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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm BST

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in new york money criminal trial. in new york the “udue money criminal trial. in new york the judge has _ money criminal trial. in new york the judge hasjust _ money criminal trial. in new york the judge has just found - money criminal trial. in new york the judge hasjust found donald l the judge has just found donald trump thejudge hasjust found donald trump contempt of court and fined him $9,000.— trump contempt of court and fined him $9,000. ., .,, ., , , ., him $9,000. hamas leaders consider a new ceasefire — him $9,000. hamas leaders consider a new ceasefire proposal _ him $9,000. hamas leaders consider a new ceasefire proposal from _ him $9,000. hamas leaders consider a new ceasefire proposal from israel. - new ceasefire proposalfrom israel. we speak live to a family member of the hostages and get the latest from qatar on negotiations. a sword attack in east london, a 14—year—old boy dies, four others wounded. death toll in kenyanjumps to boy dies, four others wounded. death toll in kenyan jumps to 170 after catastrophic flooding. we hearfrom the country's president. king charles iii is to public engagements with a visit to a cancer treatment centre.
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breaking news from new york. the judge in the donald trump trial, ruled the former president violated a 939 ruled the former president violated a gag order and found him in contempt of court. signed a total of $9,000 for the breaches, let's go to the courthouse. tell us more. we have been — the courthouse. tell us more. , have been waiting for the judge to rule on this request from prosecutors to hold donald trump in contempt of court. they presented ten examples of where they said donald trump posted on social media and his campaign website attacking potential witnesses and jurors. donald trump's defence was that he was responding to political attacks or reposting posts by others but the judge had told donald trump's lawyers they were losing credibility
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with the court so we had assumed he had would come down hard on donald trump and he has found him in contempt violating that gag order nine out of ten times. the judge said in his order reposts are still the words of the defendant, that the posts on social media and the words in his campaign website really represent his views so he has ordered donald trump to remove some of those posts and also said if the $1000 is not enough, are severe enough punishment to persuade him to stop violating the gag order, that he may in the future sign him even more at potentially even jail time. that was not something prosecutors were calling for in this instance and that donald trump in fact appeared to be angling for that but they said they wanted him warned that was on the table if he continued to violate the gag order and we still have another hearing
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later this week on four additional alleged violations of the gag order thejudge will have alleged violations of the gag order the judge will have to decide on still. ., ., the judge will have to decide on still. . ., ., ., �*, still. thanks a lot for that. let's talk to the _ still. thanks a lot for that. let's talk to the criminal _ still. thanks a lot for that. let's talk to the criminal defence - still. thanks a lot for that. let's i talk to the criminal defence lawyer and former prosecutor who joins new live on the programme. welcome. your wider thoughts on this trial in a moment but first your reaction to what we have just heard from the court and the judge. what we have just heard from the court and thejudge. i what we have just heard from the court and the judge.— what we have just heard from the court and the judge. court and the 'udge. i don't know if it was court and the judge. i don't know if it was shakespeare _ court and the judge. i don't know if it was shakespeare that _ court and the judge. i don't know if it was shakespeare that said - court and the judge. i don't know if it was shakespeare that said this . court and the judge. i don't know if it was shakespeare that said this is much _ it was shakespeare that said this is much ado — it was shakespeare that said this is much ado about nothing. $9,000 to donald _ much ado about nothing. $9,000 to donald trump is $9 for the rest of us. certainly mrtrump donald trump is $9 for the rest of us. certainly mr trump won that round _ us. certainly mr trump won that round for— us. certainly mr trump won that round. for him to argue he is treated — round. for him to argue he is treated differently he is right, for him to— treated differently he is right, for him to say— treated differently he is right, for him to say he is treated unfairly is wrong _ him to say he is treated unfairly is wrong. anyone else would have been iniail_ wrong. anyone else would have been iniail from _
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wrong. anyone else would have been injail from the get go and would still be _ injail from the get go and would still be sitting injail. so choc $9,000 _ still be sitting injail. so choc $9,000 up to flicking it off the shoulder, a win for trump. | shoulder, a win for trump. i understand what you are saying but clear warning from the judge, repeated breaches of this gag order over the last few weeks and yet we have only got to this stage now. is there any realistic prospect ofjail time if there are further breaches do you think?— do you think? legally yes, practically _ do you think? legally yes, practically no. _ do you think? legally yes, practically no. the - do you think? legally yes, practically no. the judge l do you think? legally yes, - practically no. the judge knows very practically no. thejudge knows very well that to even entertain seriously the thought ofjail, to actually incarcerate the former president would play directly into the former presidentnot hands, it would probably guarantee some level of unrest in this country, it would probably guarantee mr trump and even more solidified base and maybe even help him get re—elected so i think
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the last thing that the judge is interested in doing is giving something that he knows the former president wants. it also plays into the narrative that the judge is conflicted and i think it would make it easierfor the former conflicted and i think it would make it easier for the former president to argue in the higher court, of course he is operating under a conflict—of—interest, he put me in jail. conflict-of-interest, he put me in 'ail. . �* . conflict-of-interest, he put me in 'ail. , �* , ., ., jail. interesting, let's move to the wider trial. _ jail. interesting, let's move to the wider trial, week _ jail. interesting, let's move to the wider trial, week three _ jail. interesting, let's move to the wider trial, week three starting, l wider trial, week three starting, what have you made of the case so far, as someone who is an expert in defence and prosecution? the difficulty in — defence and prosecution? the difficulty in terms _ defence and prosecution? the difficulty in terms of— defence and prosecution? the difficulty in terms of if- defence and prosecution? the difficulty in terms of if you - defence and prosecution? the i difficulty in terms of if you want to t to difficulty in terms of if you want to try to keep — difficulty in terms of if you want to try to keep score, _ difficulty in terms of if you want to try to keep score, it - difficulty in terms of if you want to try to keep score, it is - difficulty in terms of if you want to try to keep score, it is a - difficulty in terms of if you want i to try to keep score, it is a matter of everyone — to try to keep score, it is a matter of everyone understanding that the prosecution simply is doing well, doing _ prosecution simply is doing well, doing 0k. — prosecution simply is doing well, doing 0k, it is not going to cut it. it is not _ doing 0k, it is not going to cut it. it is not good enough. in the united states. _ it is not good enough. in the united states, proof beyond a reasonable doubt _ states, proof beyond a reasonable doubt is _ states, proof beyond a reasonable doubt is such an incredibly high bar for the _ doubt is such an incredibly high bar for the prosecution, doubt is such an incredibly high bar forthe prosecution, if doubt is such an incredibly high bar
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for the prosecution, if we think of the preponderance of the evidence tipping _ the preponderance of the evidence tipping the scale from 50 — 5051—49, proof— tipping the scale from 50 — 5051—49, proof beyond reasonable doubt is 90-10 _ proof beyond reasonable doubt is 90-10 to — proof beyond reasonable doubt is 90-10. to to proof beyond reasonable doubt is 90—10. to to say the prosecution had a good _ 90—10. to to say the prosecution had a good week— 90—10. to to say the prosecution had a good week is not going to cut it, the prosecution has to kill it to have _ the prosecution has to kill it to have a — the prosecution has to kill it to have a realistic shot of getting a conviction— have a realistic shot of getting a conviction and i think here there is way too _ conviction and i think here there is way too much confusion in terms of what _ way too much confusion in terms of what is _ way too much confusion in terms of what is legal and what is not legal. is it legal— what is legal and what is not legal. is it legal for a tabloid to pay for a story— is it legal for a tabloid to pay for a story to — is it legal for a tabloid to pay for a story to kellettopen up a bank account— a story to kellettopen up a bank account in— a story to kellettopen up a bank account in order to make a payment? can you _ account in order to make a payment? can you really influence and election— can you really influence and election through the entry of these false numbers in the books and records? — false numbers in the books and records? is this using the system of criminal— records? is this using the system of criminaljustice to weapon eyes? to take the _ criminaljustice to weapon eyes? to take the presumptive nominee out of the race? _ take the presumptive nominee out of the race? too much going on, right now prosecution is ok but they are not winning.|
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now prosecution is ok but they are not winning-— not winning. i get what you are sa in: not winning. i get what you are saying that _ not winning. i get what you are saying that the _ not winning. i get what you are saying that the counterpoint i not winning. i get what you are - saying that the counterpoint would be if the prosecution can prove donald trump new what michael cohen was doing and we are told there are tapes potentially as evidence we know that donald trump very scrupulous about every cheque he signed, if they can prove that connection, presumably the prosecution will be home and dry? technically yes, there is a difference between the technical and the reality. ithink difference between the technical and the reality. i think as far as technically, he may very well be right, _ technically, he may very well be right, there may be evidence that mr trump _ right, there may be evidence that mr trump had _ right, there may be evidence that mr trump had knowledge which is one component of a criminal here and he intended _ component of a criminal here and he intended to — component of a criminal here and he intended to commit a crime which is the other— intended to commit a crime which is the other component. even if that is too there _ the other component. even if that is too there may be one jury, one juror sitting _ too there may be one jury, one juror sitting in— too there may be one jury, one juror sitting in thatjury too there may be one jury, one juror sitting in that jury who simply is not going — sitting in that jury who simply is not going to convict the former president— not going to convict the former president for no other reason than he has _ president for no other reason than he has been saying you are going to
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convict _ he has been saying you are going to convict nre~ — he has been saying you are going to convict me. it only takes one in the united _ convict me. it only takes one in the united states for a hung jury, a mistriat— united states for a hung jury, a mistrial which would be a huge win for the _ mistrial which would be a huge win for the former president because this case — for the former president because this case would not be retried again before _ this case would not be retried again before the — this case would not be retried again before the election. technically absolutely right. we before the election. technically absolutely right.— before the election. technically absolutely right. we have to leave it there but _ absolutely right. we have to leave it there but thank _ absolutely right. we have to leave it there but thank you _ absolutely right. we have to leave it there but thank you for - absolutely right. we have to leave it there but thank you forjoining l it there but thank you forjoining us on the programme. more in this programme but let's move to the middle east where hamas leaders are considering a new ceasefire proposal from israel including a a0 day truce in return for some hostages and would allow displaced families to return to northern gaza. it reportedly involves new wording designed to satisfy hamas�*s desire for a permanent ceasefire. a source said the offer is different from previous offers. antony blinken has arrived injordan on the second leg of his latest middle east tour and
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will meet king abdullah and senior officials with discussions expected to focus on boosting aid deliveries to focus on boosting aid deliveries to gaza. he is due to fly to israel later to discuss ceasefire negotiations. let's speak to the former qatari director of defence intelligence operations and defence attach a to the us. we are grateful to have you on the programme again. in terms of negotiations how close do you think we are?— in terms of negotiations how close do you think we are? thank you for havin: do you think we are? thank you for having me- — do you think we are? thank you for having me- i— do you think we are? thank you for having me. ithink— do you think we are? thank you for having me. i think we _ do you think we are? thank you for having me. i think we are - do you think we are? thank you for having me. i think we are very - having me. i think we are very close. the deal seems to be structured as you said quite differently. unfortunately, as we have seen in the past, usually at the last minute as well, things tend to breakdown. we are keeping and i that all over the middle east and i'm sure in washington as well but the latest news from israel and the reporting of the possible or probable [and offensive on rafah may
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be that 11th hour spoiler for this deal. i be that 11th hour spoiler for this deal. . . be that 11th hour spoiler for this deal. ., , ., ., ., ,~' be that 11th hour spoiler for this deal. .,, ., ., ., ,., be that 11th hour spoiler for this deal. .,, ., ., ., i. ., deal. i was going to ask you what ou think deal. i was going to ask you what you think of _ deal. i was going to ask you what you think of the _ deal. i was going to ask you what you think of the gaps _ deal. i was going to ask you what you think of the gaps that - deal. i was going to ask you what you think of the gaps that need l deal. i was going to ask you what| you think of the gaps that need to be filled? ~ ., ~ be filled? again, i think communication - be filled? again, i think| communication between be filled? again, i think- communication between the be filled? again, i think— communication between the parties is still not there. while there is a basis for an agreement, that yesterday lord karen and secretary blink both said was generous, today, prime minister netanyahu and many members of his cabinet came out to say that no matter what the world will go on until the goal and the end of the war is achieved. the goals have been achieved which is the destruction of hamas. that happening within 2a hours of that statement from the americans is counter—productive i would think and sends a message that may be understood from hamas as being defiant. in understood from hamas as being defiant. . understood from hamas as being defiant. , ., ., ., , understood from hamas as being defiant. , ., ., ., defiant. in terms of areas of movement _ defiant. in terms of areas of movement how _ defiant. in terms of areas of
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movement how significant l defiant. in terms of areas of| movement how significant is defiant. in terms of areas of. movement how significant is it defiant. in terms of areas of- movement how significant is it we are now discussing a a0 day ceasefire and not a permanent ceasefire? also we seem to hit a major hurdle a couple of weeks ago when hamas was talking about not being in control of all of the hostages, the numbers again seem to have been reduced in terms of what we are talking about for releases. is that also significant movement? i think it is significant movement, definitely structured in a different way. unfortunately as we have seen in the past, hamas and other factions in gaza have said they may not have a clear number of all of the hostages, where they are located, we know that there are hostages that have been killed through either bombings are in gaza depending on the story, it is quite unclear. getting back all the hostages is the unclear bit about this. moving forward this is
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structured differently. while the, will the israelis stick to the plan and not a attack rafah before that? because if that continues to happen, it is very unrealistic to expect that hamas would agree to a ceasefire. that hamas would agree to a ceasefire-— that hamas would agree to a ceasefire. ~ ., ., ., , ceasefire. we have to leave it but let's continue _ ceasefire. we have to leave it but let's continue to _ ceasefire. we have to leave it but let's continue to discuss - ceasefire. we have to leave it but let's continue to discuss that - ceasefire. we have to leave it buti let's continue to discuss that final thought because benjamin netanyahu has said israel will carry out an operation in rafah regardless of whether a ceasefire deal is reached with hamas in gaza. he made the comments during a meeting with the families of hostages where he treated israel would eliminate hamas and achieved total victory. a large protest was held in tel aviv last night, the pictures from that gathering calling for the hostages to be released and large fires were lit with to be released and large fires were [it with demonstrators clashing with lit with demonstrators clashing with police. let's talk to a man whose brother—in—law is held hostage by
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hamas. welcome again to the programme. i know it is emotionally difficult to watch every development and give a response. many families choose not to. are you hopeful by what you are hearing about a potential new ceasefire deal and hostage deal?— potential new ceasefire deal and hostae deal? . ~' ., ., hostage deal? thank you for having me aaain. hostage deal? thank you for having me again- it — hostage deal? thank you for having me again- it is— hostage deal? thank you for having me again. it is difficult _ hostage deal? thank you for having me again. it is difficult but - hostage deal? thank you for having me again. it is difficult but it - hostage deal? thank you for having me again. it is difficult but it is - me again. it is difficult but it is important _ me again. it is difficult but it is important for the family to have a voice _ important for the family to have a voice and — important for the family to have a voice and i— important for the family to have a voice and i can echo that voice, it is going _ voice and i can echo that voice, it is going on— voice and i can echo that voice, it is going on on television worldwide. we are _ is going on on television worldwide. we are trying to be as hopeful as possible — we are trying to be as hopeful as possible. trying not to let statements made to political bases as done _ statements made to political bases as done today by the prime minister netanyahu, as done a few days ago by the finance _ netanyahu, as done a few days ago by the finance minister, and focus on the finance minister, and focus on the reports — the finance minister, and focus on the reports on what we receive behind — the reports on what we receive behind closed doors indications that there _ behind closed doors indications that there is— behind closed doors indications that there is a _ behind closed doors indications that there is a deal on the table, that israel— there is a deal on the table, that israel is — there is a deal on the table, that
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israel is agreeing to that deal, at least _ israel is agreeing to that deal, at least significant portions of the deal~ _ least significant portions of the deal. and we're waiting for hamas to respond. _ deal. and we're waiting for hamas to respond, likely tomorrow night after they left— respond, likely tomorrow night after they left cairo today. and as a family— they left cairo today. and as a family we _ they left cairo today. and as a family we receive some kind of glimmer— family we receive some kind of glimmer of hope three days ago on saturday— glimmer of hope three days ago on saturday evening when mass released psychological warfare of depicting him alive — psychological warfare of depicting him alive recently so we hope, we don't _ him alive recently so we hope, we don't pay— him alive recently so we hope, we don't pay attention to the content but we _ don't pay attention to the content but we hope that the fact he is alive _ but we hope that the fact he is alive and — but we hope that the fact he is alive and others are still alive will give _ alive and others are still alive will give the government and other stakeholders the push to close the deal as— stakeholders the push to close the deal as soon as possible. i stakeholders the push to close the deal as soon as possible.— deal as soon as possible. i wanted to ask about _ deal as soon as possible. i wanted to ask about exactly _ deal as soon as possible. i wanted to ask about exactly what - deal as soon as possible. i wanted to ask about exactly what you - deal as soon as possible. i wanted | to ask about exactly what you have just touched on because every time we have spoken over the weeks and months, you heard nothing about your brother—in—law. we had a change in the last seven days. what was that like to actually hear that news and see the video? it
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like to actually hear that news and see the video?— see the video? it was difficult experience — see the video? it was difficult experience to _ see the video? it was difficult experience to our _ see the video? it was difficult experience to our family, - see the video? it was difficult experience to our family, i i see the video? it was difficult | experience to our family, i am see the video? it was difficult i experience to our family, i am in israel— experience to our family, i am in israel right — experience to our family, i am in israel right now, we normally speak when _ israel right now, we normally speak when i _ israel right now, we normally speak when i in _ israel right now, we normally speak when i in the united states where i am based — when i in the united states where i am based i— when i in the united states where i am based. i returned to israel to nrark— am based. i returned to israel to mark passover with my family. we were _ mark passover with my family. we were scattered around, i was on my way to— were scattered around, i was on my way to the _ were scattered around, i was on my way to the rally on tel aviv when my sister— way to the rally on tel aviv when my sister had _ way to the rally on tel aviv when my sister had a — way to the rally on tel aviv when my sister had a medical issue and other members _ sister had a medical issue and other members of— sister had a medical issue and other members of the family were not together— members of the family were not together but we received identification of video came out, we ran back— identification of video came out, we ran back to— identification of video came out, we ran back to where my family is in southern — ran back to where my family is in southern israel and processed a video— southern israel and processed a video together and our emotions. it was difficult to watch and he doesn't _ was difficult to watch and he doesn't look the same, the glimmer in his— doesn't look the same, the glimmer in his eyes— doesn't look the same, the glimmer in his eyes is— doesn't look the same, the glimmer in his eyes is no longer there. the smile _ in his eyes is no longer there. the smile is— in his eyes is no longer there. the smile is gone, he looks frail and weak— smile is gone, he looks frail and weak but — smile is gone, he looks frail and weak but he is alive and that is what _ weak but he is alive and that is what we — weak but he is alive and that is what we try to focus on, it gives us the hope _ what we try to focus on, it gives us the hope to— what we try to focus on, it gives us the hope to push stakeholders to close _ the hope to push stakeholders to close a _ the hope to push stakeholders to close a deal like my sister said yesterday— close a deal like my sister said yesterday at a press conference,
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that she — yesterday at a press conference, that she calls directly for a deal that she calls directly for a deal that will— that she calls directly for a deal that will guarantee hostages home and a _ that will guarantee hostages home and a ceasefire in the gaza strip. a final and a ceasefire in the gaza strip. final thought because we have been showing pictures you have been talking about, how much for station is there from the families and he would have heard our previous guest warning that any move on rafah would scupper any potential deal. you must still be worried about all of those sorts of potentials that could still see at this stage mean the deal does not happen. see at this stage mean the deal does not ha en. . see at this stage mean the deal does not happen-— not happen. yes, what is, you know it is the kingdom _ not happen. yes, what is, you know it is the kingdom of _ not happen. yes, what is, you know it is the kingdom of the _ not happen. yes, what is, you know it is the kingdom of the unknown. . not happen. yes, what is, you know. it is the kingdom of the unknown. we don't _ it is the kingdom of the unknown. we don't know— it is the kingdom of the unknown. we don't know how things evolve and every _ don't know how things evolve and every second could provide us with a new kind _ every second could provide us with a new kind of— every second could provide us with a new kind of situation that will throttle — new kind of situation that will throttle any continuation towards a deal~ _
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throttle any continuation towards a deal~ but— throttle any continuation towards a deal~ but a — throttle any continuation towards a deal. but a lot of families are frustrated, some of them protested last night _ frustrated, some of them protested last night. some of them choose other— last night. some of them choose other avenues to show their frustration. their sadness and anger~ — frustration. their sadness and anger. but we have to understand that seven — anger. but we have to understand that seven months in, with the hostages — that seven months in, with the hostages not home yet, it does not say we _ hostages not home yet, it does not say we have — hostages not home yet, it does not say we have other avenues to express that frustration so some families are demonstrating in the ways you showed _ are demonstrating in the ways you showed earlier. we hope the prime minister— showed earlier. we hope the prime minister understands that he needs to focus— minister understands that he needs to focus on— minister understands that he needs to focus on the primary objective of bringing _ to focus on the primary objective of bringing home the hostages and we hope the _ bringing home the hostages and we hope the international community understand hamas is the culprit and they need _ understand hamas is the culprit and they need to be forced to agree to a deal as— they need to be forced to agree to a deal as soon as possible.— deal as soon as possible. thank you for 'oinin: deal as soon as possible. thank you forjoining us- _ deal as soon as possible. thank you forjoining us. as _ deal as soon as possible. thank you forjoining us. as we _ deal as soon as possible. thank you forjoining us. as we were _ deal as soon as possible. thank you forjoining us. as we were listening | forjoining us. as we were listening to that concluding thought a line from the white house saying new crossings into northern gaza will open this week. that has come from the white house. let me tell you in the white house. let me tell you in the last few moments a word from
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king. about the stabbing in london today. in particular the family of the young victim who has lost their lives, statement coming from buckingham palace in the last few moments. a full report from east london in a moment. bbc news.
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you are live with bbc news. let's return to the story, the statement from buckingham palace, king charles iii has his thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the horrific stabbings in east london, particularly the young victim who has lost his life. let's get more on that story. that sort of attack happening a few hours ago in london with police confirming a 1a—year—old boy has died and four others injured. the 30 sexual man is in
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custody, the attacks are not thought to be terror —related. two of the injured police officers. first thing this morning, and a man armed with a sword crouches outside a house in london. shouting. lock your doors! police followed a suspect around the back in what is usually a quiet residential area. we now though that a car was driven into a house at 7am this morning, as people left for work and school. five were stabbed, including two police officers. it is with great sadness i confirm one of— it is with great sadness i confirm one of those staff has died from their— one of those staff has died from their injuries. sadly died a short while _ their injuries. sadly died a short while after. terrified people in the area were told to follow police
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instructions and the transport network nearby was closed, including roads and the tube station. i saw it all from my bedroom window. and then when he went— into the house, or into the driveway a couple of doors down, i iran down outside and then police tased him. i saw it, i was standingl on the road watching it, from the other side of the road. a transit van pulled up, a grey transit van pulled up. the man got out with a samurai sword, tried to talk to one female resident. she ran away from him. as he's pulled the sword out in the air, she's tried to warn the other neighbour. as he turned round, he's been struck in the head. the cordons are still in place. the met police say a man has been arrested and they don't believe it is terror—related, or that there's any ongoing threat to the wider community. in a statement, the prime minister said, "this is a shocking incident. my thoughts are with those affected
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and their families." this attack is devastating and appalling, i'm sure i speak for the city when — appalling, i'm sure i speak for the city when i — appalling, i'm sure i speak for the city when i see our thoughts are prayers — city when i see our thoughts are prayers are _ city when i see our thoughts are prayers are with this young child and his— prayers are with this young child and his family. and while an increase in knife crime in the capital is known to many here, the violence is no less shocking. the international court ofjustice has ruled it will not order germany to halt aid to israel. nicaragua made its self and accessory to the killing of... the german government says the allegations were unjustified. let's talk to the former prosecutor. welcome to bbc news. your reaction to what we have heard from the courts in the last hour. ., , , heard from the courts in the last hour. .,,.,_ , ,, hour. probably unsurprising. the 'ud . ment hour. probably unsurprising. the judgment or _ hour. probably unsurprising. the judgment or order _
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hour. probably unsurprising. the judgment or order itself - hour. probably unsurprising. the judgment or order itself is i hour. probably unsurprising. the judgment or order itself is not i judgment or order itself is not particularly illuminating. it recites its powers and the allegations made by nicaragua and the defence advanced by the state of israel with an account of the weapons it has given, the weapons it has yet to decide to give and the measures it has two ensure the weapons are not improperly used and thenit weapons are not improperly used and then it goes on. i will regret it says. to say no more than based on the fact of information and legal argument presented by the parties, the court concludes that at present, the court concludes that at present, the circumstances are not such as to require its power which is the power to order provisional measures. that doesn't really present an explanation of why not, it simply says it decides there is not enough evidence at the moment. that says it decides there is not enough evidence at the moment.— says it decides there is not enough evidence at the moment. that is what i was evidence at the moment. that is what iwas aroin evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to — evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask— evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask in _ evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask in terms _ evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask in terms of- evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask in terms of the i evidence at the moment. that is what i was going to ask in terms of the y i i was going to ask in terms of the y because that is critical here
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because that is critical here because presumably, i know this case has been struck down but presumably a case like this could be brought against other countries that are supporting israel militarily so knowing the y is going to be as little critical isn't it? i knowing the y is going to be as little critical isn't it?— little critical isn't it? i think the premise _ little critical isn't it? i think the premise of— little critical isn't it? i think the premise of your - little critical isn't it? i think. the premise of your question little critical isn't it? i think i the premise of your question is slightly wrong. it has not struck the case down because germany ask for the case to be taken out of the list, i removed altogether and it declined to do that. so the case is still there, still possible for nicaragua to prove genocide as against germany, provisional measures require certain things to be proved in particular the need for immediate steps to be taken because of the immediate risk to in this case gas and city the court did not make that finding respect to the conduct by israel
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facilitated or caused or permitted by the very particular weapons it, israel had provided. that's very much a limited factual finding and i think it will not stop other countries pursuing other countries in the way that for example south african pursuit israel itself. it will not stop other countries pursuing for example the united states of america for provision of weaponry. obviously from the point of view of the gaza and palestinians this is a disappointment but it may also serve as a bit of a caution in this free bridal atmosphere where loyalties to one side or the other or emotional as well as factually and legally based. a measure of caution not to jump to soon. we and legally based. a measure of caution not to jump to soon. caution not to 'ump to soon. we have to leave it caution not to jump to soon. we have to leave it there _ caution not to jump to soon. we have to leave it there but _ caution not to jump to soon. we have to leave it there but thank _ caution not to jump to soon. we have to leave it there but thank you - caution not to jump to soon. we have to leave it there but thank you for i to leave it there but thank you for that analysis and joining us so quickly after thatjudgment.
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that analysis and joining us so quickly afterthatjudgment. one quickly after that judgment. one more quickly afterthatjudgment. one more story, king has visited a cancer treatment centre in london. take us through today's events, the pictures, the people he talked to. it was a one visit around four hours ago. he visited a cancer specialist centre in the heart of london. he spentjust centre in the heart of london. he spent just less centre in the heart of london. he spentjust less than an hour talking to cancer specialists meeting with cancer patients. one has to say it was a personal element because the king talking to the patients knows exactly what they are going to because he is going through it himself. there were interesting comments, one said to him i really
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appreciate what you are doing. we have got to stick together. the king was asked how he was, he said i all right thank you very much, not too bad and did tell another patient he would have more treatment this afternoon. an insight into the king's well—being the message that was promoted was very much the importance of early diagnosis. something the king and catherine the princess of wales have been trying to promote in the middle of what must be a very difficult circumstance for them personally. thank you. when we are back we will have more of the headlines. hello there. the best of the weather today is across eastern parts of the uk and with a southerly wind. the warmth is getting pushed northwards as well. so temperatures are higher this
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afternoon across the midlands and northern england and across some parts of scotland, we could reach 16 or 17 degrees, although there's still some rain around here and there. we've seen most of the cloud affecting the western side of the uk, continuing to bring some rain into the late afternoon and evening, especially across wales in the southwest. but even here it will turn drier overnight. a few showers may be popping off in the south east of england. those will turn into longer spells of rain and push northwards across eastern parts of england. quite misty and murky by the end of the night in eastern scotland, but quite a mild night. and temperatures in the southeast higher than they were last night. this rain, though, in north east england will push its way into eastern scotland, mist and low cloud two. and then we'll see brighter, drier weather for western parts of the uk. just the odd shower around a few showers developing in the midlands ahead of that rain moving up from france and over the channel. whilst it may well be a bit cooler in the north east of england and eastern scotland, it's going to be a bit warmer in western scotland, quite warm in the northwest of england as well. but during the evening and into the night, just for a while, there's a risk of some thunderstorms across southern parts of england, the midlands, even into wales as well. could be some quite large
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hail, some gusty winds accompanying those storms. those should be clearing away by thursday morning. we're left with that weather front trailing over england and wales and north of that, an easterly breeze. now that's going to bring in some warmer air from the near continent, but it's coming over the cold seas. and these are the sea surface temperatures, only eight or nine degrees in the north sea. so at the very least, it will feel cooler along some of those north sea coasts. there could be some mist and low cloud around to. otherwise we'll see some sunshine in scotland, northern england, perhaps northern ireland. we may well find some wetter weather further south, developing heavy and thundery downpours later on in the day. butjust north of those downpours in northwest england, it's going to be warm, so too across the north midlands and east anglia and we could make 20 degrees in western scotland, east and scotland, still cooler, maybe some showers here on friday. we've got some wetter weather further south across england and wales. it's heading northwards. so we'll take some thunderstorms perhaps into northern england, allowing some sunshine in the far south of england. but temperatures are going to be typically 15 or 16 celsius.
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