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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 1, 2023 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
in general, our deputy savinykh in the osce will continue to culturally convey the position of belarus . she is a representative of the fishermen and will continue to speak from the podium. subtly, teasing opponents. maybe the effect of this is not so much? as we would like, but certainly more than from screams or from our absence there. to do this, of course, they will need nerves of steel, we believe that the savins and rybakov do not have at least half the same nerves of steel and just as strong. well, you understand what kind of alexander lukashenko, who began his presidential career with a reflection attacks, russia wants to seize us, almost three decades have passed, these folders have remained exactly the same, and here is the second today 's topic a question to the president from my colleague yevgeny postovoy european journalists conducted an investigation that in 2030 russia had such strategic plans for belarus everything in 2015, russia will eat us. i do not know what you're talking. in
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general, in the very question. as for me , the answer is contained, indeed some type of strategy document, such as the capture of belarus russia appeared on the internet, who compiled it? maybe somewhere in the kremlin maybe chick ukraine or the cia or maybe city crazies in antigua and barbuda, no one has a clue. well, the journalist says there are plans in russia and there is a big difference between the phrases in russia there are plans to absorb belarus and russia has plans to absorb belarus if in russia those who would like us to become a subject of the federation it is obvious what is and even where -something in high offices, if in russia , including in the same offices of those who, on the contrary, i would like a complete rupture of relations between moscow and minsk. of course, there are both of these rude minorities. it is quite possible for themselves to get together and write some kind of strategy before the thirtieth or any other year, and western journalists can find out about this and can print this story. and what?
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there are those in russia who recognize the earth as flat, this does not mean that russia can recognize it in russia, and someone has a strategy to absorb germany in the uk japan china pluto or the milky way is all free fantasy in a completely free country russia russia has a strategy of cooperation with a sovereign state. belarus, in fact , is deployed about this and alexander lukashenko answered, i do not exclude that this document was 3 years ago, when we approached the formation of maps. now there are 28 union programs. when we approached this, there were different points of view , someone said so, someone said this, although in this document, perhaps, some officials were proposed by a group of people in the presidential administration. which way will we go with belarus i, too , different groups and you offered your ideas, i
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i hear different deputies of ours, there were proposals for russia to become part of belarus . remember, i said that it is necessary that belarus become part of russia. therefore, this is all garbage, by the way, i am completely convinced that there are much more than belarusians who want belarus to join russia, there are russians who want russia to join belarus in absolute numbers, i’m definitely not sure in percentage terms, but still, but in in general, what is written in all these strategies is called zones of influence. we are in the zone of influence of the hegemon of russia and russia, of course, has some strategy to keep us from this zone of influence, because they want to drag us into the zone of influence of the european union or into the zone of influence of poland, which itself is strongly in the zone of influence of the united states and everyone at our expense, there is a strategy to drag us to their
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side, and each country, including, of course , russia, implements this strategy, and we implement our own strategy of drawing into someone's zone of influence or not drawing exactly just as we are trying to draw a little bit of lithuania, latvia, poland, ukraine and russia into our zone of influence, and in all this, with equals , we are guided by national interests , that is, there are benefits, this is all called politics, thanks to which we in a sovereign country improve the well-being of our citizens . we have our own strategy. russia also has a nuclear major power. it has its own strategy , and russia also has its own strategy towards belarus, including its own strategy to live as with its brothers in peace and friendship 100% nothing alive in this is not my position. you know it's unchanged.
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we are not a dependency, a confident state, being an independent sovereign state with russia who stands next to no one except belarus , here recently a western journalist told the president that all the small people with whom she spoke in the city were like against lukashenka in the country 20% of people did not vote for alexander grigoryevich okay, this is official. the numbers, that is, out of ten passers-by, eight will be for lukashenka. two are against, but when 10 passers-by see a foreign journalist who is in reportage will obviously turn everything upside down, yes, and in general, why would eight who voted for lukashenka pass by her and say nothing to this journalist, and two stop and curse the authorities, then, of course, yes. it turns out that everyone i talked to is a journalist against lukashenka. and if i stand at exactly the same point with an ont microphone, then 8 people who voted for lukashenka will come up and tell how clean and beautiful it is in minsk, and two who did not vote for lukashenka will pretend that i do not exist, and then i will also say that everyone i spoke to, here they are all for alexander grigoryevich and the western
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journalist build their reporting strategy on the fact that everyone is against lukashenka. and i build my strategy on the fact that everyone is for and both of us will be wrong. although to very different degrees. i don’t know why there may be some strategies in russia on belarus and they exist, and in belarus on russia there may be and they also exist, but countries also have strategies and only they matter. so do not be fooled by lies and fakes, be careful from the place of estates and pretexts, and remember that politics is very difficult. but this is very interesting. my name is igor tur. this was my propaganda details are asked about this contest, who can take part? what kind of work are you looking forward to?
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well, we’ll probably start from the very name to get to know belarus, and already the name of the competition says that every person who wants to know belarus, in principle, can take part, there are no restrictions, no age or social absolutely any of our tourist traveler, and not just a trip to get acquainted with some tourist sites or corners of our countries. he can still take part, for example, take pictures with famous tourist sites, and in general, then fill out an application on the website of the national tourism agency and send all these photos . only photos are accepted for work. works or with a machine is not limited absolutely unlimited with us, but 13 nominations. they are completely different in each category. there are criteria, for example, the guide of the year. and here we are already talking about, but what is the quality of the excursion? what excursions how many contracts were signed with
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travel companies, that is, there are certain criteria. we have a photo of the year, when professionals are already fighting here and seeing some. i do not know the famous corners in belarus or the unknown ones, showing us them from a completely different angle. and i remember well when it was the year of the small motherland. and we had a nomination dedicated to this year, and we, in terms of painting, also singled out the direction in poetry, and therefore they were very interesting. and the works through the eyes of our belarusians and it is always very touching to read it children's work because that they are so sincere and so touching, probably a little belarusian here he is, uh, like no one else feels our countries better. in which nominations is the highest competition, and i would say, probably, the nomination of the same name is more popular, of course. i get to know belarus, uh, we
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started it with you today, when a tourist travels and takes pictures against the background of objects, but there are other nominations that are no less popular, for example, accommodation facilities of the year. and here they are professionals among themselves compete, because a each hotel also wants to receive our statuette. and to be generally recognized, because tourists, too, when visiting a hotel they see that they have participated in a competition. this is also a certain brand and status. and therefore, i would say that here, probably a little bit. well, the difference is that there is love. or who is like a tourist and there is also a direction where exactly the professionals are among themselves? how many applications on average are submitted to the competition, and also a very interesting story, because, for example, the first time we held it was a competition in 2003. we had 50 applications, but in the twenty-second year. it was 844 applications.
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these are only belarusians. or you can recognize belarus through the eyes of foreign tourists absolutely right, because in the past years, in general , foreigners took part in our country, how they shot beautiful video stories and photographs and received their awards and even came to the award ceremony, because the award ceremony. and we always say that this is a kind of oscar in the field of tourism - it is always solemn beautiful in your memory. what are the brightest works? here's for you personally, to highlight here's an example set. well, it's very difficult here, because each nomination deserves respect, and i already said today an interesting children's one. works and there are, for example , nominations. i get to know belarus when children in some uniform style or in traditional clothes take photos at the objects. and here the attention deserves excursions. here are the years, because the one who wins is really a professional with a capital letter. he knows everything.


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