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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am BST

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hello, i'm lauren taylor. world leaders are calling for restraint on all sides, after an apparent israeli air strike on iran. explosions were heard in the country and two us officials told our broadcast partner cbs news that it was an attack from israel. state television in iran reported explosions near an army base and an airport in the central city of isfahan, activating local air defence systems. blasts have also been reported in the country's north—west. video online shows iranian defence missiles being fired into the air. commercial flights were initially diverted around iranian airspace, but iranian media say all restrictions have now been lifted. isfahan is the location of iran's nuclear sites. the international atomic energy agency has confirmed there is no damage to the facilities. in a social media post, the agency's director general, rafael mariano grossi, continued to call for extreme restraint from everybody, and said nuclear facilities should never be a target
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in military conflicts. let's speak to our diplomatic correspondent james landale who's injerusalem. talk is through the events so far, and what the reaction tells us about how this is viewed in the region? remember, we are still in that stage where the full facts are not known, and that those people who are commenting and talking about what has happened, and many of them have agendas to try and talk up or play down what has happened, but in terms of the basic facts, we know that iranian state media are reporting there have been explosions near a military base in isfahan in central iran. basically if you find tehran on a map and go due south it is there. essentially there have been reports of air defence explosions taking off, a senior iranian
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commanders have said they have shut down some drones. again, we still don't know exactly what was part of this air strike. the iranians at the moment are saying there has been no damage. the israelis are officially not saying anything, so there has been no official confirmation from the government. unofficially israeli media are all attributing the attack to israel. some israeli ministers have been commenting and implicitly accepting it is israel who was responsible. we don't know precisely the full scale of the attack. at the moment everybody seems to be thinking that it has been a limited attack so far, against military targets. but again, we still don't know the full facts.— targets. but again, we still don't know the full facts. within israel, there is a bit _ know the full facts. within israel, there is a bit of— know the full facts. within israel, there is a bit of a _ know the full facts. within israel, there is a bit of a government - know the full facts. within israel, | there is a bit of a government spat going on, isn't there? tell about that. , ., ., , that. this morning, as i said, the israeli government _ that. this morning, as i said, the israeli government has _ that. this morning, as i said, the israeli government has not - israeli government has not acknowledged responsibility for the air strike in any capacity, but a
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member of the cabinet, who is an ultra nationalist, far right member of this government, who is currently serving as the national security minister, tweeted, or posted on the social media platform x, formerly known as twitter, one word. and that word was, lame, orfeeble. it is a hebrew idiom that many people are translating in different ways. but that expresses a sense of weakness, that expresses a sense of weakness, that wasn't enough. that has prompted the furious row from the boot response from the opposition leader, who has tweeted in response from that. i will be you a few lines from that. i will be you a few lines from that. i will be you a few lines from that. he says, a security minister has never caught such heavy damage to the security image and international standing. the point that i think he is making is that,
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if israel is trying to send a message to the world, and to iran, that it well and has responded to last weekend's massive drone and missile attack on israel, and it has done it in a way that israel wants to send a strong signal to the iranians saying, look, we can bomb where we wish to bomb in iran, without any kind of sense of restraint. in other words, we can go further than this. you don't want, at the same time, to have a member of the government saying, well we think the responses a little bit lame, because the implication is that undermines the strategic aim of israel, which is to deterfuture iranian attacks. that is why there is this political dispute as we speak. figs is this political dispute as we seak, m is this political dispute as we seak. a ., is this political dispute as we seak. m . .,�* is this political dispute as we seak. �*, ., .,�* 4' ., speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage — speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage is _ speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage is whether _ speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage is whether it _ speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage is whether it is _ speak. as oppose what we don't know at this stage is whether it is an - at this stage is whether it is an opening salvo from israel in terms of their response, in terms of whether they are prepared to draw a line under it at this point. i am to sing at the moment that an iranian
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admiral has said the navy is going to escort commercial ships to the red sea amid tensions, which i suppose underlines the fact that israel could also strike other targets as well in the region, that there might be other options open to them, and the region. yes. there might be other options open to them, and the region.— there might be other options open to them, and the region. yes, there are more options — them, and the region. yes, there are more options open _ them, and the region. yes, there are more options open to _ them, and the region. yes, there are more options open to israel- them, and the region. yes, there are more options open to israel if- them, and the region. yes, there are more options open to israel if it - more options open to israel if it wishes to carry on at the moment. all the signs are that the iranians wish to play this down. an unnamed iranians official has been quoted at reuters news agency saying that there is no current intention to react tally it against us. iranians media have been playing it down. there have even been jokes on iranian social media, playing down what israel has done. i saw one that just showed a paper dart being thrown from a window and somebody saying, here is israel's air strike, implying that it is minimal. at the moment that is quite an interesting
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response, that iran is trying to play it down as far as we can tell. if that means both sides want to draw a line, 0k, if that means both sides want to drawa line, ok, that if that means both sides want to draw a line, ok, that might be where we are at. the problem is that these are incredibly high stakes. the potential for miscalculation and misinterpretation is huge. if you think about it there have been misinterpretations by both sides so far, since this particular exchange began, at the beginning of april, when israel reportedly — they haven't acknowledge it — consulate in damascus, the capital of syria. there have been miscalculations. australia has urged all of its citizens to leave israel and palestinian territories. american authorities have put out warnings for their own citizens. i have spoken to some of the international community here injerusalem who are thinking of evacuating their families. the risk is real. we still don't know the full facts and we don't know the full facts and we
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don't know the full facts and we don't know how this is going to play out yet. don't know how this is going to play out et. , ., , don't know how this is going to play out et. �* . , . . don't know how this is going to play out et. , . , ., ., ., out yet. james landale, our diplomatic— out yet. james landale, our diplomatic editor, _ out yet. james landale, our diplomatic editor, thank- out yet. james landale, our| diplomatic editor, thank you out yet. james landale, our- diplomatic editor, thank you very much forjoining us. our international editor, jeremy bowen, gave us his assessment of the situation. i think the big question is whether or not this is it, whether or not israel plans to do anything else. i think that if this is all israel is going to do, then it seems that it might be possible, as the americans and others were hoping to draw a line under this whole section of the saga, however, what i would say is that that is not yet certain, and if it is the case, it doesn't mean that this entire crisis is over, far from it. it started on the 1st of april with that attack by the israelis on the iranian diplomatic compound in damascus, and then since then, i think both sides have shown that they, for all the obsessive
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interest they take in each other, they really don't get it, as far as each other is concerned, they can't read each other very well, i think as a result of that, they both miscalculated, iran and israel, about the others' intentions, and that is not a good omen for the future. as well as that, precedents have been set, direct attacks on each other's territory, so neither is very encouraging for what is already an extremely turbulent and dangerous region. when you talk about the response so far, israel's allies had called for restraint and there has also been apparently cause for a iranian restraint, too. what do you see as the next step? well, everyone is calling for restraint, actually, pretty much except for, no doubt, hardliners in iran and a few hardliners in israel as well. itamar ben—gvir, the national security minister in israel, who said after the initial,
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last saturday, the iranian response to that israeli airstrike, he said then that israel should go berserk. and his one word tweet this morning was, feeble, or useless, something like that, was the translation of the hebrew. and there are more serious characters as well, and eisenkop, who wanted to have a response pretty quickly to all of this, because for the as well use, showing that they are able to detertheir enemies is enough for them. joe biden and others have been trying to persuade them that they have effectively deterred them, by dealing with that large iranian attack, albeit with the help of powerful western allies, notably the united states. and so, i think that if israel
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doesn't lob any more missiles in the direction of iran, then i think that this probably will draw a line under the episode. or the fact that the middle east is still in absolute turmoil. the president of the european commission, ursula von der leyen, is in finland. she has has called for a de—escalation. we have to do everything possible, that all sides should restrain from the escalation in that region. the escalation in that region. we have seen the massive attack with drones and missiles, about 300, by iran on israel. it is absolutely necessary that the region stays stable let's ta ke let's take you to the g7 meeting. we are hearing from the foreign minister. the goal is de—escalation.
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we have worked and we will continue to work and to be active to achieve de—escalation throughout the middle east. as far as i am concerned, from this evening i have been in contact with the emphasis of italy and tehran, and the italian embassy in tel aviv. ijust want tehran, and the italian embassy in tel aviv. i just want to say, for the italian journalists, tel aviv. i just want to say, for the italianjournalists, that there are no problems for italian nationals in iran. we have approved two final documents. one of them concerning the situation in the middle east and the other concerning ukraine. we have condemned the
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recent attack on the part of iran against israel. the g7 supports israel's independence but we invite all parties to work to avoid any escalation. i am quoting a document, and the g7 will work towards that result. we have also written that we want to continue to work to stabilise the situation, avoid any escalation, and we ask all parties to make a positive contribution towards this collective effort. we ask iran to cease its relations with hamas. and to stop supporting
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hezbollah, and we have not excluded the possibility of adopting sanctions or other measures in response to recent events or in response to recent events or in response to recent events or in response to any destabilising actions which may be taken. with regard to gaza we have reiterated our commitment towards an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in order to ensure the release of the hostages and also to ensure the provision of goods and food to the civil population, palestinian civil population. in this connection, all
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g7, recognising this as in the final document, the italian project, food for gaza, everybody recognises this as a tool for peace in this difficult area. we have also repeated our position to an israeli attack on rafah and we repeated that our goal is to have two states for two peoples. with regard to the red sea now, safety of shipping and the impacts on maritime routes is a priority and the european operation asks for this, working together with
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prosperity guardian is working to protect... prosperity guardian is working to rotect. .. ., . prosperity guardian is working to rotect... ., ., , , protect... you have been listening to the foreign _ protect... you have been listening to the foreign minister _ protect... you have been listening to the foreign minister of - protect... you have been listening to the foreign minister of italy - protect... you have been listening| to the foreign minister of italy who is at the g7 meeting of foreign ministers. he was highlighting what he said was the invitation to all the parties to avoid escalation. he said the political goal of the g7 was de—escalation in the middle east and he also talked about wanting iran to cease its relations with her mass and stop supporting hezbollah and he also mentioned gaza and the situation there, reiterating the commitment to ceasefire and the return of hostages. we are expecting to hear from antony blinken, return of hostages. we are expecting to hearfrom antony blinken, the us secretary of state and we will bring you that when that happens. in the meantime let's talk to bbc persian. with me is siavash ardalan from bbc persian. tell us about the reaction within iran and what that tells us. iran is
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bracin: iran and what that tells us. iran is bracing for _ iran and what that tells us. iran is bracing for this _ iran and what that tells us. iran is bracing for this attack. _ iran and what that tells us. iran is bracing for this attack. they - iran and what that tells us. iran is bracing for this attack. they woke j bracing for this attack. they woke up bracing for this attack. they woke up early in the morning to sounds of explosions and then they all rush to see what domestic news outlets are saying. it turned out to be sounds from iran's defence aerial defence systems. not a particular explosion. everybody was calling each other on social media, contacting to see who heard what, who observed what, other than the sounds of explosion, if anyone saw anything, any signs of devastation or not. i guess it is just now really a sigh of relief, given the fact that iranians state media is really pressing on with this messaging, that it is business as usual, everything is calm, sending out supporters to iran's nuclear facilities, sending out supporters to iran's nuclearfacilities, around public nuclear facilities, around public squares, nuclearfacilities, around public squares, just to show life is going on as usual. everyone is really trying to find out if there are any images surfacing or any proof of reports in western media that an israeli missile was shot towards iran and hit a military airbase in
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the province of isfahan, which of course is not a place most of the public facilities. so really if israel intended this attack to take place, and if israel intended for it to inflict some damage, it is not something the public could be seen or used as part of this war of narratives.— narratives. on at is it a significant _ narratives. on at is it a significant province - narratives. on at is it a significant province to l narratives. on at is it a l significant province to hit narratives. on at is it a _ significant province to hit because of what else is there, for example we don't know if anything was hit, but there is a nuclear facility in that region, isn't there?- but there is a nuclear facility in that region, isn't there? there is a nuclear enrichment _ that region, isn't there? there is a nuclear enrichment facility - that region, isn't there? there is a nuclear enrichment facility to - that region, isn't there? there is a nuclear enrichment facility to stop| nuclear enrichment facility to stop it is one of the industrial hubs and it is one of the industrial hubs and it is one of the industrial hubs and it is home to an airbase fleet with a rainy and fighterjets from 1979. iran doesn't have a strong air defence but nevertheless that is one of its airbases and all the reports are that, if there has been an attack, if it is true what they are men american officials have been telling israeli media, and israeli
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media are also reporting, if an attack took place it must have been that particular air base, otherwise, what the iranians are saying is that they shot down a few drones and they are calling them quad drones. these are calling them quad drones. these are drones that only work with four rotors, a very short range, and they were saying it was lodged inside iran. it didn't originate from anywhere else.— iran. it didn't originate from anywhere else. iran. it didn't originate from an here else. �* ., ., ., ., anywhere else. before we move on to ordinary peeple _ anywhere else. before we move on to ordinary people are _ anywhere else. before we move on to ordinary people are feeling, _ anywhere else. before we move on to ordinary people are feeling, just - anywhere else. before we move on to ordinary people are feeling, just on i ordinary people are feeling, just on that, the fact that those drones might have been launched from within iran, that is significant in itself, isn't it? it iran, that is significant in itself, isn't it? , , iran, that is significant in itself, isn'tit? , i, isn't it? it is very significant. it isn't it? it is very significant. it is indicative _ isn't it? it is very significant. it is indicative of _ isn't it? it is very significant. it is indicative of israel's - is indicative of israel's infiltration inside the country, if it was lodged by any israeli agents or not, because the story of israel's infiltration inside iran and human intelligence inside the country is the stuff of myths, because over the past 10—15 years israel has been embarking on this war of of the shadowy war, where nuclear scientists have been
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assassinated. the latest one was one of the top nuclear scientists. also some years ago there was an explosion in one of the military bases. if the drones were locked inside iran, and they were drones by inference rail, then that itself is very ominous. still it gives room for iranians tojust very ominous. still it gives room for iranians to just play down everything that has happened. in terms of reaction, we know that after iran launched missiles on israel, people rushed out and bought food and so on and stocked up on petrol. what have they been saying on social media and so on after this? ~ ., �* on social media and so on after this? ~ . �* ., , ., this? we haven't heard if... is in a something — this? we haven't heard if... is in a something happens _ this? we haven't heard if... is in a something happens they - this? we haven't heard if... is in a something happens they rush - this? we haven't heard if... is in a something happens they rush to i this? we haven't heard if... is in a i something happens they rush to the petrol station, fearing fuel shortages, and that happened last time as well was that we haven't had reports of any sense of panic or anything like this. i get its anything like this. i get it'sjust that people are relieved no attack has taken place. there has been a
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boon to limit any public panic at this stage. boon to limit any public panic at this stage-— this stage. just a pick up the italian foreign _ this stage. just a pick up the italian foreign minister- this stage. just a pick up the italian foreign minister was| this stage. just a pick up the . italian foreign minister was talk about, they are asking iran to cease its relations with word mark and stop supporting hezbollah. how likely is that particular request? very unlikely. iran looks at these proxy groups is one of its strategic assets. iran doesn't have a powerful conventional military force, especially air force. what it does have its missiles and drones and also these proxy groups. that is what iran has and that is what it is using as a deterrent. it doesn't even have good air defences. it is no match for the israeli's idf air force. what it can do and is counting on is, that if israel does attack, then it can't stroke those particular missile launchers which are all over the place. iran's strength is not so much on its own defence but in the ability to launch these rockets that israel, and try to proved israel that it is vulnerable to these weapons. taste
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to proved israel that it is vulnerable to these weapons. we also had a report — vulnerable to these weapons. we also had a report earlier _ vulnerable to these weapons. we also had a report earlier on _ vulnerable to these weapons. we also had a report earlier on saying - vulnerable to these weapons. we also had a report earlier on saying that - had a report earlier on saying that an iranian admiralsays had a report earlier on saying that an iranian admiral says the navy is to a scott commercial ships to the red sea. how soon do think that is that they would be a scot and commercial shipping at the stage charisma is thatjust that commercial shipping at the stage charisma is that just that they realise, if this were just the beginning ofan realise, if this were just the beginning of an israeli fail of attacks, then israel could start attacking shipping, or even perhaps naval assets? that attacking shipping, or even perhaps naval assets?— attacking shipping, or even perhaps naval assets? that may very well be true. that naval assets? that may very well be true- that is — naval assets? that may very well be true. that is probably _ naval assets? that may very well be true. that is probably part _ naval assets? that may very well be true. that is probably part of - naval assets? that may very well be true. that is probably part of the - true. that is probably part of the measures that are taking place at the moment. it is curious that iran would say that, given that we know that one of the biggest threats to international shipping has been iranian proxy groups, and now that iranian proxy groups, and now that iran said it is exporting its commercial ships it is interesting to note. i guess this is a part of the defence measures that iranians would be taking inside the country and abroad. would be taking inside the country and abroad-— and abroad. thank you very much indeed. thank— and abroad. thank you very much indeed. thank you _ and abroad. thank you very much indeed. thank you for _ and abroad. thank you very much indeed. thank you for talking - and abroad. thank you very much indeed. thank you for talking to l and abroad. thank you very much l
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indeed. thank you for talking to us about the situation in the middle east and about the situation in the middle eastand iran, in about the situation in the middle east and iran, in particular. hamish de bretton—gordon is a chemical weapons expert and former commander of british and nato nuclearforces. he explained to me just how significant the location of isfahan is for this attack. i think very significant. isfahan was the second city of iran. a lot of military bases are around it and, as you say, they pay to have hit a military base was not whether it is a rainy and the revolutionary guard corps, who knows, i wouldn't be at all surprised. and fairly near to where we believe iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. where we believe iran is trying to build nuclearweapons. i where we believe iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. isuspect where we believe iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. i suspect a nod to them. i think this attack is very much a demonstration of capability and perhaps intent. iran fired 300 plus missiles and drones that israel and they virtually will get knocked down. israel fires one, perhaps two missiles at iran, at a target, appears to have got through and damage. i think people might be surprised to know that,
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conventionally, israel vastly over matches iran. and this is a demonstration of that. i suspect your correspondent frank gardner, said earlier on today, iran is far more likely to fight in the shadows using its terror groups and proxies, rather than go toe to toe with israel conventionally, where it knows it would get a real hammering. what reaction do think we expect from iran's clearly the mood music appears to be downplaying the scale of this. but earlier in the week they had said they would react. what is your expectation for what we can look for from iran? is your expectation for what we can look forfrom iran? i is your expectation for what we can look for from iran?— look for from iran? i think the initial reaction _ look for from iran? i think the initial reaction is, _ look for from iran? i think the initial reaction is, as - look for from iran? i think the initial reaction is, as you - look for from iran? i think the initial reaction is, as you say, | look for from iran? i think the l initial reaction is, as you say, to play it down. they don't want to make the fact that a single or a couple of israeli missiles had got through their antiquated air defence systems and hit targets. israel has the capacity but its stealth fighters and others to do an awful lot of damage here. i think iran
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feels that its pride is slightly restored by the launching of attacks on israel on sunday and really doesn't want to get any further than that because it knows that israel is absolutely determined and seems to have the backing of the us and other countries, and iran can't really rely on much help — perhaps a little bit from russia, who was very keen to keep the focus on the middle east and not ukraine. but apart from that they are a little bit isolated. of course the last thing they want to do is get some of their key facilities... do is get some of their key facilities. . ._ do is get some of their key facilities... ~ . , ,, , ., facilities... we are 'ust keeping an e e on facilities... we are 'ust keeping an eye on that _ facilities... we are 'ust keeping an eye on that news _ facilities... we are just keeping an eye on that news conference - facilities... we are just keeping an eye on that news conference at - facilities... we are just keeping an | eye on that news conference at the g7 where we are expecting to hear from the us secretary of state, antony blinken should, shortly. we will bring you that as soon as we get it. just a reminder, the g7 has put out a statement saying that it invites all the parties to avoid escalation. the political goal of g7
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is de—escalation in the middle east. it also says that it has asked iran to cease its relations with hamas and stop supporting hezbollah, and they have also talked about the situation in gaza as well, reiterating their commitment to a ceasefire and the return of the hostages there. and opposing a full—scale military operation in rafah. to stay with us here on bbc news. we will keep you updated with the very latest. hello. some drier weather is on the way for most parts of the uk this weekend, but it doesn't look as if it will be warm and sunny — there will be quite a bit of cloud around. and today's cloud is going to continue to bring a scattering of showers, with some sunshine in between. and it's still quite breezy out there. showers will continue to run in across parts of central and eastern england and also in the south, we're clearing away our morning weather front. for western areas the winds start
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to ease a little later, the winds are still brisk, and given that at this time of year the sea is at its coolest, it will feel quite bracing on the north sea coast. but 111—15 outside of the wind should feel pleasant, and we should get more sunshine this afternoon in northern ireland, west of scotland, western parts of england and wales. but this evening and overnight the chilly breeze continues to feed showers into eastern parts of england. patchy cloud and rain coming into the north on the next weather front but for most of us, because the showers clear, and the cloud, it will be colder than last night, with a fairly widespread ground frost. so, gardeners, beware. this high pressure might well also lead to some mist and fog in the west first thing but it hangs around all weekend, so the dry weather is with us, but we will see quite a lot of cloud with the weak weather front, no more than the occasional light shower, keeping the easterly breeze flowing into eastern areas, so we may well have an east—west split. chilly wind for parts of eastern england, perhaps one or two showers.
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the rain, patchy rain, in the north, and then just generally a build—up of cloud on saturday. it looks as if west will be best for sunshine and perhaps also in eastern areas in between the showers later on but still quite chilly here, given the wind direction. only 13—111, just a little below par for the time of year. and it looks like another chilly night on saturday night, with a touch of frost. so that means that if you are out early heading off to the london marathon, it will be a cool start for the runners and spectators, and we are expecting temperatures to get into the low double figures, 12—13 at best, during the day, with the keen wind blowing and quite a lot of cloud. it looks as if we will see some good sunshine further to the west and perhaps for northern ireland, up to 17—18. but at the moment it's looking quite chilly again.
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this is bbc news. the headlines... explosions are heard in iran. us officials say it's israel's response to this week's attack. an iranian official says there is no plan for immediate retaliation, and state tv says there is no damage reported. g7 foreign ministers are in italy, with the crisis expected to dominate their agenda. while the european commission president urges restraint from all parties. let's recap what's been
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happening in iran. in what is feared to be a ratcheting—up of the conflict in the middle east, explosions have been heard in iran. two us officials have confirmed to our broadcast partner cbs news that it was an attack from israel. state television in iran has reported explosions near an army base and an airport in the central city of isfahan, activating local air defence systems. isfahan is home to iran's nuclear facilities. blasts have also been reported in the country's north—west. video online shows iranian defence missiles being fired into the air. commercial flights were initially diverted around iranian airspace, but iranian media say all restrictions have now been lifted. ishafan is the location of iran's nuclear sites. the international atomic energy agency has confirmed there is no damage to the facilities. in a social media post, the agency's director general rafael mariano grossi continued to call for extreme restraint from everybody and said nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflicts.


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