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tv   Breakfast  BBC News  September 30, 2017 7:00am-8:01am BST

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hello, this is breakfast, with naga munchetty and jon kay. another brexit challenge from boris johnson as theresa may tries to assert her grip on the conservatives ahead of the conservative party conference. public sector pay is once again at the top of the political agenda. good morning, it's saturday the 30th of september. the united states pulls half of its diplomats out of cuba and warns citizens to stay away following attacks on embassy staff. a british traitor but a russian hero. moscow celebrates the life of king philby, the soviet spy from the 605. in sport, england put all the off—field controversy to one side and end their cricketing summer on a high. joe root hits the winning runs
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as they beat west indies to seal a 4—0 series win. and fasten your seat—belts. mike has swapped our red sofa for one with a bit more get up and go. he's been finding out about the world of furniture racing. and sarah has the weather. good morning. turning increasingly autumnal through the weekend. after autumnal through the weekend. after a bright start, some rain and strengthening winds. all the details in about 15 minutes. good morning. first, our main story. for the first time in seven years, public sector workers in england and wales could see their pay rise next year by more than the government's 1% pay cap. teachers could be among those who benefit after pay review bodies were told they could recommend higher wage increases to professions which have skills shortages. but as andy moore reports, unions fear the money will have to be found from existing school budgets. what does a good teacher make these days? recruiting enough teachers has become one of the most pressing
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problems facing schools in england. starting salaries have fallen behind other jobs after years of low pay rises. here's my magnets, two very powerful ring magnets... now the governor and has confirmed some teachers might get now the government has confirmed some teachers might get increases above 1%. but that's likely to be in areas where there are skills shortages and there's no indication yet how those pay rises might be funded. i think head teachers would be pleased to see a pay rise because they have real difficulties recruiting, but they will want to know that it's fully funded, that the government will give them the money they need to pay the teachers. the government said pay discipline was still needed in the public sector but workers needed to have fulfilling jobs that were fairly rewarded. we cannot keep reducing public pay relative to pay in the private sector and still expect to retain the teachers and nurses and so on that you need. you're going to be there forever otherwise... for some teachers there's the prospect of more money. for head teachers with frozen
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budgets, there's the problem of where that money will come from. andy moore, bbc news. meanwhile, boris johnson's urged workers to be given a pay rise. speaking to the sun newspaper, he said people deserve to be properly paid. the foreign secretary has also intervened again in the brexit debate ahead of the conservative party conference, insisting any transition period must last no longer than two years. let's speak to jonathan blake about this. let's talk about pay and how it is going to work if certain public sector workers get the pay increase beyond the 1% cap. the foreign secretary, boris johnson, increase beyond the 1% cap. the foreign secretary, borisjohnson, is setting out his stall this morning as far as public sector pay goes in the interview with the sun saying very simply he thinks people should be paid more. in his words, the national living wage, £7 50 at the moment, rising to £9 per hour by 2020, is not enough. so how would he
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fund what would be a very expensive policy decision? he says the wage bill could be cut overall in effect by getting rid of a lot of public sectorjobs, and by getting rid of a lot of public sector jobs, and those by getting rid of a lot of public sectorjobs, and those people, he says, will be helped by the government to find employment in the private sector, which he says is booming. this is not government policy at the moment and it is outside of his brief as foreign secretary and therefore a little bit controversial and will have some people saying again that he is posturing to position himself as the next conservative leader. yes, because the comments now on brexit within his re— met have been coming out on the day theresa may prepares to show he's a strongly do at conservative party conference/ she's. the foreign secretary on more familiar territory, talking about brexit, setting out the red lines, no transition period, no new rules during that time and other demands as well. a lot of that goes further than what is agreed government policy, but you would expect him to beat and enthusiastic campaigner for
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a hard brexit given everything he said during the referendum campaign. is it overoptimistic? that is something scottish conservative leader ruth davidson is criticising in another interview this morning with the times, saying people should be paying more attention to the detail. the challenge for theresa may as she goes into the conservative conference this weekend is to make sure her message that she saysis is to make sure her message that she says is the conservatives' task of creating a country that works for eve ryo ne creating a country that works for everyone is heard above all this noise. good to talk to you, speak to you later on the programme. the nhs is stuck in the past and not fit for the 21st century, according to the chief inspector of hospitals in england. professor ted baker says the system has not adapted to deal with the growth in the population, and has warned all trusts to take urgent steps to make accident and emergency departments safe. washington has pulled most of its diplomats out of havana following mysterious attacks on staff.
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the cuban government says the decision is hasty and will affect relations between the two countries. our us correspondent barbara plett usher reports. this was supposed to mark the beginning of better relations between cuba and the united states, but little more than a year after the mission was formally reopen in havana, us employees began reporting hearing loss and other mystery health problems. the americans now say their diplomats are being attacked. they don't know by whom all by what exactly but they've decided it's no longer safe for them, only a skeleton staff will stay. the cuban government has denied any role in this bizarre and troubling episode. it's been helping with the investigation. relations had already begun to strain in the weight of the new president whose roll some elements of detante. you'll see what's happening but they did some bad things. cuba said the decision to downsize the embassy was hasty and will further affect ties. the ending of hostilities between the two cold war enemies was a legacy moment
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for president 0bama. celebrated with scenes that could have been filmed for a feelgood american movie. now sabotaged by a plot that could have been written for a cold war spy novel. barbara plett—usher, bbc news, washington. young people are spending far less than the older generation on having fun, according to a new study. research from the resolution foundation says people in their 20s and 30s can't afford as many meals out or expensive coffees due to the fall in their incomes and the rising cost of housing. joe lynam explains. today's young adults have been accused of spending all their money on eating out, the infamous avocado toast, rather than saving for their futures. older people, though, have a reputation of being cautious with their money. well, a study for the resolution foundation seems to dispel that. it says it's the so—called baby boomers who are dining out the most. the study, which has tracked
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consumption habits among the age groups for 57 years, has found spending power for 25 to 35 —year—olds has fallen by 15% since the year 2000. housing costs have also risen faster for young adults than for workers aged between 55 and 60. and millennials spend more every week on their mobile phones than cigarettes and alcohol for the first time. we sometimes hear that even though millennials have had poor earnings growth, they're still managing to spend like no tomorrow on things like avocado toast in cafes and going on holiday. what our analysis shows is everybody, all age groups, spend similar amounts on these things and the fastest growth in spending on these items over the 21st—century hasn't been for the young, it's been for the 55 to 64—year—olds, those boomers in late working age. while young adults may have youth on their side, the so—called baby boomers born after the war are busy shopping and holidaying a lot more than their younger counterparts. joe lynam, bbc news. people found guilty of the most
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serious acts of animal cruelty could face up to five years in prison under new legislation announced today. last year, the rspca investigated nearly 150,000 cases of animal abuse, including violence, organised dog fights and neglect. the current maximum jail term is six months. the supermarket chain asda is recalling a baby food ready meal after plastic was found in one of the products. the retailer has asked customers to return any beef and sweet potato stews from its little angels range if they have a best before date of 10th september, 2018. prince harry was joined by a very special guest at the invictus games in toronto. former us president barack 0bama arrived court—side to cheer on the american wheelchair basketball team. the pair were mobbed by a huge crowd when they arrived but happily posed for photos with fans. very star—studded, the first lady
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has been there, justin trudeau, eve ryo ne has been there, justin trudeau, everyone is their. meghan markle. he has called in all his own mates. and new mates. we will have a look at victory in the sport in cricket. and also sarah will have the weather. first aid legal story that could have implications for many families. family courtjudges must not allow parents to see their children if there's any risk of harm to the child from their mother orfather, either physically or psychologically. this new order is part of tougher guidance that will be brought into force on monday to protect children during custody battles. earlier this year we spoke to claire throssell, whose two children were killed in a house fire, which was started deliberately by their dad. some viewers may find her account of what happened upsetting. they were on an access visit to
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their father and they were on an access visit to theirfather and in they were on an access visit to their father and in the two hours that he was having them, he barricaded the house and set 1a separate fires and trapped the boys in the attic upstairs. jack tried to get out and save his brother. u nfortu nately get out and save his brother. unfortunately he fell through the hatch and he was 56% don't. paul died two hours later in my arms and jack died five days later in manchester. it's actually in my court case that i said i thought he would either kill or significantly harm the boys. he was on the edge. he had threatened to commit suicide a couple of months earlier and he just wasn't in the right place at the time to have safe contact with the time to have safe contact with the two boys. what needs to change is children's voices need to be heard. it's all too easy in a
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complicated separation that the children's voices get lost somewhere down that process. but what we need to do is to make sure children are at the heart of every decision made and that they are allowed their voice. claire throssell speaking brea kfast voice. claire throssell speaking breakfast earlier in the year. we can now speak to sian hawkins from the charity women's aid. good morning. let's start with the law as it stands at the moment. when a judge looks at a case in a family court involving parents and contact with children, until now, how has it worked? there's been guidance in place already that sets out what judges should do in any child contact case that comes through the family courts, where there are allegations or convictions of domestic abuse but the new guidance that will come into force on monday sets out more robustly and clearly whatjudges are actually required to
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consider and required to do when there are suspicions of domestic abuse or convictions for domestic abuse or convictions for domestic abuse in order to keep that trial and the non— abusive parent safe. abuse in order to keep that trial and the non— abusive parent safem terms of contact, what could that mean? child. it might rename you -- it might mean a risk assessment of like there's the risk of ongoing harm to the child and non— abusive parent, so unsupervised contact wouldn't be appropriate in those cases so wouldn't be appropriate in those cases so contact would need to be managed incredibly carefully or in some cases the court might decide based on suspicions of domestic abuse or allegations of domestic abuse or allegations of domestic abuse that for the time being actually it might be better for the child that there is no contact with a known perpetrator of domestic abuse. we heard claire recounting her terrible experience and calling for change. is this the kind of change she and charities like yours are waiting for? absolutely. women's aid has been calling for changes for the way you family courts consider
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domestic abuse for a number of years 110w domestic abuse for a number of years now and as claire explained, it is vitally important now we make sure children's voices are back at the heart of all decisions made in the family courts and we've got this really good guidance in place now, it's very robust and clear of what that needs to be matched with, really good training forjudges and so really good training forjudges and so they know how to interpret the guidance and recognise domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour and know the risks and harms that can pose to the child in the long—term. harms that can pose to the child in the long-term. talking about coercive, psychological abuse, that's more important because that's being taken more importantly in the law, not just being taken more importantly in the law, notjust physical being taken more importantly in the law, not just physical abuse being taken more importantly in the law, notjust physical abuse and violence? yeah, two years ago and a controlling behaviour was brought in and there have been many convictions for that already. there has been more awareness of those types of insidious day to day types of controlling behaviour that can really cause a lot of long—term
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damage and harm to a family and its rule important now that criminal offence translates into the family judiciary and family courts and that it is recognised and responded to as possible. you talk about listening to children's voices and they must be heard in all of this, what if a child wants to see a parent, albeit under supervision, but the courts think that parent is violent or coercive or psychologically abusive? if the child still wants to see a parent, because it is their mum or dad, should that be allowed? these cases are incredibly complex and there's lots of different factors that need to be considered. but ultimately it's the judge's decision, the decision of the judiciary, about what's in the best interest of the child. what we know is that domestic abuse has a huge long—term impact on children and the nonabusive parent and that has to be at the heart of every decision made, their ongoing safety and the appropriateness of any contact
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considered and then ordered. we all know in cases in the family court it can be one person's word against another person's word, people have different views of reality and experience, is this open to abuse and interpretation that one parent could play off another parent to get them no contact with children by lying or exaggerating what's gone on behind closed doors? this is precisely why the training and implementation of this guidance is important because judges need to be able to identify cases where there is clearly ongoing coercive and controlling behaviour which plays out in the family court in front of judges did it adding that training in place, working with thejudicial couege in place, working with thejudicial college and the ministry ofjustice to ensure that everyjudge has a good grasp of coercive behaviour and how it can be manifested and play out ina how it can be manifested and play out in a family court will be vital to making sure we get these
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decisions right. thank you very much for joining decisions right. thank you very much forjoining us. you're watching breakfast from bbc news. the main stories this morning. teachers and nurses in england and wales could receive a pay rise next year above the government's current limit of 1%. the foreign secretary borisjohnson has again set out his own vision for brexit, insisting that any transition period must last no longer than two years. i think it is fair to say that we are well into autumn. it certainly feels like a. but we should be grateful because we have been covering the hurricane and, sarah, has there been any impact of those hurricane is now weather system? 0bviously nothing like that but has it affected what we feel now? it has in the way that it is putting energy into the atlantic with the remnants of those hurricane ‘s. what we will
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see our both of the move across the atla ntic see our both of the move across the atlantic are not directly impacting oui’ atlantic are not directly impacting our weather here in the uk. they are re m na nts of our weather here in the uk. they are remnants of tropical storms now. we are seeing a little more tropical moisture, so warm tropical air but we're not seeing the storms across the uk. typical autumnal storms here. things will be turning quite windy during tomorrow and monday. for the weekend, well, it is a bright start or some of us. things are going to be turning increasingly wet and windy later on. gales likely during sunday night into monday as well. here are the areas of low treasure approaching our shores. there is a lot of tropical moisture because of the hurricane is we have seen because of the hurricane is we have seen but we are not seeing them move across our seen but we are not seeing them move across oui’ shores. seen but we are not seeing them move across our shores. what we are seeing is plenty of showers around today. shall so scotland and northern england but they should ease the a lot of bright weather for the northern half. says billson
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scattered showers across central scotla nd scattered showers across central scotland this afternoon. fewer showers for northern ireland and for southern scotland as well, not about afternoon. 1a, 15 degrees and sunshine across much of northern england. cloudierskies, sunshine across much of northern england. cloudier skies, brightness towards the east but further west across england into wales, more persistent rain arriving during the afternoon. low cloud, mist and helpful goes well. into the evening, the rain across parts of wales and the rain across parts of wales and the south—west pushes further east across england and wales. further north, clear skies at first and then this next area of rain comes in sunday morning. most of us have a mild start on sunday with cloud around. wind will be the main feature of the weather tomorrow. combined with outbreaks of rain, it should be heavy at times across the hills. patchy rain working gradually eastwards a cross hills. patchy rain working gradually eastwards across all of the country, followed by sunny spells and scattered showers as well with temperatures not doing too badly.
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you will certainly notice the feel of the wind. it will not ease into monday as the low pressure sits to the north of the uk. tide isobars are rotating around the area of low pressure with risk wind wherever you are during monday. we could see 60 mph gusts and further north, perhaps faster. windy spell of weather or on the way, the temperature around about 13— 18 degrees and there will be plenty of showers as well. autumnal really sums up our weather for the next few days. thank you very much, sarah. now, if you're not a fan of long haulflights, this next piece of news might interest you. how does london to new york in just 29 minutes sound? american rocket entrepreneur elon musk says he has designed a reusable rocket system — called the bfr — which could transport 100 people from one side of the world
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to the other, in under an hour. the boss of tesla motors has also unveiled plans to start sending people to mars as early as 202a. should we go? you can take the first one. someone who knows a bit more about how this might, or might not work is dr martin archer. he is a space physicist at imperial college london. good morning. really? is this possible? technically, yes it is possible. i do think some of the claims area possible. i do think some of the claims are a little lofty we know that from him. he is a character, a visionary who is ambitious. the rocket he is developing, the reusable space ships, they have a track record of doing that at spacek ‘s already, the falcon nine, the last 16 landings were flawless. they
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have reused two of their rockets already. the idea of making space cheaper by reusing rockets rather than jettisoning them, that has worked well for them. the whole commuting thing... i would almost think that his claims about putting people on the moon and putting people on the moon and putting people on the moon and putting people on mars are actually more believable than us using rockets for long haul commutes. let's discuss elon musk for a moment. his name has been bandied about. for anyone who does not know him, a brief history, please. he grew up in south africa and was one of the founders of paypal which is where he got his money. he began with paypal and then he got into electric cars with tesla. he owns that. and then he decided to get into private space. his ethics are very much about reusing space aircraft as well. he is not like a crazy billionaire who
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just wants to throw a lot of money out unfeasible projects. now, here is all about making things commercially viable. spacek ‘s, the way they have driven this progress is by doing a lot of service for the space sector. they get money from that. they also win contracts from places like nasa. they are one of the providers able to send cargo to the providers able to send cargo to the international space station. eventually they want to send people to. it is not completely reliant on the russians. they have had a phenomenal track record in this area. from what you say look so you area. from what you say look so you are saying that, yes, this is potentially problem and it could well happen time frame is a little ofan well happen time frame is a little of an exaggeration, is that fair? that is spot on. you always have to ta ke that is spot on. you always have to take a step backwards and say where
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are they now, what needs to happen? they have not done any manned missions at all yet. so the flight times. 28 minutes bangkok to dubai, london to dubai, 30 minutes... again, i don't disagree that that is probably what it would take if you we re probably what it would take if you were to do this with a rocket. my concern is more were to do this with a rocket. my concern is more over were to do this with a rocket. my concern is more over whether or not this is energy efficient? you will not be. cost wise it will be tremendous. i do not see this taking off. how long a runway would you need to land a rocket? the whole idea with these things as that they are vertical takeoff and vertical landing so that what we are seeing with the falcon number nine in the land is typically steady themselves and come down on barges out sea for safety reasons. i don't know what would happen with a passenger rocket. logistically, it is feasible. 0ne rocket. logistically, it is feasible. one thing is we talk about
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these timelines and john were saying about how realistic there. nasa is saying against the send people to mars by 2030. the concept of sending people mars is not alien but it is the time frame. if nasa cannot do it by 2024, how could elon musk?” don't think you can. he did put up a slide at this conference that said it was ambitious. we know he goes to these ambitious timescales and they a lwa ys these ambitious timescales and they always get pushed back. one rule in space, 01’ always get pushed back. one rule in space, or things that never launched on the day they initially say they do. it will always be later. it is great that he has the drive and is trying to push forward. he has much to do in the meantime, not only for this particular mission but for ensuring the spacex business. he wa nts to ensuring the spacex business. he wants to stockpile and create a load of the current records so he can put all of these resources into the mars mission. there is a lot of stuff
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they need to do. i don't think five, seven years, is enough. say he did it and seven years, is enough. say he did itand in seven years, is enough. say he did it and in five years time i had a ticket here, would you take it? to new york? as. to mars, maybe not. i think i will wait until 2034 mars. thank you very much. 26 minutes plus sevenis thank you very much. 26 minutes plus seven is the time. british double—agent, kim philby spent three decades passing british and american secrets to the kgb until he was discovered as a soviet spy in 1963. he was condemned as a traitor in britain, but regarded as a hero in the ussr. now an exhibition celebrating his life as a kgb agent has opened in moscow. 0ur moscow correspondent sarah rainsford has been to see it. to his own country, kim philby is a traitor, but in russia this new exhibition hailed him as a hero. his life story as a soviet spy is on display here, along with a glimpse of his home life. his widow was at the opening, greeted by the head of russia's
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external intelligence agency. it is the successor to the kgb that kim philby served for three decades. translation: kim philby is a legendary man, an outstanding spy. a man who did much for the victory over fascism in the second world war and contributed to the fight for peace, justice and freedom. and this is what philby is honoured for here, handing over a huge number of classified documents from british and american intelligence. some, including one describing an attack on hitler's life, are revealed here for the first time. it is over half a century since he was exposed and escaped to moscow. if there was a third man, were you in fact the third man? no, i was not. even longer since this virtuoso performance where the committed communist denied he was a soviet mole. he fooled everyone. his story is being revived and retold here, just as modern
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russia and the west are locked what many call a new cold war. he should not be regarded as a traitor, because he never betrayed anyone. he never betrayed. he was acting along with his beliefs. the double agent retained those beliefs until the very end. in one document here, he hopes to see the red flag flying over the buckingham palace and white house. instead, three years after his death in moscow, the ussr fell apart. coming up in the next half hour... mike's swapped our red sofa for one on wheels. this week he's gone furniture racing. he is wearing a seat., we do need to say that. stay with us. the
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headlines are coming up in a moment. hello, this is breakfast, with naga munchetty and jon kay. here's a summary of this morning's main stories from bbc news: public sector workers in england and wales may see their pay rise next year by more than the goverment‘s 1% pay cap. teachers and nurses could be among those who benefit, after pay review bodies were told they could recommend higher wage increases to professions which have skill shortages. however, unions say they fear the money will have to be found from existing budgets. meanwhile, boris johnson says he wants public sector workers to be given a pay rise. speaking to the sun newspaper, he said people deserve to be properly paid. the foreign secretary has also intervened in the brexit debate ahead of the conservative party conference, insisting any transition period must last no longer than two years. the nhs is stuck in the past and not
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fit for the 21st century, according to the chief inspector of hospitals in england. speaking to the telegraph newspaper, professor ted baker says the system has not adapted to deal with the growth in the population, and has warned all trusts to take urgent steps to make accident and emergency departments safe. cuba says washington acted hastily by deciding to pull out most of its staff from its embassy in havana following mystery sonic attacks on its diplomats. the cuban foreign ministry said the measure would affect bilateral relations. havana strongly denies involvement in the incidents and washington hasn't directly accused it. people found guilty of the most serious acts of animal cruelty could face up to five years in prison under new legislation announced today. last year, the rspca investigated nearly 150,000 cases of animal abuse, including violence, organised dog fights and neglect. the current maximum jail term is six months. baby boomers are considered to be
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cautious with money, while the younger generation are thought to be more frivolous with their cash, spending it on the likes of avocado on toast and expensive cups of coffee. however, according to a new report quite the opposite is true. research by the resolution foundation shows young people are spending much less on discretionary items compared to older people, who eat out far more. cute picture alert everybody. lovely pictures that have come from a giant panda base in south—west china. these ten giant panda cubs, including three pairs of twins, were all born this year. the oldest is five months and the youngest only two months. some are proving quite a hand full! panda cubs do not open their eyes until they are six to eight weeks old and are not mobile until three months.
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he's not very mobile, that one, is he? about why wouldn't you want to explore your surroundings? almost squashing that little one. they can't open their eyes, they don't know what is there! there is your fill of cute pictures. good morning, jess, good morning. cricket, two tales, one of jubilation and the other tainted by what's going on with a couple of members of the team. it's been a testing time for england cricket because of the field controversies but it was nice yesterday to focus on what's going on on the pitch, particularly a dominant performance from england and in particular johnny bairstow, who managed a century. very impressive from him. amid all the controversy off the pitch, england rounded off their summer of cricket sealing a 4—0 one day series win against west indies.
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liam plunkett took two wickets as england restricted the tourists to 288 from their 50 overs. and england reached the target with ease. jason roy hit 96. and a confidence boost forjonny bairstow ahead of the ashes, he finished on 141 not out. joe root ended the summer in style, completing the victory with a six! probably the most convincing thing about the last couple of days and the distractions that have gone on was a win at the oval. a chance to win the series, everything that happened was quite fresh, everybody knew about it the last couple of days so to produce a performance like that in such a tight game obviously meant a huge amount to the side. rangers have moved up to third in the scottish premiership after their won 4—1 away at hamilton academical. rangers had to come from behind too, as hamilton took an early lead. but defender declanjohn scored two goals and rangers added a couple more in the second half to seal a comfortable win, despite having a man sent off. final practices under way ahead of
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qualifying for the moderation grand prix -- qualifying for the moderation grand prix —— practice is. championship leader lewis hamilton could only finish sixth in second practice, with rival sebastian vettel fastest. he is third at the moment behind the red bull of daniel ricciardo and mercedes teammate valtteri bottas but crucially quicker than the ferrari of title rival vettel. qualifying gets under way at 10am and you can follow it all on the bbc. there was more super league semi—final drama last night. following the golden point drop goal that sent castleford through to the grand final on thursday, leeds just held off hull fc. they beat them 18—16 at headingley to reach old trafford for a west yorkshire derby next weekend. this second half liam sutcliffe try helped the hosts to that narrow two—point win. also a record equalling 10th grand
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final. newcastle falcons are top of rugby union's premiership after a bonus point win over london irish. three tries in eight minutes helped the falcons towards their fourth win of the season. there were also wins for saracens and sale. in the pro14, leinster and glasgow both won while scarlets beat connaght in a thrilling nine try encounter. leigh halfpenny helping the welsh side scarlets to a narrow 36—27 win. 0spreys poor start to the season continued with a fourth successive defeat, this time to the cheetahs 44—25 in bloemfontein. the south african side are now second in the conference a table. as well as the malaysia and grand prix this weekend, what about this for the other end of the racing
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spectrum? for the other end of the racing spectrum ? edd for the other end of the racing spectrum? edd china has eight world records for racing pieces of furniture and this month he has been inspiring the next generation of young engineers at one of the biggest car shows in the world. we like to take our breakfasts over out and about. mike has been checking it out. from one red sofa to another, but the breakfast couch doesn't compare to the one owned by my friend here, which has set world record for being the fastest sofa in the world. mechanic and inventor edd china has held eight world records by pushing the boundaries of invention and using furniture from around the house. the amazing thing about this original fastest sofa in the world which did set the record speed of 87 mph is it is road legal. here we are out for an afternoon dry with all the mod cons, the carriage clock, the plant pots.
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and my dinner, we have to steer with something. but we're still on a sofa, which is actually very comfortable. it would have been crazy not to make it comfortable. you've got mot, tax and insurance so we can go everywhere. we've been down to the south of france, to cannes. the sofa is based on the chassis of a mini and like in every other car you wear seatbelts. but while a sofa in australia has broken the 100 mph barrier on it all started here. i was making vehicles bought a series of father ted back in the day and i wanted to try to make something nothing like a car. you see, the bases, look at the reactions. they'll be wondering if something is in their beer, won't they? this creations don't just end in the lounge, he's also created the world's fastest bathroom, capable of speeds of 46 mph. i'll be going clean by the end of this dry. but he mightjust want to sort his laundry out. if you think about it, everything we live and work
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with today has been designed and engineered so without those people we wouldn't have anything, we wouldn't have television or candles and certainly not stuff like this. so there's a reason for all of this. ed fears engineering is not seen as glamorous any more and so is hoping to inspire the next generation of designers, like the soapbox races he judged at one of the country's oldest car climbs, cop hill in buckinghamshire. design is crucial to get you down the course, especially if you're being driven by scooby doo. you jump out of your seat kind of, but it is kind of hard to control it. but it is fun. we get to, like, make it and there's a lots of designs we go through to make good ones. the ingenuity that is coming to that is wonderful and it's lovely to see what young minds, with before they've learned other stuff. it's a great way to learn.
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the best experience with these vehicles is when i drive off somewhere and you see a child who sees it for the first time and you see the moment when the penny drops that almost anything is possible. i'm hoping we've inspired some young minds today. is not all about speed and power in motoring these days, for those long and boring journeys, what better than to lie down and snuggle up in the world's fastest bed? capable of speeds of 69 mph. good night. mike bushell, bbc news, on the road in a bed in buckinghamshire. that has really got me thinking about what i would race as a piece of furniture. 0ne about what i would race as a piece of furniture. one of the office chairs, already has wheels, you just need an engine. mike got it right with the bed. especially in the early mornings. on a day when we are talking about taking rockets to mars and going across the atlantic, bushels in a bath in the back claims of buckinghamshire —— bushell‘s.
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let's talk about the legendary fast bowler of the sixties. the west indian cricket team may be ending its tour of england, but in one county, the impact of the windies remains strong. legendary fast bowler sir wes hall was one of dozens of west indians to play as a professional alongside amateurs in the lancashire league. the friendships he formed with his team—mates are still having a dramatic effect, as stuart pollitt reports. wes hall, the bowler. wes hall was one of the most fearsome fast bowlers in west indian history. throughout the 19605 he tormented england's finest batsmen. doesn't matter what sort of wickets you produce when he's letting it go at this pace. but wes also played here for accrington in the lancashire league. his teammates weren't internationals but local amateurs. the first night he walked down here, he walked across this pitch to the nets, which is on the grass behind my shoulder here, and i'll never forget it, he had a west indian cap on, or his whites on and a long—range vote down to his ankles and he walked across and we were all thinking,
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that's wes hall. accrington was the defining moment in my life. i am away from home, i have to live with people who are strangers, i have to perform. it's the first time i've ever lived for six months with people other than the west indies. i was like a fly in the coconut ice cream and i was very grateful, you know, that they were so good to me. more than 50 years after wes and his teammates played here at accrington, the friendships forged on this field have stood the test of time. that's wes, that's me. jim eiland opened the bowling alongside wes hall for accrington. now he has alzheimer's but his memories of the west indian teammate remained strong. some days he may not remember how to switch the television on with the remit, but the minute a cricketer‘s name is mentioned, on with the remote, but the minute a cricketer‘s name is mentioned, it all comes flooding back.
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we'll always have a special place in their heart for wes hall. true, we will. it's nice thatjim has the photographs and items in books where they're both mentioned in the publications. jim came to barbados about ten years ago. i was so pleased to be able to reciprocate, you know, the good things that he had done for me. here on my heart, you know? i pray for them, i talk about them all the time. and this wasjim's reaction when we showed him that message from his old mate. is it a nice surprise for you? wonderful, isn't it? yeah. he was a good bloke. you're happy with that, are you? yeah, champion. good. his family said it was the most he had spoken in months, the demonstration of the power of a friendship that has spanned half the world and half a century. stewart pollitt, bbc news, lancashire.
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>> and after all the trouble in cricket, how nice to have a positive story like that. i'm not sure if it is cricketing weather this weekend. and sarah will let us know. she will know all about it. it is not looking too bad. from accrington in lancashire, this is lancaster. clear skies across much of the country. contrast that further south where there is already a lot of cloud. this is how things look out there in east sussex. as we had through the day, things will turn more u nsettled. day, things will turn more unsettled. low pressure sits on the atla ntic unsettled. low pressure sits on the atlantic and works in towards our shores. for today, not atlantic and works in towards our shores. fortoday, nota atlantic and works in towards our shores. for today, not a write—off whatsoever, particularly across the northern half of the country. sunshine and scattered showers around with a bit of dry weather for
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northern ireland, southern scotland, down south, however, we are looking at cloud bringing outbreaks of rain, particularly later on across parts of wales. a few showers the central parts of scotland are fewer further south across the borders into northern england and for northern ireland as well. 14, 15 degrees should not fear to feel too bad. more cloud southwards, bracknell towards east anglia but more persistent rain this afternoon should lock ins across south—west england and wales as well. much low cloud and it could be heavy over the high ground in particular. in the evening, the rain works further east, still clear through time across scotland, northern ireland, but later in the night this works in from the west. to begin sunday morning, will a lot of cloud, outbreaks of rain for many of us in the breeze picking up. the wind will be the main feature of the weather through the day tomorrow. a strong southerly breeze blowing,
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particularly windy across northern parts of scotland but wherever you are. a blustery day with this area of rain working eastwards. it will be turning patchy by the time it reaches east in england during the afternoon, heavy over the hills of scotla nd afternoon, heavy over the hills of scotland and sunshine and showers followed behind. low pressure remains to be north as we move into monday. thai isobars which indicates a windy spell of weather on into monday. we could see gusts as high as 70 miles an hour particularly across parts of scotland. but wherever you are, a windy spell to come with a mix of sunshine and showers. all in all, things look u nsettled showers. all in all, things look unsettled for the next few days. we will be back with the headlines at eight o'clock but for now it is time for new swatch. now it's time for newswatch, with samira ahmed. hello and welcome to newswatch with me, samira ahmed. as prince harry and meghan markle are filmed holding hands at the invictus games, is the bbc two obsessed
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with the royal family? as he prepares to leave the bbc, peter hunter looks back for us on the challenges of royal reporting. first, the party conference season is a chance for each political party to set out its ideas and try and dominate the news agenda. this week, it was the turn of the labour party. tonight, labour plans for power. it says it is ready to deal with whatever is thrown at it, even a run on the pound. if there is a run on the pound... the shadow chancellor was speaking to activists. today the labour leader backed him, saying it is right to be prepared. nick wharton felt that the headline attention was not warranted. last week, we endured complaint about a bbc reporter speaking
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to camera while others around were calling for silence in the search for survivors of the earthquake in mexico. here is a reminder of the clip that caused that concern. all over the town and minds of volunteers, people try to help all over the town are lines of volunteers, people trying to help those who may still be alive. as we spoke, the rescue workers began to raise their hands to ask for a few minutes of silence to try to hear any cries for help, but no joy this time. caroline mills was one of those watching our programme who wrote to echo the objections that we aired. well, we asked bbc news
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for a response to the complaints we receive and they told us: this week, the bbc has been running highlights from toronto of the invictus games, the paralympics style event championed by prince harry and created by his advisers.
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the games have also featured on bbc news, but monday's report for the news at ten started with its focus away from the competitors. it's the confirmation royal fans have been waiting for. the couple have been togetherfor over a year, but until this week they had gone to great lengths to keep their relationship out of view of the cameras. no more, their affection for each other obvious. the reaction from some newswatch viewers was scathing. linda bumford e—mailed: reporting on the royal family has often caused controversy, with the audience divided between those who prefer the bbc to maintain a respectful distance from the monarchy and those who object to what they see as too much obsequiousness.
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it is a challenge the corporation has faced for many years. in the age of deference, everything broadcast was on the royal terms, highly stage—managed and controlled. for decades, the bbc was seen as the favoured establishment media outlet and did little to upset them. but as charles and diana's marriage broke down publicly, with her infamous panorama interview playing a crucial role, and especially after diana's death 20 years ago, the relationship became much more complicated. was the bbc part of a rapacious, intrusive press pack that had some responsibility for her death and so should now stay awake, or was it theirjob to investigate and challenge the royals like any of its journalistic subjects? this dilemma has led to some tricky television moments, such as the occasional awkward photo opportunity and complaints about the hours of airtime spent waiting for prince george's birth, for example.
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through it all, the bbc has had to tread that path between a royal family increasingly sensitive to potential invasions of its privacy by the media and those with the perspective of hugh davis, who tweeted us this week. well, peter hunt has been covering the royal family among other subjects for almost 30 years. he conducted prince william's first—ever broadcast interview and prince harry's first radio interview and he has just announced that he is leaving the bbc shortly. welcome to newswatch. you have been home affairs correspondent and foreign affairs correspondent, as you heard in that comment, is there a special overly respectful tone and vocabulary that you used as a royal correspondent? not intentionally. the criticism in that tweet, i have regularly in my twitter feed. some are far more blunt than your correspondent and use words we could not repeat
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on this programme. i took over from jennie bond, lady bond as i call her. she didn't hand onto me her white stiletto heels that she was famous for, but she did hand on the advice that one should treat the royal family like any other news story. that has always been front and centre in my brain when i have done thisjob. clearly, something i have failed. how has the job changed since you started doing it? it was about 20 years ago. it is that constant tussle, as you suggested. the terrible time for the royals was during the ‘80s, when they really did feel there was no holds barred coverage and they didn't know what to do. with the benefit of history, part of the reason they were all at sea was because individual royals and their camps were contributing to the coverage. so what has changed most noticeably is that all of that leaking from within has been
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battened down on. so the distilling of information is coming through their communication offices, but the challenges which were there then are still around now. some royal correspondents have found out what the royal family really think of them and it is not always nice. do you know what they think of you? you must be talking about my colleague nick and the "awful man". anyone having a down day should not watch the dreadful moment from the royal point of view in the snow when they were skiing, and they were there to talk about the upcoming wedding of the prince of wales and camilla parker bowles as she then was, and the two princes were there. they had been out clubbing and clearly didn't want to be there. there was a microphone and recorded him saying that about nick. i can't bear him. there are fantastic
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other bits in there. you can also hear prince charles saying, who is that man? i asked whether they had chained him to a post and you can hear prince charles saying, why is that man asking that question? and harry whispered in his ear that that is what goes on. and william says, sorry, harry says, this is so much fun. and william says, keep smiling. that is the full context of the "awful man" moment. i suspect the queen doesn't know who i am and that is very healthy. i suspect that prince charles probably thinks i don't take him seriously enough, but he probably thinks that about a lot of people. william and harry probably tolerate me. very honest! it is noticeable how william and harry have recently really opened up to the news media about their mother and issues like mental health. does that marked a new stage in the relationship between the royal family and broadcasters? if you go back to the ‘60s, prince philip sat down in the room
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in st james's palace and they would hold a half—hour news conference. so they all think this is a beast to contain. diana thought it was a beast she could tame. the only one who hasn't done it yet is the queen. they all think there is some magic elixir that they can make it work. they have all done it, william and harry are just the latest. they have this power and attention and they are going to try and use it to focus on issues which matter to them. you referred to the documentaries. the most telling thing for me was the strength of their pain about how the media behaved with their mother. anyone in fleet street who wonders why they think what they think should watch that documentaries. it is pretty clear that we, the media, our people they have learned to just about tolerate.
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you have talked on twitter about surviving what another journalist called palace flim—flam. it feels like there was a sense of relief? i will leave to viewer to judge whether i was good on hats and other things. but it is an extraordinary range of things and an extraordinary institution in the life of this country and 15 other countries where the queen is head of state. and crucially, when i leave the bbc, i will not have to carry a black tie in my bag. peter hunt, thank you. before we go, on thursday the death of hugh hefner, the founder of playboy magazine, was announced. his achievements and impact were much debated in social and main stream media and for some viewers, the bbc got the balance of its obituary coverage wrong.
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here is louise daly. thank you for all your comments this week. if you want to share your opinions on bbc news and current affairs or even appear on the programme, you can call us, or e—mail newswatch. you can find us on twitter and do have a look at our website. that's all from us. we will be back to hear your thoughts about bbc news coverage again next week. goodbye. hello this is breakfast, with naga munchetty and jon kay. teachers and nurses could be among those in line for pay rises which break the current 1% cap. the government admits it needs to be more flexible where there are skill shortages, but unions question who will foot the bill. good morning.
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it's saturday 30th september. also ahead: another brexit challenge from borisjohnson as theresa may tries to assert her grip on the conservatives ahead of their party conference.
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