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tv   BBC News  BBC News  April 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm BST

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amid renewed warnings of a famine in gaza. in other news, events are being held across rwanda to mark three decades since the beginning of the genocide against ethnic tutsis and moderate hutus. hello and welcome to bbc news. i'm lukwesa burak. the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says his troops are just "one step away from victory". it's six months since hamas gunmen stormed into southern israel, massacring 1,200 people and kidnapping more than 250. the attack sparked what's become the deadliest and most destructive israel—gaza war, killing over 33,000 palestinians. speaking at a cabinet meeting, mr netanyahu said a ceasefire would not be agreed until israeli hostages, captured by hamas in october, were released.
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translation: the achievements of the war are great. _ we eliminated 19 out of 2a of the hamas battalions, including senior commanders. we killed, wounded or captured a significant number of hamas terrorists. we purged shifa and many other terrorist headquarters as well. we destroyed factories, manufacturing rockets, control rooms, weapons, ammunition, and we continue to systematically destroy what is underground. translation: the achievements of the war are great. _ we are one step away from victory. israel is not the one preventing a deal. hamas prevents a deal. its extreme demands were intended to bring about an end to the war and leave it intact, meaning to ensure its survival, its rehabilitation, its ability to endanger our citizens and our soldiers. surrendering to hamas demands will allow it to try to repeat the crimes of october seventh again and again, as it promised to do.
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hamas hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. israel is not ready to surrender. 0ur international editor, jeremy bowenjoins, me now from jerusalem. the possibility of a new phase now starting in this war.— starting in this war. yes, with those tr00ps _ starting in this war. yes, with those troops being _ starting in this war. yes, with those troops being pulled - starting in this war. yes, with l those troops being pulled back starting in this war. yes, with - those troops being pulled back from the south of gaza, it is the case though that mr netanyahu says that they will go back and they will do that military operation in rafa, where 1.4 that military operation in rafa, where1.4 million that military operation in rafa, where 1.4 million palestinian civilians where1.4 million palestinian civilians are sheltering. that is something that the americans do not want them to do. benjamin netanyahu has been saying they are one step away from victory. there are lots of israelis who say that is absolutely untrue, that he has not, quite
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patiently he has not, succeeded in the war aims that he stated. getting the war aims that he stated. getting the hostages back and eliminating hamas as a force in gaza, because they are still able to fight. and his critics also say that he is prolonging the war out of —— artificially for his own political reasons to escape a day of reckoning for mistakes that he may have made. on both sides, six months on, is a very significant milestone. a lot of people did not think this war would last this long but i think it might even last a lot longer. i have been to one of the israeli border communities which was kibbutz nir oz, which was probably among the worst hit on that day six months ago. 0ver six months, gaza has been ravaged by war, disease, death and now imminent famine caused by israel's siege. the un calls it a betrayal of humanity. kibbutz nir oz, right
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on israel's border with gaza, feels like a time capsule, stuck in the horrors of the 7th of october. hamas broke in at dawn, they killed and took hostage a quarter of the 400 or so israelis who lived here. he was laying there... dead. murdered. you could see that he was trying to hold the door closed. actually, the door was locked. the army opened the door later. ron and his family survived in their safe room, and then he recovered dead friends and neighbours, some in pieces. in this house, you know, that was the first time that we realised that we were not looking for only bodies because in the beginning we took a lot of bodies. the interrupted, terminated lives, laundry neatly folded the night before attack, give it israelis the sense of moral clarity.
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going around this place you understand why israelis believe very strongly that they are fighting a just war in gaza. of course their allies feel the same. their quarrel is with the methods that israel has been using that have crossed so many innocent palestinian lives. and as for the family who lived here, in this house, they are dead. israelis support the war, many are also back on the streets demanding the resignation of the prime minister. netanyahu's stated war aims, total victory over hamas, as well as freeing the hostages, have not been achieved. the demonstrators say that is because they come second to his own political survival. this woman leads a movement called shame. netanyahu has an interest to lengthen the war as much as he can because as long as the war is still going on he can say that now is not the time
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for new elections, now is not the time to look for who is responsible, which is key. —— which is him. everyone here faces uncertainty, sometimes fear and a forbidding future. israelis and palestinians look at each other with horror, since the 7th of october. the old city ofjerusalem, the heart of their conflict, has been mostly quiet. during ramadan many palestinians under 55 need police permission to join the crowds moving to the holy mosque. palestinians were already convinced that their lack of rights under israeli occupation amounted to apartheid. israel denies that allegation, and another, considered plausible by the world court that it is committing genocide in gaza. both sides believe that the other has carried out in human, unforgivable crimes since the 7th of october. new wounds on a century of scars.
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dimitri, a palestinian christian activist, says israelis are in denial. killing children is killing children, it does not matter who is the child that is being killed, it does not matter who is doing the killing. i do sympathise with the holocaust, i recognised the holocaust, but that does not mean a green light for israel to commit genocide against my people or any other people, in fact. this is ramallah on the west bank, polls show palestinians have strong support for the hamas attacks. but like most israelis, they deny that their side commit atrocities. what happened on october the 7th was just one... what is the word? thing that happened in a long time, many years of oppression. so again, i am going to repeat myself, that our struggle will continue until we are free. that is what any people under occupation, under oppression, under colonial settler
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regimes, will do. we can report first hand here on the occupied west bankjust as we can from israel, but foreign journalists are not allowed into gaza, by israel or egypt. the bbc commissioned a palestinian freelancer in rafa to film this young girl getting food for her family. translation: ., , translation: if we get there early we aet translation: if we get there early we get some _ translation: if we get there early we get some food _ translation: if we get there early we get some food but _ translation: if we get there early we get some food but if— translation: if we get there early we get some food but if we - translation: if we get there early we get some food but if we are - translation: if we get there early we get some food but if we are too | we get some food but if we are too late to food runs out. so we won't have anything to eat. the food we bring is only enough for one meal. this has become a daily ritualfor the children who fled to this part of rafa with their families. much less aid reaches northern gaza, where famine is imminent. israel, under us pressure, is letting more food in, but it is also insisting that it cannot finish off hamas without attacking this town. where 1.4 million palestinians are
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sheltering. she says getting her family food makes a happy, but this young girl's pot is all that seven people have to eat in a single day. six months on, the gaza war is not over. a wider middle east war threatens. this could get worse. and jeremy is with me now. jeremy, just how much worse?— just how much worse? well, the big concern at the _ just how much worse? well, the big concern at the moment _ just how much worse? well, the big concern at the moment is _ just how much worse? well, the big concern at the moment is that - just how much worse? well, the big concern at the moment is that if - just how much worse? well, the big| concern at the moment is that if you remember back at the beginning of the week, the israelis did an air strike against the iranians diplomatic compound in the syrian capital, damascus, and in the process they killed a very senior iranian general and number of other senior officers. ever since then on a daily basis the iranians have been
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swearing revenge. so israel itself has been on high alert, and the americans have also said, and published, there have been reports, i should say, that the americans believe that the iranians are plotting some kind of revenge. now, the thing is that has to fit into the thing is that has to fit into the context of a lot of tension on the context of a lot of tension on the northern border where i was also last week, the northern border with lebanon. there has been a growing deeper and deeper tit—for—tat going on there between israel and hezbollah who are iran's allies. so there is that worry about the wider situation, the wider war, that can happen. and also when it comes to gaza. gaza itself, there is no end in sight in that war. there is a massive humanitarian catastrophe going on, imminent famine, not clear yet whether it can be staved off. so
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if you look at really every measure of misery, i am afraid it ticks all boxes. , , �* ., ., ~ , ., boxes. ok, jeremy bowen, thank you ve much boxes. ok, jeremy bowen, thank you very much indeed _ boxes. ok, jeremy bowen, thank you very much indeed for— boxes. ok, jeremy bowen, thank you very much indeed for that. _ boxes. ok, jeremy bowen, thank you very much indeed for that. thank - very much indeed for that. thank you. here in the uk, the foreign secretary has warned that the uk's support for israel is �*not unconditional�*. writing in the sunday times, lord cameron said there was "no "doubt where the blame lies" after three british men were among seven charity workers killed when their convoy was hit in gaza last week. but this morning, the deputy prime minister, 0liver dowden, defended the uk's continued arms sales to israel — rejecting calls for the government to publish the legal advice it's had about whether israel's conduct in the war has breached international law. 0ur political correspondent helen cattjoins me now. helen — mr dowden was robust, defending the government's position on this. he was pushed on this this morning,
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and yes, he said that israel's war was legitimate, he also said that it was legitimate, he also said that it was the uk government's assessment that it was still legal for british companies to sell arms to israel. if a british company wants to do that it has to get an export licence from the government, and that takes into account criteria like the uk's international law obligations and the risk that any goods or products that are being sent to a country could be used to violate human rights. but mr dowden said was that the government's assessment of that had not changed and it was still legal. he also suggested that if that changed and israel was found to have broken international law, then those exports could stop. but he insisted, speaking to the bbc�*s laura kuenssberg earlier, that israel was being held to high standards. of course, we have concerns about the way in which israel is conducting itself. that is why we have raised issues, for example, in relation to aid and
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getting more aid in. that's why we've raised issues in relation to deconflicting, but that is in the context of, of a legitimate conflict that israel is pursuing. helen, what did he say specifically about any legal advice the government had received? well, there has been a big — government had received? well, there has been a big question _ government had received? well, there has been a big question about - government had received? well, there has been a big question about this - has been a big question about this because what i have set out for you just now is the government's assessment and position. a lot of questions have been asked about what advice the government has been given by lawyers on which it has come to that conclusion. mr dowden did not directly deny a claim that was made by a conservative mp earlier this week that at least some of the advice that lawyers had given government was that israel had broken international law. instead he said that the government was not intending to publish any of this advice. labour, the main opposition party, has said that that is the wrong call. the shadow foreign secretary, david lammy, told the bbc earlier that he believed that there
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should be a publishing of the summary of that advice so that people could be certain that international law was not being broken. it is a very serious issue. it has now gone on for six months, on issues of proportionality, of precaution and distinction. there are real concerns, notjust from judges, from the intelligence community, but the broader public. for that reason, let us be sure that we are not in breach. labour is not calling for arms exports to be suspended, as other parties in the uk, like the liberal democrats and the snp are, but what david lammy said that he wanted was for david cameron who plays a key role in setting out and deciding the government's position to be asked more questions about this in the house of commons. lord cameron is a member of the house of lords which means he can't be asked questions in the house of commons in the usual way. david lammy wants to see that
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happen though. ceremonies are being held across rwanda to mark three decades since the start of the genocide against ethnic tutsis and moderate hutus. injust 100 days, 800,000 people were killed in 1994. rwanda's president paul kagame said the international community failed his country. france has acknowledged that it could have stopped the genocide, along with its allies, but lacked the will power to do so. bbc�*s senior africa correspondent, anne soy, has been following the occasion from nairobi. and, just orchestra what happened today. and, just orchestra what happened toda . ~ . , and, just orchestra what happened toda .~ ., ,_ . today. well, a very symbolic li . htin: today. well, a very symbolic lighting of — today. well, a very symbolic lighting of the _ today. well, a very symbolic lighting of the flame - today. well, a very symbolic lighting of the flame of - today. well, a very symbolic - lighting of the flame of remembrance by the president in kigali. this display will go on for the next 100 days to symbolise the genocide. in 100 days more than 800,000 people
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were killed. the events from the 7th of april 1994 and for the next 100 days were triggered by the downing of the playing of the then president of the playing of the then president of kigali who was a houthi or and we had the forces going across rwanda. the other forces which are led by the current president were to take over the country within just 100 days and defend it at nausicaa. there has been a lot of reflection on what the international community could have done better. un peacekeepers have been downsizing in the country and have stood by and watched as the slaughter was going on. today has been a moment to reflect on that, to reflect on what happened in 1994. it was said that
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the world must never forget that, and it must never be repeated anywhere. and now that acknowledgement from france, a very significant step towards the recovery of rwanda as a country. significant in what way? in terms of reconciliation? how is that significant? what does that empower rwanda to do next?— rwanda to do next? well, it is really the _ rwanda to do next? well, it is really the reconciliation - rwanda to do next? well, it is really the reconciliation with l rwanda to do next? well, it is i really the reconciliation with the international community. rwanda has had a very positive relationship with france for many years, in part because the administration of polka gamete is harbouring some of the masterminds of the genocide and not... in recent years we have seen that france has been approachable. some of them have been convicted. however, there are those who are
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suspected of having been behind the genocide that is still at large in different countries. really today the message was that the international community needs to rally together to make sure that justice is served. rwanda itself as a country has done so much to try and bring better reconciliation and of the recovery they started local community courts where people were encouraged to come and confess, so we had families that had been harmed during the 1994 genocide reconciling with their perpetrators. so the country has come a long way over the last 30 years. it is a young country at the moment, the president... three quarters of the population is under 35 and so they will have no
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memory of what happened then. the president said that this is the generation that is going to bring renewal. they have no memory, they are coming with a different mindset. known as the last genocide of the 20th century. a new mindset, and, thank you very much indeed. here in the uk, a murder investigation has been launched by police in bradford after a 27 year old woman was stabbed in the city centre yesterday afternoon. 0ur correspondentjudith moritz is at the scene with the latest. it was just it wasjust behind it was just behind me it wasjust behind me in broad daylight. a busy part of bradford city centre as well, just north of the city centre here. this woman was stabbed multiple times by a man who ran off. the police tell us that they have found a knife but they do not know whether the man that they are looking for a still armed and are asking the public not to approach him. they are
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searching for a specific man who they say has links to various parts of the north of england, including burnley, chester and 0ldham. west yorkshire police are liaising with forces around the region to trace him. they want to hear from anybody who has information about what happened. perhaps from drivers with dash cam footage of witnesses in this area as well. they are saying that anybody with information could help to trace him, they say he's 25 years old and they believe that he is known to the woman, but no more information has been given out. just that the police are wanting to speak to him urgently. now, solar eclipse fever is building. millions of people in north america will be able to witness a rare solar eclipse on monday, hoping to spend around four minutes in total darkness as the moon blocks the sun's light. ben woolvin has more.
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all right, guys, are we ready? preparing for totality. this is dallas, texas, where tomorrow lunchtime, 100% of the sun will be covered by the moon. who's excited? the eclipse is coming! the eclipse is coming, the eclipse is coming! eclipse chaser leticia ferrer is ready to witness daytime darkness for her 21st time. i've seen 20, all over the world. it's just such a feeling in my soul that i'm so grateful to be there and so happy to see it enough that i'm sort of addicted to them. i'm addicted to that feeling of that... for those few seconds or minutes, being one with the universe and being really present and feeling it. i think it's going to be scary because it's going to be very dark at, like, daytime, and i've never seen an eclipse. my parents are scared too, because they've also never seen an eclipse either. the last time a total eclipse was visible in the us was in 2017, when thousands gathered here in oregon.
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this year, the united states is a great place to see a total solar eclipse. it will be coming up through mexico and exiting up towards maine, so across the central part of the united states. you need to be inside the path of totality to see the total eclipse, which is a small band. however, you can see a partial eclipse from all over the united states. so here in washington, we will see about 87% of the sun covered by the moon. in the uk, people in the west of the country should be able to catch a partial eclipse from just before 8:00pm tomorrow evening. it's been almost 25 years since the last total eclipse was visible here in 1999. the next one will be 66 years from now, in september 2090. ben woolvin, bbc news. and we will have special live coverage of the solar eclipse on monday here on bbc news. you can also find lots more on the bbc news website including
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how scientists will be conducting experiments during the four minute blackout window. a british man hasjust become the first person to run the entire length of africa. 27 year old russ cook, an ultra marathon runner, who calls himself the hardest geezer, has finally reached the finishin line after a year on his feet. his epicjourney had pitfalls along the way — it ended in the last half an hour in tunisia. ellie price has more. lets go! day four. day six. only the hardest geezer could run nearly every day for more than 350 days. covering more than 10,000 miles, the entire length of africa. russell cook has done it. day 349 of running the entire length of africa. he has run through desert, rainforest, savannas, mountains, jungles, and 16 countries. he has so far raised
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nearly £700,000 for the running charity and sandblast. he has had complications with his health... visas... the weather... and he was even robbed at gunpoint. i was pretty terrified, i won't lie. but he has taken it all in his stride. in this final stretch he had a little help from his friends. are you ready to run a marathon? he has achieved something no one else in this world has ever done and his immediate plans now, a strawberry daiquiri on the beach. ellie price, bbc news. i wonder if he will do the london marathon. plenty more of course on the bbc news website. do stay with
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us as we are watching events very closely in jerusalem us as we are watching events very closely injerusalem as anti—government protesters and families of hostages who remain in gaza have taken to the streets to protest. stay with us here on bbc news. hello there. it certainly has been a weekend of contrasts — wet and windy, stormy for some, glorious for others. you had to make the most of the sunshine when you had it. after the warmest day of the year so far in east anglia, it was not a bad start to sunday morning. it did cloud over a little as the day progressed. and the week ahead is going to stay pretty unsettled, i'm afraid. 0ften wet and windy, a little bit cooler as well to begin with. but then there's a potential for something warmer to return from wednesday into thursday later on. more on that in just a moment. but we've got this deepening area of low pressure for monday, which is going to bring some wet
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weatherfor some of us. so we'll start off on monday morning with rain into the channel isles, moving up through cornwall, gradually into south wales, up through the irish sea. ahead of it, we'll have this band of showery rain developing as well. so across england and wales it's a case of quite a lot of cloud around. there will be some showery outbreaks of rain. top temperatures, though, still on the mild side, 17 celsius here. in the east, the pennines, 17 celsius and it may stay dry for much of the afternoon. heaviest of the rain through the isle of man, just fringing into northern ireland. the bulk of scotland for monday afternoon, staying fine with some sunshine, highs of ten to 12 celsius. but that rain will move its way across northern england into scotland overnight, and also the wind direction is set to change back to a north—westerly, which is going to push that milder air over into eastern europe. a cooler air source arrives for all of us on tuesday. tuesday doesn't look a particularly pleasant day either. there'll be a spell of heavy rain which will grind to a halt
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for a time across southern scotland and northern england. quite a lot of cloud and plenty of frequent showers. temperatures on the whole will struggle due to the strength of the wind gusts in excess of 35 to 40 mph, so on your thermometer, probably only looking at between eight and 12 celsius as a high. wednesday will start off for some of us quite promising. we've got this little ridge of high pressure quieting things down, but the next frontal systems are waiting in the wings to move in from the west. so eastern areas seeing the best of the dry weather on wednesday with some sunshine coming through. that rain clears through to sunny spells and scattered showers in the north, but it is going to allow more heat to return in the south later on.
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this is bbc news. the headlines... the israel—gaza war reaches its 6 month mark. hamas attacked israel killing about 1,200 people and taking hundreds hostage in october. in the war that has followed, the gaza health ministry says at least 33,000 palestinians have been killed. israel says it has withdrawn more ground troops from southern gaza. the move was announced as prime minister benjamin netanyahu claims his troops are "one step from victory". events are held across rwanda to mark three decades since the beginning of the genocide against ethnic tutsis
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and moderate hutus. injust100 days, 800,000 people were killed in 1994. and a man who has been running the entire length of the african continent in a mammoth challenge that took him across 16 countries — has reached the finish line of his year long quest. now on bbc news, sportsday. hello and welcome to sportsday — i'm jane dougall. a breathless match at old trafford where liverpool slip up and miss the chance to go top — while united grab a point. a six—goal thriller at ibrox, but it's "as you were" in the race for the title — with point a piece for the old firm.
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back to winning ways for max verstappen —


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