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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the more as strikes target homes in rough us thousands of palestinians flee israel's assaults, the hello, i'm r m i z. this is alger 0 life from dow. how's that coming up on the program? we've got to get those ground crossings as land crossings open. as soon as possible, a floating pair on gauze as close receives h shipments for the 1st time. but
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a senior us official tells hours is there, it won't be enough to meet the needs of millions of palestinians. the senior member of the palestinian on group is killed and on as rainy as strike on the janine refugee camp and the occupied westbank, the power and appoint costs sweeter city of gushing bug is looking to pos and you know, finding the purchase of goods from israel the hello and welcome to the program. heavy bombardment of northern gauze has coincided with an ongoing is really a sold in the southern city of rossa. thousands of palestinians of being forced to flee from both ends of the territory. and a desperate search for safety. now is there any will planes of target to the home and southern good? and last,
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i can at least 2 people and dropping it several others under the rubble to rescue work as a that is difficult to reach the area because of the presence of is really drugs. a number of injured have been taken to the quite the hospital which received and evacuation or different is reinforces. the facility is running out of fuel war to and medicine. world health organization says is not received any medical supplies in the gaza strip since may, 6th or 5th fighting between his writing forces and policy and fights has continues on the outskirts of rough as well. as on doing the cassandra gates released this video, showing that force is targeting several. is there any vehicles in easton, rough time, as well as defense minister? announced a 5 the deployment of ground forces to the city out there is honeywell who does and
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darrell butler and has more on what's happening and drop out. what's going on right now? not older. we're seeing more people are forced to flee or of the day we're looking at 630000 people have already in force into if leaving the city in the central part of the 3rd. but it is really military still controlling the to many crossings . that's that card mobile, solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as well by crossing for humanitarian a. so for the password rates, none of these do crossing have operator, and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is really military, it a statement. it talked about that behind the arts, controlling effective the right now half the distance of philadelphia core door data including rubber crossing. and they're only about a 5 kilometers a wave from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where we are,
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there are 1000 of palestinians. display families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this world, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement to the central area mainly and they're in the city, the 1st shipments of a defensive gauze and now using a new floating pair bill by the us military is images shed by the us show trucks and gaza receiving aid from the pair. the us as 90 truck loads a day will be delivered using the temporary installation. well, here's where it's located it's, it's just below cause a city further south than originally planned because last month is right on the aust. if the move closer to one of its major check points, the pin now sits near by. this is riding minute tree road, which the army has dumped the nets are i'm cargile name dr. a form is ready settlements in the gaza strip. he is right in the army,
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uses this road to carry out raids in northern and central cause a while there is a trick of a coming by caesar without pause. this is a bigger picture, almost all major land crossings into gauze that a shot that says making ready, di humanitarian crisis, even was 8 agencies, a oval on roots would be a far more effective way for a to reach palestinians. alger 0 is my kind of has more on the us reaction from the white house. the white house is the completion of the p a and the 1st aid shipment going across it as a major achievement. but the white house spokesman, john could be agrees that this is simply not enough to meet garz's humanitarian needs. it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine let the post and he's living in guys so desperately need. we gotta
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get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. the white house spokesman, welcome, does really help in the project. but at the same time, he says that it does not excuse israel from opening up the crossings. in fact, he says, this must be done at the same time. if god is humanitarian crisis is to be properly addressed. mike, hannah, i'll just sierra washington. meanwhile, i sure if i will, um, or uh, managed to get close to the us constructive paris trucks lined up to pick up a. he sent us this report from warranty garza, you know, what else to find the we have managed to reach the why, because the area which is as close as we could get as journalists to cover what is happening on the port and appear that was constructed by the united states, as we speak the 1st combo way of trucks is getting ready to enter. the peer that was constructed recently and preparations are underway to load these trucks with
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food that arrived just moments ago to disappear and up at them. and this aid has arrived by c for the 1st time following the closure of the rough uh, income. i will sell them crossings, and that's the only 2 crossings through which you mandatory in a and fuel for hospitals here in the gaza strip or delivered, you know, more about kind of a woodside in that following their occupation of rougher and the care of a solemn crossings is really forces are preventing the delivery of all humanitarian aid to reach the gaza strip, and that the humanitarian aid will be distributed to citizens and displays. people in both southern and northern casa. the peer is located in central gaza, which enables the united nations institution to supervise and distribute the food and release aid, which is arriving through the peer. be it to north cause or south kaiser. i shut off a barbara. that is just the law. where do you guys? earlier we have from alexandra, sarah, the hedge of humanitarian policy and advocacy. save the children international. she
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explains out the lack of aid is affecting goals as children. back in march, the u. n. war and that famine was looming in gaza. and you know, over the last couple of months we have not seen agencies granted the humanitarian access, the state of that time. and we've seen at least 28 children die of mount attrition and disease. and we know that this is probably the tip of the iceberg. these are the children that managed to get to medical facilities. and we know that the hospital system and gaza has all but collapse. i mean, we have pediatricians in field hospitals in gotten worse resubmit, they're seeing cases of malnutrition, they're seeing, you know, have a tightest jaundice gastro enteritis. i mean, these are horrific challenges facing the precinct children and we just do not have a supplies or enough personality to deal with this. our pediatricians have told us that 75 percent of the injuries that they have seen come through. so one of the
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field hospitals that they work in in and velocity has been injuries due to explosive weapons. i mean, so, and with the situation in gaza and a lot times especially intensifying, we think that this is going to get much worse. and of course we have, there is nowhere near the medical supplies or the staffing now to be able to treat these children, let alone help them recover from these injuries. we're also hold on developments in the occupied westbank, where as riley settlers set fire to in a truck heading to gaza is really on the side to intervene to protect the drive. the 3 is ready. soldiers the stain line. the injuries off discussed over the attack is, comes off to protest is tried to stop a convoy of 8 shots because that just a few days ago. meanwhile, as well as toby's national course of justice in the haze of what's happening and gaza is a tragic war. not genocide says the military operation, rasa is necessary to illuminate a mass fighters that's off to south africa aust. the quote to or the israel to
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holtz operations and rough altogether out 0 step voss and reports on this now from the hague. israel's final submission aware interruption at the u. n's highest court . a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stop. it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high, that sound close as well. presentation for an hour and a half is ralph legal advisors try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically and about fi uh, the last step and the destruction of gaza and published in young people. so i thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough uh, the last, refute for civilians in guys was mainly civilians having did
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evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as far as or it's the court to drop the matter even by it's very name the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it doesn't even rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention, the south african delegation says, as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean gauge meant the facts, some engagement the fax,
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but not nearly the but thing. what so that if it gets to going to a said, unless after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops ensure the safety of people. and what is ralph calls evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination zones. the car to make a decision on possible additional measures and the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some ellison sierra fake is there any minute tracing is found the bodies of 3 is riley captives in the gaza strip. a on me says they were killed during the october 7th
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attacks with several of these taken inside gaza. so not clear where they were found around $250.00 captors were taken in october, nearly half of them freed during a ceasefire in november. israel says about 100 captives and the remains of fuzzy, all those of being held in gaza. our thoughts go out to them to the families at this difficult time that we will leave no stone on tons. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. is there any forces of killed one person, an injured 8, all those? and as try calling the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. the house was at target, tina cassandra, the janine brigades, and how to send you an on group. one is, have been watching the streets caring is 40. jane has been subjected to frequent
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raids since israel's war on gaza 1st began and elsewhere in southern lebanon at least 3 people that were killed. several more injured, and the latest as riley attacked. in a separate incident, a mazda official was killed in his writing drawing attack near 11 is boarded with syria, and his audi how shoot me explains the tensions on the border has been an escalating significantly of the recent days with has bullet points and new weapons. the, the is where it has been intensifying its attacks. deep insides living at least 3 people were killed and multiple strikes. the other city of side. and the mass official died after and is really drone targeted his call close to lebanon's bordeaux. celia has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions and occupied sylvia and
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golden ha, confrontation between the 2 sides. plus they can. and you'd, i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the board. the that's the deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when do live in these groups started talking is really me to treat targets as well . lots been using drones since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on an this is really ministry position in mental law. the group used to drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched, and then the drone itself hits the target a d l e a has will. last said, it's a docked insensitive is really ministry facility in the lower gallery with an exclusive joan in the is really ministry confirmed the attack and said it's fight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north,
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east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to the reiterated recently that there will be no end to the violence along the easiest way. the board the on to as well as some of the tree operations in the gaza strip, come to an end. what is radio officials continue to stress? that would be no end to the conflict on to his beloved pulls. it's forces back behind the lead time. the river, which lies roughly 30 kilometer from the border of the hash and jesse at all. so the head for you on the program will look at a state of dissolves, said houston, texas milestones, of course widespread destruction. killing that nice for people to lay is moving to,
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to close down its cold fonts. but the see lines might be too late. the color of the skies have opened up nice the now across the korean peninsula and across japan, this little circulation. this swelling away moving away from northern parts of japan, brought it to scholars coming back in behind. and the balloons spring sunshine will continue to stretch its way through the korean peninsula center in northern parts of china. certainly very much on the war side to, to celsius. the inviting notice a little bit of what to whether to the north of that beijing and noticing via went by down to was the 5 south west as well. and that will gather that will move across southern areas as we go through the next day or so. as a clouding over into central parts ahead of that, it's dry and sunny, shining car, $27.00 celsius. so the temperature, the full right to keep the same line of cloud and rain looks its way back so we will see some what the weather coming into some parts of japan over the next couple
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of days on the face of china. also i see some wet weather now that where whether that makes its way across southern areas of china that's very much in evidence to request a good pos of indo china. plenty of showers seen to the philippines now. for the most part, temperatures never where they should be. penny a shout travels across much of southeast asia, had a good crop of showers to across the good parts of india. with mostly and right now showing the hands is for lanka. as universities across the us, some mobilize the palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies their putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person, go get her sold lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity points for palestinian. right? you're suspended, you're investigated. you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does the,
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you know, the the come back to the main stories are fine for you now and is raining will panes of talk it to the and southern causes roughly 16 getting at least 2 people in shopping, several others underneath the problem of rescue. i can say it's hard to reach the area because of the presence of his writing drugs. number of the injured have been taken to eat quite the hospital, the israel's legal representative was because she took the boat to the podium. the international court of justice is around light the case of the situation and cause there was a tragic, more north genocide,
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south africa as asking or to or the israel to hold. it's operation is in process the is there any forces if killed one person and injured 8 others? and as strike on the janine refugee camp and the occupied westbank house was had targeting a commander of the janine brigades at madison and on good morning as have been watching the streets carrying his body. and i was in use at the local government in the sweeter city of goats and bug was hoping to boss a little binding the procurement of goods from israel, or intending to put his route on the list alongside russia and morocco. say that tax pays shouldn't fund occupying powers full rece explains. and the other friday, i know that those are well demonstration and go from back as protest as start to feel that the voices are being hud barrier here in order to be fair and the
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government's changed, its univision is going in the right direction. but for now, it's mainly rhetoric. we must all see some concrete measures. this violence must have consequences for both of them set out. the thought may now be happening, at least on the local level, protests against the war on goals that have been taking place in dolton. but for months now these people have the cities, politicians, assault, things like that, pause as well. it goes some books town whole a movement isn't a way to try and ensure the city doesn't to procure goods from any occupying power . the governing coalition of parties. here we go from both has put forward a proposal that includes the board costs of goods and services that come from israel and other powers occupying other nations or other states in this case, morocco and russia as well. because we think that the tax payer single somebody does not want to be included in feeding at war machine. it's something that some govern bogus,
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have immediately got behind in the days after it was announced is done. so the suggestion could be good also thought it anyway. i already done it by a coca cola. so on for the proposal. but it is facing opposition from other policies in the municipality. it is not that we like sympathies with the palestinian people on the very difficult situation that they are in of this moment . but to see that we cannot get involved in for the politics, we need to let the state department manage stuff. i don't think the state of custom built it has so much trade with this room at the moment of things that are very, very few good c families. major international brands have already faced boycotts by palestinian solidarity support is world wide. go from books. council says it is investigating whether it does indeed procure is riley goods. before proceeding further, pull, reese out is era golf and back. the spanish governments denied pull entry to
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a ship, suspected of carrying weapons to israel, the danish 5 congo ship my ent, denique. i requested permission to enter the se and pool of contain and next tuesday, that request was denied following pressure from pro palestinian activism. politicians now reportedly on its way to sylvania hundreds of people have taken to the streets of amman and protest against israel's ongoing war on garza crowns gathered in front of the ground. his sandy moss getting into a dining capital online. the latest in a series of friday for his test held that since the war started out malaysia's appointment is to says that he cannot deny that america is complicit in his writing war crimes and concept. speaking exclusively to al jazeera on why abraham called on the us to stop almost transfers to israel. in november 36 u n. x. but said israel is engaged in a genocide in the making it, brian, i'm told out is there is sammy's
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a done. but he also believes israel is committing genocide and gaza of international human rights groups like amnesty international on january, the 26th, 2024 human rights watch. december. the 8th 2023 states in the us is risk and complicity in his riley atrocities by continuing to supply weapons and diplomatic cover. do you agree with that? do you think the us is complicit in the war crimes that these international organizations are talking about? i'm in no position to to deny that because the fix that is evident, that of knowing it to us, it is been committed. whether it's your line, your friend, no nation, that's a complete, you have a nexus with you. you cannot control this. otherwise you have no models that you was tending in the world to talk about the new international relations and
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humanity or even um on the in human rights. do you think the us should stop transferring the life? and so maybe they should, we're doing what is necessary just to stop there, hosted this, do you think that includes the ending of that info? it's not only weapons, but also they have the influence of mechanism and the diplomatic skills all combined to be able to force. i mean, you just possible. imagine that one man within the hour can dictate the face of the world. and watch the feeling to me that with the malaysian fondness on why i bring him on saturday at 25, c, g m t on told to out your 0 of the ukrainian city of har keeps, says it needs 3 people have been killed and 28 injured in
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a russian strike that says russia's present i team improvements as that most ago has no plans to capture the city. russian troops of advanced 10 kilometers into the harkey region in the past week president bruce instead, rusher is coming out of buffers in east and ukraine to protect its regions near the border sticker. say it's a torch, the police with a high cost as well. what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's volts because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russian border territories, including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create a safety zone, a buffer zone. if that is what we do. ask for how to keep we currently do not have plans to capture the city or are you crying in drug and attack as close power outages in the city of a stumbling crimea? this is, according to the russian authorities. satellite images show damaged russian wool plains of the bel back at base and established awful. reclining forces of repeatedly
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a tight refineries and all the energy facilities inside russian territory. now government have killed these 4 people, including 3 foreign nationals in central afghanistan. they open fire and a major terrorist area and by me on provence, i've got authorities, a full suspects, have been arrested at the scene of the attack. a coupon and move in chalet is due to start winding down as part of the government plan to phase out cold production in the country. this is, you have many, all of this schools of residence, a suffering from as long stages of cancer use a contamination from the pons. alas, in america, edison is seeing you in our ports. in every days the lines swim from their lair to the beach of mickey. units in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea are becoming akin to beggars, relying on handouts from locals. that's because the coast of mickey units,
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population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 cornfield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere says fishermen in n b a genie. i'm going to hire a game to the crowds are all black underneath the coal, so when you crack them, the meat is old, black 2, and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman. jose sanchez tells us the floating waist from a nearby factory stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission eunice or these. and that's what gives this town it's name. the fisherman used to be able to give these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much as this. because it's the only way
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that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury. and that town has one of the highest cancer rates into the me, not only vitus is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is 5 really tumors and auto immune disease. with the results of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant. love but the doctor asked me if i leave the murphy onus. no wonder he said in the air and the will to contaminate the machine. but it's difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not the, the reliable, because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built. making units is one of chillies, 5 thermo electric centers. nick named sacrifice owens k
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b a, b as belong to industrial, which provide a lion's share of employment. so people think twice before competing and that effect environment, and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people with making units are left with a few good choices. see and human al jazeera, mickey, eunice, jenny, cruz, and the rest of the of houston are trying to restore pallet to nearly a 1000000 homes and businesses of the storms close, wide spread damage at texas county officials, the some residence could be without pallet 4 weeks is authorities try to take stock of the extent of the destruction. i'll just here is heidi joe castro reports on this. of a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows,


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