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tv   Ronda Rousey  BBC News  May 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm BST

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interior minister ahmad vahidi said rescuers were still trying to reach the site due to those difficult weather conditions. an unnamed iranian official has told the reuters news agency, the lives of the president raisi and iran's foreign minister are at risk. meanwhile, iranians have been urged to pray for the health of their leaders. they've been gathering in droves in the president's home city — following pleas from state media. iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei has assured the country that there will be no disruption to state affairs. a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of northwest iran, where a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi has gone missing. these images show the president and his entourage in the helicopter before it went down.
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the foreign minister, hossein amirabdollahian, was also on board. president raisi had been travelling back from a trip to neighbouring azerbaijan. rescue teams are looking for the aircraft in rain and thick fog. iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei has assured the country that there will be no disruption to state affairs. here's a brief bit of what he said in his first public statement about the incident. translation: may god return the president to the people. i the iranian nation should rest assured they will be no disruption to the running of the country. these people in tehran gave their reaction to the crash. translation: i hope they are fighting well and we get to enjoy the news of them being well. this news is unfortunate for the government and the people. if
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anything happens to him it will take time to— anything happens to him it will take time to replace him. and for the situation — time to replace him. and for the situation to _ time to replace him. and for the situation to settle down and meanwhile things will be chaotic. this is— meanwhile things will be chaotic. this is better for everyone. i hope nothin: this is better for everyone. i hope nothing bad _ this is better for everyone. i hope nothing bad happens. _ this is better for everyone. i hope i nothing bad happens. translation: this is better for everyone. i hope nothing bad happens. translation: it was 100% _ nothing bad happens. translation: it was 100% an— nothing bad happens. translation: it was 100% an accident _ nothing bad happens. translation: it was 100% an accident because - nothing bad happens. translation: it was 100% an accident because it's - was 100% an accident because it's a cold climate — was 100% an accident because it's a cold climate and _ was 100% an accident because it's a cold climate and very— was 100% an accident because it's a cold climate and very foggy. - was 100% an accident because it's a cold climate and very foggy. rick. cold climate and very foggy. rick irain cold climate and very foggy. rick train given _ cold climate and very foggy. rick irain given their _ cold climate and very foggy. irain given their reactions in tehran. rick irain given their reactions in tehran. while a major search operation is continuing in iran, the bbc�*sjon donnison has more on what has happened during the day. rescues team struggling to the ball to the scene of the accident. dozens of people are involved in the search. but bad weather is reported to be hampering their efforts. it happened in the far north of iran close to the border with azerbaijan. president ebrahim raisi had been visiting a dam project. this is thought to be footage of him earlier in the day travelling in a convoy of
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three helicopters. first reports that something had gone wrong were announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed _ announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports - announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of - announced on state tv. translation: there are unconfirmed reports of an - there are unconfirmed reports of an incident involving a helicopter carrying the president. initial reports cite a hard landing for the helicopter carrying the president. president ebrahim raisi considered a hardliner is the second most powerful figure hardliner is the second most powerfulfigure in iran and his been regarded as a possible successor to the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei. there is no word yet on any casualties today. but across iran to have been prayers for the presidents safety. russia — that is one of iran's biggest allies — is ready to extend help in connection with the crash of a helicopter carrying thecountry�*s president. this
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is according to foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova. she added that all necessary help could be extended in the search for the missing helicopter and the investigation of the reasons for the incident. reaction from russia. we see a reaction from many countries and neighbors. let's speak to kasra araabi — the director of research on the iranian revolutionary guard corps at us—based group, united against nuclear iran. hello, welcome to the program. i wonder if i first off could get your reaction as you watch this story unfold through the day. where are you right now? i’m unfold through the day. where are you right now?— unfold through the day. where are you right now? i'm based in london. in terms you right now? i'm based in london. in terms of— you right now? i'm based in london. in terms of the _ you right now? i'm based in london. in terms of the reaction _ you right now? i'm based in london. in terms of the reaction to _ you right now? i'm based in london. in terms of the reaction to the - in terms of the reaction to the ongoing news, ithink in terms of the reaction to the ongoing news, i think the first thing that sticks out is the regimes
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poor handling of this crisis. this is what will stick out for ayatollah khamenei, the 85—year—old supreme leader who will be viewing today's events as a test run for succession for when he dies. and when viewed in this light the regimes handling of today's events are extremely problematic and concerning. in the past five years ayatollah khamenei has spent an entire manifest based on purifying, "purifying" regime to ensure a smooth succession process. he did list the rationale that any elites mishandling of succession could result in the total collapse because the overwhelming majority of our radiance has made it clear that they see regime change. so from
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ayatollah khamenei's perspective what he's looking at the ongoing events, what is looking at this new elites handling of this crisis i think this will be very concerning for him and he will also view it as a test run for his succession. if a test run for his succession. if you could just remind us, where are we with the iranian nuclear deal? the nuclear talks have been ongoing since the biden administration took office. they have been going nowhere. the regime in iran has become extremely ideological and basically viewed a loss of us deterrence as an opportunity to expand on all fronts, escalate on all fronts, notjust on the nuclear portfolio, which they've increased enrichment en masse up to 60%. and as per the un watchdog it is been confirmed that 83% of enriched uranium parts have been found on
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nuclear sites for that not only a nuclear sites for that not only a nuclear escalating but in the region, let's not forget the regime in iran is the biggest supporter of hamas and in the past few weeks it even conducted unprecedented direct strikes against israel. i even conducted unprecedented direct strikes against israel.— strikes against israel. i want to ut strikes against israel. i want to put something _ strikes against israel. i want to put something in _ strikes against israel. i want to put something in perspective. l strikes against israel. i want to - put something in perspective. there is talk right now about potential us nuclear deal with saudi arabia as well. they have always said if iran becomes fully nuclear they too will take that step. they are hoping that they can establish something with they can establish something with the united states. let me go back to the united states. let me go back to the fact that iran has really pushed on since donald trump pulled away from the deal when he was in power. this was all down to president ebrahim raisi, was it? h0. this was all down to president ebrahim raisi, was it? no, not at all. president _ ebrahim raisi, was it? no, not at all. president ebrahim _ ebrahim raisi, was it? no, not at all. president ebrahim raisi - ebrahim raisi, was it? no, not at all. president ebrahim raisi is -
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ebrahim raisi, was it? no, not at all. president ebrahim raisi is a l all. president ebrahim raisi is a rubber—stamp president. the superpower, the regime in iraq is a totalitarian absolute dictatorship. how is controlled by ayatollah khamenei. he rules as "gods representative on earth" according to the constitution and the supreme authority over all affairs. it should be noted by the way that while the former us administration pulled away from the deal because the regime in iran was escalating on all fronts, because sanctions relieves that the west had given iran didn't lead to a moderation and behaviour, actually it led to an escalation of irg see hostilities, increased number of proxy groups, more funding for terrorism. even after the former administration withdrew from the deal the regime in iran did not escalate its nuclear program. it only began its escalation of its nuclear programme after the biden administration took office and made a commitment. the
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failure of the us in the past four years to impose consequences, direct consequences on the regime and around, whether that be whenever they escalate in terms of terrorism portfolio, nuclear programme, etc, the failure to post direct consequences on the regime has shaped the regimes capitalist. they believe they can escalate without facing any repercussions. on the nuclear front now and all the other friends we see a very dangerous calculus in tehran that believes they can get away with escalation without facing consequences. that is significant. without facing consequences. that is siunificant. ., ., ., , ., , , significant. could what has happened toda and significant. could what has happened today and potentially, _ significant. could what has happened today and potentially, obviously - significant. could what has happened today and potentially, obviously no l today and potentially, obviously no confirmation as yet, but if there is confirmation as yet, but if there is confirmation that it was a fatal crash where does that then lead the nuclear deal? the crash where does that then lead the nuclear deal?— crash where does that then lead the nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back — nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back in _ nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back in terms _ nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back in terms of _ nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back in terms of the - nuclear deal? the next steps forward because back in terms of the nuclear| because back in terms of the nuclear deal the president doesn't have a say for that the nuclear deal is
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tightly controlled. he say for that the nuclear deal is tightly controlled.— say for that the nuclear deal is tightly controlled. he is an old man and --eole tightly controlled. he is an old man and people are _ tightly controlled. he is an old man and people are discussing - tightly controlled. he is an old man and people are discussing years - and people are discussing years already and talking about succession.— already and talking about succession. , , ., ., ., succession. yes. he is an old man but he rules _ succession. yes. he is an old man but he rules by — succession. yes. he is an old man but he rules by his _ succession. yes. he is an old man but he rules by his office - succession. yes. he is an old man but he rules by his office of- but he rules by his office of the supreme leader. and his son who is also tipped to run as his successor controls the office controls the entire system of the republic. it even controls the paramilitary organisations. in terms of succession, this will cause a major headache for ayatollah khamenei for that it will increase his anxiety for that why? because the way in which the regime has handled today, they have been panicking from the get—go. it's been full panic mode from communications, losing the narrative, to deploy forces, that is made it clear to ayatollah khamenei that actually the process intended to create a smooth transition
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process has failed. and the new cohort of elites who are in power because he is divested power to them are completely incompetent. that will increase his angst, not least because he will view today is a test run for succession knowing full well that the elites of the regime make a mess out of succession, if it's not smooth, if it's not orderly that could lead to the entire collapse of this clerical regime. why? because the overwhelming majority of iranians has made the demands clear. they seek the downfall of the islamic republic in its entirety. they are reading people will be looking at today's events and going actually, elite chaos is inevitable. this is the best moment to end the rule. that's the way the iranian people will look at best. i heard an earlier read port that the iranian people were praying for ebrahim raisi. that's not accurate the small
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constituency is islamic base according to the revolutionary guard it's about a million people out of 80 million for the 8 million people may be praying for ebrahim raisi. the overwhelming majority of iranians will not be shedding a tear for ebrahim raisi. let's not forget ebrahim raisi is known as the butcher of tehran. the individual responsible for the murder of thousands of iranians. i responsible for the murder of thousands of iranians.- responsible for the murder of thousands of iranians. i want to tap into our thousands of iranians. i want to tap into your research _ thousands of iranians. i want to tap into your research on _ thousands of iranians. i want to tap into your research on the _ thousands of iranians. i want to tap into your research on the irg - thousands of iranians. i want to tap into your research on the irg see. l into your research on the irg see. there have been questions about the helicopter that he may have been travelling on, whether it was in irg see helicopter or in iranian army helicopter. what can you tell us about how closely they work with the president or travel with the president or travel with the president or travel with the president or are embedded in this sort of trip. president or are embedded in this sort of trip-— sort of trip. they have formed the foundation _ sort of trip. they have formed the foundation of _ sort of trip. they have formed the
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foundation of the _ sort of trip. they have formed the foundation of the ebrahim - sort of trip. they have formed the foundation of the ebrahim raisi i foundation of the ebrahim raisi base, they formed close ties in 2016 when he was appointed to an ideological organization, this foundation is the main economic supporter of the revolutionary guard and his network of terrorist proxies. it was dead when ebrahim raisi built a close relationship with the commanders for them and they have formed the foundation of his administration and he awarded key position to irg see. the minister was the first commander, his foreign minister was saying hossein amir—abdollahian who is on the helicopter with him and a card—carrying member of the revolutionary guard out of the 874 appointed positions that the president text, he is awarded in overwhelming majority to them. they have a very close relationship with ebrahim raisi. again, they also
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have, let's not forget a very close relationship with ayatollah khamenei's son. their involvement in the trip would have been there. even on today's, if confirmed dead hossein amir—abdollahian is also in irg c member. 50 hossein amir-abdollahian is also in irg c member-— hossein amir-abdollahian is also in irg c member. so many questions but we're out of — irg c member. so many questions but we're out of time. _ irg c member. so many questions but we're out of time. thank _ irg c member. so many questions but we're out of time. thank you - irg c member. so many questions but we're out of time. thank you very - we're out of time. thank you very much indeed. iranian analyst abbas faizjoined me earlier on the channel. he gave me his thoughts and reflections on the events of the day so far. i think the scenario that they would probably eat by the occupants of the helicopter alive may have become somewhat unlikely. the next is probably they know based on best practice of the government of the
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islamic republic, they probably know what has happened. again, we have two possibilities with first is that if for example ebrahim raisi is still alive but injured. in that case i think they would announce the news straightaway and very quickly. if there is other news that he is not alive, but best practice of the islamic republic has been to suppress that news, —— past for that this happens at a time of day death of ayatollah khamenei. and they clearly announced it several days later. why with the suppress the news? that is really a big question for them because they would be afraid of the reactions of the people may actually have against the situation against the government,
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against the system because we know ebrahim raisi was not actually a loved person do many iranians. in fact, quite the opposite. he was the senior member of what is known as the death committee. that death committee was responsible in the 19805 for the execution of more than 4000 prisoners. and since the death of micah amini in 2022 ebrahim raisi has been actively in charge of the repression that has been metred out to the peaceful protesters, those who actually protested the death and the custody of the morality pretty singing police. since then 500 people have been killed from agents of the state. 500 protested, more
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than 21,000 have been taken into custody. many of them have been subject to severe torture. quite a lot of people including a large number of women have been executed since this year. he is not a loved person. i’d since this year. he is not a loved erson. �* ~' since this year. he is not a loved erson. �* ~ ., since this year. he is not a loved erson. �* ~' ., ., since this year. he is not a loved erson. �* ~ ., ., ., person. i'd like to go back to the fact that one _ person. i'd like to go back to the fact that one of _ person. i'd like to go back to the fact that one of the _ fact that one of the likely scenarios would be the news of the deaths of those on board. in that particular scenario the suppression of that news, you said it's more the fact that iranians would almost welcome a change at the top. obviously, the very top is the supreme leader. is that a real threat to the iranian regime? it is threat to the iranian regime? it is a threat.
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threat to the iranian regime? it is a threat- as _ threat to the iranian regime? it is a threat. as we _ threat to the iranian regime? it 3 a threat. as we know, this is a regime that is only able to sustain power by cutting out severe repression. —— carrying out severe repression. —— carrying out severe repression. for example, teenagers have been subjected to all sorts of horrible treatment in detention simply because they have been protesting in the streets. in the way the regime has been reacted to everyone who is actually expressing some criticism of the government is very severe. the regime is afraid. it is just very severe. the regime is afraid. it isjust a regime very severe. the regime is afraid. it is just a regime that is really afraid. it isjust a regime that is really afraid. ~ �* ., ., it isjust a regime that is really afraid. ~ �* . ., , ., afraid. we've had a number of anal sts afraid. we've had a number of analysts say — afraid. we've had a number of analysts say in _ afraid. we've had a number of analysts say in terms - afraid. we've had a number of analysts say in terms of - afraid. we've had a number of- analysts say in terms of continuity that may not necessarily be an issue. how stable is the constitution, the iranian constitution?— constitution, the iranian constitution? the iranian constitution, _ constitution? the iranian constitution, in - constitution? the iranian constitution, in fact - constitution? the iranian constitution, in fact i'm i constitution? the iranian . constitution, in fact i'm glad constitution? the iranian - constitution, in fact i'm glad you asked me that question, it is a constitution that is on a piece of
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paper. it is a constitution that is not actually complete. there are several items that are actually in breach of the international human rights. also, we're not talking just that at the moment but what i'm trying to say is that constitution, none of the items of that constitution, none of the provisions of the constitution has been put into practice with them in fact there've been breached by the powers there've been breached by the powers the supreme leader has the supreme leader is a person who is really, age is catching up with him. he's probably not as agile as it was before. he has difficulty in making different types of decisions. all of theseissues different types of decisions. all of these issues have clearly created a tough situation for the regime. that is probably why they want to be prepared, they want to have all their forces prepared, they want to have all theirforces in prepared, they want to have all their forces in the street in order to prevent any possible reaction
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from the people.— from the people. what you are describing _ from the people. what you are describing is _ from the people. what you are describing is a _ from the people. what you are describing is a case _ from the people. what you are describing is a case of - from the people. what you are describing is a case of the - describing is a case of the conditions in which we could see a number of changes made within iran put them and like you said, the supreme leader is elderly, he's 83, he is ill, we may, obviously speculating but we may well have to watch as iran looks for a new president, a new foreign minister and restructure the parliament. it does make you wonder with the world watching on how much instability, the region itself is so sensitive at the region itself is so sensitive at the moment. the region itself is so sensitive at the moment-— the region itself is so sensitive at the moment. yes, i know. this is a reaime the moment. yes, i know. this is a regime that — the moment. yes, i know. this is a regime that has — the moment. yes, i know. this is a regime that has made _ the moment. yes, i know. this is a regime that has made several- regime that has made several really big mistakes. one of the big mistakes that was made under the president ship of ebrahim raisi was to attack pakistan with missiles for
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them and pakistanis came back for them and pakistanis came back for the nobody could in any kind of frame of mind would've expected it, the iranian regime to actually carry out that attacked but they did. that is one mistake that they made. the other mistake is the way they haven't actually looked at the reports of severe corruptions. one person whose practices have been highlighted is a very, very close person to ayatollah khamenei, the leader of the islamic republic. no action has been taken against him. where ordinary people for example, if something goes wrong and they are walking the street, they say something against the regime they are taken into detention. some have actually received sentences, some
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death sentences. this is not a regime that is actually acting in a logical manner. there are probably people within the regime who may want a different type of leadership. that leadership they probably know it is not going to be in the person of ayatollah khamenei. it's not going to be in the person of ebrahim raisi. which opens the door for a lot of speculation, whether there is really... this helicopter crash, whatever the reason in the future it may come to be put up or whether it was something that grows out of the tension between the different factions within the regime. we don't know. as we heard president raisi was returning from a meeting with azerbaijan's president ilham aliyev,
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when reports of the crash emerged. president aliyev has now reacted to the incident. he said that... some more reactions are coming in. turkey's president erdogan says he is deeply saddened by iran helicopter accident and is in full coordination with iran authorities. he also said...
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turkey has also sent mountain rescue team to iran, as we are hearing. some more reactions are coming in. the united arab emirates foreign ministry has said that it stands by iran and is ready to provide support in efforts to find a helicopter carrying the iranian president that crashed. the eu has also spoken. they have said they will be supporting the search for the helicopter. the european commission are activating their satellite mapping service. i want to show you what we're talking about here. this is the copernicus emergency management service. they have a wealth of imagery, access to satellites, the copernicus service has been used in wildfires, it was
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used in greece recently. they use it for emergency mapping. it's an emergency management service. their commissioner confirmed that the service was activating its rapid response mapping service in view of a helicopter accident, response mapping service in view of a helicopteraccident, hoping response mapping service in view of a helicopter accident, hoping to aid, finding, locating that helicopter which we know it went down and those atrocious conditions you can see in mountainous, heavily forested area. good evening. it really has been a weekend of contrast. once again, we've had a few storms develop through the afternoon, fewer than we had yesterday, but 24 in the warm sunshine. and it should stay warm and dry to start for many of us. but it will turn cooler through the week as wet and windy conditions arrive. and of course, it hasn't been warm
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sunshine for all we've had stubborn sea fog around the north sea coast, some of the irish sea coast as well. so just a cool 12 today and then that sea fog mist and low cloud will return back inland as we go through the night. so some fog again around tomorrow morning, particularly across eastern areas. cooler, slightly fresher than it was last night. could be some fog further west as well. so all in all, i think quite a grey and misty start for many of us on our monday morning. once again, the fog and that low cloud retreats back to the coast and we should see less of it through monday than we've seen during the weekend. and the same goes for the irish sea coasts, but we could still have one or two showers, slow moving thunderstorms as we go through the afternoon, because once again, in that sunshine, temperatures will leap up to the high teens and low 20s. they're a little bit lower temperatures than they've been today, just because it'll be a chillier start for some of us. and then through monday evening and overnight, we'll probably pick up more mist and low cloud once
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again and perhaps a few more showers will come into eastern areas. and we've got this weather system approaching to the west. so a slightly chillier night. again, look for some fives actually as we start tuesday morning. not really a frost level worry, but certainly chillier than it has been now. tuesday looks like a slightly more unsettled day, more showers around, if you like, particularly for the west, northern ireland, as that weather front comes in, those showers turn thundery and also central and northern areas or sorry, eastern and northern areas. that means that with a bit more cloud around, there might well be temperatures a little bit lower and one or two potentially around for the chelsea flower show. of course, that's coming up through this week, a little bit drier towards the end of the week. the reason for the unsettled weather tuesday night into wednesday's, this area of low pressure approaching for the east as well as weather fronts approaching from the west. all in all, it looks like it'll turn wetter and windier for the midweek period. so a rather unsettled looking picture by that stage. perhaps fewer showers friday and saturday, but still a rather unsettled looking picture
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with temperatures closer to average.
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live from london. this is bbc news. a helicopter carrying iran's president and foreign minister is missing after an accident. rescue teams are searching in thick fog for the helicopter, iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei has given his first public statement about the incident may god return the president to the people.
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the iranian nation should rest assured there will be no disruption to the running of the country. meanwhile, iranians have been urged to pray for their leader, gathering in droves in the president's home city, following pleas from state media. a major search operation is taking place in the mountains of northwest iran, where a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi has gone missing. these images show the president and his entourage in the helicopter before it went down. the foreign minister, hossein amirabdollahian, was also on board.
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president raisi had been travelling back from a trip


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