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tv   101 East Reviving Indias Red Pandas  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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justice reveals that says, man, this former police colonel has received several trips for being killed in a benefit kennel. elma fernandez had received the threaten pamphlet circulated on thursday of last week. he filed a complaint with the prosecutors office the following day on friday and on tuesday of this week with the prison of pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them. and this had started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches, more than $5000.00 inmates are crowded into a prison, meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups often control entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials that received better rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs. security experts say the assessing nation is a window into
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a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from a position of weakness faced with the interest of criminals who, wielding nor missed amounts of capital and cash. and also his course of power to very clearly, ret, um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have a real ability to corrupt and course and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have a story, these will not only be able to bring to justice, those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to profess their allison that i'm 50. i'm just need help of what the campaign is for gate rights and through or demanding the government withdrawals. a
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decree the classifies of 7 gender identities, including transgender am transvestite identification as mental illnesses. professors johnson diversity. no diseases. the guy that outside the administrative house in the capital, lima, the government of president lena bull of office as the measures intended to improve health content for the l. g. b plus community. and scientists, and university of western australia. every square footage of a deep sea squared captured out of this month. this is the moment the square dropped its tentacles around a camera, it mistaken for prey on remotely operated under water vehicle. 101 east is next on the box and stay with us on the why have american evangelicals become this real strongest factor is us present.
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. ringback ringback in the eastern human, i use this one of the wills, ravished creatures. why was very much excited to see the species for the 1st time in the white ridge panders a native to the regions mountain forests. but the numbers are plummeting due to deforestation, poaching, and climate change. what's going on? so when you go to and i wasn't going to find the tyler, the longer they, they did a voice i'm bid. so there's, there's an invitation. now an indian breeding conservation program is fighting to not only protect the species but that habitat. it's not just the contribution reading that is important. one of the most important things to kinds of the species
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is to maintain that habitat. one east reveals the bottle to save. india is in danger. red ponders the fed. sanders are almost impossible to study the wind. they found in try 2 spots of the eastern new model is in india, the find me in my boot on in china. that's why my do i need to document their lives begins and then into the shadow of the mind, the conscience and come out as i walk through this wind, she leaves, i need eyes for the 1st time on the endangered firefox. i spotted it's amazing. a brighter edge and a bushy evening deal. a little bigger than
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a house. she stared at me for a 2nd before repeated the timing of her favorite old cheap i watched the shy creatures spend most of the day's lounging in the trees. much like amazing one of the slots of the himalayas, red band of sleep for 80 percent of their day, the location any waking up to munch on their favorite food bamboo. it's no wonder the name fund comes from the in the party would fun. yeah. meaning that will each sundays all the less academy will because it's basically by just their system is backed up with coffee or but like majority it fits on the bumble what us all the categories sticks of the red. find out that make
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it special for you. so like they've been jim a large quantity of modeling bumble and other than that they can, juma varies some insects, the eggs of books. so that's what makes them a bit different from other spaces. read vendors even has ran out up stations and the tongue, making it easier to grab and hold onto vandal. d. i, one of the earliest members to evolutionarily distinct, that'd be only living members of the family. logical society of london describes them as an age species. evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered? these are the most i look live and behave like no others the out in the wires, the see may need to assign creatures can be easily hunted by many natural predators
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. but they have a brilliant chick updates. man ability to climb down trees, head 1st one of the only animals and the one that can pull this off the big windows 7 and the me to decision. so like i really a large number of fed bundles in this landscape. essentially we have seen that didn't last minute think, jody, what the dictates the number has been good thing. so we have to protect the data. yes. and the national park, and you had already mentioned 5 that of cost on for the inducements. each according to the international union for conservation of nature. they may be 7000 red banners in the why of today. for no one really knows, they're asked to population may be lower than 2500. the red sandals
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have been thoughts heavy in the past and suffer from an extremely fragmented habitat to date the that's why the work of the bus with arch from dodge meetings is so important. he's running, indiana's largest and oldest red banner conservation breeding center. it's part of a global species management plan aiming through to an endangered species to the wind. the blue select set density seems to be to look into these vision and whose numbers have been named got turned in the natural habitat. so especially for lucian bidding is done to conduct those spaces in the category and with the option of releasing zoomed back into the white. that's to realize labs of some dedicated wildlife biologist working hard to save, read, find us on their own,
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often impregnable home to the, to the quick moment thought, just revise the has spent the last few years studying red sand as it was working with local communities. every step of the way the i've been calling the connection of good always from the change order says through exploding and exposure to the nature of the you know, what the childhood was. i mean with a better time for me because i saw in, at my home, it says, my name's b. she's like starting from boards and was to i used to sleep with my grandfather,
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especially my grandpa local language. me. but i'm pretty good guy had gotten a he had, he was telling me that story even what he has experienced in his life financial, what kind of stuff cleared out in the store. credit comes to what i'm so yeah, and maybe my background actually has me as a naturalist, as a like when the biologist i visited mom at the in city where she lives with her husband, son of who runs red banner tours on the indian. they bought. i bought a connection, goes back along with tags to santa monica. so read kind as to why and for the 1st time and fell in love with both of them. i have been into single, a national box. so i was very much excited to see the species for the 1st day in
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the why would it give me the bought a different push. why? because it's amazing. it's a nice creator i never seen yet. i found it was very many, most studies done. do you see it? i chose to pick him middle objectives of pocket to understand the status of it. i find those inc protected areas and protected areas. so he just is like going to give you k calling solution impacts copies are definitely need to you. good. ready by now, that does exist at intemperate forrest at all to do similar to the dog shooting. so but scientists have recorded them in areas higher than 4500 meters above sea level . so moment the and i ended up near to come to verify this range the
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so we are now in the last century, which is and 3500 meter or do so this is another us, we double happy that for respond us, which is so by defined forest this far is going to stall him, block trees. so before and that over to the entries as read, find a proposed sort of in entries for roasting purposes. the interesting part is that we are next to the we're done border, the direct vondik. i move easily from, but i will, i had to was done and vice versa of the moment does what can be painstaking. what she can found on a helping hand from sticking forest department, god and local equal volunteers to attract to fond of the
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time any on it is a task. oh good. finish, finish. tony on the pallets. okay. it's a student because up and it says well, on the cost the school will you fresh? i'm just basically my legal numbers, $100.00 to provide me with the cost to the $5.00. was the money go, i'm going to present who this is one of the legal name on the, on the 1st time is how you doing with a while and with the money. how about do much of the why? no. why?
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the 1st time didn't even more due to the, there was a breakfast and i got a computer. jim looked going through my adjust the told you that go easily. i want you to walk into the type of easy to boxing it. how does that, how does the, what does this have? i'm gonna say about a lot of what's that what i don't think there's a big move on in general, and that from the different folders it was he left so lucky just as i did found, to have it that may calculate disturbances what i asked them, how much sense of each other. uh, what are their yeah, we bought by what the uh, internet still bought on it. if china induced double done the, the about the whole thing. okay, i need to go to what is any problem? well then i tried to load it out, i did, but never heard of it load. you have a moment while i still felt it. okay. production is a job as a gate one. does it sound order of the item? you go games or those are decades most did you have to talk to the black computer
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once i did this, the good at of by chance automated kind of did when is a, when i was young, i was either like, the answer is don't go to the easy, pre or by, i didn't find out just the way a goto meeting of a judge wouldn't come through completely. i thought i just took an unto duplicate into his dentist because i'm only one to any. most likely, the 2 hours a week from fun going to come by a nice side street i reach to get a partner of dodge eating. susan's red found a breeding program. the zoo runs a semis secret match making effort, but it also hosts a couple of red band, a show of 5th trip on those here we have book, gee, and her daughter's been minds in my book. she's 8 years old and her daughter's a 6. the same i means a lot of them. i means jewel and book to means chubby. the
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under those huge bars do you don't as a hiding dissent. gland? the females even use un descent mark their territory and communicate their interest in nearby moods during breeding season. so what are the kind of issues that they're usually rich and the way is they have a lot of the schools that from and in the form of federal dog in good of my number is like we during reading season for barking, go and go down in order to get a lot of enemies that the beyond southern region. and have you noticed that dogs cause a threat to assemble? yes, very badly. it's not in the zoo, but they have been the cause of fund of being the by for the dogs and had to do that is in the zoo. in our scenario, it does more of like a 9 to simple issue. people should think it's only on affecting dollars,
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but now you have over $200.00 species that affect the bike and, and the simple unfortunately that, but there's also one of them to find her. an infection has had the breeding base event. so hoping strict protocol measures have dropped the outbreak under control. and the direct vendors may have more than producing op spring, the on single low nation fox border with me. but we could see how deforestation was fragmented, direct vendors, habitat, the, these communities have left here for a long time. the, their, my, the, like my 1st time, bye. they say go and it goes, they, they got the tier is on the finding, the source there that you're defining the source my they might even find out what
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they can do for that. is it the address and cut it out? what i looked here, did you, for like election frustrating to the boss on shared by now spends his time searching for the last of the was why 100 dundas as a track of the visiting tory guns the skill level was getting now and then uh, what if any of the tracking numbers are doing and don't want to go be throw beta mining of it from the with the visual and they say, you know, 5 also when i when i say, oh, i think the, when they say how i like the monitor best funding the table. so what do you know about how to move on to me thinking, let's say moving this, the vision, dale is out of it. we're going to change what are they facing,
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moving well that i'm gonna let some alterman singular brings there that bright foliage on trees like magnolia and me and we were all struck by my deep strong says ok. and mountain ash, red sanders usually stay in one kilometer radius of their smaller but 1st you have to find them. the 1st month to in summer does came out the bus in the winter time. the last 2 weeks is looking for red sand assigned by find a new most helpless find a sweeping beauty
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named out of to come from fondest mazda, she from this old bundle goodness can that's about our presence, disturbing his sleep. the booming investing in his heart's delight. he's perfectly hidden in his trees roost . and when he's had enough, in fact, he moves away slowly towards his next neck. berries of the thing, the fruit, the this winter. many females have been spotted with the cubs. a good sign for the red bandit striving to indemnify border and even better for the no contract. this would depend on them for their livelihood. when it a tricky and go to united someone. so even though they are willing to go to molly,
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but i do quality that is any as to what does the most around can they can they're going to be here to god by so what's funny, so either case and i wasn't going to find out the title of the login. i think they did a voice. i'm good. so in your just make it a point of my let's say you're taking off to resume, find a photographic of duties. i'm. i don't know what that kid is a little closer to determine what these are not to which email i got here. you don't need to do this. i'm sort of a who you can say never to our name when detecting or they can do. there is an additional mentor when you do bundle customer ida bundle taking the boys are not going to take it. so i knew in order to ever do putting any choice ethics or
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my j. u comes a domain. i'm relapse, i can have you come to, god actually does a, i mean they are a income, which i don't want to search by any obama. so you do have that set up an auto money you gave me to find out when i will go to and they told me you've been to the i've got the phone to the lady. i place it would you be able to address? that's why wildlife biologist moment is working so hard to collect data from local trackers and forest gods. their presence alone keeps purchased and helps the local community knowing how to protect, right. find us to, to find out that, that place to log into the field mushroom yet to get us out of the streets anymore . but this was some of the, some good news for somebody on the beach after new by one. but as it was close, i'm going to send them so that i will read bundle something that i may have. we've
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done little massey, no human, imagine polluted, known as a poor. do i have not done to navigate you to see them but this the data, it's out on the stigma most. that'd be good to go and ask for the city last middle. so in my analysis, i have always 74 send a suitable or 80 i split. i find those is lies in the non predicted alias going on though of like district. and so we can do all kinds of ation management. i mean, good, we need to change on to a big factor for the have a good, specially speaking because they are or getting the education season in the secret facility near dodging indian scientists up reading solve the countries most. indeed, jared on the. ringback
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me have 5 major species that tree extensive traits on out of doors, so that fund and smaller are the species that immediately focus on full funds, ovation reading. other than that, we have, he might even use a to button wolf and bushy. the, to cancel the selected bundles under the does watch, will eventually be released from the zoo and back into the white the. and we get
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a sneak peak of some of the lucky with band us right before this is epic releases. so the be the season starts from january and last up to march. so in january we generally analyze the pedigree for their father was with their mother is with a grandfather is so there is no in reading among them and then put them in a suitable best and let them meet and read. and by june, july, they give birth. so right now, in the reading center, we have 2 pairs of fondest that are suitable to meet with each other. in 2002, we need to meet at least 7 and a bond us 2 males and females. before releasing them into the world and we keep them in the soft release for sleeping, which is in the habit that or so that they get used to the habitat and after that
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of the money to them. and when they feel like they are fit to behavior, they need to take care of themselves in the wind. then me release them out of the fighting. is that what he least 3 females have needed with white fonda, and that they've given birth to a total of 5 cops. so we did see all the, all the 5 cups. we were able to track the mother and the cops with them and they were heavy and they were doing that. what is your for for the rest time a species and especially looking at the population feeding program. so it's not just the conservation reading that is important. one of the most important things to console the species is to maintain their habitat, protect the habitat and continuously improve the habitat. so i hope that
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side by side, like with the confirmation beating their habitat goal to improve. so that's been really nice design. removing the while there is a very good chance of them providing and praising the wind and the need for any organization in the future. if they do it very well, like now the this greeny spike um footage of for baby find out waking up permit number is a huge sign of success for india is conservation reading project and put all the new find if i'm in the playing against the on there is hope for some of the was read, it screeches living under the was mighty as mountains, but how long can expand as hold onto that precarious each the only as long as the trees in this cloud forest continue to bring
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the in japan, the voice often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last physically with the child, with a new law set to alive. joint custody 11 east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just sierra there. the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being
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arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. as to how this thing, even customs their families smuggling undocumented workers across the legs. pods, westberg to witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to here's from, i'll just say on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the is there any are starting to kill and injure several palestinians in the rough on gold and 630000 people. i'm not fight as a soldier garza self in the city. the fellow i'm about to send a business or to 0 live from dell. i'm also coming up and us build appear on god's us coast receives h shipments for the 1st time. but agency is called at the destruction and not a replacement for deliveries by law.


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