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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm BST

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fears of a major escalation of the conflict in the middle east. iran doesn'tjust pose a threat to israel, it poses a threat to the entire middle east. g7 countries "unanimously" condemn the iranian attack and call on both sides "to exercise restraint". the us warns it doesn't want the crisis to escalate into a wider war but says it's up to israel how to respond. this is the scene live injerusalem, where israel's war cabinet has been meeting today to discuss a response. hello and welcome, i'm samantha simmonds. we start with the latest developments from the middle east — we continue our coverage of the iranian attack on israel. israel says the vast majority of more than 300 drones and missiles launched by iran have been intercepted. the attacks marked the first time iran has targeted israel directly from its own soil.
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the israeli war cabinet has been meeting to discuss its response to the attack. a senior minister, benny gantz, said israel would exact a price from iran in its own time and fashion. the defence minister, yoav gallant, said the confrontation with iran wasn't over, and israel must prepare for every scenario. iran has warned of a much bigger response if israel retaliates. the white house has said it doesn't want to see the crisis in the middle east escalate. a us security spokesman, john kirby, said washington was not seeking a wider war. a meeting of g7 leaders has "unanimously" condemned the iranian attack and called on both sides "to exercise restraint". the group said they stood "ready to take measures" in response to further destabilisation by iran. the israeli military has announced it will be calling up two reserve brigades for operations in gaza.
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this report from middle east corerspondent lucy williamson. radio chatter last night, for a few hours, israel lived in its skies — fighterjets battling waves of iranian drones and missiles fired at israeli targets. the middle east's most dangerous conflict, dropping its mask. from the ground, israel's air defences rose to meet threats by the dozen, a perilous display. watched from jerusalem. tel aviv. israel's defence minister called it one of the most dramatic nights israel had ever experienced. in iran, the launches were celebrated one after the other on national television. punishment, iran said, for the strike on its consulate in damascus two weeks ago. translation: there is no intention
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to continue this operation. - but if the zionist regime takes steps against the islamic republic on its soil or against areas linked to us in the region, our next operation will be far greater than this. the attacks were celebrated by iranians outside the british embassy too, seeing them as punishment for the war in gaza and calling for israel's destruction. iran's government has said it's not seeking to escalate the conflict. tonight, a member of israel's war cabinet said there would be a response. translation: faced with the threat i of iran, we will build a regional i coalition and collect the price from iran in a way and at a time that suits us. british planes helped shoot down dozens of the launchers. the prime minister has now joined israel's allies in calling for restraint. if this attack had been successful,
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the fallout for regional stability would be hard to overstate. and we stand by the security of israel and the wider region, which is, of course, important for our security here at home, too. what we now need is for calm heads to prevail. we'll be working with our allies to de—escalate the situation. last night was a test of israel's defences, but its leaders now face another political test over how to respond to this attack. a show of strength is needed, some argue, to maintain deterrence, but too much could push this region into a wider war. shoppers returned tojerusalem's main market today, shaken but sure of the response. i think if we react, it will show our strength and it will prevent the next attack. i hope. we can't live like this anymore. they shot a lot of missiles on us. it's the first time ever
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in the history of the world that a country throw so many missiles on another country at the same time. so we got to respond, of course. others here believe israel faces a dangerous turning point and that alliances, rather than weapons, offer its best chance of protection long term. right now, all the west and all moderate muslim nations in this region do understand that, all right, this is a new game. and in this new game, it's about being moderate and willingness to move forward with some sort of a reconciliation process in this region, in this troubled region. this attack marked new territory in an old battlefield. much hangs on the response. no chink in israel's armour last night, but the door to war is still open.
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a spokesperson for israel's defense forces, daniel hagari, held a news conference on those attacks. let's have a listen. (sot hamas and iran want to ignite the middle _ hamas and iran want to ignite the middle east and to escalate the region — middle east and to escalate the region. we are still on high alert in assessing the situation. over the last few— in assessing the situation. over the last few hours, we approved operational plans for both offensive and defensive action. we will continue _ and defensive action. we will continue to protect the state of israel_ continue to protect the state of israel and — continue to protect the state of israel and together with our partners _ israel and together with our partners we will continue to build a more _ partners we will continue to build a more secure and stable future for the entire — more secure and stable future for the entire middle east. we've had more reaction from the us. john kirby, the white house's top national security spokesperson, told the nbc�*s meet the press programme that the united states will continue to help israel defend itself, but does not want a broader war with iran.
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know that the president is working the diplomatic side of this personally. in fact, today, just a little bit later today, he's going to call the g7 together to talk about a diplomatic response here. nbc news is reporting that president biden talking about the diplomatic outreach, told prime minister netanyahu that the united states will not participate in offensive operations against iran. can you confirm that? i won't go into the greater detail of the conversation with the prime minister. they did have a good chat last night. what was the message? what was the broad message? it was very clearly, you know, we stand with you in your self—defence. that was the main message that the president delivered to the prime minister. he congratulated the prime minister and the idf for the extraordinary job they did, knocking things out of the sky. but i won't go into more detail. again, ijust go back to what the president has said time and time again. we don't seek an escalation. we don't seek a wider war in the region. so did he warn israel not to respond? did he say "take the win,"
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as has been reported? i think the president was again very clear with prime minister netanyahu about the success that they enjoyed last night and the impact that that success ought to have. let's get more from will vernon, our correspondent in washington — who's keeping across reaction there. john kirby, the white house national security spokesman, he's been doing a round of interviews this morning on the sunday shows, and he's been talking about what mr biden is thinking, suggesting mr biden wants to calm tensions. he said every decision, every discussion that he's had is all designed to not let this become a broad regional war. and that's where his head still is. and we saw that statement last night, didn't we, from joe biden following his phone call with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, where he said that he was going to convene this g7 leaders' discussion — we've just been hearing about it there — saying that he was going to co—ordinate a unified diplomatic — a united, sorry — diplomatic response. and we also had a statement last
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night from the us defence secretary, lloyd austin, in which he talked about de—escalating tensions, urging iran to de—escalate tensions. and i think that's the tone, the flavour of what people are thinking here in washington. it's one of de—escalation, one of calming tensions. i don't think america wants to rush into any military response to this, certainly not to get dragged into any direct military confrontation with iran. let's speak to yuli edelstein, head of the foreign affairs and defence committee in the knesset, the israeli parliament. hejoins me now he joins me now from hejoins me now from israel. thank you for being with us. we are being told via reuters that following the war cabinet meeting, the war cabinet does favour a response but they are divided over what they should look like in the timing of it. what's your understanding of what happened in the meeting?— in the meeting? well, it's not the understanding, _ in the meeting? well, it's not the understanding, it _ in the meeting? well, it's not the understanding, it is _ in the meeting? well, it's not the understanding, it is rather- understanding, it is rather knowledge. i think the summary you
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just gave is correct, and that is any normal sovereign country, we have to respond to these missiles and drones launched at us from the reigning territory. having said that, i don't think it is our test to give the iranians the exact information about when and where and how. so we have to make it quite clear that israel will not tolerate attacks from iranian territory as well as we will not tolerate attacks from the proxies of iran. our task is to protect our citizens. so from the proxies of iran. our task is to protect our citizens.- is to protect our citizens. so how do ou is to protect our citizens. so how do you calibrate _ is to protect our citizens. so how do you calibrate that _ is to protect our citizens. so how do you calibrate that response, i do you calibrate that response, given iran is one of a bigger response if israel does retaliate? well, let's make it quite clear. for the last 45 years, iran, the iranian regime has been talking about the
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destruction of what it called the zionist entity. they built and financed and armed all those proxies, hamas, hezbollah, all these militias, in order to hamas, to destroy israel, to murder as many israelis as possible. and now they are escalating the conflict, they are escalating the conflict, they are launching from their territories to hours —— drones and missiles and we will have to react to that. but we're not in the business of revenge. we have to react in order once again to make it clear to the iranians that they cannot do things like that, it'sjust iranians that they cannot do things like that, it's just not done. [30 like that, it's 'ust not done. do ou like that, it's 'ust not done. do you know — like that, it'sjust not done. do you know what kind of things are on the table? what's up for discussion? different options. different options and others i've said, we are definitely not going to describe them and discuss them in the open. but sitting on our hands is definitely not an option and we all have to understand that what happened in the last, if you are
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looking for some good news, but as the last 20 years, we saw, i will certainly save for a change, a coalition of democracies, israel and its allies, responding to the axis of evil that is trying to attack one of evil that is trying to attack one of the democratic countries. when something like that happens there is always a success because democracies are strong. the united states, britain, european countries and even some countries in the area, helped us to resist this brutal iranian attack, to keep our citizens safe and we sincerely hope that we will continue this kind of coordination in our efforts to protect israel and to protect the free world from the axis of evil, and i have to say on a personal note that while visiting ukraine last year, i saw the exact same drones in the hands of ukrainian intelligence wc yesterday
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to attack israel. we are all in the same warm. to attack israel. we are all in the same warm-— to attack israel. we are all in the same warm. h , ., ., , i. same warm. it's understandable you will describe — same warm. it's understandable you will describe and _ same warm. it's understandable you will describe and discuss _ same warm. it's understandable you will describe and discuss your - will describe and discuss your possible actions on a news interview, but will you seek approval and a green light from your biggest ally, the us before you do anything? we biggest ally, the us before you do an hint ? ~ ., , biggest ally, the us before you do an hint ? ~ . , ., anything? we are trying to coordinate _ anything? we are trying to coordinate with _ anything? we are trying to coordinate with our- anything? we are trying to coordinate with our allies i anything? we are trying to i coordinate with our allies and anything? we are trying to - coordinate with our allies and as i've said, they are —— but support has not passed unnoticed in this country we are grateful but at the same time, as any democratically elected government, leadership in asia, is first and foremost concern with the protection of its citizens. —— the leadership in israel is concerned. the very fact that the millions of israelis could spend the last night in their beds and not in bomb shelters is due to the wonderful action of our defence systems, power itf the israeli defence forces, and systems from our
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allies, and i sincerely hope it will stay like that. to allies, and i sincerely hope it will stay like that.— allies, and i sincerely hope it will stay like that. to what extent will the fact that _ stay like that. to what extent will the fact that while _ stay like that. to what extent will the fact that while the _ stay like that. to what extent will the fact that while the us - stay like that. to what extent will the fact that while the us have i stay like that. to what extent will i the fact that while the us have said they support you and are committed to defending israel but they will not take part in any response that israel conducts, what exactly will that due to the decision—making process? that due to the decision-making rocess? , ., ., ., , process? first of all, we always consider very — process? first of all, we always consider very seriously - process? first of all, we always consider very seriously the - process? first of all, we always l consider very seriously the advice and the messages coming from our allies in washington, but i would take the sentence as it is. we are trying to protect ourselves, we are trying to protect ourselves, we are trying to protect ourselves, we are trying to survive in this difficult area with the iranians trying to do everything in their power to destabilise the area, the region, the atmosphere to spoil the atmosphere here, to resist all the attempts of this are to sign peace treaties with other countries and we will have to protect ourselves by all means, and having one allies
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like united states, britain and germany, france another country, definitely helps in our efforts but it's not that we are looking to put boots on the ground from other countries instead of our own military. countries instead of our own milita . ,, ., , countries instead of our own milita . ,, ., , military. the us has come out very much in your— military. the us has come out very much in your defence _ military. the us has come out very much in your defence over - military. the us has come out very much in your defence over the - military. the us has come out veryj much in your defence over the past 24 much in your defence over the past 2a hours, verbally and physically. but certainly over the past few weeks and months they have been very critical of israel, increasingly so in your actions in gaza, come for more humanitarian aid and a reduction in the loss of civilian lives there. in the past hour or so, the idea announced they are calling up the idea announced they are calling up two reserve divisions for gaza, what does that mean for the conflict there and the people of gaza are? it there and the people of gaza are? it means that unfortunately, there are still some hamas battalions that are intact. we managed to seriously hurt hamas as a military structure, as a governmental structure, if i can use
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a term like that about a terrorist organisation in gaza, but still i have to admit, some of them are still in good shape, this is something we cannot tolerate, so is a very smart british leader once said, with a victory there is no survival. and this is something that is very well understood in this area. so we have to continue. we definitely are doing everything we can to avoid civilian casualties, and humanitarian aid, as far as it and humanitarian aid, as faras it is and humanitarian aid, as far as it is concerned, over the last few days it reached its peak, we are talking about more than 500 trucks with supplies getting into the gaza strip, and we will continue, because we are not at war with the civilians, we are at war with one of the most dangerous terrorist organisations, the iranian proxies once again, called hamas. just hours before this attack _ once again, called hamas. just hours before this attack by _ once again, called hamas. just hours before this attack by iran _ once again, called hamas. just hours before this attack by iran last - before this attack by iran last night, tens of thousands of israelis
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were on the streets protesting against the government, against benjamin netanyahu, calling for the return of that 133 hostages still being held in gaza. there are increasingly critical voices in israel against the prime minister, against the government. are you confident that benjamin netanyahu is the right person to make the right call when it comes to the response to iran? ~ , ., ., to iran? well, first of all, the families of— to iran? well, first of all, the families of the _ to iran? well, first of all, the families of the hostages - to iran? well, first of all, the families of the hostages are l to iran? well, first of all, the - families of the hostages are doing what they can in order to bring their loved ones back home, and 133 israelis are still being held hostages by hamas. i don't even want to go into descriptions. we are doing everything we can including benjamin netanyahu and the war cabinet, in order to bring the hostages back. sometimes we succeeded through military operations. very cases unfortunately we managed to have one deal, we work hard and i'm saying that notjust
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because i want to believe it, but knowing all the details we will work very hard to bring a new deal, hamas are not interested in the release of the hostages, they are doing everything they can to avoid the new deal and we will still continue our efforts are no grounds whatever it takes, because we cannot leave our citizens there in the gaza strip in the bloody hands of hamas terrorists.— the bloody hands of hamas terrorists. , ., ~ terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank ou. terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank yom thank _ terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank yom thank you _ terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank you. thank you for _ terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank you. thank you for having - terrorists. yuli edelstein, thank you. thank you for having me. | elad benjamin rubin is an israeli resident living in mevo beitar — just outsidejerusalem. i spoke with him earlier and asked him what his family experienced when iran's drones reached israel. last night, i woke from very loud explosions — last night, i woke from very loud explosions and frankly i was a bit
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confused — explosions and frankly i was a bit confused. specifically where i am where _ confused. specifically where i am where justo a mile away... were also worried _ where justo a mile away... were also worried about the ramifications, and the explosions were not like anything i've ever had before. sometimes you can pick up the reception — sometimes you can pick up the reception but this sounded very close _ reception but this sounded very close to — reception but this sounded very close to the ground, almost like something inside the village. my initial— something inside the village. my initial response was that there is probably— initial response was that there is probably that there is something coming _ probably that there is something coming to snatch my beds of this cache _ coming to snatch my beds of this cache snatch my kids off their beds. so i cache snatch my kids off their beds. so i ran— cache snatch my kids off their beds. so i ran out, — cache snatch my kids off their beds. so i ran out, the house was shimmering and within about 30 seconds — shimmering and within about 30 seconds i — shimmering and within about 30 seconds i we are not being attacked
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by the _ seconds i we are not being attacked by the ground, i picked up the kids and ran— by the ground, i picked up the kids and ran to — by the ground, i picked up the kids and ran to the bomb shelter. and what was that _ and ran to the bomb shelter. fific what was that like, how and ran to the bomb shelter. fific what was that like, how frightening was it? . what was that like, how frightening was it? i ~ what was that like, how frightening was it? i ,, ., , what was that like, how frightening was it? i ,, .,, i, what was that like, how frightening was it? . ~' . , i, . was it? once i knew it was not a round was it? once i knew it was not a ground attack. _ was it? once i knew it was not a ground attack, i— was it? once i knew it was not a ground attack, i was _ was it? once i knew it was not a ground attack, i was more - was it? once i knew it was not a l ground attack, i was more relaxed about— ground attack, i was more relaxed about it. _ ground attack, i was more relaxed about it, but i didn't know how things— about it, but i didn't know how things would progress. i had great confidence in the defence system... there _ confidence in the defence system... there was— confidence in the defence system... there was an expectation in israel for the past two weeks that there may some kind of iranian response, did you anticipate that it would be a direct strike on israel? yes. did you anticipate that it would be a direct strike on israel?— a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think _ a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think it _ a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think it would _ a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think it would be _ a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think it would be may - a direct strike on israel? yes, i did think it would be may be i a direct strike on israel? yes, i . did think it would be may be about 50 missiles, i didn't think... | 50 missiles, i didn't think... wasn't too 50 missiles, i didn't think... i wasn't too worried about the possibility of that happening. butter was very worried about what is coming _ butter was very worried about what
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is coming next. i can't say i slept for a _ is coming next. i can't say i slept for a good — is coming next. i can't say i slept for a good night. we is coming next. i can't say i slept for a good night.— is coming next. i can't say i slept for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from _ for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from the _ for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from the idf _ for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from the idf in _ for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from the idf in the - for a good night. we can imagine. we have heard from the idf in the past i have heard from the idf in the past hour or so saying that israel remains on high alert and that they have approved operational plans for both offensive and defensive action. no more detail as to what that could mean. what would you like to see happen next?— happen next? well, that's the question- _ happen next? well, that's the question- l'm _ happen next? well, that's the question. i'm not— happen next? well, that's the question. i'm not a _ happen next? well, that's the question. i'm not a general. l happen next? well, that's the i question. i'm not a general. i'm 'ust question. i'm not a general. i'm just a _ question. i'm not a general. i'm just a citizen. the way i see it, if we losem — just a citizen. the way i see it, if we lose- - -_ just a citizen. the way i see it, if we lose... i , ., ., ,, , we lose... we will see what happens. they cannot — we lose... we will see what happens. they cannot really _ we lose... we will see what happens. they cannot really be _ we lose... we will see what happens. they cannot really be winners - we lose... we will see what happens. they cannot really be winners in - they cannot really be winners in this war. i5 they cannot really be winners in this war. , , . ., this war. is very clear there will be small words, _ this war. is very clear there will be small words, finance, - this war. is very clear there will be small words, finance, lead, | be small words, finance, lead, bombed — be small words, finance, lead,
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bombed by iran and i think that is pretty— bombed by iran and i think that is pretty clear... war is inevitable. earlier, kasra aarabi, director of islamic revolutionary guard corps research at united against nuclear iran, this gave me his analysis on last night's attack. this was a very well choreographed attack by the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the iranian regime's paramilitary organisation, and its purpose serves the regime's propaganda needs, to mobilise its internal, small but radical constituency and also its proxy networks, as well as its pro—palestinian constituencies and islamist extremist constituencies across the world. as well as that, beyond that propaganda purpose, it's also to push the boundaries of the red lines, push the boundaries of red lines, see how much it can get away with. despite the fact that
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this was, as i said, a well choreographed symbolic attack, it's still unprecedented in nature. and we should expect an israeli retaliation. our political correspondent nick eardley is in downing street and has been telling us more about what prime minister rishi sunak has been saying about the uk's involvement in last night's action. the concern in downing street has been really growing over the past few days, and friday appears to have been the critical moment for uk involvement. it was at that point that the prime minister summoned key ministers to discuss a response. they came up with a plan, and that led to the raf getting involved in shooting down some of those drones last night. now, the uk response has been in line with its international partners, but there's no doubt that this is a significant moment in london. the government here does have the ability to make these decisions on its own. it doesn't need the approval of parliament. parliament here hasn't actually been sitting over the past couple of weeks, so they wouldn't have been able to ask anyway.
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but the prime minister has made it clear that the priority now is de—escalation. here's what he told broadcasters earlier. last night, iran launched a barrage of missiles and attack drones across the middle east towards israel. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation, which i've condemned in the strongest terms. thanks to an international coordinated effort which the united kingdom participated in, almost all of these missiles were intercepted, saving lives not just in israel, but in neighbouring countries likejordan as well. the raf sent additional planes to the region as part of our existing operations to counter daesh in iraq and syria. i can confirm that our planes did shoot down a number of iranian attack drones, and i want to pay tribute to the bravery and professionalism of our pilots flying into the face of danger to protect civilians. there will be questions in the uk parliament when it returns tomorrow about that decision.
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but i get the sense so far that the major parties, or at least most of the major parties in westminster, are behind the government. the labour party has said that it thinks the raf was right to get involved in shooting down those drones. the liberal democrats have backed the strategy too. there are some mps i've spoken to who have some questions about exactly how that decision was reached, and i suspect when the prime minister likely makes a statement tomorrow, they will feature prominently. but the main concern in downing street and more broadly in uk politics is about the fear of escalation, the fear that any reprisals for what happened last night could lead to things spiralling out of control in the middle east. and i suspect that is what will dominate the debate here over the next few days. stay with us here on bbc news. we will be live in the bbc sport
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centre for all the top sports stories. hello. the warm spell of weather has come to an end, much fresher day for all of us today, the outlook is pointing frequent showers with hail and thunder and very windy weather for tomorrow. here's the map as we see the transition from calm conditions to this big low sitting right on top of us. that's got to make it feel colder thanit that's got to make it feel colder than it was and he has been. onto the forecast, temperatures middle of the forecast, temperatures middle of the afternoon will have hovered around the mid—teens across the south—east and the country barely making double figures across the north where we already have showers
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are sweeping across, the winds are freshening and showers through the course of that i will be generally confined to more northern and western areas, and towards the end of the night perhaps reaching central england but the south—east will stay dry. north or south, temperatures typically between 6 and 8 celsius in most major towns and cities. so tomorrow band of heavy showers sweeping across the country, gusty winds, showers could be torrential with hail and thunder, sunshine in between and those gusts could approach 50 matt prior or more in coastal areas are not far off that, in land as well, is a very turbulent day with a dramatic landscape and changeable weather from hour to hour. temperatures between 10 and i2.
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a torso as i think the weather will be and brighter and the winds will be and brighter and the winds will be quite strong. in the thermometer which is about 80 sources in stornoway on 11 to 13 elsewhere across the uk. towards the end of the week, another week where the front moves across the uk which will probably bring cloud more than rain and eventually we could also see high pressure moving and so that's an indication that the weather should dry out, but i think the main message for now is a very blustery day on the way tomorrow with big shower cows but also sunny spells. that's it from me.
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this is bbc news, the headlines israel's defence minister says confrontation with iran is not over, and his country must "be prepared". iran says it will retaliate with much stronger action if israel launches a counterstrike. g7 leaders unanimously condemn iran's attack on israel which saw the launch of hundreds of missiles and drones. the us warns it doesn't want the crisis to escalate but says it's up to israel, how to respond. in tehran — some supporters of the iranian government — celebrate the attack. iran says it has no intention of further strikes, but threatens a heavier assault,
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if israel responds.


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