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Trump Administration
  BBC News  BBC News  April 6, 2017 8:02pm-8:04pm BST

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in syria with the chemical weapons attack in the past day have horrified all of us and brought to the front pages and to our tv screens as well the tragedy that is pa rt screens as well the tragedy that is part of the syrian conflict. there is no doubt in our minds and the information we have supports that syria, the syrian regime are responsible for this attack. i think further it is very important that the russian government considers carefully their continued support of the assad regime. does assad have to go? his role in the future is certainly unclear, the acts he has taken, it seems there would be no role for him to govern the syrian people. what steps is the united
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states prepared to take, remove him from power? the process by which he would leave is something i think requires an international community effort, both to first defeat ices within syria, to stabilise the syrian country, to work collectively with our partners around the world for a political process that would lead to a sad leaving. will you and president trump organise an international coalition to remove a sad? those steps are underway. has president trump been talking about that with other leaders? our military options on the table? we are considering an appropriate response for this chemical weapons attack which violates all previous un resolutions, violates international norms and long—held
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agreements between parties including the syrian regime, the russian government and all other members of the un security council. it's a serious matter and requires a serious matter and requires a serious response. us secretary of