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tv   BBC News  BBC News  November 22, 2023 11:00am-11:16am GMT

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which he will deliver at lunchtime. artificial intelligence firm openai says its co—founder sam altman will return as ceo, days after his sacking triggered a revolt by staff. north korea launches a spy satellite into space, prompting south korea to partially suspend a military agreement between the two nations. voting is under way in the netherlands, in a snap general election, following the collapse of the centre—right government. hello and welcome. let's go live to my colleague anna foster. we are in hostages plaza in
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tel aviv and is a place where people have come, gathered in the hours after the news that a deal to reveal some of the hostages being held in gaza has been agreed. it's something that has been talked about for many weeks now and has been a difficult and delicate negotiation but we have finally heard that after a vote here in israel that by the government and warn security cabinets that that deal had been approved and we expect to see the first significant release of hostages in the next few days. all of them women and children and this would be the first major development in terms of hostage release and in a statement, benjamin netanyahu talked about this last night and said that at least 50 hostages, women and children, would be released over a period of four days. and during which a pause in
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the fighting will be held. he went on to say that the release of every additional ten hostages by hamas would result in one additional day in that pause. earlier, israel published a list of 300 palestinian prisoners that could be released under this deal, including things like names and ages of those prisoners. and also offences that have been committed by those eligible, but what we know is at 150 detainees are expected to be released first, one palestinian detainee, three palestinian detainees for each single is really hostage. in his own statement, hamas, designated a terrorist group by various western governments around the world talked about this humanitarian pause and they talked about the agreement that had been made and they said the 50 hostages would be released over the next few daysin would be released over the next few days in exchange for those
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palestinian women and children who have been held in israeli jails. it also said a deal will allow additional humanitarian aid into gaza in the form of hundreds of trucks carrying medical supplies and fuel, something that has been talked about in terms of fuel, something that has been talked about in terms of a fuel, something that has been talked about in terms of a growing humanitarian crisis but israel insists this is not the end of the war and netanyahu says it would continue to seek the elimination of hamas in gaza and qatar has also said the start of the policy will be announced within 2a hours. less here first of all what detail from that. here are some of the israeli children, who could soon be returning home. 0ria is four years old and loves football. kafir is the youngest of all those held. he's nowjust ten months old. israel's prime minister got a warm reception from these troops yesterday. speaking ahead of the deal, benjamin netanyahu said that releasing hostages was a sacred
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duty, but the war wouldn't stop after they were freed. israel's government met late into the night to discuss the agreement, only signing it off in the early hours. they announced that at least 50 hostages will be released, all women and children. that will be over four days while fighting in gaza will be paused. the release of every additional ten hostages will result in one additional day's pause. in tel aviv last night, campaigners stood together as ministers debated the terms. many here would pay any price to have their loved ones back. they fear that some hostages are already dead. i want everybody back. but i think... it's a very tough decision. ..but i think the children and women must be... they're most fragile. you know, they need to get out. for palestinians in war—torn gaza, the pause in fighting is the chance of a brief respite
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from israel's assault. more fuel should now be allowed in and hundreds more lorry loads of food, water and medical supplies. for doctors still holding out at al—shifa hospital with some 250 patients, that aid can't come soon enough. again, the hospital has no oxygen. we have no access to the main pharmacy, so we've run out of all the medications. we can't provide anything to the patients. we hardly do anything for the deep wounds we have. again, just reminding you, we are not more than 15 of medical staff. palestinian families are also waiting for more news on women and child prisoners from israeli jails, who are set to be released under the deal. on all sides, there's cautious optimism with an announcement on the pause in fighting and the first hostage releases expected within the next day. yolande knell, bbc news, jerusalem.
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here in tel aviv in an area that is the focal point i want to take you to roll because a group of families of loved ones being held hostage in gaza have travelled there today and there due to meet with the pope and their speaking in rome.— their speaking in rome. before she was taken she _ their speaking in rome. before she was taken she wrote _ their speaking in rome. before she was taken she wrote me _ their speaking in rome. before she was taken she wrote me and - their speaking in rome. before she was taken she wrote me and i - their speaking in rome. before she was taken she wrote me and i am l was taken she wrote me and i am citing, "if i don't make it, please be happy in your life and take care of mother and father. do not think of mother and father. do not think of sorrow, live." this was her wish and the second thing is that by saying that she made me remember when we were young, when we didn't understand a lot of our lives, she always laughed and told that "i will die before her because i am the older sister." and she will live longer than i.
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older sister." and she will live longerthan i. i older sister." and she will live longer than i. i am here talking about it because i really want to die before her and every time that she is there with all the other hostages, every minute, every hour is a critical time for them. to stay alive. we do not know anything about them. we know that some are injured, some new medicine. —— need medicine. everyone needs to come home and not in coffins. they should come home to tell their stories of the other people who were murdered so they can be our future. we people who were murdered so they can be ourfuture. we need people who were murdered so they can be our future. we need them safe and sound and alive. thank you very much. , , , sound and alive. thank you very much. ,, , " sound and alive. thank you very much. ,, " , sound and alive. thank you very much. ,,
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much. this is my son, 19 years old who was captured _ much. this is my son, 19 years old who was captured with _ much. this is my son, 19 years old who was captured with his - much. this is my son, 19 years old who was captured with his friends. since _ who was captured with his friends. since his_ who was captured with his friends. since his capture, we saw under hamas— since his capture, we saw under hamas video how he was captured, we didn't_ hamas video how he was captured, we didn't hear_ hamas video how he was captured, we didn't hear a _ hamas video how he was captured, we didn't hear a word about him, we don't _ didn't hear a word about him, we don't know— didn't hear a word about him, we don't know what his condition is, red cross — don't know what his condition is, red cross never... i don't know how to say, _ red cross never... i don't know how to say, they — red cross never... i don't know how to say, they are not bothered or they— to say, they are not bothered or they don't— to say, they are not bothered or they don't make any effort to go inside _ they don't make any effort to go inside and — they don't make any effort to go inside and see the conditions of him are all_ inside and see the conditions of him are all the _ inside and see the conditions of him are all the other captured, how they're — are all the other captured, how they're doing, who was injured, who are sick, _ they're doing, who was injured, who are sick, who — they're doing, who was injured, who are sick, who medicine and our life from _ are sick, who medicine and our life from that_ are sick, who medicine and our life from that day changed in that we are only focusing on his return and the return— only focusing on his return and the return of— only focusing on his return and the return of all — only focusing on his return and the return of all the other captured people — return of all the other captured people back home to israel. thank you very— people back home to israel. thank
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you very much. my people back home to israel. thank you very much-— people back home to israel. thank you very much. people back home to israel. thank ouve much. g . , ., you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son- — you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son. he _ you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son. he is _ you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son. he is my _ you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son. he is my only _ you very much. my name is rachel and this is my son. he is my only son. - this is my son. he is my only son. he turned — this is my son. he is my only son. he turned 23— this is my son. he is my only son. he turned 23 and october- this is my son. he is my only son. l he turned 23 and october three and went to _ he turned 23 and october three and went to the — he turned 23 and october three and went to the music— he turned 23 and october three and went to the music festival _ he turned 23 and october three and went to the music festival with - he turned 23 and october three and went to the music festival with his i went to the music festival with his best friend — went to the music festival with his best friend from _ went to the music festival with his best friend from childhood - went to the music festival with his best friend from childhood to - best friend from childhood to celebrate _ best friend from childhood to celebrate. when _ best friend from childhood to celebrate. when the - best friend from childhood to. celebrate. when the massacre best friend from childhood to - celebrate. when the massacre started on saturday— celebrate. when the massacre started on saturday morning, _ celebrate. when the massacre started on saturday morning, he _ celebrate. when the massacre started on saturday morning, he and - celebrate. when the massacre started on saturday morning, he and his - on saturday morning, he and his friend _ on saturday morning, he and his friend and — on saturday morning, he and his friend and a _ on saturday morning, he and his friend and a bunch— on saturday morning, he and his friend and a bunch of— on saturday morning, he and his friend and a bunch of other- on saturday morning, he and hisl friend and a bunch of other young people _ friend and a bunch of other young peorrie from — friend and a bunch of other young people from that _ friend and a bunch of other young people from that festival- friend and a bunch of other young people from that festival head . friend and a bunch of other young people from that festival head inl friend and a bunch of other youngl people from that festival head in a roadside _ people from that festival head in a roadside bomb— people from that festival head in a roadside bomb shelter, _ people from that festival head in a roadside bomb shelter, which- people from that festival head in a i roadside bomb shelter, which came under— roadside bomb shelter, which came under attack — roadside bomb shelter, which came under attack. first— roadside bomb shelter, which came under attack. first hamas - roadside bomb shelter, which came under attack. first hamas threw- roadside bomb shelter, which came under attack. first hamas threw inl under attack. first hamas threw in hand _ under attack. first hamas threw in hand grenades, _ under attack. first hamas threw in hand grenades, then _ under attack. first hamas threw in hand grenades, then they- under attack. first hamas threw in hand grenades, then they fired - under attack. first hamas threw in hand grenades, then they fired inl under attack. first hamas threw in l hand grenades, then they fired in an rpg and _ hand grenades, then they fired in an rpg and then— hand grenades, then they fired in an rpg and then they _ hand grenades, then they fired in an rpg and then they sprayed - hand grenades, then they fired in an rpg and then they sprayed the - hand grenades, then they fired in an l rpg and then they sprayed the ground with machine—gun— rpg and then they sprayed the ground with machine—gun fire. _ rpg and then they sprayed the ground with machine—gun fire. most - rpg and then they sprayed the ground with machine—gun fire. most of- rpg and then they sprayed the ground with machine—gun fire. most of those i with machine—gun fire. most of those young _ with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids _ with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids were — with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids were dead, _ with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids were dead, but _ with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids were dead, but some - with machine—gun fire. most of those young kids were dead, but some of. young kids were dead, but some of the tuci
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what they saw. my son and two other young men were wounded _ what they saw. my son and two other young men were wounded but - what they saw. my son and two other young men were wounded but alive l what they saw. my son and two other . young men were wounded but alive and hantes— young men were wounded but alive and hamas came _ young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in— young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in and _ young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in and told _ young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in and told them - young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in and told them to- young men were wounded but alive and hamas came in and told them to stand i hamas came in and told them to stand up hamas came in and told them to stand upend— hamas came in and told them to stand up and come _ hamas came in and told them to stand up and come outside. _ hamas came in and told them to stand up and come outside. when— hamas came in and told them to stand up and come outside. when he - hamas came in and told them to stand up and come outside. when he stood i up and come outside. when he stood up, up and come outside. when he stood up. they— up and come outside. when he stood up. they all— up and come outside. when he stood up. they all told _ up and come outside. when he stood up, they all told us _ up and come outside. when he stood up, they all told us that _ up and come outside. when he stood up, they all told us that his _ up and come outside. when he stood up, they all told us that his left - up, they all told us that his left arm up, they all told us that his left arnr had — up, they all told us that his left arnr had been _ up, they all told us that his left arm had been blown _ up, they all told us that his left arm had been blown off- up, they all told us that his left arm had been blown off from . up, they all told us that his left i arm had been blown off from the elbow _ arm had been blown off from the elbow down _ arm had been blown off from the elbow down. we _ arm had been blown off from the elbow down. we have _ arm had been blown off from the elbow down. we have since - arm had been blown off from the elbow down. we have since seen arm had been blown off from the - elbow down. we have since seen the video— elbow down. we have since seen the video that _ elbow down. we have since seen the video that we — elbow down. we have since seen the video that we have _ elbow down. we have since seen the video that we have of— elbow down. we have since seen the video that we have of him _ elbow down. we have since seen the video that we have of him and - elbow down. we have since seen the video that we have of him and thesel video that we have of him and these two other— video that we have of him and these two other boys — video that we have of him and these two other boys being _ video that we have of him and these two other boys being marched - video that we have of him and these two other boys being marched out . video that we have of him and these| two other boys being marched out of that bomb _ two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter _ two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter and _ two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter and put _ two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter and put on - two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter and put on two i two other boys being marched out of that bomb shelter and put on two at| that bomb shelter and put on two at hamas— that bomb shelter and put on two at hamas pick-up _ that bomb shelter and put on two at hamas pick—up truck, _ hamas pick—up truck, which then headed towards— hamas pick—up truck, which then headed towards gaza. _ hamas pick—up truck, which then headed towards gaza. his - hamas pick—up truck, which then headed towards gaza. his last i hamas pick—up truck, which theni headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell— headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell signals— headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell signals at _ headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell signals at 1025— headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell signals at 1025 in - headed towards gaza. his last fall and sell signals at 1025 in the - and sell signals at 1025 in the morning _ and sell signals at 1025 in the morning and _ and sell signals at 1025 in the morning and october- and sell signals at 1025 in the morning and october seven l and sell signals at 1025 in the . morning and october seven that and sell signals at 1025 in the - morning and october seven that the last time _ morning and october seven that the last time saw— morning and october seven that the last time saw him. _ morning and october seven that the last time saw him. he _ morning and october seven that the last time saw him. he sentenced i morning and october seven that thel last time saw him. he sentenced two text messages— last time saw him. he sentenced two text messages that _ last time saw him. he sentenced two text messages that we _ last time saw him. he sentenced two text messages that we received - last time saw him. he sentenced two text messages that we received as i text messages that we received as this was— text messages that we received as this was att— text messages that we received as this was all unfolding _ text messages that we received as this was all unfolding at _ text messages that we received as this was all unfolding at 8:11am. i this was all unfolding at 8:11am. the first— this was all unfolding at 8:11am. the first text _ this was all unfolding at 8:11am. the first text message - this was all unfolding at 8:11am. the first text message said - this was all unfolding at 8:11am. the first text message said i- the first text message said i love you and _ the first text message said i love you and the — the first text message said i love you and the second _ the first text message said i love you and the second one - the first text message said i love you and the second one said - the first text message said i love you and the second one said i- the first text message said i lovej you and the second one said i am sorry _ you and the second one said i am sorry and — you and the second one said i am sorry and i— you and the second one said i am sorry. and i think— you and the second one said i am sorry. and i think he _ you and the second one said i am sorry. and i think he knew, - you and the second one said i am sorry. and i think he knew, that i you and the second one said i am l sorry. and i think he knew, that we were _ sorry. and i think he knew, that we were going — sorry. and i think he knew, that we were going to— sorry. and i think he knew, that we were going to he _ sorry. and i think he knew, that we were going to be suffering - sorry. and i think he knew, that we were going to be suffering terribly. were going to be suffering terribly and he _ were going to be suffering terribly and he felt — were going to be suffering terribly and he felt bad _ were going to be suffering terribly and he felt bad for— were going to be suffering terribly and he felt bad for us _ were going to be suffering terribly and he felt bad for us and - were going to be suffering terribly
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and he felt bad for us and he - were going to be suffering terribly and he felt bad for us and he wasl and he felt bad for us and he was apologising _ and he felt bad for us and he was apologising that— and he felt bad for us and he was apologising. that was _ and he felt bad for us and he was apologising. that was 47 - and he felt bad for us and he was apologising. that was 47 days - and he felt bad for us and he wasi apologising. that was 47 days ago that my— apologising. that was 47 days ago that my heart _ apologising. that was 47 days ago that my heart has _ apologising. that was 47 days ago that my heart has been _ apologising. that was 47 days ago that my heart has been buried - apologising. that was 47 days ago that my heart has been buried in. that my heart has been buried in gaza _ that my heart has been buried in gaza and — that my heart has been buried in gaza and every— that my heart has been buried in gaza and every day— that my heart has been buried in gaza and every day i— that my heart has been buried in gaza and every day i change - that my heart has been buried in gaza and every day i change the| gaza and every day i change the number— gaza and every day i change the number -- _ gaza and every day i change the number —— check— gaza and every day i change the number —— check the _ gaza and every day i change the number —— check the number, i gaza and every day i change the . number —— check the number, and gaza and every day i change the - number —— check the number, and i pray— number —— check the number, and i prayand_ number —— check the number, and i pray and hope — number —— check the number, and i pray and hope that— number —— check the number, and i pray and hope that the _ number —— check the number, and i pray and hope that the world - number —— check the number, and i pray and hope that the world will i pray and hope that the world will help att— pray and hope that the world will help all of— pray and hope that the world will help all of us _ pray and hope that the world will help all of us get _ pray and hope that the world will help all of us get our— pray and hope that the world will help all of us get our hearts - pray and hope that the world will. help all of us get our hearts out of gaza _ help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and _ help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i— help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i also _ help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i also worry _ help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i also worry for - help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i also worry for the - help all of us get our hearts out of gaza and i also worry for the other innocent _ gaza and i also worry for the other innocent people _ gaza and i also worry for the other innocent people who _ gaza and i also worry for the other innocent people who are _ gaza and i also worry for the other innocent people who are in - gaza and i also worry for the other. innocent people who are in gaza also suffering _ innocent people who are in gaza also suffering on — innocent people who are in gaza also suffering on the _ innocent people who are in gaza also suffering on the other— innocent people who are in gaza also suffering on the other side. - innocent people who are in gaza also suffering on the other side. there . suffering on the other side. there are good — suffering on the other side. there are good instant— suffering on the other side. there are good instant palestinian- suffering on the other side. there i are good instant palestinian people who are _ are good instant palestinian people who are also — are good instant palestinian people who are also there _ are good instant palestinian people who are also there and _ are good instant palestinian people who are also there and we - are good instant palestinian people who are also there and we are - are good instant palestinian people. who are also there and we are aware of that— who are also there and we are aware of that and _ who are also there and we are aware of that and i— who are also there and we are aware of that and i think _ who are also there and we are aware of that and i think you _ who are also there and we are aware of that and i think you all— who are also there and we are aware of that and i think you all for- of that and i think you all for coming _ of that and i think you all for coming to— of that and i think you all for coming to hear— of that and i think you all for coming to hear our- of that and i think you all for| coming to hear our story and of that and i think you all for. coming to hear our story and to keep our stories— coming to hear our story and to keep our stories alive _ coming to hear our story and to keep our stories alive and _ coming to hear our story and to keep our stories alive and until— coming to hear our story and to keep our stories alive and until our- our stories alive and until our loved — our stories alive and until our loved ones _ our stories alive and until our loved ones come _ our stories alive and until our loved ones come home. - our stories alive and until our loved ones come home. hello. on october seven, _ loved ones come home. hello. on october seven, hamas _ loved ones come home. hello. on october seven, hamas entered i
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loved ones come home. hello. on| october seven, hamas entered my kibbutz and killed about 85 people, kidnapped around 30 people, and together about 110, which is about one tenth of my kibbutz, the population of my kibbutz. i know each one of them personally and amongst them is my sister and my niece. she is going to be 13 years old next week. i was hiding under my bed because i thought i don't want to be killed and i don't want to be kidnapped, i willjust pretend that nobody is at home and i hope they will not find me. my sister wrote me at 12:03pm that she was ok and then at 12:03pm that she was ok and then at 12:05pm she sent a message that she was being kidnapped. since then i don't have any information from her, i know she has been kidnapped
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with my niece in gaza and another girl that was staying in their home. i don't know she has seen the sky since then, i don't know if she is able to go to the bathroom in a normal toilet, take a shower, get medicine... normal toilet, take a shower, get medicine- - -_ medicine... our testimony from families in _ medicine... our testimony from families in rome _ medicine... our testimony from families in rome who _ medicine... our testimony from families in rome who travelled | medicine... our testimony from - families in rome who travelled from here in israel to meet the pope and sharing stories of loved ones. you can follow continuing coverage of the story on the bbc news channel. we will be back with anna in tel aviv a little later in the programme. i want to bring you up—to—date with the other main story in the uk and us news of the chancellor, jeremy hunt, is to deliver his autumn statement in an hourfrom now and he has left downing street and has arrived in parliament where he will lay out his
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tax and spending plans for the year ahead in the autumn statement. the question they are being thrown to him is the question that many of us will have at this point. in september he told us that now was not the time to cut taxes until the economy improved but there has been a change of heart and we expect there will be some tax cuts announced in the autumn statement a little later. they could indeed be sweeteners before an election designed to win over voters before a general election next year. what else should we expect? perhaps and it's a big if there will be a cut in income tax but that could be expensive and could push up inflation, sending the government has been working hard to reduce. there could be a cut in inheritance tax and it has been much discussed but already condemned as tone deaf amid a cost of living crisis. we are expecting some changes to pension rules and there might be more support forfirst—time rules and there might be more support for first—time buyers and speculation as well about possible
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changes to benefit rules, but as we said, it was in september the chancellor said it was virtually impossible to deliver tax cuts so what exactly has changed? there might be a bit more room for manoeuvre because tax receipts have been a bit higher than initially thought and forecast and the cost of servicing government debt has fallen as well but it inflation, prices are rising, and that above the bank of england's target and will fuel the cost of living crisis on the chancellor really will be wary of making any big announcements i could spark even more inflation. it's all rather big balancing act to perform in the country's finances. with the details of what exactly we could expect is our economics correspondent andy verity. ina in a cold damp day in the south london market, ask what they want the government to do about and you will hear two big concerns that have not gone away — energy and food.
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