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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm BST

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in the last half hour, president biden cut shorter weekend trip, returning to washington to hold urgent discussions at the white house on the growing crisis. police in australia say a stabbing at a shopping mall in which six people were killed appears not to be terror—related. and the head of ukraine's military warns the situation in the east has "significa ntly worsened". hello and welcome to bbc news. i'm lukwesa burak. we start with events in the middle east. israel has put its armed forces on alert — and ordered all schools to remain closed on sunday — as concerns mount that an iranian attack may be imminent.
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tehran has been threatening to retaliate for a deadly air strike on an iranian diplomatic compound in syria. daniel hagari — the israeli military spokesman — said dozens of israeli planes were patrolling the sky and israel was �*prepared very strongly�* in case of an attack from iran. translation of the home front command is publishing an update and adjustment in the defence policy in these minutes, as of tomorrow morning and during the next few days the educational systems, camps and planned trips will not take place. at six o'clock in the morning we will update the directive again, starting tonight and in the coming days no educational activities including overnight stays in parking lots and excursions are allowed. in the last few minutes the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has said his country is prepared for a direct attack from iran. in an an address to the nation,
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he said defence systems were deployed and the armed forces were ready to respond in kind. he's advised israelis to listen to the directions of the military. president biden has cut short a weekend trip to return to the white house for urgent discussions on the situation. his defence secretary has again assured israel that it can count on us support in the event of an iranian attack. jordan — which lies between iran and israel — has closed its airspace to all air traffic. the white house has demanded the immediate release of a ship and its crew, accusing iran's revolutionary guards of an act of piracy. our diplomatic correspondent, james landale, has the latest from jerusalem. an iranian special forces helicopter has been seen in footage that has been verified by the bbc, hovering over the deck of the ship.
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you can see one person on the deck, two people climbing down the rope, and iranian state media have been very clear and vocal about attributing that to iranian revolutionary guard naval special forces. in response, israel's foreign minister has accused iran of an act of piracy, and the military spokesman daniel hagar here in israel has said iran will bear the consequences for this escalation. ——daniel hagari here in israel has said iran will bear the consequences for this escalation. what i think is really interesting about this is that this is a relatively unusual event to happen. if you think about it, most of the stories we've done recently have been about ship seizures on the other side of the iranian peninsula, in the red sea, those have been largely carried out by iranian allies, the houthis in yemen.
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so this is quite unusual for iranian forces to do this themselves. that is why some analysts believe this could be the start of an incremental response to the attack on iran's consulate in damascus at the beginning of the month, which killed a number of iranian generals. stay with me, james, because there is another development within the region. israel's defence minister is warning against revenge attacks after a missing israeli teenager was found dead in the occupied west bank. that in turn has sparked attacks in the immediate region, and a palestinian man has been killed and 25 reportedly hurt after dozens ofjewish settlers stormed a village during a manhunt for a 14—year—old boy who had taken his flock of sheep out to graze from a nearby settler outpost. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has commented and has said the boy's killing
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was a heinous murder. so, james, i understand that violence has spread to other villages now in the west bank. just how tense are things? i think this is just a reminder of the fact that for many months now, our attention has been focused very much on gaza and the situation there, and occasionally when the exchanges of fire between israel and hezbollah, the armed militia based in lebanon, that flares up. but quite often we forget that in the west bank itself, there has been a huge amount of violence since the hamas attack on israel in october last year. hundreds of palestinians have died at the hands of israeli security forces and settlers and that violence continues. this latest outbreak is an example of that. a young boy, a 14—year—old shepherd, goes missing. israeli settlers go on the rampage, burning homes and cars
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while they are searching for him. the body of that young boy is now found, and that provokes yet more violence. violence is begetting violence and that is continuing to develop in the west bank, and it is something which i think is worrying a lot of people. that was james landale speaking to me earlier. let's speak now to behnam ben taleblu who is a research fellow where he focuses on iranian security and political issues. he is based in washington. behnam, thank you, welcome to the programme. let's first concentrate on actions being taken not only byjordan and diplomatic compounds in the region but also by airlines and avoiding of some of the space in the middle east. what you read into that? it is
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a leasure east. what you read into that? it is a pleasure to _ east. what you read into that? it is a pleasure to be _ east. what you read into that? it 3 a pleasure to be with you. there is a pleasure to be with you. there is a series of things happening in the region right now and over the past few days several airlines and particularly major european airlines have decided to forgo passing over iranians territory or iranian airspace, i should say. more recently you just had the jordanians announce they are sealing off and closing air traffic over its own airspace, as well as a series of iranian political and military and religious officials talking about promising revenge against israel for the killing of several islamic revolutionary officials including irgc brigadier generals in damascus about a week and a half ago, and this likely means they expect some kind of aerial or missile threat to traverse this air corridor between iran and israel. but make no mistake, the islamic republic has never directly fired missiles or anything like that at israel before. what do you think it will likely do?
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what do you think it will likely do? what are its options? unfortunately the islamic republic _ what are its options? unfortunately the islamic republic has _ what are its options? unfortunately the islamic republic has several - the islamic republic has several options, it could target israeli embassy is in the region or outside of the region. this is something within the first week of attack iranians diplomats talked about engaging in social and strategic patients, vis—a—vis the iranians conventionally in the middle east or an embassy abroad. increasingly based on reports out of the us intelligence sources, you may see a direct drone or cruise missile or ballistic missile or a combination of any of these unmanned aerial threats from iranian territory towards israeli territory, and this indeed could be a game change. the role of the us in this development, the return of president biden from delaware back to the white house, is that as expected or a significant sign as tojust that as expected or a significant sign as to just how serious things could be if, as they won, within the next 48 hours, there is an attack?
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there is always a bit of hubris when we engage in this game, what move her matters and why. but i do think it is significant. i don't want to over ascribe intentionality to it but i think it is significant given president biden had already said america would commit to israel's security as ironclad and another military naval vessel was sent to the region in defence and in support of israel as a show of strength and this followed the dispatching of america's top military official to israeljust a few america's top military official to israel just a few days america's top military official to israeljust a few days ago. i america's top military official to israeljust a few days ago. israel 'ust a few days ago. i don't know israeljust a few days ago. i don't know if you _ israeljust a few days ago. i don't know if you can — israeljust a few days ago. i don't know if you can give _ israeljust a few days ago. i don't know if you can give us _ israeljust a few days ago. i don't know if you can give us some - know if you can give us some direction here, but has there been any indication of us forces, allied forces and their movements within the region off the back of the threat from iran?— the region off the back of the threat from iran? ., , ., , threat from iran? there has not been an other threat from iran? there has not been any other reported _ threat from iran? there has not been any other reported stories _ threat from iran? there has not been any other reported stories of- any other reported stories of changes in the us military posture
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other than what we believe was a destroyer being dispatched towards israel that may have had antiballistic missile capabilities but beyond that one would have to wonder what the effect on the rest of the us force posture in the region would be if there was an overt direct iranians attack on israel and at what point america may get involved. whether that is tracking and detecting drone strikes, cruise missile strikes, or helping intercept them, for example, with various air and missile defence assets in the region or as being some kind of part of some future israeli response against an anticipated iranian attack. i’m israeli response against an anticipated iranian attack. i'm 'ust auoin to anticipated iranian attack. i'm 'ust going to update i anticipated iranian attack. i'm 'ust going to update you i anticipated iranian attack. i'm 'ust going to update you with i anticipated iranian attack. i'm 'ust going to update you with a i going to update you with a development we have just received here at bbc news. via the reuters news agency, the israeli military are reporting that iran has launched pilotless, so we assume we are referring to a drone here, pilotless aircraft at israel whose defences are poised to deal with them. so
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israel has been on alert within the last few hours. we have also been told that any iranian uav salvo, is how it has been described, will take hours to reach israel, sirens will soundin hours to reach israel, sirens will sound in any threatened areas. is this the start of that anticipated retaliation, do you think? and just how well does the iron dome act? perform. , . ., how well does the iron dome act? perform. , _, , perform. this indeed could be the start of a direct _ perform. this indeed could be the start of a direct iranians _ perform. this indeed could be the start of a direct iranians attack - start of a direct iranians attack using suicide drones or a one—way attack drones, popularly called kamikaze drones, the likes of which iran has been providing to russia for a year—and—a—half now and could be part of that volley, unmanned aerial threats, unmanned aerial vehicles, or unmanned aerial systems sometimes they are called. they'll fly low and slow to the earth allowing them to manoeuvre and hug the terrain of the earth they traverse over and bypass higher tier
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or mid tier missile defences. conversely, israel has one of the most layered air and missile defence architecture is in the world, so lower tier threats like drones can be counted with existing aerial defences in israel, existing aerial defences, which proved themselves on october seven as well as in the gaza war we have seen, as well as in multiple boom and bust cycles of violence emanating from gaza over many, many years. but given that these drones do take several hours, as you mentioned, to traverse the territory, they are manoeuvring to avoid us and allied air defence architecture in the region. i’m avoid us and allied air defence architecture in the region. i'm 'ust lookin: at architecture in the region. i'm 'ust looking at the fi architecture in the region. i'm 'ust looking at the map i architecture in the region. i'm 'ust looking at the map as i architecture in the region. i'm 'ust looking at the map as you i architecture in the region. i'mjust looking at the map as you were i looking at the map as you were describing that to us. and hopefully we can provide something here on bbc news for the viewers. we have iran out to the east, we then have a rack, we then havejordan which has now closed its airspace, we have saudi arabia to the south. in terms
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of a likely tracking of that drone, iran, iraq, syria? what would it do? would we expect if it went via jordan and violate that airspace, would jordan shoot on whatever the possible drone is? would they fire on that? ., ., , , on that? one would indeed hope they would, in concert _ on that? one would indeed hope they would, in concert with _ on that? one would indeed hope they would, in concert with the _ on that? one would indeed hope they would, in concert with the united - would, in concert with the united states or with us provided us defences in that country, that they would and could indeed intercept that. the important thing about drones is even though they fly low and slow, this is where quantity has and slow, this is where quantity has a quality of its own, just because there is a direct route, as you mentioned, from iran into iraq and then syria to israel, or from mentioned, from iran into iraq and then syria to israel, orfrom iran to iraq, jordan into israel, whatever kind of north and western corridor you wish to call that, the drones may not actually choose to
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fly that corridor. some drones fired from iran can go almost one and a half to two times the distance of iran to israel which minimum is about 1500 kilometres. some of these drones can go up to 2000, 2500 kilometres based on their declared ranges. so they could be circling around those geographies. but the fact again thatjordan has closed its airspace, then you have layered on this reuters story about iran sending these low—flying pilotless aircraft, unmanned aerial systems, does indeed in my view mean that the us intelligence there in concert with partner intelligence does aim to try to track and detect and potentially even destroy this threat. ~ ~' ., potentially even destroy this threat. ~ ~ ., ., , ., , threat. we know that israel itself has said that _ threat. we know that israel itself has said that it _ threat. we know that israel itself has said that it does _ threat. we know that israel itself has said that it does have - threat. we know that israel itselfj has said that it does have aircraft as part of its security and its defence, whatever iran decides to do. we are getting an indication of
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a possible iranian launch of its retaliation in attack. just to remind viewers, we havejust in retaliation in attack. just to remind viewers, we have just in the last half hour been advised via the reuters news agency that dozens of iranians launched uavs are en route to israel, adding that the flight time could well be ours. earlier the defence secretary yoav gallant said that they are monitoring the situation very closely. but these are pilotless aircraft. we understand they have been sent from iran, and in addition to this we are just getting information that they have now been tracked over iraq and
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it is iraq's province. we are going to cross to daniel hagari speaking. the level of readiness ahead of this large—scale attack from iran. together with our partners, the israel defence forces is operating at full force to defend the state of israel and the people of israel. this is a mission that we are determined and ready to fulfil. i will keep on updating you. thank you. will keep on updating you. thank ou. ., ., , will keep on updating you. thank ou. . ., , , ., you. ok, that was the israeli defence military _ you. ok, that was the israeli i defence military spokesperson you. ok, that was the israeli - defence military spokesperson daniel hagari. behnam ben taleblu is still with us, a research fellowjoining us from washington. we just heard daniel hagari speak about the israeli military operating at full force. could you perhaps provide us with details as to what the military
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capability is of israel?— capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic _ capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic republic _ capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic republic of _ capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic republic of iran - capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic republic of iran is - capability is of israel? sure. while the islamic republic of iran is an l the islamic republic of iran is an asymmetric military power, israel is asymmetric military power, israel is a conventional military power, it is a conventional military power, it is a high—tech military. we have talked about the defences of the jewish state ranging from low tier 2 of mid tier and higher tier and layered air and missile defences. but in addition to those existing layered air and addition to those existing layered airand missile addition to those existing layered air and missile defences which can track, detect and destroy things like low and slow flying drones or a land attack cruise missiles or high and fast flying things like surface to surface missiles like ballistic missiles, israeland to surface missiles like ballistic missiles, israel and other countries do have a history of being able to interdict or shoot down lower and slower flying drones using interdict or shoot down lower and slowerflying drones using military aircraft as well. we believe, it has been alleged, that this is how the israelis stopped some of the drones provided by iran that the houthis fired in the few weeks after october the 7th before the maritime campaign that the houthis and yemen commenced
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against red sea targets, they were attempting to strike israel by air assets and indeed the israelis may have been using f16s or f—35s to shoot them down. we know during the yemen war between saudi arabia and the houthis in yemen, the saudis were able to also use aircraft to shoot down these pilotless aircraft, these unmanned aerial strike assets of iran's proxies. so taken together, whether you are using aircraft for offensive capabilities or defensive capabilities, and adding that into an already well layered air and missile defence architecture, israel can indeed intercept many, or shoot down, i should say, many of these low and slow flying threats, if indeed it can spot them. as i mentioned before, quantity has a quality of its own here when you talk about cheaper drones. so even if the couple get through, if you take, for example, the shroud 1361 way attack drone, that has a warhead of about 50 kilograms, and depending very
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much on the target of the iranians would be looking to fire at that could or could not cause quite a bit of damage as we saw in ukraine the latest we're hearing from the reuters news agency, two iraqi security forces reporting that dozens of drones have been spotted flying from iran in the direction of israel over iraqi airspace. behnam, iraq and iran, tell me a bit about the relationship between the two countries. . , the relationship between the two countries. ,, . ., ., . countries. since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003, _ countries. since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003, iran _ countries. since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003, iran has - countries. since the fall of saddam l hussein in 2003, iran has punctured iraqi state, puncture's iraq society and social institutions. it is highly likely did not even tip off iraq or even ask the permission of
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iraq or even ask the permission of iraq given the fact iraq has not fired a alleged missiles in 2022 and evenin fired a alleged missiles in 2022 and even in 2024 —— has fired. this was not iran is seeking permission but going ahead in general. iran does have this kind of relationship with baghdad. it does tend to throw its weight around quite a bit. figs baghdad. it does tend to throw its weight around quite a bit.- weight around quite a bit. as we have seen _ weight around quite a bit. as we have seen in _ weight around quite a bit. as we have seen in the _ weight around quite a bit. as we have seen in the red _ weight around quite a bit. as we have seen in the red sea - weight around quite a bit. as we have seen in the red sea and i weight around quite a bit. as we | have seen in the red sea and the attacks of the huth the revels, of course they are proxies and supported by iran —— who —— houthi rebels. there have been attacks against the launch sites in yemen. do you think if any of these drones manage to get through that allies, perhaps the us and perhaps israel itself, would actually go as far as striking back on iranian soil? could it get that far? if striking back on iranian soil? could it get that far?— it get that far? if indeed iran does enetrate it get that far? if indeed iran does penetrate is _ it get that far? if indeed iran does penetrate is really _ it get that far? if indeed iran does penetrate is really a _ it get that far? if indeed iran does penetrate is really a space - it get that far? if indeed iran does penetrate is really a space and - it get that far? if indeed iran does| penetrate is really a space and that
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layered air and missile defence architecture does miss some of these drones, than i do take the israelis out there words where they said if israeli territory would be targeted, then iranians territory will be targeted. obviously israel has a missile force of its own, it has long range strike aircraft, advanced aircraft like the f—35. the x factor in your question, though, is to what degree would the us be involved? not just in tracking and defending against some of these threats but helping israel respond and issue kinetic punishment against the islamic republic of iran? that remains an x factor with the us may be taking more diplomatic or helping iran militarily, or with the us work with israel to kind of new to the industrial military base that produces these drones and take out other military sites in the islamic republic will stop this remains an open question but one that we can begin to hint at based on us commentary this week standing with israel and bridging that gap that had existed really over the past month and a half over the fate of the war in gaza.—
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month and a half over the fate of the war in gaza. ok, behnam ben taleblu, it — the war in gaza. ok, behnam ben taleblu, it has _ the war in gaza. ok, behnam ben taleblu, it has been _ the war in gaza. ok, behnam ben taleblu, it has been fascinating i the war in gaza. ok, behnam ben i taleblu, it has been fascinating and wonderful to have you with us. joining us from washington. a research fellow at the foundation for the defence of democracies. thank you very much indeed. what you can see there is the skyline of tel aviv. the country is on high alert. we have heard that drones, iranians drones, reportedly on the way currently. dozens reportedly crossing iraqi territory are sent from iran, heading towards israel. israel is on a state of alert. joining us now on the line is a correspondent from thejerusalem correspondent from the jerusalem post. how is the country at the moment? the country is on a war footing and
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it has been since at least friday morning. but now that drones are actually launched from iran, dozens of drones, iran has always used proxies to attack, hezbollah, militia groups in syria and iraq, but this is the largest attack we have seen so far from iran. there is suspicion they might notjust use drones, there might also synchronise it with launching ballistic missiles and other kinds of weapons. this is and other kinds of weapons. this is a major dangerous moment for iran, israel, the entire region, but israel, the entire region, but israel is ready and has several layers of missile defence. notjust the iron dome, that people may have heard of, the sling, the arrow, aircraft, so all of these different capabilities hopefully will protect the israeli home front.— capabilities hopefully will protect the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob, what the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob. what does _ the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob, what does a _ the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob, what does a war _ the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob, what does a war footing - the israeli home front. yonah jeremy bob, what does a war footing mean l bob, what does a war footing mean for israel practically? what are people doing?—
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for israel practically? what are people doing? for israel practically? what are --eoledoina? , ., . . people doing? first of all there are aircraft in the _ people doing? first of all there are aircraft in the air— people doing? first of all there are aircraft in the air ready _ people doing? first of all there are aircraft in the air ready to - people doing? first of all there are aircraft in the air ready to defend i aircraft in the air ready to defend and attack. attack iran, attack iran's proxies. the military is on a huge warfooting, the iran's proxies. the military is on a huge war footing, the air defence reservists have been called up for over a week. the country has cancelled any educational forums for tomorrow and for the coming period. most of those forums were closed anyway for the passover holiday break but some were still happening so anything that was going to happen has been cancelled. and they have reinstituted certain regulations, there are limited numbers of people i can gather, so there are not large groups of people that can be hit. everybody in the country from the military to the civilian population knows that something unusual is happening. in knows that something unusual is ha onenin. , knows that something unusual is ha-oenino. , ., knows that something unusual is ha-oenino. ,., , , happening. in terms of the sirens, when was the _ happening. in terms of the sirens, when was the last _ happening. in terms of the sirens, when was the last time _ happening. in terms of the sirens, when was the last time they - happening. in terms of the sirens, when was the last time they were | when was the last time they were heard in tel aviv? mt; when was the last time they were heard in tel aviv? my recollection is the last siren _ heard in tel aviv? my recollection is the last siren heard _ heard in tel aviv? my recollection is the last siren heard in - heard in tel aviv? my recollection is the last siren heard in tel- heard in tel aviv? my recollection is the last siren heard in tel aviv. is the last siren heard in tel aviv was in january. is the last siren heard in tel aviv was injanuary. that was around when
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hamas launched rockets from gaza. it has still been firing rockets even last week to near the southern gaza quarter but long—range rockets, they lost the capacity in january so that would be the last time heard in tel aviv but before that hamas was firing large numbers of rockets on tel aviv every civil day. you are hearing sirens many times per day for months up until that point. what for months up until that point. what would normally _ for months up until that point. what would normally happen when a siren is heard? actually, just bear with me, i want to update our viewers on another development. we understand via reuters that iraq has shut down its airspace and the cessation of all air traffic. this is coming from the transport ministry. joining the likes ofjordan which has also closed its airspace. we do know that those drones are currently
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travelling, dozens of them, what we have been told, travelling across iraqi territory, en route, not sure where they would go to next, to get to israel. just returning, yonah jeremy bob from thejerusalem post with me at the moment, once those sirens are heard, i apologise if i've missed it, what happens next? there are people who move into safe rooms, even before there are people who run to the safe rooms. they might have 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds depending on where you live will stop the people close to gaza with shots from gaza would have less time than that. between 30 seconds to 90 seconds to move your children. i have three. into the safe rooms. and then you hope that they don't hit you and that if they do hit that the additional concrete and other materials in the safe rooms will protect you. so that's
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basically the theory on that. in terms of iraq and jordan, i think the idea right now is clear the air so it will be easier for israel and the united states to detect the drones and shoot them down. what the united states to detect the drones and shoot them down. what has the prime minister _ drones and shoot them down. what has the prime minister been _ drones and shoot them down. what has the prime minister been saying - drones and shoot them down. what has the prime minister been saying over - the prime minister been saying over the prime minister been saying over the last few hours? obviously israelis have been following events very carefully. so many signs have been out there, haven't they? airspace, airlines adjusting their flight tracks. we have had the security alerts issued earlier this evening. just remind us what benjamin netanyahu has been saying over the last few hours.— over the last few hours. netanyahu's basic message _ over the last few hours. netanyahu's basic message was _ over the last few hours. netanyahu's basic message was anybody - over the last few hours. netanyahu's basic message was anybody who - basic message was anybody who strikes israel, israel will strike back will stop that was intended to completely deter an attack by iran or its proxies, or to at least get them to reduce the intensity of their attack knowing and seeing what israel has been able to do to hamas
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in gaza, that this could be turned against them as well. the basic message in terms of other airlines, there was an attempt to get any aircraft out of ben gurion airport ljy aircraft out of ben gurion airport by a certain cut—off time, i believe one o'clock in the morning. that could change now the drone attack has been announced officially. but even earlier in the evening, there was clear movement and hints coming from certain sources that an attack could be under way tonight and tomorrow morning in israel. just to u date tomorrow morning in israel. just to update you. _ tomorrow morning in israel. just to update you, israeli _ tomorrow morning in israel. just to update you, israeli air— tomorrow morning in israel. just to update you, israeli air space - tomorrow morning in israel. just to update you, israeli air space has i update you, israeli air space has now been closed. israeli airspace to be closed to incoming and departing international aviation as of 10:30pm gmt. that is from the airport authority via the reuters news
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agency. another development here, yonah, bearwith me, agency. another development here, yonah, bear with me, sources, we understand, telling iran's press tv that iran �*s revolutionary guards have launched extensive drone strikes against targets, against israel. how is all of this being covered in israel? obviously every hour or every half hour there is a development. how are israelis keeping up—to—date with all of this. you average israeli has all kind of special apps to be getting specific and general alerts. we have been at warfor six months. a lot of and general alerts. we have been at war for six months. a lot of the focus in recent months has been on the welfare of palestinian civilians in gaza which is also an important topic but the fact that israelis have also been under attack throughout, people tend to forget because israel and gaza are next to each other, rockets had been raining
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down on the israeli home front. unfortunately, israelis are used to being attacked by rockets, if you can believe it, it is a part of life here, certainly the last six months. this is a different degree. iran has more powerful weapons, so we are more powerful weapons, so we are more concerned about that. and i actually am going to need to get off now because i'm going to be going into an emergency briefing and it's going to be a long night but thank you so much. going to be a long night but thank you so much-— going to be a long night but thank you so much. going to be a long night but thank ou so much. ., ., , w' , ~ you so much. yonah, very quickly. we know that president _ you so much. yonah, very quickly. we know that president biden _ you so much. yonah, very quickly. we know that president biden in - you so much. yonah, very quickly. we know that president biden in the - you so much. yonah, very quickly. we know that president biden in the us, l know that president biden in the us, was in delaware very briefly, his weekend residence, he has boarded marine1 returning weekend residence, he has boarded marine 1 returning asap to the white house, and washington, dc. he is going to be sitting down with his national security team to find out what happens next. i'm sure we will be getting a statement from them. how key has us support been to
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israel despite the recent warnings coming from president biden that there had to be a rethink on israel's strategy within gaza? biden has always cleared the palestinian and the iranian issue are too connected, separate issues. and while he very much wants israel to do the best it can to ensure the welfare of palestinian civilians evenif welfare of palestinian civilians even if they are in the middle of the war, started by hamas, which israel lost 1,200 mostly civilians after the hamas invasion, he was very concerned palestinian civilians even as israel defended itself. but as iran comes in and is launching wide attacks, there is no question the us will back israel. we wide attacks, there is no question the us will back israel.— the us will back israel. we will leave it there _ the us will back israel. we will leave it there for _ the us will back israel. we will leave it there for now, - the us will back israel. we will leave it there for now, yonah. | leave it there for now, yonah. possibly coming back to you. thank you for filling us possibly coming back to you. thank you forfilling us in on possibly coming back to you. thank you for filling us in on the latest. i also have ben, who is a research
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fellow at the foundation for the defence of democracy. thank you for staying with us here on bbc news. just to let you know, so the latest update is that the white house has said this attack is likely to unfold over a number of hours. it appears that this attack as we understand has or could have begun after dozens of drones were reported over iraqi territory, having left iran. the pictures you can see now is marine one with president biden on board having left delaware earlier and about to land at the joint base andrews and heading to the white house for this meeting with the national security team. for this to be taking place, just how serious are we at the moment?-
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be taking place, just how serious are we at the moment? yes, allow me to explicate — are we at the moment? yes, allow me to explicate how _ are we at the moment? yes, allow me to explicate how serious _ are we at the moment? yes, allow me to explicate how serious this _ are we at the moment? yes, allow me to explicate how serious this is. - to explicate how serious this is. the islamic again has never publicly fired missiles or drones from its own territory at israel and taken credit for it. while you are speaking with the other guest, i did look at hardline iranian press agencies are notjust presstv, but a semi—official news agency and a hardline paper also with ties alleged to be a igc. both of them are re—reporting western reporting and particularly writers about the strike, as well as reports from israel's channel 12 news about it, not yet official iranian government confirmation and this is very interesting. since 2017, every iranian public and ballistic missile from its own territory targeting iraq, syria or pakistan has been confirmed by the regime in iran and indeed was publicised. thus far, this seems to mirror the 2019 strike
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in saudi arabia by iran where drones and cruise missiles were used and the regime never look to take public credit for it. so perhaps they think so far, without an official confirmation, they may be able to manage the escalation dynamics here a bit. as well as with the fact the israelis do take time to get to their targets. israelis do take time to get to theirtargets. so israelis do take time to get to their targets. so there is a lot thatis their targets. so there is a lot that is unfolding here, a lot we can interrelate. but i want to stress the historic nature of such a strike and particularly historic when you look at the several decades of the israeli and iranian strategic competition and support for things like we saw an october the 7th. it appears that president biden has now landed atjoint base andrews. we have marine one on the screen at the moment. he hasn't left the helicopter yet. moment. he hasn't left the helicopteryet. but moment. he hasn't left the helicopter yet. but the white house has said that the united states will
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stand with the people of israel and support their defence against these threats from iran. in terms of us forces within the middle east region, who are they, where are they and what they look like, what are they comprised of, what do we know? there are indeed as you know us forces in iraq and syria under the counter 56 the commission, considerably less so in syria and there are lots of train and assist missions on the arab side of the persian gulf and us air bases —— under the isis commission. bahrain is home to the fifth fleet of the us navy. the arm of sam khan, the us and middle east area of command. you have an air base in qatar. that is a regional military network base. and
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you have a series of smaller installations across the region as well. so the us does have a robust political military footprint in the region, as well as strong partner relationships with countries like saudi arabia, with countries like uae, bahrain and jordan that to purchase us weapons.— uae, bahrain and jordan that to purchase us weapons. we're told president biden, _ purchase us weapons. we're told president biden, by _ purchase us weapons. we're told president biden, by the - purchase us weapons. we're told president biden, by the white - purchase us weapons. we're told - president biden, by the white house, is being regular updated by his national security team, is in constant communication with israeli false officials, as well as, as you are just telling us, false officials, as well as, as you arejust telling us, us partners and allies —— us force officials. this is from aidan watson, the us national security spokesman. marine one is of course what you can see waiting for president biden to disembark and head to the white house for his meeting with the national security team. we are going to leave it there for now. thank you
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very much. thank you for that insight. let's speak in the meantime to the editor in chief of the independent persian. thank you very much forjoining us here. we've got president biden about to disembark from marine one. we have drones heading across the region from iran, currently over iraqi airspace as i understand. israeland currently over iraqi airspace as i understand. israel and a state of alert. airspace being closed. what is the assessment of what is going on? ., , is the assessment of what is going on? . , , ., on? ok, the latest unused to complete _ on? ok, the latest unused to complete what _ on? ok, the latest unused to complete what you _ on? ok, the latest unused to complete what you just - on? ok, the latest unused to complete what you just read | on? ok, the latest unused to i complete what you just read out to us, just right now like a minute ago, iranian nationaltv us, just right now like a minute ago, iranian national tv broadcast that this drone has been directed from the iranian territories, from the iranian soil towards israel. and
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the iranian soil towards israel. and the revolutionary guards has issued a statement that has been read on the iranian national tvjust moments ago. i believe since president biden urgently returned to the white house and he dropped his vacation, it means he has new information in advance about iran launching an attack shortly. and this is the evidence that the iranians used iraqi airspace to launch the attack towards israel. since the attack we will see what is the next step. and everything depends on president biden's decision and also the israelis. if their retaliation will be another attack to iranian territory and soil, that would be a big escalation between iran, israel
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and the united states. unless we can see that would be limited to what is exactly happening now and to confirm a location which has been disclosed to the israelis, and we don't have any casualties, everything is dependent on the next step of biden and president netanyahu, prime minister netanyahu. i believe it wouldn't be larger than this, since the prime minister of iraq at this minute is in an aeroplane heading to the white house. so this is my speculation at this minute. thank ou for speculation at this minute. thank you for that. _ speculation at this minute. thank you for that, stay _ speculation at this minute. thank you for that, stay with _ speculation at this minute. thank you for that, stay with me. i speculation at this minute. thank you for that, stay with me. just i you for that, stay with me. just going to bring our view is up—to—date with what they are seeing on the screen at the moment. part of the motorcade you can see with the security team, presumably to take president biden, i'm not sure if we have seen him disembark yet. but he was, or is, on board marine one, we
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believe. the helicopter you can see. members of his team climbing down those stairs. he will be of course heading to the white house and i think that is the beast we can see, the door is closing, for a meeting with his national security team. we are also hearing thatjordan's air defence is ready to intercept and shoot down any iranian drones or aircraft that violate its airspace. that is coming from two regional security sources. via the reuters news agency. sojordan is saying it will step in and shoot down any drones, presumably that have come in from iran. how key an ally isjordan both to israel and the us? i from iran. how key an ally is jordan both to israel and the us?- both to israel and the us? i believe that it happened — both to israel and the us? i believe that it happened because _ both to israel and the us? i believe that it happened because there i both to israel and the us? i believel
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that it happened because there were massive rumours in the past couple of days about retaliation which would be in the same space in the entity of the israeli such as a concealer general in a different country. and this speculation goes to jordan and country. and this speculation goes tojordan and kazakhstan and azerbaijan. i believe the entire region knew about this attack and they were prepared. of course, iran wouldn't tell them exactly where it wouldn't tell them exactly where it would be, this attack, where it can be shot too, but the speculation, one of the speculations wasjordan and thejordanians close the aerospace for this reason. and i would like to again to bring your attention to what i mentioned and thatis attention to what i mentioned and that is the iranians would inform regional allies such as the united arab emirates and saudi arabia. netanyahu had a conversation with them yesterday. and also towards the
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switzerland embassy, send a message to the americans. we heard another news breaking from independent persian that a high—ranking delegation from tehran of the national security team went to iraq yesterday and delivered the message to the prime minister to take that to the prime minister to take that to president biden, which one meet him shortly today. everything looks like preplanned and iran informs everyone to minimise this escalation. they don't want to have a full—scale war with america and with israel and they want to limit this revenge for the shame there has been suffered from their allies in the region, from the support towards the region, from the support towards the iranians are putting them inside iran. they needed to do something
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which would be very, very limited, but of course, the red line has been crossed for the first time since the revolution, iran attacks from their own territory and soil israeli soil, so that would be very meaningful. i cannot say what is the next step yet. cannot say what is the next step et. ., ~ cannot say what is the next step et. . ~' , ., ., cannot say what is the next step et. ., ,, i. ., ., yet. ok, thank you for that we will see what is — yet. ok, thank you for that we will see what is the _ yet. ok, thank you for that we will see what is the next _ yet. ok, thank you for that we will see what is the next step. - yet. ok, thank you for that we will see what is the next step. editor. yet. ok, thank you for that we will| see what is the next step. editor in chief of the independent persian, thank you. on the line, i have an israeli journalist joining thank you. on the line, i have an israeli journalistjoining us on bbc news. thank you, welcome to the programme. we have pictures of tel aviv on the screen. it is northern israel, i believe we have now switched our cameras to. describe how the country is feeling great now. i how the country is feeling great now. ., _ ., , now. i would say that it is the first time _ now. i would say that it is the first time that _ now. i would say that it is the first time that l _ now. i would say that it is the first time that i have - now. i would say that it is the first time that i have sensed i now. i would say that it is the i first time that i have sensed this kind of panic really in all the time
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i have lived here. it is unprecedented, obviously, that iran is attacking israel. and the first wave of drones are expected to reach in about two hours. over airspace, which is also highly unusual. i don't think we will see any flights coming in or out over the coming hours. and of course, israel has a very advanced missile defence system and we have a very good chance of shooting these drones down, but we don't know if more is to come. this could easilyjust be the first wave of attacks, they can launch cruise missiles or even worse. so i would say there is a sense of panic really right now in israel. the prime minister is leading with the security —— meeting with the security —— meeting with the security cabinet. he issued a very short pre—recorded press release on tape. he said that he thanked israel's allies for standing behind
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israel's allies for standing behind israel and anyone who heard israel would be hurt. so in other words, we should expect israel to retaliate. state media in iran via reuters, let mejust state media in iran via reuters, let me just read you what i can see in front of me. iran's revolutionary guards via a statement have it appears confirm that it has indeed targeted specific places in israel by launching dozens of drones and missiles. so state missy —— state media in iran staying, via a statement from the revolutionary guards, that it has targeted specific places in israel by launching dozens of drones and missiles. so when we think about specific places, is there a general understanding within israel of what would be a high—value target for anybody wanting to target the country? anybody wanting to target the count ? , , ., ., .,
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country? yes. first of all, we have to distinguish _ country? yes. first of all, we have to distinguish between _ country? yes. first of all, we have to distinguish between military i to distinguish between military targets and civilian targets, this will also decide how israel will retaliate. if iran is hitting military targets, israel will act regardless. but if they start firing missiles over cities and try to hit civilian areas, that will be a decisive moment and that will mean most likely a full—fledged war with iran. i am overseeing right now reports about cruise missiles being fired towards israel, that is obviously more serious than the drones. thejordanians also say they are ready to intercept any iranian drones coming, violating jordanian airspace. so again, this attack could drag the entire region into a war now, it really depends on the coming hours. where they are going to hit, if anyone will be killed and how israel will decide to retaliate.
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what do you make of whatjordan has said, in terms of, they will fire on these drones if they cross their airspace? these drones if they cross their airsace? , ., ., . airspace? first of all, jordan, it is a nightmare _ airspace? first of all, jordan, it is a nightmare scenario - airspace? first of all, jordan, it is a nightmare scenario for i airspace? first of all, jordan, it | is a nightmare scenario for them airspace? first of all, jordan, it i is a nightmare scenario for them to be caught in the middle between israel and iran. be caught in the middle between israeland iran. if be caught in the middle between israel and iran. if you look at a map, iran can cross intojordan if they want to hit certain areas. of central israel. and that is problematic for them, so that's why they took the precaution after the first one that shot their airspace tonight, and now they are going to help, apparently, intercept iranian drones. and it is quite interesting because jordan has drones. and it is quite interesting becausejordan has been extremely critical of israel in the past six months. they have more or less accused israel of committing genocide. and now they are being
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forced really to choose sides, change sides, it really come stand with iran or israel? i don't think that they will start collaborating with iran. clearly, they are sending a statement to iran that they will shoot down the drones coming over their territory. shoot down the drones coming over theirterritory. but shoot down the drones coming over their territory. but again, shoot down the drones coming over theirterritory. but again, it shoot down the drones coming over their territory. but again, it is super, super tense the situation and hopefully, joe biden is going to have to make the decision now whether he is going to back up his words with action. ironclad commitment to israel, will they go in and defend israel, will they participate in shooting down these drones? if so, they could all be dragged into this conflict. you have said this is unprecedented. - dragged into this conflict. you have said this is unprecedented. i - dragged into this conflict. you have said this is unprecedented. i picked up said this is unprecedented. i picked up in a sense of surprise when we first started talking that we have got to this point. in the conversations that you've heard in israel, has anybody ever spoken about the possibility of leaving the country? about the possibility of leaving the count ? , ., , ,
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country? yes. i would say, yes. i know several _ country? yes. i would say, yes. i know several mostly _ country? yes. i would say, yes. i know several mostly people i country? yes. i would say, yes. i know several mostly people who | country? yes. i would say, yes. i- know several mostly people who have migrated who have said that they don't feel safe here. already in the beginning of the war on october the 7th, many israelis left, thousands of people left israel. they came back eventually, but i've heard also in the last couple of days people, especially with kids, people who are not used to the situation so much as israelis, they have really expressed anxiety and frustration over this situation. i think israelis have lived through this their entire life, i spoke to several today, they said, listen, this is our life. this is not the first war we are going to be in and it is not going to be the last. and they refused to let other countries dictate their daily lives. today, for example, i went to the beach and i saw plenty of people going about their lives despite the past couple of days. being all about imminent iranian attack. but that
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goes to show that most israelis will do everything they can to live their lives. but now it is different, because iran has actually attacked, it is notjust a threat.— it is not 'ust a threat. when did ou it is notjust a threat. when did you realise _ it is notjust a threat. when did you realise that _ it is notjust a threat. when did you realise that this _ it is notjust a threat. when did you realise that this was - it is notjust a threat. when did l you realise that this was actually happening? the us had issued their warning, giving this timeline of 48 hours. what changed, at what point did you realise, ok, it is happening now? it did you realise, ok, it is happening now? ., , ., , ., ., now? it was tonight. first of all, we heard that _ now? it was tonight. first of all, we heard that netanyahu - now? it was tonight. first of all, we heard that netanyahu was i now? it was tonight. first of all, j we heard that netanyahu was on now? it was tonight. first of all, i we heard that netanyahu was on his way to the defence mission headquarters. we heard that he was going to speak. we heard also the spokesperson of the idf saying that israel is again preparing for imminent attack. so i think it has been coming all night and we saw the quiet before the storm throughout the day. and evening, it started
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escalating and it really developed very fast in the past hour or so, especially when jordan decided to close their airspace. israel also issued instructions that all schools will be closed in the coming 48 hours. i think that was a decisive moment, you don't close schools for the entire nation for nothing. so i think that is a pretty good indicator that something was brewing. brute indicator that something was brewina. ~ ., ., ~ brewing. we have got tel aviv, the tel aviv skyline, _ brewing. we have got tel aviv, the tel aviv skyline, it _ brewing. we have got tel aviv, the tel aviv skyline, it looks _ tel aviv skyline, it looks beautiful. the night skyline. clouds, clear skies in the background. the buildings are beautifully lit. but obviously, behind that is the fear, like you said, is the panic, the state of alert. what actually happens when the iron dome engages? what do you see, what do you hear, what do you sense? ., , ., see, what do you hear, what do you sense? . , ., , ., sense? that is a good question, i have actually _ sense? that is a good question, i have actually been _ sense? that is a good question, i have actually been right - sense? that is a good question, i have actually been right next i sense? that is a good question, i have actually been right next to l sense? that is a good question, i l have actually been right next to the iron dome the minute it fired a missile against rockets coming from
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qatar. and it is quite hectic, i can tell you. it is very aggressive. first of all, you hear sirens going off right next to you, which is stressful in itself. and then you see what looks like fireworks over your head in the sky. it is literally a missile, the iron dome missile, firing towards the missile coming at israel. so they are shooting down missiles and you can hear loud booms first of all, you can see them exploding in the air and you need to be careful. if you are out in the open, you need to lie down because if shrapnel hits you, it can kill you. and if you are in a city, obviously, you need to find shelter. but when you see those iron dome is shooting down the missiles, the sound echoes. so it sounds like an earthquake almost. you can hear
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the building shaking, that is what happens. the the building shaking, that is what ha ens. ., , the building shaking, that is what ha-oens. ., ., _ happens. the drones obviously, we know, happens. the drones obviously, we know. have — happens. the drones obviously, we know, have crossed _ happens. the drones obviously, we know, have crossed iraqi _ happens. the drones obviously, we know, have crossed iraqi airspace. | happens. the drones obviously, we | know, have crossed iraqi airspace. i think you did say there is this sense that they are about two hours away. if they get there, they may well have to go acrossjordanian airspace. they have said they will shoot them down. we are not too sure which path they would follow. but in terms of once you reach the iranian border, what are the key towns located there? could you paint a picture for us?— picture for us? first of all, it will be interesting _ picture for us? first of all, it will be interesting to - picture for us? first of all, it will be interesting to see, i l picture for us? first of all, it i will be interesting to see, i hear some of them could reach israeli territory in two hours. clearly, they have been launched from the western part of iran and then they will cross iraq and syria. in syria,
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israel has a pretty, first of all, it manoeuvres relatively steadily over syrian skies, israel is launching strikes almost every week, they have done so every —— for years. so once the drones head into syria, israel will probably start shooting them down. they could also do it over iraq. but i think when we start seeing them crossing into syria, that is when you are going to start seeing the missile defence system is starting to shoot them down. the closer they come to israel, the more stressful it is going to be, but we still have several layers of different kind of missile defence systems that can shoot down according to range. so we have one which reaches very far and you have a different kind of missile defence system that is more used to shooting down missiles that come closer to israeli territory. ok. shooting down missiles that come closer to israeli territory.- closer to israeli territory. ok, a journalist _ closer to israeli territory. ok, a journalist based _ closer to israeli territory. ok, a journalist based on _ closer to israeli territory. ok, a journalist based on a _ closer to israeli territory. ok, a journalist based on a shall, i closer to israeli territory. ok, a l journalist based on a shall, thank you so very much for furnishing us with those details. —— based in
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israel. we were talking about the likely track of the drones, if they have come in from iran in the east, we were know that over a dozen had flown over iraqi territory. —— we know. the next possible track would be heading north—west into syria, before dropping down into israel, possibly over lebanon. or they can head acrossjordan. jordan says they will shoot them down. or they head south into saudi arabia and make their way northwards. we can speak to somebody from the centre of israeli studies, the former deputy chief of mission at the embassy of israel in washington, dc. dan, we have heard this incident being described as unprecedented. what is your analysis? described as unprecedented. what is youranalysis? i described as unprecedented. what is your analysis?— your analysis? i agree, but with this, it is _ your analysis? i agree, but with this, it is unprecedented - your analysis? i agree, but with this, it is unprecedented by i your analysis? i agree, but with this, it is unprecedented by the | this, it is unprecedented by the fact that iran for the first time has directly launched an attack on israel. foryears, it has has directly launched an attack on israel. for years, it has been using
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its proxies in syria and lebanon and iraq and the red sea. this time, it is a direct assault or attack from iranian territory into israeli territory. so definitely, this is unprecedented in nature. it’s unprecedented in nature. it's fascinating. _ unprecedented in nature. it's fascinating, isn't it, that there had been the sense perhaps that this was another case of sabre rattling on the part of iran. yes, they may well attack, but definitely or possibly not on israeli soil. is their surprise, possibly not on israeli soil. is theirsurprise, do possibly not on israeli soil. is their surprise, do you think, that this is exactly what iran are doing? —— is their surprise. and they have coming earlier than the expected 48 hours? , ~ , ., , coming earlier than the expected 48 hours? , ~ , .,, , hours? yes, i think this has been brewin: hours? yes, i think this has been brewing for _ hours? yes, i think this has been brewing for the _ hours? yes, i think this has been brewing for the last _ hours? yes, i think this has been brewing for the last week - hours? yes, i think this has been brewing for the last week since i brewing for the last week since israel's attack in damascus which eliminated the senior commander of the irgc and iran sabre rattling and
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beating the war drums. sending a clear message it will respond. but it took iran more than a week and it did hesitate on launching this attack. but it finally did reach a decision to attack. i think it is, while it was in the air for a long time, i think the nature of the attack and the timing are a surprise. and perhaps, as you have said, a bit earlier than people would have expected. but it did give israel enough time to prepare. so all of its missile defences systems are ready and its air force is ready. so there is ample preparation and anticipation of such an attack. why do you think iran did hesitate to? what were they weighing up? i
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think they wanted to respond really quickly right after the attack in damascus and they were cautioned, not warned or threatened by the us, france, germany and britain and others not to do it. so i think they recalibrated their response. and they decided first of all to not launch an attack right away, to wait for a few days. and decide on a more specific nature to this attack. and clearly, what we are seeing is the decision that was not to use proxies, was not to use any other forces, but to use iranian forces, iranian weapons coming out of iranian weapons coming out of iranian territory, which is again something they have not done before and this is why, i think that is a result of this long week of consultations, discussions and
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preparations that they were making in tehran. ii preparations that they were making in tehran. i. _, , .,, preparations that they were making in tehran. , ., in tehran. if you could please to sta with in tehran. if you could please to stay with us- — in tehran. if you could please to stay with us. just _ in tehran. if you could please to stay with us. just to _ in tehran. if you could please to stay with us. just to underscore | in tehran. if you could please to i stay with us. just to underscore to our viewers, they are watching bbc news. we are very closely following the latest developments that are happening in the middle east, with breaking news that it would appear that iran has indeed launched its retaliatory attack that has been anticipated for a number of days. and it would appear targeted directly at israeli soil. there have been so many questions over this, but that is the breaking news here on bbc news. stay with us as we bring you the latest. the middle eastis bring you the latest. the middle east is on tenterhooks at the moment. in particular, israel. it
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was put on a state of alert earlier this evening. the former deputy chief of mission at the embassy is with us at the moment. when we get to this point, a security alert, what tends to happen? first to this point, a security alert, what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, as _ what tends to happen? first of all, we are seeing that, as your - we are seeing that, as your correspondent has been saying and the reporting has projected, this is going to take a few more hours. perhaps 12 midnight gmt. and therefore, that gives enough time for preparation and actually the israeli air defences are right now in a state of alert. when incoming
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missiles into israeli territory,


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