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tv   World Business Report  BBC News  April 5, 2024 11:30am-11:46am BST

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not have occurred. those who approved the strike were convinced that were targeting armed how mass operatives are not the employees of the world central kitchen, the aid agency. they go on to say that the strike on the aid vehicles was a great mistake stemming from our failure based on errors in decision—making and an attack contrary to the standard operating procedures. they go on to say that after being presented with the investigation�*s findings come at the idf chief of general staff said the following command measures will be will be dismissed from his position, the brigade chief of staff, an officer with the rank of colonel in reserve will be dismissed from his position. the brigade commander at
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the 162nd commander will be reprimanded. they go on to say that the idf emphasises its commitment to fighting hamas while upholding the values of the idf, the rules of war and avoid harming civilians. they say that the idf will learn lessons and incorporate them into the idf ongoing missions. let's go to our middle east bureau chief. we have just added the statement, from first reading, this is extremely significant, particularly the lessons learned, that line really stands out to me, there idf will learn the lessons of this incident. what do you make of it? the
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learn the lessons of this incident. what do you make of it?- learn the lessons of this incident. what do you make of it? the idf took a u-rou what do you make of it? the idf took a a-rou of what do you make of it? the idf took a group ofjournalists _ what do you make of it? the idf took a group ofjournalists very _ what do you make of it? the idf took a group ofjournalists very late - a group ofjournalists very late last night to give them a briefing which was embargoed, we want to lie to publish until now, to explain the context in which this happened. it is fairto fair to say the soldiers at that briefing were mortified. they recruited a retired major general to have a look at the facts and what comes across is, as you pointed out already, a series of catastrophic mistakes. one of the biggest ones was that they failed to disseminate properly throughout the area of
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operation that there was an aid convoy happening that evening. there had already been one convoy that had run earlier in the evening, and they failed to notify everyone who was fighting in that area that this was continuing. in that context they say that their soldiers were on the lookout for hamas gunman and had seen some of them approach the aid convoy earlier in the evening. they showed us some video of a gunman climbing on one of the eight trucks and shooting in the air, i'm not clear what they were shooting at, they then described how after depositing that truck full of aid that have been delivered to the coast, a number of vehicle separated in different directions, one headed north, and that was positively identified and they showed us videos of gunmen exiting that vehicle. in the meantime three vehicles belonging to world central kitchen were driving back down to the southern end of the strip. at that point we are told that their drone team identified a person entering one of those vehicles carrying a gun. it turns out that was a mistake, it was a bag. the idf pointed out that one of those
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catastrophic mistakes was for the team to seek authorisation to fire based on what was very flimsy evidence. they weren't sure and should never ask for authorisation to fire. the other shocking thing the detail last night of how the individuals inside those vehicles survive the initial strike. in the space of six minutes, the israeli military fired three missiles at each car but they are in sequence, so they hit one car but i suspect there was a government, there wasn't, that was a catastrophic mistake. two people are seen leaving that vehicle, entering a second vehicle part of the convoy. two minutes later that vehicle is struck from the air and there are survivors from the air and there are survivors from that second air strike, he entered the third vehicle in that convoy and try to make their way away from the scene. two minutes later they are struck again by a missile and at that point we know
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the result, seven people ended up losing their life. we the result, seven people ended up losing their life.— losing their life. we have heard from the families _ losing their life. we have heard from the families of— losing their life. we have heard from the families of the - losing their life. we have heard | from the families of the victims. there has been speculation that they were targeted directly, but in this statement they are absolutely conflicting that and they are saying that this is a mistake. fine conflicting that and they are saying that this is a mistake.— that this is a mistake. one of the thins that this is a mistake. one of the things that _ that this is a mistake. one of the things that is _ that this is a mistake. one of the things that is clear _ that this is a mistake. one of the things that is clear from - that this is a mistake. one of the things that is clear from the - that this is a mistake. one of the things that is clear from the brief amount of video that we were shown last night is that, at nights, with the camera is that they have on their drones, the large, colourful world central kitchen stickers are not visible, at least on the video we were shown. the israeli military wanted to stress that at no point did their soldiers believe that this was an aid convoy, they thought that there were gunman. there are simple
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remedies as to how to identify vehicles at night, special reflective tape can be used. there was no way to contact the team on the ground. the israeli military said that once they've spotted eight gunmen earlier in the evening, they had made an temp two contact world central kitchen at their coordination centre in washington. they were unable to reach their people on the ground. we are told by aid agencies that this is a frequent event, obviously the phone system isn't really functional. idf prohibits the use of radios. it was impossible to contact them. the bigger context is that this was a aid operation that was effectively sponsored by the idf. these shipments from cyprus directly to north and gaza was something carried
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out under the auspices of the idf. not to have told everyone involved in operations that they were civilians in the area appears to be one of the most serious failings in this whole affair, which is why the commander of southern command, one of the most seniorjobs in the idf, has been formally reprimanded by the chief of staff. in has been formally reprimanded by the chief of staff-— chief of staff. in the statement the also chief of staff. in the statement they also said _ chief of staff. in the statement they also said they _ chief of staff. in the statement they also said they sent - chief of staff. in the statement they also said they sent their. they also said they sent their condolences to the families and they said they considered the vital humanitarian activity of international aid organisation is to be incredibly important. it looks like those crossings at some point will be opened. could this have an
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impact on those aid organisations? if they knew that this could happen, that this was a mistake, will they put their staff a potential risk? the ministry of defence here say they are already taking steps to improve the coordination of aid and to make it safer. as a result of this incident is and what we understand was quite a difficult conversation with the american president, the israeli prime minister has announced the opening of further aid crossings and the usage of a porch just 45 minutes away from north and gaza to deliver aid into the war zone. there will be questions about safety and security. there will also be questions about the level of evidence, the threshold above which the idf considers it is
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appropriate to use lethal force when the only suspect someone might be a gunman. plenty of people will look at this incident and say that this scrutiny has only happened because six international passport holders were ultimately killed, but lots of people will wonder whether that laxity, that speeds, possibly you would justify it as recklessness in applying the full force when it is not clear that the gunman was in the vehicle is something that is being applied in the last six months countless times? there is a great deal of suspicion that the use of force is applied recklessly and this will do nothing to assuage people post max suspicions. —— people post max suspicions. this post max suspicions. -- people post max suspicions-— max suspicions. this map you are about as he _ max suspicions. this map you are about as he has _ max suspicions. this map you are about as he has been _ max suspicions. this map you are about as he has been given -
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max suspicions. this map you are about as he has been given to - max suspicions. this map you are about as he has been given to us| max suspicions. this map you are i about as he has been given to us by the idf. this takes us through what happened. can you reiterate what they are saying happened in this situation? it they are saying happened in this situation? , ., , , ., , situation? it is a complex story, but let's go _ situation? it is a complex story, but let's go through _ situation? it is a complex story, but let's go through it. - situation? it is a complex story, but let's go through it. at - situation? it is a complex story, but let's go through it. at the i situation? it is a complex story, | but let's go through it. at the top right of the picture you will see the improvised jetty that has been built over the last few weeks to take aid to north and gaza. it is there that are shipped with about 300 tonnes worth of food aid has come from cyprus and doctor note and gaza. the idf were providing security for that area and they were unloading that shipped that evening. a previous convoy had departed earlier in the evening without any event at all. at about ten o'clock that night they off—load a further 100 tonnes onto a truck, a big lorry, and that heads down the coast to a point on that map called the wc
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k welcome centre. that is where they were met by the escorts. that is worth the idf says gunmen boards the aid lorry and fired shots in the air. we don't know if that was an attempt by hamas to take over the convoy. the convoy then goes down the coast and is deposited in a warehouse. at that .i the coast and is deposited in a warehouse. at that .1 car goes north, then three cars which we now know contains seven members of the world central kitchen staff heads back to the coastal road, the one that takes them away from where the fighting is in central gaza and they are heading home. it is at that
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point when they leave that warehouse that we are told that the drone crew appears to see gunman into one of those vehicles. with no evidence of thatis, those vehicles. with no evidence of that is, we weren't shown any video at that point in the decision—making, but it is clear they mistook a bag for a gun and on they mistook a bag for a gun and on the basis of that they sought authorisation for a missile to be fired at the first vehicle.- fired at the first vehicle. sorry, we will have — fired at the first vehicle. sorry, we will have to _ fired at the first vehicle. sorry, we will have to leave _ fired at the first vehicle. sorry, we will have to leave it - fired at the first vehicle. sorry, we will have to leave it there . fired at the first vehicle. sorry, l we will have to leave it there for now.
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more take—home pay for
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uk workers, but will they really feel the benefit? around 30 million workers in the uk will see their take—home pay rise from tomorrow. that's after cuts to how much national insurance is taken from their wages — those deductions are used to pay for certain state benefits, like pensions. that's after cuts to how much national insurance is taken from their wages — those deductions are used to finance certain state benefits, like pensions. it should mean the average worker would be £450 a year better off, but with tax levels frozen for another four years and rising prices, will people feel any better off? dr roger barker is
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director of policy at the institute of directors. what changes will come into force tomorrow?


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