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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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the cost on red chris, the is rarely strikes devastate northern drones, at least $6.00 palestinian sheltering inch by layer of refugee camp. have been killed the 11 o'clock. this is l 0. life. also coming up at the international court of justice is relegating rejects on keys. ations of genocide and gaza. so i've africa resolved c i c j to or the israel to hold it some time on the roof. we've got to get those ground crossings. those land crossings opened as soon as possible. reflecting peer on guns. this case receives h shipments for the 1st time receiving a us official towels out is there wouldn't be enough to meet the needs of millions
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of palestinians. and char braces for another wave of refugees has thousands of civilians, fleet escalating violence and neighboring suit. all the service thoughts in northern goes away. israel has turned out new as strikes targeting the jamalia refuge account overnight attacks that killed at least 6 people in the house sheltering displays, palestinians in early february is ready, forces withdrew from northern garza saying it had destroyed him mass battalions. uh . but as far as, as have re enter the area and resume their tax is only been job a begins coverage in the crowd which evaluated refugee camp palestinians have very looking food award to no medical services. and nobody else to go in his regular moms keep following him.
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many civil defense workers have been killed, wounded, arrested, of those depth struggled to reach the wounded as there are no lights or even street that are left. the thing is really well pains, bones, the house with 30 people were taken shelter. think it only took over 200 people and 6 bodies. the rest like thousands of other kind of simians, they mean better than the rubber children among them. best. now booth i do popped up, i mean you, i mean we was safe in this house. we did most have any strangers with us that were only women and children. here. we all know time us, or fata, or parts of islamic jihad, they were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose that safe place. and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then to say it off the refugee camp . this is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage of the night before and all to come in sight of children,
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parents and relatives in the morning as the number of that has been rising every one of the last $224.00 days in data by the end of the classroom, was it inside the you in run school displays. people from not an incentive daughter had been children care, palestinian said those as arrived. we'll have to keep moving as one place after another comes in through attack. hi. equipped in short staffed hospitals including alexa, come on with one employee, the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients. the condition is miserable because it is going to always because it's a choice which with a we honest and i would think. and it's in spite of the shortage over the admissions. the because the support of what it says that for him and the cause of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing the must of the short thing of these medications. these really minute disclosure of fold crossings into cause that means literally couldn't get in
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the us as it was able to deliver some through it's new floating pit. the best spot for me enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped in the strip under continues. but some of them jobby wasn't there. that's enough from honey. my friend it isn't there, a butler. and he has more on his really offensive in southern gaza and drop by what's going on right now. not only we're seeing more people are forced to flee or of they were looking at 630000 people have already in forced into if leaving the city in the central part of district. but this really monitor is still controlling the do many crossings that, that cover mobile, solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as the rubber are crossing for humanitarian. and so for the past will be none of these do crossing have operator, and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is really military in a statement at talked about the,
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the how they are controlling effectively right now, half the distance of philadelphia core door data including rubber crossing and they're only about a 5 kilometers a wave from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where we are, there are 1000 of palestinians. display families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this world, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement to the central area mainly and they're in bella city. israel's military says it's recovered the bodies of 3 contents from the gaza strip space pass and i know her diary. so the 3 were killed on october. the 7th and the bodies were then taken by how must find, since our hearts go out to them to the families at
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this difficult time that we will leave no stone on tons. we will do everything you know the power to find the hostages and bring them home straight to him, run calling his live in the jordanian capital amman. and that's because it is relative shut down. i'll just here as well, versions in is relevant reporting from outside the country. and so in run that these cops is, what more can you tell us what we've actually been named by these really all these spikes when he says they called it's like a guy that runs her. i meet bas kayla and shawnee law attorney lewis is actually a jewel jim and and is raised. he sits and he goes on say that the bodies were recovered. an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion but so this was likely to be an intelligence lead authoration as well. now we've also had a statement from the prime minister of israel, but even then, you know, he says we will return all of our hostages,
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the living and the deceased. i like bought 3 bowls. i had a response for. busy to bring them home campaign to bring them home campaign of the umbrella organization, the represents the families of the captives. they say the return of the bodies is a painful and clear mind to that man. we must return all of their brothers and sisters living for rehabilitation and the murder for burial from the bitter and cruel camp tippett t as quickly as possible to bring them home. campaign has been incredibly critical . all probably is to benjamin netanyahu and his whole government, they say he simply hasn't done enough that you could have bought these caps his rights far soon. now that he refuses to do so because it's politically expedient for him in run. so how is this hostage situation playing out in his ready politics as well? certainly on the streets uh that he's a growing move and
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a protest movement. it's been going on for very long time now bought the. ready them home campaign which sets out to be in a political. ready united nation wasn't gonna take any political sides in very recent months. join those anti government. protests. politicians are actually paying attention to all of that, but there's a different case when it comes to the cadets. it, the parliament department is coalition is still holding people. i get them a ben gavera and that so those small traits, the far right ministers are still supporting the prime minister. so he still has a political come up, but he is under a tremendous amount of pressure from within the cabinet. for example, the defense when is that key member of that will cabinet has been openly critical a problem and is that benjamin netanyahu saying he doesn't have a plan for the day of the i'm us, which is, will they cooling it? and that he's very critical of the, the is ready to put him blocks and when it comes to see spot negotiations, however, he's also the man who's leading this rule. so you have to take his words with
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a pinch of salt. perhaps they all political, all of the fractures within the political establishment within the ruling coalition . know right now and certainly not publicly. there is a tremendous amount of support for the war from these ready general public. but with each passing day, with more news like they, some of captives that have been captured dead, that's going to put more pressure on him because more and more people will come out on the streets. all right, thanks. that's it. run. and then we put a once again today run is covering this from a mom because it's run his band with 0. and so we're reporting from the outside because this is relas told the international court of justice in the hague. what's happening and cause that is a tragic will not genocide, it says the ministry operation referenced necessary to eliminate him as fighters. south africa is also called to order additional provisional measures against israel say this would be the last chance for the court to rescue what's left of garza. so for us and reports from the heck you as well, find out submission aware interruption at the u. n's, highest court,
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a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stop. it's live transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high. that sound close is rose presentation for an hour and a half. is ralph legal advisors? try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically. and if i fi i the last step and the destruction of gaza and published in young people. so i thought for a couple of parts to describe rough uh the last to refute for civilians and guys was mainly civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of, for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full hum us with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said,
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they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as well as urge the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention of the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in think does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it is a given rise to stuff off because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention. the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we had today was not really, i mean grades went up to fax, some engagement on the fax, but luckily the busing. what so that if it gets going to us that and my wife, after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and should the safety of people and what is
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wrong. goals, evacuation zones, south africa had described them as extermination. so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some elgin sierra, they take as one of the 1st. the shipments of age have vented garza using a new floating pair built by the us military. us says 90 truck late today will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling 50 tons to draw. sorry, 500 tons. i should say to enter the strip in the coming days is where the pair is located. it's for the south and originally planned. and that's because those monthly is really all me, aust,
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it to be moved closer to one of its major check points. united nations is to coordinate the distribution of the aid officer is on the loaded in inspect to the game by as rarely forces. but it says, if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip, they will be no waiting for it to be distributed. and despite the new maritime cargo line to remain semester effective way for 8 to reach progress to me and to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land now basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rock or crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled up medical supplies and they're not being allowed through
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. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into casa, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. any of my colleagues, stanza tay spoke with the white house national security communications advisor, john kevin. and she asked him for his assessment of how the 1st maritime, a delivery went so far, so good. we've got about 300 pallets of food in today. we're hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity. and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. so we were trying to not be too overly ambitious. but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. and we hope to be able to do that. we've had terrific cooperation across the board. i mean, this is a real multinational en multilateral effort. it starts in cyprus, we're grateful to the leaders there in cyprus that have allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way,
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getting it to the peer. and then all the way in is rarely have been very supportive of this. uh, and its a multi lateral effort across the united states government with united states military building, the peer of course, but usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the agency is getting to the peer and, and being managed over that causeway. so there's been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. uh, we're excited about the possibilities. i do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and that it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be on the all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine let the posting these women and guys are so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings open as soon as possible. you say that we need to get non costs open as soon as possible, and there's hardly anything coming through them right now. rough as close kind. let me tell them is a little bit better, as you've said to these radius of being very supportive century blinking and present 5. and i've said time and time again that it has been us pressure that was
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getting a scaled up. so what's stopping not from happening now? well, when i said there's really been support of, i mean of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. sure. but clearly, not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the account shalom up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable stumpy, that head on out 0, a polluted power. the ice, we will quote from chile on plans to shut down co production into port hello matches scattering a various basking in some very warm sunshine. lovely,
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clear skies here up towards the northeast and corner of yet because this area of high pressure is in place as a se one. it's actually blocking off these. well, the systems that have freedom away in from the atlanta in couple of areas of low pressure here. so this line of cloud just rolling down tools that are used to solve it. somebody's trying to find some live you showers on that, which grassy notion the wife for the northwoods and a sense of what the weather around. still some pretty wet weather into know the posit, jeremy i, which was the low countries and still some of the live this house across the front dental switch that modem areas of if the as well a few showers into northern areas of best spain and portugal, little tri are on sas bay, at least across the england, the some pos as girlfriend, but further west into whiles, we have got some shell as long as both the frank coming for here for a time. sunday was decidedly passive for the most part, whether we some showers once again. as you can see, just around the netherlands pushing across into northern policy. jimmy gets got finished as go central pos. hope you're up to where you want me to scandinavia into
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the mid twenties, this woman and some of the southern areas of year. meanwhile, across north africa want to she hasn't. and those amounts area, but the main corporate shala's for west africa the, our oceans are on the switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back. he's eating off the choices, sees that goes to simms are going to suffer more and more with climate change, and we need to adapt. now. marine conservation is are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying. the last shock, the
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other guy you're watching out 0 mindful top stories is uh and intense bottles that taking place between is really forces in palestinian. i'm fixing to probably in northern guns or at least 31 percent of students have been killed across the street since thursday. the us as the 1st choice, current humanitarian, a defensive, gone, so far as temporary here. but a groups of reiterate to that line crossing kind of bring in more a much faster is room, is it getting rejected? accusations is car, you know, genocide because at the international court of justice it's legal representative said it has the right to move ahead with a full scale attack on most of the city of rafa to defend itself against the mass agencies in chad, bracing for an influx of refugees as violence intensifies and students dial 4
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region view and estimates a number of student needs refugees in chad will exceed 900000. and by december, it's all been addressed reports informal comments and the board of times about today and team already struggling with the number of refugees arriving mostly from north tougher, 13 months into the conflict. and so then refugees, us through the course again to china. despite tough conditions of the camps, families arrive in the numbers. the agencies say between 2 to 400 people across the border every day. the so to id gauge and sometimes they have to cross the chatty and border because people were eating grass grass that is eaten by animals. that's how they get the strength to reach the chevy and border hundreds of thousands of people from the see different genetic west of for, for already in the border area off, i'd re, i still waiting for shelter. 8 agents is a struggle to provide even one meal i be now the united nation says thousands more
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offering, fighting in the north, the forest capital m f. i sure it's a so that is army slice from old in the region and the rapids support forces of makes each to the city. for weeks, there is active, formerly going on a temporary attacks by the rapid support forces of evelyn bod minutes by the cities and forces that are leading to message new displacements, internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside. surrounding the father of large numbers from sedan crossed into the town of today. it's why the united nations, the stationing 4 trucks to help the new arrivals. my wife and i sleep on the floor with no food to eat and go out every day to look for menial jobs and money to feed my wife and children. they're not the admissions estimates. chad could soon be
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hosting 1000000 refugees in a country or 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a just to say they've only received a fraction of the funding needed at one, but many refugees were already met. and noticed when they arrived at risk of di degrees, i was just in st. petersburg. at least 7 service been have been injured and applause to the military academy. evidences rushed to the academy of a communication so after loud explosions reported to the regents military says, this wasn't until the attack. it said the applause was caused by world war 2 beautician unexpectedly going off the at least 3 people have been killed in 20. i didn't, you didn't, the russian strike on ukraine 2nd largest city khaki, according to his math that says russian president vladimir putin says that moscow
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has no plans to capture the city. russian troops have advanced 10 kilometers into the khaki regions during the past week. speaking in china, president putin said that russia is coffee out of buffer zone in east new credit to protect its regions near the border. a sticker. so it's a no, what's the place where the height of the alpha, what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's faults because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russia and board a territories including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create a safety zone, a buffer zone. if that is what we do ask for how to keep. we currently do not have plans to capture the city. the ukrainian military says the front lines of being expanded by many 70 kilometers off to russia. launched a new push from the north president waterman's lensky visited engine troops to boost morale. he's described the situation is extremely difficult. john holeman sent this update now from khaki in eastern you christ. this is now been more than
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a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine . opening up a new front in the fence. if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board of what the crating government is said, that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the ukranian heads of the forces has said that it was so rushing through a ser, extending that front of my mouth. suddenly he, columbus is of an effort to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of soldiers, in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive. ukraine said that there was 7 russian soldiers to one ukrainian. so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how
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to keep the city itself where we all, that's ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to model 1000000 people that seen. so being a type, fairly constant, they buy the at the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days, the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian forces they say a using, especially for the phones they can be dropped by russian planes outside the range of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems. and they can then travel tens of columbus, a zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this, no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive this point john home. and i'll just say to hockey, a ukrainian drain attack is cause power outages in the city of sylvester pole in
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crimea, according to russian with ortiz, satellite images, show damage russian bull plains of the bell back at base nestor festival, ukrainian forces have repeatedly a tax refund. the reason of the energy facilities inside russian territory, the slovak is prime minister, has undergone. another operation remains in intensive care at the hospital in central slovakia. robert fico was shot multiple times on wednesday, but 71 year old matt who seems being charged with attempted murder, patasha butler impulse and brought us not of of to visiting robot fits so in hospital. so if i q is defense minister said the prime minister was conscious, but still in a serious condition, often nothing around the surgery fits, they were shopped in and assassination attempt on wednesday. we'll solve the and ideally, his condition remains very serious. but this surgery was aimed at monitoring and treating the individual, gunshot wounds in the affected area. i think it will be a few more days before we can definitively on this time the direction of his
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recovery as the investigation into the shooting continues, police took the 71 year old man charged with fits. those attempted murder on a search of his home in the central town of livid se. so if i came to official say the former security guard and 3rd acted alone. the members of fits those populace. nationalists coalition including and pupil spa, safe and liberal position, not partially to blame for still king political attentions. of course, they didn't sign team, i mean these seem to kill prime minister about these. he has a brain washing and these items for you, of a hate to the against of my part in the box here we start, look, feet. so it was one of the reason fits those opponents say it's the pro russian leaders, policies that are dividing the country. he wants to independent tree a to crane, change that your district and scrap the public broad costs. a controversial news this prompted weeks of street protests, some during the se, press freedom is one of many points being rooted there. the vision is that the
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journalist here are not here to criticize the government, but they're here to serve the government. there is this atmosphere in the society where anything you say basically can be interpreted as an attack this assume the atmosphere in the city uncertainty is in. yeah. the attack on the apartment is the deeply shaken people inside, like here, with many wondering what will happen now, minutes to say the government's running the country as usual, and they hope that feed so will fully recover what can be done to kill political decisions is unclear so that gives you prison, says the attack monks a turning point. the things may never be quite the same. many here agree latasha butler, i'll just say refreshed as lava or a cold plan to move into is due to start winding down operations as part of the government plan to phase out co production. and this is, it makes you and is schools of residence, a suffering from advanced stages of cancer due to the contamination from the plants . and the cold industry brought prosperity to the port town,
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but also extreme. those of pollution are left in america to the certain human as this report. every day see line swimming from their lair to the beach of mission. eunice, in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea or becoming akin to beggars, relying on handouts from locals. that's because the coast of mickey units, population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 caufield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere, says fishermen and none be a genie, a high rise, a what i got into the crowds are all black underneath the cold. so when you crack them, the meat is all black too. and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman, horses, son just tells us the floating waste from the nearby factory stings to the touch,
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which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission you on this or these. and that's what it is. this town, it's name, the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much is this because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury and the town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. for me, not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter's 5 really tumors and auto immune disease with the results of her having a large amount.


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