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tv   World Business Report  BBC News  March 25, 2024 2:30pm-2:43pm GMT

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three departures in its top team amid scrutiny over big tech crackdown. and the owners of google and facebook over alleged �*uncompetitive practices�*. a £100 billion problem. is the uk's huge trading relationship with china unde threat from claims of hacking and election interference? welcome to world business report. i'm marc ashdown.
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first up, it's all change at boeing. the plane—maker has revealed that its chief executive dave calhoun will leave by the end of this year. the company also said the boss of its commercial airlines division will retire immediately, while its chairman will not stand for re—election. the firm is under pressure after a door panel on a plane blew—out in mid—air injanuary. no—one was injured during the incident, but the firm's safety record has come under renewed scrutiny. michelle fleury. some management shake—up. what's going on. you some management shake-up. what's auoin on. ., . . going on. you have the chief executive. — going on. you have the chief executive, dave _ going on. you have the chief executive, dave calhoun, i going on. you have the chief- executive, dave calhoun, whose to step down at the end of this year. his department as part of this broader management shake—up and you also have stern deal, the head of the division that makes the plane for commercial customers, he will retire immediately and is going to be replaced by stephanie pope.
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meanwhile you've got the company also announcing its chairman will not stand for election to the board. why is this all happening? because boeing is grappling with its most significant safety crisis in years. it's a crisis that has left its customers frustrated. last week a group of us airline ceos sought meetings with boeing directors to express their concern over what has been going on, starting recently with that alaska airlines incident. that was when a door plug fell out. it is an unusual sign, you don't typically see that frustration with the manufacturer and i think this was an attempt by management to try and restore faith. i was an attempt by management to try and restore faith.— and restore faith. i guess it will take months — and restore faith. i guess it will take months but _ and restore faith. i guess it will take months but the _ and restore faith. i guess it will take months but the share - and restore faith. i guess it will i take months but the share prices and restore faith. i guess it will - take months but the share prices up early this morning and i guess market likes it but some shareholders will be pushing for even more change. will this do enough?
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even more change. will this do enou~h? , , enough? this is something in aviation circles _ enough? this is something in aviation circles have - enough? this is something in aviation circles have been - enough? this is something in - aviation circles have been talking about for a while, what can boeing do to regain trust. there was a scathing report from the government, clearly customers are deeply unhappy. the initial reaction has been positive and investors say this is a good thing for boeing. it's a step forward and they are trying to regain confidence. and clearly the ceo felt he had to fall on his sword and this was part of the company's bid to put this whole mess behind them. but if you listen to what analysts are saying, they say a lot depends on who is chosen as the successor of dave calhoun and will that be enough to change the company's culture. i want to read you a quote from robert public, the senior portfolio management at dakota wealth, and he says this is going to be short lived, it's going to take a little bit more time for boeing to get straightened out. but the company will certainly not be
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going out of business. the government won't allow that to happen of course. if you look at the world of aerospace there are only two companies, boeing and airbus, so there is huge pressure for boeing to get this right. at the moment, a once great company is not so great and they are trying to right the ship. let's look at big tech because in the last few hours the european union has announced it's investigating some of the biggest tech firms in the world, including apple, alphabet which owns google, and meta, the owner of facebook and instagram. it's over alleged "uncompetitive practices". regulators will look into potential breaches of the digital markets act, which was introduced in 2022. if it's found they broke the rules, the companies could face huge fines of up to 10% of their annual turnover. the firms say the eu has rushed into the decision and they will defend themselves.
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let's hear from the eu's antitrust boss margrethe vestager. we will do our best to investigate with due — we will do our best to investigate with due process and all the necessary respect for the companies we investigate as fast as possible. it's not _ we investigate as fast as possible. it's not that we will wait and only then, _ it's not that we will wait and only then, as — it's not that we will wait and only then, as soon as we had results of course _ then, as soon as we had results of course we — then, as soon as we had results of course we will take decisions. chris stokel—walker is a technologyjournalist. he told me more details about the accusations. apple is accused of charging fees that would — apple is accused of charging fees that would lock _ apple is accused of charging fees that would lock people _ apple is accused of charging fees that would lock people into - apple is accused of charging fees that would lock people into their| that would lock people into their app that would lock people into their app store — that would lock people into their app store and _ that would lock people into their app store and obviously - that would lock people into their app store and obviously apple l that would lock people into their- app store and obviously apple takes a cut from _ app store and obviously apple takes a cut from that _ app store and obviously apple takes a cut from that. likewise _ app store and obviously apple takes a cut from that. likewise google - app store and obviously apple takes a cut from that. likewise google is. a cut from that. likewise google is accused _ a cut from that. likewise google is accused of— a cut from that. likewise google is accused of doing _ a cut from that. likewise google is accused of doing the _ a cut from that. likewise google is accused of doing the same - a cut from that. likewise google is accused of doing the same sort- a cut from that. likewise google is accused of doing the same sort ofl accused of doing the same sort of thing _ accused of doing the same sort of thing with— accused of doing the same sort of thing with their— accused of doing the same sort of thing with their google _ accused of doing the same sort of thing with their google play- accused of doing the same sort of thing with their google play store | thing with their google play store which _ thing with their google play store which is _ thing with their google play store which is the — thing with their google play store which is the equivalent _ thing with their google play store which is the equivalent of- thing with their google play store which is the equivalent of the - thing with their google play store | which is the equivalent of the app store _ which is the equivalent of the app store and — which is the equivalent of the app store and also _ which is the equivalent of the app store and also prioritising - which is the equivalent of the app store and also prioritising certainl store and also prioritising certain things— store and also prioritising certain things within _ store and also prioritising certain things within the _ store and also prioritising certain things within the search - store and also prioritising certain things within the search engines. store and also prioritising certain.
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things within the search engines. so obviously— things within the search engines. so obviously digital— things within the search engines. so obviously digital markets _ things within the search engines. so obviously digital markets are - things within the search engines. so obviously digital markets are was i obviously digital markets are was designed — obviously digital markets are was designed to— obviously digital markets are was designed to try _ obviously digital markets are was designed to try and _ obviously digital markets are was designed to try and stop - obviously digital markets are wasl designed to try and stop so—called gatekeepers — designed to try and stop so—called gatekeepers from _ designed to try and stop so—called gatekeepers from exerting - designed to try and stop so—called gatekeepers from exerting power. i gatekeepers from exerting power. obviously — gatekeepers from exerting power. obviously the _ gatekeepers from exerting power. obviously the companies - gatekeepers from exerting power. obviously the companies involved| gatekeepers from exerting power. . obviously the companies involved say they don't— obviously the companies involved say they don't do — obviously the companies involved say they don't do that _ obviously the companies involved say they don't do that but _ obviously the companies involved say they don't do that but european - they don't do that but european reguiators— they don't do that but european regulators have _ they don't do that but european regulators have got _ they don't do that but european regulators have got tough - they don't do that but european. regulators have got tough talking they don't do that but european - regulators have got tough talking on these _ regulators have got tough talking on these reguiar— regulators have got tough talking on these regular eaters _ regulators have got tough talking on these regular eaters of _ regulators have got tough talking on these regular eaters of late. - regulators have got tough talking on these regular eaters of late. we’fi i these regular eaters of late. we've seen this crackdown _ these regular eaters of late. we've seen this crackdown on _ these regular eaters of late. we've seen this crackdown on big - these regular eaters of late. we've seen this crackdown on big tech i these regular eaters of late. we've seen this crackdown on big tech in | seen this crackdown on big tech in america and the eu fining apple recently and we are talking eye watering finds, tens of billions, if recently and we are talking eye watering finds, been of billions, if recently and we are talking eye watering finds, been keen ions, if recently and we are talking eye watering finds, been keen to is, if recently and we are talking eye watering finds, been keen to try f recently and we are talking eye watering finds, been keen to try and union has long been keen to try and reign _ union has long been keen to try and reign in _ union has long been keen to try and reign in big — union has long been keen to try and reign in big type _
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those targetted are reported to include a number who've been critical of beijing. the bbc understands other western nations will set out similar concerns. we have some breaking news so i am going to hand back to the studio. we will go back to new york and we can see whether that the vote is happening. let's listen to the security council chamber. the result ofthe security council chamber. the result of the voting — security council chamber. the result of the voting is _ security council chamber. the result of the voting is as _ security council chamber. the result of the voting is as follows. - security council chamber. the result of the voting is as follows. 14 - of the voting is as follows. ia votes in favour. zero votes against. one abstention. the draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 27
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28. i now give the flow to those members of the council who wish to make statements after the vote. i give the floor to the representative of algeria. i would like to thank all members for their— i would like to thank all members for their flexibility and the constructive way that allowed us today— constructive way that allowed us today to — constructive way that allowed us today to adopt this long—awaited
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resolution. a resolution that calls for an— resolution. a resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza _ for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strin — for an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. in order to put an end to the _ gaza strip. in order to put an end to the massacres that unfortunately are still— to the massacres that unfortunately are still ongoing over the past five years. _ are still ongoing over the past five years. five — are still ongoing over the past five years, five months. over the past five months — years, five months. over the past five months the palestinian people have suffered greatly. this bloodbath has continued for far too long _
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bloodbath has continued for far too long it _ bloodbath has continued for far too long it is _ bloodbath has continued for far too long. it is our obligation to put an end to _ long. it is our obligation to put an end to this— long. it is our obligation to put an end to this bloodbath before it is too late — end to this bloodbath before it is too late. finally, the security councii— too late. finally, the security council is _ too late. finally, the security council is shouldering its responsibility as the primary organ responsible for maintaining international peace and security. it is finally _ international peace and security. it is finally responding to the calls of the _ is finally responding to the calls of the international community. these _ of the international community. these repeated calls not only from the international community but also from the _ the international community but also from the secretary general antonia gutierrez. — from the secretary general antonia gutierrez, and once again we renew our support— gutierrez, and once again we renew
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our support to the secretary general for his— our support to the secretary general for his noble position and for his support— for his noble position and for his support to — for his noble position and for his support to thisjust for his noble position and for his support to this just cause. despite the heinous campaigns that were launched — the heinous campaigns that were launched against him, mr president, when _ launched against him, mr president, when we _ launched against him, mr president, when we voted on the draft resolution tabled by algeria last month— resolution tabled by algeria last month we promised that you will spare _ month we promised that you will spare no— month we promised that you will spare no effort, we will continue to work— spare no effort, we will continue to work hard — spare no effort, we will continue to work hard to— spare no effort, we will continue to work hard to make sure that the security— work hard to make sure that the security council is abiding by its full responsibilities. we also
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promised that we will come back once a-ain promised that we will come back once again to _ promised that we will come back once again to knock on the doors of the security— again to knock on the doors of the security council and here we are today— security council and here we are today alongside all ten elected member states to convey a clear message — member states to convey a clear message to the palestinian people. this message is as follows. the international community in its entirety did not abandon you. it
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feels _ entirety did not abandon you. it feels your— entirety did not abandon you. it feels your suffering. it did not abandon— feels your suffering. it did not abandon you. adopting today's resolution is only the beginning to meet _ resolution is only the beginning to meet the — resolution is only the beginning to meet the aspirations of the palestinian people. we look forward to the _ palestinian people. we look forward to the commitment and the compliance of the _ to the commitment and the compliance of the israeli occupying power with this resolution for them to put an end to _ this resolution for them to put an end to the — this resolution for them to put an end to the bloodbath without any conditions, to end the suffering of the palestinian people. it is the responsibility of the security
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council — responsibility of the security council to ensure the implementation of the _ council to ensure the implementation of the provisions of this resolution. in conclusion


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