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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  November 9, 2023 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] because we still won thailand, kazakhstan, and i think that these teams are weaker , they are considered weaker in asia than china, we discussed the results with you, yes, of course, we thanked them, but first of all, yes, we thanked for work, and secondly, they see changes in their game , because they see that we are trying to play, let’s say, a different handball, we are trying to play differently, because in china they have a training process, and their game, the team’s keys, they played differently, i’ll be honest, i didn’t think about their mentality and culture, we after all, they played handball and they received new information from me, tried to train, i received something from them, uh, somewhere they adapted to each other, in general, i didn’t delve much, to be honest, into the difference in mentality, so if we played here in the belarusian championship with the whole team, all the main members of the chinese team, it would be very interesting, why am i telling the whole team, because for example,
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the main goalkeeper... that year he spent half a season in cska, he spent the main line in csk, he played left winger in russia also in cska, then they then he went home, however, one lineman plays here in grodno, i think that if we could gather all the strongest here, it would be on the basis of ice china, we would be much more competitive, these guys, well, just there is a population of billions there, is it really difficult to find super-talented monsters there who will... everyone there, well, you understand that handball also competes with volleyball, basketball and, just so you understand, there are only nine teams in the whole of huge china men's, eight or nine, there's a ninth, i think now it is just in its infancy, that is , handball is definitely losing competition to basketball, volleyball, there are no options, i’ll just repeat it again, basketball, this is a super league in which even alexey
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shverchensky plays. high-level players play , of course, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i can’t say for sure about volleyball, but i think the situation is also similar, in ganbor it’s completely different. the opening ceremony of the asian games was very impressive, tell us about your emotions, what you saw there and what feelings you experienced? this was a great discovery for me grandiose, well, that is, you say, a 3d man was running and that is, in general the show was colorful, there were a lot of people in the team, well, this is peculiar. the olympics are only for the asian region, i know that the chinese felt the tension , everyone was preparing very seriously before this, there were constant meetings via video conference with all national teams, this was very important for them, firstly at home in the city of hanju, you know, well, it was important for them, but in general, of course, in the medal standings, china will always win the asian games, the city where asian games were held, this is a city with a population of over a million, it may be similar to
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minsk or grodno, no, this is 12. for them it is a small city, for china, for us it is huge, very beautiful, both modern and old city, that is we lived in the olympic village, all the teams lived in the olympic village, this is such a unique area, well, maybe, like if you compare minsk, like minsk the world, yes, this is such an area, everything is modern, everything is at a high level, and the city itself, accordingly, is like that well, it’s not far from shanghai, 150 km, you man, young, ambitious, what are your immediate plans? the same players have contracts, the chinese team is here in china and what are your goals when the chinese team plays? well, now eight people from the national team have returned to belarus, eight people, the rest of the guys went to their clubs, some went abroad, some stayed back in china, so we continue to train here, play in the championship of belarus and in asia in january, the asian championships are the asian championships in
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bahrain, that is. here are eight guys from the stork china, plus they will collect from abroad again, yes, yes, did this fifth place influence the fact that they went abroad, or was it planned, no, they, it was planned, the same ones who left that year abroad, that is, this is a linear player from csk, and this player who was in brest, he will now try to go to portugal, vladimir konoplev in an interview with our tv channel noted that they call oleg shareik a teacher, igor popruga a professor, do you feel it? these are the kind of appeals to you, this is the attitude towards you, first of all, just like me i can comment, we are all doing our jobs, and this is, he said, what the chinese call us, but i cannot comment on how they are, with what meaning they say this, i think that igor nikolaevich and i, we’re just doing our job, maybe they ’ve somehow infiltrated you over the past year, yes, like comrades,
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maybe you’ve become friends, or maybe it’s still a friend. you understand, it’s very difficult to understand, and firstly, the language barrier, and secondly, these are completely different, in fact completely different guys, different people, first of all china, but i again, i say that of course it’s addictive. it’s coming, we’ve been working for a year, it’s clear that the situation is complicated, belarusian handball remains without international practice, think about it, will our guys, the national team, have a setback, or will we still remain at that level? well, it’s clear that there are not enough high-level games, with, of course , strong european opponents, but i know that in belarus the work is going on, no one stops, everyone is working, everyone is trying to change the situation, trying to develop players. i don't think it will be very strong rollback, it is clear that there are not enough sparring sessions, there are not enough games with serious opponents, friendly games are one thing, but you understand, participation in the european championship, the world championship is completely different, well, i can tell you
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an example, kuwait, before the asian championship, they held training camps and played friendly games in europe, in slovenia, and they told us that in slovenia they had no chance of winning at least one game, because firstly... they play completely differently and for them it’s there were difficult opponents, club ones, this no, not national teams, that’s what i’m saying, but i still hope and believe that we won’t
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go down. hello, the presenter is authorized to announce the program sas on the air. i welcome you, i remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people
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will affect the life of the country and each of us. we will talk about the painful blow to ukraine from the west and the significant reduction in military assistance after the digest, the key events in world politics this week. emmanul macron is looking for an alternative to uranus from niger in central asia after a military coup in africa. france has lost supplies of fuel for its nuclear power plants. paris is trying to find a replacement in kazakhstan, which the french leader visited last week on an official visit. the central asian republics have become one of the main beneficiaries of the western sanctions war against russia. many supplies of western goods to the russian market go through their territory. kazakhstan and uzbekistan are vying to replace russian energy resources in the eu markets. serbian president aleksandar vucic has scheduled early parliamentary elections for december 17, which will be held for the third time in the last 4 years. the opposition has staged weekly anti-government protests over the past few months, with demonstrations
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starting after a thirteen-year-old opened fire at a school on may 3, killing eight people. the next day, a twenty-one-year-old man killed eight people in the belgrade metropolitan area. number of americans who believe that their country is helping ukraine too much, for the first time exceeding the number of those who believe that too little or enough is being done. according to a gallop poll, 41% of us citizens were in favor of reducing support for kiev, compared with 62% of republicans. now only a third believe that washington is doing what is needed, and another quarter would like more help for zelsky. the german writer, nobel prize winner in literature, thomas mann, speaking about the support of some politicians for international conflicts, once sharply noted: war is just a cowardly
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escape from peacetime problems. and there is hope that very slowly and uncertainly, but steadily, western countries are beginning to understand this, the war in ukraine has dragged on, its fog is dissipating, and the problems for europeans and americans have only... increased, about why the news about the reduction in support for the conflict began to fall like an avalanche in ukraine in the countries of the european union from the united states of america, and whether they really give. hope for a quick peace, we will talk in today's program, i am glad to welcome you to our studio already has a political scientist, vadim borovik, hello, ukrainian political scientist, alexander skupchenko, greetings, alexander, we have met with you several times in ukrainian talk shows, to be honest, probably in a nightmare it was impossible to assume that the situation would turn out exactly like this way, but i’m glad that we are safe, unfortunately, unlike many ukrainians who are in this horror today and are counting on a speedy end to the current conflict. by tradition
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, we begin our discussion with a quick question: is this is it already a drain on the ukrainian crisis or another overture? alexander, please. i doubt that the west will drain ukraine, because a lot has been invested , half of the black soil already belongs to american transcorporations, that is , there will be about 200 billion debts in 2023, so, well, this is money, for them it’s war, for them ownership is business before everything, so i think they won’t leak, but let’s just say they don’t have the opportunity now to achieve their goals that they set at the beginning, let’s do it before you answer, i want us to display our graphics: aid to ukraine from the united states by month, october $350 million, the smallest amount received by ukraine. the task was to gradually increase funding for the ukrainian company in order to prolong this conflict, to brew the required degree of this confrontation. in order
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to contain the european union, the russian federation, well, ukraine is an instrument in the hands of the united states of america, in my opinion, they have achieved what, they have achieved the necessary degree of boiling, why not immediately wanted, because it could cause a very harsh reaction from the russian federation, understanding the nuclear deterrent potential , so as not to provoke, like hitler used the sequence of aggression, that is , they gradually brought this... military mess to the required boiling point, now they have it, they created and laid a time bomb for a decade in advance, they can set it on fire at any moment, now their task, at least until the end of the political campaign of 24 years in russia, is to support this mess, this one a destabilizing factor, but in general it is beneficial for them, the longer the better, a smoldering conflict, they do not need any powerful military clashes, this is the mistake that someone wants to catch up with someone to some border, to the western or to the east, the task is to maintain the conflict, throw fire into this conflagration, they say western politics
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, god, we need a freeze, we are interested, there is a war on our borders, and we constantly talked about the fact that we still need to start negotiations, europe needs to use its brains, because now the americans still filigree all responsibility will be shifted to europe. instead, now we’ll talk to ferrens elmesi, editor-in-chief of the european edition of visegrad post, he is in contact with us right now, and i am grateful that you are participating in our television program. thank you for inviting me. today we are witnessing a crisis in western support for ukraine in relation to financing arms supplies. what is the reason in your opinion? they no longer believe in ukraine's victory? how do you think? yes, there are a number of reasons, and i think the first of them is that
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the counter-offensive that was announced and implemented, of course, failed, and for many european american supporters, support was provided based on the success of the counteroffensive, and the fact that it failed, something broke in the ranks of the supporting parties, people no longer believe in success in the light this failure. there is another factor that is very important, and that is the fact that inflation is very high. europe suddenly lost ties with russia. stopped
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buying gas and oil from russia, or rather, we are still buying, but not officially, we are we know, and we pay a lot more for it, and this aggravates the problem, everything is natural , it accumulates and aggravates the political situation, which is already quite complex and difficult for politicians to cope with in the long term, dissatisfied people come with... paying more and more for food, and yet, we support ukraine, and ukraine is so far away, in general, they don’t feel any connection with it, and especially in times like these, when it’s hard to even buy food for some people, support... for a european guest, we hear about that the europeans remained alone, because the united states of america placed all the possible burden of financing, with military assistance,
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on the european union. do you think european politicians who do not agree with the mainstream position of european bureaucrats can. but to express our point of view today, because we understand perfectly well that quite a large number of ukrainians are in europe today, there are even signs of terror, politicians of the right flank are being attacked, physically abused by these people, is there enough courage? turn this situation around and openly declare that europe has run out of steam to some extent , the fact is that europe did not remain, but... with these problems, the united states left them with these problems, i once watched a study of america , yes, that is, first of all, they have big problems in their economy, the following was, well , this is all for any economist, he understands how to solve problems with the economy, that is, you want to develop the economy, you need to develop industry, and here there is two ways are to develop high-tech industry, yes there is a high margin, or with a low margin
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, but in any case this is an investment, investment is debt, that is, this is a solution to problems in 5, in 10 such as creating an enterprise, this is firstly, technology, this is secondly, trained personnel and money, europe has all this , that is, in this study, the americans perfectly understood what needed to be created, that is, to cross all the red lines in ukraine in order to drag russia into the war on the one hand, then drag the european union into this war on the other hand , create unbearable conditions for doing business, then create better conditions for doing business in the usa, please move all industrial enterprises to america, that is, america is ours. will european politicians be able to resist this? i don’t think so, because well, who is scholz, yes, who is macron, these are the same zelensky, these are the same ass-fools who installed, that is, in fact, they were elected by the people of europe, they were elected, well, who do they serve, they serving washington people are truly leaders who are not leaders
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are, they do not govern, they are rather managed, the last question for you, now we have a new government in slovakia, what other states could join a peace coalition in europe? well, this is a good question, at the moment i do not see the possibility of this, and even from existing governments in several european ones. countries may see some shift over the coming months, perhaps the coming years, in view of the need to change positions if this goes on for too long, if inflation and other problems
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worsen in the coming months, then some leaders may change their position on the issue of ukraine, and move to support... hungary will be the country that calls for dialogue from the very first day, and this is precisely the reason why mr. szijarta, our the minister of foreign affairs came to minsk last week, and he called for an immediate ceasefire, this is very important for the hungarian economy. we are in a very difficult situation and this is very bad for us, of course, hungary is part of a more large alliance, we cannot make decisions ourselves, independently of the others, but we see that the situation is catastrophic, this is not what the people of hungary voted for , thank you very much, mr. elmesy, thank you for your
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answers, for your time, we are talking about a crisis european union, about the crisis in hungary, our distinguished guest said, in addition, we have prepared a graphic of how the situation has changed, the economic situation, the economic situation in germany, the reduction in production, the data, tragic, does the leadership of today’s germany see this, well, rather does it set other goals for itself, what do you think? the united states of america saw the only competitor for the next decade, that is, latin america, african countries - this is the subsequent challenge, the current challenge was the euro. asia, that is, several regions, based on the resource base, population density, development of certain types of technology, could be competitors, competitors in what, controls of the international financial... system of international trade, access to resources,
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for this they carried out a filigree, excellent an operation in their own interests, to destabilize, first of all, a severance of relations with the russian federation, that is, cheap resources in exchange for technology, the european union received lower production costs, competed in markets, including north america, as alexander absolutely correctly said, they created unbearable conditions for their own producers, and these are the main expenses, not for the war, the main expenses are due to the fact that the economy is in stagnation and production, capital is transferred to north america, look how the shares of american military companies, gauge companies in north america, raw materials and other companies have grown, that is, they are growing, and today you see, they are again taking a filigree step, they are slowly putting this problem that they created in europe on their shoulders european union. europe, absolutely right, my colleague, according to the principle of divide and conquer, that is, there is brussels, there is a union, i said back in the fourteenth year that poland with... was specially strengthened in opposition to the war with germany in order to create centrifugal forces in
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european union, they withdrew their friend great britain, these were again deliberate actions preparing for war in europe, and today, you know, they might want to gather in brussels and make a decision, but they cannot, as soon as the impulse for some kind of independence begins, they discredit these politicians, remove them, start a certain pressure, remember how they put pressure on merkel, she refused all these minsk agreements, from what she signed, what she took credit for, but you know, vadim, very great, this really large-scale event took place in minsk last week, mr. elmasi said about this, among the guests, the conference on eurasian security, and there was also the minister of foreign affairs peter szijarta, the minister of foreign affairs of the republic of belarus, as the inviting country, the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federations, representatives of shosus, representatives of adc, many others, this is true. very strong consolidation of sovereign, independent states, projects, organizations, and this is truly frightening
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signal for the west. we will hold conferences, they will inspire military conflicts here, this is our task today, first of all, european politicians will wake up to understand one thing, that if we follow the lead of the united states, they will restrain eurasia from receiving, switching to a new technological structure, their the task is to contain us, to gain access to the latest technologies, the latest technologies are control of the world, this is what they are trying to achieve, that is, today the world is being redivided globally on the bones of the inhabitants of eurasia. agree with you, in addition, i would like to note that the president of the republic of belarus, alexan lukashenko , said and warned that sooner or later the focus of attention from ukraine will switch to other objects, so let’s hear
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direct speech right now. if tomorrow. but there is this pr elite led by our comrade volodya zelensky, he is now a hero, now he roams all over the world, people kiss him, hug him and so on, well, i thought he was smarter, we have the example of gorbachev, gorby, humps, humps kissed what they got, that’s exactly how it will be for him, alexander, in continuation of the words of alexander lukashenko, i would like to.
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so that we display the cover of the latest edition of time, please, here it is, like nothing else, it really shows the state of affairs today in ukraine, the situation around vladimir zelsky, nobody believes in our victory like i do, nobody, the key, nobody, and indeed, we pay attention to the first... words: no one believes in our victory except me - says vladimirsky, and indeed, at the moment he is left alone. simon schuster - one one of the best reporters of our time, here are the main theses of the article, which shocked many, indeed zelsky has lost his usual sparkle of optimism, sense of humor, tendency to liven up a meeting in the war room with jokes, zelsky believes that the west simply... abandoned him, zelensky intends to fight to the last, although those around him are disappointed and confident that ukraine is losing, but
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the president does not want to hear it, the issue of a truce is a taboo topic. in the president’s team, in fact, ukraine has driven itself into a corner, prohibiting itself from this truce and the search for compromise solutions, well, of course, here you can even remember the cover of last year of this magazine, where zelensky with his whole face in such minor tones, and here he is already small from the back, yes, but here, first of all, the west did not abandon zelensky, the west used zelensky, yes, if they use you, no one owes you anything, that is, you agreed that you still need it, secondly, here they are now putting such emphasis as if zelsky believes, it’s not working out for him, the west is not helping, let's go back a year ago, they had very high hopes, but when nothing worked out for them, they already slowed down the pace at their nato summit in july, which was, yes, that is, they had already started talking about finland, about sweden, about ukraine almost nothing, but now, when they already understand that everything, well, nothing will work out, and even more so there is already a conflict,
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which is in first place for the united states, and even for europe, because for them. look, that is, the usa, europe, 50 states, everyone understands this perfectly well, but it’s 2019, you were like me there in ukraine, so he was elected by 73% of people, for what, for the world , he said, yes, that he was ready to kneel before every mother who lost a soldier, it was he who swore that he would even though talking to the devil will bring peace, his majority chose peace, when in the region controlled by ukraine, more than 90% of the votes were cast for zelensky, people really believed that there would be peace, but zelensky started the war, in what conditions did he start war, february 2022 before the start of the war, support, zelsky’s rating 15%, he’s great he understood that before the fall, quite rightly , he started the war in order not to save ukraine, he is now even saving himself by fighting, he
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understands perfectly well that he was used and abandoned, like zelsky in ukraine. poroshenko, tymoshenko, klitschko, yes, the americans have a very large bench of reserves, he understands this perfectly well, failures will now be blamed on him, by the way, the ukrainian authorities are already preparing for this, they say that in the winter there will be resignations in the army and in the government, will look for goats from heaving, like this was done throughout the years of ukrainian independence, about sabotage in the army, they say that in early october the president’s office demanded an operation to liberate gorlovka, the answer from the military came in the form of a question, why are there no people, no weapons, where are the weapons, where is the artillery, where are the recruits, it’s also important to emphasize that shuster, in this material for time, simply summarized what individual elements sounded like this for a long time in the western media, from failure at the front to total corruption and a signal in another, consensus in the liberal globalist elite
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not to drown kiev, he no longer works, and it’s not that simon was forbidden, but now he was allowed to describe more or less objectively... the real state of affairs, he himself and the time management previously considered such an approach harmful to the common cause, now it is in the success of this common simply no one believes things anymore, vadim , like you, firstly, we warned zelensky the day before, first of all , the president of belarus and communicated with him convinced that there is an immediate threat to ukraine and some more delicate decisions need to be made, but when the conflict began, because we let's just say, on the third day they sat down at the negotiating table, then the negotiations in turkey took ukraine literally for nothing, they dragged it into the war, the americans did not allow ukraine to follow the world path, but what happened to zelensky, the fate of zelensky is the fate of recruitment, politics, then there is recruiting as compromising evidence, or buying, correctly, or a complex of these activities , recruiting support for cooperation, active phases of cooperation, what were all these covers in time, what were these applauses for, support for the active phase
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of cooperation, in order to be as effective as possible, debts or we’ll just give you a safe haven where you can save your life, so he’s driven into a corner, so that we understand, i’ll just remind you of the recruitment chronology, just remember, in my opinion, this is the autumn of the twentieth year before the normandy meeting in paris, when zelensky first the last time i met putin, before that in november he went to london, probably the only president in the history of mankind who was received by the head of british intelligence mi6. yes, that is, it was direct, listen, and especially considering the little political experience, dependence at one time on a large entrepreneur, who, in principle, built his destiny, that is, habit has already shown the sociologist that the level of trust is falling, and he needs to change his electoral field as soon as possible, because of his inexperience,
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he was indifferent to this trap, the structure was built , using zelsky, they will install another. a frank discussion, in which representatives of different countries, european deputies took part, let's hear and analyze a fragment of this conversation right now. i think the republicans in congress now they will cut off funding for ukraine, then the biden administration and the american deep state will turn to brussels and say: “ we now have no money, it’s your turn to finance, then europe will become the main or even the only sponsor of this war.” that's what i'm looking for. and this is already happening. recently, germany promised another billion to ukraine, while the united states
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only allocated an additional 200 million. in other words, germany is already taking the burden on itself. and next week we will have a debate in the european parliament about the allocation of a new credit lines. republicans refuse. give money and shift it onto us, europeans, but then we will have to fight to stop all this madness, yes , we already talked about this at the beginning of our program, but could the globalists, mocking europe, imagine that such voices would are heard and that revenge will really be close, it seems to me that in the next 5 years , this will be a key time for the future of the european... union, it is not a fact that it will remain in the form of the european union as we know it now, alexander, of course, there have always been, are and will be voices against, yes, in essence, the european union , so they argue, we have now heard
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european deputies, but in essence, the european union is now a colony of america, that is, america is now pumping out resources, america is now acting in its own interests, so they say that america shifts the costs of ukraine to the european union, no, it simply tells them: you must finance, you are a colony, you finance, yes, that is, you decide, that is, they are essentially using the money of the european union, then, what these there are voices, of course, that there will be revenge, maybe, yes , i can’t say with certainty that it will happen, maybe, of course, it will be 5 years or 10, that is, the united states is still solving its problems to the maximum, yes here, that same germany is destroying nuclear energy, but the green ones come in and destroy it, there, no, they still perfectly understand what industry is, these are cheap energy resources, neighboring france produces half of the production and generation of nuclear energy, there the atom does not harm humanity, yes, in germany, fine, any person, but he great, why here, everyone understands perfectly well, this is to create unbearable conditions for german industry, as long as there are bases of the us armed forces located on german territory, what can germany
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do, the yankees say, as long as there are military bases there, then germany will but, pay attention to why the americans immediately destroyed the northern streams, right away, that is, they understood that perhaps in europe they would come to their senses, well, after a few they would see - it was impossible to instantly connect, today they are buying russian energy producers are overpaying for the latter american ones and it’s scary that if you look at the unprincipledness of their policy, that is, to the point, i’m sure they are ready to sacrifice part of the european states, especially in eastern europe, in terms of military terms, if they need it, then there would be such a local provocation, even an exchange of strikes with tactical nuclear weapons, which they have been provoking in recent months. they have a very global , well-thought-out game, here is the vulnerability of europe, which was originally, here this is fragmentation, different cultures, migration flows, they use it very delicately, we need to learn from the united states to be able to use contradictions in the regions
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, we need to learn from them, we just heard, but politicians from the camp of adequate people, i will allow myself this expression, but at the same time for balance, it is worth paying attention to the material of mathiefner, the chairman. this is the voice of the globalist world, we must act and offer large-scale unlimited political, financial and military support to both ukraine and israel so that curb the enemies of democracy, before a truly global conflict gets out of hand, or republican americans will ask us one thing, perhaps politely, perhaps more harshly, we have developed a marshal plan to help you recover from world war ii, we brought air transport to berlin, we
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won the cold war, and now we are doing the hard work to protect you from putin's imperialist aggression. will you now redouble your efforts to support ukraine? and supporting us in the middle east as we contain china. yes , this is the text, because we repeatedly hear questions from western journalists, one of them was answered not so long ago by mr. joe biden, whether the united states can. america to help both ukraine and israel at the same time, to which he replied: well, of course, we are a superpower , well, probably, old man joe doesn’t quite understand the capabilities of today’s america, or am i mistaken, alexander, do you agree with this sentiment, which really is the globalist elite continues to push? who is a liberal, this idea of ​​globalists, is a person without nationality, without anything , that is, he can be of different skin colors, different nationalities, they speak different languages, but they all preach the same
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ideology, yes, but they are now they understand perfectly well that this ideology has gone downhill, that it begins in the same europe that imposed the globalist agenda, the national trend begins, which parties are winning in the states, they understand perfectly well that this must be maintained when it spoke about the marshal’s plan for germany, but in the beginning it was the margenthau plan, the marshal’s plan is, firstly, for the united states to earn money, if you read about this plan, then it’s not so much about germany, but about the usa , when they made money on this and... here you still need to understand one important thing, the usa is not a land country, it is a maritime country, they have a maritime security doctrine, in fact, what is the security of the usa, they have enemies or states on the continent who could challenge them not exists, they even entered the second world war, they entered the usa only after they overthrew great britain as the british empire, when britain renounced its exclusive rights to world trade and insurance, the usa is doing the same and now, that is, later they went even further
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from the world's oceans, listen, why do we need to sit in the world 's oceans if we can simply lock all our competitors or potential enemies in their ports, this is what is happening, this is black sea ​​and exit, yes, they directly told ukraine before the counter-attack, we don’t need you without access to the black sea, they need the black sea, they need to lock it, because the black sea is, firstly, novorossiysk, it is , firstly, the merchant fleet , yes, i'm not talking about the black sea, they need to lock up russia, the turkish war 150 years ago, the same strategy of britain, in order... for us to defeat the russian empire, we need to lock it in three ports, pacific, baltic on black sea, they are doing the same thing now, they understand perfectly well why this is necessary, but what words to find for this, so soft or whatever, some republicans speak more harshly, this is already on the inside between the lines, i remind you that right now on the air of the program sas is authorized
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to say we are talking about a blow, the parliament of hungary, the leader of the party our homeland. i'm so glad to see you on our tv show. and i'm glad to see you. my first question: hungary occupies a special place among all european states. union when it comes to further financial support for ukraine. some eu leaders argue that this the position is the result of the personal opinion of prime minister viktor orbán, but he personally says that this is the will of the majority of the hungarian people. what approach to ukraine to the war is the main one among
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hungarian citizens? most of the winds do not support ukraine, because we know what the real situation is in ukraine, we are neighbors with this country and when i meet other people, from western europe, or in other countries of the european union, i always see that they they don’t know what the real situation is in ukraine, our prime minister... just follows the opinion of the majority of the people of hungary, since the people of hungary cannot accept the present government of ukraine and accept that our economy will be destroyed for the benefit of ukraine. when do you think europeans will understand the need for this?
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an impartial analysis of the causes of this war, why no one asks president zelensky what prevented him from implementing the minsk agreements, why his government suppressed the linguistic and cultural rights of national minorities, including the hungarian one. do you think that hungary it is worth taking a leading position in relation to efforts to shed light on the minsk agreements, they do not know that, for example, the ukrainian regime, hungarianism,
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this is a very important moment for us, since we have a very serious hungarian diaspora in transcarpathia and the ukrainian regime, the ukrainian government, oppresses the hungarian minority and the russian-speaking minority of ethnic romanians in ukraine and the world knows nothing about it, the european union is very proud of freedom of speech, but this is just a fantasy, because in fact there is freedom of speech in the european union there is very relative, clear censorship, we are hungarians. gave up part of their territory for the sake of peace throughout europe, and we don’t understand why the european union never
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talks about peace, about the possibilities of a peaceful settlement, they talk only about weapons, only about military actions. yes, this is really terrible, terrible , especially for ukrainians, mr. torackay, i am very grateful for your time, for your answers, for taking part in our tv program, thank you very much, see you you in future tv programs, thank you, indeed ukraine could be a happy, prosperous country, even despite the tragic situation in the east of ukraine, it was close to concluding peace, the minsk agreements, attempts through the mediation of the republic of belarus and the same normandy four could push
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ukraine , but this did not happen, who do you think is to blame for this? listen, corruption is to blame, the inability to negotiate is to blame... of politicians, but when we talk about their inability to negotiate, we must understand that this was not dictated by the fact that they defended national interests, but dictated by the fact that they were already defending the interests of third countries that used them, naturally, a person who comes to power and declares that he will stop the war will do everything to ensure that this does not happen again, that he will sit down at the negotiating table with the russian president, they will come to an agreement, and then , demonstratively, for two years , russia has been constantly receiving, well, let’s say, defiantly, on the eve of this, the svo are simply trying to retaliate against russia, to ridicule, that is, to directly provoke and refuse, well, of course, these politicians please me, we
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say that the west does not allow, and if it allows, and russia agrees to this, it also has its own goals, today none in general... in principle, countries in the world, including russia, do not have the absolute resources to act only from a position of strength, any agreement is a certain compromise, including hearing the other side, and when some idiots talk about that we will not reach an agreement with them until the end, forever cut off, ironclad, take off the microphone buttonhole, shout forward, or shut up, that’s all, that’s the whole conversation, i absolutely agree with you, now we’ll talk, of course, but before that we’ll try to understand what happened, why the mood of the americans, the united states of america, the deep state, because it is, is a key decision-making element in the united states of america, why
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the republicans today really claim total corruption, what reshuffles took place in the house of representatives not so long ago, what could this lead to? more details in our story. a little more than a week has passed since the new speaker of the us house of representatives took office. republican mike johnson, elected by his colleagues on only his fourth attempt, has already managed to make a splash in states beyond their borders. we are going to pass a resolution in support of the people of israel, our closest ally in the middle east. you'll see congress working as hard as ever, and we're going to deliver for the american people. american. but ukrainian, is there any room left, and most importantly, money for kiev at the white house , not only politicians, but also journalists around the world asked the question, the states are changing their guidelines, foreign publications believe, the new speaker will completely curtail the counter-attack in the ssu.
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johnson opposes continued aid to ukraine, and the republican-controlled house of representatives may simply destroy the us president's demands. kiev's fears were confirmed. the newly elected speaker really knows how to count money, and therefore does not want to spend it on ukraine. american the media, which rightly sounded the alarm after the election in favor of johnson, hastened to accuse him of bias. johnson is fundamentally more conservative than ousted speaker kevin mccarthy, who, despite his frequent partisan attacks, recognized the need to cut deals with democrats. the expected disputes among party members arose already at the first meeting. republicans proposed splitting aid to israel and ukraine. congressmen did not want to agree on another 60 billion dollars to kiev, but the white house rejected the bill, more... the press secretary accused congressmen of politicizing what was happening. allegedly, both support for israel and support for ukraine
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are equivalent and key issues of us national security. in ukraine they crap themselves very well. both the elections and ukraine are not working out. we need to somehow move to another field. here it is, let's move there quietly. it’s easier there, and i’m not against russia there. powers to fight, it will be easier there, for now, therefore , it is beneficial for them, and i will add a few dry facts from the biography of the new speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, an ardent supporter trump actively participated in the campaign to prove the rigging of the 2020 election results, an evangelical christian from louisiana who believes in traditional family values, the special mission of america. consistently voted many times against the allocation of money to ukraine, especially without checking the intended use of previously
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allocated funds. in reality , a significant portion of americans are simply quite tired of globalist liberals and their expensive operations to promote democracy abroad. does this give me hope, alexander, are there similar politicians in the system of the united states of america? undoubtedly. is not preparing for the us elections, and note that trump’s rating is now growing, he is ahead of joe biden, now biden’s task is to unbuckle himself from ukraine, and the republicans’ task, on the contrary, is to prevent biden from jumping from ukraine, to handcuff him to zelensky, that’s all, that it’s bad there, it’s bad, yes, what are they saying, we allocated money, report on corruption, this is not about zelensky, they’re going to imprison someone now, that is, when the time comes with him they will figure it out, this is about biden, you singled out, you controlled, this is... the american people, where did they go, and secondly, to highlight, they speak correctly, and i will declare goals, clear goals,
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why we are helping, yes , that there will be a success story for america, this is also not the case, we are helping, but it’s like in the movie partos, i will fight because i will fight, that is, i will declare, by the way, notice how mired in corruption schemes in ukraine the biden family is, and the war that is taking place today on the territory of ukraine, it was so beneficial to the democrats. in order to destroy possible evidence that actually existed, look at what happened to the ukrainian opposition politicians who spoke about it, their mouths were shut, they were put under house arrest, in prison, sanctions were imposed, i wouldn’t be surprised if they are still from zelsky they themselves will remove it, well, when the time comes, so that there are no witnesses and corruption, because there is no one who will then expose and accuse them, because they understand perfectly well who zelsky is, yes, that is a man who loves... now he’s been dumped, he’s offended, he’s a narcissist, as everyone says, yes, and then he
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’ll write his memoirs somewhere from london from a cozy place and expose biden, and the clinton family there everyone else, they don’t need this, they are pirates in the past , so well, zelsky now has to think about this, and not about who to fight with, but sooner or later you have to pay for everything in this world, including for greed, for trzeslavie , for many other things besides this, vadim wanted. so that we can you listened to a fragment of an interview with mark ivanyo, executive director of the american public organization republicans for renewal, that the democratic party is involved in money laundering in ukraine, this is important, let’s see. i don’t think ukraine has a chance to win; it’s obvious that the united states will support them for some time. i think if we hadn't given them all this help, the war would probably... be over by now, but i also think that ukraine acts like a washing machine, it's like the laundromat common in the us
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self-service, you send them money, but we have no records of where it went. we don't have an audit, and in fact some members of congress have called for an audit. i think margerrie taylor greene was one of them, and of course they tried to shut her up because you can't ask questions. we hear from people in ukraine that only about 20 or 30% of the aid actually went to armaments and the war itself, the rest went to no one knows where. and then we learned that ukraine was sending money to the ftx crypto exchange, a foreign trading companies. so you have this triangle of corruption, money goes from the united states to ukraine to companies, gas companies, and then back to the united states, and there is absolutely no reporting on this, but we logically create tv schemes should continue
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to give money. ended, it was time to take a cold shower, then what they wanted, they achieved, that is, if ukraine believed that the americans sincerely supported them with the goal that they would restore in their understanding the territorial integrity of their country, with pushed out the aggressor from their territory and ensured the sovereignty of ukraine, to the point of obliging the russian federation to pay appropriate indemnities, then the united states did not need this, they achieved the first goal, restrained the eu, and imposed sanctions on the russian federation, strengthened their presence in europe, the dependence of europe from their own energy sources, technologies , they withdrew production, that is , they achieved a strategic goal, the same in the middle east, they don’t need victory israel, israel is the same tool, understand, the same and gas, so does palestine, they need destabilization by anyone, they are ready
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to sacrifice israel if it plays into their hands, if it has a big resonance, yes, well, because, listen, this is the notorious tear of a child, this everything is speculation, unfortunately, they are ready to destroy millions of people in order for it to resonate and for the necessary political decisions to be made, so for ukraine yes , today, if you look at the situation soberly, ukrainian politicians, patriots, those who really sincerely, so to speak, not lining their pockets, but thinking about their country , they wanted to preserve a strong ukraine, then they see that they were used, and the most important message that should be from them is what lukashenko is talking about, but he said about this since the fourteenth year, without preconditions, start discussing the possibility of finding a common language, let's hear the president's direct speech, please, you see, they
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are rushing about, the ukrainians, and even if the americans help them, this too they are already hinting at is not lawlessness. there are a lot of smart people in ukraine, we need to sit down at the negotiating table and negotiate, as i once said, how to negotiate, there is no need for preconditions, the main thing is that the command was given to stop, from zero hours, stop at night, no troops move, no one shoots, no one brings up reserves , communications are not restored, we have stopped and are negotiating, negotiating about what? about the land about peace, we belarusians are interested, lukashenko, the president of belarus, is interested in ensuring that this lasts for centuries, so that they don’t return to war in the future if we give it to the anglo-saxons into the hands of the conclusion of these peace agreements, then they will force ukraine to deceive, as it happened later, after the minsk agreements, then it will not behave quite decently, in
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the future this conflict will resume, but listen, either common sense will win, or ... ukraine will come to complete self-destruction. unfortunately, history repeats itself, cyclical processes, some, by the way, in the spring of 2024 it will be 25 years since the bombing of yugoslavia, nato, no one has been punished, everyone got what they were fighting for, and indeed, rather we we are moving towards the fact that the situation in ukraine will not have a specific ending, where one side will be punished, and those who were guilty of this will repent ; all the instigators pushed for this, we will complete our program, but before i give the final word to alexander skupchenko, let
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's hear from the members of the european parliament and their dialogue, and the key battle for the future of civilization right now. recently. or a pro-russian publication, it was an interview with mr. juncker, a very well-known person here, the former chairman of the mission, who said that ukraine is corrupt at all levels, why are we giving so much money then , but no one knows where this money goes, we just want to buy ourselves some kind of indulgence and are ready to pay for it, simply because we don’t want to fight, because if this is a war to save western civilization, as i often hear in this institution, then we must put everything aside and go fight, but this is not a war of civilization, but as it should be... a dispute between two slavic states over a specific territory, a classic conflict. tieri is right, but if
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this is a war of civilization, then i really hope that ukrainian civilization will lose, here you need to be extremely honest, the fact is that even before the start of the war , the european parliament had been saying for years that ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe, one of the most corrupt in the world. and then suddenly the europeans began to give tens of billions of euros to this. why are we surprised that we don’t know where our money goes? i heard that zelsky’s mother-in-law bought a pitchfork in egypt for several million dollars, and we are still asking where our money goes, this is a totally corrupt civilization, i am convinced that in the next few decades, ukraine will never, i repeat, will never be ready for membership in the eu, so he said that ukraine will never become a member of the eu, yes, because it is the most there is a lot of corruption, that’s not even why, in order for a state to become a member of the eu, it must... a protocol on the absence of disagreements with each state that is a member of the european union, but there are complaints, but the hungarians have minority languages, i’ve already heard a statement from
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the netherlands from politicians that it turns out that in ukraine there is persecution of the ukrainian orthodox church, and the ban on the russian language, that is, there are a lot of disagreements that ukraine must abandon, well, who is stopping it from doing this now, and if you want to go to europe, then there is ukraine, that’s the one under the zelsky regime , she will never in her life give up the policy of russophobia, she will not give up, this will not go to europe. because there are some elders that will not be accepted, so you remembered, but yugoslavia will be 25 years old in march, and why was no one convicted, that’s how it was created there the so-called tribunal for the former yugoslavia, in fact it was a trial, that is, it was a really religious massacre, when muslim guards came in and slaughtered, there, like krebrenica, a whole village was slaughtered by christians right on christian christmas, yes, the west did not see this, the same the most for ukraine, zelsky is now declaring the borders of the ninety-first year. i remember ukraine in the ninety-first year, 52 million people, one of the largest industries, and the industrial potential there compared to
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europe, the lviv bus plant produces a huge range of buses, that is, 14,000 buses a year, now this lviv plant doesn’t even exist, all that lev can produce is only russian phobia, yes, that is , he will return that ukraine, why does he need borders, ukraine’s budget for 2024 3, 6 billion, budget deficit 2.1 billion, or rather 2 trillion, more than half, why do you need the border of the ninety -first year if you cannot support what is left, yes, i understand perfectly why, because zelensky had minsk on his table agreements, according to these minsk he didn’t have to fight the agreements, he just had to fulfill them, and even the dpr and lpr, according to these agreements , would not be under the sovereignty of ukraine, there would only be no kiev, now minus four more regions, now minus i don’t know how many already probably went for hundreds of thousands, but was killed, destruction is everything else, and that’s why people will always say yes, for what? then everyone is fighting for peace conditions that will be better than those that existed before the start of the war, so we must behave reasonably, citizens of the union state, do everything to ensure so that we are strong, competitive
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, respected, now there is a war going on for something, so that our position is respected in the world and taken into account. thank you very much for our rich discussion, we’ll put an end to this, and what i want to say is that the success of western elites in providing support for their people, involvement in the ukrainian... conflict has so far relied on the power of propaganda, and what in practice is for our region, and above all for the ukrainians themselves, is a long bloody slaughter, in the west it is depicted as a small victorious war, profitable investment and indeed, a way to prevent a big war, such an illusion is doubly dangerous that its creators themselves in the ranks of the establishment seem to believe in it, here i would like to remember a sad joke. popular japanese writer haruke morakami. i wouldn’t be surprised if they soon start making films in which nuclear war incinerates the human race. but in
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the end, everyone is fine. thank you, this was a sas program to fully declare. the west will not support kiev to the same extent, but there is no need to expect a quick peace. we will tell you how faith in god helps find peace and spirituality.
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god's mercy and blessings. let’s think about when help comes to a person from above, because if we seek god’s help, the intercession of the most pure virgin, then we ourselves must give the lord our love, faith, and make efforts to fulfill the gospel commandments. together with you we will try to find answers to various questions of spiritual life. what is my spiritual homeland? yes, based on what premises, i analyze this or that. religious phenomena and what is this secularism, yes this is secularism, this is spirituality, this opportunity for spiritual growth, watch spiritual and educational projects on
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tv channel belarus 244. plans for cooperation with the south of russia were discussed at the palace of independence. the president held a meeting with the governor of the stavropol territory. the overall trade turnover is growing. the task today, as with other russian regions , is not just to trade, to establish joint production, to strengthen scientific cooperation, and to train personnel. belarusian agricultural machinery is in demand in the stavropol territory. we need technologies in the agro-industrial complex,
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there is potential in jointly. there are certainly successes, this is eloquently evidenced by trade statistics, however, i believe that we have still not used a significant part of our potential for expanding cooperation. the stavropol region in belarus has always been perceived as a granary, a region with rich traditions, high culture, and agriculture. in soviet times, we learned a lot from you and me. for our part, we also have something to offer, starting with the latest technologies in crop production, breeding work, supply of seed and planting material, ending with the exchange of experience and training of professional personnel for the agro-industrial complex. speaking about our cooperation in the industrial sector, i would like to note the large volume of belarusian agricultural machinery used in your region. and we decided to take a more serious
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foothold in the south of russia and, having a predominantly agricultural specialization of the economy, to create a multi-brand trade and service center in the stavropol region. this will allow farmers and utility workers to see live the entire range of belarusian manufacturers and avoid additional costs for intermediaries. there is also potential in cultural and educational sports projects. a number of large-scale investment projects in the agro-industrial complex are being implemented in the minsk region. thus, the sluzsky cheese-making plant is building a new workshop for milk powder in the kopolsky branch; in the kletsky district, the holding is building a new dairy complex for 3,000 dairy cows. this is one of the largest such agricultural facilities in the central region. it will be located next to the existing farm sadovaya agricultural branch of the combine. there , livestock breeders receive more than 30 liters of milk per cow per day. a large food supply is planned for the new facility, and new jobs will appear. by the way, enterprises in the region intend to strengthen their positions in
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the far east market. these days they are participating in the chinese international import exhibition in shanghai. belarusian vegetables are also in great demand abroad; we export 30% of total production of potatoes alone. the geography of supplies is extensive: uzbekistan, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, serbia, moldova. every year, the varietal composition in the state register of about 180 potato varieties is improved, of which 44 are domestic selections for making french fries and mashed chips. the range of vegetables has been significantly expanded. crops in total, this year it is planned to produce more than a million tons of potatoes, about 600,000 tons of vegetables, and almost 230,000 tons of fruits and berries. this quantity will completely supply the market. domestic products, lay down capital funds and provide the processing industry with raw materials. belarus is expanding its presence in china, the largest shanghai import exhibition in the region, where our country, among the many participants, provides an opportunity to increase exports and cooperation. in addition,
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this is a way to attract investment and high technology to the country. the great stone industrial park in shanghai shows its potential every year. the capabilities of the chinese-belarusian platform were appreciated by chinese investors the day before. with the association for the development of chinese overseas enterprises, this association works with more than 2 thousand enterprises that have exactly high-tech innovation orientation and their technologies are distributed all over the world, but it is she who recommends which country, under what conditions you can come, great stone park presents truly exclusive, best conditions. region to attract investment. in addition to food, belarus is presenting technologies and services in shanghai, the latter is also gaining momentum in mutual trade. the greatest growth is shown by the export of educational services. student exchange between belarus and china in recent years
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has grown exponentially over the years. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh presented a new exhibition as part of the opening of the international forum russia. the exhibition shows the achievements of belarusian science that have appeared in recent years. much is dedicated. electric transport, you can see a model of an electric convertible, unmanned aerial vehicles, a helicopter and space technologies, you can also learn about new technologies in agriculture, medicine and microelectronics. the new exhibition in the belarusian pavilion will run for six months. string transport is being developed in the eco-technopark. the innovation center is located near maryina gorka, where technologies are demonstrated in practice, engineering know-how is relevant for both passenger carriers and transportation. all logistics are on the second level. this saves space. the advantages include safety, comfort and environmental friendliness. so, in the transport and infrastructure complex there are four key elements: a string-rail overpass, anchor supports, an automated
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control system and an electric vehicle on the rest wheels. the eco-technopark in the pukhovichi district occupies more than 30 hectares. the engineering solution there is in harmony with nature. among the exhibits, for example, is a house that was built entirely using green technology. the company has the status of a scientific and design organization, accredited by the nan of belarus and the ministry of architecture and construction. engineering classes have opened throughout belarus since the new school year. tenth-graders learn the specifics of their future profession not only in theory, but in practice. university laboratories and tsha's largest businesses are now open to schoolchildren. children study physics, computer science and mathematics at an advanced level. in addition, students from engineering classes were asked to be included in the participation. winter school in engineering sciences of the union state. as for equipment, the classrooms are equipped with 3d printers, robotics kits, and all the necessary software so that students, based on it technologies, can learn the basics of various engineering professions.


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