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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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if they can afford, there is a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western, and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening post, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm on the inside. this is the news life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready. we'll play into that targeting refuge accounts across gaza strike . and alan is there. it's kills at least 20 people cracks and israel's will. cabinet senior minister penny gowns threatens to resign. unless the government presents
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a post will strategies for garza and the 70 people have died off the flash floods. devastated thoughts of central. i've done this down and on this, these french forces launched a major operation in the pacific terrace street. and you called at the welcome to the program. we begin in gaza, where the is really ami is intensifying. it's at ground attacks from the north to the south at the strip in central gallons a, an overnight strike on a home and the out and is, there is refugee count killed at least 20 people women and children were among the dead on the injured. and we've been taken to our actual hospital in darrow, by the it is rarely forcible say bone to a shelter in giovanni, a refuge account in the north killing at least 12 palestinians, and enduring 29. now in february, the army declared to body
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a free of how much suffices. it says, troops have re enter the area to fight battalions regrouping that well, those drugs come up to get to know the day. if it's ready, bombardments in northern garza tarry couple. as soon begins on coverage. so this is the often most of can easily turn into a value a residential play close to the come all it one hospital. now, what's it? as is really bums rained down in buildings, sheltering palestinians drawing to escape the con 8. rescue is scrambled to help, but they have little to acquits upon him. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we pay the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble. most of them i inside the homes and they have displaced people. and here's the house of the eldest family where there were at least 10 people,
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all the residents in the homes. in fellow west valia, women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems a very good displace to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly this place was sold by 3 is really showing the children women and the young people to a motto. we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the end. it are white in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury, and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and music. sion of the medical stuff out of the woods was there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts. to alleviate the pressure,
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we're transferring some cases to all over the hospital situation remains dia, in rough account traveling to central goes. i was struck by a true killing some and certainly didn't. one thing of is, as we can speak to tarik, assume he's in darrow bala in central gaza. so tar cuz we were hearing and is there it's been hit hard over night. what is the latest you can tell us from that? yeah, so in fact, melina, mr. raj refugee camp is one of the main areas that had been subjected to. he is very football ment not only from 5 to just the whole is it from out to their units on the ground as they've been talking to medical teams and then ok. so hospitality have consent to aspect at least 20 palestinians have been killed in that strike, including children and women. and with those is also injured. and right now they are getting the treatments and ok,
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so hospitality situation and the location of the been buttons as young description as they have talked has left behind just ways of destruction in that area where it has to tag misplaced simply match weight. so evaluation and displacement in an order to get more information about what exactly was happening there where are joins right now by the shaheen. she is one of the palestinian survivors from the attack in i'm just a rock refuge account. thank to it's just so much for joining us to come to you. thank you for. is there anything else today? not possible. can you tell us exactly what i'm paying? not sure i had to learn about it. why is my you with this building there to strike on your home right up until the past? what exactly happened at the about 130 after midnight. i was working on and use that. a poll. i'm covering the mess it goes perpetrated by the is ready to push on forces into bad. yeah, this is a can of us. so dad on and all of
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a sudden without any warning, we so at very bucklin, right light flash and everything collapsed on our heads. my cell something an old my household, my sister, my grandma, in my that'll be the old lady together with my mother. a multi story building or collab sonata, and we would old buried underneath that. but before that, we had been displaced on a number of occasions including dropbox and ben would received the threats and rough on. and finally, we own sitting in my on pillows home, which was our last last 3 years old. as i said, after $130.00 after midnight, we were old bedded under the debris. at that time we weren't that close to death. every time i hit the stories for them, survivors who were pulled from under the rubbish. but this is the 1st time in my
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life. i come back close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was not able to help her, i was totally helpless. my grandma is a very old lady, she is deaf. she was asking me what is happening that around to head simply because she is not the where the house was got phone calls with all my relatives, the entire neighborhood was living to the grand 8 of them displaced guides. and so i made for i was on the debris, i was hitting for the steps of people on top through i to pull us out. i was screaming i would flat would i? it was almost breathless. the brakes segment, the total on on my mouth and face. i was just checking though my household that
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around me who is still alive and who was already dead. i was crying and screaming. i was on my own most close to death. i sold it that said that a my relatives were killed ad i thought i was about that close to die. do i was get screaming, screaming thing both on top of the debris that i was still breathing, these water hurting, flying. i was very, very die out in describe a little bit beyond any description. as i said, we have been displaced on a number of occasions. we are phased by bombardment at a strikes. i thought this was the last. i did not wish to die. i am owed helps. i have dreams,
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like any other normal persons off to that residence. the neighbors kept locking on the concrete. so think back. if somebody is, is still alive. know the entire floor collapse. i scream back. i am alive. please pulled me out for god's sake. finally, they managed to remove some of the concrete and breaks. they pulled me half way through the at that point, i thought that that said that it was about to die. it was almost 3 less. as you see, my hands are totally burnt up. i mean it is may have some but the 7th defense themes, the residence continues. ready on the bottom of the on air thing that the send the bill on top of me about considering that they had already suffered many injuries in
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previous bombardment including that. so profile these where hardy buying moments, the worst in my life when you had the i finally the point be out to see those as they asked me if there were any survivors that and i said no, my sister was dealing with the bottom of the head as to why it was. so c, v, it's that the entire home. good labs, the then the, we are very so a for you last night and we out of, sorry to hear these better. so are you experiencing since that attack on this? i ross, a refugee com this area that was completely i talked by the is very a flight to jet square casualty is continued to arrive to up to the hospital until now from under the russell. yeah. a powerful account that from the shaheen. a. what is what people in golf facing on a daily basis? you talked to alric a bit earlier about uh, alex,
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so hospital uh many of the people who have managed to get out of live or injured heading to i'll accept both from the north and the south. a gauze i believe. do we know the situation at the hospital? we know most of the hospitals are badly functioning in gauze or how, how would people coping the well, the entire hospital right now, melanie's overwhelmed with patients with in get people as it's right now working 3 times of its original capacity. now the hospitality is basically i shall talk with palestinians. we can see different times being established in the hospital because people did not find any place for them in order to take it to as a refuge. and now the situation is getting much more desperate in terms of the well growing number of casualties and death full arriving to this place. as we've been hearing from residents, they are struggling and old life aspects to get food to get will, to,
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to get medical supplies. and mainly the even are struggling for survival. they have been displaced from different locations in areas, into stripe, ending up in the se ross and in denver that by this point this past they have been chosen a tax in areas that supposed to be saved so, so people are completely annoyed then frustrated regarding this is talked striking fox, right. as you say, desperate desperately needed a we believe 16 a trucks arrived from that us made here yesterday. do you know how much of that aid has managed to get through to get to people? well, a very limited number of ages. i have it gets into the territory through the new re simply use that list. and every time floating p a. now dispute is just only its maximum capacity could be on a daily basis. 90 talks about what to do in to the tired tree is very limited. numbers, we're talking about at least 19 humanitarian 8 to get into the category for out
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that p. a 11 of them were looted by palestinians who are completely hungry and did not get any calling debate in the course of the past couple of days as the those people have been mainly depending on the site supplies. but at the same time, with the collapse of security, the situation turns into the strip to be, to your take, as people are completely looking for any kind of any source of aid to get into the gaza strip, to be distributed by the wsp on the united makes your release on book agency, so clearly what is getting into the strip even to throw this in. you can't be really appropriate to match the image needs of jobs as population. as the director has been saying that the p, it cannot be an effective ulta, and that's it for the land roots which cause it, it to be tricky is more effective in terms of the capacity of the numbers of trucks that can be really helpful in order to use the humanitarian crisis, of course this treadmilling target assume the for us in their up i'll i think you
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is now a member of israel's will cabinet. many gowns has threatened to quits if prime minister benjamin netanyahu dawson outline a post will plan for a gauze that by early next month. there was also pressure from protest as who all calling for the elections and demanding that the government do more to negotiate the release of the remaining captives held in gaza. and that's, and you always, government has of course, shut down. i'll just there is operations in israel, which is why all correspondent mohammed jump june is reporting from the jordanian capital i'm on on saturday until of eve, demonstrators once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones home. first
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of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse anti government protesters, anger and ink in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive, ron been, you mean the is really army attempted to project stream even releasing a video. it says shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the country's political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference war, cabinet member, many guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks. but somebody that brought him a guardianship bond with him, same at the fateful crossroads where we are at now. the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities, formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder. the war cabinet must form
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a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate the mos regina and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control against is comments coming just days after defense minister you walk a lot called on nothing yahoo to oppose is really military rule and gaza and to make clear his post war plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who was feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little smart for it to for months. have threatened to collapse is government. if nothing yahoo doesn't commit to going full force in total for how much i'm doing my 0. i'm not let's get more and this we can speak to around etsy on he's a full that deputy head of israel's national security council. he joins us from the vasa right. z on in israel, which is near west stores. and thank you for your time,
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sir. what does any guns is ultimate? some means a prime minister netanyahu. hi, i'm going to be here. well, i'm afraid it's very complicated to explain to those who are not very much familiar with the intricacies of these really political system guns these allegedly condemned. or i guess at the end the upcoming elections, betsy's budget of his coalition that he joined immediately after october 7, seen an effort to assist the war effort. in any case, what he's doing now is trying to differentiate himself from the prime minister in view of the upcoming elections. but if you examine closely the 6 points, the t, a numerator, they're not really a challenge for it. so now, there is not a lot of a difference between the dances agenda for the continuation of the war and the so
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called end stating dresser and attorney, alice and good. at least on paper. the, the reading problem is that the know is serving his own peculiar personal, political and judicial interests. because as we all know, it's facing a criminal trial and he's facing the position in the uh, in the upcoming connections. so he is doing everything can to as lawyers and then going back to the public. that is essentially what is going on in this. it's a political game, i see much more than a competition, right? so in terms of when kansas threatening to step down, you don't thing that's a real genuine threat. i think guns has shown a lot of hesitation draws his political career and he has shown it in his speech last night is formulated his agenda in a way that allows nothing else to do except the on the one hand and on the other.
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he is again in really concrete terms because there is not the difference between him and let to know. uh, if indeed we go for for elections. it's going to be less the, the intricacies of the strategic agenda. and more on the question off, who is the leader? that is real needs? is it still nothing? you know, is it gas or is it somebody else? then you have the americans who's attempt to push it and this, and you know, also appears to be going know where you have lighthouse national security advisor jake sullivan, in israel today. i mean, what, what are your thoughts on, you know, what is going on behind the scenes when it comes to united states? the, the american says been pushing to end the war by a hostage deal, which is an avenue to what they called to buy them plan, which we own you, which we all know is extremely ambitious, but points to us that historical paternity all the way to the so the
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us is really a normalization deal, which is indeed the story in terms of its proportion of its content, its promise. but the list of between what the americans are aspiring to then what 2nd and then you know, into a lot of extent also guns are willing to actually states and do is huge and the americans understand it, perhaps belatedly. so they're here in almost a last ditch effort to try and persuade, i guess both now and guns to kind of jump on this moving wagon of the us. so the deal, i doubt very much that they will succeed. and the, the re problem is that on the ground, we have a raging war, both in government, but they're also in the north between israel and cars, but which is threatening to spill over into a full fledged region, or what it's stopped. and so far,
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is the american position of american veto on israel and american pressures and determines messages to era. but once you've helped very much with this american be there. and so we home because if it doesn't, we're looking at the near term catastrophe on, on multiple shots. i mean, we've seen in recent days, these really ministry re, into areas of move in gaza previously declared clara from us. just one that is that not raising doubts queries, a tool about the government strategy for eliminating the group. whether that be within the governments or with the people themselves. is there a lot of doubt? certainly within the why there is very public and is big and is becoming more and more evidence even we're van the why the reason really coming up and within the smaller so for the war cabinet in israel between the prime minister and the defense minister between the both of them and benny gone,
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some guy the eyes and go to our ministers developed portfolio. as we said from the so called a position that joined the coalition. there are multiple differences and, and a very, very strong disagreements between those. but additions of the highest level and also between them and the military, and it's in the pollution because when the war started, there was much more of the cohesion. and the more the more leaders and the more from we are faced with a very difficult reality of the industry. but the so called the victory, there's nothing l promising keeps on promise thing. and it creates more and more disunity. and what it should do in the have freedom of proceed is lead to general election in which there will be hopefully talk to the new government with a token, a new strategy. in this case, which is the more positive scenario,
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the way i see you will still have at least 3 to 4 months of the transitional government, which will be very dangerous periods for obvious reasons. okay, good. good to get your perspective around at the, on the format deputy head of israel's national security council. thank you so much for your time. thank you for joining us here in the studio. is mohammed la street. he is a political analyst and profess a media studies at the deadlines. 3 for graduate studies. good to have you again. we have it. you are listening into that conversation. it feels like we are at a, at an impasse. yeah. because i mean, clearly we have these divisions within these really wood cabinet, a growing, but as we had a from our guests, there is nothing seems to be really reckoning promise and this and yeah, because he's got the fall right on his side as me. right. i mean he's certainly um, getting pressure from people like, uh, benny guns and you're off kalonde and also pressure from the united states. but i
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think the, the more important pressure is, the pressure that he gets from the, from the far right from people likes smoke church. and i'm ben give here because his political survival depends more on them then on anyone else. and so he's been sort of unwilling to bend to any of these other other pressures. and, you know, i thought it was interesting listening to a bunny dance and his 6 point plan. and i agree with what the guys do said there's really not a lot there. i mean, the very 1st point is the dismantling of them from us, which experts the world over have been saying for 7 and a half months is completely unrealistic. right? so from what i can gather many dance is also calling for forever war a perpetual war on because of strep. and that certainly doesn't represent a lot of difference from netanyahu. so where, where do we go from here? i mean, we have that, jake sullivan, he's been in saudi arabia. he's now in israel. is it?
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i mean, what more could the united states be during to? well, the united states has all the leverage the united states could have ended this uh, you know, before it started the united states uh, is always one phone call away from, from ending this war. they have all the leverage of israel. they could simply tell israel that we're not going to supply you with weapons. israel would not be able to survive without critically then i'm going to go that far. well, this point now, they're not going to go that far. and i think we're just in a, in an abyss right now, quite, quite frankly. and there's an increasing acknowledgment even from is within is really circles that israel is not winning this war. in fact, i thought it was interesting. there's a former most sod deputy chief who's named a rom uh ben brock who came out with really interesting comments this weekend. he said that israel is losing this war quote on it quickly and he challenged the government and his rarely citizens to provide him with even one thing that is real has succeeded in. so there's acknowledgement that israel's losing the war even by
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any chance is acknowledging it. implicitly, by trying to cast blame on netanyahu, yet no one has any sort of vision for the way forward. no one is willing to talk about the root causes of the conflict. the root causes of the october 7th attack. no one wants to talk about the c, john gaza, or the occupation or palestinian self determination or the lack there of. and therefore here we are. we have the guitars for a long time, really sort of trying to drive a some sort of negotiation, but even not seems to have a store or yeah, i mean we're, we're at the same sticking point. you know, from us is demanding and an end to the war. they see it as a genocidal assault on the gaza strip. there have been $35000.00 plus the fatalities they want, that they want an end to the war. israel, as we seen with netanyahu, with the launch with, with, can see the entire war cabinet. they are all promising to continue the war until her mazda is completely dismantled, which, as i've said,
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and those many analysts have said, seems to be, at least, as we said here today, completely unrealistic. okay, mohammed hopefully the next time we talk we'll have something slightly more positive to discuss mohammed mastery. let's go ahead and listen professor media studies of the don't institute for graduate studies. the police in new york have beaten and arrest and protest is demonstrating in support of palestinians. riley happened in conjunction with all those around the us where people are accusing the government of being complicit in israel's genocide in gaza. i'll just, i'll just there is heidi joe. customizable, about $200.00 demonstrators gathered in brooklyn carrying palestinian flags at 1st rallying peacefully. but as they moved into the streets chanting loudly and some carrying torches, least moved in n y, p. d came in from a side street and started robbing people at random. they were tackled to the ground
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as they were on the ground, and be placed under rest often by multiple officers. officers repeating them, punching them in their upper body around their heads. observer say the beatings continued for an extended time, and many protesters were arrested. the remains unclear why police intervene in this manner. there were also protests in washington. several 100 people raised the rain in the nation's capital to support palestinians and to mark the knock box, their historic mass displacements due to israel's founding. on this dreary day in the us capital of washington, people are braving the rate to come out and memory the anniversary of the knock by their palestinian americans and their supporters coming to the nation's capital, their chanting re palestine,
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and they're choosing us president joe biden of named complicit in genocide in his support of israel's war. one guys us, we have been protesting. we have been hitting the streets and we have been educating the people on the palestinian play. we see the belong of the blank. checks that keep going. keep going to the israeli military. earlier in the week, the us house of representatives rebukes biden for pausing, a shipment and bombs. israel, demonstrators say that us should stop giving military aid to israel altogether. highly jo, castro, alger 0, washington, still ahead on the algae 0. the cranium space, how the country is using drones to make up for a lack of the west and weapons as washer advances the, the, the
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how are we still have plenty of pools on site across the eastern pa, solve year. a lovely big area of high pressure just nestled in here with us drawing in those wins. think from it a generally southerly direction. go this area of life pressure which for some very heavy rain into a west and positive jeremy across the low countries east in areas of the frogs is going to revolve around in a similar, obviously going through the next couple of days. because bumping into that area of high pressure, now the one i have towards the black sea and that's keeping it pretty much in play, says the particular path feature. but it's going to be there for a while and it will bring further outbreaks of wet weather and across gemini dental with the low countries. from still seeing some wet weather. another system does actually make his way across the by a base guy through northern areas, spain and portugal. so some live use house continuing, not just through sunday. also it as a go on through monday and some already went by the 5 that states just pushing across into the western side often. but it's regular north, west to pride for london. $21.00 degrees celsius has some of the temperature of
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that fluoride power is $24.00 over and also looking at a similar temperatures at 4 plus my best. some will. so if athens good around the 2 degrees, warm sunshine to across mountains of north africa, few, she has into northern algae area with shala's for west africa. the in the us is always of interest, the people around the world. this has been going on for
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a number of hours for surprise, but you see the report 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important. it impacts the lives at the high school is going to high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good at bringing the news to the world. from here the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, is there a mind a top stories this, our dozens of people have been killed in is riley attacks across scada. most of the
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casualties have been reported in the news. is really full, says have attacks a residential block as well as the shelves have for people who lost their homes. women and children cubing force that were hit by the strikes. and central garza, an overnight is really striking a home in missouri. it's refuge account killed at least 20 people, women and children for among the dead on inches and taken to i'll ask the hospital instead of the pressure rooms up on, is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu route cabinet minister benny gans says he will resign a missing yahoo 1000 the outline, a post class. acosta waste is pining off across the gaza strip, contaminating water, polluting the, and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians of sheltering and make shift housing in on the wasi. forced to live
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along, go grind sides of rubbish. and as michael apple report, it's making a di, humanitarian situation even was all. milwaukee has become a sea of tens, hundreds of thousands of palestinians, of sheltering here. but something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish. just continue to grow a like many other palestinians faults the no show any has been displaced several times. she says, living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now, good to know your lee is really is told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies,
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and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly. have no, sir. you have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis, a silent strength to people in gaza. thousands of tons of unconnected rubbish is contaminating water sources, spreading diseases, polluting the a and providing a breeding ground from mosquitoes and other pests like racks and snakes. i've been in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of the madison, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make a living spend to long side mountains of waste in the industry. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice,
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we left immediately. this is no laughing matter, nor is it the game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we had to settle here near waste dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi, a safe humanitarian zone. is it from bob's rough palestinians? he has sights neither save no humane mike level, i'll do there. well, the un humanitarian, if, as agency is holding a conference here in doha aimed at increasing corporation with capital. i go see humanitarian costs in golf is top of the agenda. the speak to a salma been debate who joins us from that meeting in doha. so what exactly are they going to be discussing a summer but as you mentioned, goals, that remains the top priority here as the you and release. you've described it as a,
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an insult to humanity. this is you an author of the office for coordination for commodities need assistance as well as the cost to the government coming together for a 3 pronged strategy. whereas they are going to be trying to implement a more robust diplomacy, built around him attitude and a to him at attending diplomacy. so they can influence act as not just as individual entities or states withdraw the in a framework which allows them to better provide aid and resolve conflicts. also, to provide a more robust mechanism for delivering to meditating 8 and, and as well as trying to reach in area where their focus is on development and humanitarian needs is, are reduced. and more people are self sufficient than send for lions rather than relying and communicating a trade. so it's some of the problems start to do that. these 2 entities are going to work towards a, as we've been hearing from the highlighting countries, officials and for the positive who is the minister of state for international cooperation as well as the you and rights chief and,
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and not just the crisis in gaza. but there's more to talk more in broad strokes on the verse prizes in africa right now, which is in so done it, crisis has been prolonged and also in asia. but i've got a sound remains at an area where the international community still has not found a way to deal with the people who apply to sign. so all of those areas are going to be brought under a spring book. they're both at the end. the un office bar, commodity, and insistence of going to a closer and trying to resolve all of these conflicts and deliver 8 to people who are not the ones who are easiest to reach, but the ones who need it the most. thank you for that was on the been jervey that for us in del, the the, the latest flooding in, of gone to stone has killed more than 70 people in the central provinces of school and for young. now the 150 all missing agencies say people's desperately needing to monetary assistance of
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a 300 people were killed in northern. i've done this done last week and some of the flooding cuts you. lopez for the young thoughts of the flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. c, they'll look at it is we got that the have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo rate. we have nothing to give out. children witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the plots came in. people have lost everything to their property,
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cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet the reason of my wheat fields, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again,
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i'll just hear the french forces have launched what bank holding a major operation to clear roads linking. you've kind of don't use capital to its main efforts. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds injured in the french pacific territory over the past week. a may of the capital in the media says the city is seized. thousands of indigenous colored people have been protesting against challenges to local election goals. critics say the reforms, favor french nationals. we can speak now to jimmy. no, no. he's a member of the cadillac socialist, national liberation from political 0. he joins us from new media in new. caledonia, thank you for your time today sir. can i start by asking you the latest situation on the ground, how tens all things, especially as move french troops and to the country? good, thank you for reading on line to 0,
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a good situation. margaret brown has no improvement of the been, as you mentioned, the police and the policies have a clear the main road due to the competency the from the internet of apple. but we still have some buckets of the tension during the sub games of the been days of violence, which i've left 6 people dead. many of course ended presumably this is not what you want. do you feel the situation has gotten out of hand? is that the people i do know we haven't been participated peacefully over the last 2 or 3 months against the said it goes on but but. ready by the macro government um but they have looked at our court or anything were told to be suspended no withdrawal. so it was kind of taking it to the street. and so since monday night,
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when it went to the last one or somebody virus and things i would cut the out of hand on his blast with the police forces underground to can you tell us what it is exactly that the cannot people want? what is it that you will fighting for reading for 17 independence, a district that has been ongoing for the last 240 to 50 years. and we've been calling for the funds to the bush in a way to watch. and the defendant's good franchises are kind of that. so this is where we're getting into this situation now as the french government kind of our core for this, a helicopter form to be withdrawn. so then i got into the said situation, we also need to put an address in process that to the starting in the eighty's, we have a totally got these listed under unites in this, in the car. as i'm going to list a company to be caught on that. so we assume knowledge because i know there's some
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process through peaceful agreements w but signing the 1980 to 1919 now yeah, negotiating the new book to the, to a new refundable independence. but it does not make it easier for us to, to take the so they have been 3 independence referendums held already, all of which you've lost a. so how do you go forward from that when the last through the good, when we as indigenous people come to nice people on the weekends and it did not take by a conductor up front of it. so we thought to see that the, the legitimate so that's how we're going for a newer to friend. i think we need to reach a new particular agreement to take this forward to view the new rep random. but the fact that the front is pretty, so it'd be sent incredible for there's nothing i would say. but because we've,
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the electronic brawley's open we, i will be getting more non citizens onto the airport road suite to which we often of the, our people here again give you kind of it. so what is it going to take them for you to actually have these conversations with the governing the french government? i mean, uh, i believe french president emanuel macro says he's offered to hold talks with you a little make is he offered to have a video cool with you, but that was then canceled. why was that? can you explain? i mean, what is it going to take for both sides to actually sit round the table? we start to discuss it a little since the last and the good to take to one that that some of the we've been funded totes, and the defense government has got to be brought to it has to digging aside we do not completely. they've been in to close. so that is why the folks have been in the rain and that's why we've courtney bought a highly, whether or not,
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but admission from virus to to, to the, to come to new kind of demand to you to set that. we're going to do the thought static it, but for this top, so we do. that's why we go to the electronic form to be withdrawn. so that we can have peacefulness discussions at pitchbook tops towards the new, but it's kind of agreement. but in this whole negotiation of discussions, it is up and coming up as the thing it's so, but as, as, as the popular to the discussion, it has to coincide isn't because it'd be neutral. you know what's happening today in your at and, and, and in terms of the protest, is that going to continue until you get where you want. and we've been going for the body as to the stuff with the buddy puppy school that the discussions. but yeah, i think by the next couple weeks we should be able to resume thoughts. but again,
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as i don't saying it, our a t t do might of these fall funds for the government to the withdrawal, the form i place to suspended for sending that need to be different admission. and then we're going to resume the adults that we've been calling for, for these voters. and just for the kind of pick up again on the adults from says the cares as an advice on of taking sides and supporting the cadillac people. is that true? and if so, what supports are they providing exactly where we need direct support from how's it by going through the different guys, but you know that the i 5 who initially do president set up and the deal was because of the men in that moment to each of the object guys? yeah. i was just taking part over the last many years. you know, so i that there's no,
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let me visible any difference from either by john in the class. what's a senior kind of tony a little to some of that. that's one of the countries to me, i appreciate your time today to me. no, no member of the can i can socialist national liberation front political bureau speaking to us that for me. thank you. thank you. oh, hastens all celebrating flag day with festivities held in the capital pool to prince. celebration marks the creation of the haitian flag in 18. those 3 dying buttons has been tearing the country apart since the assassination of the former president, juvenile, noisy, in 2021. united nation says the crime wave in hays. he is out of record high or within 2 and a whole 1000 people were killed or injured between january and march. so
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that because the former president jacob zoom has promised to create jobs and tackle crime at the launch of his newly formed m. k party. in switzer juma is challenging his former policy, the governing african national congress, and general elections at the end of this month. the former president is due to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes link to a multi $1000000.00 ons deal before his time. in office, the ukraine has launched a series of long range drones strikes aimed at damaging rushes, oil industry, including a report of the attack on the fuels f o in are all sold. ukrainian government sees dr. ins as a vice, a weapon to disrupt the russian economy. and military operations set the target to
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producing 1000000 unmanned aircraft this year, john home and has known this from keith. so everyone knows it's in the long range ukrainian on mine day across, slamming into buildings in yellow, bu, good, tough. it's the country service reported striking to russia. 1300 kilometers from the buddha. low moraine strains have now become a vital part of ukraine's will machine. in particular, enabling it to attack rushes with infrastructure, trying to effect its energy sales and fuel for its on a set of keys. crowd funding organization collects donations and turns them into weapons for the army explains why they using low range drugs. we how know a lot of the styles that's does the trouble and every time when we ask about some styles from german partners, so fragile really sure. united states, so they need to waste
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a long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long rage as roles. he's one of the above bed. you a v was a reach of a 1000 colombia to it can fly up to 7 hours like of this. it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop. says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work couple of issues to these difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack. and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure. to write instructions for use on the front lines, the rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest model from gardens company breaks. it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and
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then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munition that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for reconnaissance, for strikes around the front lines. i'm for the tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to this fight trainings to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important. the victory will perhaps just survival depends on john home. and i'll just say to you, craig, so it has on out as there is really solid, needs help to make decisions and give up some things you may want to stay with us and then you can paint a bleak picture. we look at the effective use of funding concepts, inspection,
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the hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say, profit from east wales war, some of the students try to prevent the police from entering the university. one by one, they were arrested. the police been rated hamilton hall and their objective to detain . the students who had barricaded themselves inside. they broke a window and entered view of the 1st story. scales broke out on the capital. the students were evicted from the holy. johnson's were arrested. even the students that with the teens, nobody is resting, and we will not stop until columbia. it's our demand. columbia university, it's a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. god, how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next,
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the students of columbia university have already made history. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the for decades, the u. k. all the sector has played an important role in the countries cultural influence around the world. use of funding counts. universities and our institutions have shifted the narrative amongst ports is in this quiet london pock. my t at out status is an artist working with sound through her all. she seeks to connect the natural world with the human turning electromagnetic signals from plants into
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a kind of music in the u. k. there's no clear cut career path for office like maggi who's pursuing a most as degree. goldsmith at the university of london. it's not just an old school. it has other disciplines. there's austin humanities. there's politics, all of these of the departments. so i was really, really fields and i've often goldsmith is not just the craze of award winning office like damian huston oscar winning direct is like steve mcqueen. but in recent months it's hard to make difficult decisions announcing thousands of job cuts and calls, cancellations. don't from us as one of the most prestigious universities in the u. k. and among us graduates and globally recognize office acts as musicians and writes as like many british educational, an awesome institutions. it's face financial pressures and recent years. and some
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stuff here say that worried about the future. even the ones who are not in the affected departments feel very upset because often people come to goldsmith not just to study in that particular department. all to design because scouts, mrs. interdisciplinary. so i think that they've been really disappointed with what's happening. student fees support higher education in britain, but often. so it is public funding to a government decision in 2021 to identify several academic areas for spending. cuts has placed thousands of on some humanities courses at risk. we're now seeing i really noticeable acceleration in the decline and in some cases, dismantling of us and crowds of courses at university and higher education level campaign is like jack on both sides. that's a long term problem for nation that's known as an autistic powerhouse site space. 5, i'm a type martin behind me on 2 shiny examples of the you case, cultural sector and crates of industries. the country be over a 1000000000 pounds a year to the utah economy. the government has identified the cries of industries
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as one of the 5 priority areas, the gross, and yeah, the same times the government is costing its funding for the hot some trades of course. is that the, the talent pipeline into these globally successful industries? i don't know it's, it's like massy. this makes a question. her future career choices. i just feel out of control basically. and i, i feel like it's, it's, it's really solid needs help to make decisions and give up some things that you may have wanted to do. working 3 jobs already just to support herat. anxiety is now a discordant note. in her creative sounds case, the months i'll just say around london. a prominent arabian janice has dedicates of had press freedom award in policy, palestinian janice in gaza and i hate him. the date was awarded the jose a coast of press freedom award in spain. she's dedicated it to all just there is golf at be
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a chief while though do whose last several family members were covering the wall, how much it was detained for reporting on the death in police custody of 22, all mess the i'm any response nationwide. anti government purchase in iran. ok, that's it for me. money and 5. this is i'll be back to my our oceans are on the switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back. eating off the choices, sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is the last shock. reporting in the field
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means i often get the witness, not just the news is breaking, but also history. as it's unfolding. from one day i might be covering politics covering protest. what's most important to me is understanding what's they are going through or so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible through it. i was just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. i'm kind of foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed, luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the
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shortest possible time donates with confidence over 27000 harrowing photographs. as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out of 0 photos, powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, the, is there any will change the targeting refugee counts across garza funerals. the held off to striking out is there it's killed at least 20 people this is out. is there


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