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tv   BBC News  BBC News  February 20, 2018 6:50pm-7:01pm GMT

6:50 pm
some very unsavoury scenes as well. some very unsavoury scenes afterwards. we can see that picture of sergio aguero in a tussle with one wigan fans at the fa have charged both teams. they put out a today saying they had failed to control their players. and in relation as well to the dismissal of fabian delph. they have until six o'clock on friday to respond to the charges. and both clubs have been asked to provide their observations about the crowd trouble at the end of the game. the police put out a statement today that some supporters behaved aggressively afterwards and some advertising hoarding was destroyed. they also arrested two people outside the ground as well. so not the kind headlines you want after that great win. absolutely, that historic night for wigan with that historic night for wigan with that will grigg goal. but the unsavoury scenes came at the end and the charges relate to the clubs and their failure the charges relate to the clubs and theirfailure to the charges relate to the clubs and their failure to control the players at half—time stub and what followed the sending off of fabian delph.
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that changed the course of the match with a straight red card. it was filled with incident, the match was when he was sent off a number of manchester city players were very upset. pep guardiola was incensed about it and tempers frayed in the tunnel afterwards. there was a square off against the wigan manager which was captured in the tunnel. that was the altercation in the tunnel between the managers. and i think this set the tone for what was to come next. a very tense affair. wigan defending for their lives and scoring a goal. and afterwards wigan put a statement saying they could understand the fact that some fans ran onto the field to celebrate what was a famous victory but they could not condone the behaviour of some fans who were involved in that. so not the kind headlines you want to see after such a famous win for wigan. and that is what the club are
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trying to stress as well. we wait to see what the clubs will say full stop about great moment for will grigg ‘s scoring the goal that not manchester city out and ending their hopes of the quadruple the season. that's all from sportsday. we'll have more throughout the evening. more now on the war in syria. the united nations says six hospitals in eastern ghouta have been targeted in the past 48 hours, as syrian government forces intensify their bombardment in the rebel—held area. activists say more than 200 civilians have been killed since sunday. well we can speak now
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to dr ahmad tarakji. he's the president of the syrian american medical society. it's a non—profit, medical relief organisation. dr tarakji has been giving evidence to mps this afternoon about the situation in syria. he joins us live from our westminster studio. how tired think the situation in eastern ghouta is right now question what the situation is very bad at this time in eastern ghouta forgot to give you a brief, a brief example of what is going on right now, the storage where the un convoy, the food convoy in eastern ghouta, it was bombed by the syrian air force. that is in the last 48 hours. our collea g u es that is in the last 48 hours. our colleagues from the white helmets tried to evacuate patients from destroyed buildings and they ran out
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of ambulances and cars because most of ambulances and cars because most of them have been destroyed as well. and basically they have just a couple of ambulances functioning. the hospitals, seven hospitals have been targeted in the past 48 hours. five of them targeted and the doctors are running out of supplies to treat injured patients. and the children and the women who are about 50 or 60% of the injured patients, right now they really are not having a good chance of surviving those attacks if the situation continues. and this is exactly what happened back more than a year ago now in aleppo where the civil infrastructure was completely bombed out of service to the point where eventually civilians were forced to be displaced out of their hometown.
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and does seem to you that this is pretty much the end of the road for the rebels, for the opposition in syria, is this the syrian government forces really trying to pummel the last resistance? it seems to be more than that, it seems they're trying to punish entire communities. who did not accept the rules of the syrian army. and the entire community right now is at risk of being displaced similar to what we had seen in aleppo and many other towns inside syria where hundreds of thousands have been displaced. u nfortu nately thousands have been displaced. unfortunately this scenario continues over and over. and one of the conversations i had earlier today, this is exactly the failure of the previous administration of president obama witnessed chemical attacks taking place inside syria, massive displacement in the city of aleppo and now we're seeing the same
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failure by the trump administration we re failure by the trump administration were chemical attacks have taken place. and now we're almost looking at massive displacement from ghouta and still no action. still no ability to alleviate suffering. and just briefly again an international outcry as there was over aleppo but an international outcry is not going to stop what the syrian government are doing full stop absolutely, we have seen for example how the un security council, the chemical weapons investigation moves were vetoed down. that isjust a brief example. of what is going on. today we're meeting with uk officials and saying the uk has to take a strong position forcing the un to operate efficiently inside syria.
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u nfortu nately efficiently inside syria. unfortunately food efficiently inside syria. u nfortu nately food stores efficiently inside syria. unfortunately food stores are not more than ten miles outside of ghouta and still be un is not able to go in and provide some food, basic food for people and not able to provide food and i'm not sure what they will be able to do. i think the uk has a position or mandate where they have to push for human rights and the service for the people where they have to push the un to operate better. and the un must be reformed to serve people better in the future. in a moment in time for beyond 100 days but first a look at the weather prospects. in the short term the weather will mostly be behaving itself. wednesday not looking too bad for most. a bright kind of day. a bit chilly but not too cold. the really cold
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weather heading our way is still many days away. right now we're clearing skies across many western and northern parts of the country clu b and northern parts of the country club in east and central areas and overnight still looking cloudy for top and through the course of the night even some spots of rain. when we have clout during the night that prevents frost from forming. so scotla nd prevents frost from forming. so scotland and northern ireland, frost is on the way, as low as minus five degrees in some parts of scotland first thing wednesday morning. again on wednesday a bit of cloud through the day and some showers and central areas but overall the weather looking bright across the uk with temperatures hovering around 7 degrees or so. and colder as well. you're watching beyond one hundred days. nearly seven years after the war in syria began there is no end to the bloodshed. a new offensive close to damascus is driving the death toll even higher — with hundreds of thousands now trapped in eastern ghouta. more than 200 have been killed in just three days of fighting.
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unicef says it no longer has the words to describe the suffering of syria's children. new developments in the trump russia investigation, the 19th person to be charged is a london based lawyer. also on the programme. populism in europe. another test for the established order as voters in italy prepare to go to the polls. and colonel sanders' secret recipe for... disaster. the kfc shops without chicken.
7:00 pm


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