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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling the, [000:00:00;00] the color on the bulk of this as a new use our life. and so coming up in the next 60 minutes and sick fault and heavy rain rescue workers in iran, race against time to find present abraham, right. you see up to his helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous region. oh my god, the nation prays with our president. now missing for 12 hours around supreme lead, a vows they'll be no disruptions in how the countries run. just these to our
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beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs from saudi arabia to key a. both rivals allies offer assistance in the search for the missing chauffeur. and the gaza. is there any forces intensified? there were tanks across the strip is us national security advisor holes tools, which is really officials. the thanks for joining us. just switch 200 g m t. that's 1 30 am in iran where present abraham, right? you see has been missing for 12 hours of the his helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous area. there are reports, rescue workers have detected a signal from the shop. oh, that was carrying the president as well as the for minister or saying, i mean i've done the on while they are in scene close to to that crash sites some
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searching into the nights on foot. despite the rain and fall getting temperatures of around 10 degrees celsius, $65.00 red crescent themes on the ground there and 30 percent of round um forces to be mobilized. while wishes into ron out across the country, a gathering in the streets to pray for the president's wellbeing summer in t is as of his check for updates on the 1st let's take a look at where the crash exactly happened to ron's present. right. you see began his journey in the board a ton of cold ruffin. yeah. as a by john from that he headed towards the city of to prison northwest the wrong. yeah. across, crashed in the mountainous region near uzi and 5 boat weather conditions and making the search operation extremely challenging. i was just curious, correspondence all live in to around london and washington dc following the developments on the ground and the reactions from around the world. the 1st ex,
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those are which begins coverage on the search operations in northern it run. so this may be the last known video of your bronze president abraham race. he attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with as there be john. along with that countries leader, you can see all this dam can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the lucky on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy, reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue
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teams are searching the area. but heavy fog is in during the rescue efforts doesn't alter only develop mosley. some hopeful news that we have is about some were able to speak to 2 passengers on that headed club. so with the president and the stablish a connection with them on the shows that the level of difficulty was most of the launch. because 2 of the people on board kind of go up to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the supreme leader, ayatollah ali harmony, has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter. but a short one, destabilize the country, or mad at the moment. say some of the injunctions cease to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything, god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country the status
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of those on board is still unknown. 1 1 authorities are calling on uranium to pray for the president, ex assignment which out is there. okay, let's go live to tyrone to speak to rest so. so that's a russell. the search and rescue teams of be mobilized to the full capacity. the interesting towards the crash side, what more can you tell us? i think, did now this run of red crossman saying that more than 60 teams have been deployed to the area. so just to the top of the scale of this brask affords one chair of the who ran your revolution. the gars in the east of that page on provence are now attending joining this, a rescue a force. and one of the teams, according to the reading ref crescent, is now very much close to the the, the crash tied up there. the saying that the discharge or probation at the crash side is now reduced due to kilometers,
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but this has been decays in the last couple of hours. however, what we, what we know as, as of now, is that the terrain is quite roggette. the weather conditions are extreme and these are rescue teams. a force are being either being tampered by this terrain by the that they would the extreme weather conditions. so and that, that, that one of the executives at presidents team, most in mentally you're saying that even off the crash, roughly 2 hours of the crash that has been 2 phone calls made from 2 people on the, had to go up there with it or told that these, but the connection was weak, was sporadic, so they could not understand what was happening on the ground and not just talking about more than 12 hours. so according to the uranium opportunities,
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these crash happened around 1 30 pm. look at the time time g m t and them around 3 hours later, the rescue operations that have started. so we have talking about 9 hours, but they say that they still could not managed to reach to, they had to come up there and to, to, to, to the exact support. then even it's not clear whether they have detracted the exact location or if they had to go up there or not. on the other hand, we know that you run is asking for helps, particularly from russia and from try to, to, to, to attend the rescue operations with the sophisticated aerial vehicles. so the uranium is here, i've seen that all the rest of the air force are happening on the ground due to the extreme weather conditions is forgiveness. mountain is for us, it's rainy and it's snowing. so they say that due to these extreme weather conditions, none of the area we're cold belonging to iran is that time during the rest of your patients. they are just the ground teams that are approaching, inch by inch, approaching to the side, and also the reports. now that's a turkish throne,
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which schooled couldn't, it's a very much stuff. is the key to the aerial vehicle and it is easily being used for the, for, for, for the, for the surveillance activities. now it has out of the uranium if they are, suppose it has, the night division that holds, that is called located or detect the exact location off the how the carpenter as well. however, as of this moment, the teams, according to random authorities have not been able to reach to the crashed headed up there. and they do not know exactly what happened to the president. and the for meant that the, for the minister of the country, russell, of course, um it is nighttime, uh, the harsh weather. all of this contributing to growing concerns. they are in the country. but the leadership, the supreme leader saying the protocols all in place in the event the president is incapacitated in any way, is indeed, according to the content of the constitution, uranium constitution in case of any immediate that of the head of the government.
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or in this case is abraham re see? so the 1st wife president. now currently g is met and will be of a politician from the iran because the style of programs is suppose is expected to take place to take the office by the approval of the supreme leader. if that is a that is, is, is announced. then within 50 days, the company needs to go to an election attempt to collect the new prior to the new president. however, here that's quite a delicate issue we have talking about is strong cedar in the country a very much significant figure in the country. they brought him re seats to start from these without young ages on board. she has been very much close to the power centers in iran. he was the student of the supreme leader. he's a son of law, son in law, off the the, the, the july, the, the friday, that's the friday, the prayer of the city, or from a shed which is the most important religious center. she is the son of law on the some of the sudden low of i'm at,
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i'm gonna hold off then she's also very much close to the supreme leader. so the brian bracy had enjoyed the support of the media to establish meant the political establishment, the financial establishment in the country. and she was expected to easily be re elected in as a president in the elections next year. and even many believe that she had the strongest candy to, to be the companies next step, being leader. so in case of that being reported, it's going to be a challenge and time for iran really to come up with a search f figure that will be able to replace him. and also of course, this is creating a power, recruitment, the country. and after that, there are internal discussions and people are expecting to notify some of the conservatives over who's going to be the next president and even potentially the next a supreme leader. however, the statements of this already liter state in that there isn't not going to get disruption in the state of affairs, is being the way here in the country as
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a kind of attempt to prepare the nation for the bad news. all right, russell, a manufacturer, the update russell, set of that live entire on let's cross live now to london and villa mox and we've been hearing from russell the about the, the directions that iran has been looking for help. one of those directions is towards the you yeah, the you to the roster as well. the truck is coming out quite soon after they started the search and rescue up it saying that they were offering search and rescue headache helped us with my vision. the you specifically the european commission, which is the executive bronze, the european union, saying they were on the receiving end of a request from iran, the full that copernicus, satellite imaging systems. there's essentially allow for aerial mapping all the specific areas. they say they've activated their emergency systems on the coupon, because that's coming from the commission. that seems to be
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a focused on emergency management deanus. the not check. and that seems to be the only public statement really in need from the european union on this issue here. in london, we've reached out to the prime minister's office at dining street, the foreign office of our ministry here in the u. k. no response in terms of details about what they may or may not be doing to help the radians at this time. right. many thanks to them for the box in london. let's go to the us now. how do you direct castro is standing by there in washington d. c. so emitted responses. you've probably heard that from london. anticipating something similar from washington. it absolutely. there is a lot of restraint being shown by us officials with the white house folks person saying that president biden has been briefed on the matter of the missing helicopter. and your state department officials say they are closely monitoring reports. but of course, the us does not communicate directly with iran that does not have diplomatic
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relations since 1979. so information is shared through intermediaries. so we would expect a delay before any information is trickle through to washington. and until then there has been there has been a lot of restraint in not speculating and not giving an official statement on this missing helicopter. and that's understandable, given the many issues that are brewing in the us, the ronnie and relations just last week. iranian and us officials met in directly in oman to discuss containing the war in israel and gaza. and then of course, there's the outstanding nuclear agreement which the 2 sides have really failed to go back to the negotiating tables on. and iran blaming the us and it's sanctions for it's crippled economy. given all of that volatility, it's no surprise that us officials are waiting for more information before
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commenting right now waiting to see what the developments are. indeed, how did you a customer in washington? thank you. so okay, let's take a closer look at around save ation, safety record now because they have been at least $22.00 faithful crashes since 2000 and according to a runs aviation safety network. those have killed, mold and 1200 people are raining and government officials and generals are among those who have died. a plane carrying the sports minister, crash last year. counting one of his advisors and in 2006, a ministry jack crash killed a commander of the revolution. we got bounce off the blame as being pointed at us sanctions, which is made it difficult to import new aircraft or even spat pods. i was forced to run to make more than how off of its ground rather more than half of its civilian aircraft. how the hush him see in the studio with me to look at this, the in more detail. so clearly the creation sector under the huge amount of
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pressure functions very much a result of that or reason why the, the patient's activities on this such pressure does a crash of this kind come as a great surprise given the context that was given the contexts. it's not, but given the fact that the president was on one of these headed golf to is it is because of course, when someone is a president and he's the number 2 in the country along with the part of minnesota, they should be there on the maybe a plane on a helicopter that this isn't that old, but the fact is not the ron is, can't really get a better airplanes on helicopters, given the sanctions. so it's a, it's a vicious cycle of check. you're given the given to sanction to another company that has been experiencing something very, very similar, of course. and gosh, i have very much a partner when it comes to trying to bypass sanctions, particularly when it comes to it's, it's a variation sector. and of course, i mean,
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any time the trying to buy any time to facing what is preventing or huddling these agreements and maybe the most famous incident, twice the post. 2015 nuclear deal, attempt by present time several honey to buy a new fleet. why run from buying into air bus and, and the range and sorry to call you and company. and actually despite all the attempts and i'm the, the radians weren't able to secure a most of what they wanted. and later on with the, the sanctions being imposed more sanctions during the president trump signed or things like that. it's possible a mission to get new planes and you on also step watch. but the issue is that with other countries such as russia, for example, on china who can sell, but they have to abide by the, by the sanctions. and we've been hearing
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a lot for example the, the solenoid. plains which i of course have some uh, administrative across the board and your 5 digit they've been, they've been discussing this for years now until the moment the russians have been provided there begins with the place. it's interesting that the right hand leadership might be looking to put your incredibly expensive russian fight to jets . but at the same time, i'm not able to upgrade the rim, the best of any of the aircraft, or indeed at craft carrying senior officials who have some and some interesting information about the age of the have a cop to the is, is actually around of more than 45 years old, this was, this is an american headed company that was owned by the, the previous monarch life show how well, how much was a father being done after the, the, the, the, the notion, the islamic republic and had it to the how do you come to and then it was used by the ministry by the and forces and they thought it was given to the presidency. so we can see how much this thing was use of course, is there any is have been trying to manufacture their own iran made a step boss,
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but it's not proving actually effective, given the fact that we've been here in the bought a lot of a i think crashed and headed off to across a new run over the buses. and yeah, so very, very serious questions about the safety send us out a house you manufactured many thanks again. okay, well cuts on so k, iraq and kuwait of will express their readiness to send support and such for the president to ron's also receiving office staff full of help from other nations regional arrival of saudi arabia has expressed deep concern in this offer the around any assistance that needs, i don't think commission has said it's activating a satellite mapping service to aid the search you're present, right? you see that crowd funding requests from iran. iran is close to highlight, rushes for administrative has said it is ready to extend or necessary health that around requires and to aid an investigation of the reasons behind the crash and the
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spokes person for the us present. joe biden has said that he has been briefed on the situation while i'm to show how much is there a senior political analyst is standing by. he joins as a in power. so i one demo and if you can put the present, right, you see in the context for us because often the short hand, when it comes to rainy and leaders, it may be the hotline that pragmatic, that progressives, that ultraconservative the ultra religious. where does abraham right, you see fits into these perhaps antiquated categories. well, he's brought to the establishment and been so since the early 19 eighties. he grew up with the establishment, police and the judiciary branch of it. and clearly, you know, who has been active and he's been credible within the establishment, allowing him eventually after 40 is to be a cabinet to the presidency,
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basically smooth sailing to the force house and not being a truly, i completed the case by the reformers. now even within the conservative hard line wing establishment, there are also nuances and there are personal indifferent decisions on so forth. but, tracy, i suppose to be more of a steady hand. um, i guess that that that is uh because of his judiciary. um, so i'm bringing if you read that and this is not too much of a controversial cigna, she waited within the steps but she came up to be with them a surprise. there was a bit of a ray suit result for a while. what would you do have to have a final attempt at opening to the west? what would you do? i federal honeys, more sort of reformers and homeless,
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the liberal approach to the domestic scene. clearly the last 2 years i've shown that he is a hard line when it comes to domestic affairs when it comes to the social agenda of the machine to the cups even to the impression. uh, but uh, but he was a bit of a relation when it came to foreign policy, succeeding, improving correlations with uh, with net, with past services, like saudi arabia, even with practice. then after this controversial border incident and certainly expanding to william's relationship with the restaurant china, basically creating a wheel change from his for the, such as an attempt at opening with the west in order to form and invest and expand during the economy into making it run more hoping to the east and more open regionally towards more opportunities that's open up more name. but you may have
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heard the run has specifically approach to the european union, specifically who are paying commission asking for help with the use of the use copernicus, satellites to help with the search efforts. i mean, what does this say to you about the relationship between the you and the wrong given long standing frictions reminder of course of the remains committed to a nuclear deal, even if other western countries aren't. it was a still a visual piece of always try to play a kind of a middle of the way uh, between the united states in new orleans, even to the access and brush at one point did try to be a bit more reasonable bit more problematic, done to united states, but in terms of disaster needs, whether it's natural disasters, like direct quakes or things that happen as today's accidents. usually countries
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do riley and the, and this, this sort of this aspect becomes an opportunity to mend some sort of contact and allow for some kind of an opening. so there is a bit of a sort of universal protocol to it to see where, what countries kind of friday towards each other in terms of disaster. and there's a bit of attempt at exploiting such an incidents in order to see who's available, who's not, who's willing to have that, who's not, and who remains vengeful. alright, boeing, but shaw and paris. many thanks for joining us. i'll just share a senior post, grab this right. we'll learn more now about who iranian present abraham rice easy. i had some event from bi line. he was born in 1960 in the northeast in the holy city of my shop and went on to study field energy and assignment jurisprudence. right. you see has served as turnarounds,
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prosecuted general deputy chief of the judicial 30. national prosecutor general is close. switzer, pre liter, i told alex how many and took power as president back in 2021. you know how much brandy is a political are, let's see, joins a slide from toronto to look at this in more detail. obviously we described his significance ever him or you see significant and important in the country of san shaw you surprise by the large scenes of people gathering, impress, wishing, obviously the president so well as this search effort continues, i mean, how much is the country unified at this particular moment in time, she is a person that even his political opponents and the wrong consider to be humble and
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approachable and friendly and send said his policies have been to pursue social justice and his focus has been on the more disenfranchised any wrong. he is popular among the, especially the lower middle classes. and as i said, even his political opponents viewed him as a person and in a very favorable way. so right now everyone is deeply concerned. politicians has his own rivals of all. come out and ask for people to price it. he is. um he is um a lot a very light trouble person. um he is of course uh some uh particular political persuasion but uh on like some politicians he is. he's very friendly towards his. uh critics. what about the, the power structure of the n a rod at the bottom and what sort of challenges?
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what some questions does an incident like this post the current leadership? well, we've already gone through this sort of thing. on number of occasions, the amy kay towner organization which is funded and supported by the west in the 9th in the 1980s, murder, the president, and the prime minister at that time to gather back. then we had a prime minister in the constitution. and despite the we had elections and a new president and you prime minister at that time was put into power within a couple of months. we also, they, they murder the head of the judiciary. he was replaced and of course the founder of the revolution and mama for many or i to also maybe, as he was known in the west, he, when he passed away despite being a towering figure. in accordance with the constitution,
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a new leader was chosen in his place of the roman constitution is very widely pub to, to deal with any such process. so saying that the, the count resilience that apparently is on the show is old down to pos turbulence as well. i think the, the resilience is partially because of the past events. and iranians have had a long, many years of antagonism from the wes ever since the revolution. any run, the coming independent of the west. it's always been targeted. so 10 organizations that are based in the west as we speak and have bases and places like albania may have carried out many talent attacks against senior government officials. but as a result of the space of peace, hostility is assigned to him as the war impose on you run through,
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sit down with st. ryan has become a very resilient country and i, i don't expect any difficulty. hopefully the president is alive and he'll get well and go back to work. that's what everyone here wants. but if god forbid something happens to him, we will have elections and we will have a new president and things will continue to move forward. just just taking a look at the concerns around safety standards, because there is a political side to this as well. a finger playing being pointed at western sanctions, starving, the country of much needed pots for its aviation sense. so we of course have no idea to what extent this particular helicopter may have been affected by that, but nevertheless, the nation is dealing with creating infrastructure. well, in certain respects, the run has been able to overcome that. it has been able to purchase
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a high text good to produce its own high tech good to using the non western source is on its own resources, but when it comes to airliners, for example, we don't have yet alternative many alternatives to the boeing or air bus yet hopefully in future the chinese will become more involved in a global market and that will change. so the americans have been using the bad as a tool as a weapon. the weaponized, the civil aviation in the country to, to get concessions from iran, which is, is like the sanctions in general. the americans have been targeting women and children like they doing. ben is way line to syria and, and elsewhere, to get their way. they sacrifice ordinary people for their politics. so this is not news for you, ronnie, is but with regards to this particular helicopter, we don't know what happened to what we do know was that when the helicopter took off uh, from the north,
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near the border with the republican of that by john after and then our great after a ceremony with the cause a and the presidents of the republic, the laws are by john. he was going to go to tab, but he used to an upgrade. um uh new projects and at the window helicopter to toss the, the weather was good and it was sunny. but then the weather changed very quickly and there was heavy rain. and now here it's also snowing in that area, and that area is mountainous. it is, it's therefore it's a for a large forest. and it's also very foggy. so it, it could possibly have just been the weather or i'm calculate someone made a mistake in calculating the weather. we had it, we've had a very unique spring in the wrong the last month. the weather has been very
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different from the previous years. we've had a lot of and we have had us, i'm a flight in a major city to the north east of the country. so you know that this is right. well, we know so, but we, i have anything beyond this, it. alright, behalf would be your speculation. sure, of course. that's exactly what we don't want to do at the moment. lots and lots of unanswered questions as search and rescue teams. we believe home in on the crash side mohammed moran day. many thanks for joining us. thank you. right, it's just gone off past the hour. let's quickly do a recap of what we know sofa. so the helicopter was carrying present abraham. right . you see the form, mr. jose and i'm in dougherty on the governor of the runs east as a by john province and animal farm to bridge. and that body gods while you see was returning from a trip to runs border with as a by sean auto renewal. great thing them with as a buyers,
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johns president. lemme leave how they come to our finally crashed or made an emergency landing in the dismal forest in iran. east. as a body shop prevents near the border with as a buyer's own profile, threatening official subsides the mountainous forest, a terrain and heavy fog impeded search and rescue operations, uranian red crescent society says 65 search teams on the ground in the area of despite of course challenging weather conditions. all right, let's take a closer look specifically at the helicopter that was involved in this crash present, right? you see added on to rush with thought to be traveling in a us mount of friendship bout to want to helicopter the to blade aircraft has a capacity for 15 people, including the pilot, whoever, it's unclear exactly how many crew and security personnel on board of the time it's all right, well let's hopefully drill down into this
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a little bit more with kyle bailey, who's and aviation, have a list pilot before my f. a safety team represents if he joins the sly from butler in new jersey. a vi won't welcome to you. so 1st the, let's talk about this specific kind of helicopter because they have been reports that they may have been possibly more than 40 years old. possibly. predating this, the republic of a ron dating by the time of the shaw. yes, that is correct and there have been not conflicting reports also on the exact model of bell helicopter. there are so many points that it wasn't a belt for 12, but those details will come out as a you know, the, the record is actually found. you don't the bill helicopters, but there are incredible helicopters, they've been around from the vietnam era and they're basically work horses. they're
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incredible helicopters, uh, but in this case it appears that you know, that the, the sanctions and to have our top through the decades old doesn't have the technology that we would see and more advanced countries like the us, great brand. uh that possibly uh if in fact the whole company crash as a result of the weather with those conditions. uh, possibly a more advanced helicopter, with more advanced navigation. whatever the, the tragic results that might have occurred. probably we would go through a pilot's mind. obviously, you're carrying incredibly senior members off the leadership and iran on board that particular helicopter. you know, it's more than 40 years old. you know, potentially that the weather may take a ton, but the journey is possibly only a 100 kilometers also won't go through a helicopter pilots mind making ponds. not jenny, as well. you know, typically the pilots were flying president,
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some countries around how to go from industry experience. a lot of them are veterans of wars and, and they know how to operate those helicopters and how to fly in all conditions, including low level at nighttime in bad weather. but it is a risk and a flying in a helicopter is also a risk. it's a very complicated machine and you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not on this rugged uh, forest liked rain. uh, there could be fine developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. and it wouldn't be on weather forecasts. it wouldn't be unmatched. it wouldn't be on radar far. can pretty much pop up anywhere very, very quickly and very much sneak up upon the pilot. and the interesting thing here is, uh, the lack of communication is very disturbing. and you know, as a while,
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but you're trained to fly the aircraft 1st and worry about communications. secondly, so in this case, because of there was a lack of any kind of 911 or the distress call to the ational rescue authorities leads me to believe that apparently i had a very difficult time controlling that i know it better than aircraft and keeping it in the sky, he was focused on that and about when the communications might have taken a back seat as far as the the priority went. right. but you can tell a watch or something he could have hit a button on the control stick with his style. and he could have made a distract distress call on the fact that that did not happen means that he had a serious situation. obviously, that's right. that's probably interesting and the, the suggestion being the whatever challenge the pilots faced, it may have happened extremely quickly. just another question on how you go about locating a helicopter like this. presumably,
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you don't simply just need the pilot to press the button. there must be some sort of transmitter on the had a cop to itself that would allow a team serial to hone in on it to be able to locate it. what do you think the challenge in finding this helicopter has been as well, it should have an emergency located transmitter on it, which would e mail a signal to a satellite or the radio waves of to rescuers. but in this instance, again, depending on how old that that particular component was, uh, was it functional, was it not functional, wasn't working, wasn't not working. we will determine that. but uh, the other most important thing here is also the one conditions they can't get of airborne rescue in the sky if the weather clears and they're able to get helicopters up their airplanes up there to what the down the aircraft will be found very quickly. but that's why it's taking so long right now because of the,
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the load visibility and weather conditions. they simply can't get error operations out there to, to, to the crash crossing. right. when you suggest it would be simply fall too dangerous to, to get born in these kind of condition. so i wonder if you heard about the request from a wrong that is being directed towards the european commission. they were asking for permission to use the copernicus satellite to help with the tracking of this, how the cop to what does that request say to you? as you know, there is the request states that obviously they feel that the claim that they are in the amount on this region. we have to keep in mind the typical radio transmissions, whether it's with a simple 2 way radio, whether it's with an aircraft and radio is pretty much line of sight as far as work expansion. but to show up there are mentally subtracting that that signal is not
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going to go out far enough to the rescue authorities. but a satellite in space. uh, if it has a capabilities, they can actually be my signal right after the satellite. and the terminal where it is, and then on the flip side of they can also use satellites depending on the technology they have. i mean, i know here in the us, they could actually use 5 satellites to zone in on geographic regions. and you can literally read the headline on the newspaper with some of the satellites, or they have uh, with today's technology. um, so the suggestion being is that that may be certain countries around the world with incredibly sophisticated satellites that already know exactly where the helicopter is. that is 100 percent, correct? i'm sure there are trish out there that possibly might know why that helicopter is ready or i to kyle bailey aviation, at least part us of full. i'm a member of the f, a, a safety team. many sites that have for joining us as being
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a very important to hear your expert uh, expert views and all of this. thanks your time. thank you a. all right, let's go see how the, how about the rainy now he's a reset shot with the center for strategic studies. he's joining us live from to ron advice sky, but i find will welcome to you. so clearly an awful lot of concern. an awful lot of anticipation growing around the fact that we have had no more information about the whereabouts of the reigning president. it's now being more than 12 hours. can you give us a sense, given that you are there into ron, of what the mood in the country is like now we've had reassurances from the supreme lead of the state will go on. what the people say for more than 2 hours have passed since midnight. and many of the people i talked to
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before coming to you were telling me that they are watching the television and they are chatting, social websites, social social platforms to learn about the fates of president. right. you see that suggests that many your writings are really concerned about the fate of the president, and it's weird, it's more than 12 hours have passed and still we don't know exactly what has happened or what is the state of the president's health. but this is a very uh tragic news so far. but the presidents uh, the presidents helicopter has had a hard landing or, or crash. uh and uh, uh, people are anxious to know uh what, what uh, what they're going to hear in the. and i was to come, but present already say is
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a key figure. he's a very trusted politician and i'm finding a replacement for him. will be the big, big challenge if there is going to be any, a bad news coming into in dallas to come we, we know that every i'm right. you see has made a point of traveling. the air in the fall is going as far as china, columbia, across latin america, of course. and to moscow, south africa, the list for a much goes on to think the response to this crash coming from, particularly the region paul in the countries in the region kind of reflects his foreign policy. can i do? the prison raises administration has been following luke to the east policy and good neighborly relations with neighbors, and that his presidency,
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iran has joined the strong high cooperation organization and bricks. iran is now a member of a of those blocks. now, as a president race, he has been following a policy very different from his previous s is of course, and iran strategies remain on changed, but at the tone of the, the policies and the tactics all for the government and power does change and it has changed iran changes stuff, which is only if reality is on the ground change. and this is a very delicate moment for iran because the has been uh, you know, the increasing tensions with israel on the president. right. easy iran saw foot
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attacks from is real last summer we'd stop commanders and on the, his races administration. iran was very, i was able to uh, to regain the tyrants against israel by, by responding to these rarely a tax. what do you make of our perceptions of iran under the presidency of abraham the right you see, because it is some want to mix. of course the wrong is right, a bunch of a controversial states in the region. a challenging part and potentially for countries are of nations that are forge close ties with the united states. i define that iran and say to write the uh, resumed state diplomatic relations with mediation from china. this is an indication that the president brought him bracey has, has worked hard to,
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to improve relations with so to ravia and does not and, and deny it runs. uh and it may is of the, of misusing at this, this situation against it wrong. so on the president, right, you see uh the has been ups and downs and it runs relations with out of states. but generally speaking, we have seen improvements since i raised the took office 2 years ago. right. it's uh the i uh, the rainy research here with the center for strategic studies live in to ron for us many, thanks for us. for joining us. i. okay, look, we're going to take you to some live pictures. now what you're looking at, the image is coming from a turkish drone, flying over what is believe to be the crash side, of course, took a one of several countries because it volunteered to,
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to help the problem faced at the moment when it comes to getting all the aircraft in the air over that region is the continued bad weather, but obviously drones provide greater flexibility and ease of use in that area. just to remind you, we are covering rolling use here on out to 0. it's being 12 hours since a helicopter crashed and northern iran carrying present abraham, right, you see and the foreign minister of the country along with other senior digging trees, it was a short journey. and then also better on following a visit to meet the as every prime minister, president robert and i live following a reproach along between the 2 countries. we believe that a large scale search and rescue operation is continuing as many as 60 different
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search and rescue teams on the ground that bottling worsening weather conditions to hone in or more. so they, i've described as a signal coming from the crash site just to remind you that you're looking at drawing pictures, diploma, tuck history, and flying over the crushed site that in the northern europe. the right now to uh, the top story on the day that the us national security advisor was in israel for talks on the war on gaza. israel's continued to prosecute that war with intensified and grand attacks across the gaza strip palestinians morning at least 31 people who were killed an overnight strike and a house. and on the start refugee camp. women and children were among the dead and injured. they were taken to unlock the hospital in their obama, which is struggling to cut an equity model at all a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were
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pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. i made out small from the scene of the attack in less rep. we are the side of this bond residential home from overnight a packet. as you can see from the pictures, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just to stay at a great deal of devastation and damage to the point. they are becoming uninhabitable. this particular presidents, the house, 5 display as families evacuated all the way from the northern parts of the gaza strip all the way throughout the city. i know this really military expanded is
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military maneuver and operations and rough uh, this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda and if it has not been, unless i write refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. us the us as national security advisor jake sullivan's, been holding meetings, and these were all about the countries war and ga, so including with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the focus has been on the israel's operations. regarding raf from us according to a statement from destiny auditors office, the team of other senior is ready and us officials. i also discussed ongoing
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efforts to attend captives held in gaza with the humanitarian situation in gauze that now desperate a trickle of supplies have been delivered by boat to a newly built american p. at so far as the 10 trucks rolled off that pen, a tiny fraction of what's needed, the processing russian tools trucks transports again to the most red refugee camps, and all the pots of guns are already experiencing from it, and agencies of warrants the crisis is now moving south, the white house is acknowledge the 8th coming through isn't enough. of the human agency for palestinian refugee says it's work is being deliberately hampered by israel on rock. chief felipe last where you name a the comments during a press conference with the to damian. foreign minister, you will have heard me over the last few weeks on, so raising cl um on how's the united nation has been regularly
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unblocked and see disregard that the in guys a look at the, the number of stuff which had been killed more than 200 stuff had been killed amongst them, 189 staff on the from on one the number of premises which have been damaged or 40 destroys more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking that protection off on the united nation. where in the south and they have been killed when they have been damaged with and meanwhile, is riley settlers of again the type trucks carrying a to goes up this time and happened to the checkpoint. hebron and the occupied westbank recent days. settlers up in the looting ransacking and destroying supplies, men for palestinians in need of the my colleague during obligate, spoke to the un humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinates a month in griffith. he says, the, sorry, the government has refused to open land crossings,
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despite repeated please by the un when very, very experienced humanitarian aid. but because of being an old times of places around the world for decades, when they go to gauze that to help to serve to work, it is traumatizing for them. so god help what it must be for the people or does it is really, really difficult. and it's getting worse daily. yeah, in december you had said that up a fork lift to conditions in the south of the strip are blocking 8 and ending any meaningful humanitarian operations. it's now 5 months later. and the is really, is have launched the military offensive as a hyundai of also a taken control of that border crossing, cutting off a one of the most vital entry routes for 8 into gaza. so what has this meant for? they already die or humanitarian situation. the prediction is that many of us made, the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's
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a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who've been just by smouldering 3 or 4 times already, many of them, no place to go. a no food to eat. we are stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say, and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from, all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple. are you speaking to the is really is on opening up these land routes. and if so, what are they telling you? i mean, receiver assigned to pictures of moments ago. some humanitarian aid has now been arriving by that us sponsors here off the coast of garza. but your office has said that this should not be a substitute for getting a through lance crossings know and, and tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which uh,
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took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation yesterday. and the 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on top from the warehouse. so it's the problems in gaza that really an always we have said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open. we, we welcome to maritime pair with good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right, is opening threats up in the north, but it ain't enough. we meet with it is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the projects for fuel, but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people because right now it's not ever
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being quite as difficult as it is today. us president joe biden says the war on guys has broken his and his family's hans. he was speaking of the graduation ceremony for students that atlanta is more have college, despite protests outside. so graduates, so stuff is, is his administration was working around the clock and the issue that was on a one long term solution to the conflict. i'm working to make sure we finally get a 2 state solution. the only solution to appraisal level is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about it. i know what i heard as fast as many of you, including my family. most of all, i know it breaks your heart. breaks might as well demonstrate as have gathered in cape town to stand in solar guarantee. would palestinians of the besieged gaza strip a cold for an end to as well as oregon. and south
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africa found a case against israel in january, accusing the country of committing genocide against palestinians and gaza. south africa's foreign minister. now lady bundle spoke at that price as she said, israel and must be allowed to continue it's offensive and rough. the other thing is that it's important that all of us continue to offer support to the people we must be locked. gates this is the last for the spend, but the as below and frontier in the sense that are being met on a daily basis. that we continue to allows us to genocide which should be by the weekend of palestinian
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solidarity protests is continuing across. your crowds have gathered in brussels and other cities across the continental demanding events where they say is your opinion complicity. and israel is ongoing genocide. it's almost $2300.00 g m t. that's oh, 2 30 am in iran where present abraham or i see is the missing. now from nearly 13 hours, those officer, his helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous terrain reports rescue workers of detected a signal from the shop that was carrying the president. as well as the foreign minister of saying, i mean of delia is the country waits for news of present rice as well, being iranians and to run and across the country have gathered pres supremely to violence. they'll be no disruptions to how the country is run. the coolest find much more on that and many other of us stories on website which is 0. don't com us if we need ball cook county johnston's here with more news and just the bible don't watching out just
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the this is the 1st genocide that we see in the real time. it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect, runs between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered.
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the, you will see a duty in the groove using for p, use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects, except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth and increases. systems costs are red. chris unique perspectives. why is it the doctors didn't get to how to say in any of the medical workforce has been so on devalued by the british government for some time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why
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is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era or the search operations continue into the nights off to risk you cause race to find a rainy in the presence abraham re seats for the we had to come to crush and the remote reach the carry, tungsten, this is, i'll just hear a lot from the also coming out of the


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