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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 19, 2017 7:45pm-8:01pm BST

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down and told flags down and told the situation, he is restrained and mowed down a number of people with his van. there isa number of people with his van. there is a mob attempting to hurt him if they don't take him, god forbid, he might be seriously hurt. we pushed people away from him until he was safely ta ke n people away from him until he was safely ta ken by people away from him until he was safely taken by police by custody and put into the back of the van. that is all that we did. it wasn't me alone, there were a group of brothers, some others i don't know their names. they were calm, collected, managed to calm people down and to extinguish any flames of anger or mob rule that would have taken charge, had this group of mature brothers not steps in. how
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worried are you about anger in the community after this attack? this community after this attack? this community of ours in finsbury park isa community of ours in finsbury park is a mild—mannered, calm community. not known for their violence, our mosques are incredibly peaceful, there won't be any... i can assure you that there would be —— we will do our utmost to keep people come. we know that there is nothing people can do but play for them and help the emergency services do their exemplaryjob. the emergency services do their exemplary job. —— pray for them. the emergency services do their exemplaryjob. -- pray for them. can you tell us about how it happened?” didn't see. i arrived after he was apprehended, so i saw him after he
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was restrained. dizzy shout anything at the time? —— did he's he did. yes. before he arrived, he was saying he deserved it —— you deserved it. he was also saying that he did my bit. was he then attacked by some of the people? was he beaten by some of the people? was he beaten by some of the people who pulled him out of the van? no, he was unscathed. we worried about your own safety? know, when i arrived he was restrained. he had t—shirt and jeans on. he was visible, not armed, under control. how did you know to come here? i was in the mosque. i am in my arm of the mosque. ifinished leading prayerful stop —— leading prayers. a brother came in very
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panicked and said someone had run over many people. we found that 15 oi’ over many people. we found that 15 or 20 people tending to the injured, like i said administering cpr on the brother who is now deceased. talking outside the finsbury park mosque to journalists including our colleague ben brown. french police have sealed off one of the best—known streets in paris, the champs—elysees, after what is being called an attempted terrorist attack. a car crashed into a police van and burst into flames. the french interior ministry said the driver was armed. a little earlier i spoke to our correspondent hugh schofield in paris about the circumstances surrounding what happened and also that the driver of the car has died... we know he is dead. he gave a brief press c0 nfe re nce
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we know he is dead. he gave a brief press conference and we know he is dead. we thought he was because social media footage of him lying spread—eagled on the footage near the car and police removing his clothes to check he was not carrying some sort of explosive device. it was, it seems, a foiled orfailed terrorist attack on the champs—elysees, the second in three months. if you remember, there was a policeman killed in the shopping end of the champs—elysees. this was further down for people who know harris, the bit where there is lots of greenery and parks. —— who know paris. about two hours ago now, the driver of this white car directly into a convoy. the impact set off an explosion on the car. it can't have been a very big explosion because footage shows the car pretty much intact from the outside, but there is also footage showing billowing
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yellow smoke coming out of the vehicle. the police from the convoy and passers—by went up and smashed windows of the car to get him out, perhaps still thinking it was just an accident, we just don't know, but at some point, they realised it wasn't just an accident at some point, they realised it wasn'tjust an accident because they know now that there were guns in the car, there was a kalashnikov in the car, there was a kalashnikov in the carand car, there was a kalashnikov in the car and the explosion was probably caused by a gas canister or a gas bottle of some kind in the car as well. at that point, they sealed off the area and it remains sealed off now because adverts are going in to try and see what there is to see about the car. the man is dead, it was therefore a terrorist incident. whether this is what he planned to do all along, or if he had another target in mind, we don't know. the last thing to say is that he has been identified by police, we don't know his name, but he is somebody who is known by the intelligence services because he is one of these watch lists, that does not mean that he has been traced or followed,
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watch lists, that does not mean that he has been traced orfollowed, but it means he is on a big watch list which includes thousands of people who are... it means that when they p0p up who are... it means that when they pop up on the radar anywhere, police are supposed to inform the intelligence services. he was known to the intelligence services, without being sublethal was actively sought. —— someone who was. hugh schofield talking giving us and update from paris a little earlier on. portugal has announced three days of mourning as firefighters continue to battle a forest fire which killed more than 60 people over the weekend. many of those who died were trapped in their cars as they tried to escape. 0ur correspondent james reynolds reports. these are the flames of portugal's worst disaster for more than a quarter of a century. for a thursday, here in the centre of the country forests burn. 0n thursday, here in the centre of the country forests burn. on saturday, flames quickly engulfed this road. the fire caught families who had been trying to drive to safety. it
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is hard to conceive of their last minutes. portugal has more forest fires than any country in southern europe. it has years to make proper preparations, but on this road dozens preparations, but on this road d oze ns lost preparations, but on this road dozens lost their lives in the fire. this village watched the fire ‘s approach. a dozen residentsjumped into this water tank to escape. 84—year—old marta was helped on by her daughter. 0h, 84—year—old marta was helped on by her daughter. oh, god, oh, god, it was awful she tells me. like hell. the rescue effort continues during a three—day period of national mourning. the country now asks why its most isolated residents were left to save themselves. the former children's tv
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presenter brian cant has died at the age of 83. he found fame as the host of many bbc programmes including play school and play away, and was honoured by bafta in 2010. his agent said he had been living with parkinson's disease. david sillitto looks back at his life. a house with a door. one, two, three, four. i'mjudy, and i'm brian. ready to play, what's the day? hello. brian cant. for millions his voice immediately invokes childhood. hugh, pugh,... in the early 60s, an audition in which he was asked to sit in a cardboard box led
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to a job on a new programme. do you know what day it is? playschool. i had been called to go and do an audition forjoy whitby who was the producer. she kicked the box out from under her desk and said get in that box. it's a fairly calm day. and i took some... i took some quells. it was a very similar box. i think i was a bit slimmer then. born in ipswich, he trained as a printer before having a go at acting. it's windy miller. hello, windy. his warm, friendly voice was also perfect for another children's venture. kemblewick green. trumpton and the slightly
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more industrial chigley. it gives me great pleasure to unveil the biscuit fountain. if it sounds as though it was recorded in the cupboard, a's because it was. along with play away, bric—a—brac, he was part of children's tv for more than 20 years. he also wrote and appeared on stage, but more than anything he was for many a much loved part of childhood. for many adverse of a certain age, oui’ for many adverse of a certain age, our childhoods were not have been same without him. time for a look at the weather. another hot day in the city, very uncomfortable for some others, some of us like it. staying hot for tonight, very uncomfortable as far
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as the night goes, the next three days and three nights will be very uncomfortable as far as sleeping goes across many parts of england, there is fresh air across scotland and northern ireland right now. this cooler air may not reach the south until well into the weekend. we are going to deal with this heat for most of this week, particularly across southern areas of the uk. a lot of weather to talk about, but going to show you what the temperatures will be around bedtime. we are still talking in the mid—20s in london, the midlands, southern parts of wales, 22 there. in plymouth. not far off 20 degrees in aberystwyth. yorkshire 23 degrees. then it freshens up significantly. 11 o'clock, around scotland. even a0 degrees is warm, but this relatively speaking feels a lot cooler than what we have got in the south. 0ne thing that is happening over the course of the night, this very weak cool front, i don't want it a cold
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front because it is not particularly cold, but this cool front will separate slightly less hot air in the north, leaving the realty in the south. the heat transfers to more southern south—western areas. southern... 0n southern south—western areas. southern... on wednesday, we are going to see weather front approaching the uk. to the south, it is still going to stay hot, but in the north, it will be a chance of a thunderstorm. cloudy weather, outbreaks of rape, a risk of some downpour. a distinct difference between the north and the south. temperatures reaching 30 degrees in london. glasgow, 20 celsius. 0f course on wednesday, it is the start of glastonbury, there in seven arr somerset. a hot start, that things will cool off as we go through because of the week. thursday, another hot one. see those temperatures starting to lower now across these west areas back to
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where they should be. the end of the week is looking fresher, but not fresher automatically in the far south—east. this is bbc news. i'm shaun ley. the headlines at 8pm — the bbc understands that the man arrested for the finsbury park terror attack is darren 0sborne, aged a7, from the cardiff area. he's being held on terrorism charges including murder and attempted murder. one person has died, and eight people were taken to hospital after a hired van was driven into worshippers near the mosque in north london. police have taken away the vehicle for further investigation as witnesses describe the moment the suspect was apprehended. when he was on the ground i asked him, why did he do that, why? innocent people. and he goes, "i want to kill muslims." and a minute's silence is held across the uk for the victims
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of the grenfell tower fire. police say 79 people are either dead or missing presumed
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