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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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set out is there is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type domain new app from alpha 0 new at using. is it the the, the cloud? cuz this is a nissan line for me to come you up for the next 60 minutes. fis baffles in northern gauze where it's ready for assistive intensive fine, 0 attacks on that. you probably ever. fiji is ready forces, retrieve the bodies of 3 captives from gaza. the minute treat said they were killed during the how much of talking up to the city, a member of a policy, you know,
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i'm group is killed and then is ready as try come that you need refugee companies multiply and hundreds of refugees arriving chad in china every day is fine and intensifying, seems to done stuff or reach the so yes, as we get involving jobs away, as well as current out in u. s. strikes talk team that you probably a refugee camp that has been faced financing and bull involvement in the area. overnighted types that killed several people in the house sheltering displays, palestinians victims of flooding into the can well, i'd wind hospital near the to valley a refugee camp elliot. these rarely armies child homes near the hospital itself. the facility is facing shortages with almost no medical aid coming into this trip to provide relief for the we're working with minimal supplies to provide health services. i'd come all on one hospital and this is a result of the siege imposed on the health system. we have appealed and continued
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to appeal to the international community to supply us with the necessary fuel. but what we have been sent is a very small amount of fuel, barely enough for a few days. in early february is ready for it has been drew from northern causes saying it had destroyed him as becoming so. but as far as his have re enter the area and resumed their ties, giovanni, or is garza's largest refugee camp, which is now all but destroyed a correspondent, honey. my mood reports from de paula in central 1000 as the in the crowd to devalue refuge account, palestinians have very little of food or water, no medical services, and nowhere else to go and is really bombed, keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, injured or arrested. those left here is try go to reach. the one that they say is
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really were planes, vonda house, where 30 people were taking shelter. they could fully recover. 2 wounded people and 6 bodies. the rest, like thousands of other palestinians remain buried under rubble, children or among them. best now do i do popped up? i mean, you, i mean, i think we were safe in this house. we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children here. we all know thomas or football, all positive islamic jihad, there were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place. and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then we'll say right, refuge account. this is the daily struggle as a life it brings in you the car news of the night before. all to come inside of a children's parents and relatives in morning as the number of that has been rising every one of the last 224 days and there is by another
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classroom was hit inside a you and run school displaced people from the north brennan, central garza had been sold during their palestinians, say those who survive have to keep moving as one place after another comes under a task where the equip ensure the staff hospitals including the loss of my loved ones and the way the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients, the condition is miserable because the, the quito was because is a target is more important than we understand where the thing is, in spite of the shortage of the admissions that need because it's possible to the foil and the cause of the closure of nicholas gates, when we are completing muscle v short daniel, this communication is really mandatory is control of all the crossings into gaza, me a little or no a can get in the us space. it has been able to deliver some the through. it's the
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new floating peer, but that nowhere near enough for more than 2000000 palestinians, it's prob, here, suffering continuous bombardment. how do you, my mode data? there is the palestine in itself is being fits fighting between is ready forces and policy and fights is on the outskirts of rafa. yes, the message of when cause i'm gates released this video showing that forces talking several is ready. vehicles in eastern reference on thursday as well as defense minister announced further deployments of ground forces to rough or these really means intensifying. assault on the southern city is full of evacuation as large as hospitals. the facilities are running out of fuel, well, facing shortages of water, food, and medicine. the world health organization says it has not received any medical supplies into accounts, a strip since may the 6 say now from honey my moody who's in the ballot and has
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more on is ready defenses and southern garza and drop out what's going on right now . not older, we're seeing more people are forced to flee, or of they were looking at 630000 people have already in force into if leaving the city in the central part of the 3rd. but it is really military still controlling the to many crossings. that's that card mobile, solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as the crossing for humanitarian a. so for the past will be none of these do crossing have operator and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is these really military statements at talked about the, the how they are controlling effective the right now half the distance of philadelphia core door data including rubber crossing. and they're only about a 5 kilometers a wave from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the
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military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where we are, there are 1000 of palestinians displaced. families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this war, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement to the central area, mainly in there in the city these really ministry says it has found the bodies of 3 is really captives in the gaza strip. the army says that it's like a gallon to a shiny look. and i meant to boost kayla were killed during me october the 7th to types with the bodies taken into gaza. it's not clear where they were found. about $250.00 captains were taken on october, the 7th, nearly half of them free during a november c, as far as well says about a 100 captives and the remains of 30 of us being held in gauze. our hearts go out to them to the families at this difficult time that we will
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leave no stone on tons. we will do everything you know the power to find the hostages and bring them home. let us say now from amber and con, has moved from the jordanian capital of a mountain. and just to remind his relatives shot down to 0 is operations in israel . so we're reporting from outside the country. quote is actually been named by these really all these spikes, when he says they called it's like a get a run to meet a boost keela and shiny lords. honey lord is actually a jewel jim and, and is radius. and he goes on say that the bodies were recovered, an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion but so this was likely to be an intelligence lead opperation as well. now we've also had a statement from the prime minister of israel, but even then, you know who he says, we will return all of our hostages,
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the living and the deceased. i like bought 3 bullets. i had a response from the bring them home campaign to bring them home campaign of the umbrella organization that represents the families of the captive. they say the return of the bodies is a painful and clear. remind to me we must return all of their brothers and sisters living for rehabilitation and the motive for burial from the bid and cruel captivity as quickly as possible to bring them home. campaign has been incredibly critical all the problems to benjamin netanyahu and his whole government. they say he simply hasn't done enough that you could have bought these caps his rights far sooner that he refuses to do so, because it's politically expedient for him. again and brand collin, is covering this from a mon because it's real his band officer and we're reporting from outside the country. and now the 1st shipments of aid have entered dogs are using you flinching pier built by the us metric us as 90 truck late today will be delivered using the
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temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter this trip in the coming days. here's where the parents located is actually further south and originally planned. and that's because last month, these really all me off for it to be moved closer to one of his major check points of view and is to coordinate the distribution of the aid officer. it's on loaded and inspect to the game by is ready forces. but it says, if it's real continues to prevent the entry a few into the strip, there will be no way for it to be distributed fast trucks have taken adolph that peer that is on friday drive. it is a goal is a forward distribution. the driving along dogs is coastal road connecting both the north in the south, despite the new maritime cargo un and various agencies assisted overland routes would be a far more effective way for a to reach kind of thing is i was just there as my kind of is more on the us reaction from the white house to the why policies, the completion of the p a and the 1st aid shipment going across it as
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a major achievement. but the white house spokesman, john could be agrees that this is simply not enough to meet garz's humanitarian needs. it's not enough. so i'm not stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine let the post and these women and guys are so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings open as soon as possible. the white house spokesman, welcome, does really help in the project. but at the same time, he says that it does not excuse israel from opening up the crossings. in fact, he says, this must be done at the same time. if god is humanitarian crisis is to be properly addressed. mike, hannah, i'll just see era washington out 0 is sort of i managed to get close to the us constructed pair was truck lined up to pick up
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a he sent us this report from what you guys know, what else to find out what we have managed to reach the why, because the area which is as close as we could get, as journalists to cover what is happening on the port and appear that was constructed by the united states. as we speak, the 1st combo way of trucks is getting ready to enter. the peer that was constructed recently and preparations are underway to load these trucks with food that arrived just moments ago to disappear and up by them. and this aid has arrived by see for the 1st time following the closure of the rough and kind of a solemn crossings. the only 2 crossing through which you mandatory in a and fuel for hospitals here in the gaza strip or delivered, you know, more about kind of, of woodside in that following their occupation of rough or, and the current level of solemn crossings is really forces are preventing the delivery of all humanitarian aid to reach the gaza strip and then the humanitarian aid will be distributed to citizens and display people in both southern and northern garza. the peer is located in central gaza,
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which enables the united nations institution to supervise and distribute the food and release aid, which is arriving through the peer. be it to north cause or south cause i shut off, blah, blah. that is just the law. where do you have a wind down joined from washington, dc by alexandra say, whose head of humanitarian policy and advocacy it's safe for children international? good to have you with this say the parents open goods moving how helpful will this be? do you think this situation in gaza is so desperate that we need all possible routes to deliver sick to liver? humanitarian system faithfully opened up, but it is not a replacement to the land roots at the it should really be complementing the land route. but what we've seen over the last few weeks with the landlords have been practically closed. and it's important to emphasize that if we don't see significant shipments of fuel coming into gaza,
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nothing that comes in through the, to the peer will be able to be distributed across guys, the fuel is not only essential to, you know, the power hospitals, but it is essential to deliver humanitarian assistance. and the other thing is, you know, we need all kinds of assistance to be able to enter gaza, not just food. we need food in addition to medical supplies. it clean water needs to be resumed. if you know a fuel, i mean we need all kinds of a to come in and we also need aid workers to be allowed to distribute at that 8 and over see it. yeah, the, maybe the truck seemed to be running, but that obviously soon that fuel will run out and then it will be a problem. it gives us an idea of just how destruction situation is on the ground. what in the population is facing, especially in your focus, the children have gone. i mean, you know, back in march the u. n. war and the famine was looming in gaza. and you know,
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over the last couple of months we have not seen agencies granted humanitarian access to stave off that farm. and we've seen at least 28 children die of mount attrition and disease. and we know that this is probably the tip of the iceberg. these are the children that managed to get to medical facilities and we know that the hospital system and gaza has all but collapsed. i mean, we have pediatricians in field hospitals in gotten worse boost of it. they're seeing cases of mountain attrition. they're seeing, you know, have a tightest jaundice gastro enteritis. i mean these are horrific challenges facing the precinct children and we just do not have the suppliers or not personnel to deal with this. and what about the sort of injuries that the children are facing? is this not any of those threats that you talk about is those are the constants right of as strikes. so our pediatricians have told us that 75 percent of the
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injuries that they have seen come through. and one of the field hospitals that they work and in and velocity has been injuries due to explosive weapons. i mean, so, and with the situation in gaza and in long times, especially intensifying, we think that this is going to get much worse. and of course we have, there is nowhere near the medical supplies or the staffing now to be able to treat these children, let alone help them recover from these injuries. you do one to those who do survive this, what kind of future they can possibly have given the trauma that they will have gone through exactly anything. you know, we've seen schools estimated hospitals, estimated homes designated. and so what we're seeing is that the situation in gaza is not really giving. there's not giving any help for children to look forward to now for the future. and you know, this situation for children, the mental health toll on children re october 7th was, was awful. i mean,
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we saw that 44 and 5 children in gaza suffered from depression. that was pre october 7th. and you know, over the last 7 months we've just seen the situation deteriorate beyond our imaginations. and so this is gonna have a significant mental health toll on children. indeed at what about, i think so. and what about the safety of your people who are working for you on the ground? and indeed, all 8 workers and health professionals, garza has become one of the most dangerous places to be an aide worker. and we have seen no assurance is that 8 workers are going to be kept safe. i mean 204 and 258 workers actually have been killed over the last 7 months. the majority of them palestinian. we've seen you and convoys come under a top. we've seen a operations coming to our talk. and you know, again we have no assurance is that this is going to change any time soon. alexandra will leave it there. it's a grim situation. indeed,
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i do appreciate you taking time to speak to us here at off 0. thank you. thank you . well, it's raining, title is in the occupied westbank set fire to in a truck heading to go to these ready? all me said it intervene to protect the driver of 3 is ready. so just to stay and mind the injuries off the scuffles with the attack as it comes off the route test is trying to stop a convoy of a truck to go. so just a few days ago or israel is told the international court of justice in the hey, what's happening and goals is a tragic will not genocide. it says the military operation in reference necessary to illuminate a mass finances that's off to south africa. also codes or the israel to hold this operations in rafa. step bass and reports now from the hague. as well. find out submission aware interruption at the us highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stop. it's live transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide
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case. emotions are running high. that sound close as well. presentation for an hour and a half, as well as legal advisors try to describe it's south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically in the fall for the last step and the destruction of gaza and palestinian people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough uh, the last refute for civilians in guys was many civilians having did evacuated through rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a media to restrung cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as well, has urged the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention of the prevention and punishment of the crime of
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genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality? as it is a given rise to stuff, because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention, the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we had today was not really, i mean gage meant the facts, some engagement the facts, but let me be busting what's so that if it gets going to us that unless after israel had finished, it's presentation to judge from germany asked how troops ensure the safety of people and what is ralph calls? evacuation zones? south africa had described them as extermination zones. the court will make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question
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now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and at israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel step 5 and also sierra fake letter i expect to tell you because of and who's an international human rights law and specialist in the field of war crimes. i started by asking his read on south africa's case. once again we, we had a very powerful, impassioned, and evidence based presentation by the south african delegation. as, as, as we, as we just had the opportunity to listen to on the 1st day, it went through in some detail expressing festival. how the
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situation has changed. i heard her critical situation is and rosa and her as ro, has failed to implement the provisional messages already a whole already set by, by the quote. and by contrast, what we heard was, what many have time does that, how do you hear an appropriate response from israel is almost a tracking the south african delegation and what we have heard subsequent to the, to the hearing. and so that way from brothers, one minister and his ro, i'm referring to, to the south african legal delegation as, as a legal on all the terrorist organizations. so we can say that the, they're all, there are real contrasts between the 2. i think it's going to be very difficult for the quote to, to, to do anything. but gordon fav favorite south africa because of the way that the
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conflict has, has panda and what we actually say. it's very, very clear what the intent is. i can tell you, st. louis eva, how, how would that manifest itself, or they look like, as well as actively watch south africa is, is seeking is what it, what it was seeking in, in the 1st request for the education, for visual measures, which was the cx 5. which as we know that the, the. ready to go, the order is given by the cool ball strong. so sure of that fundamental question that was being off the situation now, it is quite different. and we, we have the benefit of the last few weeks to demonstrate what happening and what the intention is. and so to, to affect, to be what, what, what secrecy just kind of jump in that, what difference does it make? the given israel so far has ignored everything. that's the, into that community is said. and as indeed right now reinforcing districts run
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rough as well. what it is, what it is going to mean we, we have to wait to see 1st of all, what the court rules. and secondly, what it means not only in terms of what the, what this 3rd set of requests a seeking, but also what they do in terms of israel's complete disregard and say you have to implement the previous provisional measures. and then obviously that has to come a time within the insightful court of justice takes the position that to israel is just disregarding and acting with complete impurity. and that has to be consequences. to that, we know that the court doesn't have an executive power, but we can also see that that the, the, the support, even from its strongest allies, is diminishing by the day. so, you know, i think things are changing and i think, well, what we've seen in the response, we see the size of the delegation that was spent. there is clearly
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a sense that there is a real, real worry coming from these ready side to the losing support and foss becoming a pair of state, which is, i think what, what we're heading towards time. we come to the occupied westbank. now where is ready, forces have killed one person, an injured 8 of those. and in that striking need you need refugee camp house, which hits reportedly targeting a leader of the geneva gates of posting on group and buzz. robbie has been following developments from ramallah in the arch quite west back as we began seeing very dramatic footage from the scene from the aftermath of one single strike, one single missile breaking the quiet over janine camp this evening. well, before the israeli military confirmed that they had carried out the strike, the target appears to be an armed fighter. we know that at least one person was killed or 8 others insured. the target appears to be as identified by locals in the
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area of residence, identifying a fighter from the janine battalion, as if from how may come a say he was a, a, a fighter in the janine battalion, the military wing of the swan mixture had and was wanted 5 years, really military. the house that was it wasn't the center of this very densely populated camp, all those inside or thought to have been palestinian resistance. fighters, videos, show ambulances rushing to the scene, people being brought to the hospital. and they do shows the deceased on the ground as well. now this is not the 1st time that air strikes like this have been carried out on refugee camps. drones and jets have been used increasingly as part of the israel's military operations in the west bank. janine was hit in march of the last time it was said it was hit in march from the drunk strike, like hit a car killing at least 3 people who've seen similar strikes and use drones and other camps. now that you need refugee camp has seen more is really military rage
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and more it's really military operations than anywhere else. and you have to buy, let's make this is at least the 3rd air strike in the last several months. there was also one in october and you need us to g can, did you need area has the highest number so far as power students killed in the occupied westbank 505 since the war and guys began. and since the escalation of military operations by the israeli military, in the occupied west bank and in southern lebanon, at least 3 people have been killed and several more injured. and the latest is rarely attacked in a separate incident. a mass official was killed in his ready drug and attack 11 is bored with syria. is that a hash in reports? the tension on the board has been escalating significantly over the past few days, with his blog deploying some new weapons. is where it has been intensifying its attacks. deep inside of the at least 3
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people were killed and multiple strikes, the other city of side. and a mass official died after and he's really drone targeted. his call close to lebanon's board though with syria has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions in the occupied. sylvia and golden ha, confrontation between the 2 sides has taken and used i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the board. the that's the deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when the been these groups started talking is really me to treat targets as well. last, been using drone since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on, this is really ministry position in mental law. the group used a drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched and then the drone itself hits the target
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a d l e a has will last set. it's a talked insensitive is really ministry facility in the lower gallery with an exclusive jones in the is really minutes. we confirmed the attack and said it's flight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north, east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to the reiterated recently that there will be no end to the violence along the easiest way. the border on to is read some industry operations in the gaza strip. come to an end. what is radio officials continue to stress that would be no end to the conflict onto his beloved pulls. it's forces back behind really funny river, which lives roughly 30 kilometer from the border on the hash and jesse at all. a silly head here in al serra new caledonia is picking out the pieces of the days of
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rising by pro independence protest. as julia is moving to close down its co bounce, but the c logs might be too like the hello effects that need. another shortage of all, some sunshine across smart silvo straight a little bit of cloud down towards the southeast hospital. speclink. yeah, it's not just around tasmania, so we will see a little bit of wet weather here, but we call i pressure in the bytes multiples is fine, dry and sunny and pleasantly warm for some as well as that. what's the weather? east and pots of new south wales, east. and there is a victoria for time bill plus 3 there across kind of mainly about where to whether he's making his way to was new zealand. so tiny decidedly unsettled the dr price. this guy's trying to come back in behind protests mainly,
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but notice few showers lingering across victoria as we go through sunday multiples . stay fine and dry. we have plenty of sunshine and that is the case too. as we go on into the new a working wake may want a fabulous, sunny weather to it, and all the posit china thinks of the korean peninsula. warm sunshine that into japan getting close to 30 celsius the air intake. yeah, we're about to you. the full paging but further south, well, i'm afraid there is more writing the full cost that will run its way across southern parts of china, saturate the ground here still, of course. and i think this will close by the flooding. the kind of widespread that what the weather is as it drives as wife of the 8th was. and so what to whether to, to was the find ne, the, the, a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with this campaigner andrew fine. stay and photographer shock you do on,
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on active is on the crisis against each one of us the so with this and this is upon us as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around us studio will be on script part to own own disease. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fold lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian. right? you're suspended your investigated your shut down the palestine exception on a does he you know, the
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other day you watching out 0 or might about some stories. and that has to be fist fighting and heavy bump up into each poly a refugee camp. no, because at least $31.00 palestinians have been killed across this trip since the 1st day. it's around this till the international court of justice in the hague. what's happening and going to it's a tragic will, not a genocide. it says the military operation in reference necessary to eliminate come as fighters. south africa is asking the co tool to israel to hold this operations in reference to immediate and is rarely a strike has hits a home in that you need refugee company occupied westbank can be a leader of that. you need for gates and non published, in other words, now the spanish government has denied poor century to a ship suspected of carrying weapons to israel. the danish flight congress should
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not be on danica, had requested permission to enter the south eastern port of katya hannah next tuesday. their crest is being denied following pressure from pro palestinian activists and politicians is now reportedly on its way to slovenia. but hundreds of people have taken to the streets of amman and protest against as well as on cable and gaza. crowds gathered in front of the ground whose sandy ball, skinny jordanian capital. it is the latest in a series of friday purchase held in the capital since the war began to demonstrate, isabel was a guy that interior line cause capitol of colombo and to show solidarity for palestinians and gaza. protest is dom on digging into israel's will. you know fernandez, was that directly in columbus the protest in solidarity in support of the people of palestine rings together, cross section infinity composites of civil society organizations headed to log on as well as concern citizens of this country. now,
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under the ban of the world and people rely on what people here are urging as an immediate stop to the violence, not for people who have come from all walks of life here today. they say that people across the world are human beings and must not be treated this way. and they are urging immediate action. what they're doing is mckenzie. what they're doing is getting rid of the entire palestinian mission. why would this killed $17000.00 women and children? you'll be able looking for how much. yeah, appealing to that through amazon. so not to support this will not close up, right. so this is as far as the progress is good, obviously the ride police, especially the force officers, ensuring the things don't get out of hand. now, while sort of decrying the violence of genocide in palestine, the people say this must always says stop bull street lumpkin. it's especially significant because today mocks essentially the audience and the rest of the,
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of the inside of the wall between the government and the tunnel tigers. and we had our own version and it was sort of a big, big launched against 300000 people trapped in a very small profit of land. and some of the actors who are urging that the policy and people's rights ha inspected, are those who tend to blind item. what happened here 15 years ago, but only knows what the people's cry is, that lives must be protected. fernandez, ultra 0 kind of the, the of the, the matter of the current incentive kind of keeps as at least 3 people to being killed and 28 into the russian strike. that's is russia's present. vladimir putin says moscow has no plans to capture the city. russian troops have advanced 10 kilometers into the khaki region. during the past week, president putin said that russia has coffee at a buffer zone in east new crane to try to protect its regions near the border
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structure. so it's a place where the height of the alpha, what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's faults because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russian border territories, including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create a safety zone, a buffer zone. if that is what we do ask for how to keep. we currently do not have plans to capture the city. the credit monitoring says the front lines have been expanded by 97 kilometers off the russian launch. a new push from the no president for them is lensky visited into troops to police morales. he described the situation is extremely difficult. john hallman said this update from khaki in eastern ukraine. it is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north eastern ukraine . opening up a new front in the fence if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory. there on that board of what the training government is said,
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that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the cranium, heads of the forces has said that it was so rushing through a ser, extending that front of my mouth. similarly, columbus is of and then method to throw ukraine in reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outlined in terms of soldiers in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive. ukraine said that there was 7 russians. so just one ukranian, so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how to keep the city itself where we all thoughts, ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to more than 1000000 people that seem so being attacked fairly constantly by the at the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days,
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the full scale invasion back in 2022. i'm russian forces. they say a using especially guided phones. they can be dropped by russian planes outside the range of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems. and they can then travel tens of columbus as if know the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this, no face them read them in ukraine, still fairly intensive this point john, home. and i'll just say to hockey, are you creating try and attack is cause power outages in the cities, the rest of holding cry, mirror, and bunch. according to russian authorizes a satellite images show damage russian war planes at the belt back at base. this festival you creating forces, it repeats, lead time to refine the reason of that energy facilities inside russian territory. in saint petersburg,
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at least 7 russian service men had been injured in applause to the military academy . ambulances rushed to the academy of communications after a loud explosion was reported to the regents military says, this wasn't an attack. it's at the boss was caused by world war 2 munition, unexpectedly going off view. and the human rights chief says he's horrified by the escalating violence and the other student needs to develop sasha agencies and try the bracing for a new wave of refugees is fighting into don. continues the country had already been hosting about 410000 suits, and these refugees from the previous tougher crisis, creating a shelf increase in fuel and food prices. well, you an estimate to conflict, i'm going for more than a year. it's great. the world's largest displacement crisis of about 9000000 people will start with ease and try to expect the number of suited needs refugees in the country to rise by about a quarter of a 1000000 to more than 900005 december. about half
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a 1000000 sued needs of also fled to egypt nearly 840000 into selves through done. i just have a 23000 into central african republic. there being more than $14000.00 people killed since a conflict began in mid april last year. and some of the address reports informal comes to the board of towns about today in team already struggling, the number of refugees arriving mostly from north tough or 13 months into the conflict. and so then refugees are still caustic into china despite tough conditions of the camps. families arrive in the numbers, the agencies say between 2 to 400 people across the border every day. these don't want to add any vision. sometimes they have to cross the chatty and border because people were eating grass grass that is eaten by animals. that's how they get the strength to reach the chevy and border hundreds of thousands of people from the city of the janae, 9 west at 44 already in the border area off, i'd re,
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i still waiting for shelter. 8 agents is a struggle to provide even one meal i be. so now the united nation says thousands more offering, fighting in the north, the forest capital m f. i sure it's a suit and he's on his last stronghold in the region. and the rapid support forces of late each to the city for weeks. there is active, formerly going on a temporary attacks by the rapid support forces of evelyn bod minutes by the cities and forces that are leading to message new displacements, internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you seem to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surrounding father and all of large numbers from sedan crossed into the town over today, it's why the united nations is stationing for trucks to help the new arrivals. my wife and i sleep on the floor with no food to eat and go out every day to look for
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menial jobs and money to feed my wife and children. they knocked admissions estimates. chad could soon be hosting 1000000 refugees in a country wide. 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a just to say they've only received a fraction of the funding needed at one that many refugees were already well noticed. when they arrive at risk of di, please, i'll just the friends just as minister says that can be no dialogue with pro independence protests as a new caledonia and less wrong thing. stops state of emergencies in place of, to demonstrations, against changes to local election rules, favoring french nationals, a new kind of day. there is an island territory that lies between australia and fiji was colonized by the french in the 19th century under simmons. as this report, being off the mouth of another knife of interest in the capital knew may or may be less violence than previous days. but the effects of this week's riots on now
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clearer than ever. cues of people looking for food and basic goods and the costs to the economy. heading the on $200000000.00. the french government has flown in hundreds of police reinforcements along with food and medicine. let's talk of dialogue with pro independence punches, but it's over written by some french leaders. the justice minister is taking a hard line. just put you with the piece. there can be no dialogue with little take no dialogue with the salt and violets. we will consider transferring criminals where we bonded in custody to mainland products. this will be done to avoid impressing federal mines, but also to guarantee the security of prisons. a new caledonia is a french directory. it's always had strong pro independence groups led by the indigenous cadillac. they believe a propos new law or to allow more french nationals to take part in elections is about colonization. and it will, we could left voices. bill,
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so we're losing the connect uniqueness that we've had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcomes people here with open arms, and now our voice is being drowned out. the french government has accused as a bomb. the job moves during tensions in new caledonia from supported as the by jones name media in the territorial dispute that led to conflict between the 2 countries. as a vi, jones government rejects the obligations. however, last year it invited representatives from french territories including new caledonia, to as a by jones capital. by cool. the result was the formation of the crew initiative group. it supports empty colonialist movements. andrew simmons houses era in the united states, the man who were tied to for my house to be connected police husband with a hema, has been sentenced to 30 years in jail. the jury found that 44 year old david to
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pump the guilty of assault and the attempted kidnapping of a federal official to pop, broke into the places california have in 2022, intending to take a hostage. she was in washington dc at the time of the incident. the pop instead confronted her husband popaleski, except to have the head for the hema. several members of the jewish faith that prayed outside the synagogue in the french. the city of rule, as it was set 5 said on 5 by and mine. and the attacker was shot and killed by the police officer climbed up the side of the bill to getting through an object similar to the bullets of coat tail into the main prairie. dozens gathered in paris to condemn the try to the new director of one of columbus because prisons has been shot dead in the capital book. a tom l math and unders was heading home. when gunman on the motorcycle intercepted his car and shelton authorities of offered a reward for information on the perpetrators and his arms around p a. t. as this
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and mr. goodman, this was killed with a single shot to the head as he sat in the passenger seat of this car. the former police colonel and director of book with us prison level della was returning home from work on thursday afternoon in the capital book to win a motorcycle approach the vehicle and opened fire last week. that ma'am, this had received death threats from gang members into prison after launching a crackdown and criminal activity inside the detention center. you have no security . yes, good. what farmers car, columbia, the justice minister, lamented the killing instead of major police operation was under way to catch the killers. i left immediate goal and if, and then i want to express so much on a direction and not the government, i'm the entire nation. so the family of colorado fernandez, i'm tell them address that they are not going to intimidate task, and that's we will move forward despite their attacks and insolence. president
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gustavo pay thru ordered an emergency security meeting and said on the social media platform x that said none. this was quote via the murdered the summons. columbia. as most notorious criminals are held in this prison, i'm sorry to say organized crime operates from inside smuggling drugs. and goods, while directing, extortion, and other crimes from the opinion century man, this was leading an operation to separate gang members columbia as present, no, tory t says other officials are risk. 5 guards have been killed since the beginning of the year. and 6 others have survived the 10 some their life. 550 officials have received that threats in the past 2 years. but the old story, these are playing catch up. when we turn on the is was not issued with an ahmed vehicle because we do not have the capacity to be able to provide ahmed vehicles to everyone. in fact, no director has such protection. the government has declared
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a prison emergency back in february, promising to increase security for prison officials. but that wasn't enough to save the lives of the director of the country, not just prison. allison but i'll be at the address. ita echo. as president says, he's open to restore ties with mexico weeks off, through the embassy rate and key to make scale separate as tides with that could go off the security forces rates. if it's diplomatic mission to detain the form, ecuador, and vice president or j glass, you had twice been convicted of corruption biker during court. daniel nova says it will be on the condition that mexico respects the decisions of it goes to districts a still head hearing out 0 punch up in parliament, told him, well, why these political fists the,
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[000:00:00;00] the gunman had killed. and these 4 people, including 3 for a nationalist and central afghanistan, they opened fire and a major tourist area. and by me and province, i've gotten a far as you say, for suspects if you're interested at the scene of your time. i of the 2 police officers have been killed and another into the malays is through a whole state. a police said these suspects entered a police station in the city of new to them onto they miss jesse. i mean, to steal far on who was killed in the shooter. the attackers suspected of being a member of the gym. i saw an own group with links to outside. this
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politicians in taiwan came to blows in a dispute to have a propos, changes to parliamentary beside pounds, scuffles broke out between members of the 2 largest political parties, neither of which has not right majority, the citizens of violence come just days ahead of the integration of ty, once the president must level as this report, members of the tiny ones pulling in exchange more than just woods during a sitting on friday. at the hot to the cans is pull him in to reflect the opposition put him in tongue. came tea party once to pos legislation criminalizing lying and problem, and it, once the increase oversight of the government moved to a museum, the city who is a democratic progressive party keeps trying to block the voting process. the scuffles will happen again. so we call on the president to tell the d p caucus not
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to use violence at every turn. members of the democratic progressive party or the p p, seemed willing to put their lives on the line to stop the changes from being cost. me, i was older by team team. we have to tell the people why we oppose these legal initiatives, and we need to discuss them as well. we contact the country have just one voice and it became t do whatever they want you in january the p. p candidate lighting to one the presidential election, but the party lost its paula mainstream majority and the speakers seats to the came to the general. everyone should discuss and consults me. i called on the president of parliament's to be the president of parliament for all of taiwan, and not just for the k m t party, i hope to speak, it can be a bridge of communication. so the chaos in parliament comes ahead of lies in organization. next week, his administration is already facing balancing pressure,
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some beijing, which is labeled, the president elect a dangerous separatist, facing considered as self govern taiwan as part of its territory and says it's willing to use force to unify the island with mainland china. welts pay has been pursuing as a closer ties with washington. at a time of growing us, china rivalry aging will be scrutinizing the lives in organizations, speech. everything that said, and what's not mike level of desert. i copeland to north until is due to start winding down as part of the government plan to phase out co production in the country. in the city, it may human is schools that residents are suffering from advanced stages, a cancer due to the contamination from the prompt. decision even has this report every day see line swim from their lair to the beach of mickey units in northern
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chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea are becoming akin to beggars line on handouts from locals. that's because the coast of mickey units, population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 cornfield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere says fishermen in n b a genie a high rise a. what are going to, the crowds are old black underneath the coal, so when you crack them, the meat is all black too, and that proves that are contaminated. one. fisherman, jose sanchez tells us the floating waste from a nearby factory stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission eunice or these. and that's what it is. this town, it's name, the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here
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and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much as this. because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury and the town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. me not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is 5 really tumors and auto immune disease, with the results of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant love. but the doctor asked me if i leave the messy onus, no wonder he said, and the air and the water contaminates and even the machine. but it's difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not the the li,
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liable because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built. making units is one of chillies, 5 thermo electric centers. nick named sacrifice owens p b as belong to industries which provide a lion's share of employment. so people think twice before competing. and that affects the environment and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left with a few good choices to see and human al, jazeera, missy eunice. julie scientists at the university of western australia. every square footage of a deep sea squid, the capture of this month, of this is named, displayed, running to its tentacles, around the camera. it had mistaken for prey on a remote b operated underwater vehicle. that bright fire luminescence light to use to stifle
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prey can be seen on 2 of the animals tentacles. as it approaches the camera. that's it from a cloud for this. these are my colleagues mine. the module will be right here. just a minute, and we'll have the the latest news as it breaks this years march as a message, not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming one. so they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with details coverage. millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. and tried when neighboring nigeria restricted expos or how's the 27000 photographs of dead and tortured civilians? have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series,
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which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing plan responsibility as families and the lawyers face a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. well, now, just the era popular 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out of old for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash
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e m. the . ringback the fee expenses in northern gaza is writing the forces of intensified their attacks. only jabante of refuge account, the hello, i'm marianne, the my z. this is algae 0. i live from del, how also coming up. we got to get those ground crossings as land processes opened as soon as possible. floating pear on gauze as coast receives and shipments for the 1st time. but
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a senior us official tells out just there it won't be enough to meet the needs of millions of palestinians


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