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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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to cause i'm not earning an a thing, they have stopped the night shift at the mills. they say there are no orders, so the machinery will be use less. we are worried. the unemployment crisis in a once flushing industry is a major issue in india. general elections, the sect is dependent on the central government, which buys up most of that you find the produce for green sacks and packaging. but since new denny reduced, the volume of green purchases orders have to say, separate global events have contributed to the most. because the last 5 years, we've seen some major events happening globally. let's say when you speak about psyched on time frame, it's starting to that go with both of these, the big trucks to the industry and you know, because some time to come out from it then forced that, the show you clean water would like to lot of the devices and etc increasing. so the government for fuel mental feet has been the 1st for the last 2 years and
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anticipation and speeding to lower demand of the drawbacks the, the for the product which be for back to the fact from mr. movie who seeking to set them accuses to, to move congress, which is govern bus symbols since 2011. neglecting the industry to open the, the, the heart of the jews industry is in a miserable condition. there was no one to speak to the rights of the work is we increased the price for the crop and made it mandatory for grains in sugar to be pectin cute bags. so it helps bomb is put in the home state of jude, the governing trinna mole. congress only lies in february. the local government signed an agreement with the owners and played unions to increase the wages of old youth workers across the state. but it's not enough. unemployment has been a major issue in all phases of the elections the voters like so he's in need of
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a job and a stable income. i'm a costume chevy. i'll just see the has had another reminder of the indian government has known transit visa savages who is generous or coming the election from outside the country. the equity was president says he's open to restoring ties with mexico weeks off. it's embassy and kito was rated. he says it would be conditional or mexico, respecting the decisions of it's traditionally mexico to 7 times with ecuador, off to security forces, stormed his diplomatic mission to detain. a former ecuadorian vice president for head glass class had twice been convicted of corruption. you're up to date as it for me, and the bulk of the news continues to announce is era costa upfront. so watching the we are looking at now is low. the flow from the nearby to pile landfill garbage has
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reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. denisia is one of the worlds that talk contributing as of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promotion. recycling the us senate is points to vote on the anti semitism awareness that
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a bill that some say with complete criticism of israel with anti semitism. so what would it mean for the movement against israel's war on garza and to jewish communities grappling with fear for their safety? that conversation is coming up. but 1st, as israel continues this war on guys that it's leadership is far from presenting a united front, that support continues to grow within prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet, as the government also faces discontent and protest from his rally citizens. so what lies ahead for the countries leadership and what impact will it have on the palestinian israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu government has been called the most right wing government since the countries inception. and in the midst of israel's war on gaza, which is now when its 7th month, the pool of the far right agenda has left a pronounced mark in the manner in which as the war is being conducted. but these rarely public discontent with this government is growing as are the divisions
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within netanyahu's cabinet itself. so what lies ahead here to speak with us about it is journalist and editor is really new site local call, or the noises on upfront or lee. thank you so much for joining us. israel seems to be preparing for a full scale invasion of the southern city of rough, but meanwhile tensions continued to mount between members of the government. with many, from the far right, urging the prime minister to ignore international pressure to call. busy a further assault on the city of norfolk, there been numerous times in the disagreements have come out to the public. they've been airing their disagreements in the public sphere. how deep right now are the cracks in these really government? oh, thanks so much for having me. it's a very problematic composition of, of governments, and the disagreements are quite deep, but not deep enough to really threat. mr. now, is government, at least not at this point. it is very obvious back to guns,
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and he's camp are a very much not satisfied with the way that, that then, you know, has been handling the war. and they are very, very much aware of the growing public pressure to end the war. nope, because these really public is so much worried with the whole horrifying massacre disease or it has been con, conducting in gaza. but rather because there is a growing understanding among days, really public's activities actually know what it is to bring back those among the hostages that are still still alive and, and those who are not without ending the war. that's on the other hand, it to me y'all is very much a hostage, so to speak, in the hands of the ex, treatments in these governments. people like it's a mile bank via but to lead small toilet. so it stops. and in the so that's
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a very couldn't guarantee a threaten to bring it up to the the government. if latonya backs down from a full sledge attack on the roof off. that seems to be approaching you. you raised an important point here. benjamin. that's in. yeah. whose position as prime minister is directly link it's beholden to, hostage to, to use your language and his political alliances with the far right. people likes motors and been viewed. but that's what, that's what that's he has always been good at managing those alliances and doing what's necessary to stay in office is that continue? which i think that's uh, nathan, you know, i got to caught up with the self image of himself as this, you know, in, in hebrew is very often referred to as the magician, the political magician that can always, you know,
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make his way as through the most difficult of surfing political circumstances. i don't think that this is the case. any more. uh, i, there hasn't been a single reliable opinion. public opinion poll that shows any degree affected of public satisfaction with his conduct as prime minister with the way he's been handling the the for so you know, at the best scenario, furniture now we are talking only to enable him to finish that term. there is no future political future for understanding. yeah, this is quite clear for everybody. i'm not sure he's understanding it, but there is no way around it. he cannot, he will not be able to form a government the following the next, the next american. fortunately, of course, what i mean is the question about that because we keep talking as if nothing yahoo
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is gesturing to the right and appealing to the right out of political expediency. but why are we not to believe that he actually is the right wing extremist, that he aligns themself with? and he only appears moderate to uh, to, to, to get more widespread acceptance of me. who is netanyahu at the core? and honestly, i don't see it. i mean, for me personally, it doesn't really match. so there's a match or is a person is promoting fascist, racist, of a supremacy policy is because he truly believes in them or just to, to accommodate his put the political partners. i don't think that this thing is relevant. the fact is, but that then y'all has been promoting extreme needs all of those of policies and not totally visa because uh you said that uh uh mr. nell has been shooting,
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you know, uh, 2 or directions. he's been provoking of the situation in the north. she's being provoked. seems to be the situation visa be wrong. he has been promoting extreme anti democratic conduct against the palestinian citizens of each man. there is a growing persecution in because district persecution of a note on the palestinian citizens, but also of jewish activities, or anybody who you know, expresses any har reset the what's going on him, john saw or speaking about a genocide. so to, you know, if, if this is really the person or just who's for me to go 1st. so now i don't think that there is a difference anymore. it, it makes any difference at this point. speaking of the far right,
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the far right has been very vocal in israel over the last week, particularly after a present invite and announced that he wouldn't be sending any more weapons to israel if they were going to be using the ground invasion in the roof or now, of course, since that announcement biden is the greatest and other stuff to you know, of billions of dollars over $1000000000.00 in, in aid to israel. so it was a shortly in a moment of frustration for the right, but never the less. when it happened, a security minister, it's more been veered, tweeted, mass loves buying and how may i have heart bided in response when you see this type of rhetoric coming out of these really government and aimed at israel's top ally the united states. 1 when critics would argue the u. s. has been very little terrain in israel during this time. how does that impact the international standing of israel? there is no question that these valleys at the most difficult position
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regarding its international position since its establishment 76 years ago. there was no doubt about that. we are losing grounds not. we've only we saw our biggest ally of the united states, but also we split our countries, we school, we have peace reducing the they are burning all of the political breaches of israel. we to forge of for rights ministers in the cabinet. how does no for the dodge of, for is, was international staff to they are really searching for something fundamentally different to be chipped through chaos through our govern armageddon and, and mr. neal, who is really a captive right right now in their hands and that's in yahoo. doesn't have to call
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for elections until october of 2026. but there's still been a mounting pressure for all the reasons you've mentioned for him to schedule early elections. he of course, has dismissed uh these uh, these, these demands arguing that israel is at war and that elections would essentially, to use his language, paralyzed houses, negotiations, and that it would bring it into the war before the goals are completely achieved. how do you respond to this argument from nothing yahoo that effectively he's not going to call for early elections, which is what the people want because it would undermine the stability and growth of the country? nope, i think that's following up until the 7th. and the horror and the shock into the rage. that's uh, uh the is really public salesman. some yeah. oh um, knew that you'd have to do something drastic. and i think that's in
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a way his thoughts that match didn't match the occur would ease the sense of the banjo. this was very much existing among, among these fairly public. and therefore in that way, reduced the political pressure that he was under. that's the best thing is, is that he promised these really public things that he could never filled. 2 things . one is the return of the hostages, and the 2nd is the ultimate victory. the final victory, the absolute speak 3, which nobody really has any idea of what it is supposed to look like. the big list of these to the find? no, they actually, the victory allows the fall right to sink. oh, to imagine the absolute victory as the final in the elation of gospel street. and we should really be aware of that,
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that there are people in these when not so few that on the stand, the is really victory as the ultimate to 9 nations of the gaza strip. and this among other is what brought us to it is the international court of justice or the noise. i wanna thank you so much for joining me on upfront. thank you. back the, the anti semitism awareness act is points for a vote in the us senate to pass in the house earlier this month by a large majority. the bill with right into law, the international holocaust remembrance, alliances definition of anti semitism which civil liberties groups. they will both suppress criticism of the state of israel and make it more difficult to address the actual anti semitism. pro israel politicians have been pushing for the bill since 2016, but appear to be capitalizing on the climate of fear that it has arisen in recent months over demonstrations against israel's continued war on guys. so what will
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this mean for pro palestinian organizing, as well as for conversations around anti semitism? joining us to discuss this is read by j michelson. he is a contributing columnist for the forward and we also have last treatment with this president of the foundation for middle east peace. thank you both for joining me. laura. i'm actually going to start with you. if past this bill is going to write the international holocaust, remember it's alliance is a definition of anti semitism into federal law saying that quote, anti semitism is a certain perception of use which may be expressed as hatred towards use. now, this is joe, seems like a pretty benign definition, but human rights watch the c o u american civil liberties union and but selling these really human rights group and others are sounding the alarm over the adoption of an i h r a definition. why? so that the battle around the ice r i definition of had to semitism has been going on, as you said, since 2016. and it really isn't over the sentence you read. although experts on
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anti semitism will say that that sentence is badly written and doesn't really say much. the battle is really around a set of examples that are appended to that definition. and there's controversy over how they became appended to it. but those, those examples of the majority of them deal not with hatred or discrimination or threats or violence against jews is jews. they deal with criticism of israel and this is the latest controversy. this isn't the 1st with the anti semitism during this act. is that this is really a self effort to redefine anti semitism to not only include criticism of as well, but just focus on and prioritize it. and then have that as a weapon against palestine rights activism against organizing and even against jewish people around the world to criticize this route. because according to that definition, examples, for example, if you're an organization like mine which focuses only on his role palestine or narrowly focused, people argue,
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well that means you're anti semitic because under the ira definition, criticism is deemed to be anti semitic. if you're not equally criticizing, all others were guilty of similar bad behavior, which is sort of like saying, you can't have an organization that focuses only on the welfare of say, elephants. if you focus on the welfare of elephants, that means or n, t, the welfare of every other organ as of every other animal, right? it's, it's, there's something in name about this to suggest that in order to criticize, in order to engage in criticism of israel, you have to be an anti semite that that's what it's setting up as an argument. jay, what do you say to the person who pushes back to that argument? that large is laid out and says, yeah, but there has to be some room uh to criticize a very real practice of isolation. for example, if we criticize israel for having an imperfect democracy, right? all the nations in the world, the call themselves democratic, are imperfect democracy is. but if we only focus on israel's,
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then that represents an example of isolation and exceptionalism and ultimately anti semitism. what do you say to people who say that these kinds of double standards are the problem? well, i think the question is whether it is a double standard. i mean, israel is so uniquely situated, some of the countries of the world's leading recipient of us foreign aid. it has a lot, there is a whole special relationship between the countries. there are many reasons why one might focus on the imperfect democracy to use your phrase in israel, rather than somewhere else. it's just, it's just as far as that, there are many reasons why you might want to focus on the, let's say, misdeeds or, or actions of one country and not necessarily another. and again, israel as is reliant on american foreign aid. so these things are happening on our dime. the ira definition has no space for any of that nuance. now j if the bill is past the, the department of education is going to be required to use the i h r a definition. when judging anti semitism complaints within american
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universities and against universities. it will also revolt funding for schools that failed to discipline or even ban events. uh professors, campus groups who speak out against israel. now, jewish parents, warren's us, that we're seeing and unfolding what they call moral panic. that power allows the red squares or the 19 twenties and the 1950s. how do you see it? i mean, i, i described this as a model panic back in december, january, where we saw university presidents hauled before a congressional committee in a process designed to trap them. and i think what's interesting about moral panic is it is a panic. there are a lot of reasons and i think it's important to make space for those. there. a lot of reasons why americans choose to feel profoundly unsettled right now. obviously october 7th and the unprecedented hires of that day. and then also the ways in which many of our allies in the progressive community either did or didn't respond . and then the rupture of both legitimate,
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i would say anti israel protests and illegitimate anti semitism. and americans who is, are in this really heightened state and it's very, it's a very tough time that a lot of people are experiencing. and that condition is being weaponized by opportunists, primarily on the right to further their own ends, which are ends, which are really about attacking all kinds of a university education. attacking what they see is instruments of liberal culture and indoctrination and so forth that jews have been enlisted in this war on work. is there a tremendously cynical i think exploitation of the real pain that so many americans use are feeling right now a lot. there's been a pattern in recent years of defining anti semitism very, very broadly in the us, the anti defamation league has tally the near 400 percent increase in anti submitting incidents since october. this number, however, explicitly counts all palestinian solidarity activism is anti semitic spring
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opposition. from the inside of the atm you have a the staff are saying, hey, this is too broad, we're going to far, that's a red flag. what does this trend mean for, for, for efforts to actually combat anti semitism? look, i mean, as we move further and further away from what is the common sense understanding of what is anti semitism which really boils down to threats, discrimination against violence, against hatred of jews because they are jewish and you move further and further into conflicting being jewish with supporting israel, which let's remember, has always been considered anti semitic. you open the door for a whole new surge of real anti semitism which you don't record and you're not watching because you're giving cover to it by saying, well, they support israel, so they're not anti semitic. and by the way, we're much more worried. and if you look at the last couple 80 l reports, you'll see that even in their huge 3rd, they're saying of what they call into some it doesn't. the majority of anti semitism of their recording is not related to what they call israel or, or
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a hatred or protest against israel's treatment of palestinians. it's actual hatred against jews. but if you read the headlines, all they're focusing on is the palestinian rights protests criticism that is around what it's doing in gaza. they're prioritizing that in the fight against that above all else. well 1st that's picking up our largest site. if you compare the anti semitism that is present in some quarters of the far left to what's happening in the far right, we've got a holocaust deniers being the republican nominee for the governor of north carolina . that is, that is a way, more serious threat. i feel as a rabbis to my own safety to the safety of american choose, then any, you know, anti semitic a events that happened on a college campus. you know, by a lone activists here there by somebody who has, who has maybe even coming, you know, from the outside and, and kind of trying to stir up trouble. there is just no comparison. there's no,
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there's no democratic equivalent with, you know, donald trump, dinings nic fuentes, for example, noted white supremacists, an anti anti semite, and a neo nazi, basically. so there's just, it's, it's, there's sort of a comparison or an equation of occasional over steps on the left or i would say, i do think i do think that at some campuses didn't, protestors could do a better job of drawing clear lines, making sure that no individual jewish students are being harassed in any way, making sure that no conspiratorial claims about, do you know, some jewish conspiracy controlling politics are made in any way. however, the vast majority of those protests are at the appalling nature of the war and gaza . and i may agree or disagree with, you know, everything, some active assess, but that is a political protest obviously. and i want to add one thing, which is, you know, i think it, it might be helpful for viewers to kind of see where some of the jewish students
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are coming from. and these campuses, you know, i grew up in the conservative jewish move in kind of the middle of the road in terms of religiosity in america and zionism. not just love of the land of israel or historical ties land visiting. but political scientism was part of my jewish education and it became part of my jewish identity when i was a teenager. and to see that attacked can make a lot of folks feel as though they were being personally attacked. and so i think it could be helpful to just sort of what are we doing, but that's a, comes out of those. what do we do with that logic? right? so if we say right, political science isn't, was baked into this in the same way that maybe slaveholding was baked into, you know, early america and, you know, education isn't for white americans, right? in any disruption of people's way of life can be unsettling. and it can, they can feel as a personal attack, but at the marlin political levels, how do we respond to the fact that people personalize those things? you know, that's right. i don't love that analogy, but even so i think there's, yeah that just because somebody feels as though they may be being targeted because
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of their identity, that doesn't mean that that's what's actually happening. i think we could both both sides, so to speak, to with a little more empathy of what's happening. i think jewish students on campus. i do feel as though they're under attack, we could put kind of understand that subjective experience without weaponized thing . it and, and listing the role of the federal government to police speech into punish campuses that don't punish free speech. right? that's clearly not the way to deal with the pain that people are feeling. i think it could also, and, and conversely, people who were concerned about these protests and who were scared by these protest could use a bit more empathy of the with the protesters, let alone with the people and gods of course. and could see where they're actually coming from, but in neither case should the power of the states and the power of the purse strings and also the criminal power, you know, the power of the state to, to, to punish crime. being listed to patrol political speech loud journalist musher guessing has pointed out that even the acclaimed german jewish philosopher, honda,
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all right, would be labeled anti semitic under the h r. a definition. specifically, the portion that deems, quote, comparisons of contemporary is rarely policy to that of the nazis. a rent widely considered when the 20th century is great, as scholars on anti semitism, genocide and holocaust once compared to jewish is really power military group to the nazis were attacking and killing in error village. if this does become the legal definition of anti semitism, where does the ultimate lead use? who are critical design? is of all i mean, much like the debate around the demonstrators and the protests right now. it's effectively invisible lives of jewish people who are critical of as early as it effectively deems them not existing in the debate or themes. i'm not jewish. and therefore legitimate to that. and we have terms that have come up in recent years like, and you or, you know, as you mean or i've seen resign china, no jew in name only. i mean, there is
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a new framework being being brought in by some parties who really want zionism to be judaism, which says that if you are not an ardently zionist you, you're not really jewish. and by contrast, if you aren't jewish, but are ardently zion is, you are kind of jewish or more jewish than the jews who criticize. so we're in this moment of great irony is where, you know, you have this enormous pressure. a lot of it from forces like the idea of it also forces like the anti woke right. and we're not particularly interested in jewish safety saying you must pass this to protect jews even as it will. you know, invisible lies a large part of the jewish population. united states and other places, and an israel that is extremely critical of israel and does not believe that zion is an is exactly the same as being jewish, larry freedman, rabbi j. michelson. thank you both so much for joining me and upfront everybody. that is our show upfront, we'll be back the
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of the . ringback the, as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for
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palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does either the color that i'm just asking you to, and this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really strike on a residential building in northern gauze. it kills at least 28 people, palestinians all searching through the rubble for victims. meanwhile, in the south strikes continue to pound. rafa hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians a flat the.


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