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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 23, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm BST

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this is bbc news. the headlines at 11: tens of thousands of people march through london to demand a vote on the final deal on the uk's departure from the eu. the will of the people is to have a proper and informed referendum where we know what brexit means. we need to have a proper discussion to see if we actually want to do this. senior cabinet ministers stress the uk is still prepared to walk away from brexit talks without a deal. the prime minister has always said nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, and that no deal is better than a bad deal. also ahead this hour: an explosion at an election rally attended by zimbabwe's president. he was unharmed in the blast, but at least two senior government officials were injured. new evidence of the devastating impact of plastic pollution on seabirds, with scientists going to extreme lengths to save chicks.
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this is the chance. towards the corner. . . this is the chance. towards the corner... 0h! this is the chance. towards the corner. .. 0h! and germany's kept their world cup dream alive! good evening, and welcome to bbc news. two years after the brexit referendum, huge numbers of people have taken to the streets of london, demanding what they call a "people's vote" on the final terms of britain's departure from the eu. the organisers said more than a hundred thousand people from across the uk took part. it came as the engineering firm siemens became the latest manufacturer, calling on the government to stay closely aligned with the single market. senior cabinet ministers again said they are prepared to walk away from the negotiations, rather than accept a bad deal. our political correspondent,
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ben wright, reports. this was a mobilisation on a big scale by people who had come to the capital from across the country. many of hoping brexit can be stopped. two years on from the referendum to leave the eu, the march organisers said more than 100,000 people turned up to demand another vote on the final brexit deal. sam is a gardenerfrom somerset. ian runs a business in surrey. i can tell you right now, running two businesses, that this is the last thing i want to be doing on a saturday.
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but i am having to do it because i see it's the only democratic opportunity i have to make my voice heard. the criticism would be from leave supporters, "look, we've done this. you're trying to rerun the whole argument again." well, i can take that point, but it is an entirely different context this time. it's not whether we leave or stay, it's what the deal is. first—time protesters joined veteran marchers fired up by recent warnings from businesses like airbus and now siemens about the potential economic costs of brexit. nobody voted to the damage the country in this way. and the people that lose are our children who lose the right, the freedom, that we've enjoyed all of our lives. and there isn't enough of a reason to do this. but some people in the path of the march had a very different view. it's pathetic! it's anti—democratic. we know what we voted for, we voted to leave! today's march included very few politicians and absences were noticed. where isjeremy corbyn? labour's leadership and the government are both opposed to the idea of a new public vote on the terms of the brexit deal.
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labour membership and labour voters are changing their mind and so i've always been clear the leadership has to catch up with the people. leave supporters will look at this and think "you're just trying to un—pick the referendum." well, you know what is happening? this is what i'm picking up. a lot of people who voted leave are like a lot of people who voted remain, really worried now about how this is all playing out as brexit reality dawns. the tens of thousands of people marching past theresa may's front door today are adamant that brexit is not inevitable and can be stopped. but government insists that brexit must and will happen. next week, theresa may will be back in brussels for the next round of negotiations. ministers insist talks are on track, but they're prepared to walk away. the prime minister has always said that nothing is agreed until everything's agreed. and that no deal would be better than a bad deal. and i think it's essential, as we enter the next phase of the negotiations, that the european union understands that and believes it.
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in another part of westminster, there was a smaller demonstration in support of brexit. clashing protests that prove again how divisive the decision to leave the eu remains. ben wright, bbc news. zimbabwe's president has narrowly escaped an apparent assassination attempt during an election campaign rally. a bomb exploded moments after emmerson mun—an—gagwa had left the stage. zimbabwe is preparing for its first elections since robert mugabe was removed from power. 0ur africa correspondent, will ross, reports. the rally in the bulawayo's white city stadium had just ended and it looked as though as a successful day of campaigning was coming to an end when suddenly president emmerson mnangagwa had a close escape. several people were knocked to the ground by the blast and senior government officials, including a vice president, were seriously injured. as emergency workers rushed people to hospital, the politicians were ushered to safety. hours later, president mnangagwa was out in the city's hospitals comforting those caught
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up in the blast. he appeared unflustered by events and brushed off what he considered to have been an attempt on his life. these are my normal enemies. and the attempts are normal. this is not the first attempt on my life. it doesn't intimidate me. it's normal. it exploded a few inches away from me. but it is not my time. this is a critical time for zimbabwe, the first election since robert mugabe was ousted. so far, the campaigns have been largely free from the intimidation and violence that have marred previous polls. but an explosion so close to the man seen as favourite to win the next month is a worrying sign. will ross, bbc news. the french president, emmanuel macron, has said he favours financial sanctions for eu states which refuse to take migrants that have proven asylum status. he was speaking on the eve of summit on immigration in brussels tomorrow, on the migration dispute that is still troubling europe. mr macron said countries should not
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be allowed "massively voice their national selfishness on migrant issues," as he put it, while benefiting from eu membership. meanwhile, the maritime authorities in malta have asked the charity—run rescue ship, aquarius, to help a boat in trouble off the coast of tunisia. last week, neither malta nor italy would allow the vessel to dock, after it rescued 630 migrants off the coast of libya. italy has since banned charity and foreign flagged ships docking, if migrants are onboard. turkey's president recep erdogan has called on voters to return him to office with sweeping new powers on the final day of campaigning in the country's elections. but he's facing a tough challenge from a newly united opposition. mark lowen reports from istanbul. turkey's opposition has
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finally found its voice. for 15 years, it's been fractured, unable to challenge president erdogan. but then came muharrem ince, a fiery centre—left man of the people who draws enormous crowds and is giving the turkey's president the battle of his political life. "turkey needs not a tired president but one with fresh blood," he told his last rally in istanbul. they believe the opposition can win a majority in parliament and force mr erdogan to a second—round run—off in the presidential election. this is taksim, the most iconic square in turkey. mr erdogan is here. he's there. he's everywhere. there's not a single opposition poster in sight. that unlevel playing field doesn't worry the erdogan side, also out today. conservative pious turks revere him as their saviour in once secular—dominated turkey.
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he repeated his slogan. "0ne nation, one flag, one homeland, one state." and invited them to give his rivals an 0ttoman slap tomorrow. mr erdogan might still prove his doubters wrong but for the first time in 15 years, it seems possible that the erdogan magic is running out. mark lowen, bbc news, istanbul. president trump has called america's immigration laws "a laughing stock," in a speech to republican supporters in las vegas. it follows intense controversy over his policy of separating illegal immigrants from their children, at the mexican border. 0ur north america correspondent, chris buckler, reports. yes, we can!
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after a week of mixed messages from the white house, there continues to be protests, by people determined to show that they really do care about migrant families. president trump has been under pressure amid the outcry over children being separated from their parents. but although it briefly looked like he was having to soften his immigration policy, his language is hardening again. he told republicans in las vegas that america would be overrun if the country showed any weakness. 0ur immigration laws are a laughing stock all over the world. we're the only people... people walk in, they put a foot in, "please, would you like to register?" other countries, they say "get the hell out of here!" the us navy is working up plans to build detention centres similar to this. tent cities capable of holding 25,000 migrants. and it's looking at further sites that could hold tens of thousands more. many of those travelling to the us are claiming asylum.
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among them, families trying to escape poverty and violence in central america. but often they are deported. including this group who were sent back to guatemala. translation: i have eight children and i need to care for their well—being to move them forward. my goal was to give them an education. so they don't suffer like us. but it's these images, of children being held in cages, that will remain in many voters' minds. as america's borders continue to divide. chris buckler, bbc news, in washington. new evidence of the devastating effect of plastic pollution on wildlife has been recorded by the bbc. a team filming on a remote pacific island for a bbc one documentary, drowning in plastic, found seabirds starving to death, because their stomachs were full of discarded waste, with no room forfood. 0ur science correspondent victoria gill reports. flying through the ocean in search of food, but these sea birds
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are all too often finding and eating pieces of plastic. tens of thousands of flesh—footed shearwaters nest on this from an island, hundreds of kilometres off the east coast of australia. but even here plastic is killing them. and another. scientists are finding young birds with so much of it in their stomachs there's no room forfood. these chicks have starved to death. but the researchers stepped in to save them. and this bbc documentary crew filmed up close as the birds had their stomachs flushed out. 0h! the scientists were telling us they sometimes pull out as much as 200, 250 metres of plastic out of either dead birds or from their regurgitation. it's just one example of how our discarded plastic is damaging marine
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wildlife around the world. an issue which was thrown into sharp focus by the bbc‘s series blue planet ii. here in england's south coast, sea bins have been installed which can suck up half a tonne of plastic waste per year. there's a plastic bottle there, that's fairly obvious, and a coffee cup lid. but there's also some smaller pieces of plastic. i think that's the lid off an aerosol and there's two cigarette butts there. and they're also plastic fibres. but some parts of the ocean now contain more pieces of plastic than plankton, so scientists say we all need, urgently, to change how we use and dispose of what's become a floating menace. victoria gill, bbc news. richard harrington explained how the bbc was helping the campaign. simple things the bbc are suggesting people do. little things. the meal dealfor
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lunch, taking your lunch with you instead. reusable bottles and state of buying bottles of water. congratulations for the bbc for putting that message out. i know you do not have a single coffee cups and things like that within the 0rganisation soaked congratulations and the blue planet has really made and the blue planet has really made a difference. just as an organisation we at the conservation society see so many things, we have been asked to write a book and we are running a plastic challenge, asking people to try to give up plastic in its entirety for the whole month. very often it is not
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practical but it is the seat how we can not use single use plastic. we hope people will take heed of the blue planet effect. the headlines on bbc news: tens of thousands of people march through london to demand a vote on the final deal on the uk's departure from the eu senior cabinet ministers stress the uk is still prepared to walk away from brexit talks without a deal. and an explosion at an election rally in zimbabwe injures at least two senior government officials. the president escaped unharmed. sport now and for a full round up, from the bbc sport centre. 0ne things for certain, this world cup has had its share of late drama and tonight
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was no exception. defending champions germany came from behind to claim a last gasp victory over sweden and avoid an embarassing early exit. richard conway watched the drama unfold. a fate that germany would like to avoid. germany started knowing victory was vital having lost the opener to mexico. the defending champions have reached at least the semifinal stage in 21 of the past 27 tournaments and they kicked off determined to hold that record. sweden thwarted the early danger before landing a blow of their own. it is over the top! german football has long been one of europe's premiere marks. it is no surprise that after the restart they stepped up a gear. reus levelling the score.
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try as they might, but viable second goal would not come. frustrations grew both off and on the pitch. but then, with the team fighting the dying of their world cup light, came this... german hope is restored but it was the closest of calls. richard conway, bbc news, moscow. it's mexico though who top group f after their 2—1 victory over south korea earlier giving them two wins out of two. west ham strikerjavier hernandez with the winner there. meanwhile the england camp will have been impressed with belgium's 5—2 demolition of tunisia in group g. manchester united striker romelu lu ka ku took his tally in the tournament to four with his double, while eden hazard also bagged a couple of goals as roberto martinez‘s team made it two wins out of two, with eight goals so far. england meanwhile, were put through their paces at a final training session
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today before travelling to their base near the finnish border — 800 miles east, ahead of their second world cup match tomorrow. dele ali was back in training, but only for the first part and is still expected to miss tomorrow's match against panama. everyone expects england to win and secure their place in the last i6 alongside belgium, but manager gareth southgate isn't getting ahead of himself. we have seen already that the difficulty, big countries in terms of rankings, have that in breaking down lower ranked teams. that has been a theme right the way throughout so there is no way there is any complacency in the way we have prepared for the game. the situation in the group is obviously a healthy one for us but we need to
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focus on our performance. ireland have made history down under by winning a series against australia for the first time since 1979. the series had been tied after the first two tests but cj stander got ireland's only try of the game shortly into the second half put them ahead. australia fought back but the irish held on to win 20—16, sparking wild celebrations at the end of a very successful season for the six nations grand slam champions. england ended a run of five straight defeats in test matches by beating south africa 25—10 in cape town. danny cipriani, who was playing for england for the first time in ten years, set upjonny may for england's only try. the boot of 0wen farrell also helped them to just their fourth victory ever in south africa. england had already lost the three match series which finishes 2—i. we wa nt we want to be the best team in the
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world and you have to go through these periods to find out some things about yourself. we have done that and now we want to kick on to november. we get 400 caps back and we have 9— ten club games before we get the team together. scotland have also been in action this evening, ending their summer tour with an emphatic win over argentina. george horne scored two of their six tries in the 44—15 win. it's the first french grand prix for ten years tomorrow and its mercedes who'll line up on the front row of the grid. lewis hamilton topped the timesheets in every session of qualifying at paul ricard as he held off team mate valtteri bottas to claim the seventy fifth pole of his career. the 75th. there was little for the home fans to cheer about as their main hope romain grosjean crashed in the final session. novak djokovic‘s return to form and fitness continues at queens, as he booked his place in the final tomorrow. it was a straight sets win
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for the former world number one againstjeremy chardy earlier. the pair have met now 11 times, and chardy is yet to win a single set against djokovic. he'll play last year's wimbledon runner up marin cilic in the final at queens after 2:30 tomorrow. in the last few minutes, england's rugby league side have recorded a famous win over new zealand. the international was played in the united states, and england were at one point 12 points down. but five tries, including this one from jake connor on his debut, sealed a 36—18 win. kick off at 1pm. that's all the sport for now. the ethiopian prime minister, abiy ahmed, has condemned a grenade
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attack at a political rally he'd been addressing in the capital, addis ababa. this is a day that ethiopian has become proud... the health minister says one person has been killed and 132 others have been injured. thousands of gallons of crude oil have leaked into a river in the united states after a train came off the tracks. more than 30 train cars were derailed in iowa, forcing residents to evacuate. clean—up crews are working to contain the spillage. it's thought the tracks were weakened by recent flooding in the state. british troops have arrived in mali this week, ahead of 3 raf helicopters, which willjoin a growing international military
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presence in the sahara desert, to counter the increasing threat of terror groups linked to so—called islamic state and al-qaeda. human trafficking across the southern stretch of the sahara, known as the sahel, is funding the islamists who are growing in strength. mali is now home to the un's most deadly peacekeeping mission and the us recently lost troops in neighbouring niger. 0ur africa correspondent, alastair leithead, travelled to the region and sent this special report. the sahara used to be a big empty space on the map. but now this desert the size of america is being filled up by foreign armies and jihadist terror groups. convoys are coming under attack from both al-qaeda and islamic state fighters. roadside bombs are being used to deadly effect. this is what's left
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of timbuktu airport after the french and united nations base there was hit in april by three suicide car bombs, mortars and foot soldiers strapped with explosives. a foreign military presence creates a target, as it did in afghanistan, but this is about fighting a war abroad rather than at home. other european drones and aircraft are in mali, part of the world's most dangerous un peacekeeping mission. the raf is coming to a place where both germany and holland have lost helicopters. britain already has a presence in the sahel. this training exercise taught african nations how western armies work and, for the visitors, it was a chance to find partners who will fight foreign terrorfor them. with little will to send ground troops,
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our special forces are training local soldiers to be the boots on the ground facing the enemy. a stable and secure africa really does have importance to us in europe and particularly in the uk. there is a direct link with increased demographics, lack ofjobs, that will affect the migration issue and, therefore, the security bit. the many migrant trails heading through the desert are firmly linked to the islamist groups, making them money and giving them cover to travel freely. and america is rolling out resources across africa. this multi—million pound runway is one of many bases often secret that project us power across the sahara. islamist fighters ambushed four us soldiers in niger... many americans didn't even know their troops were here untilfour were killed by islamic state in niger. the argument is it's better
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to fight here and now before the groups grow and spread. certainly, with the collapse of the physical caliphate in iraq and syria, the load of foreign fighters that have moved to the caliphate are likely to go somewhere and, if they come here, that could be devastating to the security situation across north africa. and into this mess step thousands of un peacekeepers, struggling to find a peace to keep. a heavily protected convoy risked roadside bombs to go and meet community members. blue helmets give far less protection these days. but the elders can't speak openly. the islamists are already here. the kids don't play football, radios are silent and secular schools have been forced to close. radical extremist groups are operating in this whole
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area, but it's much more complicated than that. there are centuries of tension between different ethnic groups, unemployment is high, the economy is failing and there's no government in these areas because of the violence. that is the space that the regional and international forces are stepping into. for centuries, mali's mud mosques and rich history brought tourists to a place known for its religious tolerance. that's all changed. a fast—growing population, worsening poverty and climate change are all playing into the extremists' hands. britain has joined a tough new front of the war on terror. and you can see more on this story in alistair leithead's special programme, africa's secret war, tonight on bbc news at 9:30 and it'll be available afterwards on the iplayer. phil has the weather.
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not so much today, the heat but pleasa ntly warm not so much today, the heat but pleasantly warm for many parts of the british isles. all weather watchers have had a field day, as you can well imagine. 25 degrees in new key. the southampton area. not scorching for the time of year but thinks will warm up as we move to a heat crescendo around thursday of next week. this is an indication of the heat getting into many spots across the british isles and attending to fade away by the later parts of next week. today, there was
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a lot of low cloud and for the rest of the night across the north of scotla nd of the night across the north of scotland and some rain on the shetland islands. this low pressure has not quite the influence to keep a weather front away from the far northern portions of scotland. a fairamount of northern portions of scotland. a fair amount of cloud and not so much on the mainland and western shores. further south, pretty much sunshine all the way for top temperatures in scotla nd all the way for top temperatures in scotland responding to the extra dose of sunshine compared to today. not too much in the way of breeze either. if you have plans for the evening, i do not think the weather will get in the way yet again. on monday, the weather front of dragging here. temperatures should
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not be a concern at this stage if you do not like the heat. the many parts of scotland and northern and western isles, the weak weather front. this is where you begin to notice the temperatures beginning to rise. i am notice the temperatures beginning to rise. iam not notice the temperatures beginning to rise. i am not showing you the highest temperatures here by any means at all. 0nce highest temperatures here by any means at all. once we get through to thursday, many spots will reach their peak and it could be around their peak and it could be around the 30 degrees mark. stay with us on that one. not all the facts and figures are with us. a lot of facts and computations to do. at 30 degrees could be the mark on thursday. hello.


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