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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  February 14, 2018 11:15pm-12:00am GMT

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devolved government is in the best interest of everyone in northern ireland, and is best for the union. for the northern ireland secretary, it's a valentine's day headache. we'll ask the dup whether they are embarrassed at the inability of their region to look after itself. oxfam loses another star. senegalese musician baaba maal told us tonight he's withdrawing as an ambassador for the charity. the charity's former nigeria country manager tells us her own experiences of working there. and i thought that i would be protected. i thought i would be safeguarded from sexual harassment and from sexual abuse. and why don't women dominate in subjects like science and maths? is it because they're just not interested 7 people have long thought that the more gender equal a country, the more similar men and women will become in their interests and occupational choices. we find the opposite. we'll hear both sides of the argument. hello.
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it's taken 13 months now for the two main parties in northern ireland to fail to form a government. at least until today they were working on trying to create one. remember, the prime minister went to belfast on monday with the irish taiseach, leo varadker, in the hope a deal was about to be born. but this afternoon, the talks collapsed. sinn fein and the dup blame each other. the sticking point was an argument over official recognition of the irish language. now, let's be clear, that part of the uk is ungoverned right now and that it happens to be the same part that is at the most fraught border of the whole brexit argument is one massive headache for the british government. and making it all the more difficult is the fact that the uk government is sustained in parliament by the dup. two questions: how did we get here, and what happens now? here's matthew thompson. a year is a long time in politics,
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and seldom in the 13 months that storm has stood empty has the prospect for devolved government in northern ireland seem bleaker. today the dup pulled the plug on the latest round of talks, but crucially, for the first time, they appeared to call for the imposition of direct rule. as a result of our inability at this stage to reform an executive, it is incumbent upon her majesty's government to step in and come forward with a budget and start taking some key decisions around health, education and infrastructure, and taking decisions in those matters that really matter to the people of northern ireland. perhaps unsurprisingly sinn fein put the blame on the dup. the dup leadership has failed to come forward and close on the issues where we found an accommodation. these issues will not go away. we are engaged with both governments and over the course of tomorrow we will set out more positive response in relation to where we go from here. the stumbling block as ever
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was the thorny issue of the irish language. we have seen deadlines come and go this year, but could this really be the end of the line? in january 2017, the late martin mcguinness stood down as deputy first minister in protest at the handling of a controversial renewable heating scheme. the stormont government collapsed and still has not returned. a second election in two years failed to break the deadlock and talks between sinn fein and the dup failed again and again. fast forward to 2018 and hopes of a deal looked brighter. theresa may even visited belfast this week to push things over the line. no such luck. but as civil servants have warned that pressing budget decisions need to be made, the restoration of democratic accountability is becoming critical. all sides reaffirmed their commitment
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to the principles of devolution. but direct rule seems more likely now than at any stage in the last decade. a return to direct rule presents a number of challenges. for one thing, there are serious concerns about the constitutional readiness of the northern ireland office in the treasury behind me to handle the logistical challenge of running northern ireland from whitehall. it employs around 150 people for example. second, in a parliamentary timetable that is full to bursting with brexit legislation, it is not clear how the necessary space will be made for running northern ireland from westminster. direct rule from westminster has happened before, but not quite like this. never before have we had a british government that is beholden to the dup. the nationalist parties, sinn fein and the sdlp, will be aware of that and they were really want to find some ways of mitigating that dup
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influence in joint authority or some form ofjoint authority between the british and irish governments is something they will push forward to mitigate that dup influence at westminster. the institutions of the good friday agreement provide for at least one form ofjoint authority, that is clear. the prospect of ever getting an executive up and running again in stormont is much less so. we'll speak to the dup in a moment, but first i'm joined from belfast by ciaran mac gilla vine — he's from the campaign group con—roo na gaeligah which advocates for the irish language. good evening. can you explain to us what the issue is about an irish language act, what would be in it and what difference it would make? in 2006 in the international st andrews agreement both the british and irish governments committed
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to introducing an irish language act, essentially affording irish speaking citizens here the same rights that the speakers of welsh in wales get for instance. since then the dup use their veto and their power to prevent this and at the same time took a number of progressive measures against the irish language. —— regressive measures. most recently they blocked a scheme which supported disadvantaged young people and this brought the issue and compounded the issue of the absence of rights for the irish here. very much at the very core of the political crisis here. in practical terms what would the act have in it that would legislate or mandate or prohibit? what would it actually do that you cannot do now? the basic elements of the act that we have been calling for, based on best international practice, would be things like official status for the language, currently the language has no official status. we want an independent commissioner
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to remove the language from that confrontational atmosphere at stormont. we wa nt we want the provision of services through the medium of irish. we want more visibility for the language through signage on our roads and on public buildings. basic measures that are afforded across other regions in the uk and afforded to irish speaking citizens in the south, but which the dup have steadfastly refused to allow here. is there anything you could offer in return? arlene foster said respect for the union and british identity has to be in there, it cannot be a one—way street. is there any trait to be done there? clearly they have tried and failed, but is there anything you could think that you could offer that would satisfy her? i am not offering anything, i am just advocating for the irish language. but it's worth remembering the
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compromise was made. but it was made in the st andrews agreement, the very firm commitment around the irish language and that was already made in 2006. what we need is implementation of that deal. we need citizens here to be afforded rights and the dup refer to this very strongly as the uk and how we are in tune with the rest of the uk, but when it comes to different speakers of the language, there is a marked difference on how they are treated and that cannot continue and there will not be another assembly here that facilitate the discrimination against irish speakers. large swathes of society here, they look at the case of irish speakers as a litmus test to see how serious the dup are about our future. we will leave newsnight. in the last few minutes, american media reporting that at least 15 people have been killed in that shooting at
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a school in florida. now, an 18—year—old boy is thought to be the gunman and is in custody after surrendering himself to the police. this all happened at the marjory stoneman douglas high school in the town of, about 45 miles north of miami. this is the scene earlier. —— parkland, florida. in the great litany of american school shootings, which have caused so much death and destruction down the years, this will go down as one of the worst. so far, 15 believed to have been killed, but that figure may change. we were hearing earlier on that there were multiple deaths. some reports suggesting it could be a death toll of 16. but we can talk
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110w death toll of 16. but we can talk now to patricia silbaran who is in florida. what more can you tell us? according to local media reports, there are at least 16 people dead from the results of this incident, this attack, that took place in florida about two hours ago. i have spoken to one of the students who was at the school. she had to evacuate. but unfortunately her best friend got shot, according to what she said to me, and this is the scene we've been seeing so far outside of the school. right now, the students are meeting their pa rents the students are meeting their parents at a hotel. the police are blocking all of the roads that are near the school to investigate further. just in terms of the gunman, you leave it to be 18 years old, apparently surrendered to police in the end without a struggle
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—— believed to be 18 years old. do we know anything more about him? the sheriff's office said he used to go to the school, he used to attend the school, but the sheriff couldn't really specify when he went to a different school, or his name. local media are naming the student, saying that he was, quite, a troubled kid, but authorities haven't yet confirmed this information. we are seeing some extraordinary pictures, actually, of him being searched by a number of police officers, that suspected gunman, just 18 years of age. and clearly, from those pictures earlier on, we saw all the pupils who had survived this attack coming out of the school, didn't we? with their hands on their heads. and huge numbers of police very quickly around the school. yeah, not only
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local law enforcement but also the fbi. we saw helicopters. that's why we could see images live as the evacuation was happening. students we re evacuation was happening. students were saying that they have heard a drill earlier in the school day, so they thought that the shotguns were actually construction noises. however, they are prepared for these types of attacks here in schools in the united states, so they were very quick and very, very fast in the evacuation process of the school. and donald trump has tweeted about this already, saying everybody in schools in america should feel safe, but this was, i think, the 18th school shooting in the united states this year alone. yes, indeed. the last one was just the mid— half of january, and it cost 17 students injured, so this is a normal view, u nfortu nately, injured, so this is a normal view, unfortunately, here in the united states. however, this city in
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particular, parkland, wasn't used to this type of events. it is the third most safe city in the florida state. this was a high school in parkland. what sort of ages with the pupils have been? this is the equivalent of a secondary school in the uk. yes, there were 3000 students going to that school between the ages of 1a and 19, and now i'm going to tell you the latest news. we have confirmed with the sheriff of browa rd county confirmed with the sheriff of broward county that there are 17 people dead, we don't know whether teachers or people from the school, but the authorities have confirmed there are 17 dead people as a result of this attack. it's a horrific death toll, isn't it? of course, that could rise. it's been rising ever since we started reporting this. it started as a number of
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wounded, and then numerous fatalities, and now, as you say, we now know it is 17, so you were just telling us, this is obviously quite a large high school, a large number of pupils who were there. yes, they we re of pupils who were there. yes, they were evacuating in small groups, but there are almost 3000 students. it's there are almost 3000 students. it's the only high school in that city. now i can also tell you that we have just heard confirmation of the name of the suspect. his name is nicolas dejesus of the suspect. his name is nicolas de jesus cruz. of the suspect. his name is nicolas dejesus cruz. the sheriff's office just confirmed this. we believe that he is approximately 18 years old. local media have been saying that he is 19 years old. like i told you before, this was a former student of the school, and, well, we don't know exactly when he dropped out of this school or when he went to a different school, but his name, confirmed now, is nicolas dejesus
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cruz. again, we are seeing those pictures of him being arrested and searched by that police car, by those police officers. do we have any idea whereabouts in the school this shooting happened, how he got into the school, where it's all unfolded? the details are yet to be displayed for the media. we saw disturbing images from the students. they were recording the moment they had to hide from the attacker. they were screaming. you could hear shouting. some people were wounded in the classroom. those are images coming now being spread through social media. of course, all of this will raise, yet again, the question of gun control in the united states, the question that never goes away. indeed, yes. and, umm, as you can
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see, the donald trump administration, the president himself has condemned the attack us and every student should feel safe, however, this is probably going to add more debate to the whole gun control issue in the us. we have viewers joining control issue in the us. we have viewersjoining us all of control issue in the us. we have viewers joining us all of the time. please tell us again what we know now about this terrible latest student cheating, the 18th in the us this year. we have confirmed with authorities that there are at least 17 people who died in this incident. there are some other injured people who are being taken care of in medical centres. the suspect has been identified as nicolas dejesus cruz. he is between 18 and 19 years old. he is under custody right now and according to social media he was
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transported to a medical centre also, but we have to confirm this information. yeah, these were pictures from earlier we were discussing. you just saw scores of pupils from this high school coming out quite calmly but with hands over their heads. you can see some people running quite terrified. sometimes walking out, sometimes running out, as the school was evacuated and went into lockdown. and clearly, schools like this, patricia, they do have a drill, the teachers and the pupils all know the drill. when there is a horrific incident of this kind, they have to get out, and there is a, sort of, drill that they follow. yes, exactly. from the images that we saw, as they told you before, we we re we saw, as they told you before, we were seen, we saw, as they told you before, we were seen, and the images they were live as the event was unfolding, what we can see is that all of these
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stu d e nts what we can see is that all of these students were quietly and calmly leaving the premises, the building. they were being guided by police who we re they were being guided by police who were already displayed in the outskirts of the school. and they are well trained to do these kinds of evacuations in a quick and fast way. tell us more about this town, parkland, in florida, ithink way. tell us more about this town, parkland, in florida, i think about 45 miles from miami. how big is it and how big a population centre if it? well, umm, it is actually close toa it? well, umm, it is actually close to a bigger city which is called coral springs. it is... you can tell there are a lot of retired population is coming from different states. we have a big hispanic and latino population in this city. but asi latino population in this city. but as i said before, this was the only high school. 3000 students coming to
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this high school. it is the only public high school in parkland in the city. it is 1.5 hours north of miami. stay with us, patricia, we wa nt to miami. stay with us, patricia, we want to talk more as this story unfolds. we willjust see now from one of the police officers co—ordinating all of this, the browa rd county co—ordinating all of this, the broward county sheriff, scott israel. he was bringing everyone up—to—date. israel. he was bringing everyone up-to-date. i want to say this is a catastrophic, unbelievably catastrophic, unbelievably catastrophic day in broward county history. it is devastating. i am sick to my stomach. we have multiple casualties. we have had approximately 1a people transported to area hospitals with varying degrees of injuries. there are multiple casualties, people who have lost their lives. i do not know the
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number right now. it is a fluid scene with multiple swat teams clearing the buildings. a shooter was taken into custody about an hour ago. he committed a horrible homicidal detestable act. the fbi and our people will begin processing this horrific scene as soon as the buildings are cleared. i have spoken to president trump. he has offered the full power of the united states of america to help us get through this. that was scott israel there, the county sheriff, talking to reporters. going back to our reporters. going back to our reporter in florida, patricia. you are saying we know the identity of the gunman. yes, indeed. his name is nicolas de jesus the gunman. yes, indeed. his name is nicolas dejesus cruz. the authorities pointed out he is
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probably between 18 and 19 years old and used to attend this high school, although, at the moment he is not a student. the death toll is rising all the time. 17, is that right? yes. that is what the official number is. it is at least 17 deaths after this attack. and, obviously, a number of wounded as well. we do not have figures for how many have been winded. we do not have figures yet. —— wounded. at first, the authorities said they have transported at least 1a wounded to the hospitals, and now we are learning there are 17 dead people, so we learning there are 17 dead people, so we need to confirm that information. patricia, again, stay with us. we can hear from information. patricia, again, stay with us. we can hearfrom one of information. patricia, again, stay with us. we can hear from one of the pupils from that high school in florida where the mass shooting has happened. a pupil who has survived,
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and also the mother of a people talking a short time ago. all of the kids came inside the rooms and everything. teachers were pulling us in and telling us to get in rooms and be quiet. so, yeah, we werejust 0k, and be quiet. so, yeah, we werejust ok, so... who is this? it is my mum. you do not understand. ijust hope all of the other kids are ok, but i am so all of the other kids are ok, but i am so glad my son is ok. were you able to talk to your mother during this? yeah, but they told us to turn off our phones and everything. as soon as i walked out i grabbed my phone and tried to talk to her. some of the pupils who survived that. jeremiah byers and his mother. 17 people were killed when that former student, we think aged 19, nicolas dejesus student, we think aged 19, nicolas de jesus cruz, student, we think aged 19, nicolas dejesus cruz, as named by the
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police, opened fire with what appears to be a semi—automatic rifle at that high school, in the local sheriff has called the scene "horrific." that was the sheriff we just heard from the mass and the victims were a mix of students and adults as well. certainly a mixture of pupils and adults. nicolas de jesus certainly a mixture of pupils and adults. nicolas dejesus cruz, identified as a former student of this high school, the marjory stoneman douglas high school, who was apparently expelled for disciplinary reasons. and the county sheriff has also said police have begun work looking at his websites, what he said on social media, and so on. we will have another listen to what the county sheriff has been saying. i want to say this is a catastrophic, unbelievably
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catastrophic day in browa rd county history. it's devastating. i'm sick to my stomach. umm, we have multiple casualties. we've had approximately 1a people transported to area hospitals with varying degrees of injuries. there are multiple casualties, though, there are folks who have lost their lives. i don't know the number right now. it is a fluid scene right now. we have multiple swat teams clearing the buildings. we have a shooter who was taken into custody about an hour ago. he was taken from stoneman douglas after he committed a horrible homicidal detestable act. the fbi and our crime scene people will begin processing this horrific scene as soon as the buildings are cleared. i have spoken to president trump. i have spoken to president trump,
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and he's offered the full power of the united states of america to help us get through this. and the sheriff was tweeting to say this. confirmation that the death toll is, at the moment, 17. that may not be a final death toll, but that is the figure police have at the moment. and i wasjust saying, there are indications, according to the police, that is gunman, nicolas de jesus cruz, had been expelled from the school. so, clearly a disgruntled former student at the marjory stoneman douglas high school, expelled for disciplinary reasons. the police have said they are checking out his activity on social media. let's go back to our correspondent, patricia, in florida, monitoring the offence at the high school. it does seem that this
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gunman, nicolas de jesus school. it does seem that this gunman, nicolas dejesus cruz, was, asi gunman, nicolas dejesus cruz, was, as i say, disgruntled. he had been thrown out of the school for disciplinary reasons and clearly had a grudge of some kind. yes. in one interview that a maths teacher gave to the local newspaper, the miami herald, he said the student was not allowed into the school wearing a backpack. last year, that was. we do not know the reason why. other stu d e nts not know the reason why. other students know him and have said he isa students know him and have said he is a "trouble kid," that he had behavioural issues. this has been a pattern in other school shootings, tragically, hasn't it? people disgruntled for whatever reason getting a weapon or alter the weapons and going into their school and causing absolute carnage and tragedy. —— multiple weapons. and causing absolute carnage and tragedy. -- multiple weapons. yes, and like we said earlier, this is probably going to, umm, from the debate over gun control even more so
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now that we see that this attack was just a teenager and somehow he had access to guns. and that is why he, you know, managed to kill 17 students, or people, we don't know if they were students or adults as well. you are right, it does seem that there were adults as well as pupils which might indicate that teachers were among the victims. we have seen a tweet. let's just remind people of what donald trump, the president, has been saying. this was actually before the full extent of the... the death toll became clear. this was a tweet that he put out quite soon after news of the shooting emerged. but before we knew there were at least 17 dead. but, of course, it will raise, yet
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again, the whole question of gun control. some in the united states say teachers should be armed. 0thers, say teachers should be armed. others, of course, that there should be much stricter gun laws and that young people like the person involved in this shooting should not be able to obtain, as easily as they clearly ca n, be able to obtain, as easily as they clearly can, semiautomatic rifles and assault weapons. let's hear from one of the survivors, a people who survived this dreadful mass shooting in florida. other kids came inside the rooms and everything. teachers were pulling us in and telling us to get in rooms and be quiet. so, yeah, we werejust ok, so... who is this? it is my mum. you don't understand. i'm just overjoyed he's 0k.
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ijust hope all of the other kids are ok, oh my god. were you able to talk to your mother during this? umm, yeah, but they told us to turn off our phones and everything. as soon as i walked out ijust grabbed my phone and tried to talk to her. so, that is one of the survivors from the school. let's go back to patricia, our correspondent in florida. just tell us how the news of this horrific shooting broke, and, umm, when that was, how long ago that was. about 3:15pm local time police confirmed they were attending this school after they heard reports of an attack, this shooting. they went very quickly. we saw live images from helicopters at the very moment this was unfolding, and we could see small groups of students leaving the
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premises of the school, and actually being escorted already by the fbi and local police. at that moment, the police was reporting that the shooter was a large, but probably an hour and shooter was a large, but probably an hourand a shooter was a large, but probably an hour and a half later, they could actually capture him, and he didn't put up any confrontation or resistance. and the speed with which the police and ambulances and so on got their shows that this is something all the authorities, the emergency services, have drills for. 0h, emergency services, have drills for. oh, yes. the response was very fast, and likei oh, yes. the response was very fast, and like i said, we could not only see the patrols from local enforcement, but also firefighters' trucks, ambulances who were already checking some of the students that we re checking some of the students that were evacuated in the schools, and were evacuated in the schools, and we saw the helicopters flying around the building. 0k, we saw the helicopters flying around the building. ok, i we saw the helicopters flying around the building. 0k, ithink we saw the helicopters flying around the building. ok, i think we can just let you know that donald trump
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has tweeted again, the president saying he has spoken to the governor of florida, rick scott, and says that we are working closely with law enforcement on the terrible florida school shooting. so we will be hoping to hearfrom school shooting. so we will be hoping to hear from the governor, rick scott, shortly, but donald trumpjust rick scott, shortly, but donald trump just saying he rick scott, shortly, but donald trumpjust saying he has been in touch with the florida authorities, and saying, we are working closely with law enforcement on the school shooting, which we now know has claimed the lives of 17 young people and adults at that marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, about 45 miles north of miami, and the gunman involved is believed to bea the gunman involved is believed to be a former pupil aged 19, marjory stoneman douglas high school, who had been expelled from the school for disciplinary reasons. let's hear
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again from the county sheriff on what's happened there. again from the county sheriff on what's happened therelj again from the county sheriff on what's happened there. i want to start out by saying that this is a catastrophic, and unbelievably catastrophic, and unbelievably catastrophic day, in brouwer county history. it is unbelievably devastating. i'm sick to my stomach. we have multiple casualties. we have approximately 1a people transferred to area hospitals with various degrees of injuries. there are multiple casualties, though, there are folks who have lost their lives. i don't know the number right now. it's a fluid scene right now. we have multiple what teams covering all the buildings, we have a shooter in custody — he was taken into custody and i believe, about an hour after he left stoneman douglas, after he left stoneman douglas, after he left stoneman douglas, after he committed this homicidal,
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detesta ble after he committed this homicidal, detestable act. 0ur fbi and crime scene detestable act. 0ur fbi and crime scene people will begin processing this horrific scene as soon as the buildings are cleared. i have spoken to president trump and he has offered the full power of the united states of america to help us get through this. so that's the sheriff. back to our correspondent in florida, and clearly from what he was saying, the words he was using, he was shocked himself at the absolute horror and scale of the death in this shooting. unbelievably catastrophic, the words of the sheriff there. yes, and i have spoken with one of the students who evacuated this high school, and she told me that everybody was in a state of shock on the pretty much. they were just reuniting with their pa rents they were just reuniting with their parents and family members in a hotel that's actually nearby this school. and you can see it from images that we are getting from news
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agencies. we see that there is a state of shock and just sadness — you can see beagle crying and hugging —— people crying and hugging, trying to support each other through this difficult time. this seems to be the third deadliest school shooting in us history. we arejust seeing some school shooting in us history. we are just seeing some doctors here. we are not sure if this is going to bea we are not sure if this is going to be a news conference with some of the doctors who have been working at the doctors who have been working at the scene. they are coming to the microphone. let's have a listen in. clearly a lot of injured, but the doctors have been working on a lot of casualties in the hospitals around parkland, florida, and these are some of the medical teams that have been working to save the lives of those who they can. 17 dead, though, we know, and many other wounded. if you would step up and say your
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name and your title. just going to say their names. evan boyer, md chairand say their names. evan boyer, md chair and medical directorfor say their names. evan boyer, md chair and medical director for the department of emergency medicine. igor perenko, medical doctor, i'm a medical help. sure, so, good evening. first and foremost, we want to extend our condolences and sympathy for all those people, family members involved in the tragedy today. through the broward
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health system, we received 17 patients. at broward health north we received 17 patients and one suspect. the suspect was treated and released in police custody. of our eight patients, we had two mortalities, three in critical condition, and three are stable. what condition was the suspect in?|j cannot disclose that. i think the first sentence you said, you said 17 patients at broward health north. no, systemwide at broward health, there was a total of seven patients, nine here, seven at broward general, and seven at broward springs. -- at coral springs. you talk about injuries. how serious are these? of the eight patients, two mortalities, three in critical condition, three stable. what have you seen, what
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kind of wounds? out of respect for family members and patients, we are not going to disclose that information? are these all gunshot wounds? yes, they are all gunshot victims. sometimes we see people that are trampled on their way out or sustaining other sorts of injuries. that's why we wanted to clarify that. so, of the eight victims here, those are all some sort of gunshot wounds? that is correct. can you elaborate on the ages of the patients? again, we can't talk about the age or any information related to the patients out of respect to the families. information related to the patients out of respect to the familieslj know out of respect to the families.” know you guys were in lockout. can you describe for us — in this mass casualty incident, what was it like inside patients were coming here after the shooting? sure. we worked very closely with our prehospital
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personnel. via, rescue, on the scene, in contraction with the browa rd scene, in contraction with the broward sheriff office. prehospital communicate information to us. we routinely run drills at our institution to be ready for insta nces institution to be ready for instances like this. so we have a process in place that gets initiated, so there's calm, collected ca re initiated, so there's calm, collected care that our patients receive. can you tell us their ages, do you believe they are students? we prefer not to comment on our patients in respect for our patients. can you talk about personally? i mean, just as human beings, outside of being doctors, treating these people who have come in here after experiencing perhaps the worst event of their lives, and having the responsibility of treating these people and, you know,
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ensuring the best outcome they can have? how does that affect you all as human beings? well, we do this every day, so what you saw today, we have penetrative trauma, a level to trauma centre, and that's what we do everyday, so fortunately for everybody, we are located very close to the high school this shooting happened, so fortunately for everybody, they brought these patients to our hospital, and we we re patients to our hospital, and we were able to do a greatjob to do the right thing. i know you can't say much about the suspect‘s medical condition, or whatever, say much about the suspect‘s medical condition, orwhatever, but people might be surprised the suspect was brought here. how do you guys perform the hippocratic oath and do your job, perform the hippocratic oath and do yourjob, knowing perform the hippocratic oath and do your job, knowing what perform the hippocratic oath and do yourjob, knowing what this guy is accused of doing? every patient that comes in gets treated as a patient, and we take care of them medically,
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and we take care of them medically, and that's what we do. were there any facilities at this facility as opposed to any other? they have to go to the nearest trauma facility and this was the nearest. is this the biggest mass casualty incident you can remember? for our hospital, yes. we cannot comment on that. can you tell us if it was a large calibre, small calibre? no, we can't. - you - us on at still here? no. gutbgi ‘5 on? still here? no. gutb2'72 22 on? we still have surgery going on? we still have three patients in the operating rooms in stable condition. can you describe what those who, i guess, what their demeanour was like? i
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know it's obvious, but can you describe it to us? i'd prefer not to comment on a specific patient‘s demeanour, but, as a human being, you can imagine that they would... they would be in shock, or the emotional about the whole situation. pardon me? we work closely with our prehospital personnel, set that up. yeah. 0ne prehospital personnel, set that up. yeah. one more question. what's next for these patients, especially the three in critical condition in terms of services? they are going to have successful surgeries, they are going to recover, they are going to go home. thanks very much. have a good night. so they were some of the
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doctors dealing with the casualties from this horrific school shooting in florida, which we now know has claimed the lives of 17 people, pupils and adults as well. we don't know whether those adults were teachers at the school. just put this into perspective, into historical context, in terms of previous us school shootings, and these are pictures from earlier, as survivors of this latest school shooting were evacuated from the school, but this would be the third deadliest school shooting in american history. 17 dead in this massacre at this school in florida. 32 dead at the va tech in 2007. this would be the third worst, in terms of the galaxies, worse than
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columbine, for example, in 1999. it will raise questions on gun control, but we have seen so many of these, and even this year alone in the united states, this will be the 18th school shooting. so just to united states, this will be the 18th school shooting. sojust to bring you up to date, if you arejoining us, 17 people dead, and hundreds, as you've seen, have been evacuated from that school. it's in parkland in florida. it's about 45 miles north of miami, the marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, 17 people killed, and the culprit appears to have been a disgruntled former pupil, nicolas cruz, who was expeued former pupil, nicolas cruz, who was expelled praemia sleaford disciplinary reasons. one eyewitness
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saying a row disciplinary reasons. one eyewitness saying a row over disciplinary reasons. one eyewitness saying a row over carrying a rucksack —— expelled previously. president trump has tweeted: he said that he is in touch with the governor of florida, and the authorities there. that is the latest on that school shooting. another tragic day in us history there. 17 dead. much more coming up on that
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