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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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i ended up in belarus because i fell in love, 10 years ago, my husband met me, and we met there and he suggested to me: “let’s come to belarus,” i think, yes, let’s try it, it’s so romantic, and tell me what you’re interested in , what are you doing? i’m now shooting a video, i’m making video content, showing the belarusian culture, how i differ here from ours, i’m also cooking, showing our gastronomy, the venezuelan one. listen, today is our day for you and an excursion to the factory where bread is produced will be very interesting, by the way, tell us why you you like baking, often, or you cook, so you bake something, here is baking, this is a special topic, because in venezuela there is a small bakery there, that is, families there do it with their own hands, these are large-scale large factories like you balalaruses, as i understand it, there are many of them, unfortunately, we don’t have them, maybe we do, but very few. today
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there will be a lot of content for you, believe me, the plant is huge, bread too, baked goods too, god, it ’s possible, of course, let’s run there quickly, they’re already waiting for us, yes, let’s go, yes, great, yes, you feel it, i already feel it, just get... closer to the production right away, how delicious it is, i see your eyes are lighting up, come on faster, please, well, faster, faster, listen, the venezuelans are behind you, you won’t have time , come on, i think there will be something as grandiose as you usually show in the film that there are a lot of people on the set, everyone is working according to a schedule, just like the tata robot. yes, definitely, we are in
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the production of bread, so you and i need to maintain sanitary conditions, maintain sanitary conditions, i can’t even argue, i i assumed that when you need to go to places like this, you need to get dressed, but i didn’t know that you also need to take off your jewelry, i wonder if i allow makeup or not? oh, hello, hello, i’m at your production, today i brought a guest from venezuela, she’s a blogger, a very active girl, i think you’ll understand this during our filming. so we need to follow it
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eye to eye, where are we going, lead us, let’s go to the beginning of production, kneading the dough, great, go ahead, the top one, where it’s so noisy, and how cool it looks, like porridge, yes, what do you think the bread is made from? flour, eggs, milk, not all of the ingredients in our recipe. which you listed, there is, our dough is prepared flour, water, yeast, semi-finished product, sourdough, i think you don’t have such a semi-finished product, we ’ll look at it later, sourdough, these are some kind of living bacteria, yes, these are living bacteria, yes -yes, yes, well, how many types of bread do you produce here, about ten, but 10, and we ’ll try everything today or not, uh, we’ll try, we’ll try, and you’re already hungry, yes, you want to pinch the crust, yes, but here, what ’s here? in this machine
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the dough is kneaded, now you will take part in this, but first you will need to pour dry mashed potatoes into the machine, and also add mashed potatoes, this is apparently some kind of specific yes, this recipe requires mashed potatoes, and puree potatoes, because where are we in belarus in belarus, i didn’t know that even you would add potatoes, we have bread and potatoes everywhere, i know that belarusians love potatoes too, i know that there are a lot of... a lot of recipes with potatoes, but this is the first time i’ve seen it in my life, i didn’t think that potatoes are also added to bread, but can i, yes, of course, i’ll help you, look, i wouldn’t have guessed that it doesn’t look like that, yes, yes, stick out, look, class, well, it’s like at home, in smaller houses they spin, spin, spin, is that how you do it?
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the bread machine is spinning, well, yes, a very complex process, kneading the dough, it goes in three stages at different speeds, there it is kneaded, stirred, and some additional ingredients are constantly added. what do you have a request as a bread lover? i would like to know why you don’t produce bread specifically for new year and christmas? yes, christmas bread, which will be a bed at home for the new year, is a good idea, indeed, we did not work in this direction, i just created it, we have it, for the new year we are preparing special years, there is a lot inside, there is a beginning , there are olives, let’s go, that’s it, but unfortunately you don’t, we have other traditional holidays for which we produce baked goods , easter, yes, we bake easter keys, but you need to think about the new year, yes, no need.
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what do you have here? uh, here is the office of a process engineer, now he is checking the quality of semi-finished products, let's check it, come on, what's your name? vladimir nikolaevich, vladimir nikolaevich, oh, very nice, what exactly are you checking here, i’m checking at the moment, thermophilic sourdough acids, the acidity of a thermophilic sourdough, thermophilic, it consists of several sourdoughs, it serves as food for the fermented sourdough, yeah , that is, for yeast as food, so that it all works even better and there is fluffy bread, i can also become a technologist, well, it’s clear that i needed to impress our guest, i
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think i succeeded, take 5 g 5 of the semi-finished product, then there is a thermophilic starter, five wait, 5.03, you see, there are three extra, even this is important. yes, imagine, we pour 50 g of distilled water, so, you know what distilled water is, purified water, where there are no salts and other things, but pure h2o, well, this is not a mineral water, yes, no, we begin to add in parts and grind until smooth, please, with the second pestle, three, at that moment i thought a little like this, so what is this oozing for? when the mass is uniform, or rather the analysis will be, you have done it all, you’re great, yes, we add, here’s phenol in it, you see, for coloring, i stir, and you watch how it changes color, liquid, which means we’ll now see what its acidity, when it stops at a certain level
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, sodium, everything was so there for me, i don’t know, as if some kind of person was talking to me scientist, as if i were in a chemistry lesson, which was very difficult to understand when... 100 brave children gathered in our studio,
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each of them had their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to?
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then any city dweller can envy you, you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far it is, well, just meters away, so that, yes, it is opposite the house, we will pass today.
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kayla's activity can be envied, she everything is interesting, absolutely everything, where it falls, where it rolls, goes, how it is mixed, but can he help us do a little work? yes, you can, come on, come on, today you do everything with your hands, i’m just looking,
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you see, even though all this is in the way of machines, you still need to work with your hands, oh, you have to drag everything there, yes, it’s hard, hard, yes, but what delicious bread it will be, it is very difficult and difficult, it turns out so quickly, i think their hands are so strong... when we sent the dough to the dough-descent, it was so scientifically correctly called, i didn’t think that it goes through several floors, that is, on the second floor we knead and send it there, and there the molding is already underway, the dough comes from the dough pan, and the dough is divided. yes, we dropped it off for you and divides our dough into equal parts, it falls into our seaming machine,
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where it takes the shape of bread, i just looked like this, like this, like a labyrinth, and here already, look, there’s more to come some form is given, yes, what kind, blobs, oh, through a stacker, through a stacker, and how many of them here, we spend a ton of bread in an hour . a ton, can you imagine how many people in belarus eat bread? i know you love bread, you eat bread all the time, morning, evening, everywhere, always, according to statistics, every belarusian eats about 78 kg of bread a year, why am i not surprised, i don’t understand it, everything is different here , and what do you eat there instead of bread, well, only in the morning, but not in the evening, a snack, already, no, i know that the dough, into even pieces of 20 kilos, but after baking the moisture is lost, of course, they
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become evenly 950 what is it height, and he drives constantly, awesome, that is, it turns out to be a carousel for bread, there are so many of them that i don’t understand where to end, but i’ll tell you where it ends, if you look carefully at this cabinet, that is, it’s about two floors. my god, here is where he is going, he is going on a transfer, on a transfer, that’s what it’s called, where is he going, yes, it’s all going, spinning, how many minutes does he pass here, here are 55 minutes, 25 minutes, everything, where then he falls into the oven goes 40 minutes, maybe something else... let's see how much product you have? 167 items, it’s all here in your
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factory, therefore, that’s why such volumes, i’m stunned, i would like for my country to have such a factory, or enterprises that also created so many products for our people, this is not we have enough. i hear that next to me some kind of hamster has wound up, stands and eats, this is a sesame seed, so rich, you can feel the sesame there strongly, we will find such food mostly you are venezuelan from guava, you know what guava is, guava, yes guava on spanish, well, this is some kind of guava fruit, and
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we rarely use sesame anywhere, well , look, i packed a pack and ate picen. yes, i packed a packet, ate a cookie, yes, exactly the job i need, you love oatmeal cookies, that’s unusual for me, because oatmeal cookies. in venezuela, they are considered dietary, who put all the money on cookies, but, nevertheless, our bread is also made from oatmeal, so oatmeal cookies are not available to everyone, because they are expensive, it’s true, but we have oatmeal cookies, on the contrary, they are affordable everyone, and i want to tell you that oatmeal cookies
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are, to be honest, the calling card of this plant, but why? this is the most delicious, it was a huge discovery for me, when it was molding from a huge dough into small, small pieces, i first thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out so that it would be flatter, but no, i then they explained, it turns out that it spreads on its own and becomes flat, which we are used to seeing, hello, we went through the entire line and saw how my favorite cookies are made, i love it, i love it. well, you know what, i’ll tell you a secret, my wife loves oatmeal cookies, so that they are hard, as she says, so that the tooth crumbles, yes, well , it needs to go through cooling, then it will be what you need , what she loves, now it comes out of the oven a little warm, it needs to cool down a little, at the moment there are cookies, they are with raisins, these are classic oatmeal cookies, and this is how we
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make an assortment, you eat, eat with pleasure.
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i don't want to read how long i sat down.
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our program lasts 26 minutes, but kaylana filmed exactly 10 videos, she filmed, filmed, filmed, saying that angola krill smells like bread, i don’t know this, but they immediately say, so if this is so, then i will les like an angel, great, right? so, where are we now? this is a grain plot, the product comes out of the oven, it is burning enough. there’s boiling water there, well, pavel just looked at me like that, that’s it, okay, calm down, there,
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yes, yes, take it, take it, come on, when we took the hot bread we put it in the trolleys, here in container in these, i don’t know, it feels like you were picking up some child in your arms, though you were so afraid of dropping him, he’s so fragile, it’s very hot here. and there the stoves work constantly, you need to be in this atmosphere, i’m not used to such temperatures, so it was difficult for me, well, it was probably about 70°, but it was very hot. listen, what kind of bread is this, i’ve never seen one like this, well, check it out, it’s with
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sunflower seeds with grain, triangles of bread, this is the shape, i saw it for the first time, i’m used to it only these round baguettes, loaves, but triangles, i see you want to try, okay. come on, it’s like a watermelon, look, you can take it like this, yes, that’s right, i always dreamed of doing this, you know, i closed the gestalt of childhood, i broke the bread in half and just stand there and eat it, just bake it, pavel, can we give our operator a treat, come on? look, if you want, take it, try it, delicious, delicious, oh, i told you
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, unfortunately, we can’t treat you, but it’s delicious for us, and we see here already rye bread, yes, yes, it’s rye bread, but what about this is what it is is this a metal detector? and that is, if metal gets in there, then we must immediately prevent these hits, this means from the machines, all these that were kneading, you never know, like at an airport, when, like at an airport, you won’t fit in if i don’t want to check you, but if there’s something metal there, will it beep or what? the process will stop, a signal will occur, and we should already act according to the instructions, okay, watch each one, of course, personally i like it more. just with zhana bread, i don’t know why, but i really like its special taste, in our country, unfortunately,
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we can very rarely find compressed bread, again it is not popular, we have more liver, white, a-ha, everything is already sliced, but at home we are used to only with a scabbard. i see that your eye is already red in half, but the weight should be 450 g, we have, what is 450, 450 g, well, now let’s try, quickly like this, it’s not enough, it’s not enough, i need it, i need this, this, yes , yes, it’s still not enough, it’s still not enough, we add it from here, we get it, and we get it out, if it’s not enough, 440 won’t work, but now i’ll try, i don’t i couldn’t pack one when a woman is like that 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 they are already so
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trained, and i’m still trying to understand how this is the right thing, it’s not my job, i wasn’t born for this, but there’s already so much to do , i still live a lot, oh god, it was, i i a little. for moments i was already nervous, i wanted to cry, because i didn’t have time, i’m stressed now, four, oh well, okay, 450, 450, finally, let’s do it. when they were already packing the bread, they were already quickly on the other side, there was one girl, only thinking that she was the only one who
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did it. how long have you been working here? she will be 5 years old in august. her 5 year anniversary is coming soon, is it difficult to do? sometimes yes, sometimes no, how long have you been taught to pack quickly like this, with time, with experience, everything comes. as they say, friends, my back already hurts a little, yes, my back, especially when i’m already starting, i’m carrying it, that’s not all, no, friends, the bread is packaged, i put everything together, so bon appetit, we did it with love for you, everything, thanks, come on!
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well done, senora kayla, yes, senor pavel, share your impressions about this day, first i want to say thank you for inviting me, because this is the first time in my life, i saw how things are going with bread and not just with hands, but how it is produced, how so many people work, how ... it’s difficult, i’m testing work too, because when we rolled out this dough ourselves like this, the whole thing was difficult for me, so i just admired you, yes, yes, friends, how bread is made, you already know , and how much more is yet to come, if you want to find out everything about everything, don’t hesitate, record a short video, send it to us, and together we’ll see how it’s done.
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tv channel belarus 24 presents food has never been simple, at all times people wanted to eat deliciously and live well, a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine, now the world will change, divided into before and after cooking. in chicken broth, and well, well, in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it’s a hunter’s recipe, duck in a pot is worldly reminiscent of a rich, thick soup, because there’s a lot here fat, and also to acquaint the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area, a stove, a stove, what a medieval stove looked like, a ceramic
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box lined with bricks, in which it was laid... but a large metal sheet was installed on top. in the 18th century, the gypsy baron jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate in the surrounding area in a gilded carriage. we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country; the project includes food anywhere. there are dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the nearest district, and maybe throughout belarus. look.
12:00 pm
live news at noon in elizaveta lokotko's studio. hello to this episode.


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