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tv   HAR Dtalk  BBC News  October 18, 2019 12:30am-1:01am BST

12:30 am
i'm samantha simmonds with bbc world news. our top story: the uk and european leaders have agreed a new brexit deal. the british prime minister now needs to win support for the deal in parliament. his coallition partners, northern ireland's dup, have already said they oppose the deal. the us vice president has said turkey will pause its offensive in northern syria for five days, to allow kurdish fighters to withdraw from the border. mike pence met the turkish president erdogan in ankara. and this video is trending on the duke and duchess of cambridge have turned their hand to cricket on thir tour of pakistan. the british royal couple joined a cricket match in lahore. that's all. stay with bbc world news.
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now on bbc news: zeinab badawi speaks to turkey's foreign minister mevlut cavusoglu on hardtalk. welcome to hardtalk with me, zeinab badawi in ankara. in this exclusive interview my guess is that turkish foreign minister, mevlut cavusoglu. jackie is being condemned for its offensive in northern syria that it says it will press on with its military operations until it has flushed out what it describes as kurdish terrorists. but is jackie creating further instability in the region and strengthening the hand of
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extremists? mevlut cavusoglu, welcome to hardtalk. thank you. president erdogan says he will not listen to international criticism about the turkish military operations in syria until victory is achieved. what does victory look like to tell you? well, pkk way fiji isa like to tell you? well, pkk way fiji is a terrorist organisation causing a third to our national security and therefore the aim of this operation to eliminate the terrorists at the other side of the border or clear this area from the terrorists. also oui’ this area from the terrorists. also our operation is aiming to enforce the territorial integrity of syria and this terrorist organisation is aiming to divide the country. syrian territory integrity is so important for our region and we are very much committed to that. and we also need to liberate local people from the
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oppression of this terrorist organisation and also we should lay the ground for the voluntary and safe return of the refugees displaced people, not on the refugees from turkey but idp is in syria and refugees who had to flee to iraqi or other neighbouring countries. so you set up what you wa nt to countries. so you set up what you want to do at the idea is to create a zone of turkish influence which is 400 kilometres long and 32 kilometres deep. have you got that? have you don't? not yet. what is the timeframe? this is the ninth date of the operation i can say. it has been going very well and we are very determined to measure —— already to major cities have been clean from this terrorists but when we clean these areas from terrorists and then we create this area of a safe zone,
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we create this area of a safe zone, we will live the management of the safe zone to the local people in different cities. you know president trump ina different cities. you know president trump in a - that has been trump in a letter that has been lea ked trump in a letter that has been leaked said to president erdogan, does the fact the devil, don't try to be the tough guy, responsible of the thousands of people, mike has the thousands of people, mike has the vice president, mike pompeo the secretary of state, you are talking to them. what is your message to the americans? we have already given our answer. to that kind of letter or language, that is unacceptable for the american people. we have given oui’ the american people. we have given our answer through this operation and president erdogan has been emphasising that we can negotiate with terrorists and international arrest warrant is also there for this, one of the pkk by pg. the pkk
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of course is the turkish kurdish militant group which is also considered to be a terror group by the united states and the europeans. and they are allied to the y pd, the pyg and they are allied to the y pd, the p yg who are syrian codes. just to clarify that. right, and yesterday trump emphasised that, pkk is worst than isis. for us both of them other samples of both of them are terrorist organisations. so what we have been saying to our american allies is very clear. do not engage with this terrorist organisations. do not provide weapons. and we have tried with them to create the safe zone together but it didn't work. it was just delaying tactics and even during this effort, they continued inviting weapons to these terrorist organisations. and they promised to withdraw this way pgp way de element from this region. they happen. so what we have been saying is that
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they should withdraw these elements from the area that you have mentioned. the safe so that we are aiming to create. we know of course that the americans have withdrawn their 1000 special forces from the region but did you see that withdrawal from the turkish point of view as a green light with operations with the americans? president trump informed — sorry, president/ president erdogan informed president from that we only ask questions about what will happen in the camps and president erdogan actually said that the enemy so we will take responsibility in the operation area if they are in the operation area if they are in the operation area. so now they are withdrawing. american troops are withdrawing. american troops are withdrawing and this is what our american friends have been telling us american friends have been telling us and also what we see on the ground. but that's not really the case, is it? the secretary of state has said categorically that no
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greenlight was given to turkey. you've got resident trump himself signing an executive order to impose economics sections on turkey, saying things on twitter that i'm going to destroy the turkish economy and so on and so forth. i have to follow president trump, in five minutes he is been having different things to say on turkey. and this is also actually another picture that different voices, different positions are coming from the united states. because of the differences between the frustration and state department, and the pentagon on this and that. so it also affects us. that's why i have to say, we haven't asked the greenlight of anybody else. including the united states was not we try to work with them and u nfortu nately was not we try to work with them and unfortunately they didn't honour their commitments and that's why we
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decided to start this operation. we decided to start this operation. we decided actually two months ago roughly, the then resident trump asked us since they are living, not to start again, and he proposed us to start again, and he proposed us to work together to create the safe side. tried. we tried all the way before with americans and with others but unfortunately we had to stop this operation ourselves. but you say that you are confused by what messages are coming out from the united states but it's quite clear on this question of economic sanctions that there are serious, the treasury secretary in the united states says is a very powerful sanctions, we hope we don't have to use them but we could shut down the turkish economy if we need to. we've got members of congress, nancy pelosi, saying we're going to be looking at tougher sanctions, your economy can't withstand that. it's fragile. even after these doors -
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make after those statements, it has been very stable, we have taken enough measures but our national security concern is about everything. for us, for our nation. this is a legitimate security concern and we have got expect our allies to recognise this and to respect this and if they prefer to continue this language threatening, frankly speaking we are not afraid of this. and if you cannot eliminate these terrorists today, at the other side of the water in the future, it will be much more difficult and maybe it won't not be possible. it's more important than the sanctions right now. and this is vitally important for us. that's why there isa important for us. that's why there is a unity within the country as well and we're not afraid the
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sanctions. trump and president erdogan going to meet in november, is not meeting going ahead? he invited president erdogan repeatedly on the phone as well, and president erdogan accept this invitation so it really depends on the relations and if, friendly speaking, if there is any sanctions on the president of his family, it doesn't back sense to go to the united states was not but the invitation is still there so we are considering it. you were talking about allies. who are your allies now? because the whole dynamics have changed because of your intervention. we have seen the syrian codes, turn to damascus, syria, the president backed by russia, that effectively puts you at war with syria, doesn't it? no. why was syria? war with syria, doesn't it? no. why was syria ? we war with syria, doesn't it? no. why was syria? we are committed to the territory integrity and we are just fighting terrorists and we have
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worked with international law, given charters, the 51st article of the un charter and the amino un security council resolutions on counterterrorism so also we have another agreement with the regime or serious our right is emanated from all this international law and the agreements and the resolutions. therefore we are fighting terrorism. therefore we are fighting terrorism. the thing is, of course we are nato allies. why some of the nato allies reacted this time, our olive branch operation also targeted by pg pkk. but it was not at the western side of the river. but now it's changed. what has changed is because the syrian codes are now an alliance with damascus, with arab syrian forces and russia. not because of that. now the reactions are as we
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see more negative, because some of the countries are allies including france. they been trying to divide syria and to create a terrorist state. in that part. sticking to the point of how the dynamics of change, the russians have said very specifically, the special and worker syria, moscow, that it would simply be unacceptable and would not allow it. of course for the syrians, and the turkish troops to engage in any kind of military intervention. it seems like it's russia that's really determining what is going on on the ground. russia is also promising us that there will be no pkk or by pg allowed in other side of the border and president pridgeon invited president erdogan to suchy and he will be going there on the 22nd of this month. therefore, for us, it doesn't matter who is on the other
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side. russia or the regime, or the united states. and our expectation is very clear, there shouldn't be one single terrorist on the other side of the border. so where do you stand, politically, do you accept him as the political status quo now? he is now your ally? no, they are not our ally. we believe that assad can no longer unite the country. but we are at the same time working together with our friends to reach a political settlement which should be the last one — make lasting one and the last one — make lasting one and the establishment of the constitutional committee is very crucial step to that end in the first meeting will be reconvened at the end of this month. in geneva. therefore, we have no relations dish
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political relations with assad but washer and other guarantors of the regime, if there's any message it goes through... the opposition to assad in the case of the syrian codes are now fighting alongside him against your troops. when it comes to... it's very complicated. and those terrorist organisations like by pg, they fought each other but they sold weapons to each other, they sold weapons to each other, they provided food and everything. we know it is a very mixed picture but the russian foreign minister, your counterpart has said that he will mediate in talks between ankara and damascus. having discussed this with him? and damascus. having discussed this with him ? they and damascus. having discussed this with him? they have been conveying m essa 9 es with him? they have been conveying messages from damascus to ankara and vice—versa. nevertheless, to eliminate this terrorist and
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terrorist organisation, in that part, northern eastern part of syria imean, and part, northern eastern part of syria i mean, and if russia spends efforts to ta ke i mean, and if russia spends efforts to take that out, and together with the regime or with others, we don't really mind and of course, we will welcome that. so if syrian arab troops are in control of your border area, that is acceptable to? if the regime are controlling parts of the area... that is also on our border. the zone you have, if that's in the hands of the syrian arabs, is that a cce pta ble hands of the syrian arabs, is that acceptable to you ? hands of the syrian arabs, is that acceptable to you? the presence of ypg, pkk, is criticalfor us, they shouldn't be there. if the regime is in the southern part of... we don't have a problem with them. if they
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don't support terrorists, we don't mind if the regime forces are there. ouraim isn't to mind if the regime forces are there. our aim isn't to fight the regime, all the russians... but to fight the militants? pkk terrorists, don't mix the kurds and the terrorists. i'm not, but actually there are kurdish representatives who say that is exactly what turkey is doing. for example, a syrian curd says there's an ethnic cleansing campaign at the hands of erdogan and actually this distinction you said about, "no, we're only attacking terrace," is more than that's top we have more than 300,000 syrian kurds forced by the ypg, pkk, and we have been hosting them. they should be able to return as well. this is not ethnic cleansing, this is ourfight against a terrorist organisation and when we clea n a terrorist organisation and when we clean this area, everybody should be
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included for any governance over there, and more than 300,000... about 350,000 syrian kurds will go back to ein a la rab, kobane, or their homes. this is not... let me put to you what's going on the ground, and it's really causing a lot of alarm because there are huge accusations of human rights abuses. i'll give you one example, former british foreign secretary david miliband, head of the international rescue committee operates on the ground in northern syria, he said "worst crimes are coming to pass. there are war crimes against the billions, a grave danger to children. as a result this is not a safe zone you are creating but a killing zone". this is unacceptable.
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i have to disagree and what he has said is unacceptable for us, and there are some claims and sometimes... but you see the dirty propaganda as well. rupert colville, a spokesperson for the united nations human rights organisation, has said that there are... he says, "we urge the turkish authorities immediately to launch iron and partial, transparent and independent investigation and to apprehend those responsible, some of whom should be easily identifiable from the video footage they themselves shared on social media. that is about a turkish woman politician... a syrian/ kurdish location, woman, who was killed and the footage has been shown... that's exactly what i was trying to say, there is a dirty propaganda, yes, but nevertheless whatever the claim is, we have to investigate. unless they provide evidence, i have to reject this as part of the propaganda that i have been trying
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to explain. we've heard about turkish airstrikes targeting the city of raso line and surrounding areas, which led to about 19 people being killed. a humanitarian convoy in ras al—ain... being killed. a humanitarian convoy in ras al-ain... byd being killed. a humanitarian convoy in ras al-ain. .. byd elements. including children, including some journalists? hour operation has been actually limited. also measured, 0k? and we are targeting only terrorists. and terrorist elements. we have enough intelligence from the ground, and we know where they are. they use church, for instance, with their snipers, to attack us. they won't expecting us to attack this church, we didn't. —— they were expecting. they used to schools and civilians as a shelter, and we
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didn't attack this. we've been conducting this operation very carefully to make sure no civilians are actually affected. you bring up daesh... are actually affected. you bring up daesh. .. yes. daesh, are actually affected. you bring up daesh... yes. daesh, ypg, pkk, they are all terrorist. you bring up daesh, so—called islamic state, they have 12,000 fighters. they have nothing to do with islam, islam is a religion of peace. i know, so—called, i said. religion of peace. i know, so-called, i said. i am underlying this. there are 12,000 isis fighters held in kurdish —controlled areas inside northern syria and president erdogan said on the 14th of october, "we hope will ensure no isis fighters leave northern syria. " but that's not the case, is it? they have been let loose. you have to actually tell the truth. i'm afraid i have to remind you of this. when
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we reach these prisons, more than 1000 daesh terrorists were there and there was no daesh elements, why? because ypg, pkk terrorists actually release them, therefore i'm not responsible for those daesh terrorists that ypg actually released. but they are fighting you, they say, and now... this isjust a narrative. this is just they say, and now... this isjust a narrative. this isjust a narrative. are you saying there are isis fighters on the loose now? this proves you can never rely on terrorist organisations in our fight against another terrorist organisation. zainab, don't you remember how they supported those daesh elements in raqqa to leave raqqa by buses? they put them on buses. ypg, pkk helped daesh elements to leave raqqa. former us defence secretary matias said it's a given isis will come back. they are on the loose, is that the case? we will never let daesh come back,
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because first and foremost, they are our enemy. nobody can be sure whether those terrorists, including the foreign terrorist fighters, will be able to reach the source countries, but they will reach turkey. i cannot let them go. so you will hold them ? turkey. i cannot let them go. so you will hold them? i have been fighting with them for many years. on refugees, you host about 3.7 million syrian refugees and parts of your objectives with creating this zone is to send a good number of these syrian refugees back otherwise we have heard threatening remarks from president erdogan that he will open the gates to europe for these syrian refugees. is that a threat? it is not a thread. look, already 370,000 syrian refugees went back to two areas previously from terrorist elements, daesh and pkk elements,
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voluntarily. and now we should actually have those displaced persons who want to go back voluntarily. nobody can force them. to these safe zones. but now what the us saying is they will not provide anything to them. it has been a big burden on our shoulders and what president erdogan said is very clear, ok? "if you don't want to support this voluntary and safe return, if they don't want to support them, then you should take them to your countries and take care of them there". is that threatening language? you've made that clear and you set out your position. it is not our position, it is fair enough stop the you've taken your route about the you've taken your route about the kurdish terrorist robin, you had peace talks in 2015 which broke down. at the end of that you're going to have to go back to the
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negotiating table to a solution. military incursions like this are not going to find the answer. yes, zainab, we've tried that as well but pkk terrorists only miss use that process. and on our side, we did what we had to do. now nobody, none of our allies, are accepting the reality that pkk didn't lay down their weapons, but they abused this process and they increased their presence and actually they tried to create their confines in turkey ‘s. so they misused this opportunity. what they have to do is they should lay down their weapons. either they should stop this terrorism. i don't ca re should stop this terrorism. i don't care about the ideology, but also, in syria, as a first step, they should get out from this safe zone
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and they should lay down their weapons and then they should stop their efforts to... syria. it is fair enough their efforts to... syria. it is fairenough and. foreign minister mevlut cavusoglu, thank you very much indeed for coming on hardtalk. thank you very much coming all the way to ankara. hello. given that we've seen so much on the way of rain and some hefty showers over the past few days in manys parts of the british isles, you may have forgotten there's another face to be had of autumn. it's the quieter, misty, chilly starts to the days, and if that's the thing
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you have been hankering after, that ridge of high pressure will eventually travel towards the british isles but you will have to wait until monday. no doubt about it, in the short term it has been the odd bit of blue sky and some pretty hefty showers, all thanks to a big area, not of a ridge of high pressure but quite the opposite, a big area of low pressure that is still the boss as we work our way through friday. heavy overnight rain quitting the scene from the south—east but lingering for a good part of the day through the north—east of england, perhaps into the south—eastern quarter of scotland. following behind, something a bit quieter and dry for a time. showers there across western and southern parts are gradually some of them percolating away through the course of the day further towards the east. friday into saturday there the same area of low pressure and on the southern flank we may have another area of cloud and rain slipping in from the near continent to reach the far south—east. some areas will stay dry, we suspect that this banner of cloud will drag some rain across the eastern side of scotland into the north—east of england yet
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again and elsewhere there will be a peppering of showers. temperatures about 10—15 at the very best. the temperature profile is tempered across northern western parts given the strength of the northerly wind. on sunday we see the same banner of cloud and rain slowly easing its way down into the north of england, leaving behind cold bright conditions for the greater part of scotland and northern ireland in a straight northerly wind so not overly warm. and even in the south you will have lost two or three degrees but in sunday, a somewhat drier and brighter day away from that occluded front in the scottish waters on the north—east of england and we start the new week with the quieter look at autumn with the mist, the chilly start, some cold nights to come at least for a few days. there will be somewhat drier conditions to be had across the greater part of the british isles. watch out for mist and fog first thing, that could be an issue but once the day gets going, a lot of dry weather, very little in the way of murk, just a couple of showers through the irish sea and on the cool side despite the presence of the sunshine.
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tuesday still try for the most part but you can see yourself — waiting in the wings, more wet and windy weather.
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i'm samantha simmonds in london. the headlines: britain and the european union shake hands on a new brexit deal — but there's doubt over whether the uk parliament will back it. i hope very much now speaking of elected representatives that my fellow mps in westminster do now come together to get brexit done, to get this excellent deal over the line. after a visit from the us vice president — turkey agrees to pause its offensive against kurdish forces in northern syria. i'm sharanjit leyl in singapore. also in the programme: donald trump's chief of staff
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mick mulvaney has admitted that aid


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