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tv   Dateline London  BBC News  April 24, 2021 11:30am-12:00pm BST

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discuss is a portuguesejournalist and geoff mcallister. in the studio, clive myrie. good to have all of you here with us. by the timejoe biden reaches his 100th day as president next week, he will have delivered his first state of the union address and met some key targets on covid vaccination that he set himself. it was a historian look at frank and rose lavelle�*s dynamic entry into the white house in 1933 who coined the white house in 1933 who coined the phrase first 100 days. instead of a considered assessment years later, they have to put up with the instant verdict of the commentariat. is there anything we can say about the biden presidency at this stage? i remind the viewers that this is the one—year anniversary of trump suggesting that ultraviolet lights
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would be the solution is to covid. just by way of trying to recalibrate a more normal person in the white house who does not meet all the time and seems to be very serious. it is almost hard _ and seems to be very serious. it is almost hard for _ and seems to be very serious. it is almost hard for us _ and seems to be very serious. it 3 almost hard for us to readjust our brains to this. in fact he is a serious guy who has priorities that are interlinked and he is trying to make fast progress on them. he thinks the country has underinvested in itself for a long time, it has serious racial and income disparities and the solution to both of these problems is to invest. and that will solve climate change, it will solve inequality and racial disparity and put the country on a better footing. disparity and put the country on a betterfooting. so because of disparity and put the country on a better footing. so because of covid he has an opportunity. people now think of our government differently. he has a 2 trillion covid relief bill through. he has an
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infrastructure relief building bill through which he has put forward and which is going to be carved down. but so far, republican voters like it. republican politicians do not. but i think there is progress to be made there. he has a 54% approval rating, donald trump never broke 50. if you make some progress, if he gets things done in the old—fashioned way, some of the venom will be sucked out of politics, moderate voters will think the government is good for something and notjust something to throw bricks at. then he will be able to get through this very quick window of the elections coming up again, in american elections, which will fuel their democrats lose... he is trying to come out of the box fast and i think so far, so good. if is to come out of the box fast and i think so far, so good.— think so far, so good. if is the most powerful _
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think so far, so good. if is the most powerful word _ think so far, so good. if is the most powerful word in - think so far, so good. if is the most powerful word in these i think so far, so good. if is the - most powerful word in these things. they're big if that geoff is alluding to is congressional... he has got a comfortable majority in the house. joe biden is a hose who likes consensus, he has spent most of his career on congress, cutting deals. and he is dealing on the other side with a party that does not believe in cutting deals precisely because it's owned grass roots won't let it cut deals. then he has left in the democrat party thatis he has left in the democrat party that is saying 0bama tried that, the republicans will not play ball you are wasting time. it needs to be more radical and confrontational. how will he balance those two demands and pressures? i how will he balance those two demands and pressures? i think it is auoin to demands and pressures? i think it is going to be — demands and pressures? i think it is going to be very _ demands and pressures? i think it is going to be very difficult _ demands and pressures? i think it is going to be very difficult and - demands and pressures? i think it is going to be very difficult and i - going to be very difficult and i think— going to be very difficult and i think he — going to be very difficult and i think he is trying to make the most of the _ think he is trying to make the most of the time — think he is trying to make the most of the time and the momentum that he has and _ of the time and the momentum that he has and he _ of the time and the momentum that he has and he enjoys at the moment, and enjoys _ has and he enjoys at the moment, and enjoys in _ has and he enjoys at the moment, and enjoys in the _ has and he enjoys at the moment, and enjoys in the next two years. as you said, _ enjoys in the next two years. as you said. he _
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enjoys in the next two years. as you said. he is, — enjoys in the next two years. as you said, he is, joe biden is the famous washington — said, he is, joe biden is the famous washington fixer, he knows washington fixer, he knows washington inside out. but at the same _ washington inside out. but at the same time, he can also be quite impatient— same time, he can also be quite impatient with the lack of bipartisanship that has dominated american — bipartisanship that has dominated american politics, not only in the last four— american politics, not only in the last four years but for several decades _ last four years but for several decades. the massive deadlock that 0bama _ decades. the massive deadlock that 0bama faced an even before that. so it was_ 0bama faced an even before that. so it was really— 0bama faced an even before that. so it was really impossible. i think what _ it was really impossible. i think what he — it was really impossible. i think what he is _ it was really impossible. i think what he is counting on as geoff alluded — what he is counting on as geoff alluded in — what he is counting on as geoff alluded in his intervention, he is counting — alluded in his intervention, he is counting on popularity. addressing those _ counting on popularity. addressing those long—standing issues that have divided _ those long—standing issues that have divided america, that have contributed varied week economic and transport _ contributed varied week economic and transport infrastructure. measures that will— transport infrastructure. measures that will increase the potential of america — that will increase the potential of america to be a very strong trading partner— america to be a very strong trading partner so— america to be a very strong trading partner so the potential to claim a
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different— partner so the potential to claim a different kind of, not america first hatter _ different kind of, not america first batter patriotic economic quality. he is— batter patriotic economic quality. he is trying to get public opinion on his— he is trying to get public opinion on his side — he is trying to get public opinion on his side and like that, convince those _ on his side and like that, convince those republicans in the senate and the house _ those republicans in the senate and the house of representatives, to vote or— the house of representatives, to vote or support some of his measures. he has shown some moderation, he has changed some of his proposals mainly on the minimum wage, _ his proposals mainly on the minimum wage, and _ his proposals mainly on the minimum wage, and i_ his proposals mainly on the minimum wage, and i think he is ready to compromise on the issues which he thinks _ compromise on the issues which he thinks there — compromise on the issues which he thinks there is room. but i think also _ thinks there is room. but i think also very— thinks there is room. but i think also very adamant and i think it is also very adamant and i think it is a good _ also very adamant and i think it is a good image to say, well, these are things— a good image to say, well, these are things that _ a good image to say, well, these are things that we need to do and so watering — things that we need to do and so watering down this proposals will harm _ watering down this proposals will harm america. and so he knows as well that— harm america. and so he knows as well that this is a window of opportunity, very rear window of opportunity, very rear window of opportunity to do substantial change that america needs i think he will make _ that america needs i think he will make the — that america needs i think he will make the most of it, surprising all the sceptics about his ability to change — the sceptics about his ability to change america, including myself.
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clive myrie, let's look to more distant horizons. we learned on friday that he is coming to the uk, confirmed he will turn up to the g7 summit. and he is also then going on to a nato summit in brussels, this is in to a nato summit in brussels, this isinjune to a nato summit in brussels, this is injune this year. what kind of message is he trying to project, we had that announcement on afghanistan. we did not want that, the indication that we were faced with a 0phir company.— with a 0phir company. president biden is taking _ with a 0phir company. president biden is taking it _ with a 0phir company. president biden is taking it clear... - with a 0phir company. president biden is taking it clear... we - with a 0phir company. president. biden is taking it clear... we have seen _ biden is taking it clear... we have seen that— biden is taking it clear... we have seen that in— biden is taking it clear... we have seen that in a _ biden is taking it clear... we have seen that in a number— biden is taking it clear... we have seen that in a number of- biden is taking it clear... we have seen that in a number of key- biden is taking it clear... we have i seen that in a number of key areas. this week. — seen that in a number of key areas. this week. the _ seen that in a number of key areas. this week, the climate _ seen that in a number of key areas. this week, the climate change - this week, the climate change virtual— this week, the climate change virtual summit, _ this week, the climate change virtual summit, where - this week, the climate change virtual summit, where he - this week, the climate change virtual summit, where he said| virtual summit, where he said america — virtual summit, where he said america is— virtual summit, where he said america is not— virtual summit, where he said america is notjust _ virtual summit, where he said america is notjust going - virtual summit, where he said america is notjust going to l virtual summit, where he said| america is notjust going to be virtual summit, where he said . america is notjust going to be a bystander— america is notjust going to be a bystander in _ america is notjust going to be a bystander in this, _ america is notjust going to be a bystander in this, it _ america is notjust going to be a bystander in this, it will - america is notjust going to be a bystander in this, it will be - america is notjust going to be a bystander in this, it will be a - bystander in this, it will be a leader~ — bystander in this, it will be a leader~ we _ bystander in this, it will be a leader. we are _ bystander in this, it will be a leader. we are already - bystander in this, it will be a . leader. we are already hearing bystander in this, it will be a - leader. we are already hearing the likes of— leader. we are already hearing the likes of vladimir— leader. we are already hearing the likes of vladimir putin _ leader. we are already hearing the likes of vladimir putin who - leader. we are already hearing the likes of vladimir putin who is - likes of vladimir putin who is saying — likes of vladimir putin who is saying he _ likes of vladimir putin who is saying he is— likes of vladimir putin who is saying he is happy— likes of vladimir putin who is saying he is happy to - likes of vladimir putin who is saying he is happy to work i likes of vladimir putin who is . saying he is happy to work with likes of vladimir putin who is - saying he is happy to work with the west— saying he is happy to work with the west on— saying he is happy to work with the west on this — saying he is happy to work with the west on this issue. _ saying he is happy to work with the west on this issue. and _ saying he is happy to work with the west on this issue. and the -
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saying he is happy to work with the . west on this issue. and the japanese -- chinese _ west on this issue. and the japanese -- chinese saying _ west on this issue. and the japanese —— chinese saying he _ west on this issue. and the japanese —— chinese saying he will— west on this issue. and the japanese —— chinese saying he will too. - west on this issue. and the japanese —— chinese saying he will too. part i —— chinese saying he will too. part of the _ —— chinese saying he will too. part of the reasoning _ —— chinese saying he will too. part of the reasoning that _ —— chinese saying he will too. part of the reasoning that the - —— chinese saying he will too. part| of the reasoning that the president has been _ of the reasoning that the president has been able _ of the reasoning that the president has been able to _ of the reasoning that the president has been able to bring _ of the reasoning that the president has been able to bring around - of the reasoning that the presidentl has been able to bring around these figures _ has been able to bring around these figures has — has been able to bring around these figures has been _ has been able to bring around these figures has been the _ has been able to bring around these figures has been the steel— has been able to bring around these figures has been the steel in- has been able to bring around these figures has been the steel in his - figures has been the steel in his back— figures has been the steel in his back that — figures has been the steel in his back that eunice _ figures has been the steel in his back that eunice has _ figures has been the steel in his back that eunice has just - figures has been the steel in his back that eunice hasjust been l back that eunice hasjust been talking — back that eunice hasjust been talking about. _ back that eunice hasjust been talking about. he _ back that eunice hasjust been talking about. he is _ back that eunice hasjust been talking about. he is willing - back that eunice hasjust been talking about. he is willing toi back that eunice hasjust been i talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir— talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir putin _ talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir putin is _ talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir putin is a _ talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir putin is a killer. - talking about. he is willing to say that vladimir putin is a killer. he| that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed _ that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed with— that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed with that _ that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed with that assertion - that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed with that assertion in - that vladimir putin is a killer. he agreed with that assertion in the | agreed with that assertion in the interview— agreed with that assertion in the interview on _ agreed with that assertion in the interview on abc— agreed with that assertion in the interview on abc a _ agreed with that assertion in the interview on abc a few - agreed with that assertion in the interview on abc a few days - agreed with that assertion in the | interview on abc a few days ago. agreed with that assertion in the - interview on abc a few days ago. he has made _ interview on abc a few days ago. he has made it— interview on abc a few days ago. he has made it clear— interview on abc a few days ago. he has made it clear that— interview on abc a few days ago. he has made it clear that the _ interview on abc a few days ago. he has made it clear that the build—up. has made it clear that the build—up of troops _ has made it clear that the build—up of troops on — has made it clear that the build—up of troops on the _ has made it clear that the build—up of troops on the border _ has made it clear that the build—up of troops on the border with - has made it clear that the build—up. of troops on the border with ukraine and russia _ of troops on the border with ukraine and russia is— of troops on the border with ukraine and russia is completely— of troops on the border with ukraine and russia is completely out - of troops on the border with ukraine and russia is completely out of - and russia is completely out of order— and russia is completely out of order and — and russia is completely out of order and crosses _ and russia is completely out of order and crosses a _ and russia is completely out of order and crosses a red - and russia is completely out of order and crosses a red line. i order and crosses a red line. vladimir— order and crosses a red line. vladimir putin— order and crosses a red line. vladimir putin has— order and crosses a red line. vladimir putin has pulled - order and crosses a red line. i vladimir putin has pulled back order and crosses a red line. - vladimir putin has pulled back those troops _ vladimir putin has pulled back those troops to— vladimir putin has pulled back those troops to their — vladimir putin has pulled back those troops to their barracks _ vladimir putin has pulled back those troops to their barracks because - vladimir putin has pulled back those troops to their barracks because of. troops to their barracks because of the possibility— troops to their barracks because of the possibility of— troops to their barracks because of the possibility of a _ troops to their barracks because of the possibility of a summit - troops to their barracks because of the possibility of a summit with . the possibility of a summit with president — the possibility of a summit with president biden. _ the possibility of a summit with president biden. this— the possibility of a summit with president biden. this sort- the possibility of a summit with president biden. this sort of. the possibility of a summit with i president biden. this sort of steel that he _ president biden. this sort of steel that he is— president biden. this sort of steel that he is putting _ president biden. this sort of steel that he is putting forward - president biden. this sort of steel that he is putting forward is - president biden. this sort of steel. that he is putting forward is enough to make _ that he is putting forward is enough to make those _ that he is putting forward is enough to make those figures _ that he is putting forward is enough to make those figures in _ that he is putting forward is enough to make those figures in the - to make those figures in the international— to make those figures in the international community - to make those figures in the | international community who to make those figures in the - international community who perhaps believe _ international community who perhaps believe that _ international community who perhaps believe that america _ international community who perhaps believe that america was _ international community who perhaps believe that america was in _ international community who perhaps believe that america was in their- believe that america was in their eyes _ believe that america was in their eyes a _ believe that america was in their eyes a soft— believe that america was in their eyes a soft touch, _ believe that america was in their eyes a soft touch, and _ believe that america was in their eyes a soft touch, and a - believe that america was in their eyes a soft touch, and a spent. believe that america was in their. eyes a soft touch, and a spent force and those _ eyes a soft touch, and a spent force and those lines _ eyes a soft touch, and a spent force and those lines were _ eyes a soft touch, and a spent force
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and those lines were flexible, - eyes a soft touch, and a spent force and those lines were flexible, that i and those lines were flexible, that they could — and those lines were flexible, that they could basically _ and those lines were flexible, that they could basically cross - and those lines were flexible, that they could basically cross those i they could basically cross those lines _ they could basically cross those lines when _ they could basically cross those lines when they— they could basically cross those lines when they felt _ they could basically cross those lines when they felt like - they could basically cross those lines when they felt like it, - they could basically cross those i lines when they felt like it, those red lines — lines when they felt like it, those red lines are _ lines when they felt like it, those red lines are being _ lines when they felt like it, those red lines are being marked - lines when they felt like it, those red lines are being marked out. lines when they felt like it, those i red lines are being marked out very, very red lines are being marked out very, ve ry clearly — red lines are being marked out very, very clearly now _ red lines are being marked out very, very clearly now. and _ red lines are being marked out very, very clearly now. and i _ red lines are being marked out very, very clearly now. and i think- red lines are being marked out very, very clearly now. and i think that - very clearly now. and i think that is a very— very clearly now. and i think that is a very important— very clearly now. and i think that is a very important point. - very clearly now. and i think that is a very important point. going i is a very important point. going back— is a very important point. going back to — is a very important point. going back to what _ is a very important point. going back to what geoff— is a very important point. going back to what geoff singh - is a very important point. going back to what geoff singh and i is a very important point. going - back to what geoff singh and eunice has mentioned _ back to what geoff singh and eunice has mentioned this, _ back to what geoff singh and eunice has mentioned this, 54% _ back to what geoff singh and eunice| has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you _ has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have _ has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have got— has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have got the _ has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have got the public— has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have got the public with - has mentioned this, 54% popularity. if you have got the public with you, i if you have got the public with you, that will _ if you have got the public with you, that will help — if you have got the public with you, that will help you _ if you have got the public with you, that will help you in _ if you have got the public with you, that will help you in your _ that will help you in your governance, _ that will help you in your governance, whether- that will help you in your governance, whether it i that will help you in yourl governance, whether it is that will help you in your - governance, whether it is foreign that will help you in your _ governance, whether it is foreign or local policy — governance, whether it is foreign or local policy-— local policy. you mentioned being cau~ht -- local policy. you mentioned being caught -- like _ local policy. you mentioned being caught -- like calling _ local policy. you mentioned being caught -- like calling out - local policy. you mentioned beingj caught -- like calling out vladimir caught —— like calling out vladimir putin as a killer and he called out derek chauvin as a killer before the trial. some people said it was a misstep, it is a very sensitive issue. the nomination devotes —— debates, she went out and done wrong, your... is this area where he
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is going to tread carefully or is thatjury verdict in minneapolis made a significant difference. many people wanted to be a turning point but many are sceptical, whether that will be enough to change attitudes. 0r will be enough to change attitudes. or the day—to—day expense of black americans. it or the day-to-day expense of black americans. . or the day-to-day expense of black americans. , ., or the day-to-day expense of black americana-— americans. it is going to be difficult- — americans. it is going to be difficult. first _ americans. it is going to be difficult. first of— americans. it is going to be difficult. first of all, - americans. it is going to be i difficult. first of all, president biden— difficult. first of all, president biden is— difficult. first of all, president biden is white. _ difficult. first of all, president biden is white. he _ difficult. first of all, president biden is white. he is- difficult. first of all, president biden is white. he is not- difficult. first of all, president - biden is white. he is not hamstrung by he _ biden is white. he is not hamstrung by he a _ biden is white. he is not hamstrung by he a black— biden is white. he is not hamstrung by be a black man _ biden is white. he is not hamstrung by be a black man in _ biden is white. he is not hamstrung by be a black man in the _ biden is white. he is not hamstrung by be a black man in the way- biden is white. he is not hamstrung by be a black man in the way that. by be a black man in the way that president — by be a black man in the way that president 0bama _ by be a black man in the way that president 0bama was _ by be a black man in the way that president 0bama was in - by be a black man in the way that president 0bama was in dealing i by be a black man in the way that. president 0bama was in dealing with issues _ president 0bama was in dealing with issues of— president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race — president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race. so _ president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race. so he _ president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race. so he can— president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race. so he can talk- president 0bama was in dealing with issues of race. so he can talk to - issues of race. so he can talk to the sections _ issues of race. so he can talk to the sections of _ issues of race. so he can talk to the sections of society- issues of race. so he can talk to the sections of society that - issues of race. so he can talk to the sections of society that feel| the sections of society that feel that perhaps _ the sections of society that feel that perhaps if _ the sections of society that feel that perhaps if there _ the sections of society that feel that perhaps if there is- the sections of society that feel that perhaps if there is the - that perhaps if there is the wholesale _ that perhaps if there is the wholesale destruction- that perhaps if there is the wholesale destruction of. that perhaps if there is the - wholesale destruction of police departments _ wholesale destruction of police departments and _ wholesale destruction of police departments and the _ wholesale destruction of police - departments and the reorganisation of police _ departments and the reorganisation of police departments _ departments and the reorganisation of police departments in _ departments and the reorganisation of police departments in certain- of police departments in certain areas. — of police departments in certain areas. that— of police departments in certain areas, that this _ of police departments in certain areas, that this is _ of police departments in certain areas, that this is not _ of police departments in certain areas, that this is not going - of police departments in certain areas, that this is not going to. of police departments in certain. areas, that this is not going to be something — areas, that this is not going to be something that _ areas, that this is not going to be something that is _ areas, that this is not going to be something that is detrimental- areas, that this is not going to be something that is detrimental toi something that is detrimental to them _ something that is detrimental to them and — something that is detrimental to them. and that— something that is detrimental to them. and that it _ something that is detrimental to them. and that it benefits- something that is detrimental to them. and that it benefits the i something that is detrimental to l them. and that it benefits the rest of society— them. and that it benefits the rest of society if— them. and that it benefits the rest of society if a _ them. and that it benefits the rest of society if a large _ them. and that it benefits the rest of society if a large section - them. and that it benefits the rest of society if a large section of - them. and that it benefits the rest of society if a large section of the i of society if a large section of the population— of society if a large section of the population is— of society if a large section of the population is lifted _ of society if a large section of the population is lifted up— of society if a large section of the population is lifted up in- of society if a large section of the population is lifted up in the - of society if a large section of the population is lifted up in the eyes of the _ population is lifted up in the eyes of the law — population is lifted up in the eyes of the law we _ population is lifted up in the eyes of the law. we are _ population is lifted up in the eyes of the law. we are seeing - population is lifted up in the eyes of the law. we are seeing the - of the law. we are seeing the justice — of the law. we are seeing the justice department _ of the law. we are seeing the justice department go - of the law. we are seeing the justice department go into. of the law. we are seeing thei
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justice department go into the minneapolis— justice department go into the minneapolis police _ justice department go into the minneapolis police force - justice department go into the minneapolis police force and i justice department go into the i minneapolis police force and do justice department go into the . minneapolis police force and do a full audit— minneapolis police force and do a full audit of— minneapolis police force and do a full audit of what _ minneapolis police force and do a full audit of what has _ minneapolis police force and do a full audit of what has been - minneapolis police force and do a full audit of what has been going i minneapolis police force and do a . full audit of what has been going on there _ full audit of what has been going on there. president _ full audit of what has been going on there. president biden— full audit of what has been going on there. president biden has- full audit of what has been going on there. president biden has talked . there. president biden has talked tough _ there. president biden has talked tough on — there. president biden has talked tough on guns. _ there. president biden has talked tough on guns, which _ there. president biden has talked tough on guns, which is - there. president biden has talked tough on guns, which is a - there. president biden has talked tough on guns, which is a big - there. president biden has talked. tough on guns, which is a big issue within— tough on guns, which is a big issue within certain — tough on guns, which is a big issue within certain communities - tough on guns, which is a big issue within certain communities in- within certain communities in america _ within certain communities in america. there _ within certain communities in america. there is— within certain communities in america. there is a _ within certain communities in america. there is a sense - within certain communities ini america. there is a sense that within certain communities in- america. there is a sense that he can be _ america. there is a sense that he can be trusted. _ america. there is a sense that he can be trusted. perhaps - america. there is a sense that he can be trusted. perhaps the - america. there is a sense that he| can be trusted. perhaps the judge america. there is a sense that he i can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek— can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek chauvin _ can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek chauvin trial— can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek chauvin trial felt - can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek chauvin trial felt he - can be trusted. perhaps the judge in the derek chauvin trial felt he did i the derek chauvin trial felt he did io the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to— the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the — the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the top— the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the top when _ the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the top when he _ the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the top when he came - the derek chauvin trial felt he did go to the top when he came to i the derek chauvin trial felt he did i go to the top when he came to the comments — go to the top when he came to the comments he _ go to the top when he came to the comments he made _ go to the top when he came to the comments he made before - go to the top when he came to the comments he made before the - go to the top when he came to thel comments he made before the jury came _ comments he made before the jury came back— comments he made before the jury came back with _ comments he made before the jury came back with their _ comments he made before the jury came back with their guilty - came back with their guilty verdicts. _ came back with their guilty verdicts, but— came back with their guilty verdicts, but there - came back with their guilty verdicts, but there is - came back with their guilty verdicts, but there is a - came back with their guilty . verdicts, but there is a sense came back with their guilty - verdicts, but there is a sense that he is _ verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on _ verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on the — verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on the right— verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on the right side _ verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on the right side of- verdicts, but there is a sense that he is on the right side of the - he is on the right side of the argument _ he is on the right side of the argument and _ he is on the right side of the argument and i— he is on the right side of the argument and i think- he is on the right side of the argument and i think that i he is on the right side of the argument and i think that is| he is on the right side of the . argument and i think that is the he is on the right side of the - argument and i think that is the key point _ argument and i think that is the key point here — argument and i think that is the key point here and _ argument and i think that is the key point here and i_ argument and i think that is the key point here. and i think— argument and i think that is the key point here. and i think along - argument and i think that is the key point here. and i think along with l argument and i think that is the key point here. and i think along with a | point here. and i think along with a 54% approval — point here. and i think along with a 54% approval rating _ point here. and i think along with a 54% approval rating that _ point here. and i think along with a 54% approval rating that he - point here. and i think along with a 54% approval rating that he has - point here. and i think along with a i 54% approval rating that he has got, in the _ 54% approval rating that he has got, in the case _ 54% approval rating that he has got, in the case where _ 54% approval rating that he has got, in the case where they— 54% approval rating that he has got, in the case where they economy - 54% approval rating that he has got, in the case where they economy is l in the case where they economy is improving. — in the case where they economy is improving. people _ in the case where they economy is improving, people will— in the case where they economy is improving, people will be - in the case where they economy is| improving, people will be listening to him _ improving, people will be listening to him and — improving, people will be listening to him and giving— improving, people will be listening to him and giving him _ improving, people will be listening to him and giving him their- improving, people will be listening to him and giving him their douth improving, people will be listening i to him and giving him their doubt on issues _ to him and giving him their doubt on issues such— to him and giving him their doubt on issues such as — to him and giving him their doubt on issues such as race. _ to him and giving him their doubt on issues such as race. i— to him and giving him their doubt on issues such as race.— issues such as race. i want to go back on this _ issues such as race. i want to go back on this point, _ issues such as race. i want to go back on this point, on _ issues such as race. i want to go back on this point, on the - issues such as race. i want to go| back on this point, on the justice department and on relationships with the courts. in the end this will be important. you have trained as a lawyer, you are an academic as well. are you a clerk as well, you have
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done... 0nly are you a clerk as well, you have done... only a district courtjudge. that is my fault, you have never claimed it. you understand the american people all too well. you know how it interacts with the political system. we have a supreme court that is majority appointed by republican and perceived to be republican and perceived to be republican leading because the raiders and thejurors republican leading because the raiders and the jurors before they becamejudges, how much of raiders and the jurors before they became judges, how much of a handicap will happy forjoe biden? i think it is going to be possibly a significant one. the courts do not like to think of themselves as a political branch, but the way that the supreme courtjustices have been nominated in recent years, especially by republicans, has put them on the activist side of their party. they have an agenda and that has meant a lot of rolling back of restrictions on regulation, letting companies do more things, stopping
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environmental regulations, permitting religious groups to have more freedoms, more government money. it is not the kind of thing where they read the papers every day and try to push the votes for the power republicans, they did indeed vote against tram's ridiculous attempts to over turn the election. i think we will see more flashpoints and cultural issues which biden will probably try to avoid as much as he can, the place when it might go afterwards his agenda, if he tries to have our tax or complex regulation of carbon emissions which is part of the green economy that is trying to go to. the 50% cut in carbon emissions by 2035. i can see those supreme court finding lots of ways that these regulations are not permitted under the congress cause. if he had a majority in the senate
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that can actually legislate these things, then there is a clear directive in favour of them, i think there's supreme court would have more difficulty. now he will have to do a lot by... that allows the supreme court more leeway. eunice, last thought — supreme court more leeway. eunice, last thought on _ supreme court more leeway. eunice, last thought on biden _ supreme court more leeway. eunice, last thought on biden because - supreme court more leeway. eunice, last thought on biden because 's - last thought on biden because �*s america. i last thought on biden because 's america. ~ ., , last thought on biden because 's america. ~ . , , , , america. i think he has surprised the world with _ america. i think he has surprised the world with his _ america. i think he has surprised the world with his activism. - america. i think he has surprised the world with his activism. i - america. i think he has surprised i the world with his activism. i think he has _ the world with his activism. i think he has already been on course to be with transformational presidents like roosevelt. ithink with transformational presidents like roosevelt. i think he with transformational presidents like roosevelt. ithink he is with transformational presidents like roosevelt. i think he is in a hurry— like roosevelt. i think he is in a hurry and — like roosevelt. i think he is in a hurry and i_ like roosevelt. i think he is in a hurry and i think he is aware that is window— hurry and i think he is aware that is window of opportunity are short and so _ is window of opportunity are short and so he — is window of opportunity are short and so he is — is window of opportunity are short and so he is trying to do as much as he can— and so he is trying to do as much as he can and — and so he is trying to do as much as he can and i— and so he is trying to do as much as he can and i think he is doing it as well. _ he can and i think he is doing it as well. he _ he can and i think he is doing it as well, he senses that public opinion is on _ well, he senses that public opinion is on his— well, he senses that public opinion is on his side and that there is a wind _ is on his side and that there is a wind of— is on his side and that there is a wind of change in terms of how we approach _ wind of change in terms of how we approach government, the way the people _ approach government, the way the people see government can do well, this state _ people see government can do well, this state action can do well. how we can— this state action can do well. how we can address racial inequalities
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and even — we can address racial inequalities and even on this question that geoff mentioned, trying to address the problems— mentioned, trying to address the problems in the american constitution that has created a politicised and very politicised judicial— politicised and very politicised judicial system. but also the deadlock in american political system — deadlock in american political system in the lack of dialogue between — system in the lack of dialogue between the presidency and congress. i was between the presidency and congress. i was very— between the presidency and congress. i was very struck, eunice by a court by his book on memoirs, hardline republican many ways, back in the 19905, republican many ways, back in the 1990s, one of the people viewed to push republicans to a more conservative way. he said the white house did not understand what kind of clown car i was trying to drive on the republican side of the house. it will be interesting to see what kind of cooperation there may or may not be in the next few days. thank you all for that. sos, less than an hour as oxygen supplies. 0ver
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you all for that. sos, less than an hour as oxygen supplies. over 700 patients admitted need immediate assistance. that social media on friday from one of the private hospital chains in india's capital delhi is the starkest illustration of the covid crisis in the world's was populist country. twojudges in delhi hype court threatened anyone obstructing the supply of oxygen being hanged. eunice, it illustrates how emotional this has got and understandably so. it is a matter of life and death, patients died overnight friday into saturday in the hospital because oxygen had run out. some would have died but not all of them. out. some would have died but not all ofthem— out. some would have died but not all of them. ~ . .,, ., ., all of them. what has gone wrong? i think what has _ all of them. what has gone wrong? i think what has gone _ all of them. what has gone wrong? i think what has gone wrong _ all of them. what has gone wrong? i think what has gone wrong is - all of them. what has gone wrong? i think what has gone wrong is the - think what has gone wrong is the hubris— think what has gone wrong is the hubris of— think what has gone wrong is the hubris of prime minister modi. he declared — hubris of prime minister modi. he declared in — hubris of prime minister modi. he declared in march that when we reach the end _ declared in march that when we reach the end of— declared in march that when we reach the end of the covid crisis. now we
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have _ the end of the covid crisis. now we have a _ the end of the covid crisis. now we have a complete catastrophe, with not enough oxygen in hospitals to provide _ not enough oxygen in hospitals to provide to— not enough oxygen in hospitals to provide to patients. we do not even know— provide to patients. we do not even know exact — provide to patients. we do not even know exact numbers, how many covid cases _ know exact numbers, how many covid cases there _ know exact numbers, how many covid cases there are in india because most _ cases there are in india because most likely a lot of people, especially in rural areas, are not testing — especially in rural areas, are not testing he _ especially in rural areas, are not testing. he has... he is campaigning, there will be elections in five _ campaigning, there will be elections in five states and campaigns go on. he campaigns without wearing a facemask. religious festivals gathering millions of people have continued to go ahead. cricket matches— continued to go ahead. cricket matches and so on, so no measures whatsoever— matches and so on, so no measures whatsoever to prevent the spreading of the _ whatsoever to prevent the spreading of the comma of this pandemic. and these _ of the comma of this pandemic. and these are _ of the comma of this pandemic. and these are super spreading events by any epidemiologist would see super spreading events and no safety measures. i think criminal responsibility from the part of the indian _ responsibility from the part of the indian government. it is the indian people _ indian government. it is the indian people who are paying the price
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because — people who are paying the price because most likely the situation is going _ because most likely the situation is going to _ because most likely the situation is going to be draconian lockdown is going _ going to be draconian lockdown is going to _ going to be draconian lockdown is going to be draconian lockdown is going to be violently monitored by the police, as it happened last year~ — the police, as it happened last year~ and _ the police, as it happened last year. and perhaps not enough done in terms _ year. and perhaps not enough done in terms of— year. and perhaps not enough done in terms of providing economic support to people. _ terms of providing economic support to people, that will allow them to stay home — to people, that will allow them to stay home if they are ill and of course — stay home if they are ill and of course the _ stay home if they are ill and of course the vaccine programme. because — course the vaccine programme. because modi, india produces a lot of vaccines— because modi, india produces a lot of vaccines but less than 1% of the population— of vaccines but less than 1% of the population has been vaccinated for covid-19 — population has been vaccinated for covid-19. . covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talkin: covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on _ covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on the — covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on the first _ covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on the first part - covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on the first part of- covid-19. clive, eunice, we were talking on the first part of the i talking on the first part of the programme ill little conflict. it is poisonous in indian politics. as eunice was saying, these big rallies, i think one minister was campaigning 12 out of 18 days in april. you had a row with ministers in delhi. he was saying prime minister you have to help stop it was supposed to be a private
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conversation, and they are saying you put on the telly because you want to embarrass us. it is not a great way to go forward. it is not. eunice mentioned _ great way to go forward. it is not. eunice mentioned the _ great way to go forward. it is not. eunice mentioned the word - great way to go forward. it is not. | eunice mentioned the word hubris there _ eunice mentioned the word hubris there populist— eunice mentioned the word hubris there. populist leaders _ eunice mentioned the word hubris there. populist leaders like - eunice mentioned the word hubris there. populist leaders like modii there. populist leaders like modi and donald — there. populist leaders like modi and donald trump _ there. populist leaders like modi and donald trump is _ there. populist leaders like modi and donald trump is that- there. populist leaders like modi and donald trump is that the, i there. populist leaders like modi i and donald trump is that the, there is a level— and donald trump is that the, there is a level of— and donald trump is that the, there is a level of overconfidence, - is a level of overconfidence, ignorance _ is a level of overconfidence, ignorance of— is a level of overconfidence, ignorance of science. - is a level of overconfidence, ignorance of science. and i is a level of overconfidence, ignorance of science. and a| is a level of overconfidence, i ignorance of science. and a lack is a level of overconfidence, - ignorance of science. and a lack of attention— ignorance of science. and a lack of attention to — ignorance of science. and a lack of attention to detail— ignorance of science. and a lack of attention to detail and _ ignorance of science. and a lack of attention to detail and rigour. i ignorance of science. and a lack ofj attention to detail and rigour. that means— attention to detail and rigour. that means staff— attention to detail and rigour. that means staff gets _ attention to detail and rigour. that means staff gets missed. - attention to detail and rigour. that means staff gets missed. a - attention to detail and rigour. thati means staff gets missed. a number attention to detail and rigour. that i means staff gets missed. a number of countries _ means staff gets missed. a number of countries who — means staff gets missed. a number of countries who have _ means staff gets missed. a number of countries who have been _ means staff gets missed. a number of countries who have been through i countries who have been through exactly _ countries who have been through exactly the — countries who have been through exactly the same _ countries who have been through exactly the same journey - countries who have been through exactly the same journey as i countries who have been through. exactly the same journey as india, they lockdown _ exactly the same journey as india, they lockdown to _ exactly the same journey as india, they lockdown to late _ exactly the same journey as india, they lockdown to late but - exactly the same journey as india, they lockdown to late but they- exactly the same journey as india, | they lockdown to late but they lock down _ they lockdown to late but they lock down we — they lockdown to late but they lock down we saw _ they lockdown to late but they lock down. we saw the _ they lockdown to late but they lock down. we saw the numbers - they lockdown to late but they lock down. we saw the numbers and i down. we saw the numbers and infections — down. we saw the numbers and infections go _ down. we saw the numbers and infections go down, _ down. we saw the numbers and infections go down, then- down. we saw the numbers and infections go down, then all- down. we saw the numbers and infections go down, then all of. down. we saw the numbers and| infections go down, then all of a sudden — infections go down, then all of a sudden there _ infections go down, then all of a sudden there is _ infections go down, then all of a sudden there is a _ infections go down, then all of a sudden there is a sense - infections go down, then all of a sudden there is a sense it - infections go down, then all of a sudden there is a sense it is- infections go down, then all of aj sudden there is a sense it is ok. open _ sudden there is a sense it is ok. open up— sudden there is a sense it is ok. open upagain. _ sudden there is a sense it is ok. open up again, america - sudden there is a sense it is ok. open up again, america did i sudden there is a sense it is ok. open up again, america did thei sudden there is a sense it is ok. i open up again, america did the same and we— open up again, america did the same and we did— open up again, america did the same and we did the— open up again, america did the same and we did the same _ open up again, america did the same and we did the same in— open up again, america did the same and we did the same in the _ open up again, america did the same and we did the same in the summer. open up again, america did the samei and we did the same in the summer in the uk_ and we did the same in the summer in the ukand— and we did the same in the summer in the ukand we— and we did the same in the summer in the uk and we did _ and we did the same in the summer in the uk and we did that _ and we did the same in the summer in the uk and we did that without- and we did the same in the summer in the uk and we did that without a i the uk and we did that without a vaccine — the uk and we did that without a vaccine in — the uk and we did that without a vaccine in place. _ the uk and we did that without a vaccine in place. we _ the uk and we did that without a vaccine in place. we are - the uk and we did that without a vaccine in place. we are opening the uk and we did that without a i vaccine in place. we are opening up now in_ vaccine in place. we are opening up now in the — vaccine in place. we are opening up now inthe uk— vaccine in place. we are opening up now inthe ukat_ vaccine in place. we are opening up now in the uk at the _ vaccine in place. we are opening up now in the uk at the vaccine - now in the uk at the vaccine roll-out _ now in the uk at the vaccine roll-out has _ now in the uk at the vaccine roll—out has been _ now in the uk at the vaccine roll—out has been really- now in the uk at the vaccine.
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roll—out has been really quite phenomenal, _ roll—out has been really quite phenomenal, globally- roll—out has been really quite i phenomenal, globally brilliant. roll—out has been really quite - phenomenal, globally brilliant. and as a result — phenomenal, globally brilliant. and as a result opening _ phenomenal, globally brilliant. and as a result opening up— phenomenal, globally brilliant. and as a result opening up slowly- phenomenal, globally brilliant. and as a result opening up slowly but i as a result opening up slowly but steadily— as a result opening up slowly but steadily as — as a result opening up slowly but steadily as making _ as a result opening up slowly but steadily as making sense. - as a result opening up slowly but steadily as making sense. india i steadily as making sense. india opened — steadily as making sense. india opened up _ steadily as making sense. india onened up with— steadily as making sense. india opened up with no _ steadily as making sense. india opened up with no essential- steadily as making sense. india - opened up with no essential vaccine roll-out _ opened up with no essential vaccine roll-out as— opened up with no essential vaccine roll-out as if— opened up with no essential vaccine roll—out. as if nothing _ opened up with no essential vaccine roll—out. as if nothing had - roll—out. as if nothing had happened _ roll—out. as if nothing had happened. and _ roll—out. as if nothing had happened. and as - roll—out. as if nothing had happened. and as eunicel roll—out. as if nothing had - happened. and as eunice pointed roll—out. as if nothing had _ happened. and as eunice pointed out, india, _ happened. and as eunice pointed out, india. india— happened. and as eunice pointed out, india, india england— happened. and as eunice pointed out, india, india england test— happened. and as eunice pointed out, india, india england test series, - happened. and as eunice pointed out, india, india england test series, it- india, india england test series, it was phenomenal— india, india england test series, it was phenomenal but _ india, india england test series, it was phenomenal but it _ india, india england test series, it was phenomenal but it was - india, india england test series, it was phenomenal but it was done i india, india england test series, it- was phenomenal but it was done when it comes _ was phenomenal but it was done when it comes to— was phenomenal but it was done when it comes to a _ was phenomenal but it was done when it comes to a public— was phenomenal but it was done when it comes to a public health _ was phenomenal but it was done when it comes to a public health analysis - it comes to a public health analysis of what _ it comes to a public health analysis of what you — it comes to a public health analysis of what you should _ it comes to a public health analysis of what you should be _ it comes to a public health analysis of what you should be doing. - of what you should be doing. weddings. _ of what you should be doing. weddings. we _ of what you should be doing. weddings, we all— of what you should be doing. weddings, we all love - of what you should be doing. weddings, we all love indian| weddings, we all love indian weddings _ weddings, we all love indian weddings and _ weddings, we all love indian weddings and a _ weddings, we all love indian weddings and a bollywood . weddings, we all love indian- weddings and a bollywood movie. but weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are _ weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are seeing— weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are seeing mask— weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are seeing mask weddings - weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are seeing mask weddings in - weddings and a bollywood movie. but we are seeing mask weddings in india| we are seeing mask weddings in india and as— we are seeing mask weddings in india and asa— we are seeing mask weddings in india and as a result — we are seeing mask weddings in india and as a result we _ we are seeing mask weddings in india and as a result we are _ we are seeing mask weddings in india and as a result we are seeing - we are seeing mask weddings in india and as a result we are seeing over- and as a result we are seeing over the next _ and as a result we are seeing over the next two — and as a result we are seeing over the next two weeks, _ and as a result we are seeing over the next two weeks, potentially . and as a result we are seeing over. the next two weeks, potentially half a million _ the next two weeks, potentially half a million people _ the next two weeks, potentially half a million people infected _ the next two weeks, potentially half a million people infected every- a million people infected every single — a million people infected every single day~ _ a million people infected every single day~ but _ a million people infected every single day. but the _ a million people infected every| single day. but the background a million people infected every. single day. but the background to all this— single day. but the background to all this is— single day. but the background to all this is an — single day. but the background to all this is an election. _ single day. but the background to all this is an election. and - single day. but the background to all this is an election. and mr- all this is an election. and mr modi. — all this is an election. and mr modi. he _ all this is an election. and mr modi. he is _ all this is an election. and mr modi, he is way— all this is an election. and mr modi, he is way ahead - all this is an election. and mr modi, he is way ahead in- all this is an election. and mr modi, he is way ahead in the| all this is an election. and mr- modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it— modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is— modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is likely— modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is likely his— modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is likely his party— modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is likely his party will- modi, he is way ahead in the polls and it is likely his party will do- and it is likely his party will do very— and it is likely his party will do very wett— and it is likely his party will do very wellagain, _ and it is likely his party will do very well again, but _ and it is likely his party will do very well again, but the - and it is likely his party will do very well again, but the idea l and it is likely his party will do. very well again, but the idea that he is _ very well again, but the idea that he is focusing _ very well again, but the idea that he is focusing on _ very well again, but the idea that he is focusing on the _ very well again, but the idea that he is focusing on the economy i very well again, but the idea that. he is focusing on the economy and try to _ he is focusing on the economy and try to keep— he is focusing on the economy and try to keep that _ he is focusing on the economy and try to keep that doing _ he is focusing on the economy and try to keep that doing 0k, - he is focusing on the economy and try to keep that doing 0k, in -
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he is focusing on the economy and try to keep that doing 0k, in the l try to keep that doing 0k, in the teeth— try to keep that doing 0k, in the teeth of— try to keep that doing 0k, in the teeth of this _ try to keep that doing 0k, in the teeth of this coronavirus - try to keep that doing 0k, in the i teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels _ teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that — teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that is _ teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that is enough _ teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that is enough to - teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that is enough to get - teeth of this coronavirus pandemic, he feels that is enough to get overi he feels that is enough to get over the finishing — he feels that is enough to get over the finishing line. _ he feels that is enough to get over the finishing line. he _ he feels that is enough to get over the finishing line. he is _ he feels that is enough to get over the finishing line. he is probably. the finishing line. he is probably right _ the finishing line. he is probably right he — the finishing line. he is probably right he is— the finishing line. he is probably right. he is probably— the finishing line. he is probably right. he is probably right- the finishing line. he is probably right. he is probably right but. the finishing line. he is probably| right. he is probably right but we are seeing — right. he is probably right but we are seeing pictures _ right. he is probably right but we are seeing pictures of— right. he is probably right but we are seeing pictures of mass - right. he is probably right but we. are seeing pictures of mass create -- cremations. _ are seeing pictures of mass create —— cremations, multiple _ are seeing pictures of mass create —— cremations, multiple people i are seeing pictures of mass create i —— cremations, multiple people dying every— —— cremations, multiple people dying every day— —— cremations, multiple people dying every day and — —— cremations, multiple people dying every day and mastro _ —— cremations, multiple people dying every day and mastro —— _ —— cremations, multiple people dying every day and mastro —— grace - —— cremations, multiple people dying every day and mastro —— grace mean| every day and mastro —— grace mean dog _ every day and mastro —— grace mean dog in— every day and mastro -- grace mean do. . every day and mastro -- grace mean do _ , ., every day and mastro -- grace mean do. , .,, dog. in terms of the implications, internationally. _ dog. in terms of the implications, internationally. india _ dog. in terms of the implications, internationally. india was - dog. in terms of the implications, internationally. india was a - dog. in terms of the implications, internationally. india was a big . internationally. india was a big exporter of vaccine. the company that produced them, we spoke about them before, is producing the astrazeneca from many countries. it was due to supply some to the european union, to the uk, to africa, to covax, this game for poorer countries, and it had to default on those commitments because the government has clamped down on exports. the implication is not only if there are fewer vaccine doses available, but if this vaccine is rampant again and ready to come
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back, we have had cases in the uk which is why travel has been banter india, the implications internationally for a country as populous as india going into this level of infection are really quite worrying. level of infection are really quite wor inc. . level of infection are really quite wor inc. , ., . , worrying. yes. for india, itself, this idea that _ worrying. yes. for india, itself, this idea that there _ worrying. yes. for india, itself, this idea that there is _ worrying. yes. for india, itself, this idea that there is a - worrying. yes. for india, itself, i this idea that there is a difference between the economy and public health in the long run its not true. if you don't have the public health scientists —— my crisis salt, the economy does suffer, even if it is enough to get over the line for the selection, india has a giant problem for itself. the indivisibility of the virus, it does travel around the world. the variance get produced where there are pockets or large pockets of infection, then ricochet around the world. in the long run, this problem only get solved if it gets solved everywhere and it's going to be sloppy and messy and unfair because the rich countries are going to go
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first. but in the long run they have to find a way to find the vaccine, roll it out to all the places that need it and that is everywhere. the damnin: need it and that is everywhere. the damning quote is from january, we not only solved our problems, this is prime minister modi, that helped in the world fight the pandemic. both things will now turn out to be not entirely true. do you think he will pay an electoral price for that, though? i will pay an electoral price for that. though?— will pay an electoral price for that, though? i don't think this time particularly. _ that, though? i don't think this time particularly. maybe - that, though? i don't think this time particularly. maybe it - that, though? i don't think this i time particularly. maybe it stores up time particularly. maybe it stores up for the next time.— time particularly. maybe it stores up for the next time. eunice, your thou:hts up for the next time. eunice, your thoughts on _ up for the next time. eunice, your thoughts on the _ up for the next time. eunice, your thoughts on the long-term - thoughts on the long—term implications of theirs. portugal in a sense went through something of what india went to, because of its links with brazil. did it work? it links with brazil. did it work? it did, though the government very recentty— did, though the government very recently announced the lifting of the travel ban, so no emergency travetting — the travel ban, so no emergency travelling or very vital travelling is allowed. so not sure that portugat— is allowed. so not sure that portugal has learned the lessons, we
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may not _ portugal has learned the lessons, we may not be _ portugal has learned the lessons, we may not be able to go over to portugat— may not be able to go over to portugal this summer if the brazilian variant is rampant. but i think— brazilian variant is rampant. but i think the — brazilian variant is rampant. but i think the lesson for all of this as we are _ think the lesson for all of this as we are not— think the lesson for all of this as we are not safe until everyone is safe _ we are not safe until everyone is safe so — we are not safe until everyone is safe. so perhaps, perhaps it would be a very— safe. so perhaps, perhaps it would be a very goodwill gesture from the british— be a very goodwill gesture from the british prime minister to send quite a foodm _ british prime minister to send quite a food... because britain bought far more _ a food... because britain bought far more than _ a food... because britain bought far more than it— a food... because britain bought far more than it needs, to india and other— more than it needs, to india and other countries, because they are going _ other countries, because they are going to _ other countries, because they are going to need it. britain receives thousands— going to need it. britain receives thousands of indian students every year. _ thousands of indian students every year, university students, if you want _ year, university students, if you want to— year, university students, if you want to keep the united kingdom safe and the _ want to keep the united kingdom safe and the rest of europe safe, i think europe _ and the rest of europe safe, i think europe and — and the rest of europe safe, i think europe and the rich world has responded to to ensure that the rest of the _ responded to to ensure that the rest of the world is vaccinated. the [on . er of the world is vaccinated. the longer the _ of the world is vaccinated. the longer the virus _ of the world is vaccinated. the longer the virus is _ of the world is vaccinated. the longer the virus is out there, the more _ longer the virus is out there, the more chance _ longer the virus is out there, the more chance it _ longer the virus is out there, the more chance it can— longer the virus is out there, the more chance it can mutate. - longer the virus is out there, the more chance it can mutate. and| longer the virus is out there, the l more chance it can mutate. and as longer the virus is out there, the - more chance it can mutate. and as a result— more chance it can mutate. and as a result the _ more chance it can mutate. and as a result the vaccines _ more chance it can mutate. and as a result the vaccines that _ more chance it can mutate. and as a result the vaccines that we _ more chance it can mutate. and as a result the vaccines that we do - more chance it can mutate. and as a result the vaccines that we do have i result the vaccines that we do have that are _ result the vaccines that we do have that are proving _ result the vaccines that we do have that are proving brilliant _ result the vaccines that we do have that are proving brilliant with - result the vaccines that we do have that are proving brilliant with the l that are proving brilliant with the mutations—
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that are proving brilliant with the mutations that _ that are proving brilliant with the mutations that we _ that are proving brilliant with the mutations that we have - that are proving brilliant with the mutations that we have so - that are proving brilliant with the mutations that we have so far, . that are proving brilliant with the i mutations that we have so far, they could _ mutations that we have so far, they could be _ mutations that we have so far, they could be failing. _ mutations that we have so far, they could be failing. that _ mutations that we have so far, they could be failing. that is _ mutations that we have so far, they could be failing. that is the - could be failing. that is the problem. _ could be failing. that is the problem, that— could be failing. that is the problem, that is— could be failing. that is the problem, that is why - could be failing. that is the| problem, that is why places could be failing. that is the - problem, that is why places like india _ problem, that is why places like india and — problem, that is why places like india and brazil— problem, that is why places like india and brazil need _ problem, that is why places like india and brazil need to - problem, that is why places like india and brazil need to get - problem, that is why places likei india and brazil need to get their act together _ india and brazil need to get their act together-— act together. thank you all very much. act together. thank you all very much- thank— act together. thank you all very much. thank you _ act together. thank you all very much. thank you for _ act together. thank you all very much. thank you for watching. | act together. thank you all very - much. thank you for watching. some information if you are with us in the uk, we will be starting our dateline weekends earlier in future. from the end of this week you will be to see it on friday. it will be shown again and all the existing slots on saturday and sunday and at a time that suits you better. you can find us on iplayer. wherever in the world you're watching for now, you can join the world you're watching for now, you canjoin me again next weekend. from all of us, goodbye.
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hello, this extraordinarily dry speu hello, this extraordinarily dry spell continues in april and for most of us there is a lot of sunshine to be had through today. that sunshine has been turning hazy in places during two places of high cloud. during the weekend it will stay dry but turn kilobyte tomorrow and there will be more cloud most of us. high—pressure stays in charge and that keeps things largely dry. the winds in the southern flank of the high will... certainly across the high will... certainly across the channel islands, there will be areas of patchy high cloud here and there, turning that sunshine hazy but for most it is at fine and sunny afternoon and a relatively warm one across western areas. coasts of north devon and cornwall, west wales, north—west england, perhaps western counties of northern
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ireland, 18, i9, western counties of northern ireland, 18, 19, possibly 20 degrees. for most of us high levels of tree pollen, pay that in mind if you are a he fever sufferer. long clear spells that we will see more cloud developing eastern and central parts of england, maybe into east wales, the oddness and there. temperatures in many places above freezing, we are likely to have a thrust in north—east scotland. tomorrow, we stick with a dry theme, for most of us did spells of dry sunshine but there will be cloud developing eastern england, some of that into the midlands and east wales. windy once again down towards the south and that winter is coming in from the east, coming in from a chilly direction so that will take the edge off the temperatures, 10 degrees in norwich, 13 in plymouth. up degrees in norwich, 13 in plymouth. up to 17 degrees in north west scotland. this frontal system pushing in from the north will bring
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some rain across scotland on monday. maybe the odd shower into northern ireland and northern england but spots further south will stay dry, with some spells of sunshine. temperatures between 11 and 16 degrees. some of the rain in the north will push south but it will fizzle and petered out so southern areas not saying much in the way of wet weather, dry through the week for turning a bit colder.
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12:00 pm
hello. this is bbc news. these are the latest headlines in the uk and around the world. hospitals in india struggle with overwhelming demand for beds, ventilators and oxygen as at to the world's highest ever dave i coronavirus infections for the third day in row. —— daily rise in coronavirus infections. third day in row. -- daily rise in coronavirus infections.- third day in row. -- daily rise in coronavirus infections. once there is no bed here _ coronavirus infections. once there is no bed here and _ coronavirus infections. once there is no bed here and a _ coronavirus infections. once there is no bed here and a physical- coronavirus infections. once there | is no bed here and a physical space to put a trolley, what media? we can only do that much. lli< to put a trolley, what media? we can only do that much.— only do that much. uk prime vanessa's — only do that much. uk prime vanessa's former _ only do that much. uk prime vanessa's former adviser - only do that much. uk prime - vanessa's former adviser dominic cummings has questioned his competence and integrity. boris has refuted the claims including claims he planned the donors to pay the renovations of flat.


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