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tv   BBC News  BBC News  December 18, 2016 2:00pm-2:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. i'm annita mcveigh. the headlines at two. in the last hour, fresh hope for civilians trapped in the syrian city of aleppo, as buses arrive to restart evacuations, two days after they were disrupted. the international trade secretary says britain could remain part of the customs union after leaving the european union. ahead of a strike on southern rail tomorrow, rmt leader mick cash denies accusations that his union is using the dispute to take on the government. leicester's jamie vardy and wales striker gareth bale are among the champions who could be named this year's bbc sports personality of the year at tonight's ceremony in birmingham. and coming up at 2.30, it is politics europe, for all the key news out of brussels. good afternoon and
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welcome to bbc news. syrian state television says buses have entered the rebel—held enclave in eastern aleppo, to enable the evacuation of thousands of people said to be living in desperate conditions. this follows reports of a deal having been agreed between the rebels and pro—government forces. richard lister reports. more buses lining up, as it seemed this on—off evacuation would continue. the authority said david oversees the situation, but that has still not happen. but the smoke
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lying over the city shows just how difficult this has become. for the past week, people have been told to gather at assembly points, but then had to call. one reason for the delay has been the status of two villages hailed by opposition fighters, which had been part of the ceasefire agreement. across europe, thousands have demanded that west play a more active role. the united nations will consider those issues to deal. but in government hailed western aleppo, there is relief that
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the city is no longer on the front line. we hope this ceasefire will pass without problem and we hope that all the gunmen will leave and go back to where they came from. we have destroyed our country. the evacuation buses have no been seen moving into the east of the city to continue the operation. but it is a complex and dangerous operation which has feel before and could do so which has feel before and could do so again. —— field. with me is our correspondent, alanjohnston. yes, we are notjust simply talking about trying to evacuate that rebel held enclave in aleppo. there are
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government supporters besieged at two other villages west of the city. they are saying that they will have two be a loadout before the evacuation can be choreographed. it seems that already there is a serious problem that some of the buses, sent to the government area, we re buses, sent to the government area, were set on fire. this state media singer was the work of the rebels. the rebels seeing it was the work of angry local people. we are slightly unsure at the moment what really went on. and it wish to be seen what sort of impact this will have on the overall evacuation plan. look at
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that claim that it is rebel forces who bombed the buses. all with the rationale be to do that? we must know that the sort of action could scupper the evacuation process from aleppo. this has become a very bitter conflict. the two villagers had been under a long siege from rebel forces. i think they will be relu cta nt to rebel forces. i think they will be reluctant to see the bitter enemy simply get on board buses and get out of there. maybe they think that they can negotiate a much better deal. cot between all of us, many civilians. do we know of people are managing to get on buses and get out of east aleppo and other areas, freely within doc? as we have seen
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throughout the week, it is rather vague as to where they would go. the whole process goes on. thousands of people who have left will be taken toa people who have left will be taken to a province hailed by the rail rebels and they will try and find shelter the. but many may feel this will only be the briefest tape of respite for them. one could assume there will soon be government focus on that province, which is i see a rebel stronghold. the united nations sporting today on whether to print
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in monitors, but some dispute as to whether russia would actually vote for this. the french delegation will put forward a proposal that united nations monitors be moved into these rebel held areas as quickly as possible to monitor and to help with maybe the evacuation of the thousands of people who are still trapped. if the government forces when tennant took control, the people still via may find themselves in severe danger, the maybe perceived as being part of the rebel forces or at least sympathetic to them. international trade secretary liam fox has refused to rule out britain remaining a member of the european customs' union, which could limit free trade deals after brexit.
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he told the bbc‘s andrew marr he was "instinctively a free trader" and he would have his say in the cabinet. here is our political correspondent, mark lobel. british businesses approach the end of year with element of doubt hanging over future customs arrangements, such as whether a new trade deal will bring less bureaucracy, or more, to our borders. speaking to the bbc this morning, the international trade secretary left open the possibility that we could remain a part of the eu customs union. we need to look at all the options, all the possible... including staying in the customs union? the reason i asked, and in a non—confrontational way, if we stay inside the customs union, we cannot do the type of deals that your department was set up to create and, therefore, there is no need for liam fox. there would be limitations, in terms of tariff setting, which would limit what kind of deals you can do. that is quite correct. the customs union includes all 28 eu nations and turkey, monaco, san marino and andorra.
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all can trade freely, but they must impose the same tariffs. they are also barred from doing bilateral trade deals with other countries. now only a back—seat driver to cabinet discussions, george osborne was asked what type of trade deal should be done. we should have a ha rd—headed assessment of what is in our national interest. it is true that the grass may be greener outside of those arrangements and we may be able to conduct new free—trade deals with australia, the united states and so on, but that shouldn't come at a price of giving up the existing free—trade arrangements we have with germany and france. and you think we can keep those? that is where i would start from. you cannot say we are a beacon of free trade in the wild and then perpetrate a huge act of protectionism — the biggest
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in british history. in spite of hearing from one of the brexit big hitters today, we are really no closer to knowing what type of deal is on the table and which options will be pursued. a suicide bomber has killed at least a0 soldiers in the southern yemeni port city of aden. many others were wounded. the islamic state group says it carried out the attack, which targeted a crowd of soldiers as they were queueing up to receive their salaries near a military base. it is the latest in a string of such attacks, targeting army recruits in yemen. a week ago, islamic state militants killed 50 troops in aden, which is under the control of the internationally—recognised government of yemen. palestinian police say israeli soldiers have shot dead an arab teenager during a confrontation in the west bank. hundreds of people have attended his funeral, in bate reema near ramallah. palestinian officials say the shooting took place when troops entered the village and were confronted by youths throwing stones.
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the israeli military says security forces were responding after being attacked by rioters. hundreds of thousands of commuters on southern rail face another day of disruption tomorrow, when rmt workers go on strike. there were three days of strikes earlier this week. british airways cabin staff are due to strike over christmas, as well, and some post office workers will walk out for five days from tomorrow. meanwhile, theresa may is allegedly getting some flak from within her party, for not curbing the powers of striking unions. speaking to my colleague martine croxall earlier, rmt leader mick cash denied the accusations that his union is using the dispute with southern railway to take on the government. this is not part of any conspiracy to try and bring down the government. we are here to make sure
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we have a safe railway. that is the only thing we are concerned about. we are trying to make sure we have the safety of the passengers and all workers in maine. any trade with any sense would want to bring this bloody working—class heating conservative government, that was said by one of your colleagues. why would he say that? that was said that the small fringe meeting. but he has the general secretary of your union. our dispute is about ensuring we have safety on every train. we have done and a number of other companies, and we want to see it
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done on southern. i can we keep guards on certain genes, but not on these ones. but why would your president make such a statement? these ones. but why would your president make such a statement7m there something you do not support? he has a significant figure made. our focus is he has a significant figure made. ourfocus is on he has a significant figure made. our focus is on the safety of people on the train. this started at the beginning of the year, the contractor said they were going to ta ke contractor said they were going to take on the unions, get them out of the. you should ask questions towards the secretary of state who is trying to have a bust up with the unions, when we are trying to do get safety as the priority on the railways. are you seeing that your
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union is a norwegian involved any coordinated effort and would not wa nt to coordinated effort and would not want to see the government brought down by your actions? there is not any coordinated action. we change oui’ any coordinated action. we change our government via the ballot box. this is all about issues over safety. we have real concerns. that is our priority. we want to see the safety of passengers put at the front of us. that is why we are in dispute. that is why we love stuff on strike at southern this week. no other reason. staff. the government is drawing up plans to make all civil servants and holders of public office swear an oath to uphold british values. writing in the sunday times,
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communities secretary sajid javid says it is not possible for people to play a "positive role" in public life unless they accept such basic values as democracy, equality and freedom of speech. mrjavid's proposals would mean every new recruit in the public sector, including the nhs and the bbc, would be expected to commit to the oath, which may have to be read out loud, before starting the role. i have been speaking to conservative mp and former culture secretary, john whittingdale, who gave me his reaction to the idea. it isa it is a good idea that people taking up it is a good idea that people taking up public office should subscribe to this. when parliament returns, every mp swingers and north of allegiance to the queen as part of the procedure. this is a similar kind of situation. shadow home secretary diane abbott says making public officials swear an oath to british values would make little or no difference. she has been speaking on the murnaghan programme.
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it will not make a difference. you will identify the problem is, if people come to this country, if they feel that the values of great britain did not apply to them. feel that the values of great britain did not apply to themlj have a very diverse population in my constituency. the 11 this country because the value of what has two foreign respect the institutions within. i do not think this oath would make any verifiable difference. in the last hour, fresh hope for civilians trapped
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in the syrian city of aleppo, as buses arrive to restart evacuations, two days after they were disrupted. the international trade secretary says britain could remain part of the customs union after leaving the european union. ahead of a strike on southern rail tomorrow, rmt leader mick cash denies accusations that his union is using the dispute to take on the government. thick fog is affecting many parts of the uk, leading to travel disruption for a second day, with airports warning of more cancellations and delays to flights. the met office has now lifted their severe weather warning for southern england and south wales, but warn they may need to issue another warning tonight. heathrow advise travellers to check flights before setting off. it's been an incredible twelve months for home—grown sporting success and to reflect that, an unprecedented i6 contenders have been shortlisted for sports personality
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of the year 2016. the award will be decided by a public vote this evening. i would not like to be picking the winner out of that amazing list of contenders. an incredible evening is lined up. the sports stars will be arriving in the next few hours. 16 individuals have been put forward are nominated. the evening is full of stars. there will be eight awards up of stars. there will be eight awards upforgrabs, and of stars. there will be eight awards up for grabs, and because it is such a jam—packed evening, two of these
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awards have actually already been awarded earlier this week. the young sports star of the years. unique remember the 15—year—old para olympian. she won the 50 metres butterfly in the swimming. she was voted as the young sports personality of the year. she was inspired by ellie simmonds. the other award earlier today was the lifetime achievement award and that went to michael phelps, the american swimmer who has won 23 gold medals and competed at five olympic games. his first one was in sydney in 2000. what an incredible career he has had. five more awards will be
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announced later on. these will include the team of the year, coach of the year, overseas personality of the year and the unsung hero award. but the main event is who will be awarded the sports personality of the year. as you mention, and the money will be going for a third victory. he has been short listed once again. —— andy murray. in fairness, i have to mention the other 15 nominees. a huge list of well—known names. at
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it as an incredible night line—up of nominees and we will find out a little bit later on, probably just before nine o'clock, who has been awarded the main prize. you can find all the details on the bbc sport website. the stars will be arriving in the next few hours. the plastic will then be removed from this red carpet and the action will all start. i do not win you having that lest written down in front of you. we will be live from five o'clock there is the sports stars arrive. that will be any special programme from five o'clock. venezuela's president, nicolas maduro, says he is postponing the withdrawal of the country's largest bank note, the $100 bolivar bill — untiljanuary. it follows widespread protests and looting. the president blamed international sabotage for preventing new larger denomination notes from arriving in time. tim allman reports. events
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eve nts ca n events can move quickly in this country. a huge rally in favour of the president. many are angry at the withdrawal of $100 bolivar the note, but these are true believers. the president says it is not his fault. we are victims of international sabotage. i denounce this. i have been monitoring events all day and olney i support the people for their support in our bid to attack the financial mafia. a few hours later,
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his tone had changed. in a national television broadcast he said the new currency would be delayed until next month. tell that to these people trying to leave the country. with the economy in milton and inflation rampant, many people are struggling forfood rampant, many people are struggling for food and supplies. and the second largest city, the crisis has led to seems like this. protesters clashing with police and restaurants and shops looted. i had to pay 5000 dollars just to get food to eat.
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their presence and it may he'll the current crisis, but the country is still running out of cash and with inflation running at rampant levels, there is no hint of the crisis. a 1,000—strong force of "mini—cops", aged between nine and 11, have been recruited by durham police. the uniformed volunteers take part in big public events and even get involved with enforcement operations on the roads. the aim is to nurture better relationships between officers and the communities they serve. tim muffett has been to find out more. this primary school in durham, and the uk's youngest police force. i have some important news about future events you'll be participating in. it was set up by durham constabulary for children aged nine to 11. what is the main thing police do? rescue and help.
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this is giving them an insight into all of the roles the police force do. and i think it is changing children's perceptions. i signed up because it gives you an opportunity to do stuff that you don't normally do. i wanted to be helpful to people and i wanted to be kind, because i don't really speak that much because i'm shy. have you become less shy as a result? yes. the main aim behind the mini police is not so much law enforcement but more engagement. begin the process early and it is hoped the benefits could be profound. music plays. a lantern parade in durham city centre, and the mini police are on patrol, overseen by the man who set up the project. first initial contact between the police and children, often it is negative. what we are doing with the programme is trying to have that first contact being positive, and that will stay with them into adulthood. we would like to see that all forces
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in england and wales and scotland, we take on the project, because it is important that as a police force we engage with our next generation. we get lots of different information about how the police force works. they are learning to respect what the police force do. i don't think they realise how much goes on behind the scenes. i like how it can give people support and help people out. merseyside police have set up a similar scheme. other forces say they are interested in doing the same. when it comes to community policing, durham constabulary believes this is the way forward. 13.1 million viewers tuned into strictly come dancing last night to see bbc sports presenter ore oduba and his partnerjoanne clifton take home the glitterball trophy, beating fellow competitors danny mac
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and louise redknapp. last night also marked len goodman's last appearance as a judge, as our entertainment correspondent lizo mzimba reports. and i can now reveal the strictly come dancing champions 2016 are... ore and joanne. the moment that ore oduba was crowned strictly come dancing 2016 champion. he was voted the winner after a public vote during the evening's final. the bbc sport presenter thanked the show and paid tribute to his dance partnerjoanne clifton. you are the most incredible person. this is the greatest ever experience of my life. i've learned to dance. i've made a best friend. i've been on the show that i've loved for 12 years. he beat the evening's other two finalists, the actor danny mac and the singer louise redknapp, thanks to his performances of three dances. # walk down the lane...# an american smooth...
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# with a happy refrain...# ..a show dance... # this is what i say...# ..and ajive. the latter two routines were given perfect scores by the judges. ore might be this year's winner, but for many, a close runner—up was ed balls. the former shadow chancellor's lack of dance skills may have resulted in consistently low scores from the show‘sjudges, but he was kept in the contest a week after week by votes from the programme's viewers, who'd been entertained by his routines, which included a gangnam style dance, until he finally left the competition last month. # gangnam style...# the evening's final was also len goodman's last appearance in the series, and he was given a standing ovation in the studio. len goodman has led
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the judging panel since the programme began 12 years ago. he had to follow all that clutter is the weather forecast! it is not quite all doom and gloom. the fog has been a big issue over the weekend. mainly affecting the size of the country. it has been very nice in other parts of the country. fog the media will become with a vengeance fog the media will become with a vengeance and fog the media will become with a vengeance and mean fog the media will become with a vengeance and mean notjust be the south which is affected. the central
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of southern england and the midlands could be affected. it will not be a particularly cold late, but we do have worries about the density of that falk first thing tomorrow morning. the frontal system beginning to pushing across scotland during the course of the night. during the day, the temperature reigns of 7—10dc during the day. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines: buses arrive to restart evacuations in the stricken city of aleppo, two days after they were started. the


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