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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the maximum amount of dose a at the same time is right. it cannot width and eyes food. this though say to kinda suit you with an axis, a life of a war crime, find nothing to eat. a much better food is 2 days or the comment to save to live 10 than i was starving by the minutes olds and crossing both those. the crossings must be reopened immediately order sex ends and conditions be lifted. protection and the employee relief aid must be delivered without with any condition. also, the you and the staff must be allowed to act, then operate freely and without any risk that makes sense and use living in the honor of schools, the lack of food, the lack of what does sense for you will refugees,
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the all these together that have led to an unprecedented, hey humanitarian catastrophe, let alone the relentless bombardment and selling by these a go based on force. so this is what i wanted to clarify. an international what we witness a guys that is nothing but war drives steps. we demanded that until next to the investigation be initiated, and all that objectivity and try to spit and my santa where by old address it is an grimes of documented on all those responsible be headed to i go, i'll talk to him at the i'm the on what, what i can my ass off, but he was a little more human side. yeah. so i just, uh, the reason why you both think a c spot you happening is that any influence, for example, jordan above you have to do to get
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a ceasefire in place. thank you. we've been working nonstop since the number one to achieve the therapy. nancy's fire, the other of the partners and friends have also been trying very, very hard to get a cease fire through the exchange it detox. i thought of the egypt to the united states, but an aggression continues because there's writers continue with that question and it's on his behalf to stop the aggression. we ordered support the exchange deal. we believe it would be important to get us to workforce, but that's not what we want. there is an illegal brewton in human aggression. continue with them. guys are the victims of which are edison top of civilians over $36000.00 plus students have been killed. the majority of hallmark children, there is a humanitarian catastrophe that the aggression continues to aggravate. and that has got to stop and we haven't wasted a minute trying to impress the international community and to riley at the support to bring enough pressure to bear to bring about at their amenities fire. because
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with volunteers, east bar, you're not going to be able to stop the human again. catastrophe that continues to beat them and gaza. so we absolutely, we, we've been working for that. we're going to continue to work for that because there is no alternative to stopping declaration and moving forward. then i also want to allude to up the situation and the responses. we have another, you know, quiet to work on the style with the security attacks on palestinians in tennessee and cities refugee tom's. we have set those that are isn't, that continues to settle. rise by the simians. we have separate our thermostat tax on a ton of boys. we have a suffocation of the person in economy. you have these are the government withholding the money. it's always the palestinians, which is making the estimate authority is unable to be salaries. so there's a better task, so if you happening on the west bank as well, and this has been a top priority for his nightstand for jordan as what,
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so we're trying to do everything we possibly can. but until then, there are other things that was must do. it must force as well as to abide by international stop using stop vision as a method of war as open or pressing points. so that fluid and other essential supplies can go and allow the one agencies to work and operate freely without either being a barge from doing their job or being shots out. and we've seen many of you and police and others have been targeted. some of them were killed, does the commission to general set up the largest number of you and stuff ever been killed in any 90 conflict? so we're working on both that the immediate now and we want to strategic and ultimately this or the 2nd option is got to stop the war crimes they're being committed, must to stop. there must be investigated and those responsive before it must be held accountable. enjoy then, has been doing,
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i must continue to do everything. it's time to bring about that to that object, to but joy that it will come up to what we do, what we can on the we're going above and beyond everything we can do. but again, ultimately the responsibility on stopping discretion is on as well. and we, as we said earlier, we supports the folks that are, have stopped now unfortunately, but we hope that what is human, we gets an exchange div. that's what the allow for the cease fire sticks, which i don't have a look to add on to what it is. somebody said right now, i think the fault have been indeed the relentless has it been enough though? because i was to know if it is his fire, they have been to the dentist effort to prevent the landscape and see if in rough or just if she didn't know. so the effort have to continue it. there was absolutely no doubt we kind of to give up a week position to the people in of, of,
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of guys that we need to try and we need to reduce the attention of we need to an on m. p. did said passed on at scale across a passage for lun crushing we talked about the mountain time. oh and dropping. but we all know that the re and the answer is, is the reason for the ticket will, we can make it happen for that crossing on that scale. we need the safety to provide the assistance on production to, to the people, to integrate this paper. basically we know what the recipient use to the question is uh, when will it be a for the uh incremented ultimately its on sort of question off from what did you did with of the yeah, i just had one thing up on dropped off the whole what has been to me because i don't want that off because that would be a catastrophe, as well as not listen,
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continuing with other shown by the whole what have been tending as well allow for subsection to medicare and supplies to come in and in violation of international and violation of all human values, it has not allowed sufficiently miniature and supplies. and so i think the, at this time, the international community took up is responsibility most seriously. and the thought to that is responsible for driving vision into more war and suffering. and the best of all paid for them. discussion must be as responsive and, and even beyond that, i mean if you listen to a restaurant coming out of his radio fissions the last 2 days, they're saying nobody's going to ride in no 2 state solution. nobody to be teacher, so above and beyond the guys up, do you have a country that occupies 5000000 people in both of us back and does not understanding them and you have no future? is this the future piece that the once or is this a thought our lives to minister and position that is allowing god because government to do in the
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future of the region to more war conflict, suffering. and by that, so i think that's where the question should be addressed as well as kind of so one question, what does it want? it doesn't want it to state solution. what do you have now is up inside, is up inside the 64 piece, or is it the recipe for more conflicts and more? i think the gaps as can. thank you so much. if you're watching all of a 0, it's just gone. a 10 g m t and we continue our live coverage from the durn thing and capital online. that's where the for administer of jordan. i'm going to suffer the was holding a joint news conference with the chief on foot or felipe. eliza rena. here's some of what we heard in the past half hour or so. so, and as a really has given us some new number saying that there are about 800000 displays palestinians who have been forced to flee from. but a hello not as you know is in the south of the gaza strip, but he's called for is safe passage for one of our teams in gaza. he's called for
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the openings of the crossings as well as safety to provide assistance to people in the gaza strip. he also said that we do know what the recipe is that's needed in gaza, but we need to know when it will be fully implemented. and he also spoke about some of the risk for palestinians if warner would disappear as a result of what he describes as targeting of the u. n. organization. and i'm going to stuff for the, for his part sides. we call for the immediate listing of all restrictions to gaza in order to allow aiden and he's described what's happening, not only in gaza, but also in the occupied westbank as a catastrophe. we'll uh, get some analysis on this and bring in, well, how many must have he has joining us here in the hall. he's a political analyst and the professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. welcome back. what's that out for you from that press conference? or i thought it was interesting that lives there any and a sofa. the are both kind of responding in some way to the united states and israel and things that have been done since october 7th. it's very clear that israel has
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been at war with agencies like on or what there's a really interesting quote that i don't think he's getting enough play by your island is a top is really security official and, and advise or to the defense minister. you're off, go on to knock on october 7th, the day that galani announced the siege on, on gauze at the total blockade. no, no, food, no fuel, no water island came out and said, we have, this is a quote. he said we have to prevent others from giving assistance to gaza. he was talking about underwear. he went on to say the people should be told they have 2 choices and this is a quote to stay and to starve or to leave. so since october 7th, this has been a game plan very well executed. we have to say by israel to deliberately starve the population they've been going at on or well and other agencies with some success or as was described in the, in the press conference. we know about the attack on, on, on our, our workers, almost 200 of them have been,
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have been killed. and then obviously the, the, the false allegations against honor why that they participated in october 7th. right. so what's, what's left to a lot of countries pulling their funding, didn't it? did countries pulled their funding very hastily, even david cameron came out and said the decision was made too hastily for months. now, israel has been dragging its feet. it has refused to provide evidence, has been bagged by on our way to provide evidence of the allegations and has refused, hasn't provided evidence against those those workers. and so this was all just sort of a smoke screen. now of course, countries are waking up to the reality that this was likely a false completely false allegation. they've re, uh, they've sort of restored funding. but in the meantime, the situation, as i said in the, in the press conference, both of them, it's a, it's a disaster situation and see monetary and catastrophe, but absolutely requires the assistance of on or what,
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because there is no other agency that can do what on or what does yes, speaking of that, i mean 11 thing that we heard was a really say was that he spoke about the risk for palestinians. if warner as an agency was not there to provide the services that it does, i wonder if you can speak a little bit about that? yeah, i mean, gaza is very, very dependent on why there are thousands and thousands of on or what employees and gaza that you all can do. the things that they described in the press conference. it's not just an educational resource that they, they provide emergency aid and do a lot of other things for the people in gaza. so without on or why life cannot proceed. and israel knows that. and that's one of the reasons why on or what is the target not only since october 7th, but even before october 7th, israel was trying to get on or why a shut down. they've made this attempt repeatedly over the years. so unfortunately, the reality is that the international community has large, led by the united states, has largely stood by and allowed israel to do what it's doing. so anything we heard
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today, do you think we'll have an impact at all on the situation on the grounds? i mean, we also heard some new figures. was there anything that there had been 800000 people now displaced from alpha? right. unfortunately, no, i wish i could be more optimistic, but israel has not, has not listened. i think israel has a game plan. it's continuing to try to, to execute that game plan. it wants to de, populate the strip. i think there are still hopes that it can do that and, and they haven't listened to any advice from neither from the united nations or international actors in europe or the united states. and so i think we can likely expect more of the same. i hope i'm wrong, however. okay, thank you so much for how much. most of you, thanks for your analysis will not bring in our correspondents and we're on con, was joining us from the jordanian capital and we're on. we see you right. there is still inside the room where the press conference was being held. just tell us what the take away message was from that press conference. well,
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i think the take away message for both the underwater and full. the jordanians was a show. ready support it was a show of support for the embattled agency that agency is under a tremendous amount of pressure. so this was a very public show of support from the jude id inside to enroll. and that was actually acknowledged by the commission of general phillip lazurick that he said that he welcomed all of the support. and he told you about how the international community was now coming back to enroll. for example, um, when they were accused of having 12 members of the last 12 members, the accused of being and then because of how mass of 13000, that was very quickly investigated. and now countries 14 of them still giving money . 12 number of now come back, so it was things like that. but i think what the most interesting part of this was when i asked about the ceasefire and whether i knew also abrasions could begin. only if it was a real permanent at sci fi. there's a lot of frustration coming from,
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i think both sides that amiens' half deep certainly saying that they were trying to pressure the in special community. but his role was very resistant to that pressure . and the commission in general, of unreal, i'm also showing frustration, but no sci fi has yet to integrate. right. and when it comes to sort of what's happening inside israel, um, in run a lot of stuff or the said that if the is really government doesn't want the 2 state solution, then it needs to decide what one said, of course, we know just about 24 hours ago, the cabinet member benny gans threatened to resign. if nothing. yeah. who didn't present a clear vision for the future? i mean, how does what a and a stuff, how do you have to say play into what's happening in israel domestically right now as well. there's no support, so for a palestinian state, in fact, i mean certainly the foreign minister of jordan actually said, actually called upon us like he said, that's what the word that should be being used as when it comes to israel, but is no real political push for any kind of 2 state solution. in fact,
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many guns is one of his demands was that we need to start talking about a palestinian entity, not a public city and state, but a palestinian entity and his language like that so that he's incredibly frustrating to anybody who's looking for a 2 state solution because it seems that these rates are simply given up on the idea, certainly within the scope of particular government. and the idea of any kind of palestinian states underwood entity could be used to describe apartheid effectively . or even the things that represent just an enclave of palestinians like we saw and goes to the truck. all right, thank you. and my con, reporting from amman on will turn to the situation on the ground in gaza. that's where there is really armies intensifying its air and ground to tax from the north to the south. a district. so in central garza palestinians are morning at least 31 people who are killed in an overnight strike on a house and the slate off the refugee camp. women and children were among the dead
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and injured. and they were taken to an actual hospital which was struggling to co, a lot a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground, will bring and thought of oswald was running from outside up to the hospital in the central gauze. i thought you interviewed that women and she was telling you about her what she went through with the bombing of the site on the refugee camp. since, since that happened over night, what are you hearing about the situation there right now? as well as a trace in is really get that stuff in the united. we have been hearing from that
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women. she has been completely terrified, but what was happening with her and don't so we have family members of to the house was completely targeted without any kind of prior warning bought the situation. sounds so tracing sounds clearly to cover talking about set to on palestinians have been killed only in the attack on the so right refugee camp as me a f it's being made by emergency work is to recover move bodies from on the remnants of the building that was destroyed, but not only and mister rock also, the attacks have expanded to reach to dairy by the where to palestinians have been kicked with a drug massaro where it'd be, have been immediately killed. we are talking about on a present it to just tell you live at tanks in the fall and north of the territory into a valley, a refugee camp work right now. these are the military forces all surrounding the hospital, preventing any medical teams from getting out from the hospital as a part of the systematic met, it treat to the side of the value of refuge account. but as we have been speaking
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to the spokes person of the civil defense cruise and the news of his trip, he has been confirming that since since the beginning of the military encouraging we are talking about more than 300 house has been, have been completely destroyed. by the east valley, fight to just about similar units that continue to bound the body of refuge account to. now where as since yesterday, at least 60 posts and you have been killed in that camp with more notable difficulty for emergency and metix to keep up the rating and light of the ship. so the shortage of medical supplies that come on at one hospital has been getting through which also has been subjected to the east bed equally up to fully a every now and then as what has been confirmed for medic stuff as to now we could clearly hear the read the proration, but tax in hon units as well from the our location here were at least full palestinians have been killed in that far south city of this trip. thought it, we've just been listening to the press conference with the headphone or uh,
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ended retaining foreign minister. and they've been discussing the importance of interest as well as the obvious difficulty of the humanitarian situation on the ground. and guys, i'm, you've been living through this war just paints a picture of the rule. doctor warner well has played and continues to play it will generally, the owner will here in the territory is the back button, a humanitarian organization that is responsible for providing humanitarian services for the entire population of the strip palestinians in fox, pre the times of the war depends incompletely on a provided by the owner was for, out of the of, of past he is a now, within the world, the rule of ownership is so vital and crucial as palestinians see that we don't own or what there's going to be a practical farm. and takes the entire town 3 as under what was responsible for getting into this trip. being also responsible to provide to,
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to for out it's distribution centers evacuation of schools. and at the same time, they were responsible even for hiring palestinians who have been also getting useful from the services being provided by the united nations relief and work agency. so clearly since the beginning of the will, palestinians obsessed that there was a key, systematic military distortion of the owner was ruled during the times of who by the is very military who are speak, who are completely speaking to replace and substitute on the well with another entity whose is a step that have that house us completely alone run boat, which is the completely raising and provide the casing the wrong to over a ton for palestinians to their lands that had to be occupied by the east, where the gangs of 1948 so completely and incredibly palestinian, see that without the owner where the situation will complete, that will intrinsically collapse. meanwhile, that the ongoing efforts paid my bike as well. and by even
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a countries that had to suspend its own, always kind of a financial fundraiser to the owner. what had approach negative consequences of wonder was operational the ground as they are struggling to afford salaries for the employees. but despite that these kinds of difficulties be, continue on the ground, a walk without any kind of look up. even a rough idea, been switching the points in the western parts of the city, just to keep providing humanitarian services for thousands of families who refused to flee a roof. and right now they are living in the western segment of the city. okay, thank you so much thought of us on reporting from data in about a 100 garza so as we've mentioned, the humanitarian situation on the ground and gaza has been getting worse. and that since is real shot full land crossings into the strip. some supplies have been delivered by boats to a newly built american peer, but the 10 trucks that have so far rolled off the pier are only a fraction of what's needed. the
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crowds were seen rushing towards the trucks transporting that aid to the st. off refugee camp, the northern parts of gauze are already experiencing fannan and agencies of war and that the crisis is moving cells. the white house has acknowledged the aid coming through is not enough. an waste this piling up across the gaza strip contaminating water, polluting the air and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of displays. palestinians are sheltering and makes shift housing. and on my wasi, forced to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. and as michael apple reports, it's making a dire humanitarian situation. even worse, all milwaukee has become a sea of tens, hundreds of thousands of palestinians of sheltering here. but something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish just
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continued to grow. a like many other palestinians. faults the now sony has been display several times. she says, living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now, go to know your b is really has told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies, and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly have no. so i have to have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis, a silent strength to people in gaza. thousands of tons of unconnected rubbish is contaminating water sources spreading diseases, polluting the a and providing a breeding ground from mosquitoes and other pests like racks and snakes. i've seen
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in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and the snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumb to was thinking already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of madison, not mohammed, which is our cells, whatever you can to make a living, spent a long side mountains of waste in the industry. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no lossing matter, nor is this a game. we will not able to find any decent place to live. we have to settle here near waste dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi, a safe humanitarian zone. is it from bob's rough palestinians here? say it's not the safe. no, to main. mike level out, is there
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a member of israel's work cabinet? been again, says threatened quit as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. just an outline of postwar planned for a gauze while by early next month. and there's also pressure from for testers, for calling for early collections and demanding the government do more to negotiate . the release of the remaining kept us held in gaza. that's a now has government to shutdown all the zeros operations in israel. so our correspondence with how much i'm june is reporting from the jordanian capital on on saturday until of eve, demonstrators once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones homes. first of all, at one point authorities using
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a water cannon to disperse and probably government protesters angry and angst in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive, ron been, you mean the is really army attempted to project strength even releasing a video. it says shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the countries, political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference for cabinet member benny guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks, but certainly that brought him a guardianship bond when even same at the fateful crossroads where we are at now. the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities . formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder . the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate demoss regime and
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the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. guns is comments coming just days after defense minister, your web galant, called on nothing. yahoo to oppose is really military rule and garza and to make clear his post war plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticized the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who is feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little smart rich who for months have threatened to collapse his government. if nothing yahoo doesn't commit to going full force in total for how much i'm doing with 0. i'm not. again, how much is having to report for us from the dirt, any and capital? because benjamin that's in now who's government has banned alger 0 in israel? well air on etsy, on is the former deputy head of israel's national security council. he says that the divisions are widening and that is really government a lot about stephanie within the way there is very public and is because then as is
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becoming more and more evident, even we've in the why the reason why the coming up and we've been the smaller so called war cabinet initial between the prime minister and the defense minister between both of them and benny. got some guy the eyes and go to our ministers. develop portfolio. as we said from the so called a position to joined the coalition. there are multiple differences and, and very, very strong disagreements between those but additions are the highest levels and also between that and the military and it's in the pollution because when the war started, there was much more of the confusion and the more the more leaders and the more and then we are faced with a very difficult reality of anything but the so called adult victory. there's nothing else promised them, keeps on progress thing. it creates more and more of this unity and what it
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should do in the head for the milk or see is lead to general election in which there will be hopefully a totally new government which are totally a new strategy. in this case, which is the more positive scenario, the way i see it, we still have at least 3 to 4 months of the transitional government, which will be very dangerous periods. for obvious reasons. still ahead on the al jazeera news, our, there's more of the table in new caledonia, french forces launch a major operation to restore order in the pacific territory on coming up and support a rest for the pulling rounds. as for this fall, for and with the chance of winning this, your 2nd major championship. and i will have the details a little later. the
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hello welcome to look at the international forecast. much of scandinavia remains a woman's in spain. would you believe that the moment was a large area of high pressure course at west inside of a rush, and we're drawing in a warm, southerly wind. meanwhile, across the good parts of europe, central western areas down to was submitted to writing watch brit shy, was actually little area of life pressure. still bringing some where it was very into much of jeremy aging across into a pilot. nothing a little further east was in cape, say, a good scattering, a showers across much of here, but touching 20 full celsius the ever install comb with tough for me and also which of the low twenty's, the across spain and portugal. please change slightly as we go on into a monday temperatures similar to the full row, a good parts of the ip and peninsula, but still come fulls back near with the average of around 17. we still try and sunny. having said that, but why spreadsheet i was suppose a good positive your happen, some of them very lively. see some pretty wet weather the just pushing into that
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western side of the mediterranean, the east, and met on the other side of a hand. lottie fun and dry, warm sunshine in athens at around 30 degrees celsius and a warm sunshine across newland advocate. but still some showers the creeping the way across the northern possible out the area and the other seasonal range didn't quite nicely across west africa. the. this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program to ship with the global, sustainable tourism comes village lives here retains a strong remedial is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. hearing dislikes, shark populations, a decline, 70 percent,
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and we're still not doing anything about understanding the reality. like that and exploded reporting from whatever happens next to the university have already made history. i'll just say, who is teams across the world? bring you closer to the faucet, the story, the the the, the top stories on the 0 news. our in central goes. i promise millions are morning at least 31 people were killed in an overnight strike on a house in the on the slate offs for fiji count,
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women and children for among the dead and injured. and they were taken to the hospital, which is struggling to come crowds of palestinians have been seen rushing towards the trucks transporting aid to the site off for a future account of supplies arrived on saturday through a us build here and a central gauze off the white house has acknowledged that aids coming through is not enough. pressure is ramping up on the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the word cabinet minister benny again says that he'll resign if necessary. yahoo does an outline, a post for fun for gaza. french forces have launched what they're calling a major operation to clear roads linking new caledonia, it's capital to its main airport. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds injured in the french pacific territory in the past week. the mayor of the capital, it says the city is besieged thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election rules. critics say that the reforms
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favor french nationals. we have of this pastor billy, whatever. yahoo is the pastor of the protestant church, kind of keep joining us from the capital of new caledonia. we thank you for your time pastor. i know that you've described the situation is very complex. i wonder if you can just expand on that a little bit. tell us what you mean by it and what you've been seeing. ok, thank you again for the starting the next full and willingness to speak on dissertations. we're uh yeah, the solution use quite complex because we a weakness seems to monday night. right. it's an interest here, especially don't, i'm do so and being area and these violence that has happened the past few days is a, an expression of the restriction of what you hear about what is happening,
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particularly in friends. so just to put in context of the front state has decided to uh, move this project of the what do you finding the constitution or no on the electronic body here for. ready president for venture election and seize, seems been, uh the people here has organize themselves support this to consider because it, when would you 5 the like 3rd party to vote for a for when shows that we uh then um, allowed to to yeah. what for what kind of insurance and i as way, far. ready okay, let me ask you, let me ask you this, then what about? so we know that the french troops are now present in new caledonia. and what impact
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do you think their presence is going to have on how this develops as well? and since few days we have been witnessing that are over here. so it's more, it's around 600 committed to people who else can uh to uh, according to the. ready word of the primary start to bring back or the hearing down and also to the the road from down to. ready airports so yeah, we do, people here see that as well as the like we don't really understand why why we are being put in the state of emergency and the way we, we have witnessed this data. ready sending over the subject over here, because we are finished or storing. and we don't understand why use involving
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that. and they're like, we are, we asked you to eat in as a french directory. so yeah, they do like the square and kinda go back to the other night. uh, basically we still have heard of some, uh, continuous interest around the different people. so in your opinion, and then what do you think is going to take to sort of resolve the situation or the fuse the crisis? yeah, 8240 degree issues. it's a political issue. we see that different state is enforcing the on the modification of. ready that we don't really and the party i'm not really and quite good with it because we see that as
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a kind of legal representation of our people. so. ready ready the in the maybe you, the solution for is, he's always dialogue the dixon need to, to, to, to discuss about these, these issue. and how are we to be thinking from what has been uh from the districts in that we have been going through the seems to past few days . okay. pastor, uh, been the what's the way a thank you for speaking to us from new caledonia. thank you. thank you for waiting to hear from a perspective here. thank you. thanks so much. i as well a tie active as to died in free trial. the tension on choose day has been laid to rest in bangkok, nazi poor and son, a son comb, died of suspected cardiac arrest while awaiting trial on charges for insulting
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timelines. monarchy, the 28 year old has been on hunger strikes during her detention since january. nearly 300 active us linked to widespread reform is protests from 2020 until 2021 face charges of defaming the monarchy. tony trying is joining us now from bangkok you're outside the crematorium, tony where that funeral took place. so what's the public's reaction to her death and her death divided society? it has indeed only for the most part, it's been very sympathetic coverage is being top of the headlines since she passed away on tuesday. people have been very interested in following the developments. certainly from the corrections department about how she doesn't think there are a lot of unanswered questions at this stage. but also, i think you, we saw the to boot around the moment key, broken during those protests in 20202021. and i think, you know,
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people talk quite openly now about the monkey they all being cautious. we are seeing an awful lot of people being charged with the. 6 the. 6 the crime of last met just stay at 272 since 2020, which is a very considerable number. and we've seen some of the houses penalties imposed this year. in january. one man was sentenced to 50 years in jail for 7 facebook posts. but nonetheless, it, people are talking about it and that was what we saw at the funeral this afternoon . lots of people getting more than 500. it was all the see, a very somber of the but also i think you there defiance people wanted to come out . they wanted to celebrate in her life as much as they want the demona passing. so tony, is there any indication at all that the government will be taking a deeper look into similar cases? we heard from the prime minister on wednesday that the full investigation would
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take place. and there have been some questions about what happened exactly. a full top see what the results are full of see have have yet to be released. we spoke to a lawyer who said she has been venturing the corrections department for more details. save released absolutely nothing yet. we saw a press conference in which the corrections department actually goes quite hostile when questions and i think can we also speak to and the students a national, who said that to, you know, this is a very common tie. asked to these people must understand who they are. getting to come under the spotlight. cigna is a considerable amount to show that such a young woman has passed away. that said that we have seen a very high number of people charged with less much of stay the child just insulting them on the kids. and those people who are coming in to cool for sentencing are receiving very high sense. in fact, just this week. so one of the protests lead is received another 2 years on top of
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the 8 years he's already go. so that doesn't appear to be any leading and see from the course at this stage. all right, thank you so much, tony. change your forwarding from of the army and the democratic republic of congo says that it stopped and attempted to involving local and 4 and fighters and a group of armed men attacked. the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital control saw the silence fault with his guards in the neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers, and one of the attackers were killed in not shoot out. we have a line with connie joining us on the phone from government in the d r c. so tell us more about what the army is saying about this reported attempted to and yes did. did you see, i mean, they did, they did tommy's fox plus on. honestly, i made the announcement on the official national television, giving me the,
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the identity of these people where they said this group with the, for example, caused by foreign y'alls and also the local communities citizen but manually from they asked for this group. ultimately, it's very clear, it has nothing to do with the national army of the d r t o in with the local police, for example, the or the groupies headed by one of the, of what you called a couple of these based informing us some of them waving captcha, we do do the american passport and also cannot jump westport according to their security forces and also met. and they are saying i have one of them, the bose because they deleted the group, was killed and also a long side. some of the member of these team. and many of them were wasted, right? to no end to the security for us to say that investigation still going on industry
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to of control so, and they will come with more details in the, in the coming hours. these people have been very active in dallas fort on, for example day did they lead up the group? not as chris. yeah. my on the us being very active in the dashboard, am i talking, for example, with these people some of the party to show and, and also a musician from the strain to performing. and no one knows that they were planning some action like this in the, in the, in the city of can shop a mentally by talking at the office of the president and or to sold an offer. or they put me in that bus. the bus on the vice, the deputy, but i mean, this was the right to know the minnesota, the economy and department will become do, do the 2nd bus or not in the country. they would or tech the office of the president of the i met in the having weeks. so to is to that as the does a raise many debates industry to right now. you can shop even though, right. they didn't get any support from the population. people are just wondering
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how this happened and what was the main cause of these in the, in this the main political suggestion that they've got, who's going to now, who did the. all right, thank you so much at all. thanks for that reporting as well. still ahead on the else is there any is our is there any thoughts needs help to make decisions and give up some things you may have wants to purchase some new taping of lease picture. we looked at the effective years of funding costs to the sector and can we help and support that in civil ceiling? we'll hear from the german team that stays on beaten for an entire lead season. the over 27000 hurling photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at
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nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on outages, era. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to the places that others can be, are guides by the employees, on purpose, to have the time to go live on the go live, another story that may not be mainstream the, the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference? the
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. the hello again. time for the sports news, your son out. thank you very much. that anyone, heavyweight bulk say, has a new and disputed that will attempt in ukraine. alexander was sick of beating tyson fury on points, became the biggest when of his career, already the pow talking about if we match and the richardson or thoughts promo for the, for the 1st time in move in 20 use heavyweight boxing as an undisputed will champion, ukraine's alexander easy, cleaning a split decision points victory of it's twice in fury. who's at consigning fury to the 1st defeats of his career. it's big opportunity for me, for my family,
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for my job, the, the, the british point to have the, the only rooms in saudi arabia. but the momentum shifted dramatically to will sees it can round knowing. the curious thing, how is that recovery and should bozeman was still standing at the end of the 12 frame. the, about this one was a close close point, you know, with a good good mind. like i said, it was what it was a i tried my best and i was that's an awful lot to me. i don't know if it looked like it was playing around. i'm down me back. i was enjoying it all the time. granting training, training. my focus was on the diesel site. now
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i'm hi, be theory may get to show that redemption re much has been pennsylvania for so, but meanwhile is it can already be rates. it isn't all time greats of the heavy weight division on the richardson l g 0. we spoke to daily telegraph books, a ride to a guy with a davis who is at ringside for the fight. he says also it has nothing left to prove . it. is this the heavyweight champion? it was the undisputed cruise or jump you and the truth is no one's really like him . remembering his upgrade man, 6 inches tall, 3 started heavier for the 70 treat, should voltage. so he was pressing the space sold side. barbara, good way to creating unusual lenses is for these adults in concept pretty switched on so much. you never,
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ever lose focus to self belief that goes along side to the foster family to experience the fact he's often full, much bigger man. all of those things come to the pool is just a terrific multitude a fight price flight. and he's proved to get over and over again. and he's go straight to the fight. when he finishes he belongs in the privacy and of the greats of the big man. the great fights was all the way back. now, mike, charged louis jones, louis, jack jones and mohammed ali joe frasier is the side bus take as much with all they eat pretty much waste aside and is the same knowledge. maybe he's the greatest of them over there. a simple as that. and this of the call in mark how i have a show of the need, the heading into the final round of goals. pga championship whitehall,
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one this title 4 years ago. and 15 on the plus as well. today's the, when the says major of his career following his arrest on friday will number one school to shift the loss ground on the latest on day 3. his 8 shots interest on 7 under to the chasing pack. and to such a laurie, who shot a record of equaling rhonda. 62. the irishman is on setting on the prom. 2 sorts behind the coordinators by level cruising had become the 1st football team in history to go and tie up. one does vegas season and beaten chevy alonzo side had already sealed the title. the team completed, the 34 match the good campaign without defeat. thanks. 221 victory. a guess of the difficulties and have the chance to win more trophies. they've reached the finals of both the democrats and your petty
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ones feeling a really, if you investigate those things, all right, center do this, i'm going to for the next one is the final day of the english permanent tax season. if not just the city beat west time, they will win the title for full straight season. should city slip up the arsenal, cliff came the trophy for the 1st time in 2 decades. it's in the n b a playoffs and look at don't to, to has helped the dallas mavericks that to reach the final of the western conference they had to riley from 17 points down against the top seat is also homeless. city fonda funky to rock top of $29.00 point send, revolves in tennessee for his full triple example of the post season status won the
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by single point to wrap up the series full to overall up next is either the denver nuggets or minnesota symbols and it's going down to the wire and the nfl payoff serious between the audience and all those and the vancouver canucks. the only one that came 6 is to keep the serious alive it's now we 3 overall with the decide the coming up in vancouver on monday. a place in the western conference final will be on the line and also as well for me a 100 bucks that in. thank you so much. so not well for decades. the u. k. arts sector has played an important role in the countries cultural influence around the world. but here is a funding cuts to universities and arts institutions have shifted the narrative for the march reports. in this quiet london pock, my tea et al status is an artist working with sound through her all. she seeks to
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connect the natural world with the human turning electromagnetic signals from plants into a kind of music in the u. k. there's no clear cut career path for office like maggi who's pursuing a most as degree. goldsmith at the university of london. it's not just an old school, it has other disciplines. there's awesome humanities, this politics, all of these of the departments. so i was really, really fields and i've often, goldsmith said not to degree is of award winning office like damien huston, oscar winning directors like steve mcqueen. but in recent months, it's hard to make difficult decisions announcing thousands of jump cuts and calls cancellations, goals lessons. one of the most prestigious universities in the u. k. and among us graduates, the globally recognized office acts as musicians and writes of but like many british educational, an awesome institutions,
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it's face financial pressures in recent years. and some stuff here say that worried about the future. even the ones who are not in the effective departments feel very upset because often people come to goldsmith not just to study in that particular department to design because scouts mrs. interdisciplinary. so i think that they've been really disappointed with what's happening. student fees support higher education in britain, but often so it is public funding to a government decision in 2021 to identify several academic areas for spending. cuts has placed thousands of on some humanities courses at risk. we're now seeing i really noticeable acceleration in the decline, and in some cases, dismantling of us and crowds of courses at university and higher education level campaign is like jack gamble say that's a long term problem for a nation that's known as an autistic powerhouse sites based by on the type martin behind me onto shiny examples of the case,
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cultural sector and crates of industries, the country be over a 1000000000 pounds a year to the utah economy. the government has identified the cries of industries as one of the 5 priority areas. the gross and yeah, the same times the government is tossing its funding for the pots and crates of costs is. that's the, the time and pipeline into these globally successful industries. i don't know it's, it's like massey, this makes a question, her future career choices. i just feel out of control basically, and i feel like it's, it's, it's really solid needs help to make decisions and give up some things that you may have wanted to do. working 3 jobs already just to support herat. anxiety is now discordant notes in her creative sound scape, the months i'll just say around london. you can get much more of that story as well as other days, other top stories by heading to our website. it's as a 0 dot com there. you see one of the store is recovering is israel to link and
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thousands of people in gaza. read more about it again on alpha 0, dot com. that's it for me to leave, sorry. by the the pod came in to be used as the oil c software, the casualties we have not stuff websites, pilots use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era palestinians who are expelled from there and then the next couple of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted in settlements with bill 20. i'll just the or
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world goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera believes that you shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out a move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mother's ad. it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are, and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider me. keep thinking that if i have a degree,
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if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do we ex flight. the jordan says the kingdom has cold for an international investigation against what it describes as the many more crimes committed in gossen. the scrambled something to the desperate scene on the beach and golf is palestinians. take what nickels humanitarian aid that's been. the
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i'm on the inside is out. is there a knife and don't was that coming up that he one palestinians, a killed in is rarely attacked on elm, is there it's refuge account in central concepts and should have been taken to the .


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