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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 22, 2024 10:30am-11:01am BST

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their change and possibly reinsert their change and possibly the crossbench amendment on the monitoring committee as well to reinsert the change as well. and if those two votes are passed in the house of lords goes back then to have another stay and we are expecting and rejected anything what will be interesting is how many times the lords are willing to push this and how many times the lords will insist on getting those changes attached. ultimately though, sources in the house of lords admit that in the house of lords they will have to give way and those amendments will be defeated. the question is when that will take place, how late are sitting away in four in westminster tonight and how many times they're willing to push a on this. eta? willing to push a on this. stay with this as i just _ willing to push a on this. stay with this as i just want _ willing to push a on this. stay with this as i just want to _ willing to push a on this. stay with this as i just want to show - willing to push a on this. stay with this as i just want to show viewers j this as i just want to show viewers an interview with the bbc had with the former home secretary who has
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repeatedly criticised the primer is a's approach to the rwanda policy. she spoke to the bbc on radio four. what the british people have wanted and voted _ what the british people have wanted and voted for time and time again is for control_ and voted for time and time again is for control of the borders. the prime — for control of the borders. the prime minister has pledged to stop the boats — prime minister has pledged to stop the boats. that's what we owe the british _ the boats. that's what we owe the british people and that the test. i'm afraid — british people and that the test. i'm afraid this bill as drafted will not achieve that goal. it's fatally flawed, — not achieve that goal. it's fatally flawed, it — not achieve that goal. it's fatally flawed, it has too many loopholes and that's— flawed, it has too many loopholes and that's why i voted against it. one flight— and that's why i voted against it. one flight here or there with a few passages — one flight here or there with a few passages and it will not provide the deterrerrt— passages and it will not provide the deterrent effect that is necessary to break— deterrent effect that is necessary to break the people smuggling gangs, to break the people smuggling gangs, to send _ to break the people smuggling gangs, to send the message to the illegal migrants _ to send the message to the illegal migrants that it's not worth getting in a dinghy— migrants that it's not worth getting in a dinghy in the first place because _ in a dinghy in the first place because you are not going to get a life iri— because you are not going to get a life in the — because you are not going to get a life in the uk. we need to have regular— life in the uk. we need to have regular flights going to rwanda, with large numbers of passengers on them _ with large numbers of passengers on them thus _ with large numbers of passengers on them. thus the only way we stop the boats _ them. thus the only way we stop the boats. ., ., , them. thus the only way we stop the boats. . ., , ., .,
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boats. that was the former home secretary speaking _ boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to _ boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to the - boats. that was the former home secretary speaking to the bbc- boats. that was the former home | secretary speaking to the bbc and remind you that we are watching bbc news warrior expecting the prime minister to hold a press conference in downing street talking about the government rwanda plan is still with us is the bbc harry farley. listening to the former home secretary interview there, remind of this policy is also being challenged within the ruling party itself, within the ruling party itself, within the ruling party itself, within the conservatives. yes, very much so. within the conservatives. yes, very much s0- you _ within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember— within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember when - within the conservatives. yes, very much so. you remember when thisj within the conservatives. yes, very - much so. you remember when this bill was first debated and voted on in the house of commons was controversy about whether we would pass and there were some like suella braverman and the right of the party who had significant concerns, as you heard there, but the bill contains loopholes, they feel it doesn't go far enough to blocking legal challenges to being deported to rwanda and they wanted the bill to be tougher. on the other hand, more moderate conservatives said that the bill goes too far as it stands and
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breach of law and of law and international law and rishi sunak essentially faced both of those two wings of his party down and he didn't offer of the bill as those like suella braverman wanted and needed to he water it down like those moderate mps wanted as well. but as you say, it's a fraught and controversial bill and its controversial bill and its controversial even within the and serve the party itself. although most of the opposition in the house of lords has come from labour peers and crossbench peers as well, a number of conservative peers such as ken clarke have spoken against this bill and it's been interesting to note just how few conservative peers have been willing to turn up and vote in the house of lords. we had far fewer numbers than the total number of conservative mps and it's
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interesting how night the government can rally to try and vote this bill through. can rally to try and vote this bill throu~h. ., , can rally to try and vote this bill throu~h. . , , , ., ., through. harry, this legislation came about — through. harry, this legislation came about because _ through. harry, this legislation came about because the - through. harry, this legislation i came about because the supreme through. harry, this legislation - came about because the supreme court ruled that the government's rwanda plan was unlawful or should this legislation go through as expected, is there an expectation that there might be further legal challenges from human rights groups? yes. might be further legal challenges from human rights groups? yes, i think we can _ from human rights groups? yes, i think we can certainly _ from human rights groups? yes, i think we can certainly expect - from human rights groups? yes, i | think we can certainly expect legal challenges and i was speaking to one source and the home office and they say they're fully expecting human rights groups, as you say... i rights groups, as you say... i have to interrupt _ rights groups, as you say... i have to interruot you — rights groups, as you say... i have to interrupt you at _ rights groups, as you say... i have to interrupt you at the _ rights groups, as you say... i have to interrupt you at the minister - to interrupt you at the minister speaking now. to interrupt you at the minister speaking nova— to interrupt you at the minister speaking now. to interrupt you at the minister s-ueakin now. ., , , ~ speaking now. labour peers last week contrived to stop _ speaking now. labour peers last week contrived to stop the _ speaking now. labour peers last week contrived to stop the safety _ speaking now. labour peers last week contrived to stop the safety of - speaking now. labour peers last week contrived to stop the safety of the - contrived to stop the safety of the rwanda _ contrived to stop the safety of the rwanda bill. for almost two years our opponents have used every trick in the _ our opponents have used every trick in the book— our opponents have used every trick in the book to block flights and keep— in the book to block flights and keep the — in the book to block flights and keep the boats coming. but enough is enough _ keep the boats coming. but enough is enough no— keep the boats coming. but enough is enough. no more prevarication, no more _ enough. no more prevarication, no more detay~ — enough. no more prevarication, no more delay. parliament will sit there _ more delay. parliament will sit there tonight and vote no matter how late it _ there tonight and vote no matter how late it goes — there tonight and vote no matter how late it goes. no ifs, no buts, these
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flights— late it goes. no ifs, no buts, these flights are — late it goes. no ifs, no buts, these flights are going to rwanda. we are going _ flights are going to rwanda. we are going to _ flights are going to rwanda. we are going to deliver this indispensable deterrent so that we finally break the business model of the criminal gangs _ the business model of the criminal gangs and — the business model of the criminal gangs and save lives. starting from the moment the bill passes, we will begin— the moment the bill passes, we will begin the _ the moment the bill passes, we will begin the process of removing those identified _ begin the process of removing those identified for the first flight and we have — identified for the first flight and we have prepared for this moment. to detain _ we have prepared for this moment. to detain people why we prepare to remove — detain people why we prepare to remove them, we have increased attention— remove them, we have increased attention spaces 2200, to quickly process— attention spaces 2200, to quickly process claims, we have 200 try and dedicate _ process claims, we have 200 try and dedicate caseworkers ready and waiting — dedicate caseworkers ready and waiting. to do with any legal cases quickly— waiting. to do with any legal cases quickly and — waiting. to do with any legal cases quickly and decisively in the judiciary— quickly and decisively in the judiciary has made available 25... identified — judiciary has made available 25... identified under 50 judges who could provide _ identified under 50 judges who could provide over 5000 sitting days. the court _ provide over 5000 sitting days. the court has _ provide over 5000 sitting days. the court has amended the rule 39 procedures in line with the test set out in _ procedures in line with the test set out in our— procedures in line with the test set out in our illegal migration act and we have _ out in our illegal migration act and we have put beyond all doubt that
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ministers — we have put beyond all doubt that ministers can disregard these injunctions with clear guidance that if they— injunctions with clear guidance that if they decide to do so, civil servants— if they decide to do so, civil servants must deliver that instruction. and most importantly, once _ instruction. and most importantly, once the _ instruction. and most importantly, once the processing is complete, we were physically removed people. and to do that _ were physically removed people. and to do that i _ were physically removed people. and to do that i can confirm that we have _ to do that i can confirm that we have put— to do that i can confirm that we have put an airfield on standby, hooked — have put an airfield on standby, booked commercial charter planes for specific— booked commercial charter planes for specific slots and we have 500 hightv— specific slots and we have 500 highly trained individuals ready to escort— highly trained individuals ready to escort illegal migrants all the way to rwanda with 300 more trained in the coming — to rwanda with 300 more trained in the coming weeks. this is one of the most _ the coming weeks. this is one of the most complex operational endeavours the home _ most complex operational endeavours the home office has carried out. but we are _ the home office has carried out. but we are ready, plans are in place and these _ we are ready, plans are in place and these flights will go come what may. no foreign _ these flights will go come what may. no foreign court will stop us from getting _ no foreign court will stop us from getting flights off. rwanda is ready as well— getting flights off. rwanda is ready as well and i would like to thank the government of rwanda for their work in _
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the government of rwanda for their work in strengthening their asylum svstem, _ work in strengthening their asylum system, passing legislation and setting — system, passing legislation and setting up a new appeals tribunal. the next — setting up a new appeals tribunal. the next few weeks will be about action, _ the next few weeks will be about action, whilst i'm conscious want deeds. _ action, whilst i'm conscious want deeds. not— action, whilst i'm conscious want deeds, not words, i not going to outline _ deeds, not words, i not going to outline now exactly what will happen when _ outline now exactly what will happen when. there are good operational reasons— when. there are good operational reasons for— when. there are good operational reasons for this. there is a loud minority— reasons for this. there is a loud minority who will do anything to disrupt— minority who will do anything to disrupt our plan so we will not be giving _ disrupt our plan so we will not be giving away sensitive operational detail— giving away sensitive operational detail which could hinder all the progress — detail which could hinder all the progress made to date. teams across government— progress made to date. teams across government need to be able to get on and deliver— government need to be able to get on and deliver without a interference. thev're _ and deliver without a interference. they're working flat out to deliver this genuine game changer. the first fli-ht this genuine game changer. the first ftight will_ this genuine game changer. the first flight will leave in 10—12 weeks. flight will leave in10—12 weeks. that is— flight will leave in 10—12 weeks. that is later than we wanted but we have always been clear, processing will take _ have always been clear, processing will take time and if labour peers had not _ will take time and if labour peers had not spent weeks holding up the bill had not spent weeks holding up the hill in _ had not spent weeks holding up the hill in the _ had not spent weeks holding up the bill in the house of lords to try to block— bill in the house of lords to try to block these flights altogether, we would _ block these flights altogether, we would have begun this process weeks
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a-o. would have begun this process weeks ago and _ would have begun this process weeks ago. and the success of this deterrent— ago. and the success of this deterrent doesn't rest on this alone. it rests on the relentless continuing — alone. it rests on the relentless continuing permanently removing people _ continuing permanently removing people to rwanda with a regular rhvthm — people to rwanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month— rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond until the _ month over the summer and beyond until the boats are stopped. i know there _ until the boats are stopped. i know there are _ until the boats are stopped. i know there are some who will hear all of this and _ there are some who will hear all of this and accuse me of lacking compassion. but the truth is the opposite — compassion. but the truth is the opposite. we are in a battle with callous _ opposite. we are in a battle with callous sophisticated and global criminal— callous sophisticated and global criminal gangs who care nothing for the lives _ criminal gangs who care nothing for the lives they risk in unseaworthy dinghies~ — the lives they risk in unseaworthy dinghies. nine people have died already attempting to cross the channel — already attempting to cross the channel. just this week. we secure the large _ channel. just this week. we secure the large with france to strengthen the large with france to strengthen
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the coastline and because one third were coming from albania we struck a deal that— were coming from albania we struck a deal that reduced illegal albanian migrants by 90%. taken together we are doubling illegal working raids and returning 150 hotels back to our local communities. we have the number— local communities. we have the number of— local communities. we have the number of small boat arrivals last year down — number of small boat arrivals last year down by more than one third. the first— year down by more than one third. the first time they have fallen since — the first time they have fallen since phenomenon began and at a time when european countries were seeing numbers— when european countries were seeing numbers rise exponentially. but these _ numbers rise exponentially. but these sophisticated gangs are changing tactics once again. as well as piling _ changing tactics once again. as well as piling twice as many people into small— as piling twice as many people into small dinghies and increasing violence _ small dinghies and increasing violence against french police, they have shifted their attention towards vulnerable vietnamese migrants. vietnamese rivals have increased tenfold _ vietnamese rivals have increased tenfold and account for almost all the increase in small boat numbers we have _ the increase in small boat numbers we have seen this year. and just as we have seen this year. and just as we have _ we have seen this year. and just as we have succeeded in reducing alhanian— we have succeeded in reducing albanian rivals dramatically, so i am confident we will do the same
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when _ am confident we will do the same when it— am confident we will do the same when it comes to the vietnamese. president — when it comes to the vietnamese. president micron and i have agreed to work— president micron and i have agreed to work with european partners on closing _ to work with european partners on closing loopholes to enter europe in the first— closing loopholes to enter europe in the first place in the home office has signed a joint statement with the vietnamese government committing to deepen— the vietnamese government committing to deepen our already very strong migration— to deepen our already very strong migration relationship and just last week— migration relationship and just last week officials from the government of vietnam were at weston jet foil and manston to observe for the front line as _ and manston to observe for the front line as they— and manston to observe for the front line as they continue to manage multiple — line as they continue to manage multiple rivals. but we cannot keep reacting _ multiple rivals. but we cannot keep reacting to— multiple rivals. but we cannot keep reacting to the changing tactics of these _ reacting to the changing tactics of these gangs. the truth is we need innovative — these gangs. the truth is we need innovative solutions to address what is a global— innovative solutions to address what is a global migration crisis to disrupt— is a global migration crisis to disrupt the business model as people smuggling gangs and save lives and that means a systematic deterrent. the only— that means a systematic deterrent. the only way to stop the boats is to eliminate _ the only way to stop the boats is to eliminate the incentive to come. by making _ eliminate the incentive to come. by making it _ eliminate the incentive to come. by making it clear that if you arrive here _ making it clear that if you arrive here illegally, you will not be able
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to stav _ here illegally, you will not be able to stay. and this policy does exactly _ to stay. and this policy does exactly that. and be no doubt about the choice _ exactly that. and be no doubt about the choice the country will face later— the choice the country will face later this — the choice the country will face later this year. the labour party has no _ later this year. the labour party has no plan. they have no treaty or bill and _ has no plan. they have no treaty or bill and no — has no plan. they have no treaty or bill and no flights to rwanda. they are resigned to the idea that you will never— are resigned to the idea that you will never fully solve this problem. their— will never fully solve this problem. their priority is not stopping boats. — their priority is not stopping boats, but stopping the planes removing people who have no right to be here _ removing people who have no right to be here. and that would achieve only one thing _ be here. and that would achieve only one thing it — be here. and that would achieve only one thing. it will send a message to the criminal— one thing. it will send a message to the criminal gangs that they can continue — the criminal gangs that they can continue their deplorable illegal trade _ continue their deplorable illegal trade in — continue their deplorable illegal trade in people. my policy is different. i believe it should be this country and your government who decides _ this country and your government who decides who— this country and your government who decides who comes here. not criminal gangs _ decides who comes here. not criminal gangs and _ decides who comes here. not criminal gangs and i_ decides who comes here. not criminal gangs and i have a plan to deliver it. gangs and i have a plan to deliver it we _ gangs and i have a plan to deliver it we will— gangs and i have a plan to deliver it. we will start the flights and will stop— it. we will start the flights and will stop the boats. thank you. i will stop the boats. thank you. i will get — will stop the boats. thank you. i will get questions from the media. canister— will get questions from the media. canister with the i. please?
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will get questions from the media. canisterwith the i. please? how canister with the i. please? how many people _ canister with the i. please? how many people do _ canister with the i. please? how many people do you _ canister with the i. please? hippo many people do you expect canisterwith the i. please? hippo many people do you expect will be on these flights by the end of the autumn? you say there will be a regular rhythm of flights starting in july. regular rhythm of flights starting injuly. how regular and how many people each month? $51 in july. how regular and how many people each month?— in july. how regular and how many people each month? as i said, i know there will be — people each month? as i said, i know there will be lots _ people each month? as i said, i know there will be lots of _ people each month? as i said, i know there will be lots of interest - people each month? as i said, i know there will be lots of interest in - there will be lots of interest in there will be lots of interest in the exact— there will be lots of interest in the exact operational detail of what we are _ the exact operational detail of what we are about to embark on and i have tried verv— we are about to embark on and i have tried very hard in my statement to -ive tried very hard in my statement to give everyone a sense of the preparation work that's gone into this and — preparation work that's gone into this and as — preparation work that's gone into this and as much as i am able to say about— this and as much as i am able to say about the _ this and as much as i am able to say about the future and that for a very good _ about the future and that for a very good reason, it's clear that there is a loud — good reason, it's clear that there is a loud minority of people who will do _ is a loud minority of people who will do absolutely anything and everything to disrupt this policy from _ everything to disrupt this policy from succeeding. you only have to look at _ from succeeding. you only have to look at what's been going on in parliament over the past few weeks and months in the labour party at every— and months in the labour party at every turn — and months in the labour party at every turn blocking progress on this bill and _ every turn blocking progress on this bill and you — every turn blocking progress on this bill and you saw that last week and you'll see _ bill and you saw that last week and you'll see it — bill and you saw that last week and you'll see it again today. and that's— you'll see it again today. and that's why i'm not going to get into
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exact— that's why i'm not going to get into exact detail about what exactly is going _ exact detail about what exactly is going to — exact detail about what exactly is going to happen, when and where because _ going to happen, when and where because that willjust give people more _ because that willjust give people more opportunities to frustrate the process— more opportunities to frustrate the process what i can tell you is that an enormous amount of prep work has .one an enormous amount of prep work has gone on _ an enormous amount of prep work has gone on we _ an enormous amount of prep work has gone on. we have trained 200 of our best caseworkers, we have increased attention capacity to hold people, we have _ attention capacity to hold people, we have identified identified specific courtrooms to make available the rightjudges, put an airfield _ available the rightjudges, put an airfield on... and booked commercial charter— airfield on... and booked commercial charter planes for the first commercial flights and train 500 escort— commercial flights and train 500 escort and make sure that everything on the _ escort and make sure that everything on the rwandan end is ready for people — on the rwandan end is ready for people to — on the rwandan end is ready for people to be received. what i will say is _ people to be received. what i will say is this— people to be received. what i will say is this and not just about one flight~ _ say is this and not just about one flight~ this — say is this and not just about one flight. this is about a regular rhvthm. _ flight. this is about a regular rhythm, multiple flights a month through— rhythm, multiple flights a month through the summer and beyond because — through the summer and beyond because that's how you build a sustainable deterrent. the first flight _ sustainable deterrent. the first flight on — sustainable deterrent. the first flight on 10—12 weeks and then later than we _ flight on 10—12 weeks and then later than we would like but you can see the delays — than we would like but you can see the delays that we have been subject to thanks _ the delays that we have been subject to thanks to the labour party but is
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notiust_ to thanks to the labour party but is notjust about that to thanks to the labour party but is not just about that one flight. it's about— not just about that one flight. it's about putting a system in place and that's— about putting a system in place and that's what — about putting a system in place and that's what we have done that will ensure the — that's what we have done that will ensure the successful delivery of multiple — ensure the successful delivery of multiple flights a month through the summer— multiple flights a month through the summer and beyond until the boats have stopped. that's what we are determined to deliver enough on our will deliver~ — determined to deliver enough on our will deliver. next, go to the times. thank— will deliver. next, go to the times. thank you — will deliver. next, go to the times. thank you if— will deliver. next, go to the times. thank you. if you do manage to stop flights to rwanda, does that mean the uk will not need to leave the echr? j the uk will not need to leave the echr? ., . ., ., ., echr? i am confident that we are workin: in echr? i am confident that we are working in a _ echr? i am confident that we are working in a way _ echr? i am confident that we are working in a way that _ echr? i am confident that we are working in a way that compliant l echr? i am confident that we are i working in a way that compliant with all our— working in a way that compliant with all our international obligations and we — all our international obligations and we work very hard to deliver that _ and we work very hard to deliver that but — and we work very hard to deliver that but i — and we work very hard to deliver that. but i what i would say is we are reasonable people trying to do a reasonable — are reasonable people trying to do a reasonable thing in my patience, like the — reasonable thing in my patience, like the patience of the british people — like the patience of the british people is one pretty thin at this point _ people is one pretty thin at this point and — people is one pretty thin at this point and we're to deliver this policv — point and we're to deliver this policy. we have worked very hard to do in _ policy. we have worked very hard to do in a _
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policy. we have worked very hard to do in a compliant way in parliament has certified or will certify when this bill— has certified or will certify when this bill is— has certified or will certify when this bill is passed that rewind is safe _ this bill is passed that rewind is safe we — this bill is passed that rewind is safe. we have dressed all the concerns— safe. we have dressed all the concerns —— mac address your concerns— concerns —— mac address your concerns and now was the point for flights— concerns and now was the point for flights to _ concerns and now was the point for flights to go. and i'm not going to a foreign — flights to go. and i'm not going to a foreign court block us from getting — a foreign court block us from getting flights out and get this deterrent up and running. the bill contains— deterrent up and running. the bill contains a — deterrent up and running. the bill contains a very specific power that makes _ contains a very specific power that makes it— contains a very specific power that makes it clear that as the ministers to decide _ makes it clear that as the ministers to decide whether to comply with temporary rule 39 orders. and we will put _ temporary rule 39 orders. and we will put that power in their bowl what _ will put that power in their bowl what we — will put that power in their bowl what we have also done as amended guidance _ what we have also done as amended guidance for civil servants to make it crystal— guidance for civil servants to make it crystal clear that if ministers do make — it crystal clear that if ministers do make that decision the civil servants— do make that decision the civil servants will implement that decision— servants will implement that decision stop i think i have been very— decision stop i think i have been very clear— decision stop i think i have been very clear about my intentions and i think— very clear about my intentions and i think the _ very clear about my intentions and i think the last thing i would say is that if— think the last thing i would say is that if it — think the last thing i would say is that if it ever comes to a choice between — that if it ever comes to a choice between our national security and securing — between our national security and securing our borders and membership of a foreign _ securing our borders and membership of a foreign court, i would always
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prioritise — of a foreign court, i would always prioritise our national security and that's— prioritise our national security and that's the — prioritise our national security and that's the right thing for the british— that's the right thing for the british pregnancy to do a little i would _ british pregnancy to do a little i would do — british pregnancy to do a little i would do. can we go to the express? you have _ would do. can we go to the express? you have said — would do. can we go to the express? you have said repeatedly that this policy will stop the boats. and that you would rule out a summer general election with more time to work before going to voters and if i may ask to have the confidence in the midst commissioner? j ask to have the confidence in the midst commissioner?— ask to have the confidence in the midst commissioner? i have said what i said about elections _ midst commissioner? i have said what i said about elections multiple - i said about elections multiple times— i said about elections multiple times before, i'm working on the assumption to of the second half of the year— assumption to of the second half of the year and that remains the case and also _ the year and that remains the case and also i — the year and that remains the case and also i have said on the timing of this— and also i have said on the timing of this is i have said. we have talked — of this is i have said. we have talked about deterrent and i think that's— talked about deterrent and i think that's important as this is notjust about— that's important as this is notjust about one — that's important as this is notjust about one flight but multiple flights — about one flight but multiple flights and that's how you build a deterrent— flights and that's how you build a deterrent and that what are preparatory work has been designed to deliver— preparatory work has been designed to deliver but i also believe in deterrence. the national crime agency— deterrence. the national crime agency has made it clear that you need _ agency has made it clear that you need deterrence and we have seen the
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success— need deterrence and we have seen the success of— need deterrence and we have seen the success of deterrence whether in australia — success of deterrence whether in australia with their programme but also here _ australia with their programme but also here and how we dealt with illegal— also here and how we dealt with illegal migrants from albania. they account _ illegal migrants from albania. they account for a third of illegal migrants coming in both before i got thisiob _ migrants coming in both before i got thisiob and — migrants coming in both before i got thisjob and we migrants coming in both before i got this job and we returned thousands of illegal— this job and we returned thousands of illegal migrants back to albania last year— of illegal migrants back to albania last year and that's one of the numbers— last year and that's one of the numbers coming from albania declined by 90%~ _ numbers coming from albania declined by 90%. that shows you that deterrence work. when people know that if— deterrence work. when people know that if they— deterrence work. when people know that if they come here illegally they will not be able to stay and they will not be able to stay and they then — they will not be able to stay and they then stop coming. it's not worth— they then stop coming. it's not worth their while, we break the model— worth their while, we break the model of— worth their while, we break the model of the criminal gang so i have confidence _ model of the criminal gang so i have confidence that deterrence works and we have _ confidence that deterrence works and we have done it here with albania and is _ we have done it here with albania and is worried internationally in this by— and is worried internationally in this by getting the rwanda policy up and running is so important. on the met police. — and running is so important. on the met police. i— and running is so important. on the met police, i share the shock and the anger— met police, i share the shock and the anger that many are feeling we saw the _ the anger that many are feeling we saw the clips over the weekend. what i would _ saw the clips over the weekend. what i would say _ saw the clips over the weekend. what i would say about mark rowley, they
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have a _ i would say about mark rowley, they have a difficult job and i would say about mark rowley, they have a difficultjob and i appreciate that what happened was clearly _ appreciate that what happened was clearly wrong and it's right that they— clearly wrong and it's right that they have — clearly wrong and it's right that they have apologised for that. yes, i do have _ they have apologised for that. yes, i do have confidence in him with us on the _ i do have confidence in him with us on the basis — i do have confidence in him with us on the basis that he works to rebuild the confidence and trust of notjust— rebuild the confidence and trust of notjust the jewish rebuild the confidence and trust of not just the jewish community but also the _ not just the jewish community but also the wider public, particularly people _ also the wider public, particularly people in— also the wider public, particularly people in london but also more broadly— people in london but also more broadly and you regain that trust and confidence by making it clear that the — and confidence by making it clear that the police are not tolerating behaviour— that the police are not tolerating behaviour that we would all collectively deemed unacceptable when _ collectively deemed unacceptable when we see it because it undermines our values _ when we see it because it undermines our values and i think that's critical— our values and i think that's critical and another home secretary will be _ critical and another home secretary will be meeting commissioner later todav _ will be meeting commissioner later today. next, if we go to gb news. this was— today. next, if we go to gb news. this was possibly emergency legislation but it's been five months and are still not over the line. is the house of lords fit for purpose? line. is the house of lords fit for --urose? ., . ~' line. is the house of lords fit for --urose? .. . ~' . line. is the house of lords fit for --urose? ., . ~' . _ purpose? you talk about emergency le . islation purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and _ purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and we _ purpose? you talk about emergency
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legislation and we have _ purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and we have work - purpose? you talk about emergency legislation and we have work to - legislation and we have work to deliver— legislation and we have work to deliver because i know and i believe that this _ deliver because i know and i believe that this is — deliver because i know and i believe that this is incredibly important important issue for the country people's— important issue for the country people's patience has run out, as has mine~ — people's patience has run out, as has mine. they are fed up with the endless _ has mine. they are fed up with the endless whether legal merry go rounds. — endless whether legal merry go rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of— rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of this — rounds, legislative merry go rounds, tired of this people trying to block this policy. storming of the judgment last year and i stood and spoke _ judgment last year and i stood and spoke to— judgment last year and i stood and spoke to you with the judgment last year and _ spoke to you with the judgment last year and i_ spoke to you with the judgment last yearand i said spoke to you with the judgment last year and i said we disagree with a but we _ year and i said we disagree with a but we respected it and we worked rapidly— but we respected it and we worked rapidly to— but we respected it and we worked rapidly to rectify it. within a matter— rapidly to rectify it. within a matter of— rapidly to rectify it. within a matter of weeks the team had negotiated a new treaty with rwanda to address all the concerns and we brought— to address all the concerns and we brought forward new legislation. that's— brought forward new legislation. that's how we responded and then in a matter— that's how we responded and then in a matter of— that's how we responded and then in a matter of weeks we had all the mitigations ready to implement this policv _ mitigations ready to implement this policy. but i'm talking to you now in its _ policy. but i'm talking to you now in its april. — policy. but i'm talking to you now in its april, why? because labour and the _ in its april, why? because labour and the house of lords have completed voted against this bill. it happened last week again and it will happen again today and i think
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it's crystal— will happen again today and i think it's crystal clear that the country believes — it's crystal clear that the country believes this is a priority, i have been _ believes this is a priority, i have been clear— believes this is a priority, i have been clear from the first day i got thisjob _ been clear from the first day i got thisjob that is been clear from the first day i got this job that is a priority for me to stop — this job that is a priority for me to stop the _ this job that is a priority for me to stop the boats and that's why i am talking — to stop the boats and that's why i am talking to you today about all the prep— am talking to you today about all the prep work that's gone on behind—the—scenes and why i am confident— behind—the—scenes and why i am confident about our delivery going forward _ confident about our delivery going forward. and i think all the team are here — forward. and i think all the team are here and we cheered the first meeting — are here and we cheered the first meeting this morning of the illegal migration— meeting this morning of the illegal migration operations committee and the home _ migration operations committee and the home secretary stood up. this is an complex _ the home secretary stood up. this is an complex operation and i want people _ an complex operation and i want people to — an complex operation and i want people to be reassured that whilst the laws _ people to be reassured that whilst the laws and taking the time to continually block this policy, we have _ continually block this policy, we have been getting on working hard to prepare _ have been getting on working hard to prepare to— have been getting on working hard to prepare to implement it. and that's what we _ prepare to implement it. and that's what we discussed this morning and i headed _ what we discussed this morning and i headed on— what we discussed this morning and i headed on an earlier that it's a complex— headed on an earlier that it's a complex process but we have been doing _ complex process but we have been doing everything you would expect us to do to _ doing everything you would expect us to do to be _ doing everything you would expect us to do to be ready for this moment, building _ to do to be ready for this moment, building tension capacity, getting
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the judiciary and court rooms ready, training _ the judiciary and court rooms ready, training escorts, getting chartered planes _ training escorts, getting chartered planes booked, getting an airfield ready. _ planes booked, getting an airfield ready, getting the guidance changed and working with the rwandans as the foreign— and working with the rwandans as the foreign secretary has done to make sure they— foreign secretary has done to make sure they are ready with their people all trained at their end of accommodation ready and asylum svstem _ accommodation ready and asylum system ready over there. this is an enormous — system ready over there. this is an enormous complex operation and we were working very hard to deliver it but as— were working very hard to deliver it but as i_ were working very hard to deliver it but as i said. — were working very hard to deliver it but as i said, people's patience is running _ but as i said, people's patience is running fine and my patience has run thin and _ running fine and my patience has run thin and want to get this done and the planes — thin and want to get this done and the planes off. sky news.- the planes off. sky news. prime minister, the planes off. sky news. prime minister. you — the planes off. sky news. prime minister, you hope _ the planes off. sky news. prime minister, you hope to _ the planes off. sky news. prime minister, you hope to get - the planes off. sky news. prime minister, you hope to get the i minister, you hope to get the flights in the summer but you stick your reputation on this policy. is this a moment of success for you with this bill passes and do you have to remove thousands of asylum seekers before a general election to close the gap in the polls and regain voters trust?— close the gap in the polls and regain voters trust? success is when the boats have _ regain voters trust? success is when the boats have been _ regain voters trust? success is when the boats have been stopped. -
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regain voters trust? success is when the boats have been stopped. that's what the _ the boats have been stopped. that's what the country expects and that's what the country expects and that's what the _ what the country expects and that's what the government and i are committed to delivering. yes, whilst ten or— committed to delivering. yes, whilst ten or 12 _ committed to delivering. yes, whilst ten or 12 weeks from now is later than _ ten or 12 weeks from now is later than we — ten or 12 weeks from now is later than we wanted, as i have been talking — than we wanted, as i have been talking about, the delay for that is crystal— talking about, the delay for that is crystal clear and obvious and labour is barking _ crystal clear and obvious and labour is barking blocking this but we have been preparing and there are many things— been preparing and there are many things we _ been preparing and there are many things we have been doing in preparing and we are ready and we will implement this policy. and what i will implement this policy. and what i would _ will implement this policy. and what i would say— will implement this policy. and what i would say is people can have confidence about my commitment to deliver— confidence about my commitment to deliver this _ confidence about my commitment to deliver this because of our record to date — deliver this because of our record to date. and i rememberwhen i got thisjob _ to date. and i rememberwhen i got thisjob there seem to be this general— thisjob there seem to be this general sense that nobody could do anything _ general sense that nobody could do anything about this and this is something we had to live with and it wasiust_ something we had to live with and it wasiust a _ something we had to live with and it wasjust a fact something we had to live with and it was just a fact of modern life and the numbers have gone up every year doubled _ the numbers have gone up every year doubled or— the numbers have gone up every year doubled or quadrupled over the past few years _ doubled or quadrupled over the past few years before i got thisjob few years before i got this job and i few years before i got this job and i didn't— few years before i got this job and i didn't think that was right because _ i didn't think that was right because this is fundamentally wrong. it's fundamentally unfair for people toiump _ it's fundamentally unfair for people tojump the queue, undermine our sense _ tojump the queue, undermine our sense of— tojump the queue, undermine our sense of fairness and come here
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illegally— sense of fairness and come here illegally and put pressure on services _ illegally and put pressure on services and, by the way, risk their lives _ services and, by the way, risk their lives and _ services and, by the way, risk their lives and are — services and, by the way, risk their lives and are explained by criminal gangs~ _ lives and are explained by criminal gangs. none of that is right. i do think— gangs. none of that is right. i do think we — gangs. none of that is right. i do think we can do something about it and i— think we can do something about it and i think— think we can do something about it and i think our record since i became _ and i think our record since i became pm is one that we can make a difference _ became pm is one that we can make a difference. we got the numbers down by 36%_ difference. we got the numbers down by 36% last year. for the first ever time _ by 36% last year. for the first ever time the _ by 36% last year. for the first ever time the numbers were down and they were up— time the numbers were down and they were up in— time the numbers were down and they were up in europe. we are now on track— were up in europe. we are now on track to— were up in europe. we are now on track to return 150 hotels back to local— track to return 150 hotels back to local communities. that is fantastic _ local communities. that is fantastic. communities across the country— fantastic. communities across the country has — fantastic. communities across the country has seen a local hotel taken over to _ country has seen a local hotel taken over to house illegal migrants and a returned _ over to house illegal migrants and a returned back to their local communities and we rested almost 1000 _ communities and we rested almost 1000 people connected with this trade _ 1000 people connected with this trade and something like three or 400 years— trade and something like three or 400 years worth ofjail sentences for those — 400 years worth ofjail sentences for those that have already been convicted — for those that have already been convicted. we shut down 7000 bank accounts _ convicted. we shut down 7000 bank accounts and arrested thousands of people _ accounts and arrested thousands of people on— accounts and arrested thousands of people on illegal working raids. all of the _ people on illegal working raids. all of the asylum backlog without we
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were clear we have cleared it and we troubled _ were clear we have cleared it and we troubled productivity our caseworkers and doubled the number of people _ caseworkers and doubled the number of people we hired and process more people _ of people we hired and process more people after dinner the last two decades — people after dinner the last two decades. all of that should give people — decades. all of that should give people confidence that you can do something about this issue and if you put— something about this issue and if you put your mind to it and are prepared — you put your mind to it and are prepared to go through all this detail— prepared to go through all this detail and be bold when it comes to solutions— detail and be bold when it comes to solutions like rwanda, you can get a grip on— solutions like rwanda, you can get a grip on this — solutions like rwanda, you can get a grip on this problem. we are not there _ grip on this problem. we are not there yet— grip on this problem. we are not there yet by any means but the plan is working — there yet by any means but the plan is working. last year showed that the plan — is working. last year showed that the plan is — is working. last year showed that the plan is working but we have to finish _ the plan is working but we have to finish the — the plan is working but we have to finish the job. as we saw this year, there _ finish the job. as we saw this year, there was— finish the job. as we saw this year, there was an — finish the job. as we saw this year, there was an increase in vietnamese and the new— there was an increase in vietnamese and the new issue last year with albanians — and the new issue last year with albanians and we dealt with albanians and we dealt with albanians and we dealt with albanians and now we will deal with illegal— albanians and now we will deal with illegal mime runs from vietnam but we cannot— illegal mime runs from vietnam but we cannot keep playing this workable strategy _ we cannot keep playing this workable strategy -- _ we cannot keep playing this workable strategy —— illegal migrants from vietnamm — strategy —— illegal migrants from vietnam... that's why the reminder scheme _ vietnam... that's why the reminder scheme is _ vietnam... that's why the reminder scheme is so — vietnam... that's why the reminder scheme is so important and that's why they— scheme is so important and that's why they have been here working hard across _ why they have been here working hard across government and is notjust
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about— across government and is notjust about me — across government and is notjust about me but about the government collectively delivering for the british people on an issue that they care about — british people on an issue that they care about and as i said, the contrast— care about and as i said, the contrast in— care about and as i said, the contrast in the election comes i will go — contrast in the election comes i will go over this again but other than _ will go over this again but other than to— will go over this again but other than to say that there is a clear contrast— than to say that there is a clear contrast to _ than to say that there is a clear contrast to the election. we are a party— contrast to the election. we are a party and — contrast to the election. we are a party and government that cares about— party and government that cares about this — party and government that cares about this issue because it is wrong — about this issue because it is wrong. forthe mentally about this issue because it is wrong. for the mentally illegal migration is wrong, unfair, dangerous and the government is going _ dangerous and the government is going to — dangerous and the government is going to do something about it. we have a _ going to do something about it. we have a clear— going to do something about it. we have a clear plan to do something about— have a clear plan to do something about it — have a clear plan to do something about it it— have a clear plan to do something about it. it is novel, i get that, it's radical— about it. it is novel, i get that, it's radical but that's what the situation _ it's radical but that's what the situation demands. in our track record — situation demands. in our track record shows we can deliver and in spite _ record shows we can deliver and in spite of— record shows we can deliver and in spite of everyone trying to block us in the _ spite of everyone trying to block us in the labour party at the front of a queue. — in the labour party at the front of a queue, will get this done and that's— a queue, will get this done and that's a — a queue, will get this done and that's a choice of the next election~ _ that's a choice of the next election. if you care about this issue — election. if you care about this issue and _ election. if you care about this issue and you want something done about— issue and you want something done about it. _ issue and you want something done about it, there's only one part is going _ about it, there's only one part is going to — about it, there's only one part is going to deliver that for you. the labour— going to deliver that for you. the labour party cannot tell you at all what _ labour party cannot tell you at all what they — labour party cannot tell you at all what they would do about this issue. and worse _ what they would do about this issue. and worse than that they have actively — and worse than that they have actively tried to frustrate us at every— actively tried to frustrate us at every turn. i talked with a 900 people — every turn. i talked with a 900 people we have arrested with the powers _
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people we have arrested with the powers that we passed. the labour party— powers that we passed. the labour party voted — powers that we passed. the labour party voted against that. those are very tangible to build difference. there's— very tangible to build difference. there's are new powers of the conservative party past that have led to _ conservative party past that have led to the — conservative party past that have led to the arrest of nearly 1000 people — led to the arrest of nearly 1000 people sentenced 500 years worth of 'ail people sentenced 500 years worth of jail time~ _ people sentenced 500 years worth of jail time. the labour party didn't 'ust jail time. the labour party didn't just sit— jail time. the labour party didn't just sit back, they voted against that and — just sit back, they voted against that and that is how us bring those numbers— that and that is how us bring those numbers down and save people's lives and it— numbers down and save people's lives and it was— numbers down and save people's lives and it was up— numbers down and save people's lives and it was up to them, those people down _ and it was up to them, those people down the _ and it was up to them, those people down the streets continuing to apply this trade _ down the streets continuing to apply this trade. thus the contrast with a general— this trade. thus the contrast with a general election comes. talk tv. the rwandan general election comes. talk tv. tue: rwandan president, you general election comes. talk tv. tt9: rwandan president, you met general election comes. talk tv. t19 rwandan president, you met him recently, he has said that money can be returned with the scheme doesn't work and we know there is a housing development with 70% of the housing element was originally meant to be first people sent to rwanda and you've talked about the uk side and a bit of the rwandan side. how confident are you that even though the migrants might be on board that the migrants might be on board that the rewind and still are? t met
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the migrants might be on board that the rewind and still are?— the rewind and still are? i met the resident the rewind and still are? i met the president last _ the rewind and still are? i met the president last week _ the rewind and still are? i met the president last week when - the rewind and still are? i met the president last week when he - the rewind and still are? i met the president last week when he was i the rewind and still are? i met the| president last week when he was in london _ president last week when he was in london and — president last week when he was in london and we have a very good close relationship _ london and we have a very good close relationship and our foreign secretary has a very long standing relationship with the rwandans and their government and has been crucial— their government and has been crucial in — their government and has been crucial in making sure that we work well together, both to your point that they— well together, both to your point that they are doing absolutely everything that is required to make sure that _ everything that is required to make sure that this scheme is successful. to give _ sure that this scheme is successful. to give you — sure that this scheme is successful. to give you a — sure that this scheme is successful. to give you a sense of that they have _ to give you a sense of that they have initial— to give you a sense of that they have initial reception accommodation centres _ have initial reception accommodation centres ready, hope hostel being the first one _ centres ready, hope hostel being the first one and they will provide accommodation for thousands. the home _ accommodation for thousands. the home office has helped to train 69 different— home office has helped to train 69 different rwandan asylum decision—makers. there are almost 40 rwandan— decision—makers. there are almost 40 rwandan lawyers that are ready to provide _ rwandan lawyers that are ready to provide extra legal assistance. judges— provide extra legal assistance. judges have been trained, the co—presidents of the new appeal body in the _ co—presidents of the new appeal body in the treaty have been selected and the joint _ in the treaty have been selected and the joint monitoring committee has been set _ the joint monitoring committee has been setup. thanks the joint monitoring committee has been set up. thanks to andrew the
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home _ been set up. thanks to andrew the home office's work i think were in good _ home office's work i think were in good shape actually and paul is completely committed to making this partnership work. whenever we need something _ partnership work. whenever we need something from them and out concerns of an address label willing to work with us— of an address label willing to work with us and we have done constructively and collaboratively and i_ constructively and collaboratively and i think the question you should ask and _ and i think the question you should ask and andrew spoke to us this morning — ask and andrew spoke to us this morning as _ ask and andrew spoke to us this morning as why? because rwanda cares about tackling this issue. it is proudly— about tackling this issue. it is proudly already hosting hundred and 35.000 _ proudly already hosting hundred and 35,000 people seeking safety. they are as _ 35,000 people seeking safety. they are as passionate about we are about ending _ are as passionate about we are about ending this— are as passionate about we are about ending this awful illegal migration crisis _ ending this awful illegal migration crisis and — ending this awful illegal migration crisis and they have a proud track record _ crisis and they have a proud track record working with the un for libyan— record working with the un for libyan refugees and this is an opportunity for us to strengthen not 'ust opportunity for us to strengthen not just our— opportunity for us to strengthen not just our economic relationship with them _ just our economic relationship with them but _ just our economic relationship with them but work together with them to help do— them but work together with them to help do something that many other countries _ help do something that many other countries are looking at as a potential— countries are looking at as a potential model and many european countries _ potential model and many european countries and i speak with loss of european — countries and i speak with loss of european leaders and all of them know— european leaders and all of them know that — european leaders and all of them know that illegal migration is a growing — know that illegal migration is a growing challenge, and a global
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challenge and together with one that we are _ challenge and together with one that we are at— challenge and together with one that we are at the forefront of demonstrating a new way to deal with this and _ demonstrating a new way to deal with this and that's something that people — this and that's something that people have taken notice of. that rwandans — people have taken notice of. that rwandans like us are keen to make sure it's _ rwandans like us are keen to make sure it's a _ rwandans like us are keen to make sure it's a success in european countries _ sure it's a success in european countries looking at this and i will say this— countries looking at this and i will say this here is that in the past, you have — say this here is that in the past, you have seen the narrative on this change _ you have seen the narrative on this change from the first time i spoke to willing — change from the first time i spoke to willing of this job. i change from the first time i spoke to willing of thisjob. i said then that others will lead and others will follow as you have seen that. european — will follow as you have seen that. european countries all talking about a third _ european countries all talking about a third country partnerships and that being one of the tools that you need to— that being one of the tools that you need to resolve this and this is novel— need to resolve this and this is novel and _ need to resolve this and this is novel and innovative but it will be a game _ novel and innovative but it will be a game changerand i'm novel and innovative but it will be a game changer and i'm grateful to rwanda _ a game changer and i'm grateful to rwanda and andrew's work in making sure that _ rwanda and andrew's work in making sure that we — rwanda and andrew's work in making sure that we are ready to successfully implement the policy and the _ successfully implement the policy and the last thing i will say is the treaty— and the last thing i will say is the treaty which we were tarred with will be _ treaty which we were tarred with will be ratified as we said in the days— will be ratified as we said in the days after— will be ratified as we said in the days after the bill receives royal assent _ days after the bill receives royal assent and that is on track and ready— assent and that is on track and ready to — assent and that is on track and ready to go as well and as the
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treaty— ready to go as well and as the treaty that deals with all of the concerns — treaty that deals with all of the concerns raised by the supreme court and monitoring committee, the judges and monitoring committee, the judges and i'm _ and monitoring committee, the judges and i'm sure _ and monitoring committee, the judges and i'm sure we will go through in detail— and i'm sure we will go through in detail but— and i'm sure we will go through in detail but all of that is done and ready— detail but all of that is done and ready to — detail but all of that is done and ready to be ratified as soon as the bill passes~ — ready to be ratified as soon as the bill passes. lastly, the bbc. you are acknowledging that you're promised — you are acknowledging that you're promised to— you are acknowledging that you're promised to get _ you are acknowledging that you're promised to get flights _ you are acknowledging that you're promised to get flights off- you are acknowledging that you're promised to get flights off to - promised to get flights off to rwanda _ promised to get flights off to rwanda this— promised to get flights off to rwanda this spring _ promised to get flights off to rwanda this spring is - promised to get flights off to rwanda this spring is not - promised to get flights off to . rwanda this spring is not going promised to get flights off to - rwanda this spring is not going to happen— rwanda this spring is not going to happen so— rwanda this spring is not going to happen so they _ rwanda this spring is not going to happen so they will _ rwanda this spring is not going to happen so they will be _ rwanda this spring is not going to happen so they will be scepticism | rwanda this spring is not going to | happen so they will be scepticismj happen so they will be scepticism about— happen so they will be scepticism about your— happen so they will be scepticism about your capacity— happen so they will be scepticism about your capacity to _ happen so they will be scepticism about your capacity to deliver. . happen so they will be scepticism i about your capacity to deliver. can you be _ about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain _ about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain by— about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain by the _ about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain by the time - about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain by the time of- about your capacity to deliver. can you be certain by the time of the i you be certain by the time of the election— you be certain by the time of the election you _ you be certain by the time of the election you will— you be certain by the time of the election you will be _ you be certain by the time of the election you will be able - you be certain by the time of the election you will be able to - you be certain by the time of the| election you will be able to prove that this — election you will be able to prove that this policy— election you will be able to prove that this policy is _ election you will be able to prove that this policy is a _ election you will be able to prove that this policy is a deterrent? ii that this policy is a deterrent? i will that this policy is a deterrent? will refer what i said that this policy is a deterrent?“ will refer what i said previously. we expect the first flight to go in ten to— we expect the first flight to go in ten to 12 — we expect the first flight to go in ten to 12 weeks. of course that is later— ten to 12 weeks. of course that is later than— ten to 12 weeks. of course that is later than we wanted but we know the reason~ _ later than we wanted but we know the reason~ the _ later than we wanted but we know the reason. the labour party has consistently and at every turn
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blocked — consistently and at every turn blocked this going through parliament and it will happen


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