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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  April 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm BST

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this is bbc news, the headlines: israel's investigation into the killing of seven aid workers — the idf admits it was a grave mistake and sacks two officers. we need to ensure that humanitarian organisations like the world central kitchen can conduct their activity, their essential humanitarian activity, and we have clearly failed in this instance. an earthquake measuring 4.8 has shaken new york and the surrounding area. rail passengers across england, scotland and wales are being warned of major disruption as the latest wave of strikes by train drivers starts today. # my, my # at waterloo, napoleon did surrender... # and 50 years after abba's eurovision win, the city that hosted the 1974 competion marks a special moment in music history.
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an earthquake has hit the us state of newjersey rattling buildings in nearby new york city. the us geological survey said the quake was a magic tutor of 4.8. the earthquake was centred in lebanon, newjersey. there are no reports of major damage but social media users reported feeling the tremors from as far away as philadelphia up to new york city. —— magnitude of 4.8. earthquakes are rare on the us east coast. let's show you this moment which captures the earthquake. it is the feed from the earthquake. it is the feed from the un security council. they were hearing from the president of save the children at the time. let's listen in. ~ ., , ., listen in. women stood in line for three hours _ listen in. women stood in line for three hours to _ listen in. women stood in line for three hours to make _ listen in. women stood in line for three hours to make use - listen in. women stood in line for three hours to make use of- listen in. women stood in line for three hours to make use of it. - three hours to make use of it. schools normally form a spine of protection for children, a place for children to see humanitarian services abnormality. ——
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humanitarian services and normality. was that an earthquake?- was that an earthquake? yeah. you are making — was that an earthquake? yeah. you are making the _ was that an earthquake? yeah. you are making the ground - was that an earthquake? yeah. you are making the ground shake. | you are making the ground shake. education — you are making the ground shake. education is, in many ways... madam president, am iok to continue? education is in many ways life—saving... is education is in many ways life-saving. . ._ education is in many ways life-savinu... , ., ., ~ education is in many ways life-savinu... , ., .,~ life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as — life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as the _ life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as the un _ life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as the un was _ life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as the un was in - life-saving. .. is the earthquake was felt there as the un was in session. | felt there as the un was in session. we have just had an update from the white house on that earthquake, saying the president has been briefed on the earthquake which had its epicentre in newjersey. he is in touch with his team who are monitoring potential impacts. the white house is in touch with, state and local officials as we learn more and local officials as we learn more and we have heard from the federal airport authority in new york which is saying that departures to newark
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airport which is of course in new jersey but serves a lot of people travelling internationally and domestically to new york city. newark airport is in newjersey. they are saying that departures are grounded until 1230 eastern, so that's 430 here. i'm not sure if they are due to restart imminently but some flights have been granted as a result of the earthquake. let's find out more on the situation on the ground. bbcjournalist marvin is currently on holiday in new york and he, like many other people, were surprised by the earthquake which he felt over breakfast. marvin, always good to talk to you. this time in new york, not in london with the team. tell us how you felt the earthquake?— team. tell us how you felt the earthauake? ., �* . , ., earthquake? hello. i'm currently on hohda earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holida in earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holiday in new _ earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holiday in new york— earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holiday in new york at _ earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holiday in new york at this - earthquake? hello. i'm currently on holiday in new york at this very - holiday in new york at this very busy junction holiday in new york at this very busyjunction in union square. so basically, earlierthis
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busyjunction in union square. so basically, earlier this morning i was sitting in my room in brooklyn and while i was having breakfast whole house started to shake. it was quite a scary feeling for a moment. ijust didn't know quite a scary feeling for a moment. i just didn't know at the start whether it was the subway i was feeling, or it was a proper earthquake. the moment the house started to shake, i had to go and hide under the desk in front of me or run outside, so i had that kind of moment where i was a bit frozen and didn't know what to do. but when i left the house and was making my way into central manhattan today, i didn't see any damage or anything. it wasjust like, there
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didn't see any damage or anything. it was just like, there were a couple of people outside who asked me if i felt it. it was quite scary. but you know, there hasn't been any damage or any injuries around. his damage or any in'uries around. no but damage or any injuries around. no but there is some impact on this as we were reporting just then, marvin, departures to newark airport in new jersey have been grounded. i got my time differences wrong. so actually it's another hour before flights are expected to resume from newark airport. we're also hearing that flights jfk will also airport. we're also hearing that flightsjfk will also grounded and that was while runways were being inspected for damage. what more can you tell us about the other disruptions that this might of course, even if it hasn't caused significant physical damage, marvin? as i said, as i was travelling into manhattan, into the city centre, i
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didn't see any report of damage or any disruption to the subway network. the one thing i can tell you is that while we were actually on the train, the emergency alert system went off. it went off on our phones. that normally indicates a warning when it comes to floods or big weather events. that was a bit delayed. so it came up to 20 minutes after. i'm still getting a sense of what happened actually. as i said, i left the house and i was travelling into the city centre and then it's just still, we are still determining here what is going on. ma just still, we are still determining here what is going on. ok, marvin. thank ou here what is going on. ok, marvin. thank you for— here what is going on. ok, marvin. thank you for sharing _ here what is going on. ok, marvin. thank you for sharing your - thank you for sharing your earthquake experience. we look forward to having you back in the newsroom soon. now we can speak to
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our correspondent in new york, michelle fleury. always good to talk to you as well. you have lived in new york for many years. have you ever felt an earthquake before? i have never experienced an earthquake before and certainly as a new york resident, a lot of people are used to the rumble of the truck passing ijy to the rumble of the truck passing by the windows, they might rattle, may be construction nearby. i think some people initially dismissed this, didn't trust their own kind of feelings. but others were quick to light up on social media and ask was that an earthquake we just felt? michelle, this is obviously caused a lot of transport disruption. just recap what we know about that. {line recap what we know about that. one ofthe recap what we know about that. one of the first recap what we know about that. iez of the first things we recap what we know about that. ©“ie: of the first things we have seen is emergency operations and workers kind of swinging into action. that means kind of checking that there isn't any damage. two major airports in this area, newjersey, talking
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about newark airport and in queens, jfk. both of those have ground stop. essentially people are checking if the runways are ok, checking if there has been any damage. we don't know how long that process will take. separately also the next thing will be roads, are the roads 0k? take. separately also the next thing will be roads, are the roads ok? we have just learned one of the major channels, the holland tunnel, a huge artery annexing and new york that is being cleared of any damage, so that can presumably reopen. as we just heard from marvin, we have heard confirmation that new york city's buses and trains are running as normal. it buses and trains are running as normal. , ., ., ,, ., normal. it is worth talking about the airports- _ normal. it is worth talking about the airports. even _ normal. it is worth talking about the airports. even if— normal. it is worth talking about the airports. even if you - normal. it is worth talking about the airports. even if you stop - the airports. even if you stop transport for even an hour, thousands of passengers will be disrupted. thousands of passengers will be disru ted. , .., ,
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disrupted. this will cause huge disruption _ disrupted. this will cause huge disruption and _ disrupted. this will cause huge disruption and is _ disrupted. this will cause huge disruption and is not _ disrupted. this will cause huge disruption and is notjust - disrupted. this will cause huge disruption and is notjust those that are stuck, but remember, often these flights are connecting to somewhere else so there is a knock—on cascading effect created. i think they will be rushing to try and get these airports reopened as soon as possible but safety is a priority and we are waiting to hear updates shortly from, i think, first of all the new york governor kathy hochul and later on in the day eric adams, the new york city mayor. interesting to see the reaction from newjersey because we believe that's where the epicentre wasn't there you have new york governor phil murphy basically putting emergency operations centre immediately into action. �* . , operations centre immediately into action. �* ., ., action. and i was also reading here sa in: action. and i was also reading here saying that — action. and i was also reading here saying that friday's _ action. and i was also reading here saying that friday's tremors - saying that friday's tremors reminded some residents of the 2011 earthquake in virginia which also prompted evacuations in new york city, including at city hall. marvin talked about the mobile alert that he got on his phone. are there any
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other procedures in place? new york is a city of new york state isn't necessarily something you
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you're also now seeing lots of things, wejust had an you're also now seeing lots of things, we just had an announcement here in the building. everyone is going through the safety protocols, trying to work out what damage there is, and reporting that back. that is the sort of updates were going to get from public officials over the course of the coming hours, an update on whether or not there has been any significant damage. michelle, for the moment, thank you very much. if you want to stay across our coverage of the earthquake in new york, you can see live pictures of times square in new york there. next to that, you can see a qr code. if you put your mobile phone up, scan that code, it will take you to our live feed of
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our coverage of the us earthquake. just a reminder that presidentjoe biden had been briefed on the earthquake, the white house issued a statement not too long ago confirming the epicentre of the earthquake was in newjersey, and then said the president is in touch with his team, there are monitoring potential impacts. it says the white house is in touch with federal—state and local officials as well as we learn more. more information there. a 4.7, something 4.8, but a magnitude earthquake which has hit the north—east of america on friday morning. we understand that the epicentre was in the state of new jersey, but it also impacted people in new york, pennsylvania, and connecticut.
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let's ta ke let's take you live to a press conference from the governor of new york who is updating us on the earthquake. i york who is updating us on the earthquake-— york who is updating us on the earthquake. york who is updating us on the earthruake. , ., ~ ~ ., earthquake. i spoke to the mta to ensure the — earthquake. i spoke to the mta to ensure the structural _ earthquake. i spoke to the mta to ensure the structural integrity - earthquake. i spoke to the mta to ensure the structural integrity of l ensure the structural integrity of the subway system, the port authority, and i want to announce that right nowjfk and newark airports are on full ground stops to assess any potential for after effects and we have been in contact with the utility companies to make sure that the gas and electric services will continue. amtrak and mta are on full schedule, no disruption there at this time. in communication with the white house, they reached out to us, the deputy of homeland security who is with president biden surveying the damage in baltimore cold us and i believe they felt the effects even in baltimore, so it has been an unsettling day to say the least. the white house offered any assistance, senator chuck schumer reached out and offered any assistance. right now it is most important that we have our structural teens out there,
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our engineering teens surveying our bridges, roads, any area there could be a fault line that is not easily detectable to make sure that passengers on our rails as well as commuters are safe —— microstructural teams. as a single straight roads, the mingus is taking the lead on that to ensure the roads are safe. major transmission lines and dams because you don't always see the effects of a small crack that actually could develop into a real major problem. and we are encouraging all the municipalities throughout the state of new york to assess for any structural integrity concerns. at this point heading into an hour and a half after the effects, we have not identified any life threatening situations but we are certainly asking our local law enforcement and emergency services teams to be on guard for that as well. but again, we are going to be reviewing all potentially vulnerable infrastructure sites throughout the state of new york, that is critically important in the aftermath of an event like this.
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again, i have a few safety tips because new yorkers are not accustomed to having earthquakes in our state. accustomed to having earthquakes in ourstate. everyone accustomed to having earthquakes in our state. everyone should continue to take this seriously. if there is an aftershock, people are encouraged to drop and to cover and hold on, drop to the floor, cover your neck and hold on to something that is sturdy. take caution near any damaged buildings. again, we don't have reports of damaged buildings at this time. it is very early in the assessment process. but if there is an after effect, please stay away from buildings, especially high rises. if you hear shifting or any unusual noises, leave your home. go outside. you are safer there than in a building that could be crumbling around you. inspect your home for damage, check the walls, floors, doors, windows, staircases, and if you see any damage at all you may need to relocate while the event is going on. check your own gas lines and water lines to make sure that
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your family are safe. stay connected and informed. iwill say your family are safe. stay connected and informed. i will say this. especially with all the national news about what happened in taiwan with that deadly earthquake just this past week, i think there is a high of anxiety around earthquakes. as we will explain, it was a 7.4 magnitude in taiwan, we are 4.8 and they will explain the difference. that's why we will continue to take this very seriously and make sure we continue to update all new yorkers.
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catherine garcia, head of state operations, you will hear first and then_ operations, you will hear first and then head — operations, you will hear first and then head of homeland security jackie _ then head of homeland security jackie bray. thank you, governor. i want _ jackie bray. thank you, governor. i want to— jackie bray. thank you, governor. i want to reiterate we have no reports of damage _ want to reiterate we have no reports of damage at this time and immediately all of the infrastructure agencies activated their policies and procedures to deal— their policies and procedures to deal with— their policies and procedures to deal with this. , their policies and procedures to dealwith this. , so their policies and procedures to deal with this. , so 4.0 their policies and procedures to dealwith this. , so 4.0 is their policies and procedures to deal with this. , so 4.0 is ten tintes— deal with this. , so 4.0 is ten times easier than 5.0. so every one of those _ times easier than 5.0. so every one of those makes a significant difference in what you will experience and what the damage could be. experience and what the damage could he in _ experience and what the damage could be. in addition we are tracking whether— be. in addition we are tracking whether there is an increase in hospitalisations as well as whether there _ hospitalisations as well as whether there is_ hospitalisations as well as whether there is any increase in vehicle accidents— there is any increase in vehicle accidents that has not been reported at this— accidents that has not been reported at this time. thank you. not accidents that has not been reported at this time. thank you.— accidents that has not been reported at this time. thank you. not much to add about double. _ at this time. thank you. not much to add about double. but _ at this time. thank you. not much to add about double. but the _ at this time. thank you. not much to add about double. but the governor. add about double. but the governor and director— add about double. but the governor and director covered _ add about double. but the governor and director covered most- add about double. but the governor and director covered most of- add about double. but the governor and director covered most of it. - add about double. but the governor and director covered most of it. we| and director covered most of it. we saw an— and director covered most of it. we saw an overload _ and director covered most of it. we saw an overload of _ and director covered most of it. we saw an overload of cell— and director covered most of it. we saw an overload of cell circuits - and director covered most of it. we saw an overload of cell circuits in l saw an overload of cell circuits in the new— saw an overload of cell circuits in the new yark— saw an overload of cell circuits in the new york city _ saw an overload of cell circuits in the new york city area _ saw an overload of cell circuits in i the new york city area immediately after the _ the new york city area immediately after the event. _ the new york city area immediately after the event. we _ the new york city area immediately after the event. we have _ the new york city area immediately after the event. we have been - the new york city area immediately after the event. we have been in i after the event. we have been in touch— after the event. we have been in touch with — after the event. we have been in touch with at&t, _
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after the event. we have been in touch with at&t, verizon - after the event. we have been in touch with at&t, verizon and - touch with at&t, verizon and t-mohiie _ touch with at&t, verizon and t—mobile and _ touch with at&t, verizon and t—mobile and their— touch with at&t, verizon and t—mobile and their networksl touch with at&t, verizon and i t—mobile and their networks are clear— t—mobile and their networks are clear and — t—mobile and their networks are clear and back— t—mobile and their networks are clear and back up _ t—mobile and their networks are clear and back up and _ t—mobile and their networks are clear and back up and working . t—mobile and their networks are l clear and back up and working and t—mobile and their networks are - clear and back up and working and we have opened — clear and back up and working and we have opened the _ clear and back up and working and we have opened the state _ clear and back up and working and we have opened the state cosmic- have opened the state cosmic emergency— have opened the state cosmic emergency operations- have opened the state cosmic| emergency operations centre, have opened the state cosmic- emergency operations centre, we are at a level— emergency operations centre, we are at a level three — emergency operations centre, we are at a level three to _ emergency operations centre, we are at a level three to monitor— emergency operations centre, we are at a level three to monitor impacts i at a level three to monitor impacts and reports — at a level three to monitor impacts and reports that _ at a level three to monitor impacts and reports that come _ at a level three to monitor impacts and reports that come in. - at a level three to monitor impacts and reports that come in. we - at a level three to monitor impacts and reports that come in. we have| and reports that come in. we have seen _ and reports that come in. we have seen one _ and reports that come in. we have seen one gas— and reports that come in. we have seen one gas leak— and reports that come in. we have seen one gas leak in _ and reports that come in. we have seen one gas leak in rockland - seen one gas leak in rockland county. — seen one gas leak in rockland county. but _ seen one gas leak in rockland county, but other— seen one gas leak in rockland county, but other than - seen one gas leak in rockland county, but other than that i seen one gas leak in rockland i county, but other than that there don't _ county, but other than that there don't seem — county, but other than that there don't seem yet _ county, but other than that there don't seem yet to _ county, but other than that there don't seem yet to be _ county, but other than that there don't seem yet to be any - county, but other than that there don't seem yet to be any major. don't seem yet to be any major infrastructure _ don't seem yet to be any major infrastructure impacts - don't seem yet to be any major infrastructure impacts but - don't seem yet to be any major infrastructure impacts but we l don't seem yet to be any major. infrastructure impacts but we are don't seem yet to be any major- infrastructure impacts but we are in touch _ infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with — infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with the _ infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with the counties _ infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with the counties and - infrastructure impacts but we are in touch with the counties and will - touch with the counties and will stay touch with the counties and will stay in — touch with the counties and will stay in touch _ touch with the counties and will stay in touch with _ touch with the counties and will stay in touch with the _ touch with the counties and will stay in touch with the countiesl touch with the counties and will l stay in touch with the counties all day. stay in touch with the counties all day thank— stay in touch with the counties all day. thank you _ day. thank you. have _ day. thank you. have you - day. thank you. have you been. day. thank you. - have you been able to day. thank you. — have you been able to contact with the facility in westchester and any concerns _ the facility in westchester and any concerns there? that the facility in westchester and any concerns there?— the facility in westchester and any concerns there? that is part of our anal sis concerns there? that is part of our analysis as — concerns there? that is part of our analysis as part — concerns there? that is part of our analysis as part of— concerns there? that is part of our analysis as part of all— concerns there? that is part of our analysis as part of all critically - analysis as part of all critically important infrastructure. the communication has gone out, correct? yes, we are in constant touch with both— yes, we are in constant touch with both that — yes, we are in constant touch with both that facility _ yes, we are in constant touch with both that facility and _ yes, we are in constant touch with both that facility and our - yes, we are in constant touch with both that facility and our other. both that facility and our other facilities, _ both that facility and our other facilities, there _ both that facility and our other facilities, there is— both that facility and our other facilities, there is no- both that facility and our other facilities, there is no damagel facilities, there is no damage reported _ facilities, there is no damage reported at— facilities, there is no damage reported at indian— facilities, there is no damage reported at indian point, - facilities, there is no damage reported at indian point, we. reported at indian point, we wouldn't _ reported at indian point, we wouldn't expect— reported at indian point, we wouldn't expect damage - reported at indian point, we wouldn't expect damage at. reported at indian point, we i wouldn't expect damage at this reported at indian point, we - wouldn't expect damage at this time and we _ wouldn't expect damage at this time and we are _ wouldn't expect damage at this time and we are in— wouldn't expect damage at this time and we are in touch _ wouldn't expect damage at this time and we are in touch with _ wouldn't expect damage at this timei and we are in touch with westchester and we are in touch with westchester and i and we are in touch with westchester and i will_ and we are in touch with westchester and i will stay — and we are in touch with westchester and i will stay in— and we are in touch with westchester and i will stay in touch _ and we are in touch with westchester and i will stay in touch with _ and i will stay in touch with westchester. _ and i will stay in touch with westchester.— and i will stay in touch with westchester. ., ., westchester. could you say what you are doinu westchester. could you say what you are doing at — westchester. could you say what you are doing at the _ westchester. could you say what you are doing at the time _ westchester. could you say what you are doing at the time it _ westchester. could you say what you are doing at the time it hits, - westchester. could you say what you are doing at the time it hits, what. are doing at the time it hits, what you felt— are doing at the time it hits, what you felt and what was going on? no
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you felt and what was going on? surprise to you felt and what was going on? iir: surprise to anyone in the capital, i was meeting with my senior team talking about their late night working on the budget and we were talking about how we would move the budget forward today. literally sat in the room next door, people felt different degrees of movement in the room, surprising, then all of a sudden everybody�*s cell phone started lighting up and describing what it was. we were literally here working the budget, and getting a budget done that includes a once—in—a—lifetime housing package, may be the only seismic event we expected this week so this was rather unanticipated. you cannot plan for this. there is no early warnings, there is no weather service that can tell you an earthquake is imminent and that's why everybody was caught off guard. fortunately in the state of new york we are masters of disasters. we know how to handle this from an expected snowstorm just a couple of days ago, everybody is anticipating massive crowds for another celestial event on monday with the total eclipse
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pathway going through large parts of our state. my point is we are always ready. we have planning in place for all of our teams to activate instantaneously and i feel very comfortable about that. but again, these are emerging situations. it could be over but also there could be another effect and we have to be prepared for that and more new yorkers need to be particularly vigilant in the days following an earthquake. vigilant in the days following an earthquake-— vigilant in the days following an earthquake. vigilant in the days following an earthruake. ,., ., ., ,, ,, earthquake. governor, i assume your team has analysed _ earthquake. governor, i assume your team has analysed the _ earthquake. governor, i assume your team has analysed the aftershock- team has analysed the aftershock forecasts — team has analysed the aftershock forecasts. what do they show? what should _ forecasts. what do they show? what should we _ forecasts. what do they show? what should we anticipate?— should we anticipate? commissioner bra , the should we anticipate? commissioner bray. the former— should we anticipate? commissioner bray, the former head _ should we anticipate? commissioner bray, the former head of _ should we anticipate? commissioner bray, the former head of one - should we anticipate? commissioner bray, the former head of one of- should we anticipate? commissioner bray, the former head of one of the | bray, the former head of one of the heads of the national weather service, is this something you can predict? irate service, is this something you can redict? ~ ., �* , . predict? we don't predict earthquakes. _ predict? we don't predictj earthquakes. aftershocks predict? we don't predict - earthquakes. aftershocks are not predictable _ earthquakes. aftershocks are not predictable. obviously— earthquakes. aftershocks are not predictable. obviously we - earthquakes. aftershocks are not predictable. obviously we will. predictable. obviously we will monitor— predictable. obviously we will monitor usgs's_ predictable. obviously we will monitor usgs's information. i predictable. obviously we will. monitor usgs's information. but these _ monitor usgs's information. but these are — monitor usgs's information. but these are not— monitor usgs's information. but these are not for— monitor usgs's information. but these are not for constable - monitor usgs's information. but. these are not for constable events. one more — these are not for constable events. one more on— these are not for constable events.
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one more on the _ these are not for constable events. one more on the ground _ these are not for constable events. one more on the ground stop- these are not for constable events. one more on the ground stop at. these are not for constable events. | one more on the ground stop atjfk and other— one more on the ground stop atjfk and other airports. one more on the ground stop atjfk and otherairports. is one more on the ground stop atjfk and other airports. is there a timeline _ and other airports. is there a timeline for how that gets done? we 'ust timeline for how that gets done? just spoke to timeline for how that gets done? - just spoke to them, do we have a timeline? irate just spoke to them, do we have a timeline? ~ ., �* ., ., timeline? we don't have a timeline et, the timeline? we don't have a timeline yet. they are _ timeline? we don't have a timeline yet, they are confirming _ timeline? we don't have a timeline yet, they are confirming the - timeline? we don't have a timeline yet, they are confirming the air - yet, they are confirming the air traffic— yet, they are confirming the air traffic control— yet, they are confirming the air traffic control towers _ yet, they are confirming the air traffic control towers are - yet, they are confirming the air traffic control towers are safe l yet, they are confirming the airi traffic control towers are safe to operate — traffic control towers are safe to operate in _ traffic control towers are safe to operate in as— traffic control towers are safe to operate in. as soon— traffic control towers are safe to operate in. as soon as - traffic control towers are safe to operate in. as soon as we - traffic control towers are safe to operate in. as soon as we know| traffic control towers are safe to i operate in. as soon as we know we will make _ operate in. as soon as we know we will make sure _ operate in. as soon as we know we will make sure that _ operate in. as soon as we know we will make sure that is— operate in. as soon as we know we will make sure that is public- will make sure that is public information. _ will make sure that is public information.— will make sure that is public information. jfk and information. which airports? jfk and newark. information. which airports? jfk and newark- not — information. which airports? jfk and newark. not laguardia? _ information. which airports? jfk and newark. not laguardia? why - information. which airports? jfk and newark. not laguardia? why not? i information. which airports? jfk and i newark. not laguardia? why not? they have redone it — newark. not laguardia? why not? they have redone it more _ newark. not laguardia? why not? they have redone it more recently. _ newark. not laguardia? why not? they have redone it more recently. we - newark. not laguardia? why not? they have redone it more recently. we are i have redone it more recently. we are caettin have redone it more recently. we are getting more — have redone it more recently. we are getting more information _ have redone it more recently. we are getting more information but - have redone it more recently. we are getting more information but we - getting more information but we suspect— getting more information but we suspect it — getting more information but we suspect it is _ getting more information but we suspect it is because _ getting more information but we suspect it is because they- getting more information but we suspect it is because they were i suspect it is because they were renovated _ suspect it is because they were renovated more _ suspect it is because they were renovated more recently- suspect it is because they were renovated more recently and l suspect it is because they were - renovated more recently and meet higher— renovated more recently and meet higher standards. _ renovated more recently and meet higher standards.— renovated more recently and meet higher standards. thanks, everybody. thank ou, higher standards. thanks, everybody. thank you, appreciate _ higher standards. thanks, everybody. thank you, appreciate it. _ higher standards. thanks, everybody. thank you, appreciate it. any - thank you, appreciate it. any meetinu thank you, appreciate it. any meeting with _ thank you, appreciate it. any meeting with legislative leaders today— meeting with legislative leaders today on— meeting with legislative leaders today on the _ meeting with legislative leaders today on the budget? _ meeting with legislative leaders today on the budget?— meeting with legislative leaders today on the budget? studio: we are auoin to today on the budget? studio: we are going to leave — today on the budget? studio: we are going to leave the _ today on the budget? studio: we are going to leave the news _ today on the budget? studio: we are going to leave the news conference i going to leave the news conference which began by hearing from kathy hochul, the governor of new york. some of the main headlines were that jfk and newark airport remain grounded. flights from there. there
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are no reports of damage. let's go straight to new york city and join my colleague michelle fleury who has been monitoring developments as well. one thing that struck me in that news conference, michelle, was that news conference, michelle, was that they were telling people what to do if there aftershocks. that is of course a concern even though it is a relief that there was no damage or injuries in that initial quake. well, since we last spoke a few moments ago, my phone lit up with an emergency alert and it was expressing exactly that, basically warning that there was the potential for aftershocks, warning that there was the potential foraftershocks, but warning that there was the potential for aftershocks, but also saying that new yorkers should go about their normal activities and then providing a link to find out additional information. there were a couple of things that stood out to me, one of the things was governor kathy hochul saying officials were springing into action, doing what needed to be done. she said they are
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masters of disasters come in other words prepared for everything. this is a state that is kind of used to having things thrown its way, even if they may not be used to seismic activity of this kind. the if they may not be used to seismic activity of this kind.— activity of this kind. the other thing that _ activity of this kind. the other thing that struck _ activity of this kind. the other thing that struck me - activity of this kind. the other thing that struck me as - activity of this kind. the other thing that struck me as well. activity of this kind. the other i thing that struck me as well was that even though we have discussed this already, new york is not necessarily the place where you feel regular earthquakes and you have lived in new york for a couple of decades now do not felt one before. but we did hear from another official saying there are fault lines in new york so it is something that can happen. lines in new york so it is something that can happen-— lines in new york so it is something that can happen. yes. there was one also in january _ that can happen. yes. there was one also in january on — that can happen. yes. there was one also in january on roosevelt - that can happen. yes. there was one also in january on roosevelt island, . also injanuary on roosevelt island, not far, couple of miles from where i'm sitting right now. it's not that it never happens but it is pretty unusual, and certainly of this magnitude, that's what has caught people off—guard. and so now, as we keep hearing from officials, they are scrambling to try and assess the
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damage. one of the questions that was asked in the press conference just now was about indian point, thatis just now was about indian point, that is a nuclear facility upstate from new york city and they actually have put out a tweet basically saying that all systems responded as expected, no issues have been identified and they are continuing to perform walk downs. it is this idea of critical infrastructure, that's the priority for these officials, whether it is in new jersey, new york, connecticut or elsewhere where this was felt and they are just kind of going through they are just kind of going through the checks and making sure there isn't any damage. that was one of the things that came out of the press conference that i thought was interesting, a tiny crack might develop into a bigger problem down the road, if you are looking at transportation systems, buildings, anything like that, that's what they are trying to monitor and look for right now. are trying to monitor and look for riaht now. ~ . , right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with _ right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with you _ right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with you in _ right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with you in a _ right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with you in a short - right now. michelle fleury, we will be back with you in a short while. . be back with you in a short while. if you want to stay with the coverage of the earthquake, there is a qr code on the screen. you can
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scan that and stay with the livestream that we are running on that earthquake. and as we have been saying, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, the epicentre believed to be in new jersey. the mayor of new york has said it was felt at around 10:23am local time and the epicentre was in lebanon, newjersey. we will have more of that story and we will be back after a short break. you can of course see more online. i'm rajini vaidyanathan, stay with us. hello there. we saw some very big temperature contrasts from north to south across the country this morning. it was cold with some disruptive snow across scotland through the morning period. it stays rather grey here with further outbreaks of rain. it stays on the chilly side, as well. but for northern ireland, the rest of england and wales, a lovely bright afternoon to come. plenty of sunshine around. a few passing showers being blown on a very brisk south—westerly wind and very mild for the time of year at 18 or 19 degrees. it's still quite chilly
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across the north. that rain pushes its way northwards across scotland. through the night we see the next batch of wet, windy weather spreading up from the south. some of this rain could be quite heavy in the north and the west as it pushes its way northwards. by the end of the night, though, temperatures will be lifting, even across scotland, so turning milder here, but very mild further south. that takes us into saturday. this deepening area of low pressure hurtling towards the west of ireland has been named by the irish met service storm kathleen, as it's across ireland where we'll see the biggest impacts with the winds. but it's the feel of the weather as we head through saturday. it's dragging in some very warm air from southern climes. it could be up to 21 or 22 degrees across eastern england on saturday, despite the strong wind. so storm kathleen is likely to cause some impacts on saturday. northern and western parts of the uk could see some travel disruption, especially to the ferries around irish sea coasts. that rain pushes its way northwards early in the morning across scotland and we'll see further showers across western areas. a few of them trying to get in towards the east, but a lot of dry weather around and plenty of sunshine too.
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despite the widespread gales it's going to feel very warm indeed, but gusts could be up to 60, maybe 70mph across the north and the west, so this could be disruptive. despite that, with the sunshine around and those warm southerly winds it could be up to 21 or 22 degrees in the east of england. mid to high teens across scotland, so much warmer there, as well. saturday night stays very windy. storm kathleen passes to the north—west of scotland. a real squeeze in the isobars here as we move into sunday, so we could see severe gales across the hebrides for a time on sunday. elsewhere, it stays very windy. we'll see more showers in the mix, some of them heavy with some hail and thunder mixed in. there will be some sunshine around too, but it won't be quite as warm on sunday as what we have on saturday. but still, those temperatures are above the seasonal average. it stays unsettled into next week. we could see another spell of windy, wet weather for southern britain and then just signs of it perhaps settling down by the end of the week.
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live from london, this is bbc news. israel's investigation into the killing of seven aid the idf admits it was a grave mistake and sacks two officers. an earthquake measuring 4.8 has shaken new york and the surrounding area. the parent firm of the uk's largest water company defaults on a loan worth hundreds of millions of pounds. rail passengers across england, scotland and wales are being warned of major disruption as the latest wave of strikes by train
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drivers starts today. hello, i'm rajini vaidyanathan, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories, and checking out the truth behind them. an earthquake has hit the us state of newjersey, rattling buildings in nearby new york city. the us geological survey said that the quake was magnitude 4.8. the quake was centred in lebanon newjersey. there are no reports of any damage but social media users have reported feeling the tremors from philadelphia up to new york along the coast.
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this is the moment the quake prompted the temporary


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