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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that desktop theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do, we exploit. the jordan says that kingdom has cold for an international investigation against what it describes as the many more crimes committed in gossen. the scrambled something to the desperate scene on the beach and gauze is palestinians take one little to monetary and aid that's been done at the i'm on inside is out. is there a knife? some don't. was that coming up?
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that he one palestinians, a killed in an is rarely attacked on elm. is there it's refuge account and central golf engine have been taken to the over bad. and alex the hospital plus bonus, say good bye to a ty free speech activists who died in detention held on charges as insulting them on the grading and back in space. how the countries using drones to make up for a lack of western western russia. it's on the jordan says the kingdom has demanded an international investigation into what it says, what many will crimes committed during israel's ministry campaign in gossip? the foreign minister made the comment during a press conference with the head of unrest for the lozzo. ronnie, he said the wicked and run on all the un agencies has been deliberately tempted as
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you have heard me over the last few weeks on. so raising cl um on the houses are united nation has been regularly unblocked and disregarded in gaza. look at the number of stuff which had been killed, more than 200 stuff, had been killed among them. 189 stuff on the from on the wall. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40, destroyed more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking the protection of the united nation where in the south the and i've been killed. ones that have been damaged now because benjamin netanyahu is government has found out is there is operations inside. israel reporters have been covering stories out of a non let's go to a wrong con,
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who is in the jordanian capital for us in wrong. so you with that at that press conference by the jordanian foreign minister on the head of monroe. the joe daniels foreign minister asking what his country is doing to secure was the spot in gaza. tell us what he's he told you the way it was a very interesting press conference cuz this was really about showing support for underwater and buckled agency. an agency under tremendous amounts of pressure, but it was clearly a lot of frustration about the fact a ceasefire hadn't actually happened. i also that question like you say, and his response was very blunt. israel needs to decide if it doesn't wanted to stay solution. if it doesn't want to cease by then, what does it actually want? and then he went on to use the word a policy right now he also talked about the, seized by psych jordan's been pushing really hard. jordan's been trying to get
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everybody together, being caused for the international community, is incredibly disappointed the, the events and roughly how to all taken place. those horrific, brutal world is taking place in rafa. rafa is still continuing to take place. he was very, almost quite frustrated. you could always tell the frustration with his voice, and that was actually echoed as well by for the plaza ringing. who's the commissioner general? a full unruh who was also seemingly very frustrated cuz remember, i know is under a tremendous amount of pressure trying to get aiden trying to help civilians within the goals a strip and a can't do any of that without a seatbar either a permanency spot or at least a temporary one taking place and that was acknowledged. so older, this is the actual press conference itself was acknowledging support for hon. when asked about the cx 5. that's really when you saw a lot of frustration from both sides. right. and, and both parties talked about the challenges facing and right at the moment. can
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you talk us through what some of the things that we had as well, the foreign minister of georgia was very blunt. he said, look, they were 12 members of under all who accused of being how mass those will investigate to 12 out of 13000 under was stopped for investigating those allegations have been proved. nothing. void 12 countries. um, i have actually started aid back to under what 14 countries originally actually stopped to aid those 2 countries didn't name them, but clearly he was suggesting that they should start giving money back. that was also echoed by for the lots or any, but what was crucial, i think coming from the commission. the general of under up is he was saying, look, if they can do this in israel and gaza strip is all can do this. if it can. this regard completely, the operations of the you and then that is going to be copied in other parts of the world. and that's simply something that cannot happen. okay, thank you for that in mind. calling that for us in i'm on and as we mentioned,
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the humanitarian situation on the ground in golf has been getting worse since israel stops or land crossing into the strip. some supplies, though, have been delivered by boats to a nearly built american here, but the 10 trunk set of sofa rolled off to pay off only a fraction of what is needed. the, as you can see, the crowds being rushing towards those trucks. transposing aid to the news, there is refugee camp in northern parts of garza. already experiencing simon and 8 agencies have moved in the crisis is moving south. now the white house things acknowledge the aid coming through is just not enough. meanwhile, is there any satellites have again attacked trucks carrying aid into gaza? well this time it happened at a checkpoint near hebron,
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which is in the occupied westbank. and we send a settlers have been leasing and destroying supplies, meant for palestinians in need. the oldest as the is really on a continues to intensifies and ground attacks from the north to the south of the strip. then central gauze and palestinians. a morning at least 31 people who are killed and it overnight strike on a house in elm. is there a truck you decals, women and children were among the dead and injured? and they were taken to out at the hospital, which itself has been struggling to cope at all a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her.
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she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground or could speak to out there as to how it goes. do he's in there about in central garza so the focus of much of the fighting has been in news era. it's uh, brings up to date with what you know about the situation that yes and in fact, moline, we went to the location of the development. and what we saw was completely this tough thing. i didn't tell me, a neighborhood was completely leveled to the ground. you are tells me about more than 5 houses being destroyed, or at least 31 palestinians have been killed in that attack. it was a very intense bombardment in that area at work. i was so pleased with palestinians have been seeking refuge from the north of this trip now moving off. so the following is, wait a minute to otis to say safety in the middle area. the late to the move to rough, a 110 back off to the expansion of the fighting and roughly ends up living in them
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. is that right? tricky because this family has been taught this began where they have been suffering and experiencing heavy loss and life and also in the prepared to use by not only on the so right. that was targeted in the middle area in the past couple of hours ball. deborah's bella has will have, has been attached for 2 palestinians have been hit with a messiah at that place immediately to their death along side that in the north of the situation. sounds critically down here. we're talking about 60 palestinians have a report of killed since yesterday. attacks to now, as the civil defense crews are completely struggling to keep up for racing on the, on bearable escalation by the use by the army in terms of the own. getting bombardments that did not witness any kind of and to now that at least contributed to destroying $300.00 houses since the beginning of the military intelligence of the valley at refuge account. but we've been hearing in particular for medics in the past couple of hours that our,
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the hospital is surrounded by the east bed on me. and at the same time, a come on at one is still operating on the ground. but it's working. we're using the very limited minimum medical facilities and even medical supplies in order to just give a college of, of primitive medical care for the wounded people. it resulted from the ongoing military offensive development about the a refugee come lead and dark. we had a little earlier in the program from the head of an ride, the u. n. release agency. the goals a you move in, anyone will know how important they are to the people of gaza and why the challenge is the facing now. a particularly difficult and so can it, can you, can you tell us, can you give us a bit of context as to why they are so important and why the support is so needed? world uh the united nations relief and work agencies is a very vital and prominence,
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a humanitarian organization that has been operating inside the goals, this trip pre the times of one since the one of the fighting since october, the 7th they have been considered to be the backbone of all kinds of bags that you might have turning the flavor into the tat tree as they are just turning in the entire facilities, including clinics as close what houses into completely mass filters for palestinians. and mainly the costs and traits continue reading the humanitarian services and relief efforts to disparity. a moment, even in areas of confrontations, including rough off this much all the is rating tensions to expand the operations that we don't see it from palestinians is that there's, they're saying that without unruh, the situation will completely collapse as the already if you meant to turn in aggravating crisis, continues with the ongoing efforts being made by the owner. wow. and imagine that without on or how the future of goals that we looked would look like under the same time. the believe that what is being made fun done by the isabel military in terms
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of the complete a kind of distortion being made for the owner, what image and all the ground this and baseless claims being directed towards the united nation relief on what agency considered to be and is very assets in order to eradicate the work on the roof from the territory. and that brings us back to the, the story of the right to break 10, which is one of the main principles that as well as trying to eliminate from palestinians as, as a, possibly it's military and political goals from the ongoing where they charge me. so the only one right now is keep going on the ground despite all the financial books that they have been going through by the suspension of the financial for the financial support from some set. some countries including the u. s. a and other other states around the globe, but they are continuing despite all of that to provide their humanitarian services . and we don't own or what the situation will completely change upside down here in the category. okay, thank you for that. sorry about assume that for some taro,
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bhalla now a member of israel's will cabinet by any chance has threatened to quit if prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't outline the post. we'll plan for going to buy early next month. there was also pressure from protest is what cooling the elections and demanding the government do more to negotiate the release of the remaining captives held in golf. less than yeah, it was. government has shut down now to 0 patients in israel, which is why a correspondent mamma jam june, is reporting from on on on saturday until of eve, demonstrators once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones homes. first of all,
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at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse anti government protesters, anger and ink in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron. been, you mean the really army attempted to project stream even releasing a video. it says shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the country's political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference for cabinet member benny guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks, but somebody that brought him a guardianship bond with him, same at the fateful crossroads where we are at now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities . formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder . the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate the mos regina and
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the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control against as comments coming just days after defense administer your web galani called on nothing yahoo to oppose is really military rule and gaza and to make clear his post war plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticized the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who is feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little smart rich, who for months have threatened to collapse his government if nothing. yeah. who does he commit to going full force in philadelphia? how much i'm doing my 0. i'm not the, the, on the, in the democratic republic of congo says it has stopped done,
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attempting to involving local foreign fights as a group of all his men attack, the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital contessa the assailants ford with his gods in the neighborhood near the presidential palace 2 police officers, and one of the attack is what killed in the shootout. let's get more, we can speak to lynn, why connie joins us from goma in the d. c, and then we don't have too much information yet. what more has the army said and took us through the political context? this is happening in as well. did me see the sparks personal notes, but i p a the briefly on the national television giving many today did t t offer the, the talk us which was cool. pause mentally. we did commodities based in dallas for a and also some for it has we have seen, for example,
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one american guy with each passport and also a kimberly's. we cannot jump westport, this is why the army wanted to make you to put expedia. that this a cool attempt has nothing to do. we did not shall know. i me and also the national police. yeah. these people they have known and they are based in the they asked for idea of being very active and v was, why do you quoted by talking for example, the politician during the past was jim deb. i talked also it musician, but no one knows exactly whether there were plenty that talk with your kid tonight . by starting, we do the deputy prime minister residential. well the 2 parties were killed. and then he did back to the main office of the president in the middle of the promo key was sick. you to tell very tide, this is why each raising debate can shop. so it won't the population going. how would this happen? and what was the main purpose, but obviously they would come with
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a more details. but this is just what happened in the moment where the country is going to a political situation with the located in the problem it on to the new governmental community does be in the 6 month right now. the back and forth between the politician and also economy mixed the tissue in the countries, the tide population seems to be tied up with the 42454242 show in the discussion. and then this happened before a waiting right now to know exactly what was the, what the visual and how do you deal with what it is we handle this recreational in the coming days with a model that if you can show, i'm going to walk you fish on all these people during the talk. okay, thank you for that update on a wait, tiny, joining us back from go my, in the democratic republic of congo. so head on out is there is really se helps with make decisions and give them some things you may have one
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to office and then you can paint a blink picture. we look at the effective use of funding cuts to the 2nd, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, over 27000 harrowing photographs. as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger the mass that we had against the nazis at
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nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera. the challenges with the the, the working out is there a mind to thought top stories based our,
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the jordanians foreign ministries, quoting for an international investigation into israel's mother, she actions in gaza. meanwhile, the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees says the agents is what has been deliberately tempted and central gaza palestinians a morning at niece 31 people who were killed in an open eyed strike when a house in town is there its refuge account. women and children were among the dead and in june, they were taken to all acts of hospital which is struggling to cover the army and the democratic republic of congo. it says it has stopped and attempted to involving local and foreign fighters. the group of on demand attacks, the home of the deputy prime minister and the capital of constructive 2 police officers, and one of the attackers were killed in the shootout. ukraine has launched a series of long range drones strikes aimed damaging russians, rushes oil industry. the whitening government seized ryans as
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a vital wesson to disrupt the russian economy on military operations. set the target to producing 1000000 unmanned aircraft this year on home and has moved from keith. everyone knows it's in the long range of training on monday, across, slamming into buildings in yellow, bu, good, tough. it's the country service reported striking to russia. 1300 kilometers from the bowed low moraine strains, have now become a vice, a part of ukraine's will machine. in particular, enabling it to attack rushes with infrastructure, trying to effect its energy, sales and fuel for its on a set of keys. crowdfunding organization collects donations and tons them into weapons for the army explains why they using lorraine strides. we how know a lot of the styles that's does the trouble and every time when we ask about some
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styles from german partners, so fragile really sure, united states. so they need to waste a long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long rage rolls. he's one of the above that you a v was a reach of a 1000 columbia to it can fly up to 7 hours. like of this, it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop. says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work couple of issues to it is difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important. reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect. the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack. i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure to write instructions for use on the front lines . rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest model from gardens company
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breaks. it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munitions that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for reconnaissance strikes around the front lines. i'm for the tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to this 5 trainings to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important, the victory will perhaps just survival depends on their own home. and i'll just say to you, crime, a toy act of as to died in free trial. detention on choose day has been laid to rest in bangkok, natalie pool and son, a son come, died of suspect and call dick rest, well awaiting trial on charges of insulting talents,
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monarchy. the 28 year olds had been on hunger strike during had detention since january. nearly 300 active as linked to widespread reform is protest from 2020 until 2021 face charges of faith being seen, monarchy. french forces have launched what the quoting and major operation declared roads linking new caledonia is capital to its main efforts. these 6 people have been killed in thousands injured in the french pacific territory in the past week. may have the capital namir says the cities besieged thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election goals. critics say the reforms favor french nationals to the u. k. now where for decades the op sector has played unimportant role in the countries cultural influence around the world. news funding cuts, universities and not institutions have shifted the narrative amongst the small,
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is in this quiet london pock, my t. l status is an artist working with sound through her all. she seeks to connect the natural world with the human turning electromagnetic signals from plants into a kind of music. in the u. k. there's no clear cut career path office like matthew you who's pursuing a moss is degree goldsmith at the university of london. it's not just an old school, it has other disciplines. there's arts and humanities. there's politics, all of these other departments. so i was really, really thrilled when i built in. goldsmith is not just the craze of award winning artist like damian huston oscar winning directors like steve mcqueen. but in recent months, it's hard to make difficult decisions, announcing thousands of job cuts and calls cancellations,
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goals lessons. one of the most prestigious universities in the u. k. and among his graduates and globally recognized office acts as musicians and writes as like many british educational, an awesome situations, it's face financial pressures and recent years. and some stuff here say that worried about the future. even the ones who are not in the effective departments feel very upset because often people come to goldsmith not just to study in that particular department, optimal design because scouts, mrs. interdisciplinary. so i think that they've been really disappointed with what's happening. student fees support higher education in britain, but often so it is public funding to a government decision in 2021 to identify several academic areas for spending. cuts has placed thousands of on some humanities courses at risk. we're now seeing i really noticeable acceleration in the decline and in some cases, dismantling of austin, crowds of courses at university and higher education level campaign is like can on
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both sides. that's a long term problem for a nation that's known as an autistic powerhouse. shy space 5, i'm a type martin behind me on 2 shiny examples of the case, cultural sector and crates of industries. the country be over a 1000000000 pounds a year to the utah economy. the government has identified the cries of industries as one of the 5 priority areas, the gross, and yeah, the same times the government is costing its funding for the arts and price, of course, is that see the tile and pipeline into these globally successful industries? i don't know it's, it's like massy. this makes a question. her future career choices. i just feel out of control basically. and i, i feel like it's, it's, it's really solid, needs help to make decisions and give up some things that you may have wanted to do . working 3 jobs already just to support herat. anxiety is now discordant notes in her creative sound scape for the months i'll just say around
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london. okay, that's the name of the inside. lots more information on a website out. is there a dot com? do you check it out when that coming up next and inside story looks at south africa's latest appeal to the us court asking for home to be this altima the color that we are looking at, move very heavy right into southern parts of china that will exacerbate the flooding, the ongoing flooding that is taking place in a big area or a cloud here. large balls of cloud, 188 millimeters of rain just around the vietnamese board, a little bit of weather to into the northeast of china. this will sink its way further south, which as we go through the next couple of days, we're going to see that west, the weather, just making his way across north caribbean to south great, getting stretched out,
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getting wrung out in the process. i will try to they will try, but we have got some wet weather for time, at least across that eastern side of the japan. follow a line of west of weather down across the taiwan into the south of china. and there you go. you can see that what's the weather slipping its way across the south of china to was one going province more widespread as we go on through, choose dice that we all got to see for the problems here. then as we go through the next couple of days, some problems step into solving parts of india, interest for long term as well. could see as much as a 100 millimeters afraid that will cause widespread flooding. particular a successful anchor. we have got re morning's red warning, same force across the south of india monsoon right now. the southwest, the mostly in showing the hands in the admin say um towards the west of india. and if the park is down is very hot. indeed the
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