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tv   BBC News  BBC News  May 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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orang's foreign president raisi and orang's foreign minister are what they describe as at risk. —— iran's foreign ministry. president biden�*s national security adviser meets israel's prime minister — in the latest attempt to halt the fighting in gaza. the uk's biggest ever health scandal — billions of pounds of compensation expected for the thousands of people infected with contanimated blood. who'll come out on top — arsenal or manchester city — on the final day of the premier league season? as soon as we have those pictures. we start this hour with breaking news out of iran. reports from various media say a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi and the foreign minister hossein amirabdollahian has had to make a rough landing. state television says rescuers are trying to reach the aircraft, which reportedly got into difficulties in heavy fog in a mountainous area in the north of the country. with me is sebastian usher our bbc
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world service middle east analyst. just take us through the series of events of what we know has happened. essentially, over the last couple of hours, we started to hear reports that a convoy of helicopters carrying the iranian president ebrahim raisi had got into difficulties. now, never difficult, different ways in which it was phrased on different outlets in the arabian media. a hard landing, a rough landing on a crash landing but no exact details of what that actually meant. on the reports were that it was a convoy of three helicopters travelling in the north—west of the country, the province of east azerbaijan, and, she was saying, not only was the president on this particular
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helicopter, it began to emerge that the foreign minister was on the helicopter, too. now, the two other helicopters that were in the convoy, we have had reports that they have landed safely so a huge rescue operation has been launched, she was saying a new introduction there, this been hampered by the thick fog and rain in this area. notjust that, this is a forested area, wood, mountainous. the reason why there heritage tarmac helicopters there was because of the terrain they needed to travel in that way. pictures were showing us what state tv is showing and we can see that image that is there on the screen that it image that is there on the screen thatitis image that is there on the screen that it is very, very foggy in some reports think visibility is down to five metres. reports think visibility is down to five metres-_ reports think visibility is down to five metres. , w , , ., five metres. yes, exactly. it is not unusual in — five metres. yes, exactly. it is not unusual in those _ five metres. yes, exactly. it is not unusual in those areas _ five metres. yes, exactly. it is not unusual in those areas to - five metres. yes, exactly. it is not unusual in those areas to have - five metres. yes, exactly. it is not. unusual in those areas to have those weather condition so this clearly going to make the operation very difficult. that is being stressed on all that is iranians media for what
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we haven't had is anything that gives us a sense of the condition of those people who were on board that plane. that's president raisi, the foreign minister, at least two other notable officials. who were on board two. and there is as far as we know no contact made with them so far so these are the two issues absolutely leaving iran and come to venice, the rest of the world. questioning what has happened. we have been hearing from iran that there is going to be a flight by this cabinet that will head to the nearest city to that. we're also hearing prayers being said in some of the major arabian centres. there were calls in that of a new media for this to happen and thatis a new media for this to happen and that is happening for the safety of president raisi and we are all essentially at the moment looking at the of a new media sources, which
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are far more false coming than that they've been in the past —— forthcoming. but it is not clear that we are going to know anything within the next hours. that very much depends on whether these rescuers in difficult conditions can actually go up to the site.- actually go up to the site. again, we're showing — actually go up to the site. again, we're showing you _ actually go up to the site. again, we're showing you these - actually go up to the site. again, j we're showing you these pictures that state tv has been showing off. a couple of rescuers they're heading into the area but sebastian was saying, you can see from these pictures just how foggy and wet it is in that area, making this rescue mission a lot harder to be able to get rescuers to that area. we've also been seen on state tv people who have been praying, as sebastian also said, atv were asking people, sebastien, to pray for the president and, as you say, the fact that we've got them asking for prayers, we've got them asking for prayers, we've got them asking for prayers, we've got the fact that it is rolling coverage on state media, this does signifyjust how coverage on state media, this does signify just how seriously this is
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being taken. signify just how seriously this is being taken-— signify just how seriously this is being taken. this is obviously an extremely _ being taken. this is obviously an extremely serious _ being taken. this is obviously an extremely serious incident - being taken. this is obviously an extremely serious incident in - being taken. this is obviously an i extremely serious incident in terms of, you know, the second most powerfulfigure in iran politically in the moment. no—one knows what his whereabouts and, you know, the supposition ranges from perhaps this was an accident and they are ok obviously to the worst. so it's understandable that iran is taking this way. i'm not necessarily... i don't think you can necessarily deduce from this that the iranians already know what's happened and they're comparing the nation for the news that president raisi may not have survived this. i don't think that's necessarily the case. i think the way we've received this information, piece by piece, from the source and the source, i think is massively true to the way that it's been coming through and there may not at this moment, the knowledge at the highest level of what actually happened to president raisi. that's not rule it out, not to say that this is no preparation
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for that, to say that this is no preparation forthat, but to say that this is no preparation for that, but at the moment i think we have to take it on trust, and faith, that this is, you know, that this is a continuing story that may be the people who have the most power in a van themselves don't know quite where this is going to go. for viewers around the world who don't understand a reimpose takes, just give us a sense of how important president raisi is. i give us a sense of how important president raisi is.— give us a sense of how important president raisi is. i mean, the most im ortant president raisi is. i mean, the most important figure _ president raisi is. i mean, the most important figure in _ president raisi is. i mean, the most important figure in iran _ president raisi is. i mean, the most important figure in iran is _ important figure in iran is ayatollah khomeini. and because the absolute core issues in the core decision that iran makes, that's where it's made. but the president is the outward facing face, embodiment, of what iran represents. now, we've seen over the past decades there's been some kind of light between the team that we've had presidents who have been more tending towards reform, more tending towards an iran that is not as hard
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line is ayatollah khomeini has essentially himself, but with a vc who —— abraham by ec who —— abraham racy he won election in 2021 we have seen a president much more in line with the supreme leader, i hardline himself, and his histories in the judicial system where he has played a major role in a very long time as an essential part of how iran is run. —— run. during the time his president we saw the mass protest erupted after the death of the intervening kurdish warm and in the custody of police and we saw the way that the iranian government in the end launched a major crackdown against that and did not allow any v in the end for them to be a breath of reform and a breath of change. the shop did not allow any room. so
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ebrahim raisi stands for that and was seen potentially of a likely contender to take the place of ayatollah khamenei, who was also in his 80s, when he... i mean, sorry, as he himself is in his 60s, his relatively young in terms of the iranians regime but i tell khomeini is in his 80s, is have health problems and there's been speculation growing over the years and over who might replace him and definitely president raisi is one of those who were seen as at the forefront. my mac sebastian, stay with us. if you are justjoining forefront. my mac sebastian, stay with us. if you arejustjoining us this picture is on screen give you a sense ofjust how difficult this rescue operation going to be in iran. there's two people you can see are a team from the iranian red crescent —— red crescent who are walking up that smoke in that thick fog near to where this accident happened. as we said, state television have been doing rolling coverage. ijust want television have been doing rolling coverage. i just want to play you a little bit of what the iranian
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interior minister has been saying about this accident. let's take a listen to this.— about this accident. let's take a i listen to this._ and about this accident. let's take a - listen to this._ and the listen to this. translation: and the return journey. _ listen to this. translation: and the return journey, the _ listen to this. translation: and the return journey, the presidents - listen to this. translation: and the return journey, the presidents and i returnjourney, the presidents and others _ returnjourney, the presidents and others are — returnjourney, the presidents and others are convening him back on several— others are convening him back on several one — others are convening him back on several one of the helicopters was false make a row bad flooding due to rough _ false make a row bad flooding due to rough weather conditions and fog in the area _ rough weather conditions and fog in the area in— rough weather conditions and fog in the area. in view of the fog and the bad weather conditions it will take time to— bad weather conditions it will take time to get the envy of the helicopter. things under control and rescue _ helicopter. things under control and rescue teams are doing their work. we hope _ rescue teams are doing their work. we hope it— rescue teams are doing their work. we hope it will be done as soon as possible — we hope it will be done as soon as possible. there was contact will consider— possible. there was contact will consider doing it is a conflicted region. — consider doing it is a conflicted region, getting your complexion is a bit difficult — region, getting your complexion is a bit difficult. while waiting for the rescue _ bit difficult. while waiting for the rescue team to either enter more information. smack difficult they were saying to get information out of the area. for viewers just get information out of the area. for viewersjustjoining us, remind us what we know. we viewersjust joining us, remind us what we know— viewersjust joining us, remind us what we know-— viewersjust joining us, remind us what we know. we know a helicopter car in: what we know. we know a helicopter carrying president _ what we know. we know a helicopter carrying president ebrahim _ what we know. we know a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi - what we know. we know a helicopter carrying president ebrahim raisi and| carrying president ebrahim raisi and the foreign minister has had, it's
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been described as a hard landing, a rough landing, a crash landing up in a mountainous area in the north—west of iran. it was one of three helicopters that were in a convoy that was travelling over that area. it is, as we've been seeing in the pictures coming from state tv, it is beset by very bad weather at the moment, heavy fog, rain. whether that had any impact on the accident we don't know is yet but it certainly had an effect on the rescue operation which has been launched, huge operation, at least 40 launched, huge operation, at least a0 teams moving in the area but as we've been hearing, in places visibility is down to five metres and they are going, as i say, through a mountainous, forested area so this could take a long time and we have been hearing piece by piece the news that they have had confirmation that the president and foreign minister on that plane. but we haven't had in any sense whatsoever is condition of what the
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people helicopters. as far as we know, there hasn't been contact with the helicopter. thus in itself, obviously, is a major issue. it raises huge questions over what kind of communication is lower and also what kind of accident this was if their communication has been able to be made. my mac wishing these pictures again from state tv of people praying and one of these officials at the state news agency asking people to pray for them. yes, this is a story that has been running across a raining tv. there recall is really not that long after it began to be clear that this wisdom was on the helicopter to go to the major press cities, prayer centres and pray for his safety. we have heard there was an iranian official speaking to reuters unnamed saying that both the president and the foreign minister are at risk. that is not a very clear statement in itself but it does imply that there is huge concern, as you would
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expect, obviously, amongst the iranian political elite over this. i've i'm saying, what we really don't know is whether this rolling coverage, these scenes being shown on tv of people praying, is that a preparation for what the iranian state may already know about what's happened? of iveagh as much in the dark as we are and other news organisations are trying to find out what's happening. my fiends at the moment may be a matter this rescue of iteration is undertaken difficult circumstances and thatjust isn't that clear knowledge at the moment of what actually happened. what that clear knowledge at the moment of what actually happened. what you think the impact _ of what actually happened. what you think the impact of _ of what actually happened. what you think the impact of this _ of what actually happened. what you think the impact of this will - of what actually happened. what you think the impact of this will be. - of what actually happened. what you think the impact of this will be. i - think the impact of this will be. i know this is quite hard to assess at the moment? the know this is quite hard to assess at the moment?— know this is quite hard to assess at the moment? .,, ., , , the moment? the impact, obviously, if it turns out — the moment? the impact, obviously, if it turns out the _ the moment? the impact, obviously, if it turns out the present _ the moment? the impact, obviously, if it turns out the present has - the moment? the impact, obviously, if it turns out the present has been i if it turns out the present has been killed, that is what we're talking about... i think in terms, politically, i don't think it would be any kind of huge earthquake
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within the political system. i mean, there is a vice president in place. that probably be affected withjoe might relatively smoothly. the fact that mr vasey himself was a part of the hardline movement within the country means there is necessarily going to need swift change. this was a reformist president and suddenly he's gone and been replaced by someone who is from the very opposite tendency, that could obviously cause pressure within the country. the people who took to the streets a year and a half ago demanding the forward feel perhaps they have had their opportunities left. that is not the situation we're in. it raises questions obviously about the future big time over iran because mr marais seat was one of the key candidate potential replacement as supreme leader —— mr ebrahim raisi. the fraught situation we are across the middle east where iran has been a huge player, going back two or three weeks people thought we were at the brink of war
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with israel and that has been played down to some extent but there is no way that is not going to be seen through that prism. there is no way people are not going to be suggesting there may be something darker, you know, behind this, and that has to be taken into account in the way this is dealt with. we haven't yet had any that i've seen, any official reaction from the international community. obviously, that will come their sneeze. but, again, ithink that will come their sneeze. but, again, i thinkjust as we are, i think as people in a row now, readers around the world are just waiting to see what emerges. sebastian, stay with us. if you are justjoining us on bbc news, pictures you can see of the iranian red crescent workers trying to get to the area where the helicopter came down. as you can see, it is very heavy fog and rain. some are pulsing visibility down to around five metres. now, a helicopter
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carrying the iranian president has been involved in this accident. what we do know is that there were three helicopters in this convoy and that president ebrahim raisi was on board the helicopter along with the of a new foreign minister. now, the interior minister as saying that rescuers are still trying to reach the site but, as you can see from the site but, as you can see from the pictures on screen, this is difficult because the weather the rain and also it is a mountainous and woody area where it came down. it is a mountainous area and he was coming back from opening some dams on the border?— on the border? yes, and there were inevitably going _ on the border? yes, and there were inevitably going to _ on the border? yes, and there were inevitably going to be _ on the border? yes, and there were inevitably going to be serious - inevitably going to be serious questions raised over whether, in these weather conditions, why was these weather conditions, why was the convoy travelling? also over, and i have already been seen as to some extent reflected in the weight is being reported and analysed, by
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iranians, is the sanctions that have been imposed on iran have caused a great shortage, there is no doubt, for supplies. you know, aircraft, helicopters, etc. so this will be an issue to where people may raise, again, depending what happens and what caused the crash and when and if that is found and of course the condition of mr raisi, the foreign minister himself, but questions of the beginning to emerge on those issues. the choice, the decision to travel in those weather conditions, whether they helicopters are in as good a condition as they might have been, potentially, with sanctions and, also, questions over why was the president in the same helicopter is another absolute major figure within the iranian government, the
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foreign minister. why was that decision made? there's absolutely nothing to give any indication of us at the moment may have been a perfectly standard decision that was made for all of these things are going to be right for people to be on —— right for people to be feasting on an singular something that lies behind this and i think we will see that. it is that lies behind this and i think we will see that.— will see that. it is interesting to see this convoy _ will see that. it is interesting to see this convoy did _ will see that. it is interesting to see this convoy did have - will see that. it is interesting to see this convoy did have three i see this convoy did have three helicopters in it. it wasn'tjust one single helicopter that everyone was on board. there were more helicopters involved.— was on board. there were more helicopters involved. there were, but they were _ helicopters involved. there were, but they were also _ helicopters involved. there were, but they were also carrying - helicopters involved. there were, j but they were also carrying senior officials, too. it wasn't as if all the senior officials were put on one helicopter, as far as we understand. but, as i say, questions are being raised and will be raised more about that in the way that the iranian state, obviously, is presenting this at the moment is as a potential tragedy if the president and the foreign minister had been lost in this accident and we are seeing that
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reflected in the way that the state media is showing the people praying in mosques around the country. i mean, this is a country, obviously, where such... de natural recourse in a situation like this is to go to the mosque and to pray and to pray for the soul and the safety of the people involved and i think the emphasis has been put on that now. we this pictures of some people praying on state tv and i have another feed of state tv and i can see a large number of people who are heading to pray. as you say, sebastien, this is something that, when it is on state tv and people see these pictures, they are likely to head in govan pray for the president. —— head and go and pray. there is definitely a sense that is what the government wants people to do. ~ . ,
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what the government wants people to do. . ., , ., what the government wants people to do. ~ . , ., , , ~ do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself _ do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself is _ do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself is a _ do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself is a great _ do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself is a great kind - do. whether was a huge sense mr raisi himself is a great kind of - raisi himself is a great kind of emotional support with a good question. you certainly are a very, very powerfulfigure question. you certainly are a very, very powerful figure within the elite, one of the absolutely essential figures, elite, one of the absolutely essentialfigures, so elite, one of the absolutely essential figures, so there elite, one of the absolutely essentialfigures, so there is no doubt that within that particular group within iran is lost, if that is what happens, will be felt very deeply. whether the event in people as a whole feel this is slightly different on a personal level but is what he represents as the president and the second most powerful figure in the country, i mean, this is an oscillator, you know, this is a very difficult moment that it is facing and, clearly, praying is an absolute keyway for people to show that emotion and to show that support. and i should say if you are just joining us, we do not have any confirmation at the moment about the condition of the president of the foreign minister. all we know is that a helicopter carrying the iranian president has been involved
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in this accident was part of a convoy of three helicopters and one came down, experiencing what state media has variously described as crash landing, hard landing. the foreign minister on board with the president. interior minister singh rescuers trying to reach the site due to the difficult weather conditions. this mac interior minister saying. you can see on the screen some pictures state media have been showing and it is very foggy. have been showing and it is very foggy, two veiny and red crescent workers there on the hillside. there are reports that visibility down to around five metres in this mountainous and wooded area where this helicopter came down. heavy, fog making this search they difficult at the site and we don't have state tv showing these pictures almost on a loop and also showing at the same time people praying. but, as sebastian has said, we don't have any official confirmation or
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statement about the condition of the president and, statement about the condition of the presidentand, sebastian, statement about the condition of the president and, sebastian, she was saying, it does not quite communications are going to be difficult in the area.— difficult in the area. absolutely, and since we've _ difficult in the area. absolutely, and since we've been _ difficult in the area. absolutely, and since we've been talking . difficult in the area. absolutely, l and since we've been talking with been talking for the past 20 minutes, i haven't actually seen any notable update from the union sources, evading media on this, which gives this sense, she was saying —— from iranian sources and media. the difficulty is when you come down to it we know the president foreign minister on this helicopter but we didn't have any sense element of what has happened, nothing revealed publicly, so iran itself, iranians are in the dark about this. clearly this is an incident that is going to have repercussions if it turns out that the accident was not that serious and they are all on board and
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survived questions will probably be internally within iran over security and decisions that were made. if it's worse than that and it is going to be a question over how the iranians state, which has shown itself over decades to be able to withstand all sorts of pressures on it. we've seen that happen from outside over the past few months. we've seen it happen internally over the past couple of years. the iranians state itself pulls together, the nucleus of it, around the supreme leader, and continues along its path. it doesn't deviate from it. it hasn't changed. i don't think this is going to be something which does in any way. i think what we need to look at, though, is whether this will have any knock—on effect in the incredibly fragile situation at the moment, the balance that iran holds in the middle east with the situation between israel
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and hamas and the iranian proxies that have risen up who have taken far stronger, that have risen up who have taken farstronger, more that have risen up who have taken far stronger, more intense action against issuing the end of past seven months. whether this has any effect on that whatsoever, whether the sense that something lies behind this could motivate new forces within iran to go down a moat... i mean, a pathway that deviates from where we are at the moment, which is to an extent a status quo and there was a moment to three weeks ago it looked like the region was on the brink and iran was on the brink of an all—out war with israel. both sides seem to have moved back from that list is necessary necessarily take it out as another unstable element in the middle east the last thing is that. by meg sebastian, for the moment, thank you. if you are
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justjoining us, let mejust round up justjoining us, let mejust round up what we do know about this breaking news story. you can see this picture is on screen of iranian red crescent workers. they are near the area where a helicopter carrying the area where a helicopter carrying the iranian president came down. the weather conditions, as she can see a very poor. there is both fog and heavy rain and reports say that visibility in the mountainous and wooded area is down to only around five metres. indeed, an anchor on state television has just said the search operation and rescue teams looking for the helicopter, covering the present is still ongoing. the weather conditions and heavy fog have made it very difficult for the rescue teams. we know there is a convoy of three helicopters that were flying in two of them did land safely and one which we now believe had the iranian president and ran's
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foreign minister on board had what state media has called a hard landing. now, we should see the condition of those on board the helicopter is unknown at the moment and reports on iranians state media say that no contact has let the maid with the helicopter and that is the very latest on the situation and there is more on the bbc news website and app and stay with us here on bbc news for continuing coverage for the latest from iran. hello. good afternoon. it's an afternoon of contrast.
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quite chilly where you've got the sea fog. very warm inland. 23, 2a degrees celsius, possibly 25 for a few. but over the coming week we are in for some changes. it'll turn cooler after that dry warm start because of the wet and the windier weather moving in. quite widespread rain. it looks like at this stage. so we've got the sea haar and fret near the north sea coast. we've had some sea fog around the irish sea coast as well. but inland there's less cloud than we had yesterday across england, wales and fewer showers. but there are still some storms around. very isolated, though, in comparison, but slow—moving, giving a lot of rain. one or two further north across northern england, notably cumbria potentially, and also across northern ireland, southern scotland. but there's more cloud generally across north and central scotland today and it's thick enough to produce the odd spot of rain and drizzle. and, actually, as those showers and storms fade this evening, that mist and low cloud will roll in very widely again to central and eastern areas. further west, there'll be a few fog patches as well and it'll be a slightly fresher night for sleeping compared with last night and a cooler start therefore too on monday morning, but a murky gray one once again. it'll be a few hours before that strong may sunshine gets to work and burns it away.
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and, in fact, it should retreat from most of the east coast as well. tomorrow, a subtle change in wind direction and warm in the sunshine again, possibly northern ireland seeing some of the highest temperatures, 20 to 23. but that could, again, trigger the odd slow—moving thunderstorm — with light winds, they won't move on very quickly. then overnight monday into tuesday, mist and fog returns, but also a few more showers approached from the east. and, actually, one or two on this weather front behind me start to break out further west. so it's still chilly, notably so in northern and eastern areas, and then we see the shower development across northern england, perhaps into central and southern parts of scotland, eventually the north. and this is the weather front which will bring some showery, potentially thundery rain to the west as well. sandwiched in between, still some warmth, still some sunshine, temperatures a little still above the average, but then they start to drop away. by the time we get to tuesday night and wednesday, we're pulling in this area of low pressure, we think. the devil's going to be in the detail as to exactly where that low pressure is going to land. but it does look as if it'll give many parts of the uk some wetter
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and some windier weather as well. and temperatures fall away and stay a showery picture towards the weekend as well.
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you are watching bbc news. we want to bring you more now on our breaking news that a helicopter carrying the iranian president has been involved in an accident. you can see these pictures from the of the accident in iran. these are iranian red crescent workers. as you
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can see the conditions are very poon can see the conditions are very poor, very foggy and there has been heavy rain. state media says the president was on board a helicopter that experienced what they described as a hard landing. it was also said to be carrying the foreign minister. the interior minister says rescuers are still trying to reach the site due to those difficult weather conditions. we should say the conditions. we should say the condition of those on board the helicopter remains unknown for now and the report says no contact has been made. the interior minister has been made. the interior minister has been speaking on state tv. let's have a listen to what the interior minister has said about this accident. translation: ., , translation: on the return “ourney the president — translation: on the return “ourney the president and i translation: on the return “ourney the president and others _ the president and others accompanying him were coming back on several helicopters. one was forced to make a rough landing due to bad weather conditions and fog in the area. various rescue teams are
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moving in the direction


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