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tv   100 Days  BBC News  April 20, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm BST

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hello and welcome to the one show with matt baker. and angela scanlon. now, tonight's guests have something in common. they've all been on epicjourneys. hello and welcome to this special edition of one hundred days. it's europe's big test. edition of one hundred days. france prepares to go to the polls in the first round of its presidential election. yes good evening from paris, according to the polls one in four it's europe's big test. france prepares to go to the polls in the first round of its presidential election. yes good evening from paris, according to the polls one in four french voters still undecided with three days to go. those polls couldn't be tighter ahead of sunday's vote, tonight all 11 presidential candidates will be making their case to the voters. in just over half an hour, they will be taking to the stage for the last televised forum before the voters decide on sunday. course france isn't the only country with election fever, in the uk the labour leaderjeremy corbyn has laid out his case ahead of the general election in earlyjune. it is the establishment of verses of the people. it is our historic duty to make sure the people prevail. also, fox news parts ways with bill o'reilly after allegations of sexual harassment. was the split because of money or morals? rupert murdoch wants to expand his media empire and the o'reilly scandal risked getting in the way. and there are few things as iconic
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in america as a harley davidson. it turns out the famous wisconsin bike can teach us a lot about the us economy. hello and welcome to one hundred days, i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser's in paris. us politics has dominated headlines since we began the era of donald trump, but now there's another election that demands our attention. this weekend is the first round of the french election and the latest polls suggest it's a tight race. in the next hour, french television will start grilling the candidates, there are 11 of them in total, but there are five in particular who we are keeping our eye on. each contender will getjust fifteen minutes to convince french voters they should be in the second round run off. a quarter of those who plan to vote say they may still change their minds on who they will plump for between now and sunday. the big question of course
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is whether the populist trend we have seen in britain and in the united states will spread to france. the histories of france and america have often followed a similar path. the american revolution that ended in 1783 was quickly followed by the french revolution of 1789. the question is whether history is about to repeat itself this coming fortnight. there are obvious similarities between donald trump and marine le pen. nationalism, populism, protectionism, support for brexit and hatred of the mainstream media. both are cast by the people as revolutionaries in the battle against the establishment. there are
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many things besides marine le pen that we regard as could essentially french. the food, the fine wines, the smell of burnt rubber in the paris metro. equally distinctive is the french style of thinking. the programme of mr melenchon goes a long way to changing capitalism.” am for macron. i wouldn't vote for marine le pen. france has become increasingly inward looking. far from the high—fashion critiques of the left bank, there is no chronic unemployment. it is worst in the city suburbs amongst the young and ethnic minorities. there is slow growth and there is death. amidst the doubt, the feeling that french culture is itself in crisis. since charles de gaulle founded the fifth republic in 1958, the french political system has been dominated by the two party system. now the socialists and the republicans. three of the four main candidates, le pen, melenchon and macron are
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considered outsiders and it is quite possible that this second run will pit the fight back against the far left. imagine the consequences of that not only for france, but for europe. traditionally, the french use the first round of the presidential election to vote for the politician they want. the second round to vote for the politician they fear. the odds are still stacked against marine the end, but to predict the outcome this weekend would be foolhardy in the extreme, given how wrong we all work over brexit and trump. with me now is pierre lellouche, former europe minister for france and member of parliament for the republican party. you have just come from a rally. you wrote the terror legislation here in france, which we will talk about in a second. a lot of people will be confused in the united states in britain, how is francois fillon held
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on question facing the weight of allegations that he did and to be within a couple of points at the top of the polls, it probably couldn't happen in any other country, could it? probably not. he has shown extraordinary resilience and, at the same time, the schedule of the legal procedure was such that it made it just impossible for the right to have another candidate in effect. so, you still have the campaign from half of the french people. that is one of the explanation will stop had this happened much earlier, it would probably be different. we were caught ina probably be different. we were caught in a binder here. there was no way to have another candidate at that point. the right—wing voters do wa nt to that point. the right—wing voters do want to change the system in france.
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we have just had five years of francois hollande with a disastrous impact on the economy and on unemployment. we have 1.2 million more unemployment at the end of this five years and an enormous amount of deficit and new taxes. a lot of people here want a change. all the candidates simply agreed that the system is broken. what happens if, come sunday evening, we are talking about a second round with marine le pen and jean—luc melenchon of the ha rd pen and jean—luc melenchon of the hard left? what happens to france then? probably some kind of a revolution. we love revolution. the country would be split into. nobody even knows what would happen then. in this particular case, a number of things will happen. one is europe is dead. second, interest rates will
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shoot up, making it tragic for the french debt. we have a debt now of 100% of gdp and most of that debt is owned by foreigners. that means if the interest rates go up, we will have a huge problem. just to pay salaries. the crisis would be immediate and the other half of the country will disagree, so if that happened, we would enter a period of incredible instability. that is why i believe that at the last moment, reasonable probably prevail. the open they will say this is the man with experience, he can lead france. one thing is sure, after brexit and after trump, the fact that two of the key candidates are outside the system and want to go out of europe is already some kind of a victory for brexit and trump is, because if
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the ad of le pen and melenchon, it is nearly half of the vote. it is 23 plus 19 or something like that. it is about a0%, 42%. leaving fillon and macron, who are pro—european ad about this level. it is a referendum fought against europe way. if if, by any chance we are in a situation where the two extremists, right and left extremists are defined the contenders, it would be a massive crisis for europe and, probably, a moment of historical instability in the country. we are out of time. one last thing, it is not the most probable option. i do not think it is the most probable option. even though the collection is unreadable
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at the moment. if you speak to any poster, they do not know. thank you for coming. all of these candidates are campaigning. each has come from are campaigning. each has come from a rally, they are going to rallies. marine le pen was in marseille. let's hear what she had to say. we have to protect the unity of our people. we have to protect them, how to do that if we are in permanent posterity? i want to protect the people i am part of, the people who have seen he go and seen my children grow and he will seek my children. children grow. we just heard the view from the centre—right. let's get the view from the socialist camp. with me is the socialist politician helene conway—mouret, who serves in the french senate. you were at the senator for the expatriates abroad.” you were at the senator for the expatriates abroad. i still am.
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hamon hasjust expatriates abroad. i still am. hamon has just not cut off the ground in this campaign. he is nowhere. yes, unfortunately, after the primary which he won outright and had a very good score, he was unable to launch a campaign immediately stop i think it was about a month where he spent time talking to his opponent on the left, jean—luc melenchon, and to the greens. his idea was to have a big alliance on the left and then go forward , alliance on the left and then go forward, except the wasted time. during that time melenchon started getting some of the votes and macron was also campaigning. hamon is the expression of the time that has been taken off on the left and right. even the campaign is good, he is asking the right questions and so on and has a good programme, the french
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are not into the deep debate on programmes, on whatever is being offered. we are talking about candidates, the personalities and so on. it is a funny kind of campaign. you are still with mr hamon, but there are a number of your fellow senators and fellow socialist who alerted tiptoeing over to the macron side, is that where you will be going in the second round? we will have the same. my adversary in politics is the national front. have the same. my adversary in politics is the nationalfront. i am against everything they stand for. the economic programme is absolutely ridiculous as detrimental to france. the against europe. i will fight the extreme right and... is either wandered off to mr macron's side, they just say this is the wandered off to mr macron's side, theyjust say this is the continuity candidate, this is really the candidate, this is really the candidate of mr fernandes?m
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candidate, this is really the candidate of mr fernandes? it is not. nobody forces me to be part of the party. i will be part of it for as long as i am comfortable. mr macron has greeted a new centre for he has described himself as neither right nor left. he wants to gather people who are on the centre, but the centre is a void. maybe it has to be defined that way. maybe it is something for the future. at the moment, it is not a clear ideology with the purpose, if you like, for the type of society that we want to live in and i think hamon has been defining that. he has been talking about ecology, talking about the place of work within our lives and so on. he has asked the right questions. i am sure mr macron has done that. the question you are asking is in the second round, if it is against marine le pen, of course i will vote for mr macron because from a social point of view, he is most compatible with me and
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certainly not madame le pen. good to get your thoughts. a big day for the expatriates. there are 1 get your thoughts. a big day for the expatriates. there are1 million voters in the uk. they will go to the polls on sunday and we will be watching what they do very closely. i love the tour of paris. i am jealous. it looks like a fantastic evening. i can't imagine anyone will watch that long debate. then you we re watch that long debate. then you were huge pool of everybody living in paris, have you found there is much excitement for emmanuelle macron. it seems we are living in a time when people want a bit of excitement about the candidate. are you hearing about macron? there are two things surprisingly today while i wandered around the left bank am one was that i spoke to be for the full knowledge, the taxi drivers. i have two or three taxis around town and all of them said they cannot believe macron is so high in the polls. they say he is not really the outside candidate, he is the former
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economy ministry, he is a rothschild banker. he is part of the establishment and he is very much francois hollande's candidate. the media have jumped on francois hollande's candidate. the media havejumped on his bandwagon. he isa media havejumped on his bandwagon. he is a smart guy, he talks very well and he is up there i in the polls with a good chance to get through. the other thing which surprised me, and maybe that is because those on the left bank, is just how many people are talking about melenchon and how he can defeat capitalism. it is a strange thing for british people and americans to listen to, this idea that capitalism is a bad thing. among many french people, they still think back to the banking crisis and what happened in 2007 and there is a suspicion about finance in this country. he talked to a lot of marine le pen voters, a lot of melenchon footers and they will say we are voting for them because we wa nt to we are voting for them because we want to put down capitalism. after brexit and the trump election here, all bets are off in terms of making
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predictions. we are living in a very interesting and unpredictable moment. the more from paris in a moment. from one election to another. in the uk, the opposition labour leaderjeremy corbyn has made his first major campaign speech today, ahead of june's general election. he says he wants to ‘overturn the rigged system' by putting power and wealth back in the hands of ‘the people', painting himself as the anti—establishment candidate. let's have a listen. we don't accept that the british people just have to take what they are given, but they do not deserve better. in a sense, the establishment and their followers in the media are quite right, i do not play by their rules. and, if delivered —— labour government is elected, we will not play by their rules either. what really strikes me as interesting about that, i have not been fully chewed into the uk election today, but listening to jeremy corbyn, i hear echoes of what
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iam hearing here in jeremy corbyn, i hear echoes of what i am hearing here in france and i think politicians who are under the cosh and under pressure are starting to steal ideas from the donald trump campaign. we heard jeremy corbyn talk about the news and how he is against the system and the establishment. francois fillon went into le monde newspaper and he was due to go with a sit down interview and he walked out of that interview. he said to them as a rock god, he said it is not the media that decides the questions. imagine that. potentially the next president of france secci does not want to live ina france secci does not want to live in a country with the press are able to ask whatever questions they want. it is quite extraordinary. the media bashing, the theory of the fake media. nigel farage has said he is not going to run. he has decided that your times is not a chance. he has lost seven times, so he has decided he will not run again this time. we broke the news that bill o'reilly
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was being cut loose by 20th century fox. his departure marks a blow to the conservative movement in america. mr o'reilly calls the charges against him by at least five women unfounded, but his employers have decided his huge ratings success does not justify have decided his huge ratings success does notjustify the scandal. we have a contest on bill o'reilly .com. guess where bill o'reilly is common. except bill o'reilly will not be coming back to fox news where he was the biggest star for decades. five women have come forward with claims of sexual harassment and the revelation the settled out of court by bill o'reilly, and fox news £10 million. earlier this week, one former colleague said the host regularly made passes at her when no one was watching and described her as "hot chocolate". when major sponsors started to pull their adverts, his position weakened further, and now the parent company, 21st century fox, has confirmed he's been fired. we are so happy he's gone and he's
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no longer able going to be able to spit all of his vile comments and everything that comes out of his mouth that's disparaging not only to women but specifically to black women and black folks all over the world. lastjuly, the boss of fox news, roger ailes, resigned over allegations that he had sexually harassed female employees. now the acting ceo, rupert murdoch, has made an attempt to usher in a new era at the channel by issuing an internal memo, also signed by his sons, saying that the staff are committed to fostering a work environment built on trust and respect, and this comes at a delicate time, with 21st century fox trying to buy the remaining 61% of sky tv in the uk. bill o'reilly, who found out he'd lost his job on the same day he met the pope, says that it's tremendously disheartening to leave fox due to completely unfounded claims, but all across america he is the main talking point on exactly the type of show
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he used to host. colin paterson, bbc news. let's speak now to the media analyst claire enders, she joins us from london. he has been a very significant revenue spinnerfor fox he has been a very significant revenue spinner for fox news for a very long time. responsible by all accou nts very long time. responsible by all accounts for up to half $1 billion of advertising every single year. he has been very significant and the major opinion programmes on fox news, in particular his, have been extraordinarily pro—donald trump. you could say that rupert murdoch
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graded fox news in 1986 and that network created president trump. you think there was any morality in the fox news decision to listen to what was it really all about money? was it the younger murdoch saying we do not want a news organisation with this cloud hanging over?” not want a news organisation with this cloud hanging over? i am certain that james murdoch would have been angry about the accusations of sexual harassment. last summer when roger ailes was on hold, it happened very quickly again. he appointed external counsel within a matter of days and he took action very fast against the founder of the network. as sir alex ferguson once said, no player is bigger than the team and james murdoch is making absolutely sure that the level of corporate governance standards at 21st—ce ntu ry corporate governance standards at 21st—century fox is much higher than it has been and he is particularly vulnerable at this time because, of course, in 2012, of, found he had
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not behave with the highest standards of corporate governance and he is actually being investigated as we speak by off, and three separate crimes, but one of them is the fit and proper test. it is extraordinary and wooden phrygians murder to succeed in acquiring skype because, effectively, it is a second chance for him and it is extraordinarily important for his vision of the future of 21st—ce ntu ry important for his vision of the future of 21st—century fox. skype is a very significant business with 22 million customers. we have delivered there. thank you very much. thank you forjoining us. nine years since the global financial crisis the head of the international monetary fund has given an upbeat assessment of the global economy. it's probably welcome news to donald trump on day 91 in office that christine lagarde says that strong growth is returning to america and europe. our economics editor, kamal ahmed, has this report. meet matt levatich — the man who runs, and rides, harley—davidsons. the all—american company that exports around the world.
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if things are going well for businesses like this, then that is a signal that the global economy is set fair. i asked mr levatich if the economy is indeed looking up. a lot of this is just psychology. when people feel more confident, then they're willing to make, if you will, financial risks of investing in something, improving their home, buying a motorcycle. when they feel really uncertain, they pull back and they wait. and so the election and so forth has helped people feel more optimism. running more smoothly at harley, and for the us. american growth is up. and it's not alone. european growth is up. uk growth is up. the official imf forecasts have certainly made for better reading, although they have been wrong before. and for the head of the world's leading financial organisation, there are reasons to be cheerful. we are forecasting growth in 2017 at 3.5%. and 2018 at 3.6%.
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and that's a significant uptake from 2016. which is all good news. but we need to make sure that this momentum is sustained. when you come to a company like harley—davidson, you are immediately struck, not just by the size of the factory, but by the sense of optimism. yes, some of that is down to the presidential election. but a lot of it is down to the return of global economic growth. a return so marked, some are arguing, that ten years after the financial crisis, the global economy has finally turned a corner. it is notjust the makers of big american bikes that are keen on global growth. like so many american firms, they
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are waiting to see if the better economic news is here to stay. we sought melenchon on his barge yesterday, he should have taken a harley—davidson. before you go, i wa nt to harley—davidson. before you go, i want to show you something that has been getting a lot of attention on social media. this is an official photograph released by the white house of donald trump and some visitors you will recognise. that is sarah palin. she also has two friends with, ted nugent and kid rock salt and get this photograph therapy and put on her facebook page, also taken in the white house in front of the official portrait of the former first lady in front of the official portrait of the formerfirst lady is, in front of the official portrait of the former first lady is, hillary clinton. this is shocking in america because there is a reference surrounding former first lady sent former presidents. it is like the buckingham palace and having a laugh against a portrait of prince
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charles. you just don't do it. i am not sure that is reverence, especially when we know what is behind it. she will probably get told off on social media. you're watching one hundred days from bbc news. i'm christian fraser, live in paris, where the 11 candidates for the french presidential election will take to the stage in the next few minutes in the final set—piece televised encounter of the campaign. we will hear from the man who said donald trump would win and is now predicting marine le pen will win. one protester arrested arrested in venezuela. we will have that in the programme. good evening. beautiful sunshine across north—eastern england today and the north—east of scotland. the east coast of scotland had the highest temperature, nearly 19 degrees. this was relatively bright
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here. for the most part it was dry. we had a future was from this cloud which develops and moved southwards through the day. this line of cold across scotland is developing weather front as well. that would ta ke ce ntre weather front as well. that would take centre stage in the next 48 hours because it is behind that introduce the colder air. under clearing skies in the south it would bea clearing skies in the south it would be a tad chilly overnight with towns and cities will hold double figures. it will turn misty with four in southern counties with the extra moisture from the cloud that we saw. further north, the weather front is with us through the day. notjust rain but potentially deal force winds. that's because the details. it doesn't look particularly pleasa nt it doesn't look particularly pleasant for the morning rush across scotland. there will be good breaks of cloud sunshine east of the pennines to start the day, that cloud is heading south. northern ireland is cloudy and breezy. further south we have quite a bit of cold, mist and fog to get rid of it
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isa cold, mist and fog to get rid of it is a promising day. it should be gradually try and bright with increasing amounts of sun is that it was on. in that case, for most of us staying dry by the occasional shower, we might see temperatures getting up to 14 or 16 again. that is the likelihood in the south. were fired 17 or 18 today, it will be significantly colder, even if it brightens up because we have a change in wind direction. that weather front pushes its way south through friday night and into saturday. it is picking up the saturday. it is picking up the saturday morning. we have the north—westerly wind setting in that it is brighter in the north finland and northern ireland, there will be some showers. further south there is more cold again. with sunshine together we will see 14 to 16 celsius. it is notably called to the north. it is a wicked weather front because the high pressure is close by. the changes subtly across the north—west later on sunday with windier, wetter weather to enter the begin. for the majority,
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windier, wetter weather to enter the begin. forthe majority, it looks windier, wetter weather to enter the begin. for the majority, it looks as if it was the dry, bright and not too bad temperature rise into sunday, especially with the strength of the sun this time of year. welcome back to 100 days, with me katty kay in washington, and christian fraser is in paris. our top story: the scene is set — 11 candidates for the french presidency get ready to appear on national television to sell their vision for the country. and we catch up with trump voter — college student tylar martin. three months into his presidency, is he living up to her expectations? as we've been discussing
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throughout the programme — this weekend the voters of france go to the polls in one of the most unpredictable elections the country has seen in decades. after sunday there will be just two candidates left standing and for more on how things are shaping up we can cross again to christian in paris. with me now is brunojeanbart — who runs the polling organisation opinionway, and the physicist serge galam. you're one of the few people who predicted trump would win. what is the latest with the polls? we're
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predicting macron winning the waist with about 23% fillon is at 20. the far left leader at it man 19. only two will qualify. it is not the same for the second run. but for the moment we are expecting who will qualify on sunday. amazing that francois fillon has hung on so long. the real phenomenon for me of this election is that when you look at brexit it was older people in britain who wanted to come out of europe, here it is younger people who are voting for marine le pen who has the anti—europe agenda. who are voting for marine le pen who has the anti-europe agenda. and older people want to stay in the eurozone. it is because they are the people who have the most savings in the country and they are worried about that. the young people are
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protesting by voting for marine le pen. they are not all voting from marine le pen. the students are voting for the left. but we have 25% unemployment for young people. these people are voting for the national front. taking that into account, if you put marine le pen in the second poke round, all the polls was a she loses. you say she can win. when i use my modelling which allowed me to predict trump, i also get marine le pen losing. however, what is very new today is the fact that in order to implement what has been chord the republican front, people have to do vote against for the challenger. but this time for many people to vote
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for the challenger is going to be rather high, if it will be macron fillon or melenchon, we have a substantial section of voters who have an aversion to all of those. there will be a strong dilemma, on the one hand they want to oppose marine le pen on the other, they would have to do to swallow a hugely bitter pearl. the point is, on the day any excuse would be good to stay home and forget to vote. so you are saying her vote is woakes solid, if she gets hers out, the others have to do, and if everyone abstains she might get in. but people are saying they will vote against her. but will they? this is the question. using they? this is the question. using the simply mathematical formula i can calculate the situation i can give you an illustration. in case she has voting intention of 42%, the
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challenge challenger, 58, normally she would totally lose will stop but with 90% turnout for her and only 65% for the challenger, she would win the election with 50.07%. this is just win the election with 50.07%. this isjust one win the election with 50.07%. this is just one illustration. win the election with 50.07%. this isjust one illustration. it win the election with 50.07%. this is just one illustration. it is enough to have a discrepancy of around 20% to compensate six, seven, 8% missing to win the election. your maths 896 missing to win the election. your maths looks really complicated, but i will take your word for it because you got it right last time. do you think you gets it right? no. the pollsters are think you gets it right? no. the pollsters a re really think you gets it right? no. the pollsters are really interested... in 2012, they got it pretty much right. she got about 16% and at about 17. it shows you how far she has come now. they did all right last time.
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in last election here in the united states we heard about secret trump vote, i'm beginning to wonder if there is a secret le pen voter as well. the venezuelan opposition is promising to keep up pressure on president maduro by planning more protests today, calling for him to stand down. the demonstrations took a deadly turn on wednesday when three people were killed, including a teenager. the nationwide protests have been dubbed "the mother of all marches". these pictures came into us from caracas a short time ago — as you can see there's a big crowd walking through the capital and, so far, it looks peaceful enough. you can see police firing tear gas canisters at the protesters. joining us now to discuss the unrest is eric farnsworth, vice president of the council of the americas. what do these protesters think they can achieve in venezuela?” what do these protesters think they can achieve in venezuela? i think thatis can achieve in venezuela? i think that is a good question. what is it they are asking for? they are asking for the government to simply listen to their demands which is to say
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loosen up the economy to allow food to be imported once again, to restore the health care system, to restore the health care system, to restore security on the streets, to change the education system. these are big demands and the reason they are big demands and the reason they are not being listened to in any meaningful way is they are the result of the model that the government has in place and does not seem to be able to change —— willing to change. the way for red is an electoral process. yesterday general motors plant in venezuelan, an american plant, was basically requisitioned by the venezuelan government, a bunch of vehicles were taken in the process. that seems to be what despots do when they are feeling desperate, they turn against foreigners and foreign entities. are they feeling the pressure?” foreigners and foreign entities. are they feeling the pressure? i think he is feeling increased pressure from the international community and his own citizens. this was a one—time thing. this is what people
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in venezuela have done for a long time, nationalising foreign companies, domestic companies, a full—scale assault on the private sector. this is a concern in terms of the recovery of the country, if and when there is an opportunity to do that, the energy sector which energy venezuelan relies on will not be sufficient. you need a vibrant unproductive time private sector which has been strangled by the government. this is the continuation of clearly an approach they have used for over 17 years and it is very worrisome. i would imagine the sort of things will continue because you are right, the government is consolidating its power and it is radicalising and it is unclear it where it wants to go from here. we will watch how those demonstrations continue. at the end of each week we like to check in with voters who cast their ballot for donald trump, to get their view on how the president is doing. for donald trump, to get their view i first met college student taylar martin in december of 2015, and this is how she
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described candidate trump. passionate, driven, confident. motivated. you are studying international business. that is his sweet spot. is that part of the appeal? he's very successful as a businessman so i'd like to see how as the leader of the united states. so, how is he doing now on day 91 in office? tylarjoins me now. thank you for coming in. i know you have exams coming up. how is he doing? i'm really pleased overall. as the biggest setback so far has been health care reform. otherwise i think he is aggressively trying to fulfil campaign processes —— promises. one of the things you are interested in is the american economy and how he performs in that. how has he done? so far i think he has really been trying to pass legislation in order to bring jobs back to america. what kind of
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legislation are you thinking of? the tpp, withdrawing from that. i am glad he did that. and alsojust recently he reached out to the people in trying to... what you think happened on health care? why do you think he didn't manage to get health care reform through? he said it was one thing he said he would do during the campaign.” it was one thing he said he would do during the campaign. i think there is too much division between republicans and democrats in congress. they can't work past it. they aren't able to fully pass something that is beneficial to all. what else do you want him to do in terms of legislation, changing things, to getting congress to work with him, what you want see happen next? i think the bombings in syria we re next? i think the bombings in syria were a good start. honestly, because they set the standard that if,
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because syria agreed not to use chemical warfare, because if you break these promises there will be repercussions will stop is addressing you say that, because a lot of people who voted for president trump did so thinking he would not get involved in other conflicts in the middle east. doesn't it bother you this is a president who might be more interventionist than he suggested?” think overall he will do what he thinks is right for the us. in setting that standards, the videos we re setting that standards, the videos were heart breaking so i think it had from his heartstrings.” were heart breaking so i think it had from his heartstrings. i know you did not want to tell friends of yours that you were voting for trump during the campaign. do unique now feel happy to say you voted for him? it is what it is when you go on the bbc. everyone knows what your opinions are. i think i've lost some friends that way. but it is what i believe. thank you for coming in. is interesting is in it that you
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hear someone like her, who didn't wa nt to hear someone like her, who didn't want to tell her friends she was voted the donald trump, but is clearly happy with the direction he is taking. particularly on the economic front. very interesting. and of course it applies here in france. but we don't know where those shy voters will go. one in four are those shy voters will go. one in fourare either those shy voters will go. one in four are either undecided or will change their minds once they get into the box, which is why with those 11 candidates on the television tonight they will be hoping to squeeze another few thousand votes out of the system. you lived in paris and when you live there the national front had a different image. going back now, do you get the impression the french believe the party has changed under marine le pen? no doubt. i was here in 2012 when she became the leader. under her father it was very
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different. though she has softened the party. the dna of the party, some say, is very much the same, but she has softened it. that is why you see young people on campus is up and down the country prepared to vote for her. waddle were surprises me,. —— the french want a different syste m —— the french want a different system to the one they have at the moment. that is 100 days for this week — if you'd like to get in touch with us please do, using the hashtag, bbc—one—hundred—days. from me katty kay in washington and christian fraser in paris — goodbye. this is bbc news. here are the headlines. jeremy corbyn pledges to challenge what he called a "rigged system" and said the election result was not a ‘foregone conclusion'. former ukip leader nigel farage has confirmed he will not stand in the forthcoming general election. the prime minister reiterates her commitment for net migration falling
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to the tens of thousands following britain leaving the eu. an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london's and frankfurt ended the day. and in the the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. stocks providing a leg up on the back of sterling's improved performance. the former ukip leader nigel farage has told the bbc he will not be standing as a candidate in forthcoming general election. farage has failed in seven attempts to get elected to westminster. ukip currently have no mp's after douglas carswell quit the party last month. the american billionaire bill gates, has used a speech in london to warn theresa may that reducing the government's commitment to foreign aid would cost lives. the prime minister has refused to say whether she will retain a pledge made by david cameron to spend at least 0.7% of national income on overseas development.
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so, what is the money spent on and how do we compare to other countries? chris morris of reality check reports. loading up. the uk is one of a handful of countries that meets the long—standing international target of spending 0.7% of gross national income on overseas aid. that translates to more than £12 billion a year. and there are those who argue that it's too much. 0.7% figure was written into law in 2015. theresa may has refused to say whether she intends to keep it. prominent campaigners insist that she should. if you have less aid, you pick the things you're going to spend less money on, like girls education, less one tools of contraception that empower women and bring down the population growth. less on malaria bed nets, where we bought children's deaths from a million a year to a half million a year. how did our aid budget of 0.7% compare with other
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countries around the world? scandinavia's pretty much at the top the list. in 2016 sweden spent 0.937% of its gross national income on aid. but other big countries are significantly below us. the us spent 0.18%, and russia only not 0.08. and russia only 0.08.
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