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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Anwar Ibrahim  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm AST

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the biggest question, 1st of all the present safety and just in case is not safe. what's fixed? this is going to be a very big question. one, especially with president tracy, being one of the main names for the succession for i to last time in a because everyone was mentioning grace's name as one of the main names who will succeed. i to lock them. how many that in case the supreme leaders leadership is vacant. now if president traces basis weekend, big question is what's going to happen? because this has happened before in july 1981 when president was right. it was us as an agent. so when president treasury was assistant aged in 1981, after that there was an election and i to last time united became depressive. i don't know. this is the, these are things, of course dr. maybe out early to, to discuss. first of all, we need to know what, what's the situation of present, tracy, and on the team what i need somebody just, just a moment james,
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i'll come back to you as well. just look at these latest pictures that we're getting out of ron and there are people much heads. exactly. people from us heads, right? people in iran praying and in fact they have been home. so pray this president tracy's hometown and his family is hometown the mashhad, which is also the, the religious capital, if we can say, because it's, it's always the tone of a mom, but as always has the 8 the mom right system she on. yeah. so once again, the interior minister has to enter a ministry rather earlier on, had asked people to pray. so as we wait to find out the fates of the presidents as well as the 4 administered james moments ago, you were saying that the international community, or rather the region would be very concerned with this news, because obviously it is a difficult time in the region i mean, what can we expect reactions to be as well. i mean, i think the concern is because the situation is so sensitive,
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we effectively had for a sharp area. it seemed israel and the wrong in a war for, for a few days, attack each of this country. so that will be, can sit and see what has caused this helicopter to come down in the way they shouldn't have come down. whether it's a crash or a hard landing, and obviously the weather will be, will be one of the factors people will look at. they will also look at the fact that the sanctions in iran have been there since 1979. and it's very, very hard for the wrong to get the parts it needs. that will, i think, put the finger blame by some towards the west. but also in this region, given the current state of relations in the region, dealt with those that bring up all sorts of other suspicions of, of sabotage and the like. obviously, we can't prove any of that, but that's the sort of thing that will be swirling around in terms of rumors and allegations and that. so i think why people in the region to be on the region. we weren't worried about the repercussions of this. but of course,
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the key fact isn't that yet, we do not know about the safety and health of the president and the foreign minister at this time. and what's all as scholarly about how the media and iran, i know you're keeping an eye out on, on state media as well as other media. how's the story been covered? well, from the beginning we were taking the news from you and your media. and this is, this is becoming a, you know, something come on in the past few years in the, at the beginning it was given the fact that it was only the television and the radio that we depend on. it was a bit difficult but not with social media and all the agencies having telegram channels and lots of groups instead of growing groups, it's becoming really easy to get to use. the way we've been seeing that, that a growing child was reporting at the beginning that the television spots and reporting the story. and they are not a ringing and use agency. but they were quick to give updates, especially with respect to the i please,
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how they're seeing the incidence of the be as we said, that to us garage was beginning with a hard landing then an incident then the entered humanist directly going onto the i think can see him on television right now and so they were going to be speaking on to be trying to get people some updates. so for now we can see things being reported rapidly. however, everyone is waiting for the, for the main use. what happens, right, this is, this is the main part that no one for the moment can give really a clear indication to what happened. now we know that for example, direct press incent, maybe 40 teams. we know that there are 8, i'm belong, says now heading to the location where the incident took place. the iranian r g c and done military forces are using drones also to try find any things you know, any of those spots maybe with this helicopter has landed,
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crushed whatever happened to it. so a lot of mobilization going. okay, let me bring in our correspondence that's on the ground for us. uh we're so sorry. it's our joining us from to ron russell. uh, what are you hearing from your end, as well as if now its confirm that the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the head up there that crashed was carrie and president of the, around the brain bracy, the, for the minister and the look of governor of is, are there be john programs so that the location is in a cooper mind in the town of soon gone, which is taking place in jo fun and where does that gun which are taking place also east of that page on proteins. and they are roughly around 70 to 100 kilometers from deputies. so just to remember, president, if i embrace he was flying from as a be johnny,
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you running board or when the attendance and the collection of an at them to the city of tempe is one of the largest cities in the wrong. and that is the largest in north of north of their run, and roughly 100 kilometer away from temporaries that had a corporate or has, has crashed. so did they say that they did the rescue teams and the running a red crescent is saying that the last time that they got the gps signals from the had to go up. there was in a town of some goon, which is hosting several cooper mines in that area. so because if not, which is not clear whether this crash happened due to the technical problems or the harsh weather conditions. however, the, the, the last customer miran is saying that it is a mountainous play of the mountainous area that is very much down somebody's forest . it's not really funky and i also checked some of the pictures. now it is really
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forget the weather conditions that i really challenging. and so they said that probably the reason of the crash is harsh with weather conditions in the area. so the have been for the teams, according to the revenue rec crescent, for the teams are being deployed to the area. however, due to this harsh weather conditions, they say they cannot have conduct the wheel uh operations. they just have the teams from the ground to the lounge with patients. they're still trying to reach to the side of the answer to the internet to the, the support to that the crash had to go up there. so once again, they're not able to conduct any areas of rescue operation, but only they are operating the ground rescue operations due to the harsh
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weather conditions there. and also we are hearing the report that now several of the, the m peas, the ministers, the executive deputies of the presidents, also all the way to the city of pepper is to go and attend, and also to coordinate this rescue a force. however, the situation is quite dive is really serious because that has not been any communication yet. between the crest had a carpenter and the rescue teams. we know that just before the question that it's been a phone conversation from the had a cluster to the teams on the ground to the red crescent stood alternatives. how that are due to the, the sporadic connection. they could not have appropriate conversation there. and since then, that hasn't been any communication between the, the, the, the, the, the, the cross headed quarter, the rescue team. so once again, just to remind that the president of the company,
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the head of the government in the conference. so in the wrong course, either in the port of the cold, the hierarchy, the head of the state is or the home i need to study and stop him leader of the country. and the president, in this call and you are the ones that are 2nd in command, they are closer to the head of the government. so the 2nd in command, you but i embrace the president, the country, the top diplomat. if you're seeing, i mean, while you, on the, for the minister of the country, the local government about these programs will also be drawn. they were all in the same, had a quarter when it crash. so in the morning, present the behaviors easy with some, all the ip around you and they have attended an immigration, set them one off at them. hello site as a page on the board there. and the president was, that'd be john the but that the, for the minister, a positive age hmo. so they were present there. they have conducted that integration ceremony. and they have sent out various more messages of the corporation or for restoring ties. because in the last 3 years,
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particularly after the war in the winter, cut out box, that the delicious between the 2 countries were quite passions from time to time, they have conducted the media to the 3 exactly. okay. hosts this board is to show muscles through each other, and then last year that has been an attack on us. that'd be johnny cost uh embassy into iran. but we simply have seen that has been somebody causing the issue, affords them the running president and also have a job to present to be so fortunate to have the integration to restore that ties. then after the integration to the headquarters, carrying the top you running bureaucrats and politicians, they have to go off and had it to where the city of tempe is. the largest city in the north of iran, and 100 kilometers a way to the city to the city in the town of song go on, had to go up. there crashed and do a sort of these are seen that it is extremely difficult now to reach to the side of
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the incident because it is mountainous. it's really, it's foggy, it's destiny flores. and all of these factors combined are really hungry and they are, they, that they are vastly afford. but a lot of notes here, vivian is, is that when it comes to uranium objection industry, it's quite an old, outdated one. just almost seems to that these dominic revolution in the company in 1979 that has been uh, the sanctions imposed by the west of world lab by the usa on iranian aviation sector and the aerial vehicles, the passenger planes, the helicopters, and all the coupons that are being used in this industry are decades old decade old equipments and the, the vehicles, right? so you're renting a tour, these are not able to replace them, replace them with the updated ones because of this section. so as i said now the
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whole country is mobilized the pre of ceremonies, particularly taking place in the city of cool, which is the senate or a city off of iran. and also the city of michigan, which is close to the largest, really just center. they're conducting the prayer ceremonies for the house off this the, those who are in the plane in the had to go up there. but as if not, we did not know whether the president, the fort, administer the local governor and the others that were in headquarters are insured for their having some more serious conditions. yeah, and we do have those pictures uh russell, which will plan just a moment of uh, the radians praying in the for the safety of iran presidents. but i am the se in the holy city of my son, and that is where he is from her school. i'll let you go for now because we're going to bring in a journalist from to ron and hermione joining us on alger 0. thanks for your time. what's your reaction to this news and what are you hearing
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a hi there. uh actually there has been lots of speculations and rumors circulating around, but it won't be now for sure. busy uh, there has been a crash initially a report as a hog landing later. busy on as a crass i thought so i'll make some reactions, the reactions are not on the streets. we have here is on twitter, translate name as x. and what we have here are the videos and clips of the latest clips of president bracy on board a helicopter. and we don't know if it is an i r g z helicopter or the hard we have the cold there. 2 in the province of these other boy john, uh, but we don't, we don't know. yes. it was because of the technical problems with the helicopter or
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because of the our so their, their condition in the area independent resend days. there happened to racial rains in the region and then better condition was not stable. uh, although such a technical failure, if it was where in the country, because in the past a few years there has been such incidence of the late. so rich was the hell we talked to last minutes. there is a bit of a crash and several sort of in this the shows. uh, last name wise and that incident. right. so when the ladies yeah, go on. can put your thought uh, but what we know so, so there, there is a, uh, emergency situation and the, the, the lack of communication with the people as security guards. and we don't know if
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the president is in good condition or not on the point to make. so you're saying we don't know yet if it's a technical problem or we don't know if it's was a problem because of the bad weather conditions as has been reported. i mean, on that point of bad weather conditions, will people be asking why that helicopter was allowed to take off when it is faulty, as has been reported on the weather. conditions are bad. busy i didn't know so we obviously won't be there or x here about the and such operations are conducted things weekly. i perhaps of the country and the the some sort of given the high profile and taking the checks that president has always had saw space. so barriers are all rare
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and. busy although we have many years of sanctions and that there had been poor maintenance on the airplane as how the cold squares of such incidents have not been quite common with farm tree. and as you say, there should have been 2 weather checks, people on the golf there. why? what wouldn't be the security checks that the president has to go through before? so that's true. so i wonder if you have any information on that and whether you can shed some light i don't know the details of such a security checks all the the security code that has been in place for many years and the old press one for you as the 2nd, and then it was the president is the 2nd in command in j o please electrical
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system. so such and such security checks are quite high. and then we have to wait and see what has been the cause. what is the cost? if it is the technical problem bills, why are they some of the security checks? it is the weather. awful weather conditions. again, there should have been some double checks before why we got that airplane go. mission to, you know, the rates a dime in the no less than a problem. a. okay, thank you for speaking to us on this, cuz i need thanks for your time. and for speaking to us out of the wrong, we have with us once again our diplomatic under jane space. and we're also joined by my she was lady who is a professor of contemporary me at least politics such as our university of mushroom,
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your reaction to, to what we're hearing. i mean, obviously there's still a lot that we don't know at this hour working to confirm any information, but what do you think is going on here? i think the 3 main observe ation number one, which was what's happening and the last few hours there is i think we should be very careful about speculation, right? because of 2 main elements. one because of the weather which everyone knows i, i looked at that with that of the, of the region. the last 24 hours. why don't you, for all of us, it was of us to reported that it was and stay, but they, when d and those are elements to be concerned that if any and it or the kinds of assessments. number 2, we have to look at the mission of that, that the issue went to it, which was basically cutting down the region. and the region of the crisis is with the neighboring countries. like either be john. he wanted to show it to, to be with an opening that down between either be john iran and that, that's important when we uh before this. speculation number 2, um, uh,
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brand easy is, is a heavy weight. but edition uh, within the area and politics, especially contemporary politics. he's very close to the supreme leader used to be the, the chance of the jury system as a whole. he is a, is a, he's was the, the, the response of the, of the works of a bust. what's so called mission had a start up. that's one of the week, which is important. i don't in government and mission. and you is that important figure. she was predicted to be the supreme lead, right. actually, he was one of the names listed to be a future supreme fees as a successor of the success of yeah, and this is the 3rd thing without going through speculation. the nature of the political system it on is but it is, but it stables when it comes is to this is talk to the, sucks of the system. um, even uh we will, uh, you know, going to the scenario which people, they don't want to go to. the system is very clear. the constitution is very clear . uh optic and once the 113-213-3124, made it to clear that if anything happens to the president. so it'd be a, you know,
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a very peacefully transition to the vice president. so things are looking at it from, from abroad. it doesn't, it doesn't seem concerned if there's any gene, however, this is that itself, it seems very concerned. so the jim considering the fact that you know, the, the, the, the weather and there are very careful on how the leaders of troubles, the they have a very tough measures. and when it comes to that, having said that, we should not forget that they don't. and the sanction and that's was basically making the parts but incomplete gifted it's a good time to, to, to, to find out. but there is an important note to us. they use the helicopters, surely that this, it's the save or save or a tool when it comes to the top and in, within a box because they, they, they believe that using the ad across maybe less safe in the safe. so i think all of this together, those us regardless what would be the outcome, i think when it comes to the reaction to the,
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to the impact on it shouldn't be listen. uh, but it shouldn't be a, i would say something important to look at it. why this happened at the moment of this area? exactly off to the uh, president uh, you know, applied to a 0 the properties with the name. but in trying to put that offer to sort of the, uh for the part of the problems with it. all right, okay, a lot of important points that you raise, james, i will, internation will sort of regional leaders. let's start there. will they be looking really closely at this developing story? and particularly, we also know now that the vice president is on his way to that area as well as other ministers. i mean, everyone will be watching this the way we are watching this are looking for any clue as to what is the fate of the president and whether he is safe or not. whether he is a is in a healthy condition, and that is the vital piece of information that we don't know at this stage. i
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think was interesting. on most recent update we got from brussel in to, into ron, telling us that they have had no contact with those on the down helicopter. although they had been speaking to them before they had to come to came down. now that's somewhat worrying, i would say, but on the other hand, this is probably almost certainly happened in a very, very remote area, whether it may well not be some cell phone reception. it may well be that they will . so it is no more than we know at this stage that may be good news regarding the present old bad news. and they are trying a bit of news management that is, that is also a possibility and circumstances like this. have you seen any reaction from any diplomats from around the world, or do we expect them at this point to just be waiting to find out what exactly has happened? i mean the, they know, i think if you're sitting in a foreign ministry, whether it's in the middle east or whether it's in your full or in the state department in washington dc. but they will have some sources of their own. they'll
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have spice, satellite, some things potentially they could look at. but they know really the, the main information is going to come out of iran itself. so they will be monitoring just as we have monitoring every single radian source at this time. and i don't think they'll want to pronounce on this in any way until there is some news about the health of the president them for that not to the farmers. yeah, i'm not sure the same, the same sort of question to you. i wonder if you can comment on or, or share with me your thoughts on the fact that the vice president's is now on his way to, to that area as well as other ministers is what do you read into that? yeah, i mean, once i go there just before i joined as that there's also a meeting and disappear and the security that all this is why, which is the single, the only emission icons and security console which basically look at the, you know, important method of that it on this was invited for meeting soon. so having the vice president and the ministers on some empty and peace and companies that's
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assigned for how much this important and, and they need to be there to show that, you know, all of them are there to, to put every little effort there to find, to make sure that the president in good health, or to find dice what's happened to the president and his team. let's not forget that. the, the, the, you know, the part of minister is joining on the president on the same uh article. and after that, he is also and he'll be, wait a petition within the uh it audio system. there was a room is a 2 months ago that's, he's about to be replaced. it doesn't happen. so now we see him with, with, with the president, you know, having to apply on with the president on the same how to put that. also an important issue to that is you will not be raising questions. so however much you look, people, you know, who believe because, but as of today will be able to have it looked as an artist to talk about and, and i'm sure you know i am, but i'm not sure that, you know, those kinds of scenarios can be looked at at the moment because there is
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a lack of information and if anyone has it, i couldn't afford that with i believe. and that's, you know, the city had to go up to us because it hasn't been negation. and if you had a cup that was basically they have a few people that missed that of industrial administer of agriculture. so they are a good number of, of the ministers. i think the advising the team is that was based basically on, you know, just get people to go to the main airport which, which it, which is deputies. it wasn't really based on the approach a court because some people say the mid, especially about actually be with the present should be with the ministers. maybe it's, it's, it's a casual troubling, listed on this one as a futile method of between joseph and to please. so it was done the 20 minutes maybe, and i look up to so they, they, they, they saw it as a very casual trip to skip to the airport. so, you know, he brought with him after that. yeah. so i'm not sure to hear that, you know, a, there is a current and it's not any kind of reason behind that. but to having a delay on what, what, what you see when we'll push for more to speculation about what's happened and what
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that is is but you know, it was and purpose or was targeted or, or, you know, other other c 9. it's james reminders, once again what the president and the for administer were doing in that area. and what were they doing on this trip? well, there was no the writing a new damn meeting with the president of as a body shop to try and a back to relations between those 2 neighboring countries and facts. why? because it does seem old. why would the foreign minister be going to a dime in iran? but that's why he was on this trip and it seems on the same helicopter. i take the points we've just heard. but certainly on some occasions, i have been in places where it's been quite deliberate, the dignitaries don't go on the site and how they come to a be myself on have you come to that? have not a hard landing but a very bumpy landing. and i also, and i've got to some was on the helicopter. i'm was on the law was on the the last i have a passenger with my team to get also have you called because it crashed about 10
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minutes after it dropped to us and took off for its next place. a helicopter travel, even military helicopter travel is not particularly safe and not particularly safe in that circumstance. like this one when we've got very, very bad weather. and certainly having also covered the situation and the way things worked in washington dc. is that where you see marine one taking the president from andrews air force base to the white house while he goes by road when it's bad weather that's even in, in, in the us. okay. a james mushroom. thank you so much for the time being. we're going to bring in our correspondence in that range and competence of ron russell. sardar russell, what more are you hearing, as well as just now? so we know the exact place that they did that had to go up there crashed. so it is very close to a, a cooper of mine in the, which is called a soon. and it is located in between jo 5 and where does the gun in the
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east azerbaijan proving score of iran. and it is roughly between 70 kilometers to 100 kilometers away from the city off type fees, which is $1.00 of the largest city in iran. and it also the city that the president of iran and the fort administer were heading to over so that you run your red crescent is saying that now they have deployed 14 separate teams to the region. and they are undertaking the frantic afford to having access to the crash had to go up there. but as of now, the teams arrived to the area, however, not to the specific support where they had to go up. there just a crashed. and they said that the reason for that or the harsh weather conditions, the bad weather there say that it is a montane, as place it is down. so the forest,
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it's really, it's foggy that all of these factors combined are really, may, can, they are a force very, very difficult. it's how many in the rescue a force i have, you know, so checking in the last couple of hours, checking the area, the weather conditions there, you can obviously see that the visibility is quite a limit to it. and now it's given in, in, in, in, in the evening time in iran and it is getting darker and darker. so we can expect that even this is going to further make the task quite a challenging for the rescue to in this. and that you run the risk crisis say that's the, the risk of force i'd be taking place since the last to the hours. and the last time that they had a gps signal from there that, that, that the crash had to go up. there was a close to the song going,
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cooper mine there, that has been a brief conversation between someone seemed to had a carpenter and the drama that the friday of prayer of the city of tempe, eas. but due to the sporadic connection due to the, the bad reef connection, they could not have a proper conversation and says them that has not been any communication between the had a carpenter and the rescue teams or any other runyan or to ortiz here. so as of now we do not know which kind of conditions now the president of iran deprived the, for the minister and the look of governor or positive age. i'm just one of them. we're one of them. we're on the same, had to cope that. we do not know about the restriction whether they're injured or even.


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