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tv   BBC News Now  BBC News  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm BST

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here to stop its offensive in rafah. here is the scene live at the international court ofjustice in the hague, that kate is about to be heard. police have charged a man with the attempted murder with the slovakian premier mr roberto fico who is in a serious condition after being shot. the country's politicians have called for a new less divisive politics. translation: i therefore call on all parties in slovakia to interrupt or significantly reduce their campaign for the european parliamentary election. the campaign is linked to compensation than brings us to stand offs and mutual accusations. here is the scene live outside the hospital where roberto fico is being treated, doctors are due to give an update on his condition. president putin is given a red carpet welcome on his state visit to china and signs a joint declaration with prime
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minister xijinping outlining the country's to ties. ahead of an election year, labour's keir starmer sets out his party's key messages. hello, i'm annita mcveigh welcome to bbc news now, 3 hours of fast—moving news, interviews and reaction. south africa has filed an urgent request to the international court of human justice in the request to the international court of humanjustice in the hague request to the international court of human justice in the hague asking that the court all delete in order israel to halt its offensive in rafah and do more to protect its civilians in gaza. in its findings, south africa described rafah as a last refuge for palestinians in gaza and said israel's assault on a population meant that new measures needed. it is the latest intervention by the south african government and its legal case against israel. it argues that on
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top of direct military attacks, israel is starving palace unions in gaza by obstructing access to food and fuel and medicines. israel, meanwhile, insists it acts within international law and says it has the right to defend itself. let's take a look at the scene inside the international court ofjustice. that hearing under way imminently, we understand, join anna holligan, who has been is following all of these events for us. take us back earlier to this year which is when we first heard about south africa's intervention and its call on the court to instruct israel to change its behaviour was yellow exactly so this is the fourth time south africa has appealed to judges here this is the fourth time south africa has appealed tojudges here in this is the fourth time south africa has appealed to judges here in the international court of justice has appealed to judges here in the international court ofjustice to order israel to halt its military offensive in gaza. it’s order israel to halt its military offensive in gaza.— offensive in gaza. it's slightly different this _
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offensive in gaza. it's slightly different this time _ offensive in gaza. it's slightly different this time insofar - offensive in gaza. it's slightly different this time insofar as | offensive in gaza. it's slightly - different this time insofar as they are focusing on rafah. there is a geographical limitation in this filing and south africa has asked the judges to issue three orders so first of all for israel to halt its military effective delete back —— offensive in rafa and to allow humanitarian aid workers and un investigators and geneticists to get into rafah and preserve any evidence and allow them to provide food, water, medicalsupplies and allow them to provide food, water, medical supplies to the population sheltering there. and also for israel to report back within one week to report on how it responds to the issue ordered by the court and in a few months in reference to how israel is responding to an earlier orders made by this court which i let south africa alleges israel has so far ignored. figs africa alleges israel has so far innored. a ., ,, ., , ignored. as you are speaking to us, we have just _ ignored. as you are speaking to us, we have just been _ ignored. as you are speaking to us, we have just been seeing _ ignored. as you are speaking to us, we have just been seeing the - ignored. as you are speaking to us, | we have just been seeing the judges enter the courtroom ahead of proceedings getting under way.
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viewers may wonder why south africa is doing this. viewers may wonder why south africa is doing thie— viewers may wonder why south africa is doing this-— is doing this. absolutely. we are watchin: is doing this. absolutely. we are watching the _ is doing this. absolutely. we are watching the judges _ is doing this. absolutely. we are watching the judges now - is doing this. absolutely. we are watching the judges now take . is doing this. absolutely. we are l watching the judges now take their seatin watching the judges now take their seat in the court panel. the presiding judge will begin by giving approximately ten to 15 minutes summary of the case, the background, how we got here. people wondering why south africa, or any state which is signatory to the genocide convention, has a responsibility under that convention to ensure that there are no violations... under that convention to ensure that there are no violations. . ._ there are no violations... anna, i'm auoin to there are no violations... anna, i'm going to interruptions, _ there are no violations... anna, i'm going to interruptions, apologies, l going to interruptions, apologies, if you can hear me. we are going to listen to proceedings inside the court. �* ., ., listen to proceedings inside the court. ., ., , ., , court. and the modification previous rovisional court. and the modification previous provisional measures _ court. and the modification previous provisional measures in _ court. and the modification previous provisional measures in the - court. and the modification previous provisional measures in the case - provisional measures in the case concerning the publication of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in the gaza strip. south africa versus israel. for reasons made known to mean the unable to be
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present on the bench through these hearings. i shall now record the principal steps of the procedure in the case. on 29th december 2023 the government of south africa filed in the registry of the court an application instituting proceedings against the state of israel. alleging violations by the letter of its obligations under the i948 alleging violations by the letter of its obligations under the 1948 of convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. foot to which i shall refer to as the genocide convention. in particular. south africa contended that israel in conducting military operations in and against gaza in the wake of the attack in israel of hamas on october seven, 2023 has
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breached and continue to breach its obligations under the genocide convention. the findings of the restrictions of the court south africa invokes paragraph one of the article and article nine of the genocide convention. the application contained a request of provisional measures, assuming to article 41 of the court and article 73, 7a, and 75 of the rules of court. in its order of the rules of court. in its order of january 20 of the rules of court. in its order ofjanuary 20 six, of the rules of court. in its order of january 20 six, 2024, the court indicated various provisional members lead mac measures addressed to israel. my letter dated february 12, 2024, south africa submitted to i2, 2024, south africa submitted to the court what referred to as an urgent request for additional measures on article 75, paragraph one, the rules of court, in
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interaction with certain developing situations in gaza. my letterfrom the registrar, the parties were informed that the conventional measure is indicated by the court in its order of 26 january, 2024, when applicable throughout the gaza strip, including rafah and that recent developments did not therefore demand indication of additional provisional measures. the court emphasised that israel remained bound to freely comply with the conventions of the set order including by ensuring their safety and security of the palestinians in the gaza strip. on march six, 2024, south africa filed a further request for additional measures and or the
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modification of previous measures previously indicated in the court by its order of 26 january, 2024, based on the alleged change in the situation in gaza since the indication of the first set of provisional measures. in its order of march 20 eight, 2024, the court found that exceptionally grave recent developments, including a desperate level of food insecurity in the gaza strip and the fact that famine was a setting in, constituted change in the situation within the meaning of article 76 of the rules. the court concluded that the provisional measures indicated in the order of 26 january, 2024, did not fully address the consequences arising from this change in the situation. thusjustifying arising from this change in the situation. thus justifying the modification of those measures. the
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operative blows, the court affirmed the provisional measures indicated in this order ofjanuary 26, 2024, and indicated additional measures. the court indicated that the state of israel shall... of the worsening conditions and seriousness in gaza in particular, the spread of famine and starvation, the court necessarily had effective measures to ensure that without delay the unhindered provision of, at scale, by all concerned, of urgency needed of basic services and humanitarian assistance to palestinians throughout gaza. and to ensure that its military with immediate effect does not continue to... violation of the scenes in gaza which would be in contradiction to thejennifer
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conventions up today's proceedings confirmed the urgent request by south africa on ten may, 2024, for the indication of traditional delete —— immediate provisional measures previously prescribed by the court in this case. the registrar will now read out the passage from the request specifying the provisional measures which the government of south africa is asking the court to indicate. we have the floor mr registrar. indicate. we have the floor mr reaistrar. ., ~ , ., ~ , registrar. thank you, mr president. i uuote, registrar. thank you, mr president. iquote. one. _ registrar. thank you, mr president. i quote. one. the — registrar. thank you, mr president. i quote, one, the state _ registrar. thank you, mr president. i quote, one, the state of— registrar. thank you, mr president. i quote, one, the state of israel- i quote, one, the state of israel shall_ i quote, one, the state of israel shall immediately withdraw and seize its military offensive in the rafah governance. to the state of israel shall_ governance. to the state of israel shall immediately take all effective measures to ensure and facilitate
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unimpeded access to gaza to united nations_ unimpeded access to gaza to united nations and other officials engaged in the _ nations and other officials engaged in the provision of humanitarian aid and assistance to the state of gaza as well_ and assistance to the state of gaza as well as — and assistance to the state of gaza as well as fact—finding missions, internationally mandated bodies or officials, _ internationally mandated bodies or officials, investigators and journalists in order to assess and record _ journalists in order to assess and record conditions on the ground in gaza _ record conditions on the ground in gaza and — record conditions on the ground in gaza and enable the effective preservation and retention of evidence _ preservation and retention of evidence and it shall ensure that its military does not act to prevent such access, provision of... three, the state _ such access, provision of... three, the state of— such access, provision of... three, the state of israel shall submit an open _ the state of israel shall submit an open report to the court on all measures— open report to the court on all measures taken to in effect of these provision _ measures taken to in effect of these provision of — measures taken to in effect of these provision of these measures within one week— provision of these measures within one week as from the date of this order— one week as from the date of this order and — one week as from the date of this order and b, one week as from the date of this orderand b, all one week as from the date of this order and b, all measures taken to -ive order and b, all measures taken to give effect — order and b, all measures taken to give effect to all previous provisional measures indicated by
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the court — provisional measures indicated by the court within one month as from the court within one month as from the date _ the court within one month as from the date of— the court within one month as from the date of this order. end of the quote _ the date of this order. end of the uuote. , . ., , quote. the registrar immediately after the finding _ quote. the registrar immediately after the finding of _ quote. the registrar immediately after the finding of the _ quote. the registrar immediately after the finding of the request i quote. the registrar immediately. after the finding of the request for additional provisional measures and ending modification of previous provisional measures the registrar transmitted a urgent copy to the state of the government of israel. according to article 74, paragraph one, a request for indication of provisional measures shall have priority over all other cases. paragraph two, of the same article, states that the court shall proceed with the decision on of the request as a matter of urgency. this imperative must however be balanced with the need of a fixed date of oral proceedings in such a way as to afford the parties with an opportunity to be represented at the
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hearing. consequently, the parties were informed that the date for the opening of the order of the proceedings during which they could present their observations on the applicant's request had been fixed for the first day of may 16 at 3pm. i would now like to welcome the delegations of south africa and israel and i note that the presence for the whole of the agents and concern of both parties. this afternoon, the court will hear the single round of oral argument of south africa, which has submitted the request for the indication and modification of provisional measures. it will heal israel tomorrow morning at 10am. for the purposes of the single round of oral argument, each party will have available to it a two hour sitting. in this first sitting, south africa may require, avail itself of a short extension of beyond 5pm and ensure
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the time taken up by these introductory remarks. before i give the floor to the agent of south africa, i wish to draw the party's attention to practice, 11 roman which state as follows, i quote, in the order of pleadings in the request of indication of provisional measures, parties should limit themselves to what is relevant for themselves to what is relevant for the criteria of the provisional measures as stipulated by the statute, rules and jurisprudence of the court. they should not enter into the merits of the case beyond what is strictly necessary for that purpose. i now give the floor to the agent of south africa, his excellency mr moutinho c, you have the floor.
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mr president, distinguished members of the _ mr president, distinguished members of the court, it is an honour and privilege — of the court, it is an honour and privilege to _ of the court, it is an honour and privilege to for me to appear before you behalf— privilege to for me to appear before you behalf of the republic of south africa _ you behalf of the republic of south africa a _ you behalf of the republic of south africa. a way to thank the court for setting _ africa. a way to thank the court for setting this — africa. a way to thank the court for setting this matter for an hearing on the _ setting this matter for an hearing on the possible date recognising the extreme _ on the possible date recognising the extreme agency of its circumstances. since _ extreme agency of its circumstances. since its _ extreme agency of its circumstances. since its initial application, south africa _ since its initial application, south africa had — since its initial application, south africa had found itself compelled to return _ africa had found itself compelled to return to _ africa had found itself compelled to return to this court both in february— return to this court both in february and in march 2024, to request— february and in march 2024, to request for the indication provisional measures to prevent israei's — provisional measures to prevent israel's persistent acts of genocide against _ israel's persistent acts of genocide against the palestinian people in gaza _ against the palestinian people in gaza. sadly, south africa is yet again— gaza. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to return to this court _ again compelled to return to this court in — again compelled to return to this court in recognition of its obligation under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the palestinian
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people — annihilation of the palestinian people with over 35,000 now killed and most _ people with over 35,000 now killed and most of gaza reduced to rubble. despite _ and most of gaza reduced to rubble. despite the — and most of gaza reduced to rubble. despite the short notice of this order— despite the short notice of this order hearing, south africa has travelled — order hearing, south africa has travelled here today to do what it can to _ travelled here today to do what it can to urgently stop the ongoing genocide, the gravity of the attacks requiring _ genocide, the gravity of the attacks requiring urgent and speedy proceedings are to preserve the right— proceedings are to preserve the right of— proceedings are to preserve the right of the palestinian people. a commitment which south africa takes seriousiv _ commitment which south africa takes seriously. israel is escalating its attacks — seriously. israel is escalating its attacks on— seriously. israel is escalating its attacks on palestinians in gaza. and in so _ attacks on palestinians in gaza. and in so doing. — attacks on palestinians in gaza. and in so doing, is wilfully breaching the binding orders of this court. israei— the binding orders of this court. israei is — the binding orders of this court. israei is a — the binding orders of this court. israel is a similarly breaching the binding _ israel is a similarly breaching the binding resolutions of the united nations— binding resolutions of the united nations security council, erroneously believing that the length — erroneously believing that the length of countermeasures by the international community that it is exempt— international community that it is exempt from having to respect
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international law. this institutionalised impunity has led israei— institutionalised impunity has led israei to— institutionalised impunity has led israel to engage in this genocide which _ israel to engage in this genocide which has — israel to engage in this genocide which has shocked the conscience of humanitv _ which has shocked the conscience of humanity. south africa is mindful that the _ humanity. south africa is mindful that the present genocide operates in denial— that the present genocide operates in denial of the palestinian people's inherent right to self—determination and collective i’i l ht self—determination and collective right to _ self—determination and collective right to return to their homes in palestine — right to return to their homes in palestine. this genocide takes place within— palestine. this genocide takes place within the _ palestine. this genocide takes place within the context of the ongoing mac har— within the context of the ongoing mac bar -- — within the context of the ongoing mac bar —— nakba, which elevates a 75th anniversary. the continued... a criminal— 75th anniversary. the continued... a criminal process entrenched and maintained by 76 years of apartheid and 56_ maintained by 76 years of apartheid and 56 years of illegal, belligerent occupation. undoubtedly, the ongoing
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scenes— occupation. undoubtedly, the ongoing scenes of— occupation. undoubtedly, the ongoing scenes of palestinians being forced to flee _ scenes of palestinians being forced to flee for— scenes of palestinians being forced to flee for their lives is only reminiscent of the nakba of 1948, it is a continuation of it. seven months _ is a continuation of it. seven months ago, south africa would not have imagined that gaza would now be mostly— have imagined that gaza would now be mostly wiped off the map. it could not foresee that every family, every neighbourhood, every class of student, — neighbourhood, every class of student, every workplace would be pulled _ student, every workplace would be pulled apart, killed, maimed, displaced, malnourished or starved. south _ displaced, malnourished or starved. south africa had hoped when we last appeared _ south africa had hoped when we last appeared before this court to hold this genocidal process, to preserve palestine _ this genocidal process, to preserve palestine and its people, instead, israei's _ palestine and its people, instead, israel's genocide has continued apace _ israel's genocide has continued apace and hasjust reached a new and
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horrific— apace and hasjust reached a new and horrific stage. israel has sought to hide its _ horrific stage. israel has sought to hide its crimes through the weaponisation of humanitarian law, it pretends— weaponisation of humanitarian law, it pretends that civilians it ruthlessly kills, through its 2000 pound _ ruthlessly kills, through its 2000 pound bombs, through its targeted air strikes. — pound bombs, through its targeted air strikes, through its artificial intelligence systems, through its executions, our human shields. this whitewashing of israel's genocide misses— whitewashing of israel's genocide misses the key and fundamental element, — misses the key and fundamental element, that of the massive and still mounting evidence of israel's genocidal— still mounting evidence of israel's genocidal intent. documents and videos _ genocidal intent. documents and videos of— genocidal intent. documents and videos of israeli parliamentarians and military leaders calling for the destruction of the palestinian people — destruction of the palestinian people in gaza. incitements by israeii — people in gaza. incitements by israeli civil society and leading public— israeli civil society and leading public israeli figures all collectively supporting the genocide and its _ collectively supporting the genocide
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and its continuation. israel continues to show utter contempt fork palestinian life and operating with impunity. south africa has no other— with impunity. south africa has no other option than to once again seek protection _ other option than to once again seek protection in the halls ofjustice for the — protection in the halls ofjustice for the fundamental right of the palestinian people to their existence. although this at present application was triggered by the unfolding horrific situation in rafah, — unfolding horrific situation in rafah, israel's continued onslaught on gaza _ rafah, israel's continued onslaught on gaza has intensified over the past _ on gaza has intensified over the past few— on gaza has intensified over the past few days, also warranting the attention — past few days, also warranting the attention of this court. with that, mr president, i respectfully wish to, request to, to set south africa's— to, request to, to set south africa's substantive legal arguments. | africa's substantive legal arguments.— africa's substantive legal aruuments. . ,, ., africa's substantive legal aruuments. . ,, . ., arguments. i thank the agent of south africa _ arguments. i thank the agent of south africa for _ arguments. i thank the agent of south africa for his _ arguments. i thank the agent of south africa for his statement l arguments. i thank the agent of. south africa for his statement and i now invite professor von lowe. you
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have the floor, sir.— have the floor, sir. thank you, sir. mr president. _ have the floor, sir. thank you, sir. mr president, members _ have the floor, sir. thank you, sir. mr president, members of- have the floor, sir. thank you, sir. mr president, members of the - have the floor, sir. thank you, sir. i mr president, members of the court, it is a _ mr president, members of the court, it is a privilege — mr president, members of the court, it is a privilege to— mr president, members of the court, it is a privilege to be _ mr president, members of the court, it is a privilege to be appear- it is a privilege to be appear before — it is a privilege to be appear before you _ it is a privilege to be appear before you and _ it is a privilege to be appear before you and an _ it is a privilege to be appear before you and an honour. it is a privilege to be appearj before you and an honour to it is a privilege to be appear- before you and an honour to have been _ before you and an honour to have been entrusted _ before you and an honour to have been entrusted with _ before you and an honour to have been entrusted with the - before you and an honour to have - been entrusted with the presentation of this— been entrusted with the presentation of this part _ been entrusted with the presentation of this part of— been entrusted with the presentation of this part of south _ been entrusted with the presentation of this part of south africa's - of this part of south africa's submission. _ of this part of south africa's submission. this— of this part of south africa's submission. this is- of this part of south africa's submission. this is not- of this part of south africa's submission. this is not a i of this part of south africa's - submission. this is not a routine case~ _ submission. this is not a routine case it— submission. this is not a routine case it is— submission. this is not a routine case it is not— submission. this is not a routine case. it is not even— submission. this is not a routine case. it is not even a _ submission. this is not a routine case. it is not even a routine - submission. this is not a routinel case. it is not even a routine case on of— case. it is not even a routine case on of force — case. it is not even a routine case on of force or— case. it is not even a routine case on of force or of— case. it is not even a routine case on of force or of he _ case. it is not even a routine case on of force or of he internationall on of force or of he international humanitarian _ on of force or of he international humanitarian law. _ on of force or of he international humanitarian law. south - on of force or of he international humanitarian law. south africa l on of force or of he internationalj humanitarian law. south africa is here _ humanitarian law. south africa is here because _ humanitarian law. south africa is here because the _ humanitarian law. south africa is here because the palestinian - humanitarian law. south africa is i here because the palestinian people are facing _ here because the palestinian people are facing genocide _ here because the palestinian people are facing genocide in _ here because the palestinian people are facing genocide in gaza - here because the palestinian people are facing genocide in gaza and - here because the palestinian peoplej are facing genocide in gaza and your previous— are facing genocide in gaza and your previous orders _ are facing genocide in gaza and your previous orders have _ are facing genocide in gaza and your previous orders have not _ are facing genocide in gaza and your previous orders have not succeededl previous orders have not succeeded in protecting — previous orders have not succeeded in protecting them _ previous orders have not succeeded in protecting them against - previous orders have not succeeded in protecting them against that. - previous orders have not succeeded| in protecting them against that. the court _ in protecting them against that. the court held _ in protecting them against that. the court held in— in protecting them against that. the court held injanuary_ in protecting them against that. the court held in january that _ in protecting them against that. the court held in january that the - court held in january that the palestinians— court held in january that the palestinians have _ court held in january that the palestinians have a - court held in january that the palestinians have a legal- court held in january that the | palestinians have a legal right court held in january that the - palestinians have a legal right to protection — palestinians have a legal right to protection against _ palestinians have a legal right to protection against genocide - palestinians have a legal right to protection against genocide andl palestinians have a legal right to - protection against genocide and that south _ protection against genocide and that south africa — protection against genocide and that south africa had _ protection against genocide and that south africa had shown _ protection against genocide and that south africa had shown that - protection against genocide and that south africa had shown that there i south africa had shown that there was a _ south africa had shown that there was a real — south africa had shown that there was a real and _ south africa had shown that there was a real and imminent - south africa had shown that there was a real and imminent risk- south africa had shown that there was a real and imminent risk to. south africa had shown that there i was a real and imminent risk to the irreparable violation— was a real and imminent risk to the irreparable violation of— was a real and imminent risk to the irreparable violation of that - was a real and imminent risk to the irreparable violation of that word. i irreparable violation of that word. the court — irreparable violation of that word.
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the court issued _ irreparable violation of that word. the court issued an— irreparable violation of that word. the court issued an order- irreparable violation of that word. | the court issued an order because irreparable violation of that word. i the court issued an order because it considered — the court issued an order because it considered it— the court issued an order because it considered it necessary— the court issued an order because it considered it necessary to _ the court issued an order because it considered it necessary to protect. considered it necessary to protect the palestinian _ considered it necessary to protect the palestinian people _ considered it necessary to protect the palestinian people against- the palestinian people against genocide _ the palestinian people against genocide and _ the palestinian people against genocide. and it _ the palestinian people against genocide. and it issued - the palestinian people against genocide. and it issued a - the palestinian people against. genocide. and it issued a further order— genocide. and it issued a further order in— genocide. and it issued a further order in march. _ genocide. and it issued a further order in march. but _ genocide. and it issued a further order in march. but whether- genocide. and it issued a further- order in march. but whether because of a lack— order in march. but whether because of a lack of— order in march. but whether because of a lack of clarity _ order in march. but whether because of a lack of clarity as _ order in march. but whether because of a lack of clarity as to _ order in march. but whether because of a lack of clarity as to precisely - of a lack of clarity as to precisely what _ of a lack of clarity as to precisely what the — of a lack of clarity as to precisely what the order— of a lack of clarity as to precisely what the order requires - of a lack of clarity as to precisely what the order requires or- of a lack of clarity as to precisely . what the order requires or because israel— what the order requires or because israel chooses _ what the order requires or because israel chooses to— what the order requires or because israel chooses to ignore _ what the order requires or because israel chooses to ignore them - what the order requires or because israel chooses to ignore them theyj israel chooses to ignore them they have not— israel chooses to ignore them they have not been— israel chooses to ignore them they have not been effective. _ israel chooses to ignore them they have not been effective. the - israel chooses to ignore them theyl have not been effective. the united nations— have not been effective. the united nations had — have not been effective. the united nations had a — have not been effective. the united nations had a framework— have not been effective. the united nations had a framework including i nations had a framework including the security— nations had a framework including the security council— nations had a framework including the security council and _ nations had a framework including the security council and the - nations had a framework including i the security council and the general assembly— the security council and the general assembly for — the security council and the general assembly for addressing _ assembly for addressing international _ assembly for addressing international disputes. l assembly for addressing . international disputes. but assembly for addressing - international disputes. but this part has— international disputes. but this part has not— international disputes. but this part has not worked _ international disputes. but this part has not worked well- international disputes. but this part has not worked well in - international disputes. but this| part has not worked well in this case _ part has not worked well in this case south— part has not worked well in this case. south africa _ part has not worked well in this case. south africa respectfullyl part has not worked well in this - case. south africa respectfully asks the court _ case. south africa respectfully asks the court to — case. south africa respectfully asks the court to reassert _ case. south africa respectfully asks the court to reassert its _ case. south africa respectfully asks the court to reassert its authority . the court to reassert its authority and its _ the court to reassert its authority and its role — the court to reassert its authority and its role in _ the court to reassert its authority and its role in this— the court to reassert its authority and its role in this framework. i and its role in this framework. south — and its role in this framework. south africa's— and its role in this framework. south africa's considered - and its role in this framework. south africa's considered the. south africa's considered the technical— south africa's considered the technical legal _ south africa's considered the technical legal requirements | south africa's considered the i technical legal requirements for provisional— technical legal requirements for provisional measures, - technical legal requirements for provisional measures, changesl technical legal requirements for. provisional measures, changes in technical legal requirements for - provisional measures, changes in the situation _ provisional measures, changes in the situation and — provisional measures, changes in the situation and so — provisional measures, changes in the situation and so on _ provisional measures, changes in the situation and so on and _ provisional measures, changes in the situation and so on and will _ provisional measures, changes in the situation and so on and will address i situation and so on and will address them _
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situation and so on and will address them but— situation and so on and will address them but the— situation and so on and will address them. but the essential— situation and so on and will address them. but the essential point - situation and so on and will address them. but the essential point is- them. but the essential point is that the — them. but the essential point is that the court _ them. but the essential point is that the court has _ them. but the essential point is that the court has the _ them. but the essential point is that the court has the power- them. but the essential point is that the court has the power to| them. but the essential point is- that the court has the power to act, to ensure _ that the court has the power to act, to ensure that — that the court has the power to act, to ensure that its _ that the court has the power to act, to ensure that its previous - that the court has the power to act, to ensure that its previous orders . to ensure that its previous orders and eventual— to ensure that its previous orders and eventualjudgment_ to ensure that its previous orders and eventualjudgment will- to ensure that its previous orders and eventualjudgment will not. to ensure that its previous ordersl and eventualjudgment will not be worthless — and eventualjudgment will not be worthless. and _ and eventualjudgment will not be worthless. and that _ and eventualjudgment will not be worthless. and that the _ and eventualjudgment will not bel worthless. and that the palestinian people _ worthless. and that the palestinian people will— worthless. and that the palestinian people will be _ worthless. and that the palestinian people will be protected. _ worthless. and that the palestinian people will be protected. and - worthless. and that the palestinian people will be protected. and thatl people will be protected. and that it needs _ people will be protected. and that it needs to— people will be protected. and that it needs to exercise _ people will be protected. and that it needs to exercise that _ people will be protected. and that it needs to exercise that power. people will be protected. and that . it needs to exercise that power now. israel's _ it needs to exercise that power now. israel's action — it needs to exercise that power now. israel's action is _ it needs to exercise that power now. israel's action is directed _ it needs to exercise that power now. israel's action is directed against - israel's action is directed against the pellets — israel's action is directed against the pellets in _ israel's action is directed against the pellets in his— israel's action is directed against the pellets in his union - israel's action is directed against the pellets in his union —— - the pellets in his union —— palestinian _ the pellets in his union —— palestinian people - the pellets in his union —— - palestinian people throughout gaza and in _ palestinian people throughout gaza and in the — palestinian people throughout gaza and in the west— palestinian people throughout gaza and in the west bank. _ palestinian people throughout gaza and in the west bank. the - palestinian people throughout gaza and in the west bank. the crest - palestinian people throughout gazal and in the west bank. the crest was initially— and in the west bank. the crest was initially focused _ and in the west bank. the crest was initially focused on _ and in the west bank. the crest was initially focused on rafah _ and in the west bank. the crest was initially focused on rafah because i initially focused on rafah because the initial— initially focused on rafah because the initial prospect _ initially focused on rafah because the initial prospect of— initially focused on rafah because the initial prospect of death - initially focused on rafah because the initial prospect of death and l the initial prospect of death and suffering — the initial prospect of death and suffering on _ the initial prospect of death and suffering on a _ the initial prospect of death and suffering on a massive - the initial prospect of death and suffering on a massive scale - suffering on a massive scale resulting _ suffering on a massive scale resulting from _ suffering on a massive scale resulting from israel's - suffering on a massive scalel resulting from israel's attack suffering on a massive scale - resulting from israel's attack but since _ resulting from israel's attack but since that— resulting from israel's attack but since that request _ resulting from israel's attack but since that request was _ resulting from israel's attack but since that request was made - resulting from israel's attack but since that request was made it. resulting from israel's attack but l since that request was made it has become _ since that request was made it has become increasingly— since that request was made it has become increasingly clear- since that request was made it has become increasingly clear that - become increasingly clear that israel's — become increasingly clear that israel's actions _ become increasingly clear that israel's actions in _ become increasingly clear that israel's actions in rafah - become increasingly clear that israel's actions in rafah are i become increasingly clear that i israel's actions in rafah are part of the _ israel's actions in rafah are part of the endgame _ israel's actions in rafah are part of the endgame in _ israel's actions in rafah are part of the endgame in which - israel's actions in rafah are part of the endgame in which gaza . israel's actions in rafah are part of the endgame in which gaza is utterly— of the endgame in which gaza is utterly destroyed _ of the endgame in which gaza is utterly destroyed as _ of the endgame in which gaza is utterly destroyed as an - of the endgame in which gaza is utterly destroyed as an area - of the endgame in which gaza is - utterly destroyed as an area capable of human— utterly destroyed as an area capable
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of human habitation. _ utterly destroyed as an area capable of human habitation. this— utterly destroyed as an area capable of human habitation. this is- utterly destroyed as an area capable of human habitation. this is the - of human habitation. this is the last step — of human habitation. this is the last step in _ of human habitation. this is the last step in the _ of human habitation. this is the last step in the destruction - of human habitation. this is the last step in the destruction of. of human habitation. this is the i last step in the destruction of gaza and its _ last step in the destruction of gaza and its palestinian _ last step in the destruction of gaza and its palestinian people. - last step in the destruction of gaza and its palestinian people. it - last step in the destruction of gaza and its palestinian people. it was i and its palestinian people. it was rafah— and its palestinian people. it was rafah that — and its palestinian people. it was rafah that brought _ and its palestinian people. it was rafah that brought south - and its palestinian people. it was rafah that brought south africa l and its palestinian people. it wasi rafah that brought south africa to the court — rafah that brought south africa to the court but _ rafah that brought south africa to the court but it— rafah that brought south africa to the court but it is— rafah that brought south africa to the court but it is all— rafah that brought south africa to the court but it is all palestiniansl the court but it is all palestinians as a national. _ the court but it is all palestinians as a national, ethical— the court but it is all palestinians as a national, ethical and - the court but it is all palestinians as a national, ethical and —— - the court but it is all palestinians l as a national, ethicaland —— ethnic group _ as a national, ethicaland —— ethnic group that— as a national, ethicaland —— ethnic group that need _ as a national, ethicaland —— ethnic group that need the _ as a national, ethicaland —— ethnic group that need the protection - as a national, ethical and —— ethnicl group that need the protection from genocide _ group that need the protection from genocide that — group that need the protection from genocide that the _ group that need the protection from genocide that the court _ group that need the protection from genocide that the court can - group that need the protection from genocide that the court can order. l genocide that the court can order. we have _ genocide that the court can order. we have heard _ genocide that the court can order. we have heard expressions- genocide that the court can order. we have heard expressions of- genocide that the court can order. - we have heard expressions of outrage that anyone _ we have heard expressions of outrage that anyone could _ we have heard expressions of outrage that anyone could accuse _ we have heard expressions of outrage that anyone could accuse of _ we have heard expressions of outrage that anyone could accuse of israel - that anyone could accuse of israel of acting — that anyone could accuse of israel of acting in— that anyone could accuse of israel of acting in this _ that anyone could accuse of israel of acting in this way. _ that anyone could accuse of israel of acting in this way. we - that anyone could accuse of israel of acting in this way. we have - that anyone could accuse of israelj of acting in this way. we have had assurances — of acting in this way. we have had assurances that— of acting in this way. we have had assurances that israel— of acting in this way. we have had assurances that israel was - of acting in this way. we have had assurances that israel was doing i assurances that israel was doing everything — assurances that israel was doing everything in _ assurances that israel was doing everything in its _ assurances that israel was doing everything in its power- assurances that israel was doing everything in its power to- assurances that israel was doing everything in its power to avoidl everything in its power to avoid civilian — everything in its power to avoid civilian deaths _ everything in its power to avoid civilian deaths as _ everything in its power to avoid civilian deaths as it _ everything in its power to avoid civilian deaths as it exercised . everything in its power to avoidl civilian deaths as it exercised its acclaimed — civilian deaths as it exercised its acclaimed right _ civilian deaths as it exercised its acclaimed right of— civilian deaths as it exercised its acclaimed right of self—defence.j acclaimed right of self—defence. have _ acclaimed right of self—defence. have heard _ acclaimed right of self—defence. have heard boasts— acclaimed right of self—defence. have heard boasts that - acclaimed right of self—defence. have heard boasts that israel'sl acclaimed right of self—defence. - have heard boasts that israel's army is the _ have heard boasts that israel's army is the most — have heard boasts that israel's army is the most moral— have heard boasts that israel's army is the most moral army _ have heard boasts that israel's army is the most moral army in _ have heard boasts that israel's army is the most moral army in history. is the most moral army in history and we _ is the most moral army in history and we have _ is the most moral army in history and we have heard _ is the most moral army in history and we have heard denial- is the most moral army in history and we have heard denial is - is the most moral army in history and we have heard denial is thatl and we have heard denial is that there _ and we have heard denial is that there is— and we have heard denial is that there is famine _ and we have heard denial is that there is famine in— and we have heard denial is that there is famine in gaza, - and we have heard denial is that there is famine in gaza, four-
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and we have heard denial is that- there is famine in gaza, four months people. _ there is famine in gaza, four months people. particularly— there is famine in gaza, four months people, particularly in _ there is famine in gaza, four months people, particularly in the _ there is famine in gaza, four months people, particularly in the west, - people, particularly in the west, have _ people, particularly in the west, have appeared _ people, particularly in the west, have appeared unwilling - people, particularly in the west, have appeared unwilling to - people, particularly in the west, i have appeared unwilling to accept that the _ have appeared unwilling to accept that the accusations _ have appeared unwilling to accept that the accusations are _ have appeared unwilling to accept that the accusations are true. - have appeared unwilling to accept| that the accusations are true. how could _ that the accusations are true. how could people — that the accusations are true. how could people who— that the accusations are true. how could people who look— that the accusations are true. how could people who look like - that the accusations are true. how could people who look like us - that the accusations are true. how could people who look like us andl could people who look like us and sound _ could people who look like us and sound like — could people who look like us and sound like us— could people who look like us and sound like us possibly— could people who look like us and sound like us possibly engage - could people who look like us and sound like us possibly engage in. sound like us possibly engage in anything — sound like us possibly engage in anything like _ sound like us possibly engage in anything like genocide? - sound like us possibly engage in anything like genocide? but- sound like us possibly engage in anything like genocide? but the| anything like genocide? but the evidence — anything like genocide? but the evidence has— anything like genocide? but the evidence has to _ anything like genocide? but the evidence has to be _ anything like genocide? but the evidence has to be faced. - anything like genocide? but the evidence has to be faced. my. evidence has to be faced. my colleagues _ evidence has to be faced. my colleagues will— evidence has to be faced. my colleagues will take - evidence has to be faced. my colleagues will take you - evidence has to be faced. my colleagues will take you to i evidence has to be faced. my. colleagues will take you to that evidence — colleagues will take you to that evidence, including _ colleagues will take you to that evidence, including evidence i colleagues will take you to that evidence, including evidence of continued — evidence, including evidence of continued bombings, _ evidence, including evidence of continued bombings, attacks. evidence, including evidence of| continued bombings, attacks on people — continued bombings, attacks on people in— continued bombings, attacks on people in so—called _ continued bombings, attacks on people in so—called safe - continued bombings, attacks on people in so—called safe areas l continued bombings, attacks onl people in so—called safe areas to which _ people in so—called safe areas to which they— people in so—called safe areas to which they have _ people in so—called safe areas to which they have been _ people in so—called safe areas to which they have been directed i people in so—called safe areas toj which they have been directed by israel. _ which they have been directed by israel, attacks— which they have been directed by israel, attacks on _ which they have been directed by israel, attacks on aid _ which they have been directed by israel, attacks on aid convoys, i which they have been directed by. israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass _ israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass graves _ israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass graves and _ israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass graves and the _ israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass graves and the horrors - israel, attacks on aid convoys, and of mass graves and the horrors ofi of mass graves and the horrors of which _ of mass graves and the horrors of which the — of mass graves and the horrors of which the corpses _ of mass graves and the horrors of which the corpses speak. - of mass graves and the horrors of which the corpses speak. there . of mass graves and the horrors of which the corpses speak. there is of mass graves and the horrors of. which the corpses speak. there is no credible _ which the corpses speak. there is no credible argument— which the corpses speak. there is no credible argument that _ which the corpses speak. there is no credible argument that this - credible argument that this catastrophe _ credible argument that this catastrophe is— credible argument that this catastrophe is not- credible argument that this catastrophe is not real. - credible argument that this| catastrophe is not real. the credible argument that this - catastrophe is not real. the court has already— catastrophe is not real. the court has already found _ catastrophe is not real. the court has already found the _ catastrophe is not real. the court has already found the real- catastrophe is not real. the court has already found the real and i has already found the real and imminent— has already found the real and imminent risk— has already found the real and imminent risk of— has already found the real and imminent risk of the _ has already found the real and| imminent risk of the violations has already found the real and i imminent risk of the violations of the palestinian _ imminent risk of the violations of the palestinian people _ imminent risk of the violations of the palestinian people to - imminent risk of the violations of.
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the palestinian people to protection against _ the palestinian people to protection against genocide _ the palestinian people to protection against genocide. the _ the palestinian people to protection against genocide. the court - the palestinian people to protection against genocide. the court is - the palestinian people to protectionl against genocide. the court is aware of the _ against genocide. the court is aware of the statements _ against genocide. the court is aware of the statements of— against genocide. the court is aware of the statements of the _ against genocide. the court is aware of the statements of the united - of the statements of the united nations— of the statements of the united nations secretary _ of the statements of the united nations secretary general- of the statements of the united nations secretary general of. of the statements of the united i nations secretary general of the president— nations secretary general of the president of— nations secretary general of the president of the _ nations secretary general of the president of the united - nations secretary general of the president of the united states . nations secretary general of the l president of the united states and of foreign — president of the united states and of foreign ministers _ president of the united states and of foreign ministers and _ president of the united states and of foreign ministers and people i of foreign ministers and people around — of foreign ministers and people around the _ of foreign ministers and people around the world _ of foreign ministers and people around the world and _ of foreign ministers and people around the world and of- of foreign ministers and people around the world and of the - of foreign ministers and people i around the world and of the heads of foreign ministers and people - around the world and of the heads of international— around the world and of the heads of international aid _ around the world and of the heads of international aid agencies. _ around the world and of the heads of international aid agencies. they, - international aid agencies. they, and the — international aid agencies. they, and the personal— international aid agencies. they, and the personal accounts - international aid agencies. they, and the personal accounts and l international aid agencies. they, i and the personal accounts and news footage _ and the personal accounts and news footage that — and the personal accounts and news footage, that emerges _ and the personal accounts and news footage, that emerges from - and the personal accounts and news footage, that emerges from gaza, i footage, that emerges from gaza, tell a _ footage, that emerges from gaza, tell a consistent _ footage, that emerges from gaza, tell a consistent story— footage, that emerges from gaza, tell a consistent story of— tell a consistent story of unimaginable _ tell a consistent story of unimaginable horror- tell a consistent story ofj unimaginable horror and tell a consistent story of. unimaginable horror and it tell a consistent story of— unimaginable horror and it continues as we _ unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak — unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak most _ unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak. most of _ unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak. most of gaza _ unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak. most of gaza has - unimaginable horror and it continues as we speak. most of gaza has been| as we speak. most of gaza has been raised _ as we speak. most of gaza has been raised and _ as we speak. most of gaza has been raised and the — as we speak. most of gaza has been raised and the survivors _ as we speak. most of gaza has been raised and the survivors who - as we speak. most of gaza has been raised and the survivors who are - raised and the survivors who are from _ raised and the survivors who are from time — raised and the survivors who are from time to— raised and the survivors who are from time to time _ raised and the survivors who are from time to time allowed - raised and the survivors who are from time to time allowed to . raised and the survivors who are . from time to time allowed to return to their— from time to time allowed to return to their homes _ from time to time allowed to return to their homes are _ from time to time allowed to return to their homes are returning - from time to time allowed to return to their homes are returning to - to their homes are returning to rubble — to their homes are returning to rubble with _ to their homes are returning to rubble. with no _ to their homes are returning to rubble. with no homes, - to their homes are returning to rubble. with no homes, no - to their homes are returning to - rubble. with no homes, no running water— rubble. with no homes, no running water or— rubble. with no homes, no running water or electricity— rubble. with no homes, no running water or electricity or— rubble. with no homes, no running water or electricity or sewage - rubble. with no homes, no running water or electricity or sewage or. water or electricity or sewage or other— water or electricity or sewage or other working _ water or electricity or sewage or other working infrastructure. . water or electricity or sewage ori other working infrastructure. and with the — other working infrastructure. and with the few _ other working infrastructure. and with the few possessions - other working infrastructure. and with the few possessions that. other working infrastructure. and. with the few possessions that they have managed _ with the few possessions that they have managed to _ with the few possessions that they have managed to carry— with the few possessions that they have managed to carry with - with the few possessions that they have managed to carry with them i with the few possessions that they. have managed to carry with them on carts or—
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have managed to carry with them on carts or cars — have managed to carry with them on carts or cars as — have managed to carry with them on carts or cars as they— have managed to carry with them on carts or cars as they are _ have managed to carry with them on carts or cars as they are pushed - carts or cars as they are pushed from _ carts or cars as they are pushed from one — carts or cars as they are pushed from one cord _ carts or cars as they are pushed from one cord so— carts or cars as they are pushed from one cord so did _ carts or cars as they are pushed from one cord so did —— - carts or cars as they are pushed l from one cord so did —— so—called safe _ from one cord so did —— so—called safe area — from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to— from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to the _ from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to the next. _ from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to the next. if— from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to the next. if the - from one cord so did —— so—called safe area to the next. if the court| safe area to the next. if the court does _ safe area to the next. if the court does not — safe area to the next. if the court does not act _ safe area to the next. if the court does not act now, _ safe area to the next. if the court does not act now, the _ safe area to the next. if the court does not act now, the possibilityl safe area to the next. if the court i does not act now, the possibility of rebuilding — does not act now, the possibility of rebuilding a — does not act now, the possibility of rebuilding a viable _ does not act now, the possibility of rebuilding a viable palestinian - rebuilding a viable palestinian society— rebuilding a viable palestinian society in— rebuilding a viable palestinian society in gaza _ rebuilding a viable palestinian society in gaza will _ rebuilding a viable palestinian society in gaza will be - rebuilding a viable palestinian . society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, — society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, for— society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, for the _ society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, for the lifetime - society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, for the lifetime of- society in gaza will be destroyed. at least, for the lifetime of those who survive — at least, for the lifetime of those who survive the _ at least, for the lifetime of those who survive the current _ at least, for the lifetime of those who survive the current horrors . at least, for the lifetime of those| who survive the current horrors of gaza _ who survive the current horrors of gaza the — who survive the current horrors of gaza. the details _ who survive the current horrors of gaza. the details are _ who survive the current horrors of gaza. the details are not- who survive the current horrors of gaza. the details are not always i gaza. the details are not always easy— gaza. the details are not always easy to — gaza. the details are not always easy to verify _ gaza. the details are not always easy to verify because _ gaza. the details are not always easy to verify because israel - easy to verify because israel continued _ easy to verify because israel continued to _ easy to verify because israel continued to bar— easy to verify because israell continued to bar independent investigations— continued to bar independent investigations and _ continued to bar independent investigations and journalists | continued to bar independent - investigations and journalists from gaza _ investigations and journalists from gaza and — investigations and journalists from gaza and over— investigations and journalists from gaza. and over 100 _ investigations and journalists from gaza. and over 100 journalists - investigations and journalists from | gaza. and over 100 journalists who were _ gaza. and over 100 journalists who were in_ gaza. and over 100 journalists who were in gaza — gaza. and over 100 journalists who were in gaza have _ gaza. and over 100 journalists who were in gaza have been— gaza. and over 100 journalists who were in gaza have been killed - gaza. and over 100 journalists who| were in gaza have been killed since the israeli — were in gaza have been killed since the israeli attacks _ were in gaza have been killed since the israeli attacks began. _ were in gaza have been killed since the israeli attacks began. but- the israeli attacks began. but israel— the israeli attacks began. but israel cannot— the israeli attacks began. but israel cannot block— the israeli attacks began. but- israel cannot block investigations by independent _ israel cannot block investigations by independent investigators - israel cannot block investigations by independent investigators andj by independent investigators and then say— by independent investigators and then say that _ by independent investigators and then say that the _ by independent investigators and then say that the court _ by independent investigators and then say that the court cannot. then say that the court cannot proceed — then say that the court cannot proceed because _ then say that the court cannot proceed because there - then say that the court cannot proceed because there is- proceed because there is insufficient _ proceed because there is insufficient evidence - proceed because there is. insufficient evidence against proceed because there is- insufficient evidence against it. the court — insufficient evidence against it. the court has _ insufficient evidence against it. the court has to _ insufficient evidence against it. the court has to deal— insufficient evidence against it. the court has to deal with - insufficient evidence against it. the court has to deal with thisl insufficient evidence against it. - the court has to deal with this case on the _
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the court has to deal with this case on the basis — the court has to deal with this case on the basis of— the court has to deal with this case on the basis of its _ the court has to deal with this case on the basis of its appraisal - the court has to deal with this case on the basis of its appraisal of the i on the basis of its appraisal of the best evidence _ on the basis of its appraisal of the best evidence available _ on the basis of its appraisal of the best evidence available to - on the basis of its appraisal of the best evidence available to it. - best evidence available to it. israel— best evidence available to it. israel may— best evidence available to it. israel may have _ best evidence available to it. israel may have claimed - best evidence available to it. | israel may have claimed right best evidence available to it. i israel may have claimed right of self-defence _ israel may have claimed right of self—defence but _ israel may have claimed right of self—defence but it— israel may have claimed right of self—defence but it does - israel may have claimed right of self—defence but it does not- israel may have claimed right of- self—defence but it does not address three _ self—defence but it does not address three glaring — self—defence but it does not address three glaring obvious _ self—defence but it does not address three glaring obvious points, - self—defence but it does not address three glaring obvious points, first, l three glaring obvious points, first, the right— three glaring obvious points, first, the right of— three glaring obvious points, first, the right of self—defence _ three glaring obvious points, first, the right of self—defence does - three glaring obvious points, first, the right of self—defence does not| the right of self—defence does not even _ the right of self—defence does not even state — the right of self—defence does not even state license _ the right of self—defence does not even state license use _ the right of self—defence does not even state license use unlimited i even state license use unlimited violence — even state license use unlimited violence no— even state license use unlimited violence. no right _ even state license use unlimited violence. no right of— even state license use unlimited. violence. no right of self—defence can ever— violence. no right of self—defence can ever extend _ violence. no right of self—defence can ever extend to _ violence. no right of self—defence can ever extend to a _ violence. no right of self—defence can ever extend to a right - violence. no right of self—defence can ever extend to a right to - can ever extend to a right to inflict — can ever extend to a right to inflict massive _ can ever extend to a right to| inflict massive indiscriminate violence _ inflict massive indiscriminate violence and _ inflict massive indiscriminate violence and starvation - inflict massive indiscriminate - violence and starvation collectively on an _ violence and starvation collectively on an entire — violence and starvation collectively on an entire people. _ violence and starvation collectively on an entire people. second, - on an entire people. second, nothing. _ on an entire people. second, nothing. not— on an entire people. second, nothing, not self— on an entire people. second, nothing, not self defence - on an entire people. second, nothing, not self defence ori nothing, not self defence or anything _ nothing, not self defence or anything else _ nothing, not self defence or anything else, can - nothing, not self defence or anything else, can ever- nothing, not self defence or. anything else, can everjustify genocide _ anything else, can everjustify genocide the _ anything else, can everjustify genocide. the prohibition- anything else, can everjustify genocide. the prohibition on. genocide. the prohibition on genocide _ genocide. the prohibition on genocide is— genocide. the prohibition on genocide is absolute. -
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genocide. the prohibition on genocide is absolute. the i genocide. the prohibition on- genocide is absolute. the peremptory norm of _ genocide is absolute. the peremptory norm of international— genocide is absolute. the peremptory norm of international law. _ genocide is absolute. the peremptory norm of international law. third, - norm of international law. third, the court — norm of international law. third, the court ruled _ norm of international law. third, the court ruled in— norm of international law. third, the court ruled in 2004, - norm of international law. third, the court ruled in 2004, that - norm of international law. third, . the court ruled in 2004, that there is no _ the court ruled in 2004, that there is no right— the court ruled in 2004, that there is no right of— the court ruled in 2004, that there is no right of self—defence - the court ruled in 2004, that there is no right of self—defence by- is no right of self—defence by an occupying — is no right of self—defence by an occupying state _ is no right of self—defence by an occupying state against - is no right of self—defence by an occupying state against the - occupying state against the territory _ occupying state against the territory that _ occupying state against the territory that it _ occupying state against the territory that it occupies. . occupying state against the l territory that it occupies. the occupying state against the - territory that it occupies. the key point _ territory that it occupies. the key point today— territory that it occupies. the key point today is _ territory that it occupies. the key point today is that _ territory that it occupies. the key point today is that israel's - point today is that israel's declared _ point today is that israel's declared aim _ point today is that israel's declared aim of— point today is that israel's declared aim of wiping - point today is that israel's i declared aim of wiping gaza point today is that israel's - declared aim of wiping gaza from point today is that israel's _ declared aim of wiping gaza from the map is— declared aim of wiping gaza from the map is about — declared aim of wiping gaza from the map is about to— declared aim of wiping gaza from the map is about to be _ declared aim of wiping gaza from the map is about to be realised. - map is about to be realised. further, _ map is about to be realised. further, evidence _ map is about to be realised. further, evidence of- map is about to be realised. i further, evidence of appalling crimes— further, evidence of appalling crimes and _ further, evidence of appalling crimes and atrocities - further, evidence of appalling crimes and atrocities is - further, evidence of appalling. crimes and atrocities is literally being _ crimes and atrocities is literally being destroyed _ crimes and atrocities is literally being destroyed and _ crimes and atrocities is literally| being destroyed and bulldozed, crimes and atrocities is literally. being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, _ being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, wiping _ being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, wiping the _ being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, wiping the slate _ being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, wiping the slate clean - being destroyed and bulldozed, in effect, wiping the slate clean for. effect, wiping the slate clean for those _ effect, wiping the slate clean for those who — effect, wiping the slate clean for those who have _ effect, wiping the slate clean for those who have committed - effect, wiping the slate clean for| those who have committed these crimes _ those who have committed these crimes and — those who have committed these crimes and making _ those who have committed these crimes and making a _ those who have committed these crimes and making a mockery- those who have committed these crimes and making a mockery of. crimes and making a mockery of justice — crimes and making a mockery of justice the _ crimes and making a mockery of justice. the court _ crimes and making a mockery of justice. the court is _ crimes and making a mockery of justice. the court is not - crimes and making a mockery of. justice. the court is not powerless. and south— justice. the court is not powerless. and south africa _ justice. the court is not powerless. and south africa submits _ justice. the court is not powerless. and south africa submits with - and south africa submits with respect — and south africa submits with respect that _ and south africa submits with respect that it _ and south africa submits with respect that it must _ and south africa submits with respect that it must do - and south africa submits with - respect that it must do something to assert— respect that it must do something to assert not— respect that it must do something to assert not only — respect that it must do something to assert not only its _ respect that it must do something to assert not only its own _ respect that it must do something to assert not only its own authority - assert not only its own authority but the — assert not only its own authority but the authority— assert not only its own authority but the authority of— assert not only its own authority| but the authority of international
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law. but the authority of international law south — but the authority of international law. south africa _ but the authority of international law. south africa submits - but the authority of international law. south africa submits that i but the authority of international law. south africa submits that inj law. south africa submits that in order— law. south africa submits that in order to — law. south africa submits that in order to six _ law. south africa submits that in order to six see _ law. south africa submits that in order to six see the _ law. south africa submits that in order to six see the entry- law. south africa submits that in order to six see the entry of - order to six see the entry of distributional— order to six see the entry of distributional food - order to six see the entry of distributional food and - order to six see the entry of - distributional food and humanitarian supplies— distributional food and humanitarian supplies and — distributional food and humanitarian supplies and to _ distributional food and humanitarian supplies and to save _ distributional food and humanitarian supplies and to save lives, - distributional food and humanitarian supplies and to save lives, a - distributional food and humanitarian supplies and to save lives, a halt. supplies and to save lives, a halt to israeli — supplies and to save lives, a halt to israeli military— supplies and to save lives, a halt to israeli military operations - to israeli military operations across— to israeli military operations across gaza _ to israeli military operations across gaza is _ to israeli military operations across gaza is essential. - to israeli military operations| across gaza is essential. the overwhelming _ across gaza is essential. the overwhelming weight - across gaza is essential. the overwhelming weight of - across gaza is essential. the i overwhelming weight of opinion amongst — overwhelming weight of opinion amongst states— overwhelming weight of opinion amongst states and _ overwhelming weight of opinion. amongst states and international organisations— amongst states and international organisations is— amongst states and international organisations is the _ amongst states and international organisations is the same. - amongst states and international organisations is the same. the . amongst states and international. organisations is the same. the halt, to military— organisations is the same. the halt, to military operations _ organisations is the same. the halt, to military operations in _ organisations is the same. the halt, to military operations in gaza - organisations is the same. the halt, to military operations in gaza is - to military operations in gaza is necessary— to military operations in gaza is necessary to _ to military operations in gaza is necessary to comply _ to military operations in gaza is necessary to comply with - to military operations in gaza is necessary to comply with the i necessary to comply with the previous _ if israel continues to deny that its bombing. — if israel continues to deny that its bombing, shelling _ if israel continues to deny that its bombing, shelling and _ if israel continues to deny that its bombing, shelling and military. bombing, shelling and military incursions, _ bombing, shelling and military incursions, blocking _ bombing, shelling and military incursions, blocking of- bombing, shelling and military incursions, blocking of roads i bombing, shelling and military. incursions, blocking of roads and entry— incursions, blocking of roads and entry points _ incursions, blocking of roads and entry points and _ incursions, blocking of roads and entry points and other— incursions, blocking of roads and entry points and other military i entry points and other military operations— entry points and other military operations in— entry points and other military operations in gaza _ entry points and other military operations in gaza are - entry points and other military i operations in gaza are preventing the fulfilment _ operations in gaza are preventing the fulfilment of _ operations in gaza are preventing the fulfilment of the _ operations in gaza are preventing the fulfilment of the court's - the fulfilment of the court's orders, _ the fulfilment of the court's orders, the _ the fulfilment of the court's orders, the court _ the fulfilment of the court's orders, the court needs- the fulfilment of the court's orders, the court needs to. the fulfilment of the court's - orders, the court needs to spell it out explicitly_ orders, the court needs to spell it out explicitly for— orders, the court needs to spell it out explicitly for israel, _ orders, the court needs to spell it out explicitly for israel, and - orders, the court needs to spell it out explicitly for israel, and for. out explicitly for israel, and for
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the benefit _ out explicitly for israel, and for the benefit of _ out explicitly for israel, and for the benefit of any _ out explicitly for israel, and for the benefit of any other- out explicitly for israel, and for the benefit of any other states|


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