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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 7, 2023 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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in principle, any of our tourist-travelers can take part, there are no restrictions, neither age nor social, and not just a trip to get acquainted with some tourist sites or corners of our country. he can still take part, for example, take pictures with famous tourist sites, and, in general, then fill out an application on the website of the national tourism agency and send all these photos are accepted for work. only photo of the work or not nominations. they are completely different in each category. if the criteria, for example, the guide of the year, but here we are already talking about, what is the quality of the tour? what kind of excursions, how many contracts have been signed with travel companies, that is, there are certain criteria. we have a photograph of the years when it really is here.
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professionals are fighting, and those who see some , i don’t know, well-known corners of belarus or unknown ones , showing us them from a completely different angle, and i remember well when it was the year of the small motherland and we had a nomination dedicated to this year, and we, within the framework and in painting, also singled out the direction in poetry, and therefore there were very interesting works. and the works through the eyes of our belarusians are always very touching. this is to read children's works, because they are so sincere and so touching. probably a little belarusian here he is. eh, our countries feel better than anyone what nominations the highest competition race, and i would say, probably, more popularity, of course, to use the nomination of the same name. i get to know belarus, uh, we started with it today this is when a tourist travels and takes pictures against the background of an object, but there are other nominations that are no less popular,
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for example, accommodation facilities of the year, and here it is already professionals who compete with each other, because every hotel also wants to receive our statuette and be in general, it is recognized, because tourists, too, when visiting a hotel they see that they have participated in a competition. this is also a certain brand and status. and therefore, i would say that here, probably a little hmm, but the difference is that there are amateurs, who , like a tourist, there is also a direction where exactly professionals apply to the competition among themselves on average. and here is also a very interesting story, because, for example, the first time we held this competition was in 2003. we had 50 applications, but in the twenty-second year. it was 844 applications. these are only belarusians. or you can recognize belarus through the eyes of foreign tourists . absolutely right, because we are in the past. for years, in general, foreigners took part,
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how they filmed beautiful video stories and photos and received their awards and even came to the awards ceremony, because the awards ceremony. we always say that this is a kind of oscar in the field of tourism - it is always solemnly beautiful in your memory. what are the brightest works? here's for you personally, to highlight here's an example set. well, it's very difficult here, because each nomination deserves respect, and i already said very interesting works today and there are. uh, for example nominations. i get to know belarus when children in some uniform style or in clothes traditionally, photographs are taken at objects. and here the guide of the year deserves attention, because the one who wins. this is truly a professional with a capital letter. he knows everything, he can capture the attention of tourists. uh, well, it’s just excellent, therefore, but i must say that e,
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the nominations that appear every year or vice versa are also captivating, because, for example, there was a year of historical memory, nominations and winners deserve attention here. and who exactly worked in this direction. well, this year we have two new nominations. this is for religious tourism. and here the division will be just the same. uh, in honor of the year of peace and creation. well, the event tourism nominations, because in our republic today there are a lot of event events that deserve attention. belarusian culture from the patronymic was the children of the city once a great view laid eyes on him and built a wooden castle here, which stood in this place for more than 200 years home morning, where clothes and
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quality items were stored red corner bed and stove this is what a typical belarusian khadka looked like, unique artifacts and sights of the kurgan were taken from a non-polished settlement, where for the first time in the territory of the mogilev region , the remains of an ancient human dwelling were discovered. the sculptural composition of the barklabovsky chronicle appeared in bykhov on the day of belarusian writing in 2013. on one part of it, there is an excerpt from the notorious chronicle, and see the other image of the icon of the barklabovskaya mother of god in the project of the city of belarus on our tv channel. it's understandable policy. hello west today likes to talk about the people's right to self-determination. true, only where it is beneficial to the west, fueling conflicts in different regions of the planet, the united states stubbornly turns a blind eye to
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its own history, which is thoroughly saturated with bloody expansion.
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beautiful words about the sovereignty of the referendum and democratic procedures in the american case break the apolitical reality. for over 30 years now. texas is unsuccessfully fighting for its independence from washington , which once simply took away from neighboring mexico's 1 million square kilometers of land, that is, half of its territory, is the history of a suffocating hug right now. so why texas is not comfortable there today under the wing of washington , the locomotive of anti-american sentiment was the long economic recession and the decline in the standard of living of the average citizen. people began to unite in thematic communities and demand independence . many of them see this process as the only way to save
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their financial situation, the country is experiencing the biggest economic downturn, that i have ever seen in my life. i have served this country for 18 long years and i am not going to watch my home state of texas fall into decline secession of texas is the only way to save the people of this state one of the main grievances of the local population remains the unfair distribution of resources the state's economy is self-sufficient ranked second in united states by gross domestic product. in case of gaining independence , the republic of texas could take 15th place in the list of the richest countries in the world thanks to that uh the state is a center of oil production, and uh, refining petrochemicals texas is really a donor. that is , he actually, uh, pays, uh, very large taxes to the federal budget.
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and uh, these taxes go not only to returns, then not only to texas itself well, these taxes are supported by, uh, states that are loss-making here, so in this respect, uh, and uh, subside and there is dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, because texas gives more than it gets and texas many texans think it's unfairly the state is fully self-sufficient in food in the region is the largest number. ferm. in the united states, texas also leads in terms of the number of cattle growing grain crops, according to various estimates, oil reserves are 8 billion barrels, which is about 1/3 of all us reserves. texas is one of the main centers for the development of computer components and systems, as well as software. in the us, the austin area is often referred to as the silicon hills due to the concentration of manufacturers
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semiconductor houston is home to nasa's leading center for the development, manned spacecraft and astronaut training and manned space flight training and control center for space flights. also here is the headquarters of the national institute for space biomedical research, despite the growing economy of texas , almost 4 million people are below the poverty line, but not only the economy. drives separatist sentiments. residents of the region are sure of electoral fraud and many do not consider biden to be legitimate president in 2020 supreme court. the united states has dismissed a lawsuit filed by texas attorney general ken paxton, who asked for a review of the results of the presidential election. the tri -state georgia, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin dismissed a texas lawsuit supported by 17 states and 106 congressmen , the supreme court ruled that any state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own electoral
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laws. and it will be detrimental to law-abiding states while the guilty state is not. no responsibility, this decision sets a precedent that states that states can violate the us constitution with impunity if they get turned away the republican party in texas at the convention will take the initiative for a referendum on the exit of the state and the united states by proposing to hold it in 2023. indeed , history is cyclical and the texet movement is in many ways about what happened then in the middle of the 19th century, when texas was actually annexed by the united states from mexico, and the plan was implemented in the best traditions of western democracy. at first shook the situation from the inside, then openly invaded the neighbors and forced them to sign a peace treaty on washington's terms, taking control of vast human lands and natural resources. no one could stop to move in and indeed many.
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uh, they settled and now in the northern part of mexico, and then there were already, uh, a three-year war on this territory, they became part of the united states, so initially no one planned to fight with mexico, but then, of course, everything came to this and, accordingly, america and by itself expanded to e, approximately the territory that she has now, and still began at the beginning of the 19th century, at that time cotton production was the most important industry in the us economy, but the land was quickly depleted, new implanters were needed. everything is more active. or on the sides, how to expand the lands, the seizure of the lands of indian tribes no longer solved the problem, and then they paid attention to the soil of northern mexico, began to probe right away and the military even tried several times to invade texas. but they were stopped by the local authorities, then they decided to play long and chose a different expansion tactic since 1820, mass migration to fertile lands began. texas citizens us mexican authorities. at first, they did not see this as any
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threat and even encouraged such actions, counting on accelerating the economic development of the region. however, washington's attempts to start negotiations on the acquisition of texas have alerted. mexico city, moreover, in 1829 slavery was banned in mexico and this led to a conflict with american planters living in texas, so a year later the mexican authorities banned immigration from the united states and began to look for potential settlers in europe, but in vain. pretty quickly , the number of americans outnumbered the mexicans by several times, and when mexico city began to impose a ban on slavery, the american settlers rebelled and prosperity was based on the marginal labor of slaves, parting with their income. no one was going to several tens of thousands of us citizens. they simply refused to recognize the political decisions of mexico city and pay taxes in 1835. an uprising broke out in texas, which generously they financed the financial and industrial elites
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of the united states, they provided financial support and weapons to the rebels. as a result , mexican troops were defeated in the valley already in 1836. they proclaimed the declaration of independence of the republic of texas and adopted the constitution, which officially restored slavery at the head of local radicals and rebels, sam houston became the first president of texas, he lived for a long time, built a political career there , even led for several years. tennessee origin of houston and his associates allowed mexico to make a completely logical statement that what happened was not at all the elections of the local mexican population is an american expansion and provocation. of course, mexico did not recognize hasa's independence. but france, england, holland, and belgium obediently recognized this; in fact, this made it possible to consider the new country a full-fledged subject of international relations. sam houston led a pro-american
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course and even provided for the entry of texas into the united states and this will happen a little later independent. texas will only last nine years in 1837, the united states experienced an economic crisis. cotton prices fell and the potential gains from new land acquisition did not justify the associated political risks, however, as the economy recovered. interest in texas in the united states increased planters in the south made plans for new lands, and northerners dreamed of markets and free navigation in the gulf of mexico in 1844 , the james knox regiment won the us elections, promising to annex oregon and texas in 1845, the republic of texas entered us composition as. for the sake of justice, not everyone in the united states unequivocally spoke out for the nexia of mexican lands, but in 1845 the country was led by the james regiment, who was not going to pay any attention to the position. his
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main goal was not only the annexation of texas, but also the desire to make america the hegemon of the western hemisphere in 1845 , the american president signed the bill of annexation of texas, which became the twenty- eighth state. us general zachary taylor received orders to advance to texas and take positions in the document taylor was named commander of the occupying army in texas in december 1845. the us congress adopted a resolution on the admission of texas to the federation, only it was already about acceptance as a sovereign state in congressional documents it was said about the annexation of texas annexation - this is the forcible annexation of the territory of another state by the state unilaterally the question is only that this form of integration contradicted the american laws of the united states did not allow the annexation of independent states from the point of view of international law annexation and was considered one of the types of aggression
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by the mexican government. such impudence became numb and, of course, began to express dissatisfaction, then the president decides to dot everything with the help of weapons and tries to cut the war with mexico. first , he brought an army into the twenty-eighth state of america, then sent ships to the gulf of mexico, provoking mexico to start a war. and when they weren’t ready for war, the southern neighbor put up with everything, put him up with alleged mexicans, during numerous coup d’état inflicted on us citizens material damage in 1846 in the disputed territory of rio grande there was a skirmish between american mexican detachments in the usa they immediately declared that the mexicans shed american blood on american soil a century passes, but the handwriting does not change this , of course, is not paola's test tube but it is definitely its prototype and the usa mexico, of course, was declared at war, as it was intended, and their conflict began with their own version of the attack on the radio station at the head of the american troops,
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deliberately crossed the mexican border, losing 16 people, which gave the regiment a reason accuse the neighbors of the attack and push through the congress the declaration of war to the president of the state, the elected ones did not have such a right . people began to organize detachments and go underground. however, a peace treaty between the countries was concluded on february 2, 1848. in this war, mexico lost half of its land law was forced to give up texas to the united states withdrew, upper california new mexico and the lower region as compensation. the states paid 15 million dollars in turn, according to experts, the market value of the lost territories significantly exceeded 480 million dollars the miserable amount paid to mexico for vast territories
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the americans called money to clear their conscience against the invaders, mexico had no chance on the side of the fossa of more modern artillery . new development of small arms, plus large-scale production and logistics. in addition , americans considered latinos to be people second-class, yes, and no one concealed the aims of the war, even at the highest level. one of the most important results of the war that we had recently been forced to wage with a neighboring country is the demonstration of the military strength of our country before the last war with mexico, european and other countries had an imperfect idea about our power as a nation and about our ability to wage war, and especially the war of conquest unleashed by our own events. the last war with mexico brought them out of this delusion. and this is what the president says in a message to congress, now branded, as american historians justified the bloody capture , according to them, the action was dictated by the spread
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of free institutions and the republican system, as well as the desire to bring civility to the new territory , the americans still know how to splurge the war of 1846-48. this is a typical example of american expansion, the seizure of foreign territory. they covered, allegedly by the desire of its population, the annexation of a large territory of the southwest, played a huge role in the development of the united states, the country entered the pacific coast and has become a major continental power, and military intervention abroad will become firmly established in the arsenal of american diplomacy and perfidious geopolitics. after 50 years. states annexes. hawaii will later recapture spain cuba philippines porto ricuam. the last three will become colonies, and in the mouth of riku and guam , in fact, until now, in this status , the americans have annexed each of these territories in different ways. in this case, yes, there was a question of the expansion of settlement, after which there was a revolution or a war, but america annexed
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the territories of texas, arizona, colorado, nevada, uh, not in mexico and california, i.e. those territories, uh, where these states are located now. yes, they were joined by war. yes, but before that, these territories were actively settled by american colonists. here's the thing. and for example, hawaiian, yes, puertorica and so on. yes, there was no expansion of settlement. it was just a war, uh, in the course of which they got lost, these territories were acquired. by the way, the lone star and today it is quite easy to find people who are called the us occupier, and joining texas illegal and residents are increasingly raising questions about secession from the united states in a rebellious state, there have already been demonstrations and a petition on the white house website now for a referendum matinee. that's just, even a vote will not make the state independent texas legally cannot secede from the united states overseas democracy forestalled such
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a feint by strengthening the federal government, which put an end to the privileges of texas, the decision to withdraw from the united states can only be accepted and legitimized by washington, which is not at all means texans stop checking the nerves of the white house, under the leadership, which not everyone wants to live, but will washington voluntarily send the free float to its oil and gas capital the answer to this question. i think it is as obvious as the barbarian seizure of mexican lands 200 years ago. happily a foreigner living in belarus first gets to the republic of belarus uh, you are impressed with the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, the neatness of such, well, hospitable people. well, you don’t always meet those who are ready, well, give you everything to tell you to invite you to visit we present an opportunity to see and understand what
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is not visible through the eyes of local residents. i remember well how we arrived in minsk, left minsk , i liked the scotch. i think it's great. cool, so lida will probably be some kind of the same, but we came to the old city for a walk, we were also impressed. these are the european streets. you seem to be in prague somewhere and really liked it. see in the program a look at belarus on belarus 24 tv channel. the secrets of good morning and good mood live in a cage, one amazing a girl who bakes more than 50 types of bread and she promised to make purple wheat bread for us. oh, so i just want to fiddle with my teeth. yes, let's get acquainted with amazing people. we are not just in any yard, we go in for
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an information occasion. i’m shocked that here is derevenka. it would seem how many such a guy lives here who suddenly became a champion once, and i also wonder why you still haven’t asked me why i use a school ruler? because i will explain to you and you will stop being surprised, because i don’t know what it is that you are watching a good knapsack with svetlana borovskaya on belarus 24 tv channel
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. gratitude for loyalty to duty , professionalism and honest work on the eve of the holiday , mothers of many children were honored in the palaces of independence, and the officers were awarded general shoulder straps.


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