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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 1  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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the, the, this is all just there are under the you navigate all with the check on your world headlines. fee is really army, is intensifying its air and ground to tax on the north to the south of the gaza strip. palestinians our morning at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight striking a house unless laid off for a few g comes women and children were among the dead and injured. and they were taken to an upstart hospital which was struggling to coast. and according model at all a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying, i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her.
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she didn't understand my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground, georgia, and so as the kingdom has demanded international investigation and into what it says or many war crimes committed during israel's and military campaigning garza. the foreign minister made the comment during a joint news conference with the head of the owner. was felipe as a release of the work of funeral and other un agencies has been deliberately hampered or you will have heard me over the last 2 weeks on. so raising cl um on the house are united nation has been regularly unblocked and disregarded in gaza. look at the number of stuff which have been killed, more than 200 stuff, had been killed among them. 189 stuff on the from on the wall. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40,
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destroyed more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking that protection. how strongly do united nation, where in the south, the and i've been killed when they have been damaged to the humanitarian situation . on the ground and gaza husband getting worse since israel shut all land crossings into the strip. some supplies have been delivered by boats to a newly built americans here, but the 10 trucks that have so far rolled off up here are only a fraction of what's needed. the crowds were seen rushing towards the trucks transporting a to the no say, don't refuge account. the northern parts of gauze all are ready experiencing famine, an 8 agencies aboard the crisis is now moving south. the white house has acknowledged the aides coming through is not enough. meanwhile is really settlers
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have again attacked trucks carrying a to gaza and this time it happens at a check point near hebron and the occupied westbank. in recent days, settlers have been leasing and destroying supplies meant for palestinians in needs is really forces have shot and killed the palestinian man and the occupied westbank . they accused him of attempting to stop is really, officers at a check point is really forces have kills nearly $500.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the world gaza began. is now the army and the democratic republic of congo says it's stopped and attempted to involving local and foreign fighters. a group of armed men attacked the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital controls of the silence, followed with his guards in a neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers. and one of the attackers were killed and not shoot out a ty activist who died and pre trial detention on tuesday has been laid to rest in bangkok, metaphor and son assigned comb died of suspected cardiac arrest while the waiting
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trial on charges of insulting to islands monarchy, the 28 year old has been on hunger strike during for detention since january. french forces have lost what they're calling a major operation to clear roads linking new caledonia as capital to its main airport. at least 6 people had been killed, hundreds injured in the french pacific territory in the past week. thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election rules. critics say the reforms favor french nationals, the nighttime curfew, as well as the state of emergency remain in place. those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up next. it's the lost souls of syria. thanks for watching. the
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the i can easily can do that to us
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a deal that people have not people their house calls and that's why and the most secure strategies to destroy them. those counties have no kidding. those kings are destruction in the spring car for anything other than your power and control
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of the i hope you have seen are real soon. see this selection of, of photos just a small fraction of those that a brave man brought out of syria in august of 2013 the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at number. and these crimes can change and the try from serious it is for justice.
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thank you very much. the
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the, the
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the uh, an authenticity i'm sure i'm sure someone else could hear from me. so
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the some of the sold all kinds of leave the for this is not in the last within the heavy and hot we let her know bounce
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should have done it. consider dollars, did she agreed to be on the symbol standard and some of them use the farm and left for $3000000.00 markets over and above the scottish guy here. and it was just a from the higher the shock, not all the live sold out. com feed bin i saw from saucers just because you own both. my father the, the yeah, i mean, that's almost normal. so we're kind of an out of range of cities. you
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know, i'm not sure how kind of i don't know, you know, the initial initial so can you just as long as you should have bought my car and other one is not the one of the order from where the mother who come in for
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the shuttle or somewhere in the book to learn about sort of like this just by the the
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the i'm going to i'm i'm the, i'm the fish ready for oh and she saw from hawk out all the falcon hat the
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to the one this i'm gonna fix to do the box, you know, sure thing. so last on micies of the console computer when he doesn't know and we'll leave it on the block. so the new place of the funding for the some of the government of when you know this have a be,
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another trick can be a will be finally the with us really, you know, i think the, i mean obviously, you know, the men associate and then home on monday is a decision on the or the that please don't to she wants to go say,
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eat the price. do you want the offices of the media to for to oh, don't you? she brought these expect on the bundle or more clearly cannot talk to a, a most default. the only please on your vision. i think the representative of friends for his statement. i shall now put the draft resolution to the votes. the . those against the draft resolution has not been adopted owing to the negative votes of palmer and members of the counselor the
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the, the a. i would tease him up at a seal $15.00 to those tvs bought a kick it in. yeah. get into it. got switched out, so he went on years down the lake at the bay. why allow me upsize on soc finding your thought? of course, the, this time the sailors fight our lease,
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let's go to some of the other state and most of the tiers the say, so i get a lot better. so, so, so that's why you talk. i saw a been on the day or less been on the phone. and when we started investigating in may when we were contacted by people from the syrian a community in exile where desperately trying to find a way to seek accountability for the school. for in the c ser ford across the said, i want to have this picked back to now i didn't know parents and it's around their my to my attention who shahid the kind of source says that'd be mature. i'm ok to then sort of michael mike. uh um the jimmy, it's sort of you today as well through social media. they split those folders to see that they could start finding information about the relatives of the victims.
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i'm. it was a remarkable style of pilot. i don't know sort of the heavy middle face, that'd be swell. i'm at a place on the mount of top that you select the culture the best to go in terms of the economy. oh yeah. and then same. let me go and check right now on the back in the i got on the page for how i went on the doors were close at the international criminal court. the serial community and expired dates realizing that in order to trigger any,
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just as the idea was to whether we could find people with dual nationality, but with realities or ties to any country. and due to the, the animal these, they establish that there was a relative of one of the victims was on the spanish $0.02. which is will give us the basis to triggers fantasy or just fiction. is the best i can use. i mean, yeah. discussing meet them on the policy, see on a this for say they can based upon the different policy then i'll give you something they never know they put the gifts from nobody and this what am i looking okay, did you build the
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abdul? it's a metal model as me, so i'm going through there, let's do what is this that one does that. all right, so lucky knock in this funder, i'm with us with us getting on. getting the most of this is the media solid guessing all costs o c, not e. so seeing, you know, saw that a young lady took us is never mind, but okay, low month. and now last and look at them and caustic on this stuff into most homes. in the most was the last level. we would stay in the mosque and up into a publish the site which is christmas for eastern is how k
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a didn't do you think it was quite a huge. that's what the mentors indicates. you may need this to be so kind of the one we're gonna pick on him if that's one of the categories. and guess working for me through the different colors at the moment that in front of i don't mean to get down and end up in one without clicking on anything. i think the woman thing in the middle of the course may be of course guessing i can just and can just a little bit and look at it. i can see this is a somebody see the a land on those, me the rest of it. and just some of the young walk us about all kick it off clock on and on this time . do them to stop doing it. so we'll say, normally they say not on the now that they're listed in the middle i've seen on when i was there to pick it on, on a lawn care. i like those. i'm either on the youngest or the edge or if one of the younger. so jo rogers. okay, are you ever come across new messages?
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no 7 want them to stop the of the say fina is for meantime. but on this, what was the middle level of the jack? i'm a product of that kid. he had an appointment. okay. mom was i said he, you say that you think it's pretty cardio for this time. will of course see, let's take this young little i'm us, i'm not really figuring things that have been made to free. storia is with the ceiling, the low se, chosen level hormone. and of course to the did
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you feel better news? i don't know if it was going to do it on the people in the field and when i list. yeah. i was seeing the got the model. i showed them the know you uh them before. no southern and the for the gun
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even on the line for the he me see even able to. yeah. yeah. think it just depends how to leave the face not of hollow and do with that. she's applying to the to the, the, she like every other human being. i'm afraid what to do. you know, she was, i'm developing about that because she has to bring the hosting's community there. she has a pretty stable job and she's afraid of living as looking now for some person to leave the country. no, i know you're from evidential perspective. that if, if she's not supporting that they get to her. i mean, that's why i think it's essential. it's for her to be because it's not, it's not only a risk to the security of an associated risk to the case as well. the,
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our oceans are on the switch by a for roche fishing industry. government people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global eating off. the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity, obviously was lucio dying of the loss shock. the latest news as it
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breaks this year's march is the message, not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage, millions of pharma, now how rich thing that we'd cross by day whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside. when neighboring nigeria restricted as a palestinian who are expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return by is out of the land was extorted in settlements were built. 20 houses 0 barrels goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, the
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this is officer on duty and obligation with the trucks on your world headlines. dozens of palestinians have been killed and the most recent is really a tax across the gaza strip. palestinians are a morning at least 31 people who are killed in an overnight strike on a house and the other side on the refuge account. women and children are among the dead and injured. they were taken to a hospital which is struggling to cope. and according model, not a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also death. she was asking me what was happening around her
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. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. is really settlers have again attacked trucks carrying aid into gaza. and this time it happens at a checkpoint near hebron and they occupied westbank. and recent days, settlers have been looting ransacking and destroying humanitarian supplies meant for palestinians. or at least 10 people have been killed in multiple russian attacks and in the northeastern ukrainian region of car keys. local authorities say to villagers were shelled with a rocket launcher. moscow's forces have ramped up their attacks in the region as they continue to advance. more than 70 people had been killed in about another 150 people are missing in central. i've got a son. heavy rain caused severe flooding and gore and for your provinces, agency se residents are in desperate need a few monetary and assistance. last week,
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more than 300 people were killed by floods in northern i've gotten a son. the army in the democratic republic of congo says it's stopped and attempted to involving local and 4 and fighters. a group of armed men attacked the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital kinshasa. the assailants fault with his guards in a neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers, and one of the attackers were killed in a shoot out a ty activist who died in pre trial detention has been laid to rest. that's important. set aside comb, died of suspected cardiac arrest while awaiting trial on charges of insulting timelines. monarchy. those are the headlines. it's back to the lost souls of syria next on alda 0 of the
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phosphor lila, 2 weeks. so the total does not contain the
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issue for them should have been made. it was actually up to 6 was the face and fees that you knew bodies would play just so you end defeated the place nice. that's trying to move the impulse tell you, i don't even guess what do you choose to? few she is off. you don't want me to enjoy human, your personal and you have to click console balmy's x. usually they play a seek of some fees, but say that to be necessarily default australia and stuff you. the issue
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is suspects you need to see quite and you next have done last hey to on the retirement woman. and then it has the back disappears on my back to knows how to don't send them, allow me laugh to free to do i need only penny. cash dependent is on to that the, to the fun, you know, speed single dock that he's got successful either on loss. why mean is, and i hate the mazda end of the battle and you don't try mileage irritating system that, that home high and you kid yeah, smaller pads or boxes. you didn't seem to imagine from the, the, the 20, the house quite on got to where he's on land go to a bass. i know is that he for the maybe they don't spend little clothes on foot. always strongly. people don't get to go even though who now the nonsense, the to the, to least 5 or 65 the on calls on the
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list of what one of them for me to go to see what's the so he's only starting to bundle much for both of the homes easy because i find it the value of life of the be able to control square see or not ok, know very few seek a final deal we so we can speak to the one of the following. so watch this one we so what's the phone twice on most when i talk to you, which i was switching from a sort of just you most of our gifted over they will for she is very simple, reasonable develop yourself. good. i know the to get her honey. the option of feet is the dentist because i suppose i'm buying these are doing date that i am so glad to see you. as soon as you sewing the guy, his plan is going right. cost me to talk. this was about to say in the box to
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purchasing the unit, because because of the system, it left us hold on to the 8th of it as a crutch assumed the initial substitute. it's the last for this phone call them as opposed to the new guy explained will we just use your stuff plan as you put that shortage to try the this altamont. so you actually have to finish from so does it come in the plastic? uh, sure. gotcha. okay, to see that's what i'm talking to slide for unity, she'll move above the price. you don't have conflicts rely on them don't she didn't . that's quite a doing while there was an estate gathered
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up long ways of the optimal. we've got the review involved in to not have to share any some changes. defies. yeah. hold on a piece of defense to finalize
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in and you can see a posse by did you get through the events i call you see fall c sharp. the them us by pre k to join the close this one, pam, the city fees unit on please. second shows good. cause all the more for the facility will be the most it don't know the tea party on the cost when i leave while mazda in both of these on the of the, the
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phone and the class. one of these nice home people says to me all the farm as well. so i'm just telling you that i feel like fun every day. maybe be able
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to say that is with us. that is with us. it is all so they please when you then they started off from one to 330. so to the new capacity, i couldn't really stay on the deal. could i sell you 10 instead of the law company? i am the the, the
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wrong is on the details to get it on the society. and i think this was on pass. the didn't say she doesn't like the only don't i would i presume that means he took off some of the details from 2 to 3. so when i told them dad will do that myself a man, it will include shoes, are a lot more comfortable to see can activities, activities, don't these block down these nuclei? he's happy these when say energies move, we are more than usually if you've i think review as an easiest to get them that they did. he won't, he lives on canada. i sent him the details for the
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last 3 years. so most of the, the month of to the most and i should goodness, goodness. and so will show
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the results to you might come 1st of all on the on, on the small sheet from a to i'm sure, sorry part of the year. no, no, no, no, they should learn mostly model the model cut off the of the
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can you miss susan sold me the trying to find the items in the the surfaces in front of me, just a sort of design for everything. so mostly the farmington, some ocean, and that's what i've been working from. see let me put on some new model. let me down to model the
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computer. awesome. the, let's move on to the multiplan. the also will be shipping center on mine. so for me to shut out a time, doesn't use corner some of your fonts. nothing is just the button dining room set all of that kind of
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thing. and so for floor, i'm sure can certainly for a moment, can you hold on? i'm looking for the, the or con . no, nothing. it doesn't work. as long as she's in the show for most of the world, all causes her thoughts and all of it. so the let me see a few minutes behind the story. can you say a full, yvonne?
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we don't see in general and we do not in the i'm at the and the age of house on that invitation. i feel sort of leaving bob on the content and i couldn't find a home in one use that to find out what i need to be sort of. yeah. and the book lemon especially went up by the bulk of can be how do they want the funds would be more popular, but they can definitely help you build them at the moment window for each other, the other computer on kind of all kind of been and the, i know how many of them the field on
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the gym, you know the size, you know, if you make something like so or of sauce the v has he as it might be in a tech guy as long as it helps bosh bosh. he finish it, he is a function of income. so 13th when i want to be doing like a home, see when corporate option we see sort of has the timing
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issue and the house of what the thing i'm interested to be and get to work on the just that the by huge be deleting be sure couldn't get the mice agent done wrong. you me okay . we don't know why of tools will end up into 48 to be honest if you could ever god, i witnessed this as i saw
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a human being shot after being tortured and left a decent place. so basically we're going to use the when you're trying to proof of crimes against humanity and you build and narrative in a logical violence that is based on the violence of many that repeats and has the common elements, the they are survivors of the prisoner. so we're going to be able to establish a pattern of how those people would fade. where would they would risk that? how do we transfer? how did they arrive via auction dot on each you should let us companies have full velocity to shift on his face for fun, compile, a might, leveling the bustling in a bit of sleep. he knew where he was taking the flow. this the money out,
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especially with for the whole bible and focus on, on the, on the back of the and they give you the sales like to the snow and like you to learn a kind of blanket aluminum. yeah. how you oh, a lot of thought fleischman just upset and a low enough list in homicide. your district for quite a bit. and i was really mad this man, i'm getting there. a lot of people can see and that's the john meals of a law had been like more than 170 best tail on and off was um yeah, was me is as a auto bought homes as a to somebody in mind that this i should have done a little talking to you know, i kind of find the other agents that are on the products that haven't been in the patio for the public to go with me. but i want to be as you send one is in the bathroom no ways different ages, little kids,
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younger boys without mama and bon, i've done the medicine that i should've seen like that, right? why don't you? i wasn't listening but never mixed between making women and his mom and his ones as one of the purposes of this, the women in the 2nd floor tend to notice muscle. that's a boom. then they will hearing the voice of god. the next 7, bob did you then not floating uh by then i will definitely bottom on your face. after the 1st time they took him to the investigation was showing up on the street haywire and the commissioner already took him from his head on your police or some plan dealing with him with his name. what's your name, dan lanier? for the nation. sally and asked him, what did you do was to know my name's allergy and you're talking to michael's and do anything to answering for phillip latham of i'll have, i mean like i used to go to the head. i'd go to the gym to also let a little i'll also sometimes i because the demonstration
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a little high, the defense of the budget. and also the vision obviously are the of like national windows. you felt like in phones come on for to any left in the show that actually level because i mean lots of ya, barney, how boy did good of shape unless you back the mom and if cell phone have good of him and really kind of show it on your phone, you 100 on the bottom line font and the flag for because of this, all the test is going to shut up. i did it. you can like the fibers it has, i hope the volume when he so they bring the shoes and they put a loss on this for the law. and the need to do the kind of sacked engine to talk in
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a somebody who sat in the morning and dollars in the in the 9th by then that will clump will be of god is supposed to have bus. oh, the clump clump clump. it's a, it's a success problem. yeah. yes, i should do a lot of stuff. the help up with the car. they put it on this beeping. they all food industry should put my lot a little bit of a lot of times the amount of castle, high season 5 o'clock, and then do feel like they're going to have to have the houses to place of the land they would like on the stick. and the last element into the hunt, i've had to get ahold of them, is in the, dies from the 3 that the bottom. and that's the other thing. it doesn't say anything the, the, the director and the treatment was the same stuff. the other coffee as well as the, like the kind of talking about this, this is not the right. it's not the same test it to my son, and i need to do it to have them done that. i should i get that kind of thing like you have more of them that can you only into that same day without full i
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don't need to be i should come to the dining. you have the best one of them and they'll be nice. feel i don't put down a lot of home, but you know, 41455. the reason is that i see on the line the,
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the central crisis management cell, the c cmc in english, settle categories of people to be arrested. and they would be taken to the presidential palace for approval or a correction or amendment bias on himself. and now we will hear from mr. standing at 11 with the other. the united nations has closed its doors in the face of the victims community. please open the doors to the courts so we can bring these criminals in front of justice, the the hello. we have saved the writing into southern costs, so for sale, i'm afraid and save us every account here responsible for it. it will create
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a little further north. was this stationary where the front is all these basically as such as going to slip this one little further north with type drive for a couple of days just around the, the bucket pots of southern brazil, we can still see a few showers just coming back in here, through the remainder of the sunday, not just a little further north with an east with this we go on through monday. dry weather for a tide, but i'm afraid as we go into the middle part of the week, the rain is set to return. right. meanwhile, is lingering across northern parts of the confidence up to what was the caravan some lobby showers to into a kind of monica rescue into costa rica. i see arliss not too bad to say some rain recently into with trinity that the little drive there as we go through west sundays. what the weather coming towards. bob 8 us since we got one through monday, we'll see the where it says web. it's just coming is in northern parts of cuba. rush, just shy, was that just slipping a little further south with southern and central past the cube and jamaica? seeing some live the showers at this stage is from the system. it's been affecting
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the southeastern corner of the us, that will continue to split his way southwards and east with, with the weather to making his way into the midwest. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception on it. does either a red, one is the world's wherever screeching numbers are plummeting due to deforestation, culture and climate change. indian sides are fighting to protect. one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain their habitats. 101 east
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reveals the bottle to save india as well. oh no, just the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters, and they'll find daddy, you navigate to here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. 31 palestinians are killed in a single attack on the other side. off and central garza israel is escalating its bombardments from north to south. thousands of protests are gathering in brussels to demand europe. end is complicity and israel's war on gosh,


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