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tv   BBC News  BBC News  November 22, 2023 2:00am-2:31am GMT

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hello, i'm sumi somaskanda. we start with some breaking news. the israeli government voted to approve a deal on tuesday that secures the release of some israeli hostages held by hamas following more than six weeks of fighting. israeli media is reporting that the deal involves "the exchange of hostages being held by the organisation for palestinian detainees in israeli jails." israel's prime minister's office says the deal includes the relase —— release of 50 hostages over four days. during the four days, there will be a pause in fighting. those released include 30 kidnapped children, eight mothers and 12 more women. we have a statement from the government of israel that i just want to read out to you.
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it says that the government of israel is obligated to return home all hostages. tonight the government has approved the outline of the first stage of achieving this goal according to which at least 50 hostages, women and children, will be released over four days during which a pause in the fighting will be held. a release of every additional ten hostages will result in one additional day of pause. we will continue the war in order to return home all of the hostages, complete the elimination of hamas and ensure that there will be no new threat to the state of israel from gaza. and right now looking at live pictures from gaza. it is the middle of the night but this news has come in. we can see the images there. it is quiet at the moment but this huge news that an agreement has been approved by benjamin netanyahu and his cabinet. we will work on getting that statement up on
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the screen for you but again underlined the fact that at least 50 hostages, women and children, will be released along with a pause of four days infighting. as we look at these pictures, benjamin netanyahu earlier said delivered a statement before the announcement came through that there was an agreement. he said that the war against hamas would continue even if the hostage agreement was struck. let's listen to what he said. translation: we are at war and we will continue _ translation: we are at war and we will continue the _ translation: we are at war and we will continue the war. - translation: we are at war and we will continue the war. we - we will continue the war. we will continue the war until we have achieved all of our goals, to destroy hamas, to bring back the hostages and the missing and to ensure that gaza poses no threat to israel.— no threat to israel. again that from mr netanyahu _ no threat to israel. again that from mr netanyahu before . no threat to israel. again that| from mr netanyahu before the announcement that this agreement has been approved by his cabinet. our middle east correspondent tom bateman injerusalem had this analysis of mr netanyahu's message earlier. i think this was very much
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intended for internal domestic consumption in israel. it was about him responding to criticism from further to the political right in his own coalition because part of the government, the far right ministers said they will not vote for this deal. what he has said is that it is nonsense, in his words, that the hostage release would lead to an end to the war. he vowed absolutely that it would continue afterwards because he said it is still requiring the elimination of hamas after what he called a phase in the war and we have had the defence minister also reiterating that saying that as part of this agreement within the israeli government that the war would continue at full force afterwards. joining us now on the line is former pentagon correspondent for cnn barbara starr. she's now a senior fellow at the usc annenberg centre on communication leadership and policy. shejoins us online she joins us online and you have been following the twists and turns of these
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negotiations, as we have. imagine also here in the us and it has played a big role in negotiations this is big news. it is because there are americans unaccounted for and widely believed to be being held hostage so it has been a top priority of the biden administration to get those americans out of their as well as many other hostages as they can. i think the real question tonight now is what are the next steps? how will it be implemented? what will happen next. netanyahu as you reported, said that the war will continue but this is the first step on a road of deescalation. so how difficult is it for israel to essentially restart a ground war after this pause? we will have to see and it may be very difficult for hamas to round up all of the
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hostages because it is also believed they are being held by other factions. believed they are being held by otherfactions. so believed they are being held by other factions. so there believed they are being held by otherfactions. so there may believed they are being held by other factions. so there may be a long way to go, still, on getting this all implemented and seeing what steps do come next. ., , . , ., ., next. the logistics alone will be uuite next. the logistics alone will be quite tricky _ next. the logistics alone will be quite tricky over- next. the logistics alone will be quite tricky over the - next. the logistics alone will be quite tricky over the next| be quite tricky over the next few days, as we know, ijust want to ask a bit more about the role of the united states in negotiations. we know that qatar was also heavily involved. what do we know about what the us did for this particular agreement? we were told there has _ particular agreement? we were told there has been _ particular agreement? we were told there has been no - particular agreement? we were told there has been no direct i told there has been no direct contact between us officials and hamas, that it all went through the qatari's and that there have been any number of us officials, starting with the president, of course, who have beenin president, of course, who have been in contact with the qatari's as negotiations have gone on. president biden has been public that he has had conversations continuously almost with the israeli and
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qatari leaders, with netanyahu in the qatari government. so i think we will find that president biden has devoted a good deal of time to this behind—the—scenes and there have been some significant discipline, if you will, by the administration, to not talk about the details and to not talk about it until it is done. and i think that will continue for some time here until we can get all hostages out because, of course, it will happen in phases and that means there will still be other hostages at peril, at risk and the initial women and children, the mothers and young children come out of being held and, importantly, there has been no word in any of this about the fate of what is believed to be any number of israeli soldiers being held
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hostage and this will all be... because it will be in phases, i think there will be a lot of reluctance to reveal a lot of information until they can get everybody out. information until they can get everybody out-— information until they can get eve bod out. ., everybody out. indeed. one more auestion everybody out. indeed. one more question on _ everybody out. indeed. one more question on this, _ everybody out. indeed. one more question on this, we _ everybody out. indeed. one more question on this, we know- everybody out. indeed. one more question on this, we know the - question on this, we know the aim of the biden administration has been twofold, to secure the release of hostages but also to get humanitarian aid in, right? that is right. and as part of the agreement there is language that they will allow a significant amount of additional aid into gaza. hard to see, of course, that all aid will be welcomed but the need inside gaza is so massive and so grail by all accounts that the level of destruction, the lack of supplies, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinian at this point, you know, they can
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talk about aid trucks coming in right now but this will have to be a year—long effort of support for the people of gaza and that will fundamentally be the real question at the end of the real question at the end of the day, after hostages, as critical as that is, what happens in gaza? what happens to the people there? who will be in control? what kind of governing authority might there be? who will be in charge, how will israel manage its own security and how will the people of gaza continue to exist there amid all this destruction? by, exist there amid all this destruction?— exist there amid all this destruction? ., ., , ., , destruction? a lot of questions there. thank _ destruction? a lot of questions there. thank you _ destruction? a lot of questions there. thank you for _ destruction? a lot of questions there. thank you forjoining . destruction? a lot of questions there. thank you forjoining us | there. thank you forjoining us on this breaking news tonight. it is good to have you. this just to remind you, before the announcement we knew that four hostages had been released and another freed hostages had been released and anotherfreed by hostages had been released and another freed by israeli forces. the first released hostages werejudith raanan
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and her daughter, natalie, who were released for humanitarian reasons on october 20. on october 24th, two israeli women, nurit cooper and yocheved lifschitz, were freed from gaza in a deal brokered by egypt and qatar. and most recently on october 29th when ori megidish, an israeli solider, was freed during idf ground operations in gaza. our senior international correspondent orla guerin has more on the hostages who may be released and their families who hope the deal means their return. after six long weeks, there is hope. here are some of those who could soon be coming home. oriya is four and loves football and ice cream. and kfir is just ten months old and recently started crawling. he is always smiling, relatives say. in tel aviv tonight, campaigners standing together as israel's government debated the deal.
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# just come home... many here would pay any price. the fear is some hostages are already dead. it has been a very long wait, but there is a sense of hope here now. hostages are expected to be released in phases over a number of days, but the families and supporters gathered here know that most of those being held in gaza will not be included in this deal. chen almog is being held with three of her children, including her two young sons. her husband and eldest daughter were killed by hamas. her brother, omri, hopes to get his relatives back soon. he's been counting the dark days. the bad and the pain is behind.
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we are going to live with this pain forever but the good thing is in front of us and they will come. what is the first thing you would like to do when you are all together? first to tell them i'm sorry because it's sad and it's a shame what happened. then that i love them. you can imagine hugs for so many days so now, when the time comes, we are going to do it. in return, gaza will get a respite from israel's assault, at least for a few days. israeli troops were still advancing today. food and fuel will be allowed in to the rubble and some palestinian women and children will be released from israeli jails. israel's prime minister got a warm reception from these troops today.
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benjamin netanyahu said releasing the hostages was a sacred duty but the war wouldn't stop after they were freed. tonight, there's an empty place at this table for every one that is being held in gaza. the deal looks set to be approved. if so, the first hostages could be released on thursday or friday. if you are just if you arejustjoining us if you are justjoining us the breaking news that the israeli government has voted to approve a bill that secures the release of some israeli hostages held like hamas. let's talk about these developments now with two guestjoining me tonight. the assistant professor of political science at northwestern university and expert on hostage diplomacy and the former us ambassador to morocco. great to see you both. daniel can we get your reaction to the news about this deal
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being approved? it to the news about this deal being approved?— to the news about this deal being approved? it is wonderful news for the — being approved? it is wonderful news for the families _ being approved? it is wonderful news for the families who - being approved? it is wonderful news for the families who have | news for the families who have been waiting in agony since october seven and for the hopefully dozens of hostages who have a chance at coming home. i am cautiously optimistic and there is still a lot to be done before any of these hostages are home safe and sound but i think it is wonderful news for israel and for the families of the hostages tonight. your thoughts. _ hostages tonight. your | thoughts, ambassador? hostages tonight. your - thoughts, ambassador? mixed emotions because _ thoughts, ambassador? mixed emotions because on - thoughts, ambassador? mixed emotions because on the - thoughts, ambassador? mixed emotions because on the one | emotions because on the one hand — emotions because on the one hand over_ emotions because on the one hand over one month into this conflict — hand over one month into this conflict only about 50 of 240 hostages will be released, of course — hostages will be released, of course it _ hostages will be released, of course. it is great to see that women — course. it is great to see that women and children but i was in israel_ women and children but i was in israel one — women and children but i was in israel one week ago and the amount— israel one week ago and the amount of agonising that the public— amount of agonising that the public at _ amount of agonising that the public at large in the hostages famiiies— public at large in the hostages families at large has added to
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the dimension of grief and anger— the dimension of grief and anger that exists in israel, i think— anger that exists in israel, i think the _ anger that exists in israel, i think the most important thing here _ think the most important thing here is— think the most important thing here is whether or not this will— here is whether or not this will lead _ here is whether or not this will lead to more hostage releases and what further terms. _ releases and what further terms, what i would say blackmail, will hamas impose on israel— blackmail, will hamas impose on israel in — blackmail, will hamas impose on israel in order to get the other— israel in order to get the other hostages out because after — other hostages out because after the women and children, hamas— after the women and children, hamas considers israeli soldiers, perhaps foreign citizens, males to be much more of a citizens, males to be much more ofa bargaining citizens, males to be much more of a bargaining chip and women and children.— and children. what you think this means _ and children. what you think this means for _ and children. what you think this means for the _ and children. what you think| this means for the remaining and children. what you think i this means for the remaining as the ambassador said, this is a moment of agony for their families who know perhaps their loved ones are not going to be released. it loved ones are not going to be released. . , released. it is extremely difficult as _ released. it is extremely difficult as the _ released. it is extremely i difficult as the ambassador said for them even to think about this in the context of decades of conflict between israel and the palestinians. if you think back to the 1970s when palestinian militant groups were started hijacking
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planes with the intention of coercing the israeli government to make concessions, those militants would often release the non— israeli captives without making any demands at all. and hold onto israeli adults and try to use those captives for a bargaining chip. in some ways, letting go of the children and women, those of the easy cases, the one of the hostages for whom there is unambiguous sympathy and outrage around the world. these vulnerable individuals are being held hostage. as the group of hostages become more and more narrow, when it is soldiers, when it is able—bodied men, not only are those hostages easier fors to hold onto long—term, but it means the prices are going to be quite high for the chance of maybe seeing them released. to follow up on what you said,
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what do you think it would possibly take to secure the release of the rest of the hostages? we should say, at the same time we have seen a massive humanitarian crisis in gaza which is something that could possibly lead hamas to want a longer pause in fighting as well and release my hostages. as well and release my hostages-— as well and release my hostaues. ~ , . ., hostages. absolutely. what we have heard _ hostages. absolutely. what we have heard in _ hostages. absolutely. what we have heard in this _ hostages. absolutely. what we have heard in this possible - have heard in this possible deal and it hasjust have heard in this possible deal and it has just been reporting so far since it has not been publicly released. but we have heard about the deal is in many ways it is integrated, the idea for every ten hostages hamas is able to release, they will be another pause in the day of fighting and israel woolies 30 palestinian prisoners. with the idea it is entirely possible that chain might continue. we have seen hostage groups in the past released some hostages and make more demands for the release of others. i think the negotiating
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is impossible as it has been to this point and may only get harderfrom here. this point and may only get harder from here.— this point and may only get harder from here. what is your sense of this, _ harder from here. what is your sense of this, ambassador? i harder from here. what is your l sense of this, ambassador? with the us playing a big role in negotiations up until now. we understand my come next looking at the remaining hostages. —— might come next. the at the remaining hostages. -- might come next.— at the remaining hostages. -- might come next. the fact that hamas is still holding - hamas is still holding onto american citizens is still obviously a great concern to the biden administrations. you are going — the biden administrations. you are going to see continued pressure on the part of the biden— pressure on the part of the biden administration on the israeli — biden administration on the israeli government to not do anything _ israeli government to not do anything to make it harder and that is— anything to make it harder and that is a — anything to make it harder and that is a relative term, harder, _ that is a relative term, harder, to make it possible for american _ harder, to make it possible for american hostages to also be released. natural in the other issue — released. natural in the other issue -- — released. natural in the other issue —— that draws in the other— issue —— that draws in the other issue. does hamas feel militarily— other issue. does hamas feel militarily it is under pressure? that it needs this so-called _ pressure? that it needs this so—called paul is in conflict?
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0r so—called paul is in conflict? or is— so—called paul is in conflict? or is this _ so—called paul is in conflict? or is thisjust so—called paul is in conflict? or is this just an effort by hamas— or is this just an effort by hamas tojettison what hamas to jettison what essentially has hamas tojettison what essentially has been from its own — essentially has been from its own prospective and public relations a humanitarian disaster because of the focus on these _ disaster because of the focus on these hostages has taken away— on these hostages has taken away the tension or at least a relative — away the tension or at least a relative degree of attention from — relative degree of attention from the people in gaza that are being victimised by the conflict _ are being victimised by the conflict. , ., conflict. danielle, if you look at the situation _ conflict. danielle, if you look at the situation now - conflict. danielle, if you look at the situation now going i at the situation now going forward and we're looking at pictures of the situation in gaza right now, how does that shape. hostage diplomacy going forward? ., ., , forward? there are a few ways the conditions _ forward? there are a few ways the conditions of _ forward? there are a few ways the conditions of the _ forward? there are a few ways the conditions of the war- forward? there are a few ways the conditions of the war until| the conditions of the war until now have really shaped the negotiations thus far and will continue to do so. when the israeli government has talked about its war aims, they are several fold about its war aims, they are severalfold but about its war aims, they are several fold but say eliminating hamas from gaza and
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then securing the release of hostages, it has always been the second goal of the idea. in some ways, putting pressure on hamas with the idf invasion of gaza with the grand incursion and with the military strikes has put hamas perhaps on their back foot and made it so they feel pressured to come to the table. the negotiations for a pause in the fighting is interesting in that it is both content of the deal and process of the deal. it is content in that it of the deal. it is content in thatitis of the deal. it is content in that it is a negotiation for a pause in the fighting that hamas and the civilian residents of gaza will be grateful for, residents of gaza will be gratefulfor, break in grateful for, break in hostilities gratefulfor, break in hostilities of course. it is also about the process of hostage release for that allows for hostages to come out of captivity and back to israel safety. i captivity and back to israel safe . ., ., safety. i want to quickly get our safety. i want to quickly get your thoughts _ safety. i want to quickly get your thoughts on _ safety. i want to quickly get your thoughts on that - safety. i want to quickly get your thoughts on that as - safety. i want to quickly get i your thoughts on that as well, ambassador for that we have 30 secondsif ambassador for that we have 30 seconds if you could. the
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factors as _ seconds if you could. the factors as long _ seconds if you could. the factors as long as - seconds if you could. the factors as long as hostages remain, _ factors as long as hostages remain, hamas is not going to lay down— remain, hamas is not going to lay down its arms unless it gets — lay down its arms unless it gets what it believes to be some _ gets what it believes to be some more leeway for purposes of regrouping. the israelis are determined to get the hostages out but — determined to get the hostages out but let's make sure everyone understands, no government in israel can survive _ government in israel can survive if hamas survives in gaza — survive if hamas survives in gaza how _ survive if hamas survives in gaza. how you thread the needle between — gaza. how you thread the needle between hostage negotiations in the weeks ahead and israel's determination to eliminate hamas— determination to eliminate hamas as a military threat will be a _ hamas as a military threat will be a very— hamas as a military threat will be a very hard needle to thread _ be a very hard needle to thread. ., ~ be a very hard needle to thread-— be a very hard needle to thread. ., ~' ,, . be a very hard needle to thread. ., ,, . ., thread. thank you so much for shafinu thread. thank you so much for sharing your — thread. thank you so much for sharing your balls _ thread. thank you so much for sharing your balls with - thread. thank you so much for sharing your balls with us. - thread. thank you so much for sharing your balls with us. we | sharing your balls with us. we will speak to you about later. —— sharing your thoughts with us. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news.
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let's look at some other stories making news. the head of binance is agreeing to plead guilty to money laundering and resign his post as chief executive of the company. it's part of a deal between changpeng zhao and the usjustice department, which accuses the world's largest crypto—exchange of helping criminals and terrorists move money and evade sanctions. zhao will also pay a $50 million fine. binance will pay $4.3 billion in penalties. ten days after a tunnel collapse in northern india, new video has emerged of the 41 construction workers trapped inside. a medical camera slipped into the tunnel through a pipe captured the video, showing the trapped men. authorities say the rescue could still take several days. britain has rolled out the red carpet for south korea's president, with king charles welcoming yoon suk yeol and his wife to london at the start of a three—day state visit. after a carriage procession along the mall, the president addressed the uk parliament. his visit is expected to conclude with new investments in green energy and infrastructure projects across the uk.
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you're live with bbc news. returning to our breaking top story. news that some hostages being held by hamas will be released. the israeli government voting to approve that deal on tuesday and we have seen reports the deal involves the exchange of hostages being held by the organisation for palestinian detainees in israeli jails. i spoke with retired lieutenant general mark schwartz who served as the us security coordinator for israel and the palestinian authority. i started by asking him about the logistics of the terms of this agreement that are known. i think the idf will set the security conditions for that to occur. inside of gaza. from what i understand, the international red cross is going to play a very important role in terms of the transfer from the hostages in the hands of hamas to the israeli
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security forces inside of gaza. it is going to be, there are a lot of opportunity for things to go amiss during the course of the transverse. maybe not specifically harm to the hostages butjust things to potentially unravel and that is probably a concern shared by the israeli officials in discussions this evening. i think overall it is certainly doable. cautious optimism is the right approach at this point given what is unravelling since the conflict started and what we thought were agreements that were going to occur early on that did not come to fruition. on that did not come to fruition-— on that did not come to fruition. ~ , ., fruition. we saw the israeli prime minister _ fruition. we saw the israeli prime minister also - fruition. we saw the israeli prime minister also say - fruition. we saw the israeli i prime minister also say make fruition. we saw the israeli - prime minister also say make no mistake as soon as this agreement and is, the fighting will start again. knowing there are remaining hostages in gaza, is that the right approach? the prime minister _ is that the right approach? tue: prime minister has is that the right approach? tte: prime minister has said is that the right approach? t'te: prime minister has said many times the only thing hamas understands is the pressure put
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on them through combat operations. so they cannot negotiate from a position of strength but a position of weakness. i am strength but a position of weakness. iam not strength but a position of weakness. i am not surprised thatis weakness. i am not surprised that is his intent and been the intent all along. it has been pretty consistent with what our government has said that they do not believe in a ceasefire perse do not believe in a ceasefire per se but a pause in combat operations until this first exchange occurs for that we are now seeing two senators in the us calling for a ceasefire including the release of all hostages, getting a massive influx of humanitarian aid in. also hamas laying down arms. do you think the us should be pushing israel for a cessation of facilities? t pushing israel for a cessation of facilities?— of facilities? i don't believe so. i of facilities? i don't believe so- i think _ of facilities? i don't believe so. i think again _ of facilities? i don't believe so. i think again the - of facilities? i don't believe i so. i think again the strategic objective israel has laid out is pragmatic, extremely difficult but pragmatic. hamas cannot be allowed to continue
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dominating the people. they cannot be seen as the governing body of gaza beyond its current conflict. tt t body of gaza beyond its current conflict. . ., , conflict. ifi could “ump in, ou conflict. ifi could “ump in, you said i conflict. ifi could “ump in, you said that _ conflict. ifi could “ump in, you said that you b conflict. ifi couldjump in, you said that you think- you said that you think israel's operation is pragmatic, at the same time, is it clear what the strategic objective is here other than eradicating hamas? we know there has been a massive loss of civilian life on the ground. is this the right approach? t is this the right approach? i don't believe the approach is this the right approach? t don't believe the approach has been appropriate. certainly there was really significant emotion after the october seven atrocities that took place. fully understandable. the idea of cutting off all basic subsistence, power, medical aid, a lot of the interdiction
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that took place in the year before the great event started and has continued. some of the targeting should be looked at by an objective body. who that is, we will see in the future. i don't think that approach was correct. i do think the restart of significant humanitarian assistance needs to occur because the crisis that exists. you cannot say the hamas does not represent the palestinian people and goes and hold them hostage in terms of the trauma they are going through with this ongoing military campaign and providing no relief other than saying move from the north to the south and be dislocated without any basic subsistence they need to survive. i don't believe that should continue and i think that is a pretty consistent view from not only
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military professionals but i think the international community enlarge. really interesting _ community enlarge. really interesting to _ community enlarge. really interesting to get - community enlarge. really interesting to get your - interesting to get your prospective understory. thank you forjoining us.— you for “oining us. thank you. a you forjoining us. thank you. a reminder — you forjoining us. thank you. a reminder of _ you forjoining us. thank you. a reminder of the _ you forjoining us. thank you. a reminder of the breaking i a reminder of the breaking news. the israeli government voted to approve a deal on tuesday that secures the release of some israeli hostages held by hamas. israeli media is reporting that the deal involves the exchange of hostages being held by the organisation for palestinian detainees in israeli jails. earlier a senior israeli official told the bbc an agreement would involve the release of 50 hostages within four days. a us official says those released would mostly be women and children in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners being freed by israel. white house spokesman john kirby says a safe passage for the hostages would be key for the deal. the israeli cabinet met on tuesday to discuss the hostage release deal, led by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in a recorded message, netanyahu said the war
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would continue even after the release until israel achieved all its goals. joining us now on the line is our state department correspondent barbara plett usher. she isjoining us on the line. very good to have you. this dipalma coming through in the last hour or so —— development. we were always told the state department were hesitant to tell us anything about the negotiations because there were times when they thought they would be in agreement and there was not. and nothing was agreed to and that was up until the end. we saw that comment from presidentjoe biden earlier in the day in which he really signalled he thought this would be the time, that they were
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very close. again, he said we cannot say for sure. these negotiations have been strenuous, have been difficult, have involved a number of parties. definitely qatar have been contacting hamas and making contact between hamas and israel. the united states involved at very senior levels. secretary antony blinken making the trips to qatar and israel and other senior officials, the head of the cia, mr biden himself making calls. very heavily involved in the negotiations. now we have statement from the israeli government, quite a spare statement. basically giving an outline of the deal about this hostages being released over four days with potential for more overtime. still waiting to find out exactly when that might start because there needs
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to be approval and israel before it goes through because of the palestinian prisoners that would potentially be released. it is something that has been intense amount of diplomacy and negotiations over in the past weeks. we diplomacy and negotiations over in the past weeks.— in the past weeks. we are seeinr in the past weeks. we are seeing reporting - in the past weeks. we are seeing reporting tonight i in the past weeks. we are i seeing reporting tonight that the secretary of state might again be heading to israel next week. we have not received confirmation of that yet. we also have not received a statement yet from the white house. at this point, know anything about whether or how many americans might be part of this agreement of hostages being released? tote this agreement of hostages being released?— this agreement of hostages being released? we did have breathin: being released? we did have breathing a _ being released? we did have breathing a little _ being released? we did have breathing a little earlier- being released? we did have breathing a little earlier by i breathing a little earlier by the white house saying it is expected three americans will be included in this release, including a child, a girl named
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abigail. and the other two would be


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