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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 7, 2023 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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well, quite an interesting experience was warmly received here comfortably and i want to say that after these competitions i still had quite positive bright emotions. such large-scale competitions that have never happened in my life. that's why i really liked the huge thanks to our state in belarus and the olympic committee for such an organization for everything. thanks for doing a lot for us. but i'm sorry that it didn't work out to justify the hope. here the organization is good, the tournaments are good. here were the teams. it's a pity, of course, that there are so few games, at least play more. how can the belarusians have 11 awards, one gold again, silver and five bronze in the overall team, our team ended its performance in the ninth month with medal places. short track, ski jumping, speed skating, cross-country skiing and figure skating were absolutely successful and i am sure that the children are just happy that they came to
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these competitions, took part, gained experience, won medals. this happiness is worth a lot children, it priceless is the first international. and you know today, like never before, the principle that one must fight to the end is worth a lot, when a child sees that any goal can be achieved distance of 3.000 m. in addition , the athlete has two silver medals for the 1.5 km race. and the march competitions were over, i can say successfully for me, but we need to draw conclusions to go further so that in the next one maybe not to repeat any mistakes, the self-performance of the belarusian skaters pleased this one indicator 4 medals and today we have three unfortunately, the fourth places were wooden medals, and yesterday there was still a wooden one, that is, the essence of what i'm talking about is that there is an opportunity to fight with
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one of the strongest national teams in the world in speed skating. and if such competitions are organized more often, that is, accordingly, more children will go in for belarusian sports. what will come to the fact that we can recruit more children, respectively there are more chances to win and give a fight , we will also single out daniil bychkov as a short rector, he won one silver and two bronze. and in general, a good galaxy of athletes in this sport is growing in our country. i think that in the future we will be able to show at international competitions. something on a ten-point scale to evaluate at 10 one hundred percent without sports. very interesting. anything can happen so far. maybe you can fall, you can understand to fall again on the performances of previous years, then this is probably the most i don’t know how to say grandiose not grandiose, but we didn’t have such awards one medal at the european youth festival, but here
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is a big piece, they took a lot of belarus international committee and says, children of asia began to work out these questions about participation in our country already at the next festival summer forums will take place in yakut. the start will take place in june-july next year, the total number of participants in the competition can be up to 3,000 years. and now to the tip of the sanctions iceberg. those who follow the history of the structure of belarusians and russians from international sports are wondering if our teams will be allowed to go to paris for the olympics, after all . this is not so, and just some western countries are threatening to boycott. here, mocha will have to be weighed on the scales. all for and against. in the meantime, thomas bach is sure that it is too early to talk about the boycott in the twenty-fourth year, he said this during his visit to the kubus. i want to be very clear it's not time to talk about the paris olympics yet it's too early to talk about any boycott. currently underway consultations with the olympic committees of all
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countries and various sports federations to consider the whole situation of russian and belarusian athletes in international competitions at the conclusion of these consultations could offer a recommendation. but you just amazed me today , just smitten me. it can be said which of us will apply for a divorce. and what else and sex change, and now it's your turn to understand. if you don’t take me away from here now, i’ll run away myself, where natalya will go to moscow on foot borisovna, i understood correctly, right? she
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will, i think, valyusha, you will not work . watch the series funny life on belarus 24 tv channel. a woman whose name is well-known to many and only sofia kovalevskaya mathematically substantiated that around saturn , in fact, there are not solid, liquid or gas rings, but billions of tiny solid particles, which, moreover, do not form a circle and the ellipse otherwise, according to kovalevskaya's calculations, they would simply be torn apart. for this discovery, it is not at all a telescope or a spaceship, but a pencil, paper and
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enviable zeal it was in belarus that her difficult path to the world of exact sciences began on april 3, 1868, to conquer scientific europe from the vitebsk province , eighteen-year-old sofia kovalevskaya sent a film about the stubborn struggle for recognition in science very soon the whole scientific world will have to admire the formulas that were born in the head of this a small, fragile robe that worked like an ant sofia kovalevskaya's dilemma of the great woman, watch on thursday on our tv channel. now football on the weekend turned out to be winter with a blizzard, like in the classic, the evil witch went berserk and they want snow. but yes. okay, get to the point, unexpected denouement. in the first chat in the final of the cup of belarus, which can be called a sensational goal by yevgeny shevchenko, brought victory to the zhodino torpedo belaz in the game
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against the reigning champion of the super cup holder shakhtar from soligorsk as a result of 2:1. well, the soligorsk residents have a home count in reserve, in which everything can be corrected. what is weather? and who is probably faster to better adapt. that's it for this weather to the field. here, of course, and will have advantages. congratulations cool well this is the first half nothing of the first half. everything, you can turn over what we will not give and do not want to do. we understand very well, we spent the first half. we have now gone to the locker room for 15 minutes in the foreground , the definition of the season's favorites was an exhibition and cup game in bobruisk . belshina lost three goals at home with a score of 0.5. the guest was scored in the first half practically, having predetermined the outcome of the entire match and this zaparisovchan has not yet played, the dragoons and the glove box will return to the boy next weekend, then we will continue to talk about the current situation in detail. in the meantime, big reforms have been loudly announced in global belarusian football, while they are on paper, but they seriously excite the industry,
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of course, the trinity train after the report at the election conference in the football house, but of course, there are already reactions, of course, the doors are wide open for young and young players. even though many do not deserve a place in the arena, she talked with older players. of course, some of them don't like it. these ones artificial processes do not like being pushed back. true, there are also such veterans who cannot be pushed in. captain gomel sergey matveyevich, for example, is surprised and says the composition of the team. he should have been ousted long ago, but young deranged people cannot. let's hear this from a long time ago. i should have been already. well, maybe plus or minus, but you understand, you have to understand what is coming , and they are faster, fresher, smarter, and everything is you yourself , well, it turns out, everything will look at the coach’s hand, lord, well, you don’t pull free, as it appears. well, the youth don't come.
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well, i think with children's football, of course more children more more more. how how should anyone be? well, this is global, probably already. i don’t know, well, i don’t need to build more fields, i need more children’s training so that they have resources for everything not only there. three balls so they know what they're working for. it’s not just that these children ’s trips have invested not only just time, but also the soul in these children and develop from there, because i myself came from there, but even i, in order to get it’s hard in gomel, probably, i won the competition from someone even just to get to gomel, and then it was always like that for everyone until they got into the main team. well, so look at it. here i will catch fire. well, how, more than ever, the federation supposedly opens the fields more than ever, but this is relatively a lot to see, because there weren’t many of them before, that is, everything is relative, of course, when two were opened and six were opened, then this is a lot. and if 12 opened today, we said that six is ​​not enough. uh,
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for example, well, we have the same arenas in gomel packed every one, well we're coming. here are three parsing, he always bacon bacon half a million city i think no problem. no, well , i think he would have been busy in three, second and all other fields. well, again. well, children need to sketch their parents, of course, they must understand where they are going to the child, they are just there, i gave physical education everywhere, work out here, again, you have to wait a very long time. well, i’m saying that, probably, it should have been possible earlier, well, it seems to me that it was once before, but for some reason it didn’t reach. well, it probably ended somewhere, because these were like academies, if i offhand remember, but, of course, wait. well, what can i take today and say that we will cut everything and football will appear here. well, it’s unlikely it’s unlikely that it doesn’t matter, everything doesn’t happen all at once, nothing will change quickly, it’s clear that they yes, they met there, they gathered, they talked about very serious changes there in terms of leadership there, yes or speech. here he came, there is a coach of all
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trainings. yes, it will. well, that is, roughly speaking, well, the players should not be on this motorcyclize. let the leaders lead, and the players show spectacular football. here are the audience. explain what's wrong, where the problems come from. why don't we have results now? this is an old story. this is kids football. where is the main thing from? here is this basis. perhaps, my answer will be banal, but everything comes from children's youth football, that is, again, i have been working with children for a year now. i see how in my opinion on my football experience, what are the problems and that's it. we need to develop, and therefore, no matter how sad it is sounded, but you still need to start with children, and so that everyone is charged with one goal of some kind. e can be so a program and in order to then sometime in a year two three five ten. after all, we have reached such a level that at least the opposition will go to europe. you can say in this perspective, there is a problem with the technical
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equipment of some kind of mental internal history. what is the main story in full, the whole complex and the question is and this is a very global problem and a very serious conversation. again well, i'm speaking subjectively. yes, in terms of my e-football experience. yes, and now i see that this is what they gave me in childhood from the school. and that now, as it were, guys, different coaches are training there and coaching. eh, that's, well, a problem. and what can i do now, what can i do to make me become much better, so that i can start playing european competitions personally, well, on my own, well, i can hardly run there a little, maybe run a little faster, there’s something else then someone there told some nuances. maybe so. well, maybe, but i highly doubt it. i would have added stronger stronger stronger. but you have to work with children. well, by chance, with the children, a lemon. it's still there for 24-something years. what product are you? well, he can. he needs to add more
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every day, but anyway, he has already come, in principle, this is an adult. i have a family there with something, so maybe there are just such prospects. i don’t know, maybe we’ll give some other photo of the viewer at the positive, because you know, here is the positive to walk, how to walk? well, of course, well, i agree. the weather is great the atmosphere is super. well, the stadium, well, cool music. here are the shields. yesterday we were completely different today we came, damn it. awesome, how would i argue with the fans all the time. you will start playing and we will come, we need to be together somehow, when more comes, the more people come. something about us, well, it rarely turns out, boring games anyway adrenaline drive turns out when this hmm noise gum starts and there are some scandals around the match, there are referee decisions, all then some kind of here is created. festive the atmosphere is probably all together in any case, it is the simplest there after the fact that football has not been successful so much
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lately, the status of the number one game has not been lost. this sport. well, i think not, i'm interested in what kind of belarusian a little bit of volleyball, mini-football we watch. there, in principle, all the same in terms of mass on internet resources. i don't think there is a chance. in any playoffs, even now, now it will start in hockey, there it will be, probably, the most interesting mezhlobin will get. it will be such, probably, derby polisskaya which approximately will be the amount of excitement there. yes , but this is the playoffs. this is the most important match and these are the two teams that go with the fans. well, anyway, i think football will start. the first round, there, for example, and we are in the first rise in terms of mass. in any case, words are more than the deeds of the strongest athletes. on his sport gathered on saturday. all of them all here hosted the cup of defenders of the fatherland, a competition between athletes from all regions of the representatives of the armed forces. including the special operations forces of the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of emergency situations, both guys participated and girls aged 18 to 50 and
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most importantly, a sensation. cup became world. the port of our legendary vyacheslav horonek, although for people in the subject this is another routine , it coincided so much that the cup of the defender of the fatherland and the day of the belarusian police. so i congratulate everyone. uh, with the day of the belarusian police, i also have a very direct relationship to this. most of my life was connected with the police. while the hands are raised, the heart is beating. uh, while i'm in shape, i'll be performing literally in 2 weeks amateurs. vova sportloto will be able to athletes are already at the golden tiger world championships in power sports for the first time in 17 years. it will be held in minsk and that's all for today arena will be on the air in a week. see you.
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this is an understandable policy. hello west today likes to talk about the people's right to self-determination. true, only where it is beneficial to the west, fueling conflicts in different regions of the planet, the united states stubbornly turns a blind eye to its own history, which is thoroughly saturated with bloody expansion.
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beautiful words about the sovereignty of the referendum and democratic procedures in the american case, an apolitical reality is shattered. for over 30 years now. texas is unsuccessfully fighting for its independence from washington , which once simply took away
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1 million square kilometers of land from neighboring mexico, that is, half of its territory is a history of suffocating hugs right now. so why texas is not comfortable there today under the wing of washington , the locomotive of anti-american sentiment was the long economic recession and the decline in the standard of living of the average citizen. people began to unite in thematic communities and demand independence many of them see this process as the only way to save their financial position the country is going through the biggest economic downturn that i have ever seen in my life. i have served this country for 18 long years and i am not going to watch my home state of texas fall into decline texas secession is the only way to save the people of this state one of the main grievances of the local population remains the unfair distribution of resources the state's economy is self-sufficient ranked second
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place in the united states in terms of gross domestic product. if independence , the republic of texas could take 15th place in the list of the richest countries in the world due to the fact that, uh, the state is the center of oil production, and, uh, oil refining, petrochemicals texas is really a donor. that is , he actually, uh, pays, uh, very large taxes to the federal budget. and uh, these taxes go not only to returns, then not only to texas itself. well, these taxes are supported by , uh, states that are unprofitable. here, that's why. and in this regard, uh, and uh, calm down and there is dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, because texas gives more than it receives and texas many texans believe that it is unfair that the state is completely
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self-sufficient in food in the region is the largest number. ferm. in the us, texas also leads in the number of cattle growing crops, according to various estimates. oil reserves in texas total approximately 8 billion barrels, which is about 1/3 of all us reserves texas is one of the main centers for the development of computer components and systems, as well as software in the united states, the area is often called silicon hills. due to the concentration of semiconductor manufacturers , houston is home to nasa's premier center for development, manned spacecraft and astronaut training and manned space flight training, the control center for space flight control. the headquarters is also located here. tira national institute for space biomedical research, despite the growing economy of texas below the poverty line of almost 4 million people, but not only the economy is driven by separatist sentiment, the inhabitants of the region are sure of falsification.


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