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tv   Newscast  BBC News  March 31, 2023 1:30am-2:01am BST

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we have been last few minutes, we have been getting reports on the new york times that donald trump is likely to appear in turn himself in next tuesday. we have been reporting on the bbc with my colleagues in washington that that was likely to happen sometime next week. at new information coming in from the new york times. when we get more details i will bring them to you. earlier, i spoke to richard painter, he talked through the legal implications of the case for us. it's actually quite serious. new york city is one of the world's financial capital than it will not remain so if it becomes a money laundromat or places where people can falsify financial records to conceal crimes elsewhere, whether it is a violation of federal election
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law in the united states or trying to conceal bribery in london or anywhere else, if you falsify a financial record in new york, in order to commit a crime to conceal a crime somewhere else, that is a felony in new york and new york has the right and the obligation to protect integrity of its financial system by prosecuting crimes like this, whether they are committed by the banks or by former presidents of the united states. so this is a serious crime, it was committed a while back, in 2016, but alvin bragg, the da, is right to pursue this and to file this indictment. i would emphasise this is by far not as most serious crime but donald trump probably committed. he has expulsion of sedition and insurrection, crimes underfederal sedition and insurrection, crimes under federal law, but he could be indicted by the united states department of justice when the special counseljack smith wraps up his investigation and those crimes would disqualify him from
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public office, ever having public office, ever having public office, ever having public office again in the united states. he also has pending investigations done at fulton county georgia for solicitation of election fraud, which is a felony in georgia and donald trump may very well be indicted down there. so this is just the first of several potential indictments against the former president. figs potential indictments against the former president.- the former president. as you point out. — the former president. as you point out, there's _ the former president. as you point out, there's still- the former president. as you point out, there's still so - point out, there's still so much that we don't know but what you're saying about york, that point well taken, given the fact that falsifying business records is illegal in new york. what are you expecting from a legal perspective to take place over the next few days, how the legal process may play out? there's an arraignment and, where the defendant is notified of the charges and pleads guilty or not guilty. the former president will certainly plead not guilty. when bail is arranged. and he would post bail. and be allowed to return
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to florida, although the court may say that he has to remain in the state of new york. that has to be sorted out. and then, they would have pre—trial discovery and go through the process and how the trial, you know, sometime within the next year. of course, donald trump may want to put that off and tried to delay a trial to get as far as he can on the track towards the republican nomination so there's going to be some back and forth over the scheduling of the trial. the defendant has the right to a speedy trial in the united states but defendants have sometimes got away with putting the trial down the road a little bit. but for personal convenience reasons and so forth, and i wouldn't be surprised to see donald trump try that. and once again, he does have exposure to other criminal charges in the state of georgia and from the united states department ofjustice that are even more serious than this so we have yet to see how this so we have yet to see how this plays out. figs this so we have yet to see how this plays out-— this plays out. as you point out, this plays out. as you point out. still. _ this plays out. as you point out, still, the _
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this plays out. as you point out, still, the details - this plays out. as you point out, still, the details of - this plays out. as you point| out, still, the details of this coming through and in terms of how this might play out going forward, is already generated so much reaction from both sides of the political spectrum, particularly from the republicans, obviously, with many calling this, amongst them donald trump himself, political persecution and electoral interference and i know this is a legal issue we are looking at here but impossible to separate the politics from all of this, of course, given the state of us politics these days. what do you think the reaction may be, if you can speak to that, from the republican base to this case? ., . , case? unfortunately, we live in this post-modern _ case? unfortunately, we live in this post-modern world - case? unfortunately, we live in this post-modern world where l this post—modern world where some people think there is no such thing as objective truth and kellyanne conway, advisor to president trump stood on the white house lawn and talked about alternative facts that my narrative is as good as yours and everything is about politics, if you have too much of that, democracy disintegrates and it can turn
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into a totalitarian state so hopefully, we are going to have a majority of american people focus on the law and the facts. now, that being said, i do think it is unfortunate that this charge was the first to be filed against the former president. it's a strong case but it is by far not the most serious charge. insurrection and sedition, the charges connected with january six, resonate a lot more powerfully with american people. that was an attempt to overthrow the united states government, to overturn a democratic election. and i hope that the department ofjustice, they've had over two years to sort out their investigation and can figure out who ought to be prosecuted and that may very well include the former president in connection with that, but what didn't just connection with that, but what didn'tjust go up to the capital on their own, there was certainly encouragement on the way —— that mob. with her the whole story from the january six health committee and i
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believe the department of justice does have to take action —— house committee. we've been speaking we are looking at pictures as well of what i believe is not too far away from donald trump's mar—a—lago estate and what we can see there, of course, are some supporters, just two at the moment, i believe, mouth screens getting ready for what appears to be some kind of show of support for donald trump. we think caulking microphone we've been talking of course from it's impossible to separate the politics from what's going on in everyday life in america these days, particularly when it comes to a court case, it comes to an unprecedented case like this and the fact it has to do with donald trump and you are saying moments ago that this is not the most serious of the charges and that is unfortunate, in your view, that this is the one they are going ahead with first. talk us through what you think that decision was made all the process when it comes to the other legal issues for donald trump. other legal issues for donald trum -. �* other legal issues for donald trum. �* �* . trump. alvin bragg, the manhattan _
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trump. alvin bragg, the manhattan district - trump. alvin bragg, the - manhattan district attorney, can only prosecute crimes under the laws of new york. and this is clearly a crime in the state of new york, as explained with the falsification of financial records to conceal another crime. but it did happen a while back in connection with the 2016 election. and everybody understands the grave danger the united states was in in january of 2021 when danger the united states was in injanuary of 2021 when there was an invasion of the capitol and attempt to overthrow the united states government, sedition, insurrection and donald trump clearly encouraged that. and he also planned to pressure the justice that. and he also planned to pressure thejustice department to declare the election illegal and even talked about sending the military into seas develop boxes. that's a coup. we've seen that in a whole bunch of countries around the world. we have not seen a successful self coup in the united states but we came very close injanuary of 2021. and we really need to
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get the justice department to get the justice department to get out on that. what you don't want to do is swing and miss when prosecuting a political leader who has authoritarian and insurrectionist tendencies. and even if you get a conviction, if you don't get a serious enough conviction so that you can pose a sufficient sentence to disqualify from public office, he entire trial into a political circus where he is the hero for his base. and that is very dangerous, and that can propel him to office again with an even more authoritarian bent and that's what we want to avoid in the united states.— united states. right, yeah. richard, just _ united states. right, yeah. richard, just to _ united states. right, yeah. richard, just to say - united states. right, yeah. richard, just to say of - united states. right, yeah. i richard, just to say of course the people who support donald trump, american voters in an american democracy who support donald trump and they support him for a variety of reasons, what they are watching tonight, as they've expressed and what they've been saying across social media as well as their
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comments, is that this appears to be a persecution from electoral interference, going after donald trump yet again and i wonder whether, in your capacity as the former chief white house ethics lawyer for presidents george w bush and in your capacity as a law professor as well, if you can speak to that, the divisiveness within american society today, the fact that when something like this comes up, there is a sort of instantaneous reaction from both sides where it is impossible at some level to actually look at the case and the facts at hand and instead, people are now very much focused on the politics of all of this. ~ ., of this. well, i would emphasise _ of this. well, i would emphasise that - of this. well, i would emphasise that the l of this. well, i would - emphasise that the white of this. well, i would _ emphasise that the white house staff and the ethics lecturers, and i gave a lot of them to the white house staff and several after the indictment of the vice president's chief of staff scooter libby, bush ordered all of the staff to attend ethics lectures, dealing with handling classified information and
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everything else, and one of the things i made very clear back then in 2005 is if you commit a crime, you are going to be prosecuted like anybody else and in the united states, no person is above the law. nobody. and the law is what determines who is indicted and who is not and i know this idea that somehow everything boils down to politics. and that all law is politics and that is pushed by the far left and the critical theory and all that. and all law is politics has been pushed by the far right. and that's an old theme. that's what carl schmidt in germany, the political philosopher in the political philosopher in the 1920s and 30s, was saying and the concept of the political. it is all politics. it's just about political struggle. and hejoined the nazi party in 1933 and we see exactly what that mode of thinking leads a country. it destroys democracy. and that's what happened with the trial in the beer hall porch with a try to overthrow the government and then they put hitler and his
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cronies on trial and were convicted but they only got a couple years in the slammer and out they were —— putsch. and they were heroes of the extreme right and we need to make up our minds in the united states of do we want to be a and stay a democracy as we've been for over 200 years? or do we want to go down the road where everything is about politics and about power and there's no such thing as the rule of law. and so, that's the decision were going to have to make in the next couple years and i believe it will come out on the side of the rule of law. richard painter, former chief white house ethics lawyer for president george w bush and now a law professor at the university of minnesota, talking us through the implications, the legal implications, the legal implications, i should say, of what has happened today with the unprecedented indictment from donald trump, becoming the first, united states president to criminal charges. i want to show you the scene right outside, as i understand it, mar—a—lago, where donald trump's residencies and you can
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see the small but growing group of supporters in the last hour that we've been reporting on this story, we've seen the number grew from just two initially to now a few more people, standing out there. it's in the evening now. you can see it's gone dark and people are holding out flames of support for donald trump. it is very much that republican base that we've been talking about with analyst and political observers tonight, many of whom have already expressed their sentiments that they see this case, this indictment, as persecution, electoral interference. it's the base that anthony zurcher my colleague was recording before reporting on earlier that the kind of people he meets at rallies that donald trump holds who are likely to be very angry about the events of today. earlier ice too to sweet. she works at the chicago sun tribune and she explained this isn't the first time that donald trump has made history amongst former presidents. the
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significance _ amongst former presidents. tue: significance isn't amongst former presidents. tte: significance isn'tjust amongst former presidents. t'te: significance isn'tjust he amongst former presidents. tte: significance isn'tjust he is the first former president to be indicted, is also the first twice impeached president to be, to go on to have a criminal indictment. it is also the first former president criminally indicted who is twice impeached who is the frontrunner for the 2024 republican presidential nomination. so, there's a lot of things going on right now thatis of things going on right now that is going to happen very quickly in the american base for the president or republican side than there is the investigation itself than there is, as your colleague said, the mugshot that will be viewed all over the world.— over the world. lynn, it's worth pointing _ over the world. lynn, it's worth pointing out, - over the world. lynn, it's worth pointing out, as. over the world. lynn, it's| worth pointing out, as we over the world. lynn, it's - worth pointing out, as we have beenin worth pointing out, as we have been in our reporting, of course, that mr trump has previously denied any connection to this and deny the allegations, of course, and
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also wonder, asgari was saying just now of potential death and destruction as if these charges were to go ahead to what is the reaction you are expecting from his supporters ——as gary was saying. his supporters --as gary was sa inc. ~ . his supporters --as gary was sa in. _ . ., , ., his supporters --as gary was sa in. ., ., saying. we have some reaction alread . saying. we have some reaction already- my — saying. we have some reaction already. my inbox _ saying. we have some reaction already. my inbox is _ saying. we have some reaction already. my inbox is piling - saying. we have some reaction already. my inbox is piling up. | already. my inbox is piling up. we know that some of the people running or thinking of running for president of the united states, former vice president mike pence, former governor ron desantis, nikki haley, they are all trying to discredit the investigation. that's the angle they are taking. 0ne investigation. that's the angle they are taking. one thing to watch for is if any leading republican just says that and indicted bottom president should not run for president, he should step aside. —— former president. step one, you can see it coming, discredit the investigation. i have the young republicans of new york put out a statement already, saying
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that it was a pile of radical figures who were going after the former president. but then on your point, we know that on january six, people came to the capitol because president trump asked them to and he said it would be wild. he's been all but saying, come and demonstrate on my behalf in new york, which is why there is all these security measures being taken. and that will be closely watched because if it happened once onjanuary six, there is no way to know, given all the circumstances, and knowing the power that president trump has to be persuasive and rally his supporters, there is no way to know if this is going to happen again. tn know if this is going to happen aaain. , ., , ., know if this is going to happen aaain. , ., ~ ., again. in terms of, you know, our again. in terms of, you know, your political— again. in terms of, you know, your political reporting - your political reporting career, when you look at something like this happening, the precedents that it sets, or
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the precedents that it sets, or the unusual case that has come to light in the character of donald trump himself, just to reflect on that, if you don't mind. . ~ reflect on that, if you don't mind. ., ~' ,, reflect on that, if you don't mind. ., ~ i. ., reflect on that, if you don't mind. ., ~ ., ., mind. thank you for asking me that because _ mind. thank you for asking me that because every _ mind. thank you for asking me that because every time - mind. thank you for asking me that because every time i - mind. thank you for asking me that because every time i think that, in covering the trump presidency, you think you have hit the bottom, you think you are at the basement, that somebody was impeached once wouldn't survive. and then you find they have survived a second impeachment, buses or listeners must know and you've been reporting, there are other investigations going on against him right now two. in terms of the profound number investigations, the one central figure in the united states, you may well be a nominee again and 2—way may well be a president again, it's stunning in its red and depth of what is
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happening in our country right now. tn happening in our country right now. , ., ., , ~' , now. in terms of what is likely to happen _ now. in terms of what is likely to happen in _ now. in terms of what is likely to happen in the _ now. in terms of what is likely to happen in the coming - now. in terms of what is likely to happen in the coming days, in terms of the legal process, what can you tell us about that? ., ., that? you go in the united states and _ that? you go in the united states and if _ that? you go in the united states and if all _ that? you go in the united states and if all these - that? you go in the united i states and if all these reports are true, which they all seem to be, he will be brought to new york. he will have to be charged, fingerprinted, all the things your colleague talked about, because one of the things, i hope we can pay attention to as we follow this story, we say in america, no—one is above the law. a lot of people get charged every day for crimes and get accused of things. some of them are found innocent by the process is the same for everyone. and maybe the one courtesy that trump may get is to avoid, maybe could be brought into the courthouse in a more private way so people
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don't see him or hear doesn't have to what do x mackie doesn't have to do what they call a perp walk in new york so you might get some minor courtesies but the process is the same for everyone when you're accused of a state or federal. �* ,., ,., , federal. indeed, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean _ federal. indeed, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to _ federal. indeed, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to cut _ federal. indeed, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to cut you - federal. indeed, i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off. i didn't mean to cut you off butjust picking up on that point, as you pointed out, it is the same law for everyone, if you're a former president or an ordinary person on the street and i wonder whether —— wonder whether can i ask you to reflect on the presidential process, we are in the midst of coming up to that election season, there has been heated debate on both sides of the political aisles. what does this mean in terms of those implications?— this mean in terms of those implications? president trump is already on — implications? president trump is already on the _ implications? president trump is already on the attack- is already on the attack against one of the perceived
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frontrunners who haven't nominated yet, governor desantis of florida. now he is back on social media he has been non—stop in attacking the manhattan district attorney but also trying to take down the florida governor. 0ne also trying to take down the florida governor. one of the things we're going to be watching for is, how long i just go, just saying this is, just go, just saying this is, just being critical and trying to talk down the investigation without getting to the controversies that swell around trump and say it's time to move on. we are in march of 2023 and so far, to the observers who wander our strongest trump, the answer is pretty strong because very few, i can't think of another political figure in the united states who could survive in such a strong way as trump
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card. ., ., , in such a strong way as trump card. ., .,, . .,, ., card. that was washington bureau chief _ card. that was washington bureau chief for _ card. that was washington bureau chief for the - card. that was washington | bureau chief for the chicago sun tribute expect chicago sun tribune lynn sweet there. talking about some of the steps in the days and weeks ahead. i want to point you to the bbc website because we are running what is called a live page, which is the latest updates and develop once on this unprecedented moment in american political history, the breaking news coming out of the united states, with donald trump becoming the first former united states president to face criminal charges. that case relating to alleged hush money as we been reporting, payments to an adult entertainer before the 2016 election. lots of insight, analysis, including reports from our correspondent that we spoke to earlier on newsday has been looking at what happens if trump is indeed arrested. we can speak to
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another correspondent to has been coming covering this. bbc correspondent nomia iqbal. this is something you have been turning your attention to four weeks now. your thoughts on what has happened today? tt’s what has happened today? it's the words _ what has happened today? tt�*s the words we have been using ground, unprecedented, no blueprint for this happening before. no us president in history has been charged this way. we've been expecting something like this for some time. there were some reports the grand jury would be back after a break in april, people were expecting it to happen but then we were told it could take a bit longer and it happened tonight. it's an unprecedented story and all the reaction coming in. iwant
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story and all the reaction coming in. i want to point out, reaction we've not heard from is from donald trump was back successor. resident biden is being really careful in avoiding talking about any of this. i don't think there is any blueprint for how a sitting president should react to his predecessor facing president should react to his predecessorfacing being charged with a crime and his approach so far has been silent. presumably doesn't want to get drawn into the scrum that we are now seeing happen. as you point out, weather reports first came out, journalists were not expecting that to happen, anticipating the story, as you have been for some time now. but very quickly, information came through confirming those reports and then we did hear from the former president, donald trump himself, who is called this political persecution and electoral interference. and know from your reporting on the political
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scene in the united states, this kind of rhetoric we've heard from donald trump before, but what do you think the reaction is likely to be further afield amongst donald trump supporters who we are seeing, some of them gathering outside mar—a—lago estate tonight? outside mar-a-lago estate toni . ht? , outside mar-a-lago estate toniaht? , ., ., ., , outside mar-a-lago estate toniaht? ., ., , tonight? they are totally loyal tonight? they are totally loyal to him. tonight? they are totally loyal to him- yes. _ tonight? they are totally loyal to him. yes, he's _ tonight? they are totally loyal to him. yes, he's been - tonight? they are totally loyal to him. yes, he's been using. to him. yes, he's been using that phrase political persecution. the last couple of weeks since we heard about this potential indictment, but also is being using that throughout his presidency. it is always accused those who are critical of him, lots of investigations going on into him as well as we know. investigations involving january six riots, allegations of trying to overturn the election, and he's always used that phrase, political persecution, witch—hunt. it was a very long statement that he released, he said it was a witch—hunt and his lawyer said he didn't commit any crime and
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they would fight it in court. stormy daniels lawyer has responded, she has not tweeted anything but a lawyer said the prosecution was no cause for j°y prosecution was no cause for joy and no—one is above the law. in terms of his supporters, donald trump supporters, donald trump supporters are already very loyal to him. supporters are already very loyalto him. i supporters are already very loyal to him. i don't think this necessarily changes anything for them. i think the big question is, does it bring him any new voters. as far as the republican nomination for the republican nomination for the presidency goes, that is what will be interesting to see, after the fbi raid on his mar—a—lago home last year, there was a boost among republicans and republican voters, so we will see what happens there. as far as the presidency itself goes, it's almost hard to predict that. i think in terms of if you could win the race, or get the nomination, right now, generally the view is it could
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be used is support amongst a lot of his voters already, and really rile up his base. which he's been doing, since we got news this indictment was coming. news this indictment was cominu. ., ., coming. nomia iqbal in washington _ coming. nomia iqbal in washington dc- coming. nomia iqbal in washington dc for- coming. nomia iqbal in washington dc for us, | coming. nomia iqbal in - washington dc for us, keeping us up—to—date on the latest lines coming through on donald trump this evening. i know you're going to be very busy but thank you forjoining us in the programme. i want to remind you of the unprecedented breaking news we've been reporting for you all day on bbc news, the fact that the former us president donald trump has been charged the grand jury. and he is called the political persecution and dental and election appearance. much more on the bbc website. but for now, i am karishma vaswani, thank you forjoining
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us. hello there. thursday turned out to be the warmest day of the year so far, with temperatures in suffolk reaching highs of 17.8 celsius, very close to 18 degrees. but while there were some spells of sunshine, there were also some hefty downpours. and we're starting friday with, actually, some more persistent rain swirling around this area of low pressure. now, this has been named by the french weather service. it's been named storm martis for the strength of the winds in the north of france. but it is also bringing some very strong winds through the english channel affecting the channel islands, southern coasts of england, even into the south coast of wales. gusts of 50, 60, 70mph as we start friday morning with some outbreaks of heavy and persistent rain. that rain really lingering through the day across the south—west of england, even as the winds slowly ease for the south—east of england, east anglia, the midlands, parts of wales will see
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some hefty showers. northern england and eastern scotland, quite cloudy with a bit of rain at times. some bright skies for western scotland and northern ireland, but with some showers as well. not quite as warm as it was on thursday — generally 8—13 celsius. and then, as we head through friday night, well, this band of rain stays quite stubbornly across western parts of the uk, a lot of cloud filtering into eastern areas as well. not a particularly cold night, temperatures generally between 3—9 celsius. so, into saturday, quite a messy weather picture. this area of low pressure's still fairly close by. a couple of different weather systems bringing a focus for some outbreaks of rain. we will have this band of rain likely to affect parts of northern ireland, wales and the south of england as we go through saturday. further east, a lot of clouds, some spots of rain with that and quite a brisk breeze, meaning that for parts of eastern scotland and north—east england, it will feel really rather cool, in fact, quite chilly. and even further inland and further west, it is going to be cooler than it has been. now, as we get into the second
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half of the weekend, low pressure loses its influence and high pressure starts to build, and that means we'll have lighter winds for the most part on sunday, a little bit breezy in the south—east corner. there should also be less cloud and more in the way of sunshine. and aside from a few showers, most places will be dry, but still a little cooler than it has been — highs of 9—12 celsius.
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welcome to bbc news. i'm lisa—marie misztak. our top stories: donald trump becomes the first former us president to face criminal charges. he's indicted after a probe into money paid to an adult entertainer. the former leader will be charged in new york over alleged hush money given to stormy daniels just before the 2016 presidential election. mr trump, who's running to be president again in 2024, has called the charges a "political persecution" and "election interference" at the highest level in history. the oscar—winning actress gwyneth paltrow wins a us lawsuit after being sued over a skiing collision in utah seven years ago.


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