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tv   Political Thinking with Nick...  BBC News  November 25, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm GMT

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that to go ahead as i said, pretty quickly after this part of the process. we are repeating for you on your screen there, the images we saw a few moments ago on the red cross vehicles containing those hostages at the rafah crossing. tom, you are injerusalem, i am at the rafah crossing. tom, you are injerusalem, iam in at the rafah crossing. tom, you are injerusalem, i am in tel aviv, at the rafah crossing. tom, you are injerusalem, iam in tel aviv, in hostage square, where it is now known, and as you do in different parts of israel, you see the names and faces of the hostages. it is worth noting as well that until this new group of hostages, and until each group hostages is firmly inside israel and their arrival has been verified and confirmed by the authorities, their identities are not actually public. so we don't know or cannot say who is actually there until we get that final confirmation.—
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there until we get that final confirmation. , ., , confirmation. yes, that is right, we had this last _ confirmation. yes, that is right, we had this last night, _ confirmation. yes, that is right, we had this last night, it _ confirmation. yes, that is right, we had this last night, it was _ confirmation. yes, that is right, we had this last night, it was after- had this last night, it was after they had been received by the israelis and that was confirmed, the identities were released publicly. that has always been the process. during the military briefing earlier, david had ari —— daniel hagari, the israeli spokesman, said they deal with families first and then public communications afterwards. it is the same with this process, it is supposed to be, according to the agreement, the night before that qatar is handed the list from hamas of the captives that it the list from hamas of the captives thatitis the list from hamas of the captives that it is proposing to release. that is obviously then communicated to the israelis and they have been at that point contacting the families. so that is the moment, at night, when some families get a phone call to say, your loved one is on the list for release tomorrow. and so they know that they are
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slated for release, that they are on the list, but obviously none of that is made public until the israelis have confirmed the hostages had been received by them. i would expect once this convoy removes, once we have got to hand over to the israeli side, once they are within the territory of israel, we will probably start to see once again the identities of the hostages then being made public. but we do know, as we were saying earlier, according to qatar, it is eight children and five women in this particular group in addition to the number of foreigners that are being released. but as i say, there is still the confusion about the number of foreigners, whether it is 407, that is unclear. == foreigners, whether it is 407, that is unclear. ., ., , , is unclear. -- four or seven. this evenin: is unclear. -- four or seven. this evening we _ is unclear. -- four or seven. this evening we were _ is unclear. -- four or seven. this
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evening we were talking - is unclear. -- four or seven. this evening we were talking about i is unclear. -- four or seven. this i evening we were talking about this line from egypt, positive moves being made to perhaps extend this four day deal. what is the possibility of that and what provisions have been put in place to enable that to potentially happen? yes, it was a slightly unusual side bar to this, that in the middle of what was an emerging delay in the hostage released today, but suddenly a report emerged suggesting that at the end of this formal four day period of ceasefire, it is built into the agreement a so—called option to extend already, it could go on another five days, five more days of ceasefire and then more hostages released and more palestinian prisoners released as well. the egyptians said via their state information service in cairo that there were intensive
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discussions between the two sides about, after the four day period, extending it for one or two days and they received positive signals about that. suddenly there was this issue of an agreement to extend beyond the four days and that being hammered out at this particular moment. a diplomatic source speaking to the bbc at that point said that there was a delegation from qatar on the ground in israel and they were doing two things. they were dealing with the operation today, but also there was a discussion about extending the truce beyond the four days and that had momentum according to the diplomatic source. it seems the israelis responded to the egyptian claim ready quickly, a senior official quoted by times israel newspaper saying that the report of an extension was rubbish and that any extension to the four days, any
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proposal to lengthen this truce would only be decided on the fourth day itself. so i think what you were saying about was, there is a desire by qatar, by egypt's and some of the other arab countries close to this, to use the current truce and momentum you are getting, looking at this pictures —— these pictures of hostage releases, they wanted to use that momentum to work towards a deeper and more durable ceasefire of this conflict. the israelis have always been absolutely adamant, israeli officials, that the war will go on after this, what they call, because in the fighting. that is purely to facilitate the release of hostages from their perspective, thatis hostages from their perspective, that is the only reason, they say, they are doing it and they say they will simply return to their stated objective in the war, the elimination of hamas, at the end of this process. they don't want any
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notion the ceasefire could be extended. you are seeing increasingly now in the public discussion of this, what the reason for this ceasefire is when it comes to the wider conflict, and two very different account of the way it is being seen. indie different account of the way it is being seen-— different account of the way it is bein: seen. ~ ., ., ., being seen. we are hearing, tom, suggestions. _ being seen. we are hearing, tom, suggestions. we — being seen. we are hearing, tom, suggestions, we were _ being seen. we are hearing, tom, suggestions, we were talking - being seen. we are hearing, tom, l suggestions, we were talking about those differing numbers of non—israeli passport holders that were due to be released, there was the suggestion it was seven or four, it appears it is four thai nationals. i suppose it is worth saying and reiterating, as we were talking about, the cordial made between israel and the hamas and we talk about 50 over four days, we are talking about israeli nationals and joint nationals, but there are many
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different nationalities being held there. and there are different negotiations going on alongside that, aren't they?— negotiations going on alongside that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that were — that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that were in _ that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that were in scope _ that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that were in scope of _ that, aren't they? yes, so the 50 that were in scope of this - that were in scope of this agreement, 100, really, in the full scope of the agreement if you are talking over a period of nine days, they all all women and children. —— they all all women and children. —— they are all. the question of whether they are all israeli or israeli dual nationals is not entirely clear because one briefing i was getting earlier this week suggested it might include not israelis but they had to be either women or children. fundamentally, the vast bulk of these are going to be israelis or israelis who hold another foreign passport. be israelis or israelis who hold anotherforeign passport. that is what has always been in the scope of this. when it comes to the thai nationals, we saw a filipino last
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night, they are not part of this agreement at all. if no time nationals were released, even though it had been suggested they might be, it had been suggested they might be, it would not change the basis of this agreement between israel and hamas. what appears to be happening is, i think, hamas. what appears to be happening is, ithink, hamas hamas. what appears to be happening is, i think, hamas are using the fact that the facility of this handover to hand over some of those other nationals it holds. it has been —— there has been significant pressure from the thai government, from other governments from which they nationals are being held to get those people out. there is a political dynamic as well, that they are not going to be part of the wider political framework and that is one of the reasons why they have been released at this particular stage. but of course the question about numbers, four thai nationals
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now, that would tally with one of the earlier reports we had about that. ., ~ the earlier reports we had about that. ., ,, , ., ., the earlier reports we had about that. ., ,, i. ., , that. thank you, tom. the red cross, auain, we that. thank you, tom. the red cross, again. we are — that. thank you, tom. the red cross, again, we are showing _ that. thank you, tom. the red cross, again, we are showing you _ that. thank you, tom. the red cross, again, we are showing you repeating i again, we are showing you repeating these pictures from a few minutes to go now of those red cross vehicles carrying the hostages at the rafah crossing. the red cross say, they have confirmed, they have transferred the hostages to egypt, because of course the rafah crossing is the crossing point between gaza and egypt they must come into egypt before they are then taken into israel. the red cross say the hostages had been transferred now to egypt, according to the information that was received by the israel defence force. they say, 17 hostages had been released in total, including 13 israeli hostages and four thai hostages. they say the
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convoy pictures you can see now from a few minutes ago is currently making its way through egypt to the meeting point at a different crossing at this time between egypt and israel. it says security representatives will then verify the list at the meeting point and with the family of the hostages, they are being updated by the idf representatives with the latest available information. the numbers we are hearing their confirmed now by the idf, 17 hostages released, including 13 israeli hostages and four thai hostages. let's speak live to our security correspondent. gordon, this is all happening fight later in the evening than it did yesterday because we saw these delays earlier on. what do we know about what, not what went wrong because it has been corrected, but
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do we know what the issues were causing the problems earlier this evening? causing the problems earlier this evenin: ? ,., , ., evening? the reports were that there were issues — evening? the reports were that there were issues around _ evening? the reports were that there were issues around aid _ evening? the reports were that there were issues around aid going - evening? the reports were that there were issues around aid going into - were issues around aid going into the north of the gaza strip and that this was something that hamas had raised an objection to, and that had led to this delay. because it is much later, hours later than intended and much later than the same transfer took place yesterday, so clearly something went wrong, it appears to have been corrected and the process now looks to be back on track. it goes to underline how delicate and difficult this process was, to get to this place, this four day hold in the fighting, but even the mechanics of having them move through and the exact details of the deal, which we don't always know to be carried out, they are clearly complex and difficult. in this case, they have caused some kind of delay. it gives you an indication as to
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just how difficult it must have been, and you can imagine the intense conversations that will have been taken place as families and officials and others waited to see what was happening to get it back on track. what we are seeing now and the pictures show it is on track, the pictures show it is on track, the israeli hostages are now moving out, so we can expect next stages to move forward in the coming hour or two. ., ~ . move forward in the coming hour or two. ., ~ , ., ., two. talk us through, gordon, the key players _ two. talk us through, gordon, the key players here- _ two. talk us through, gordon, the key players here. we _ two. talk us through, gordon, the key players here. we heard - two. talk us through, gordon, the key players here. we heard from i key players here. we heard from egypt earlier on, who were talking about positive momentum in the direction of an extension of this truce, but we speak a lot about qatar and their role in all of this. right from the start, they were the key intermediaries. the reason being that hamas has a political presence in qatar and it is a country which has been able to walk a very
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interesting path, notjust in this negotiation but also in the afghan — taliban, where it is able to host on its territory both groups like hamas, like the taliban, but also us officials and us bases. so for that reason, its ability to bridge different sides means it is an interlocutor, it is able to as a mediator, a relatively small nation but clearly an influential one that has been at the heart of trying to get this deal moving and trying to keep it going today. and, as you said, to see if it can be extended. clearly there are people who would like it extended, that possibility is there, but more hostages are being released in return for more of a pause in the fighting, another day, and more palestinians being released. but no indication yet of what is happening on that. we do know there have been these contacts
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today and it appears there have been visits and movements from qatar, which suggests they are trying to both keep things on track and see what else might be possible. gordon, ou were what else might be possible. gordon, you were talking _ what else might be possible. gordon, you were talking about _ what else might be possible. gordon, you were talking about the _ what else might be possible. gordon, you were talking about the release i you were talking about the release of those palestinian prisoners, that is something that happens after, i was saying the fair, we are repeating the pictures, we are seeing the pictures of the red cross vehicles carrying the israeli hostages passed the rafah crossing and once that has happened and officially confirmed by the israelis, then we see the release of palestinian prisoners. this exchange is a really key part of the whole deal, isn't it?— is a really key part of the whole deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as ou deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said. _ deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said. we _ deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said, we first _ deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said, we first of - deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said, we first of all - deal, isn't it? that is right, and, as you said, we first of all see i deal, isn't it? that is right, and, l as you said, we first of all see the israeli hostages move over that crossing, first into egypt and then into israel, there is a process we saw yesterday which you would expect to be repeated today, where they are
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given an initial medical screening, they are taught to buy security officials, then taken to another security facility and eventually reunited with families. it is once they are confirmed as on israeli soil and in israeli custody, the other part of the process, the deal moves forward. that typically takes a couple of hours for that process to move. but we saw yesterday, it took some time for that to happen and for things to move intent of those being held by israel, the palestinians to be released, and we might expect the same today, within a few hours but not entirely clear how quickly that would happen. as we see today, there can be delays and problems. but it looks like things are now back on track after that delay. there is hostages who have been released who are moving through, backing into israel, they will be given a medical screening, a
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security debrief to see if there is any urgent information they know which needs to be passed on to the security forces, and which might be important or useful to them, and then eventually they will of course be reunited with their families. gordon, thank you. as we watch those pictures from the last few minutes of those israeli hostages being taken through the rafah crossing into egypt, slightly delayed, it is happening much later than it did yesterday evening. the qataris ironed out the issue and we are seeing things progressing, back on track it appears on the second day of this deal. stay with us here on bbc news, we will continue to follow those unfolding developments with you in this story, but let's hand back to london now and with the rest of the days news. our other main
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stories today. a major attack by russian drones on kyiv ukraine's military say more than 70 were launched overnight. ukraine's military said 74 out of 75 drones were shot down. james waterhouse has more. the illumination of key�*s air forces trying to keep out wave after wave of russian drone attacks. it's a desperate six—hour game of search and destroy. an assault designed to exhaust and overwhelm. even when they're intercepted, the debris can still be a threat. ukraine has resisted russian attempts to target infrastructure before, but they still take a toll. translation: the blast was very powerful. - it even blew out the entrance metallic door. we would have been buried by the doors
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because the strength of the blast was immense. in the north—east luhansk region, there are still hard—fought gains and losses. it's the story of the 700—mile front line. today, president zelenskyy was at a remembrance service in kyiv to commemorate where millions of ukrainians were starved to death under the soviet union in the 1930s. "evil was not stopped," he said, "was not atoned for, "and now we are stopping it." his country still faces a threat from moscow today, and he's still urging the world to unite against it. james waterhouse, bbc news, kyiv. more from james on this latest attack on the bbc website.
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the attempt to rescue 41 construction workers from a collapsed tunnel in india has hit another delay. 0fficials officials say it cannot be repaired. what officials are saying now is that, look, the drilling machine that they were using behind me to drill a hole to try and reach the workers that are trapped, that is now broken down completely. and in order to pull it out, they actually needs to pull it out in pieces. so they have to summon another piece of machinery from another city in india, and that's due to arrive late tonight. and that machine will then cut the drilling machine into pieces, so then it can be pulled out. once they are able to pull that out, what they're going to do then is go in manually and start taking out the debris, in order to reach those rescued workers. now, just remind us, because i know lots of people will have been following this story from the beginning, but for those
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who haven't, just remind us exactly what happened. right, so you can see thatjust behind me is the mouth of a tunnel. and you might be able to see the silhouette of the mountain behind me. they were constructing a roadway through this mountain when, almost two weeks ago, a nearby landslide crushed the partially—built tunnel, trapping 41 men inside. now, what's making this rescue effort complicated is that because the tunnel was under construction, mixed in with all the rubble and debris is actually pieces of metal, and that's why the drill continues to get caught and ultimately why it broke down, and resulting in officials here having to try and figure out a new plan to try and get those men out. in england, a ban of the dog breed xl bully comes into force on new year's eve. but as a consequence, dog rescue centres warn that large numbers of the animals are now being abandoned and put down.
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an investigation by the bbc has found that some dog pounds jon ironmonger has more on this now — but a warning that you may find parts of his report distressing. footage like this from september, along with media reports of numerous fatal attacks, appeared to seal the fate of the american bully xl. this man survived with bite injuries. but legislating against tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dogs will not be easy, as this police seizure last weekend suggests. and few organisations will feel the impact more keenly than stray kennels and rescues, which, by all accounts, are at breaking point. julie, who runs appledown in dunstable, says there's never been more strays in the system. under the ban, rescues have until the end of the year to find homes for xls like sheba. after that, the dogs must be killed or permanently kennelled. she's powerful, isn't she? one of the problems with a lot of the dogs that have been bred over the last few years is how they look has become more important than what they are, and people
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for the wrong reasons are putting dogs into the pet market. appledown gets two to three requests a day to take large bully—type dogs. sheba, come here. none of us have space for them. the reason we only have stray dogs here is we don't have room to take dogs that people ask us to take. 0wners can claim £200 compensation for putting their xl to sleep before the 31st of january, but failing that they must pay to have the dog insured, neutered, chipped and certified. never a decision for these pet owners in peterborough. whether i have to get a loan, whether i have to do this, i will do everything to keep my dog. patch was dumped by her previous owner. would you be concerned with her around children or something, say? no. no? i take her to go and see my little niece. | and my niece is only, like, seven months. i charities like the rspca say laws that target breeds don't protect people. it's an argument laura wants to impress on the conservative mp paul bristow. i'm going to have to go now, but we've got...
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what was your agreement? we've got a plan. what's the plan? he has actually agreed that he will speak on this topic on the 27th. wow. and he's going to let me know beforehand what he's going to say. at this pub in peterborough, someone's complained about the manager's dog, nala. she comes into the pub sometimes, then? meets the customers? yeah, so she sits outside with my. regulars on a lead when i'm working, and they all love her. hayden's employers, greene king, have told him nala cannot stay at the pub. it's put you in a really difficult position, hasn't it? yeah, but i think i would still 100% choose my dog over myjob. - my dog's part of my family. she's never done anything wrong. greene king has been approached for comment. a defra spokesperson said they'd taken decisive action to protect the public from tragic dog attacks, and were working closely with vets and animal welfare groups as they took forward the measures. until recently, bully xls were among the uk's most popular dogs. they are rapidlyjoining the legions of unwanted. jon ironmonger, bbc news.
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a reminder of our top story. hostages released by hamas have been transferred by the red cross to egypt and are on their way back to israel. israel defence forces said that to us, and this is after mediation by qatar and egypt. hamas said that made the difference because, of course, there was a delay to this next phase of the hostage release in exchange for palestinian prisoners and detainees. hamas has said that this is all because of issues to do with aid, aid they wanted to make its way to north of gaza. israel of qatar said it did not violate any terms the truce, —— israel of course said. they also said they do not control how that aid gets to north of gaza. we have numbers on those hostage
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releases, we know the idf has confirmed that 13 of the hostages were israeli and four others were thai nationals. we will have much more on this in the next hour, and of course please do check our bbc news website. that is all for now but please do keep watching bbc news. hello. it's been a cold and crisp day across many parts of the uk. a clear evening on the way, too, and overnight we're expecting another widespread frost. now, let me show you the satellite picture first — and in the last 24 hours or so, you can see the motion of the cloud. it's been coming in from the north, so that's where the cold air has been coming from, from the northern climes. but out towards the west, temporarily, we will see this incursion of slightly milder air brought by a weather front. so it does mean that the temperatures won't necessarily drop that quickly across western parts of the country. yes, across scotland and many central and eastern parts of the uk,
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with the clearing skies, there will be that sharp frost — but out towards the west here, where we have cloud and dribs and drabs of rain, actually, by the early hours of the morning, probably no lower than three celsius in belfast, and in the tip of cornwall and devon, around seven celsius. so let's have a look at the forecast, then, for sunday — here's that approaching weather front or couple of them, warm front, cold front, occlusion actually, as well, and that means a lot of cloud and some outbreaks of rain. so it does mean that, after that beautiful and crisp saturday, sunday will be very different — grey skies, really overcast out towards the west with outbreaks of rain. but scotland, particularly central parts of scotland, will remain cold and clear through the day. some sunshine here in aberdeen, four celsius, and pretty chilly across yorkshire and down into the southeast. but southwestern areas will be a little bit mild, around 7—8. now, sunday into monday, that weather front moves across the uk — in fact, it's right over us early
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monday — and it does spell some unpleasant weather in the morning on monday. so, thick cloud outbreaks of rain, it'll feel cold, too — look at the winds coming in from the north again on this western edge of the area of low pressure. so, the winds are coming around that low pressure dragging the colder air from the north yet again. so, for most of us, it's single figures. and the cold air does hang around in the week ahead — in fact, there is milder air, but it's way towards the south and southwest of us. the air stream will be generally coming in from the north. so, here's the outlook for the week ahead. temperatures typically into single figures, but the weather will be quite variable and, in the mountains, wintry at times. bye— bye.
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live from london. this is bbc news. hamas hands over the latest group of hostages to the red cross for their transfer out of gaza through the rafah crossing. this is the live scene from the 0fer prison with the next group of palestinian prisoners are due to be released by israel. and pictures of a rally in tel aviv, friends of those being held by hamas and gaza are gathered as well as
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relatives with a slogan bring all back home. and in ukraine the biggest attack since the war. the biggest attacked by russian drones. that is what ukraine is saying as well as 70 were launched overnight. welcome to bbc news. 13 israeli hostages held in gaza have been handed over by hamas to the international committee of the red cross. seeing as we've been saying, hamas, the group designated as a terrorist organisation by the uk, had accused israel of reneging on the temporary ceasefire deal, by not allowing enough aid trucks into gaza. the dispute was resolved at the meeting between egypt and qatar.
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