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tv   BBC News at Six  BBC News  November 9, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm GMT

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he greeted his supporters in the early hours as president—elect of the united states, promising to heal the nation's wounds after a vicious campaign. i pledge, to every citizen of our land, that i will be president for all americans, and this is so important to me. among republicans there was jubilation as pollsters were confounded and donald trump swept to victory in several battle ground states. donald] trump, no one thought that he could do it, but he's pulled it off. it was a crushing defeat for hillary clinton, and the end of her dream to become the first woman to occupy the oval office. this loss hurts, but please, never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it. we'll be charting the rise of the television celebrity and businessman, to the most
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powerful office in the world. and we have one other major story tonight. at least seven people have died and dozens more have been injured after a tram overturned in south london this morning. and coming up in the sport on bbc news, joe root comes to england's rescue on the first day of the opening test against india. good evening, we're live in washington dc, where the political landscape was entirely redrawn overnight with donald trump's astounding election victory over hillary clinton. the republican businessman and political outsider, with no experience of public office, defied all the polls
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to defeat his democratic rival. after one of the most venomous campaigns in history, mr trump promised to be a "president for all americans". he will move into the white house in the new year. we'll have all the story of the results as they came in, we'll have reaction from around the world, and we'll be asking what kind of presidency donald trump will deliver. first this evening, our north america editorjon sopel reports on donald trump's historic victory. applause entered donaldj applause entered donald j trump. applause entered donald] trump. sorry, president trump, as he will be in january. this is the most momentous and unexpected election victory in america's 240 year history. at a stroke, it seemed the streetfighter
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insurgent had given way to the statesman. now it's time for america to bind the wounds of division. have to bind the wounds of division. have to get together. to all republicans and democrats and independents gci’oss and democrats and independents across this nation, i say it is time for us to come together as one united people. applause cheering it's time. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all americans, and this is so important to me. having been accused of racism during his campaign, and targeting minorities, another new tone. for those who have chosen not tone. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, i'm reaching out to you for your
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guidance and your help, so that we can work together and unify our great country. cheering and his opponent whom he put to the sword was no longer cricket hillary, the woman who should be in prison, the woman who should be in prison, the most corrupt politician ever. she was this. i've just received a call from secretary clinton. cheering she congratulated us, it's about us, not on our victory. and i congratulated her and her family not on our victory. and i congratulated her and herfamily on a very, very hard fought campaign. she fought very hard. applause hillary has worked very long and very ha rd over hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our
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country. i mean that very sincerely. the insurgent had taken on the establishment and one. according to exit polls, winning massively among white working—class men but also a majority of white women and faring no worse with hispanics than his predecessor did four years ago. his supporters were ecstatic. i'm from austin, texas. i love the guy, i think he has been misrepresented by the media. if i believed what the media was saying i wouldn't be here. ican media was saying i wouldn't be here. i can see through the fog and i trust the man. he worked hard to get here and he deserved every bit of it. on the streets of new york there we re it. on the streets of new york there were tense encounters. donald trump watched from his penthouse as the votes were counted. it promised "brexit plus". there was an uncanny symmetry about the way the night unfolded. hilary hq could have been faked remain. so much early
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optimism. —— "vote remain". 0nly faked remain. so much early optimism. —— "vote remain". only to be replaced by mounting gloom and then despair. people heading home, before the final results were known. these people filing out despondent, disappointed, devastated by the turn of events. donald trump hasn't yet been confirmed as president, but he is that close. and these people can't quite believe what has happened. that confirmation of his victory would come a little later but hillary clinton didn't speak until a short time ago. last night i congratulated donald trump and offered to work with him on but half offered to work with him on but half of our country. i hope that he will bea of our country. i hope that he will be a successful president for all americans. this is not the outcome we wa nted americans. this is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for. and i'm sorry that we did not win this election, for the values we
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share and the vision we hold for our country. and from the white house president 0bama promised his full cooperation to the president—elect. 0ne cooperation to the president—elect. one thing you realise quickly in thisjob is that one thing you realise quickly in this job is that the presidency and the vice presidency is bigger than any of us. sol the vice presidency is bigger than any of us. so i have instructed my team to follow the example that president bush's team set eight years ago, and work as hard as we can to make sure this is a successful transition for the president—elect. because, we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. new and astonishing page in american history has been turned. we know what donald trump's policy ambitions are, but bringing the country together after so much did this in —— after so much division and hatred will be his greatest challenge. donald trump had been trailing in the opinion polls for most of the election campaign.
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but he continued to make a strong appeal to working—class voters, and frequently denounced hillary clinton as a "liar" and a "criminal". mr trump will be the first president since general eisenhower, over 60 years ago, to occupy the oval office with no previous experience of public office. 0ur chief correspondent gavin hewitt has this assessment of mr trump's unconventional journey to the white house. the man who will become the 45th president of the united states is a political outsider, his background property development, branding glitzy buildings with the name trump. he was a showman, drawn to reality tv and the programme the apprentice. you're fired. 18 months ago he descended the new york escalator and declared he was running for president, never having held public office. it seemed an impossible journey. among his supporters there were doubts about his strategy. donald trump had successfully
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targeted the white working class and the crowd sensed a brexit moment building. the pollsters in this country were telling us up until this very morning that trump didn't stand a chance, that it would be a miracle, it was such a hard road. this is brexit in america. and then success in florida. hillary clinton had outspent him. yes, the democrats had done well with hispanic voters but donald trump had built a mass movement through staging big rallies. this means that donald trump will be the 45th president of the united states. when his victory was announced, there were wild celebrations. he wasn't a normal republican candidate. this was about taking back the country. this is an extraordinary moment in american history. a people's revolt against the political establishment in washington, a man who has never held public office before is now heading to the white house.
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so how did he do it? i spoke to donald trump's son, eric. how did you do it, what was the secret? he's unbelievable, he is so unbelievable. i'm so proud of him, he's such an incredible guy and what a night this is, what an amazing night. and then i asked his campaign manager about their strategy. the best strategy was to never give up and never give in and to realise that when you are criticised constantly, when you have these darker days in the campaign, that that's just a test of the type of resilience and fortitude that a leader must have. and the verdict of one of his chief advisers... this is the people rising up and saying, we've had enough of that rotten government in washington draining the swamp. fix it, clean it up, he'll be able to do that. this political earthquake was much more thanjust bringing jobs back. it went deeper, it is about identity, about reclaiming
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a sense of an earlier, simpler america, more certain of its power and donald trump tapped into that. history, we've made history. gavin hewitt, bbc news, new york. the result was a crushing defeat for hillary clinton, her own team was still making very confident noises during polling day yesterday, and it's the end of her dream of becoming the first female president in us history, having already served as secretary of state under president 0bama. 0ur north america correspondent nick bryant has been looking at the factors which led to hillary clinton's defeat. she's been a first lady, a senator, a globetrotting secretary of state but what made hillary clinton think she was uniquely qualified to be president, her decades of washington experience, actually proved to be a weakness. so rather than shattering that famed glass ceiling, she was portrayed as the face of america's broken politics.
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in the early hours of the morning it was broken hearts when news came through that her long quest for the white house was over. supporters came here expecting a party and already it has turned into a postmortem. this was a revolt against the political establishment. and for donald trump's supporters, hillary clinton personifies the political establishment. to understand why hillary clinton lost you need to leave behind her political home in new york and travel to the skeletal oil plants of the rust belt, where the post—industrial landscape provided a seedbed in the selection of economic discontent, an antiestablishment rage. here in pennsylvania, a state she unexpectedly lost, people were not queueing to vote, they were waiting for food hand—outs. and in what was once a democratic stronghold, they have lost faith with politics as usual. we've had enough of what has gone
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on for the last 20 years, i think we need a change. trump. trump all the way. why is it that donald trump has such appeal in these communities? he's a businessman. but hillary clinton is a career politician. even as a child she ran for president of the student council. she was a star campus activist in the 19605 but the more political she became, the less people seem to trust her. i'm not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like tammy wynette. so when it emerged that she had used a private e—mail server during her years as secretary of state, it crystallised long—standing feelings of mistrust and hatred. i'm running for president. when she launched her campaign for president, she tried to repackage herself, to soften her image. i'm hitting the road to earn your vote. but she's not a natural campaigner and she struggled to connect with voters. that's a nailbiter.
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hillary clinton once described herself as the most unknown known person in the world and friends say that her public persona is very different from the woman you meet in private. but we will be seeing a lot less of a figure who has been such a fixture for so many decades. her long political career has surely ended and it fell short of the white house. nick bryant, bbc news, new york. we have heard from the president in the white house and of course from hillary clinton and donald trump. let's try to make sense of those messages. jon sopel in new york. what can we say about the shape of the presidency that is likely to unfold? it was a former mayor of this city who said that you campaign
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in poetry and yougov and in prose. donald trump campaigned with a flick knife and a flame—thrower, that was his style but last night we saw a much more consensual donald trump wanting to reach up to his opponents and do some of the people that he has criticised. that means he almost sounded like a conventional politician. it remains to be seen how the millions of people who have supported him to be the scourge of the establishment will react to that. on the face of it it looks like he could have a very easy run and had huge power because also last night, congress remained in the hand of the republicans the house of representatives and the senate. that it giving unbridled power? no because a block of establishment republicans don't like his messages so he will have to govern with care —— a lot. he to negotiate and be more consensual. that is the donald trump we are going to see emerge i think over the coming days and weeks
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as we lead to this transition. but he has got a tension between the people he will have to deal with in washington and the people who put him there. we will talk a little more before the end of the programme and thank you for now. so as the results came in, there was a mass of information about the presidential race, and also the crucial race for seats in congress, which also led to victory for the republicans. jeremy vine was tracking all the results as they came in. how did donald trump build his support? was he divisive or did he do this by actually building coalitions? let's look at some of the figures that came out from this election. for example, among men and women, clearly he was more popular among male voters than hillary clinton. but by the same margin she was more popular than him among
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the female counterparts, 54% to 42%. what about age? if you look at younger voters here, hillary clinton is much more popular than donald trump. but he was much more popular than her among voters aged over 45. some of these differences are really stark. nowhere more stark than on race. trump more popular among whites by 58% to 37%. but a massive margin for hillary clinton among black voters. trump only had 8% — mind you, it didn't stop him winning the election. with hispanic voters, yes, clinton had a lead but trump still managed, despite all the controversy, to get 29% of them voting for him on the night. so now we look at the chronology and i will take you to our virtual washington monument so we can see the story of the night as it unfolded. and it began with very much a sense that it was probably going to be hillary clinton's time. have a look at the first results we saw.
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this is two o'clock in the morning and you can see these states coming in, predictably blue for the democrats, states like illinois, and on the red side, kansas, alabama, tennessee. no surprises so far. each of them has a number, their so—called number of electoral college votes and i will take them and pile them up beside the virtual washington monument and when the winner gets to 270, the contest is over. so far, early days, no surprises. move on an hour and a half, though, and something shocked us all. new mexico and connecticut going blue as everyone expected them to but it was 0hio that caused the shock. that had been reliably democrat for quite some time. now it was in the red column. the republicans didn't win it in the 2012 election. was something happening? was donald trump on the move here? was his strategy working? let's pile up those electoral college votes and now you can see his advantage. not long after, about an hour later, mrs clinton struck back with california, 55 electoral college votes, the biggest state.
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but then donald trump pulled his own surprise, winning florida, crucial, pivotal florida with 29 electoral college votes. his strategy was clearly working, even in states with burgeoning numbers of ethnic minority voters. we add those votes into the system and now he is getting very close to 270. what came next? well, for mrs clinton, it was just predictable fare, states they won under barack 0bama last time and the time before. but look at the red state, pennsylvania, with 20 electoral college votes. another huge surprise and a huge boost for trump. did it give him victory? not quite. he is just a whisker away. he is actually wisconsin away. that came in at 8:04am. while he was speaking, somebody whispered in his ear, you are through the line. wisconsin, with ten electoral college votes. let's just see them added here. and at that point donald trump knew
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he would be in the white house. in the end, trump won not by building a big tent or reaching out to the centre ground but by turbo—charging his core vote, chief among them older white men. it has given him a famous victory and it puts him into that building as the 45th american president. jeremy vine, with his assessment of the results as they came in overnight. in downing street, prime minister theresa may said britain and america's special relationship would endure, based on trade, security and defence. mr trump has indicated that he would consider a trade agreement with the uk after britain leaves the eu. but there's concern that mr trump may take america out of some international agreements which involve the uk. 0ur political editor laura kuenssberg reports now
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on the likely impact in britain. this is going to be brexit plus. brexit plus. not long ago, that term "brexit" didn't mean much to many. i think it's going to be a brexit plus plus plus. not long ago, few dreamed that he would be in charge. it will be called brexit plus plus plus. but did american voters, told they could kick the establishment, follow britain's lead ? the political revolution of 2016 is that in two massive campaigns, the underdogs beat the establishment. we did it in brexit and trump did it last night in the usa. there were echoes in trump's campaign of the brexiteers' attacks on the elite. this crowd at the uk's us embassy last night about as establishment as you can get. there are parallels between the referendum and this republican victory. voters are sharply divided by gender, race and background. but beyond the result,
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how will our relationship with our most important ally change? britain and the united states share values of freedom of democracy and enterprise, and i look forward to building on the special relationship we have between our two countries, to ensure the security and prosperity of our two nations in the future. the prime minister will need more than a posh hat to forge the kind of closeness that so often defined our links. that so—called special relationship, a source of both hope and despair. when theresa may and nearly every british politician expressed doubts about the new president before today. he just doesn't understand the united kingdom and what happens in the united kingdom. i think donald trump is clearly out of his mind, if you think that's a sensible way to proceed. and grim faces today. after a very nasty and divisive campaign that president—elect trump has run, he's now got to try and bring people together and unite the whole country.
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it's not the result that i wanted, but i think it points to a wider issue across the globe right now. it feels a bit like the end of the world. having supported brexit, donald trump might play nice with number ten. theresa may is likely to visit his white house early next year. but as political creatures they could hardly be more different. it's not easy to see how theresa may and donald trump will see eye to eye. president—elect trump's biggest involvement on our turf? jetting in to build scottish golf courses, making a huge impression, not always good, sometimes tangling with the locals. but even this from our new closest ally became a circus. with donald trump, just imagine what might be next. laura kuenssberg, bbc news, westminster. as soon as the result became clear in the early hours, world leaders started sending their good wishes and congratulations to donald trump. in moscow, president putin said he hoped russia and the usa could work together, to move
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relations beyond what he said was a state of crisis. 0ur correspondent steve rosenberg is in moscow, and our europe editor katya adler is in brussels. first to steve. how would you describe the response in moscow overnight to this result? pleasure. the kremlin has welcomed the result of this election because donald trump is not the only winner. vladimir putin wins as well. how? let's look at the stake today, the current us administration views putin's russia as a potential threat and it has criticised what it views as russian aggression in ukraine. it has put sanctions on moscow. and yet very soon there will be a us president, donald trump, who has publicly praised vladimir putin's leadership and is calling for friendship between moscow and
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washington and who seems to see eye to eye with vladimir putin on a whole string of issues including the war on terror. i think the russians believe that donald trump will be a pragmatist, will treat russia with respect, as an equal partner and will help to bring russia in from the cold at international isolation which was wide but admitted it was quick to congratulate him to date and talk about the need for full—scale relations between moscow and washington. thank you. 0ur europe editor katya adler is in brussels. the kind of positive response steve was talking about, is that shared in european leaders? political etiquette dictates that the leaders had to send messages of congratulations and that they did. most through gritted teeth. they are so worried about growing popular anger in the own backyard. that deafening roar the dates of millions
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of antiestablishment nationalist minded us citizen and has suddenly made the election of a bar right french president le pen, for example, that much more plausible. leaders from france, italy, germany, the netherlands, austria and willow and worth delighted having been dismissed as political prize for decades by the mainstream but suddenly they and their supporters are pointing to trump and saying that if he can do that in the us, watch out europe. us elections coincided with the anniversary of the port of the berlin wall and hot on the heels of brexit it has been described in eu circles at the biggest political rupture since the end of communism. it is a wake—up call for europe, it is frightening for some but exciting and emboldening for others. thank you. some of the global political reaction. what about the financial
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reaction? stock markets across europe fell sharply on the news of mr trump's victory, and then rose later in the day. in the currency markets, the value of the dollar fell, with many analysts waiting to see whether mr trump will deliver on his, to abandon global free—trade agreements. kamal ahmed reports now on the economic impact of the trump victory. bell rings it was not a death knell for the markets, but a day of volatility followed by calm, a benign reaction as investors wait to see if there actually is a difference between what donald trump says, tough on free trade, tough on immigration, and how he will actually govern. we don't know what he's going to do. right? he's a hot ticket. what is he really going to do? is he going to temper his whole posture? did he say that stuff just to get those disenchanted votes, right? or is he actually going to follow through? the reaction of the markets was muted. the s&p index of america's biggest 500 firms was slightly up by 0.2%
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and the uk's ftse 100, after a sharp dip, also ended up rising, up 0.6%. the value of gold rose by 5% as investors looked for a safe haven for their money. donald j trump! mr trump argues his policies, cutting taxes, boosting spending, will lead to faster economic growth. economists say he might be right, in the short term at least. there should be some help from infrastructure spending and tax cuts and so on. longer term, the us is very heavily indebted. very heavily indebted economies which are relatively mature in terms of their economic cycles always have a risk of possibly going into recession and that recession risk becomes bigger if it turns out that donald trump is partly responsible for a dismantling of the global trading system. let's take a look at donald trump's economic plan. first he has promised to spend $600 billion on infrastructure, fixing america's transport links. that could mean increased borrowing
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which might spook the markets. second, mr trump wants to see $4.4 trillion in tax cuts, personal and business. how he funds those is not absolutely clear. third, new import tariffs of up to 45% against countries like china and mexico. mr trump has also threatened to abandon global free—trade agreements unless free trade can lead to lower growth. 0n the markets, this might be something of a phoney peace. investors are watching and waiting to see if mr trump really wants to rip up the rule book or play in much steadier game. kamal ahmed, bbc news. the results overnight showed that hillary clinton had failed to maximise her support among women and minority communities, while mr trump certainly succeeded in maximising his vote, especially among older white men. 0ur correspondent aleem maqbool has
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spent the day getting reaction from trump supporters in staten island, new york. donald trump talked of the forgotten men and women of america, making their voices heard this election. especially for those in industries that have suffered tough economic times, that's certainly how many say they felt as the astonishing results poured in. i couldn't believe what i was seeing, and my friends are calling me from all over the country. and this morning ifinally woke up to 15 text messages from all over the country, everybody was so excited. and with good cause.


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