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tv   100 Days  BBC News  April 27, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm BST

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hello and welcome to 100 days. the russia probe into the trump campaign intensifies as the pentagon launches its own investigation. the department of defence is looking at whether the former national security advisor accepted payments from moscow illegally. it appears michael flynn did not ask for approval when he took thousands of dollars from russia today. as a former military officer, that would be against us law. the us tones down the rhetoric on north korea after the entire us senate is summoned to the white house for a briefing on the crisis. another terror alert in the heart of london. a man is arrested carrying knives near downing street during a stop and search. in france, the two presidential candidates are trawling for votes... quite literally. we will be live in nice this evening where le pen is setting out her second round campaign. in this run up to 100 days, we'll get the view of the voters, including tom and gretschen — now united in holy matrimony, but still divided on donald trump.
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we're not in election mode any more. now we have a president. until he's impeached. i think that's coming very soon. but i still love you. hello, i am katty kay in london, christian fraser is in london. -- i'm in —— i'm in washington. here is a picture you may have seen before. donald trump's former national security adviser, mike flynn sitting alongside vladimir putin at a gala dinner in moscow in december 2015. we have shown it to you many times before and it was widely circulated in the us media before gen flynn was appointed to his post. he was paid $45,000 dollars for that appearance by the kremlin's television station, russia today. a payment he's now accused of not disclosing when he joined the white house staff, and that would be illegal. today, the house oversight committee revealed that in 2014, general flynn was warened
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by the pentagon not to take money from foreign governments. the committee has been given documents from the department of defence which suggest general flynn had hidden the money he received, which begs the question why, and is the white house hiding something? here's the senior democrat on that committee, elijah cummings. i honestly do not understand why the white house is covering up for michael flynn, i don't get it. after the president fired him, for lying. so the president fired him for lying about the communications with the russian ambassador. they should be bending over backwards to help us. it does not make any sense, and it makes the american people think the white house has something to hide. sean spicer has been speaking about this at the white house moments ago. if they think there is wrong—doing, the department should look into that. he was issued security
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clea ra nce that. he was issued security clearance under the 0bama administration in the spring of 2016 the trip and transactions you referred to occurred in december 2015, from what i understand. 0bviously, obviously, there is an issue that, as you point out, the department of defence and inspector general is looking into that. we welcome that. that was made during the 0bama administration and with knowledge of the trip that he took. joining us now from capitol hill is democratic senator chris coons, who sits on the foreign relations committee. the national security adviser sits in the west wing near the president. he advises the president on vital issues of national importance and intelligence. how was jen issues of national importance and intelligence. how wasjen michael flynn able to get the job of national security adviser to president trump? that's a great question. that clip ijust heard from sean spicer was an attempt to make it the 0bama's administration
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fault that general flynn was seated as the national security adviser to president trump and a participant in situation room discussions about vital national security issues there. is bipartisan movement in the house to insist on an investigation and that the pentagon inspector general was taking this matter up. it suggests that the trump administration, although they almost certainly knew about michael flynn's, general. flynn's conflict of interest, didn't take them seriously enough, didn't investigate them throughly enough orjust didn't care. senator, what do you think is going on? is the white house trying to hide something about general flynn? well, this isjust another billowing column of smoke that suggest there are complicating relationships between russia's intelligence services, russian representist and the trump administration and his core team of advisers. i don't know what the
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administration might be hiding here it seems truly odd after the president fired general flynn for lying he wouldn't step forward and have his administration co—operate with the investigation into general flynn's conflict of interests. it's christian in london, general flynn's story has changed over time. he originally said he wasn't paid for this. he said it came from his speaking agency in london. that it was paid second hand to him. is it possible that the white house just didn't know because, after all, he had lied before to them about his meetings with the russian ambassador, perhaps he said to them — look, iwasn't ambassador, perhaps he said to them — look, i wasn't paid for this and theyjust didn't — look, i wasn't paid for this and they just didn't know? — look, i wasn't paid for this and theyjust didn't know? that's conceivable and the way to put that to rest would be for the white house to rest would be for the white house to fully disclose the records that they've got about the background check and the clearance process for general flynn. i will remind you, we have a number of cases like this where there isn't full co—operation and where the administration isn't
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doing everything they can to clear up doing everything they can to clear up questions such as the questions about general flynn's conflicts of interest. fascinating story. there is probably more to come on it. we have been following what you have been doing in recent weeks. you have been to uganda to this refugee camp over there. one of the biggest camps in the world, 250,000 people in that camp. yes. i want to ask you about the president's policy oi'i ask you about the president's policy on the foreign aid budget. us food and aid to that camp in particular is crucial, what might happen if the budget is cut, as the president has proposed? well, the president has proposed? well, the president has proposed an outrageous 30% cut to oui’ proposed an outrageous 30% cut to our development and demroim i accounts. now, at a time when our confrontation with north korea is at a fever pitch, at a time when we have challenges and adversity to face in syria as well as in russia's ongoing agreggs in the ukraine and the real humanitarian crisis in
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south sudan and yemen, somalia and nigeria it's not a time for a cut in us foreign assistance. it would lead to millions of people starving. the uk givesa to millions of people starving. the uk gives a higher level of its gdp we need to carry our share of the global humanitarian burden. it contributes to american leadership and our security and it's frankly also just the right thing to do. it's important we consider that in the context of the cuts we've talked about. thank you for being with us oi'i about. thank you for being with us on the programme. general flynn, there is a feeling among the democrats that the white house is dragging its feet on this. what is peculiar to some people is why donald trump is continuing to show loyalty to general flynn when, really, he could throw him under the bus? interesting. we have spoken about that $45,000 he got from russia today. general flynn got
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$500,000 from the turkish government to lobby directly on turkey's behalf, that was while he was on the campaign last summer. the last word we've had from the president on this was at that rather rambling press conference a couple of months ago in which he said that general flynn was aened woerful guy who had been badly mistreated by the press. he was laying the blame firmly with the media not with his former national security adviser. donald trump hates to be seen to be disloyal. he feels that general flynn was one of a few people who supported him. he also feels that perhaps if he admits he made a mistake that would bea admits he made a mistake that would be a reflection on his personnel judgment. that is perhaps the psychology behind this. a quick one to finish on that. i'm saying he could throw him under the bus. if he knows something about this russia investigation, you don't want him firing back at you from outside the white house? yes, that's the cynical
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politician in you, christian, reemerging! late yesterday, the white house released a statement on north korea that made no mention of a military option against the communist state. that's being seen as toning down the heated rhetoric on a crisis which seems to have been getting increasingly tense. the statement came on the heels of a meeting at the white house with the entire us senate. republican senatorjohn barrasso was at that meeting, he joins us now. did you learn anything at the meeting at the white house yesterday that you didn't know before you went there? i had just gotten that you didn't know before you went there? i hadjust gotten back that you didn't know before you went there? i had just gotten back from being in china meeting with the premier there being in china meeting with the premierthere in being in china meeting with the premier there in beijing. being in china meeting with the premierthere in beijing. so i've been focused on what's happening in korea. i've been to japan as well within the last week or so. i was very interested to share with other senators the fact that the threat is real. the fact that all options are oi'i real. the fact that all options are on the table and the goal really is a nonnuclear korean peninsula. the
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threat is very real. we see increased ability of north korea to develop nuclear weapons and to deliver those weapons. we see it with changes in their rockets it was a valuable briefing to attend i'm happy it was done at the white house including the entire senator. the statement that the white house put out after all of the senators left last night excluded mention of a military option. that is seen as toning down the rhetoric. do you think that's a good idea if the white house now, kind of, tries to calm things down a bit with north korea? well, of course, the goal is a peaceful resolution ever the process. that's what we want. we wa nt process. that's what we want. we want north korea without nuclear weapons and this whole thing peacefully resolved. that's the deliberations and discussions with china, so they can get much more involved. after all, 85% of the trading that north korea does is with china. i think china right now
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realises their interests are aligned with the united states, with regard toa with the united states, with regard to a nuclear armed north korea because the question is really — can they — or can't they, in terms of delivering a nuclear warhead to where you live as opposed to will they or won't they? that's a change in the position for china. you would have been told in this briefing that kim jong—un is prepareded have been told in this briefing that kimjong—un is prepareded to have been told in this briefing that kim jong—un is prepareded to starve his people. he's prepared to go to the wall to have this nuclear capability. where is the leverage. china can cut everything out. it doesn't seem to make any difference? china has not cut everything off. they now said they will, in terms of purchases of coal. it's additional leverage. the other thing i think you are seeing leverage. the other thing i think you are seeing as leverage. the other thing i think you are seeing as well is, with president trump and his actions with regard to syria and with regard to the mother of all bombs in afghanistan, we have someone in north korea who watches the world stage and says — this guy is
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serious. in terms of deterrents, you have to have a capacity to deter, which the united states always had. you have to have a commitment to use that deterrent. people around the world a re that deterrent. people around the world are seeing president trump showing his commitment to use our capacity. that also sends a strong message to north korea. thank you very much forjoining us. back now in the senator away from the white house. i want to pick up on on one thing about the foreign aid budget. he talked about the cuts, you mentioned the cuts and the american aid budget. here is an interesting fa ct. aid budget. here is an interesting fact. america spends less than 1% of its budget on foreign aid. many americans think it's about a quarter of the us budget. that is where the political demand for it to be cut comes from. the senator is quite right, this is an important part of american diplomacy around the world and cutting it would cause america problems potentially. soft power. soft power. less than 1% of the budget, remember that. today there was another terror alert just yards away from last month's
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deadly attack in westminster. armed police have arrested a man under the terrorism act and seized a number of knives he was carrying. it's now clear that the suspect — who has been captured — was under surveillance by scotland yard's anti—terror squad. joining us now from the scene is the bbc‘s danjohnson. does it seem to you as though this man had been followed into westminster, dan? indeed, that does seem westminster, dan? indeed, that does seem the case we know he'd been under surveillance and although it was armed officers who stepped in to stop and search him, that wasn't a random act. it appears they were following this man. when he got to the point here, in the middle of the road, cross from parliament and down the street from the gates of downing street, that is when armed officers moveded in to stop and search with a was on his person and was in his bag. they found a number of knives. he has been arrested on suspicion of preparing acts of terrorism and suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon. he is 27, he lives in london, although he has a british
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passport, but is believed to have been born abroad. police are now searching addresses that are linked to this suspect. we don't know his name, we don't know any more about him. witnesses who were here described how it was a frightening screen. described how it was a frightening screen. ing —— described how it was a frightening screen. ing “ scene. described how it was a frightening screen. ing —— scene. no—one injured in this attack, just one person under arrest, in this attack, just one person underarrest, being in this attack, just one person under arrest, being questioned in this attack, just one person underarrest, being questioned by police now. dan, briefly, how much has security been stepped up in that area since the attack? yes. obviously, it's been on high alert. we are right in the heart of government here. the police have been taking things very seriously since last month. they were still on high alert today. i think that is why they will have moved in so quickly today. it appears that they have stepped in quickly and effectively to stop something that could have been much more serious. the eyewitnesses saw five knives laid out on the street this guy had
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been carrying. the police investigating what he might have been planning to do with them. investigating what he might have been planning to do with themm shows how effective the services are most of the time, doesn't it. dan, for the moment, thank you very much. there was a report this week that the british foreign secretary, borisjohnson, was being sidelined in the election campaign here in uk. some suggested he might be despatched to foreign capitals to keep him away. well, clearly, that's not the case. because today he was out and about, responding to a newspaper article in which he called the leader of the opposition, jeremy corbyn, "a mutton—headed old mugwump." yes, if who don't know what a mugwump is — you are not alone! apparently, it is someone who remains aloof or independent. but anyway, mugwumps aside, the foreign secretary did have some more serious points to make. he was asked what the uk's response would be if the assad regime were to use chemical weapons again. would the uk get involved in syria alongside the united states? i think it would be very difficult if the united states has a proposal to have some sort of action, in response to a chemical weapons attack, and if they come to us, and ask for our support, whether it's with submarine based
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cruise missiles in the med, or whatever it happens to be, as was the case back in 2013. john, in my view, i know this is also the view of the prime minister, it would be very difficult for us to say no. remember, parliament has been dissolved ahead of the election, so mp's would not get a vote on military action if something happened in the next six weeks. nonetheless, the opposition parties have all responded today, and here's what was said. i would say, we don't need unilateral action, we need to work through the un. but, above all, we need to bend ourselves totally to getting a political settlement in syria. well, unilateral, illegal intervention would be utterly counter productive. it seems to me, that boris johnson is following tony blair in that respect. if the government wants to have parliamentary authority, then they should ask for parliamentary authority, not speculate wildly and willjump to whatever president trump does and support america regardless and will do it without parliamentary consent. this is almost unbelievable stuff. the white house hasn't shown a need
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to consult the uk, it got on with syria. it has the biggest military in the world. it doesn't need the help of britain who don't have an aircraft carrier at the moment. in one sense, it's an important point — would the parliament consult would the government consult the commons if and when help was needed if we we re if and when help was needed if we were expanding the coalition? the defence secretary said, just a few weeks ago, in fact, sir michael fallon, if it came to this they would consult the commons. maybe borisjohnson was talking about the fa ct borisjohnson was talking about the fact that parliament has been dissolved it reminds me of august 2013 when david cameron went to parliament to ask for a vote on action in syria. he didn't get the votes. the americans were unhappy about that. president 0bama then rode back from taking military action here in the united states
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against syria and, at the time, the white house was saying — it was because britain didn't get the vote. obviously, this is something that america would love to have is britain alongside it. particularly, with parliamentary approval. i'm not sure it does borisjohnson many favours though to be seen to be so cosy with the trump administration. look, it didn't do tony blair many favours, did it, politically? what they want to do is get the focus of they want to do is get the focus of the debate in the election on strong and stable leadership. did you hear that, it's basically, the strong and sta ble sta ble that, it's basically, the strong and stable stable leadership they want to talk about. you will hear a lot about the strong and stable leadership in the coming weeks. you are not a mugwump. this is a double headed programme. are not a mugwump. this is a double headed programmelj are not a mugwump. this is a double headed programme. i can't be aloft and detached. it's impossible. i can push you to one side in the screen anyway. now, when it comes to love it's often said opposites attract. that's certainly true for one couple
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in pennsylvania whose politics couldn't be more divided. before the election we met democrat gretchen wisehart and herfiance tom ellis, who supported donald trump. since then they have tied the knot, but they still disagree on the president and his policies. rajini vaidyanathan's been catching up with them to see how they've been getting on since their big day. i voted for hillary clinton. i voted for hillary clintonlj i voted for hillary clinton. i voted for donald trump. we just got married! we did have a couple of days after the election where i said — i can't talk to you. days after the election where i said - i can't talk to you. for you? it was difficult because i didn't know what to say to her. i met the couple at their home during the election. they were engaged, in a lot of heated political discussions. don't talk over me yet. i caught up with them again, six weeks into their marriage. this is the room you got married in. 100 days into the trump presidency. i didn't think i would
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be living under a trump presidency. i wonder what happened overnight that i'm not aware of. our wedding and honeymoon was paid for by the donald trump increase in the to being stock market. the travel ban was an ill conceived, racist ban that was never going to pass constitutional muster. it was too quick a roll out. that was the problem. the philosophy was fine. the rollout was poor. the president totally flopped on healthcare reform. it really was amazing that he didn't have a plan in place when he didn't have a plan in place when he finally got to the white house. no, he tried to roll it out too quickly. it's going on right now. it's an albatross around every president's neck. it takes a long time. i did support the strike in syria. i think a measured response to the atrocities that occurred in syria was long overdue. it was well done, well orchestrated strike that i was very proud of the president
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on. the president promised to come to washington and drain the swamp. instead of draining the swamp he dredged it to fill it with nep row ‘tissism. dredged it to fill it with nep row 'tissism. i think his staff has been terrific and his staff on national security is one of the best. you might wonder how they make their marriage work with these political differences, but they do? we have had disagreements about this our entire relationship. we can have discussions and argue and disagree without disrespecting even other. we are not in election mode any more. now we have a president. until he's impeached. i think that's coming very soon — impeached. i think that's coming very soon — but i still love you!” just wish they were like the rest of america. i have to say, they are exceptional. this is a country that is so severely divided that you would think that people lived on different planets who supported donald trump. there is a new poll out which suggests that tom is
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pretty representative of a majority of supporters of donald trump who tend to be older, male and white. it's exactly what we saw in the election itself. that's held out during the course of this 100 days. tom, doesn't strike me as the kind of average guy! no. i didn't say he was average financially. he was average in terms of the trump profile. god, you never agree with me on anything! no. they manage to disagree and get along still. we are not in election mode any more, as tom says! shall we move on to another election. let's look at france. in france, marine le pen says she is the presidential candidate fighting for workers. in an interview published today, she has dismissed her centrist rival, emmanuel macron, as a "young trader who wants to sweep away the french nation." we are ten days from the second round vote. marine le pen is a long way behind mr macron, if you believe the polls. today, she has been aboard a trawler campaigning
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in the fishing communities. tonight she is back on dry land in nice, scene of that awful terrorist attack last year. james reynold is at the rally for us. every day is valuable, is it too early to get any sense of whether marine le pen with stunts like that, being on a fishing boat, turning up ina car being on a fishing boat, turning up in a car park yesterday, is managing to chip away at macron's or support? it probably is. the polls have him 20 points ahead. he has closed by two. she had a good day yesterday that the factory. we showed you where she went to meet the workers and hijacked his visit to the factory. she's doing what she needs to do in her eyes is appeal to french workers and make him the young trader. the guy who wants to sweep away french nationality. that might work in some quarters. she is in nice, she needs to pick up the
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voters that went to fillon. it's the damage she does to macron in the eyes of the voter when he becomes president. is he really one of them? if if he doesn't hit the ground running within a few months he will be in the same positioland. as the current president. when she talks about him being a trader, how much does that resonate, perhaps not so much with macron supporters or fillon supporters, but with people on the left of the spectrum? more so than this would do on this country. they talk about the anglo—saxon
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capitalism. . there are a lot of le pen supporters, 15—20% that went to the far left, they will come back. she will have a struggle on her hands to get the rest of them. you're watching 100 days from bbc news. still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news, we report from a state that helped donald trump win the white house, but are voters there still giving him the thumbs up? we'll be finding out. and america's department of homeland security sets up a new 'alien' hotline — are you confused? well, you're not alone! that's still to come on 100 days from bbc news. the weather today a little bit like
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a pick and mix sweet shop, everything in there to suit all tastes. there has been some sunshine around. in actual fact temperatures close to edinburgh have beenjust over 14 degrees. today there has been showers though as well with cloud and in came bridge the showers we re cloud and in came bridge the showers were on and off throughout the day. because of a series of weather fronts that have been sweeping southwards. there has been some cloud, some sun and some showers as well. not as cold as in recent days. the cloud and the showers will sink south and west overnight. they will prevent a frost from forming, which is welcome news. perhaps the chillest of the temperatures up into the far north and east, not as cold as the nightjust passed. friday morning will start off on a quiet note. there will be clouds and showers from this weather front that has to continue to sink south and west. all in all, we will see a quiet story for friday before more rain threatens for the weekend. yes,
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cloudy with a few showers into the south and the west. the best of the sunshine first thing in the morning in sheltered eastern areas. the cloud will build up into the afternoon. we will see a scattering of showers likely anywhere across the country. the driest of the weather in the south—east. highs of 8-13 weather in the south—east. highs of 8—13 degrees. as we move towards the bank holiday weekend it will be breezy, but milder than of late. however, there is some rain in the forecast. trying to pinpoint the details for that is tricky at the moment. here goes. saturday looks likely to be the best day of the weekend. enjoy it. the wind will increase as a weather front threatens by the end of saturday into the south—west. it will bring heavy and welcome rain. ahead of it on saturday a promising day, decent, dry, sunny spells. highs of 15 degrees. the winds will strengthen to the south—west, the cloud and rain will arrive. 0n
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to the south—west, the cloud and rain will arrive. on sunday it will bea rain will arrive. on sunday it will be a wet affair into cornwall, somerset, are dorset and into wales. the rain will move eastwards through england and moved across scotland. it will clear on bank holiday monday. showers to the east. not a washout, any means. that's it, take care. welcome back to 100 days, i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in london. our top story — it's a drip feed on former trump national security adviser michael flynn — this time it looks like he didn't ask for permission when he took thousands from russia today — against the law for a former military officer. and coming up — day 100 is fast approaching for the us president — is he really putting "america fi rst" ? i'm laura trevelyan live in the state of pennsylvania — voters here helped catapult donald trump into the white house — but what do voters make of his first 100 days? donald trump's "america first"
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rhetoric, alarmed many in the washington establishment. the heavyweights in foreign policy circles warned that if the president withdrew america from the world stage the russians and chinese would quickly fill the void. in fact, the trump administration is now a lot closer to conventional foreign policy than perhaps many of his supporters would have wished. in the last several weeks — tomahawk missiles have been fired at a syrian airbase, they dropped the biggest 'conventional‘ bomb on is in afghanistan, and north korea — as we have discussed — is front and centre. joining us now to discuss the president's foreign policy thus far is former state department official richard haass, author of a world in disarray, he is now president of the council on foreign relations. the communications director at the
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white house has said there is no foreign policy doctorate for the trump administration, does that matter, does there need to be one? on one hand, you want to have some principles. so much is coming into yourinbox, principles. so much is coming into your inbox, you don't want to react to everything in isolation. you don't want to have to make it up every day. but it is way too early to be thinking about a doctorate, 100 days isjust that. it would need to be big and consistent and endure. we may get thereafter a couple of years but in some ways, we shouldn't have one yet. one ideal perhaps of this white house is not to staff itself properly when it comes to the foreign policy side and the president has said this is a deliberate decision he has made, not to fill some of those posts. how does he compared to previous
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presidents and how much does it hurt america on the world stage not to be staffed properly? it is going much more slowly and even if it were to start up this afternoon or tomorrow, it would still take months to happen given the congressional process. the fa ct given the congressional process. the fact it is deliberate is anything but reassuring. this means you are denied all the extra historical knowledge, advice of people and it also means when it comes to executing or implementing policy, you are much weaker. i don't understand why the president would do this and also i don't understand why the secretary of state or the secretary of defence would put up with it. they can't do theirjob without hundreds of professionals. that's the point. you could make an argument for some of the staffing at the state department being culled but not to have an ambassador in south korea or maybe in the uk for instance, one of your closest
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partners, it's bizarre. again, you are denied all sorts of expertise. i wouldn't make a case for cutting at the state department. look at the inbox donald trump inherited, from north korea to china, to all the russian challenges in europe and what is going on with the eu. the middle east, itself would be enough to staff the state department so i don't understand why you would want to avail yourself. to make it worse, hundred republican figures in the foreign policy will have experience working save for george w. bush and virtually all of them are being denied the opportunity to work here because they oppose the candidate donald trump. i am hoping that at some point, this president and those around him get over that. we are at day 98, i think it is, is president trump putting america first? i'm not quite sure what it means to the
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extent it means we will calculate the very narrow way, what is good for us, than! the very narrow way, what is good for us, than i fear to some extent he is. one of the messages of the foreign policy is notjust that it is unpredictable to our adversary 's, is unpredictable to our adversary 's, which can be a times useful, but to be unpredictable to your friends, most recently it has been canada and mexico, it was australia, it's been in germany, south korea and japan. that is very dangerous because friendly relationships depend upon predictability. reliability. these countries are placing their security in our hands. if they sense our hands are not predictable and save, they will take their security elsewhere. either they will bow to a powerful neighbour or they will simply start taking matters into their own hands, either way, simply start taking matters into their own hands, eitherway, to simply start taking matters into their own hands, either way, to use my favourite word, that is a world of much greater disarray, a world of much diminished american influence. the book is a world of disarray. you
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got the plug in! there is a concern that after 70 years, you had a world order based on certain norms and laws and alliances, whether trade or security alliances. donald trump 0sman position on that is very different. he once a much more transactional relationship with countries that doesn't necessarily stick to those alliances and i think that's why you hear someone like richard haass who is part of the american foreign policy establishment, expressing concern is not just about the staffing but about what this president wants to do with american leadership. are we likely to get an ambassador?” do with american leadership. are we likely to get an ambassador? i think the uk might get one before... names have been floated around another good start at least. some of the other countries where perhaps relations are more contentious, which might as you have suggested, south korea several times, that's
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where you really need the ambassadors and i haven't even heard names for countries like that. this saturday donald trump travels to pennsylvania to mark the 100th day in office with a night—time rally. at the elections it was a state he flipped from the democrats to the republicans. so what are people there saying as he finishes three months in office? the bbc‘s laura trevelyan is in philadelphia and joins us now. we have heard from people in rural areas who voted for donald trump but areas who voted for donald trump but a lot of where we see division and people who could flip either way are in suburbs are places like philadelphia, what are you hearing from them? views on donald trump still extremely divided. very few people seem to have changed their opinion of him. nearly 100 days in. the won the state of pennsylvania extremely narrowly by less than a percent but not that less than 0.5%
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because that would have triggered a recount which didn't happen. he won by flipping three counties from obama's column, three counties in former manufacturing areas where his message clearly resonated very strongly. what are people in philly making of the trump presidency on day 98? i've been speaking to people to find out. we are moving in the right direction, b plus so far with improvement come but off to a great start. impeach him, he's horrible and he hasn't stuck to any of his promises. he has had a changing effect on the country, i'm hesitant to say it's a good one but certainly a change. i think he's done a good job, i think he has tried to fulfil a lot of his campaign promises, i think he has done to some of them,. ididn't think he has done to some of them,. i didn't vote for trump so of course
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i'm going to say i don't think he's doing a good job but i also believe we have to give people an opportunity. here in the uk, people say if you are in the brexit column you don't shift and if you are in the eu column you don't shift. the polling suggests this. one poll said only 2% of people who supported donald trump in the election now have buyers remorse. it was interesting talking to people and those that did not vote for him now say they loathe him even more than when they didn't vote for him. they feel he has horrified them even more they thought he would. amongst those people that did vote frame, it's interesting to note what is bringing it in. it's all about this question of family and the prominence of the trump family. these are the issues that seem to be
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coming through even with people that supported with him. is it really the big event this week? i thought the d raft big event this week? i thought the draft was on for the nfl? the draft is absolutely huge here. my kids askedif is absolutely huge here. my kids asked if i was going to philly for the draft and i had to ask what it was! the worst teams get to choose the best players first. laura trevelya n, the best players first. laura trevelyan, just became our sports correspondent! thank you. flying saucers, ufos — these are not terms the white house want you to associate with the word 'alien' — why are we telling you this? well, the department of homeland security has just opened a new office called voice. and the point of voice is to "serve the needs of crime victims and theirfamilies who have been
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impacted by crimes committed by removable criminal aliens". but according to one twitter user, "...they introduced the alien hotline on alien day. i hope sigourney weaver called". and since the switchboard operators have been plagued by reports of little green men" i'm speechless! i am as well. i have not tried to call the hotline but a p pa re ntly not tried to call the hotline but apparently it is taking a long time to get through because so many people who are opposed to donald trump's immigration policies are calling up pretending they have had crimes committed by little green men. 0ne crimes committed by little green men. one person called to say his tractor was stolen. i have a tractor, i hope it hasn't been stolen. mulder and scully are out there. maybe they are just waiting for a hotline like this. maybe there
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are for a hotline like this. maybe there a re lots of little for a hotline like this. maybe there are lots of little green men running around! that is 100 days — a reminder that we have a special show tomorrow — day 99 of the trump administration — we will have lots of good guests. we will and we will talk about how the president is doing. we have spoken about how this was a concept that came about with fdr but presidents are measured on theirfirst100 days in office and after that, you lose the honeymoon period and things are harder to accomplish. the programme will also carry on beyond the 100th day, we are launching with one hundred days plus. plus what? i'll get the
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hang of it. can you just say goodbye? if you want to get in touch... if you want to get in touch with us, you can do so using the hashtag, bbc—one—hundred—days. for now from katty kay in washington and me christian fraser in london, goodbye. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines at 7.43pm — armed police have arrested a man in whitehall suspected of planning acts of terrorism. a rucksack and several knives were recovered from the scene, but no one was injured. the foreign secretary has hinted that britain could take military action against the syrian regime without a vote in parliament. the government has lost a court bid to delay publication of its air pollution strategy until after the general election. an update on the market
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numbers for you — let's return now to our main story and the incident in westminster this afternoon where armed police have arrested a man on suspicion of terrorism offences. these are latest pictures of the arrest earlier today. a—league a-league they show the suspect being arrested. the man, thought to be 27 was found carrying knives near the house of parliament, and is now in custody in a south london police station. let's speak to our correspondent, richard lister who is on the scene at westminster. bring us up to date, please. as you
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can see, westminster is back to normal after the dramatic events this afternoon which all took place on that traffic island right in the middle of the road behind me. we understand from police that the individual was stopped and searched, not randomly but as a result of an ongoing investigation. they knew exactly who he was when they stopped him, they searched him, he was arrested and ta ken him, they searched him, he was arrested and taken away. all those events arrested and taken away. all those eve nts too k arrested and taken away. all those events took minutes as people watched, really quite staggered by what was unfolding in front of their eyes. there would have been memories also of what happened not so far away from parliament just around the corner in fact on the bridge next parliament, just over a month ago when khalid masood used mow down pedestrians, injuring 50, killing four people and a police officer in front of the houses houses of parliament. before he was shot. nothing so dramatic today but the sight of armed officers would
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certainly have given people pause as they visited westminster. the man is understood to be 27 years old, a british passport holder but we understand he was not born in this country and he
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