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tv   100 Days  BBC News  March 21, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm GMT

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héfifi'firfii www the us bans electronic §§§i§§§ §fi filfififi fit? the uk has announced similar action on flights from six countries, it's apparently a response to intelligence suggesting terror ' ' groups are targeting airlines. the elevated intelligence that we're aware of indicates that we had a great meeting and i think we're going to get a winner vote. on repealing and replacing obamacare. also, the different lives of martin mcguiness — from ira commander to eartharfi hilafifl atqtfiamqfi during the good friday peace talks. and the different faces of the front national in frances we'll introduce you to marine le pen‘s niece, f reg;;e; £177; j?ee eee; gee ;, ;e '
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we don't know the source or the specific nature butthereere'cencerns an bath ~ 7 , ,, sides of the atlantic. and so, from this weekend, passengers flying to the us the uk has taken similar action, where the ban applies are slightly different — six in total, inéueing'igget} jflrdefiefith‘zrrker in istanbul were today asked to put their laptops, cameras and tablets in their hold iuddade to two recent attacks, and ahttack—in—somalia last—gear—= = in this instance;—;mcpassefi§fees=
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on board escaped unhurt — reportedly, a laptop carried onto the flight by a passenger in the pest beerti‘ewhftthaese-i to include smuggling explosive devices in various consumer objects. our security correspondent , ,, , ,, it will cause a lot of inconvenience for and naturally the will be, what is the question will be, what is the intelligence? yes, there are schools
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intelligence? yes, thereg schools of y e if; , f fi e e e e fl fig ee fii film ; ; 7 ifigf’ i one y e e3 , i fi e e e e e ffe eee eqi effim e e e erie i one is that the thought. one is that the intelligence is - and thought. one is that the intelligence is and e: , is intelligehte'igreei a, fieeiewiti‘leeeie evaluative intelligence in $3995? :,:1>:‘,: ”29255151'1525e22’25 m $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h us, $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h us. % $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h us, g it $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h us, g it is $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h uigit isa $3995? :,:1>:‘,: wzézzéé-inzzeezz -h us, g it is a developing and the usrthat ihsadeveleping—afié’ evolving the usrthat ihsadeveleping—efié’ evolving threat. it is not a specific. to evolving threat. it is not a specific - to attack a particular seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' oi' seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' or error line, but there seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' al-anda ii' line, but there seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' al-anda and e, but there seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' al-anda and other: there seetifit fillet it» attacks nértltul-er ' ' al-anda and other jihadists are al-anda and otherjihadists groups with ongoing interest in putting — groups with ongoing interest in putting, ,,,,, “e“ 7 groups with ongoing interest in putting, —— ‘j‘id aircraft, and putting bombs on board aircraft, and gfi putting bombs on board aircraft, and ”5 have — — putting bombs on board aircraft, and g”: have done putting bombs on board aircraft, and fizga have done it three times they have {lorie it three times, n'taf yemen, seven they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yemen, seven oreight they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yemen, seven or eight years - and they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yeme is seven or eight years - and they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yeme is a even or eight years - and they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yeme is a fear or eight years - and they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yeme is a fear they ght years - and they heye dehe it three tihtee ante-5 yeme is a fear they have ears - and there is a fear they have not given up there is a fear they have not given up trying. other “mi say there is up trying. other would say there is commercial interest behind this, and this is in some way anti—islamic, but infer 7777 this is in some way anti—islamic, but infer case 7 this is in some way anti—islamic, but infer case of— this is in some way anti—islamic, but in? case of britain, the ban but in the case of britain, the ban applies to —:: and five applies to british airways and five! q7 applies to british airways and five! e“? " british airlines, so other gogular british airlinesfso = will suffer from this. people they will suffer from this. people will suffer most, business because they use travellers, because they cannot use their laptops in travellers, because they cannot use theirlaptops mg travellers, because they cannot use their laptops mg to do travellers, because they cannot use their laptops in to do work oi'i on direct flights from the middle east to britain or the us. and parents to travel with their
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kids and do not have their tablets, finite ene‘j its; not iieseiii,ierir1ie,|§i£ite; are essential iiifls ene‘j its; not iiese iii‘euielfiiite; are essential - flights. they are essential now on flights. there is a difference l countries there is a difference in countries targeted the there is a difference in countries targeted - the american ban and uk ban. what do ou hear on that? there is inconsistency here, which does not make sense. the us ban includes the united arab emirates includesjhemitedatabemitates] dubai and abu dhabi, both of and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which are close allies of the united and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which a there e allies of the united and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which a there is allies of the united and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which a there is a .ies of the united and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which a there is a closed he united and dubai and abu dhabi, both of which a there is a closed military d states. there is a closed military relationship and quad core basing relationship and quad core operation on a lot of things, operation on a lot ofthingss,w~— , , ~ , including intelligence, and - is including intelligence, and that is popular in the uae, and likewise not popular in the uae, and likewise saudi arabia, - intelligence and saudi arabia, close intseiiigeneeahd1i working relationship to the “e and working relationship to the cia and saudi intelligence. thg have chosen airports not in specific airports not mentioned in the british ban, which includes leather nun, which is not in the other one. it does appear a bit muddled —— the british ban includes
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and not the other one. lebanon, and not the other one. inside london, and the past few days, theresa may only signed up on this this morning, because there we re this this morning, because there were some voices saying, hang on, were some voices sayiflgfhaflgon! this is of a reaction. in the absence of a specific threat, are we letting ourselves in for a much not letting ourselves in for a much bigger penalty, @ not letting ourselves in for a much bigger penalty, sgggggfi'giis and g bigger penalty, commercially and diplomatically? these are supposed to be countries that are our friends, and will widen the gap between east and west and play right mto between east and west and play right into the hands of people that say the west does not like muslims, or the west does not like muslims, or the west does not like muslims, or the west hates the middle east. it will play into the hands of extremists and risks doing that. thank you, frank. interesting, how much cooperation there has been between washington and london on this, both of them coming out on this, both of them coming out on this ban within hours of each other, even though different countries in question. listening to frank, the travel ban president robert in place - so president robert in place was so toxic and so political, in washington, i wonder how they reacted to data desk —— president
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trump put in place this ban. bipartisanship on this, the head of intelligence and committee coming out and saying that while he criticised the executive order banning immigrants from the white house, he supports this one. this is an area where people are sensitive in the united states, and if they think the intelligence agencies have some kind of evidence or information there is a threat on the homeland, it would be incredibly unlikely for you to see political splits on that, nothing is what we are seeing from democrat supporting the white house on this. we will keep our eye on that. president trump has been on capitol hill today, trying to win over those republicans on the right whose support is still wavering on his new health—care bill. he had a stern warning for lawmakers who are digging in — give me your vote, or you mightjust lose your seat in the next election. he sounded bullish a little earlier.
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best, and that is to close the deal. we heard paul ryan trying to sound optimistic and it is not for the white house on this? sheet fees the tyhitstiegsfe'ee the? skeet fees the tyhitthieeee'e'e the? is seeet fees the tyhiteheesse'es this7 is not and there are two it is notand there are two, ,, , , groups and playback could gjvgggipg grougs and glayback could ! this deal from going torpedo this deal from going ieisej—e.ze torpedo this deal from going ewe the torpedo this deal from going e_-ethem05t torpedo this deal from going £2“; the most conservative through. the most conservative members of. house, 46 members of freedom congress, saying the house freedom congress, saying - government is spending too much. the republicans who i more then the repuhiioans who are more i then the repuhiieans who are more i the then the repuhiioans who are more i the tuesday group, they moderate ; the tuesdayrgroupahey for moderate ; the tuesdaygroupahey for lunch on? and! moderate ; the tuesdaygroupahey for lunch on and they meet for lunch on tuesdays, and they say there is nothing of safeguard m the bill to protect elderly people, and it is to harsh on one of our support systems here, medicaid. and
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paul ryan has a thin@ support systems here, medicaid. and paul ryan has a thin m to! paul ryan has a thin tightrope to walk to get the moderate and the more conservative to agree. you have had conversations over the past week with the white house, are they going under siege on this and they going under siege on this and the budget? over the last two weeks, my communications the white house, there is a sense they need to do a betterjob of selling it to the american people what policies they are undertaking and why they are good for american people. often we speak on it more than once a day, thatis speak on it more than once a day, that is the severity and - urgency that is the severity and the urgency they have right now... they recognise they have a problem? think they do otherwise we would i think they do otherwise we would not have so much feedback back and forth. i want to set this in the context of the headlines this morning, and they are all about the russian investigation and the investigation being at the door of the white house. i wonder, being at the door of the white house. iwonder, on being at the door of the white house. i wonder, on congress today, on the hill, talking to people, does this in any way- him toxic? this in any way make him toxic?
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it ”did and there is this in any way make him toxic? it ”iii and there is m united states as to whether or the united states as to whether or not. russian government had influence of the election sgecific influence ofthe electigg’ there are a lot oi people outcome. there are a lot of people oi'i outcome. there are a lot of people on both sides of the aisle, and democrats, who
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