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tv   The Papers  BBC News  February 25, 2018 11:30pm-11:46pm GMT

11:30 pm
hello. this is bbc news. we'll be taking a look at tomorrow morning's papers in a moment. first, the headlines. six people are hospitalised in leicester after an explosion destroys a shop and homes. police say it is not terror—related. a shift of policy on europe by labour. the shadow brexit secretary says the party would keep britain in a customs union. fighting continues in eastern ghouta as syrian government jets continue drop bombs, despite a un—agreed ceasefire. a show of unity between north and south korea as the winter olympics come to a close. the north says it will hold talks with the us. and in a few minutes, the film review asks whether the all—star cast in finding your feet finds its mark. hello and welcome to our look ahead to what the papers will be
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bringing us tomorrow. with us, charlie wells, deputy snapchat editor for the economist, and rosamund urwin, who's financial services correspondent at the sunday times. welcome to you both. many of the front pages are already in. will start with the guardian. it looks ahead to jeremy corbyn‘s brexit speech tomorrow, where he'll outline labour's brexit policy. concerns over the quality of milk post—brexit leads the front page of the i. the metro has a picture of the building that was on fire in leicester on theirfront page. the ambulance service say six people have been taken to hospital. a chilling warning from the express. they say temperatures in parts of the uk could drop to minus 15 with snow and blizzards expected across the country. while the mirror says the cold snap dubbed the "beast from the east"
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could cause death and travel chaos. a colourful picture from the closing ceremony of the winter olympics is on the front of the telegraph. the times shows a beaming ivanka trump representing the us alongside a less cheerful looking north korean general at that closing ceremony. that's how the papers are looking. we are going to have a look in detail. first of all, the guardian. corbyn, brexit speech to put nate on the spot. a bit of a change in policy here. a customs union now appealing to them. so jeremy corbyn is finally getting off the awkward fence that he has been sitting on for months and saying we are going to state in a customs union in the european union. that is going to happen tomorrow in his speech at coventry. and what this seems like it's a shift for labour. and essentially a signal to many of
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labour's voters who backed remain by quite a large margin that potentially, labour will be following a soft brexit strategy. a customs union as part of a soft brexit strategy. anything new customs union. we cannot be in the one we are currently in. and he is... there are plenty of people in his party who will say it did not go farenough and the his party who will say it did not go far enough and the guardian have broken i hear the 80 senior labour figures emerged and made a statement that britain stays in the single market. of course, jeremy corbyn was elected by his membership with an emphasis on his membership... his membership not only overwhelmingly eroded remain, but they also would like to a different approach on brexit. i think this is putting clear water between labour and the tories in terms of the policy but at the same time, there are people in
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the same time, there are people in the party who think this is not go anywhere near far enough. corbyn accused of selling snake 00 over brexit. how is it snake oil? that sound like a fake suggestion. that select a fake use of phrase... that comes from david davis. what he is here is that this, obviously he claims it betrays labour's supporters who voted leeds. he says is actually breaching the labour party manifesto of 2017 and putting jobs at risk by surrendering one of the chief prizes i brexit. his argument is labour may think they have found this simple solution but there is a lesson that are yet to learn. it looks like snake oil, it smells like snake oil, don't expect it to make you feel better. of course, david davis is a man who
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said way back when we will be signing all these deals, that leaving the eu will be very easy and he is obviously saying you cannot find a simple solution to this. that sound like he's changed his tune rather a lot. for some but, remaining ina rather a lot. for some but, remaining in a customs union which isa remaining in a customs union which is a replica of what we have currently got is not what brexit was about. who can really say what brexit is about when it was a very simple vote with very simple language describing an incredibly competent procedure? something i really wa nt competent procedure? something i really want to focus on... remaining ina really want to focus on... remaining in a customs union, the united kingdom could not strike trade he is on its own. what the story does not bring to the fore is the fact that the uk already enjoys some four dozen free trade agreements that the eu has already negotiated. and negotiating that many free—trade agreements with other countries outside the eu, a very different
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negotiating position, is not going to be easy. and with future deals, would you rather if you are another nation, sign up with the eu and all those member states... that selling britainshort. let's look at the ft and his take on brexit. northern ireland... preventing the return of a hard border but when the north and the republic. with the eu is essentially saying is that if there is not going to be a hard border than northern ireland needs to maintain the regulations that the eu has. because the european union does not want the irish border to become a sort of free—for—all for products that do not have the same sort of regulations that the eu upholds. and so regulations that the eu upholds. and so they're essentially saying this just to stay in place —— needs to
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stay in place. is also historical tensions with that border. of course. the good friday agreement has been successful in the large part... one of the scariest things brexit calls into question is the good friday agreement. the dup, obviously in conference with the conservatives. arlene foster said in december that any form of regulatory divergence between northern ireland and the rest of uk was unacceptable. this is going to be a big problem. and if you remember, she kicked up a bit of a stink to theresa may, which set back this issue of them finding agreement over its. also, rosalind andi agreement over its. also, rosalind and i were talking about eight twitter comments enda kenny from a viewer. talking about how maybe
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theresa may should take on the rambling border... —— a twitter comment came in from a viewer. lots of roads keep crossing over, was the points. and there are farmers would land on both sides and there are people that work on one side and on the other across over every single day. jeremy, thank you for your tweet. let's look at the times. embattled universities face limits on powers. they're really under the spotlight at the moment. and with good reason. all these vice chancellors arnie crazy 6—figure salaries. there is reason to think that we should look at many of these issues. however, iwould that we should look at many of these issues. however, i would add this looks like government meddling in a way that seems really quite questionable to me. essentially, the new office for will tackle not only management issues such as salaries, which has risen to... also academic matters including interest of
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degrees and the number of contact hours. that does seem sort of micromanaging of universities. one of the things it mentions here is whether students get any value for money. and of course, you might say that over £9,000 is an awful lot of money to pay each year for a degree, but it wasn't universities who changed the policy there, was it? it's still quite cheap in comparison to go to university here.|j it's still quite cheap in comparison to go to university here. i don't wa nt to to go to university here. i don't want to talk about my student debt that let me just say there is significant amount and it's a problem. student debt adds to the risk of pursuing a degree for students. and the point that i am struck by here is the story gets into the idea that sometimes expanding and expanding and expanding and expanding and expanding higher education is not actually beneficial. there are a few studies that actually show a strong link between more people going to university in a decrease in social mobility. it sounds like a great idea but there are other things that
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people can do to to help people. let's have a very quick look at the financial times again. china seeks to extend presidency. due to step down in 2023, but could go longer.l lot of china watchers thought that xijinping would follow lot of china watchers thought that xi jinping would follow the rules to achieve. and would step down after two terms but it'd look like he could potentially be something of an emperorfull stop could potentially be something of an emperor full stop and theoretically stay in for much of his life. and thatis stay in for much of his life. and that is concerning, as china becomes wealthier, as he tries to exert power on the world stage. if it has what seems to be an unchecked ruler who has spent the past term and a half so applying —— solidifying his power, he can essentially do what he wa nts power, he can essentially do what he wants with the world's most powerful militaries and largest economies. russia used to have a 2—term limit
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on its presidency and of course, one of the things putin about to do is get rid of that. that's what it looks like. let us look at the guardian. social media firms failing to protect young users. harassment, cyber bullying, affecting mental health. really damaging to young people's self—esteem. health. really damaging to young people's self-esteem. if you are using one of these tools and summary from your school or somebody did you do not know send you harassing language or negative comments, that hurts, especially when you are 12 yea rs hurts, especially when you are 12 years old, 13 years old, maybe 14 and you'rejust years old, 13 years old, maybe 14 and you're just starting to get a sense of how social interactions work stop it's hard enough for adults, isn't it? it is very draining getting abuse online. one of the things mentioned here that i think it is worth a think about is
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young people feeling let down by social media platforms and they want companies to take a much harder line. i've talked at great length to all the main internet companies committee big social media giants about what they do and ijust do not think that they have enough mechanisms in place to remove users, to stop users. order is particularly bad because what it says for his freedom of speech. —— twitter is particularly bad. if you are woman, from an ethnic minority, you will find that you get a level of abuse oi'i find that you get a level of abuse on there if you have a sort of public platform that is very, very ha rd public platform that is very, very hard to deal with and it stops you saying what you think. let's finish with a quick mention of the weather. trains asked as uk braces for big chill. you can see why train users
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have not been happy. they faced astronomical figures and they have been told on top of that there train has been cancelled and the still has not even come yet. and tomorrow is monday, which is always... these are the monday morning papers. talking about trains being cancelled for tomorrow night aren't they? make other plans or work from home if you possibly can. we would struggle here to work from home. that's it for the papers tonight. don't forget you can see the front pages online on the bbc news website. it's all there for you seven days a week at keep smiling, folks, what you? you're still in vision. if you miss the programme any evening, you can watch it later on bbc iplayer. you know that by now. thank you for
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joining us. hello and welcome to the film review on bbc news. to take us through this week's cinema releases is mark kermode. what have you been watching? interesting week, we have finding your feet, which i think is a british dramedy. we have i, tonya with an astonishing performance by margot robbie who also produces. and dark river, the new film by clio barnard. finding your feet, even the poster looks like a quintessential
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british gathering. the poster doesn't do it any favours, it's aimed at the same audience that made best exotic marigold hotel a huge hit. the story begins with imelda staunton as lady sandra abbott on the eve of her retirement. she has her retirement planned out, she leads a very posh life and discovers suddenly that her husband has been having an affair. here is a clip. what the hell's going on? we were just... it's not what it looks like, sandra. sandra. sandra! sandra, wait. get off me. how long's it's been going on?


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