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tv   The Papers  BBC News  February 19, 2018 10:45pm-11:01pm GMT

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and ‘kentucky fried shut‘ is the headline in the sun — which says 700 of kfc‘s 870 uk branches remain closed. let's start off with the daily mail. deborah, tell us, the corbyn story, which is dominating quite if you front pages, actually. yes, absolutely. the news of the papers tomorrow is how theresa may has sort of wade into this whole piece about whether or notjeremy corbyn provided information to a checks buyer for stop where does this come from, new readers start here, where has all this come from, this whole story? there is this agent that seems to be talking an awful lot to the mail and the telegraph about his
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interactions with jeremy the mail and the telegraph about his interactions withjeremy corbyn. and there are these sort of cold war papers, like a stasi file, which a p pa re ntly papers, like a stasi file, which apparently was opened when he visited east germany in the 70s. —— east germany. there is pressure coming on mr corbyn to allow these files to be opened, so people can read what was actually shared by him. but obviously he is denying that he did anything wrong. similar front page, jim, on the telegraph actually. what is willy interesting is that the sun started the story la st is that the sun started the story last week and really pushed it. they got hold of the original agent —— agent cobb files from the archives. but what is interesting. agent cobb was supposedly his secret name. what he revealed doesn't seem to be clear or whether he would knew whether he was meeting with the spies, even less clear. but the fact that the
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telegraph and the conservative party is really tried to make hay out of this, they are really trying to push this. they forward have a reason think this is robot something that could damage him. what intrigues me from a political perspective is whether they think this will cut through to the general public, who despite all the accusations put at jeremy corbyn think that is ancient history. seed don't think it will damage him? it could, but it is whether people care for stop the conservatives in the last election thought that jeremy corbyn, i will choose my words carefully, but friendship with irish republicans in the 1980s could be used to undermine him. that was seen as their killer card, and when the public find out it will really destroy it. it didn't really happen. so this sort of stuff, the fact the party is pushing it hard. there is a quote from the defence minister on the telegraph front page, in which he says kim philby was also using these sorts of
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excuses, ie the cambridge spy, which was actually a tweet in reply to buzzfeed's media editor. he then wrote back saying he wasn't comparing him, he wasjust following a few parallels. there are quite know what the messages, but they tried to push this idea thatjeremy corbyn can't be trusted on national security. and a nice cartoon on the front page of the telegraph. can you tell us about that? it is a funny one. the whole idea is why would you really get a jeremy corbyn if you wa nted really get a jeremy corbyn if you wanted secret information on what was going on in the british state? so there is a picture of two cold war spies on a bridge in prague. the quote is i met corbyn, he told me his runner beans are doing well and he might plant some courgettes. interestingly, in the telegraph,... a reference to his allotment, i guess? i guess so. a reference to
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how mps are looking to call this checks by to give evidence. so it is clearly something that will rumble on that longer. page nine of your paper, the times, they have an angle on this as well. we have this fantastic story, obviously i would say that about my great paper. you are going to be debt from your phone? i will read it from iphone, are going to be debt from your phone? iwill read it from iphone, i don't have the actual copy. my my colleague, dominic kennedy was that he has got hold of diplomatic telegrams related to a fact—finding mission to grenada, after america invaded the commonwealth island, that was the lead by none other than jeremy corbyn. and the story goes, he was helped by sirjeffrey howell, who was then foreign secretary under margaret thatcher, and he sent two diplomatic telegrams marked
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restricted to the diplomatic editor in grenade, ever questing that maximum assistance be given to the left—wing mp. maximum assistance be given to the left-wing mp. so what is this all mean? the discovery of mr corbyn's discreet allowance —— alliance with the foreign office at the height of the foreign office at the height of the cold war indicates that the authorities trusted him and it raises the prospect that mr corbyn, stay with me, who has met representatives from violent revolutionary groups, might have continued to be helpful to the british state as an intermediary for stop so rather being a revolutionary... 007 colvin. undercover for the home office, maybe. the possibilities are endless! —— 007 corbyn. oxfam, and their continuing trials and tribulations over all the sex abuse allegations in 80. this time the chief of oxfam in the dock
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potentially. the fact that oxfam's handling of this story, which the times broke two weeks ago now, the extent to which they have really aside from the horrific allegations, they have also been terrible, in terms of how they handle this. rather thanjust come terms of how they handle this. rather than just come out, terms of how they handle this. rather thanjust come out, say what they knew, get everything out in the open and clear it out, the fact there has been a continuous fear of a cover—up. the idea that the organisation has something within it that has been tolerating this sort of thing. we have already seen a deputy go but now it is coming right to the top, and whether or not the organisation is able to survive with all the goodwill towards it, all the people who do fundraising for it. do you really think it might not survive? i think it will but the fundraising, the big funding from the government is under threat. if you are doing yourjust giving page for oxfam, what will people be willing to donate ? for oxfam, what will people be willing to donate? it could be catastrophic for the charity. let's
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go on to the guardian front page, barry bannan getting 30 years for what they call the evil reign over boys. deborah, it has been a shocking story, really, hasn't it, that has been coming out over the last few days from the court case. absolutely. there were shouts of yes when the sentencing came out. and it has been a triumph for the guardian, who actually broke the story in the first place, and such a difficult subject, to be to get the witnesses to come forward and get their evidence. you know, you just hope that this kind of very, very strong sentencing for a heedless crime will act as a deterrent: more than anything. and the bravery of the guys who came forward, daniel taylor, saying despite often being quite low— key guys who just sort of never thought they would be
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appearing in papers and doing things like this, and talking about how it has ruined their lives. the metropolitan act front—page combines the two paedophile stories, barry bennell and the cambridge graduate, matthew falder. devils incarnate, which was thejudge's matthew falder. devils incarnate, which was the judge's word in reference to barry bennell actually. absolutely, matthew falder, the way he used really truly horrific tactics, using dark net stuff, to basically blackmail people into doing horrific acts isjust basically blackmail people into doing horrific acts is just truly unimaginable. and again, the barry bennell stuff, still playing out and having an impact for stop let's finish off with probably the best story of the day in some ways. kentucky fried chicken running out of, guess what? chicken. 0ut kentucky fried chicken running out of, guess what? chicken. out of this ever happen? it is to do with how they have got a new delivery
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contract, is that right?|j they have got a new delivery contract, is that right? i havejust been completely obsessed with the story! laughter are you a kfc man, then?” story! laughter are you a kfc man, then? i am absolutely not, but people have been knocking on the doors of kfc, demanding their fried chicken, people writing to their mps. neil cole said he had lots of complaints from constituents demanding that kfc is open. and the cold country is in uproar. —— the whole country. there are videos of people knocking on doors demanding to be let in for their fried chicken, all because dhl, the new delivery partner, can't get the warehouse working. it is just great to see that amidst all the chaos and change happening in the chaos and change happening in the uk, if you take away people's fried chicken, they get upset. the uk, if you take away people's fried chicken, they get upsetm seems extraordinary if your main function is to sell fried chicken, you can't find any chicken to sell. it is quite an oversight. there was
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a p pa re ntly it is quite an oversight. there was apparently quite a serious element, some of the workers at kfc, which operate as a franchise, they are on zero—hours contracts, and whether they will get paid during this time when there is no chicken. they have been told to take holiday, if they wa nt been told to take holiday, if they want to. presumably a paid holiday, if kfc cares about its brand. you would hope so. do you think it would damage them reputation lay? it is hugely embarrassing. it will probably boost their brand, if they play it right and say we are open now, we are really sorry, then suddenly it has got onto all the front pages and said the british public love kfc. they did make a joke with that read, why did the chicken cross the road? not to get the kfc. i will let you go and get some fast food from somewhere else. thank you both very much for reviewing the papers. don't forget you can see the front pages of the papers online
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on the bbc news website. it's all there for you — seven days a week at bbc dot co uk and if you miss the programme any evening you can watch it later on bbc iplayer thank you deborah and jim. goodbye. the weather today was not very inspiring, was it? grey and risley, not very pleasant at all if you don't like that sort of weather. as far as tomorrow is concerned, some sunshine around, not absolutely everywhere, because this weather front, and it is still raining in places. this weather front will u nfortu nately stall across eastern parts of the uk tomorrow anywhere from lincolnshire down towards the south—east, and on top of that it is also bringing a bit of mild weather for stop you can see a tunnel of yellow, that is the mild air out of
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the southern climes. within this cloud and rain, that mild air sitting in the uk, on top of the uk, and very early on tuesday morning, it will be a truly mild, eight or 9 degrees, for the time of year that is. in london. there could be a touch of frost. this is what the weather looks like on tuesday, lots of sunshine from the tip of cornwall, through wales, much of the midlands. read through the rest of the country in the north. then from hull to norwich, possibly to london, thatis hull to norwich, possibly to london, that is why we still have that weather front possibly bringing outbreaks of rain. look what happens tuesday night, the wind shifts direction and bolster the crowd back in again. this dying weather front into england. so first thing wednesday morning it might be fairly cloudy across england, so not too much frost, but where the skies are clear on wednesday in the north that could well be frosty. now the weather on wednesday. the cold air
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coming out of scandinavia, central pa rt coming out of scandinavia, central part of europe, and this will be a theme that will keep for a few days. frosty on wednesday, right through europe. paris, frankfurt, warsaw and beyond. a lot of cold air will be heading our way beyond. a lot of cold air will be heading ourway in beyond. a lot of cold air will be heading our way in the coming days. here is wednesday, an easterly wind, a chilly one at that as well, areas of sunshine and cloud, difficult to predict exactly how bright sunny will be, but at least the weather is looking dry, but cold, and it will get colder and colder over the coming days, as this high pressure, which is actually starting to build all the way from siberia, just on the edge of the globe here, through scandinavia, central europe, all the way down to the uk, that will see temperatures dropping. they will level off through the weekend and then go down again through the week. this is bbc news. i'm ben brown. the headlines at 11:00 — oxfam formally apologises to the haiti government following a report detailing the prostitution scandal involving its aid workers.
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a university lecturer from birmingham described as one of the worst paedophiles ever found on the web is jailed for 32 years. the prime minister calls for a sweeping review of university funding in england, but rules out scrapping tuition fees. america's young march on washington to change gun laws. will they persuade the president? we speak to the nra. we ask the chippendales if it -- the nra. we ask the chippendales if it —— exportation cuts both ways. —— exploitation.
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