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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  November 16, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm GMT

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for military purposes. they say that among the things they have uncovered are more than a dozen kalashnikovs, grenades, personal protective equipment, some of it with the hamas military brigade insignia on it. raising fears of a possible military operation. britain's new foreign secretary, former pm david cameron, visits kyiv, his first overseas trip in the role. pedro sanchez wins a new term as spain's prime minister after securing a controversial amnesty deal for some catalan separatists. oscar—winner tom hanks speaks to the bbc about his latest role, working on an exhibition showing what it's like to journey to the moon.
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hello, i'm samantha simmonds, welcome to verified live, three hours of breaking stories and checking out the truth behind them. the director of gaza's biggest hospital says it has now run out of water — leaving people there "screaming from thirst". he accused israel of blowing up al—shifa's main water line. israeli forces are continuing to search the gaza city hospital, which the military says has been a key command centre for hamas. the army took the bbc into a small part of the hospital, and was shown rifles, ammunition and body armour which israel says hamas had hidden there. the idf also said it had found laptops containing photos and videos of hostages held by hamas — considered a terror organisation by the uk and many other western governments. israeli military restrictions meant that our correspondent lucy williamson wasn't allowed to speak to doctors or patients — but her words aren't censored, and she described what she saw. we are in an israeli military vehicle inside the gaza strip.
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they are taking us towards gaza city. this area where the ground operation first began weeks ago now. since then, the israeli army has fought its way, methodically, towards gaza city, towards the gates of al—shifa hospital. that is where they are taking us now. we are still being told to keep our lights off. are we going this way? the israeli army has been searching through this hospital. you can see they have had to force the door of the mri room to get inside. they have been looking for evidence of this being a hamas base, a place where hamas planned attacks, and they said that among the things they have uncovered are more than a dozen kalashnikovs, grenades, personal protective equipment, some of it with the hamas military brigade insignia on it. you can see some of them here hidden
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beneath bags of medical supplies. we are also told they have been laptops found with some information about the hostages, recent files that suggest this may have been a hamas operating base as recently as a few days ago. gaza's main telecommunications companies say all telecom services in the gaza strip have gone down, as their energy sources are now depleted. meanwhile, israeli forces have dropped leaflets in the khan younis area of southern gaza, warning people to evacuate their homes and head to shelters for their own safety. similar leaflets were dropped over northern gaza weeks before the ground offensive there, suggesting military operations are now planned for the south. the israeli military says its fighterjets have struck the gaza house of the hamas political leader, ismail haniyeh. it's thought to have served as a meeting point for senior hamas leaders. mr haniyeh lives in exile in qatar.
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israel's war cabinet is due to meet tonight amid reports of progress in negotiations to secure the release of some of the hostages held in gaza. our correspondent yolande knell sent this report from jerusalem. the home of the top hamas leader now destroyed. israel says. across gaza it is targeting what it calls terrorist infrastructure. and taking control of new territory. this is the gaza airport. but the palestinians, the morning continues. with children among those killed in the latest israeli air strikes in the south. translation: they are watching us . die and saying, let them die, let l palestine be destroyed under raised from the maps, youth died, young women widowed. the high human cost adding to international pressure on israel.
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on its fifth attempt, un security council has passed a resolution on the war, calling for pauses in fighting to help get aid into gaza and immediate release of all hostages held by hamas. the same cry to free the hostages is coming from theirfamilies. some now marching from tel aviv to jerusalem to demand the prime minister does a deal. a key figure from previous hostage talks tells me that will be hard. what hamas did, they crossed a line where it is inconceivable they will continue to be in power in gaza after this war is over. so there is some kind of built in contradiction to trying to negotiate with the people you intend on killing. today another reminder of the dangerously high tensions as the gaza war goes on. israeli police say three palestinian gunmen were killed at a checkpoint trying to enterjerusalem from the occupied west bank. several israelis were wounded but from the weapon is said to have
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been found it is thought a much bigger attack was planned. yolande knell, bbc news. jerusalem. let's speak to our correspondent mark lowen in southern israel. what is the latest we are hearing about these leaflets being dropped, urging people to move to shelters for their safety? figs urging people to move to shelters for their safety?— for their safety? as you said, that was the similar _ for their safety? as you said, that was the similar scene _ for their safety? as you said, that was the similar scene we - for their safety? as you said, that was the similar scene we saw- for their safety? as you said, that was the similar scene we saw in i was the similar scene we saw in northern gaza before the ground offensive began and if indeed that is a harbinger of a military operation, that would be of real concern to the many hundreds of thousands who are sheltering now there. our bbc team are there as well. they have had to go down from gaza city and that was a city that before the conflict, had about 300,000 people living there and that has grown out to over a million people so if the is really is going to strike there, it will be very come picketed to avoid civilian casualties. in terms of what is
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happening inside al—shifa hospital, let me tell you what we are hearing from a journalist inside the hospital who has been speaking to our team on the ground in gaza. he says, he was described as trembling with fear and crying on the phone. he said hundreds of soldiers everywhere, shooting in all directions, this destroyed the southern part and dozens of cars and they have stormed all departments. we know the israeli defence forces are still inside the hospital and they say they are not targeting the hospital but targeting what they describe as a hamas operations and command centre. as you saw their with that rare eclipse into gaza, so far we have had what would appear to be evidence of hamas military presence inside the hospital although hamas demise it. but not the network of tunnels and command centres the is release have been claiming for several years going back, apparently backed up by
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american intelligence last night, that this is the beating heart of hamas. ~ ., ., , hamas. what more can you tell us about these _ hamas. what more can you tell us about these reports _ hamas. what more can you tell us about these reports that _ hamas. what more can you tell us about these reports that we - hamas. what more can you tell us about these reports that we have l about these reports that we have been hearing for some hours now, suggestions that possibly some of the 240 hostages seized by hamas on october seven could possibly be 0ctober seven could possibly be released? we october seven could possibly be released? ~ . , , ., released? we have been here several times before — released? we have been here several times before in _ released? we have been here several times before in the _ released? we have been here several times before in the last _ released? we have been here several times before in the last few _ released? we have been here several times before in the last few days - times before in the last few days where we think a deal is in the offing, only for it to be not coming to fruition. what we understand is that a deal is being worked out in which possibly 50 women and children held by hamas since that deadly attack on the 7th of october, could be released in return for a similar amount of palestinian women and children held in prisons and an accompanying ceasefire, a cessation of hostilities, i should say, for perhaps three and five days. apparently it has been agreed on the hamas side but on the is really
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side, it is meeting quite stiff opposition from the right—wing part of the italy cabinet who are not happy with that length of cessation of hostilities and they want a larger number of people apparently to be released. it is all being mediated by qatar and egypt's well. the cia chief and the mossad chief went to qatar and there has been progress but we are not there yet. it could still fall before we think it is going to be announced. thank ou for it is going to be announced. thank you for that _ it is going to be announced. thank you for that update. _ it is going to be announced. thank you for that update. i _ it is going to be announced. thank you for that update. i will- it is going to be announced. thank you for that update. i will be - you for that update. i will be speaking to thejordanian deputy foreign minister very shortly so do stay with us for that. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. in a world first,british regulators have approved a gene therapy that aims to cure two blood disorders — sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia. it's the first treatment to be licensed that uses a tool known as crispr,
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which can be used to correct faults in the dna of cells — allowing them to produce haemoglobin. the energy regulator 0fgem is launching a public consultation on standing charges. the fees are added to most gas and electricity bills at a daily rate and can't be reduced, no matter how much you cut back on your usage. people have until the 19th of january to submit their views. bbc analysis shows that two—thirds of nhs maternity units in england don't consistently meet safety standards — as assessed by the health regulator. the care quality commission says maternity has the worst safety ratings of all hospital services it inspects. the government said maternity care was of the �*utmost importance'. the united states has voiced concern afterjordanian medics were wounded in shelling
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near their field hospital in gaza yesterday. the white house national security adviserjake sullivan called jordan a critical ally, and said its "essential role" in the conflict must be protected. live now to amman where we can speak to ayman safadi, jordan's deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs and expatriates. thank you for being with us. what more can you tell us about what happened at this field hospital? what happened yesterday about 5:30 local gaza time, a number of palestinians came rushing to the emergency entrance of the hospital. when our people went to start helping them, there was another attack that resulted in the injury of several of our own and the killing of palestinians. since then, today, the situation remains very,
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very terrible. israel has besieged hospital, its tanks are parked within 50 metres of the hospital, not allowing anybody in or out, so we have children 15 palestinians have taken shelter on the premise of our hospital, denied movement also our hospital, denied movement also our own people are not allowed to go to the storage to get supplies which is very near the hospital. a very difficult situation and there is no explanation for what israel has done or what they are still doing at the hospital. it is obligated by international law to allow medical facilities to operate. it is in violation of international law and this is another were crime to the many workarounds that israel continues to commit in gaza and tragically, with the whole world still unable to come up forcefully and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop- — and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop- as _ and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop. as you _ and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop. as you know, _ and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop. as you know, israel- and say, enough is enough. this work has to stop. as you know, israel has i has to stop. as you know, israel has not responded to specific age of this incident at the field hospital
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but they do maintain, as you know, that hamas keeps weapons, command centres in and around gaza's medical facilities. we are looking at pictures that they have supplied of evidence of that. do you know if there are any hamas links around this field hospital? that there are any hamas links around this field hospital?— this field hospital? that would be ridiculous if _ this field hospital? that would be ridiculous if such _ this field hospital? that would be ridiculous if such claims - this field hospital? that would be ridiculous if such claims were - this field hospital? that would be i ridiculous if such claims were made. israel cannot claim that there is a hamas centre by medical personnel so, absolutely this would be ridiculous even to entertain such an idea. we have been there since 2009 providing medical care and we have treated over 4 million people since then and over 4,000 since this war started. that me tell you something else, we had calls today from the sons of people who are held in a monastery about four kilometres from our hospital. 0ne doctor called us,
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pleading to help their family, our hospital. 0ne doctor called us, pleading to help theirfamily, his mum who are stuck with 400 other people in the church with no access to food and hospital. they are within four, hers from our hospital and he is saying, anybody who moves out is being shut out immediately. there is no justification of that and our hospital at the church, why would israel besiege people there? why wouldn't you that everybody who is moving there? this narrative of hamas is just ridiculous when it comes to our hospital and our church if such narrative is made. figs comes to our hospital and our church if such narrative is made.— if such narrative is made. as roman times only targets _ if such narrative is made. as roman times only targets hamas _ if such narrative is made. as roman times only targets hamas tenants. l times only targets hamas tenants. let me ask you about your country's stance when it comes to israel. 0n stance when it comes to israel. on monday, jordan's parliament voted to side with israel including a review of the 1994 peace treaty. what is your view on that? would you like to see that peace treaty come to an end? ~ ., see that peace treaty come to an end? ~ . , . , see that peace treaty come to an end? . _, , ., see that peace treaty come to an end? . , ., , end? what israel is doing is jeopardising _ end? what israel is doing is jeopardising peaceful- end? what israel is doing is - jeopardising peaceful relations. the
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peace treaty is there but does anybody believe that? the amount of anger this war is creating, we can really engage in economic or any other projects. we are about to continue to finish negotiations that would allow us to get israel energy in return for them giving us water. that deal is dead for now, nobody is talking about it so we will not be signing it. when the people are so outraged by what israel is doing, these will be documents collecting dust because nobody will be able to open that. in addition to killing 11,000 people in gaza, israel has also killed any public support or understanding with the need for peace. understanding with the need for eace. ,, ., ., ., , . , peace. the us national security adviser said _ peace. the us national security adviser said that _ peace. the us national security adviser said that jordan's - peace. the us national security adviser said that jordan's role l peace. the us national security| adviser said that jordan's role is adviser said thatjordan�*s role is critical and plays an essential role in the conflict. you said earlier this weekjordan is doing everything it can to bring an end to the war, can you tell it what you are doing and who you are talking to and who
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your possible partners for peace might be and what influence you may have? we might be and what influence you may have? ~ ., might be and what influence you may have? ~ . ., might be and what influence you may have? ~ . . , , have? we are engaging with everybody and our message _ have? we are engaging with everybody and our message is _ have? we are engaging with everybody and our message is to _ have? we are engaging with everybody and our message is to stop _ have? we are engaging with everybody and our message is to stop this - and our message is to stop this war... ~ , ., and our message is to stop this war... ~ and our message is to stop this war... ,_ war... when you say with everybody, are ou war... when you say with everybody, are you talking _ war... when you say with everybody, are you talking to _ war... when you say with everybody, are you talking to israel _ war... when you say with everybody, are you talking to israel and - war... when you say with everybody, are you talking to israel and hamas? | are you talking to israel and hamas? we keep channels, as no conversation with israel is at this point but there are channels because they have to talk on issues like protecting our hospital, ensuring that israel lives up to its responsibility, getting our supplies into gaza. 0bviously getting our supplies into gaza. obviously we are talking to the americans, europeans and one other example, the americans have told us that israel had agreed to allow 500 drugs to enter gaza with humanitarian aid. since of toba zist, humanitarian aid. since of toba 21st, the equivalent has entered so israel is making a lot of claims, making a lot of announcements what
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it is doing again isjust dragging the whole thing into an environment of hate and anger that would not allow for any peaceful situations to go on at this point. to claim that a hospital has military connections... let me ask you about your relationship with hamas. jordan distance itself with hamas, considered a terrorist organisation by many countries, you expelled the clinical representatives from jordan in 1999. do you have any contact with them now? we in1999. do you have any contact with them now?— in 1999. do you have any contact with them now? ~ . . ., , with them now? we have channels with eve bod with them now? we have channels with everybody that — with them now? we have channels with everybody that are _ with them now? we have channels with everybody that are dictated _ with them now? we have channels with everybody that are dictated by - with them now? we have channels with everybody that are dictated by the - everybody that are dictated by the need to talk to everyone, to be able to work out a way out of this misery. to work out a way out of this mise . ~ ., to work out a way out of this mise . ~ . . ., to work out a way out of this mise .~ . . ., misery. what influence are you brin . in: misery. what influence are you bringing to _ misery. what influence are you bringing to bear _ misery. what influence are you bringing to bear on _ misery. what influence are you bringing to bear on them? - misery. what influence are you bringing to bear on them? i - misery. what influence are you l bringing to bear on them? i think the influence _ bringing to bear on them? i think the influence needs _ bringing to bear on them? i think the influence needs to _ bringing to bear on them? i think the influence needs to be - bringing to bear on them? i think| the influence needs to be exerted now is on israel. they are the ones continuing with the war. they have to stop this war. 0nce continuing with the war. they have to stop this war. once this work stops, we could all come together and see what can be done to mixer the region never has this misery
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again. our priority now is to stop the war, stop the killing of innocent palestinians, stop the destruction of hospitals and breaking international law. israel launched this _ breaking international law. israel launched this war _ breaking international law. israel launched this war on _ breaking international law. israel launched this war on hamas - breaking international law. israel launched this war on hamas and | launched this war on hamas and october seven in response to that 0ctober seven in response to that group's infiltration into israel in which more than 1,200 people were killed, over 240 taken hostage. do you condemn hamas's actions? we did condemn the — you condemn hamas's actions? we did condemn the silly _ you condemn hamas's actions? we did condemn the silly killings _ you condemn hamas's actions? we did condemn the silly killings but - condemn the silly killings but israel, did it condemn the killings or is it taking action... i israel, did it condemn the killings or is it taking action. . ._ or is it taking action... i have soken or is it taking action... i have spoken to — or is it taking action... i have spoken to representatives i or is it taking action... i have l spoken to representatives who or is it taking action... i have - spoken to representatives who have spoken to representatives who have spoken of regret of any civilian is being killed. what do you suggest israel should do now as it tries to deal with this threat to itself from hamas, considered as a terrorist organisation, that your country jordan hosted for some years but
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kicked out in 1999, would you suggest they should do, that hamas, which rules gaza right now, has committed under its charter to the destruction of the as date? israeli destruction of the as date? israel is sa in: destruction of the as date? israel is saying it _ destruction of the as date? israel is saying it is _ destruction of the as date? israel is saying it is destroying - destruction of the as date? israel is saying it is destroying gaza, i is saying it is destroying gaza, turning it into rubble. 1.6 million displaced. i think has an obligation to respect international law. the right to self—defence does not mean the right to kill civilian peoples. how many palestinians have to die before israel says, that is enough. we have got to a stage now where is looking like ugly. israel says it once to wipe hamas out, it is wiping the population of gaza out. that has to stop and we have to get our priorities right. we have been working for decades to bring peace
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and security to all of the people in the region, including israel and the palestinians, but israel has paid lip service to the two state solution. look at what is happening in the west bank right now, almost 200 people killed. is the self defence? we reject the argument this is self defence. we look at the facts on the ground and they are telling us that civilian people, women and children, are being killed. ., , ., women and children, are being killed. ., i. , ., .,, killed. let me ask you, israel has said that as _ killed. let me ask you, israel has said that as the _ killed. let me ask you, israel has said that as the hostages - killed. let me ask you, israel has said that as the hostages are i said that as the hostages are released, there strikes and monetary operations in gaza will certainly cease, and they say hamas has the power to bring this to an end right now if they release those hostages. when you talk about channels of keen occasion with hamas, are you urging them to release those hostages and do you agree that it is one then their power to certainly bring some
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kind of temporary truce to the table? ~ ., �* ., . table? we don't have direct links with hamas _ table? we don't have direct links with hamas over— table? we don't have direct links with hamas over this _ table? we don't have direct links with hamas over this issue i table? we don't have direct links with hamas over this issue but . table? we don't have direct linksl with hamas over this issue but we support egypt's and everything they are trying to do. our understanding is that we came to close and then the negotiations fell apart. based on your own reporting, we came very close in the discussion is now over how many days of humanitarian should be allowed for this operation to happen. we absolutely support the release of civilians, that is something we stood by day one but again, what is happening is that israel cannot continue to link stopping the killing of palestinian civilians to the release of hostages. there is no ground for that linkage right now. negotiations over these hostages should continue and it should come to a conclusion that we all want, which is the release of those civilians, but meanwhile israel cannot take the
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whole population of gaza hostage until that happens. we whole population of gaza hostage until that happens.— whole population of gaza hostage until that happens. we do appreciate our time, until that happens. we do appreciate your time, thank _ until that happens. we do appreciate your time, thank you _ until that happens. we do appreciate your time, thank you for _ until that happens. we do appreciate your time, thank you forjoining i until that happens. we do appreciate your time, thank you forjoining us. i the former british prime minister, david cameron, has held talks with president zelensky in kyiv, on his first official trip as foreign secretary. lord cameron said he wanted ukraine to be his first destination in his new role, to which he was appointed by the british prime minister rishi sunak on monday. for more, here's our correspondent james waterhouse in kyiv. this was a surprise meeting. david cameron, as you say, told president zelensky he wanted ukraine to be his first official visit and these are friendly soils shall we say for a british minister. why? well, the uk is seen as one of ukraine's staunchest allies and the former prime minister, borisjohnson, who was in charge during the full—scale invasion, who was a... instructed his government to supply several, well endless
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military aid to ukraine. i think that is why lord cameron referenced his successor borisjohnson, saying we disagreed on this things, but support for ukraine was one of the finest things that his government did. it is interesting when david cameron was prime minister, that was in 2014, when russia embarked on this campaign of aggression against ukraine and the uk and other western allies chose to instead impose sanctions on russia, to condemn the actions of vladimir putin when he annexed crimea. i wonder what he thinks now, being back in the country, as it is on the receiving end of a full—scale invasion. nevertheless this was a very warm meeting. mr cameron presumably flew into poland and then took a plane.
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no press conference. we were not able to ask questions. but what volodymyr zelensky would have been listening for was the world continuation, the continued support as david cameron put it as in terms of economic and military support that he said the uk will continue to provide. that will be some comfort to ukraine amidsts continuing political turmoil on the issue of support for ukraine among some allies. president biden has described his talks with the chinese leader, xijinping, as their most productive discussions yet. mr biden said they agreed to resume high level military—to—military communications. he said �*clear and direct contact�* was necessary to avoid accidents or misunderstandings. 0ur north america correspondent gary 0'donoghue reports from san francisco. it's the first time in a year these two men have even spoken, let alone meet face—to—face.
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they spent around four hours together, discussing everything from taiwan and technology, to ukraine and the war in the middle east. it's the first time in a year these two men have even spoken, both sides agreed to resume high—level communications between the two militaries. and china agreed to crack down on chemicals used to make the opioid fentanyl, the biggest killer of young americans. after the meeting, chinese state media said president xi had told his counterpart planet earth was big enough for both countries to succeed, and that conflict and confrontation would be unbearable for both sides. translation: if we see each other as the primary competitor, - the most consequential challenge of geopolitics and a pressing threat, this will lead to misinformed policies, misguided actions and unwanted results. china is ready to be a partner and friend of the united states. at the press conference afterwards, joe biden was asked if he trusted president xi. do i trust you?
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i trust but verify, as that old saying goes. that's where i am. at times, he read from prepared briefing cards, but off script he was more forthright about president xi. reporter (indistinct): do you still refer to president xi as a dictator? it's a term that you used earlier this year... - well, look, he is. i mean, he's a dictator in the sense that he... some advisors won't have liked that one bit. translation: such a remark is i extremely wrong and is irresponsible political manipulation. china firmly objects to this. the meeting is in itself a sign of improving relations, but what really counts is what comes next. and events can easily derail progress. gary 0'donoghue, bbc news, san francisco. stay with us here on bbc news. hello. last night was the coldest night of the autumn so far.
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in northern scotland temperatures dropped below minus seven celsius, with some fog patches, too. but that is where we've seen some of the best of the sunshine today. whereas further south, this hook of cloud, which was named storm frederico by the french weather service, has brought some rain and some brisk winds in the far south of england and the channel islands. that is now clearing away south—eastwards. we do have this frontal system pushing in from the west, some outbreaks of rain with that. but actually quite a lot of dry weather as we end the afternoon and head into the evening. and then overnight, this band of cloud and rain will make some further progress eastwards. some showers following on behind. in the north east of scotland, if we hold on to clear skies once again, we will see some fog patches developing. temperatures again dropping well below freezing. and actually it is going to be a chilly night for many of us. a chilly start to friday morning. friday is going to be a quieter day. still a few residual weather fronts in the mix to start the day. but broadly speaking, this brief and quite weak ridge of high pressure will be just about in charge. so, yes, a bit of cloud to start
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off in eastern parts, a few showers out towards the west, but a decent amount of dry weather, some spells of sunshine, the winds relatively light. temperatures north to south, 6 to 13 degrees. and then a band of cloud and rain pushing into the south west of england later in the day. that rain will make some progress northwards and eastwards across the south west of england, wales, northern ireland. some other western parts turning wet as we head deeper into the evening and as we get into the start of the weekend, well, this frontal system drives eastwards. outbreaks of rain with that, low pressure firmly in charge for the weekend. but with south westerly winds, it is going to be mild. with that, though, we'll see quite a lot of rain, wet weather for many of us to start saturday morning. and even as the main rain band clears, we will see a mix of sunny spells and hefty, blustery, perhaps thundery showers. some strong winds — strongest winds likely to be in northern and northeastern parts. we could see gales in places and temperatures for most of us in double digits. in fact, cardiff and plymouth could get to 16 degrees, very mild for the time of year.
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into sunday further showers or longer spells of rain, the strongest winds this time across western and south western parts. there will be some spells of sunshine and still mild, just about all of us up into double digits.
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this is bbc news, the headlines.
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the bbc goes inside gaza's largest hospital to see —


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