ministry of health and the health committee will do and are doing everything necessary to ensure that these patients are cured and discharged as quickly as possible. the passengers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, fractures, bruises, and abrasions. a total of eight medical teams provided first aid to the victims.
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