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tv   101 East Reviving Indias Red Pandas  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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lies in violence against women and girls. do we? ago, yano alj, a 0 mexico city. and the presenting president related to silver's, and i'll send you a package for victims of funding in this type of we are declined to sell. at least a $149.00 people have died and these floods, government is saying a $1000.00 will be given to the effect of families who has already pledged $10000000.00 in reconstruction projects and temporary housing elsewhere. authorities in south career of announced new measures to tackle flooding, expect to during the rainy seasons that they include the use of artificial intelligence to help predict wherever the floods might happen. robert pride reports from sol along the votes away and sold its pro to busting it spends emergency services tests, defense is meant to stop or repeat the flooding that's taking place here in previous years, work is monitored from the control center that now uses artificial intelligence to
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predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and weather patterns. to donate samples on the amounts of dollars it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i believe this, i technology will enable us to give foster and more detailed floods, full cost, singleton to allow them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict flooding rain storms last year, with the worst and a decade, killing, endangering dozens of people, and displacing thousands. a year you're mostly ever, we hope to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to predict nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing impact of extreme weather events. south korea is also turning to ever more i'm vicious input struck just like this underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill
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a $160.00 swimming pools running for nearly full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to pump the way through this with climate change, an abnormal weather patton's happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself, but also developing nc flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride, i'll just say it right, so that's it for myself. and now i'll see you in about 25 minutes time. more news on the way. then. also one on one is which is coming up next. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us present,
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. government takes the bottom line. ringback ringback ringback in the eastern human, i use this one of the wills, ravished creatures. why was very much excited to see the species for the 1st time in the white ridge pounders a native to the regions mountain forests. but the numbers are plummeting due to deforestation, poaching and climate change. what's fun? so we're going to end up watching and never tyler the longer they, they did a voice i'm a bit. so there's, there's an invitation. now an indian breeding conservation program is fighting to not only protect the species but that habitat. it's not just the contribution
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reading that is important. one of the most important things to kinds of the species is to maintain that habitat. one east reveals the bottle to save. india is in danger. red ponders the fed. sanders are almost impossible to study the wind. they found in try 2 spots of the eastern new model is in india, the pardon me and my boot on in china. that's why my do i need to document the lights begins and then into the shadow of the mind and changing the amount as i walk through this wind, she leaves, i need eyes for the 1st time on the endangered firefox. i spotted it's amazing. a brighter edge and
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a bushy evening deal. a little bigger than a house cat. she stated me for a 2nd before repeatedly timing up her favorite book. i watched the shy creatures spend most of the days lounging in the trees. much like amazing one. the slots of the himalayas, red band of sleep for 80 percent of their day, the location any waking up to munch on those favorite food bamboo. it's no wonder the name fonda comes from them. they probably would fun. yeah. meaning that for each sundays, all the less academy was because it's basically by just their system is backed up for talking your but like majority it fits on the bumble. what us all the
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characteristics of the right find out that make it special for you. so like they can, jim, a large quantity of modeling bumble and other than that they can, juma varies some insects, the eggs of books. so that's what makes them a bit different from other spaces. shred, sanders even has ran out of stations and the time making it easier to grab and hold onto vandal. d. i. one of the earliest members, so evolutionary distinct. that'd be only living members of the family. logical society of london describes them as an age species. the avenue scenario lead, distinct and globally in danger. these are the most i look live and behave like no others out in the wild be seemingly design features can be easily hunted by many natural predators. but they have
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a brilliant cheek updates, van ability to climb down trees, head 1st. one of the only animals in the way that can pull this off the big windows 7 and to me through this vision. so like i really a large number of fed bundles in this landscape. do you think you would have seen that didn't last minute think judy, what the dictates the number has been good thing. so we have to protect the data. yes. and the national park, and you had already national thoughts that of coast on 40 inducements, each according to the international union for conservation of nature. they may be 10000 dread banners in the wild today. for no one really knows, that as to population may be lower than 2500
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red sandals have been thoughts heavy in the past and suffer from an extremely fragmented habitat to date the that's why the work of dr. bus with arch from dodge meetings is so important. he's running, indiana's largest and oldest red banner conservation breeding center. it's part of a global species management plan aiming to an endangered species to the wind. the blue select set density seems to be to look into this vision and who was the most of the things of that and in the naturally habit that so specially physician bidding is done to conduct the spaces in the category. and with the option of releasing zoom back into the way the that's the real life lab of some dedicated wildlife biologist for working hard to save red vendors on their own,
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often impregnable home depths or the legal ben mama thought you all could buy for you has spent the last few years studying red sand, as in the wise working with local communities, every step of the way the i've been calling the connection of good always from the change order says to exploding an exposure to the nature of the you know, what their childhood was i mean with a better time for me because i saw in, at my home it says many species like starting from boards and was to,
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i used to sleep with my grand fat, especially my grandpa local language. maybe for them to pick a guy had well done and he had, he was still telling me the story even what he has experienced in his life. financial kind of stuff cleared out in the store. credit comes to what i'm so yeah, and maybe my background actually has me as a naturalist, as a like why live biologist? i visited mom at the in city where she lives with her husband sort of runs red banner doors on the indian. if i bought a connection goes back a long way tags to santa monica. so read kind as to why and for the 1st time and fell in love with both of them. i have been into single,
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a national box. so i was very much excited to see the species for the 4th day in the why would it give me the bought? i did, of course. why? because it's amazing is a nice creator i never seen yet. i found it was very many most studies done. do you see it? i chose to pick him middle objectives so pocket to understand the status of it. i find us inc. protected areas. i'm going predicted areas. so you should just be like going to give you k conservation impacts copies are definitely need to you who. ready the dread fontose existed in temperate forest at all to do similar to the dog shooting. so but scientists have recorded them in areas higher than 4500 meters above sea level. so moment the and i ended up near to come to verify this range
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the so we are now in the last century, which is and 3500 meter or do so this is the, another us we double habitat for respond us, which is so but find for us, this far is consist off him love trees. so before and that over to the entries as well. right? find a preference sort of interface for roasting purposes. the interesting part is that we are next to the wood on border, the direct vondik. i move easily from find will i had to was done, and vice versa. moment does work, can be painstaking. but she can found on a helping hand from sticking forrest, department, god and local eco volunteers detract defined as the
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lead time. any see, that's also good. fresh, greenwich, tony. the you're the pallets. okay. the ceiling that goes up and it says well, and the cost is cool. we refresh, i'm just basically my legal numbers. i'm sorry, the low cost to the 5 was the money go i'm going to use of the supplement, who this is one of the legal name on the, on the 1st time is how you doing with a why didn't with the money i will do much of the why no,
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why the 1st time did even more due to the breakfast you're not available in compute again, what go to my a just do what i see. and the reason i told you that go easily, i want you to walk into type of easily boxing it. how does that, how does the or does this have? i'm gonna save a lot of what is that what, what i don't think it's a big move on in general, and that from the different folders it was he left so lucky just as i did found, to have it that may calculate disturbances what i ask them how much sense of each other at the border area we by what they don't uh, international border, if china and just double down the, the about the whole thing. okay, i need to go to i just any problem we're gonna try to run that out. i did, but never heard of it loads. yeah, they wouldn't. while i felt okay, a federal taxes, it does a good one. does it donald or love the army go game. so those are decades mostly jetta. talk to federal set of black ones. i did this to the local good of by chance
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. automated kind of did i one is a when i was younger, i see the live. yes sir. don't go to the easy, pre everybody and find out just a way of going out of the looting of the order wouldn't come through completely. i thought i'd just looking for them to do community dens. advisor, i'm only one to any, most likely. the 2 hours a week from fun going to come by and i've side street i reached again. don't a partner of dodge eating suicide. red found a breeding program. the zoo runs a semi secret match making effort, but it also hosts a couple of read vendors, show us 5th trip and those here we have the book. gee and her daughter's been minds at my book. she's 8 years old and her daughter is a 6th. fema means i notice that my means jewel and book to means chubby.
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the under those huge boys don't as a hiding dissent, gland. the females even use un descent mark their territory and communicate their interest in nearby moods during breeding season. the kind of issues that are usually rich and the way is we have a lot of the schools that from and in the form of federal dog in good of my number is like we during reading season for barking, go and going out in order to get a lot of enemies that the beyond southern region. and have you noticed that don't cause the threat to assemble? yes, very badly. it's not in the zoo, but the to have been the cause of not being hunted by for the dogs in hand. the due date is in the zoo. in our scenario, it is more of like a 9 to simple issue. people use to think it's only on affecting dollars. but now
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you have over $200.00 species that affect the bike and in the simple unfortunately that but there's also one of them to find an infection has the breeding base event . so hoping strict protocol measures have dropped the outbreak under control. and the dispute direct vendors may have more luck producing op spring, the on singly low nation fox border lead me, but it, we could see how deforestation was fragment thing. the red band does have it that the, these communities have moved to you for a long time. the, their, my, the, like my 1st time find that they should go and because they, they would contact them as a tyranny on the finding
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a source. there that you're defining the source, my, the, my technician, find out what they can do for that. is it the address for the teacher, for like really frustrating to the boss on shared fund now spends his time searching for the last of the was while drink dundas as a tracker for visiting during the school i'm was getting now and in that 40 minutes on the checking i'm going to doing the local be through i beta and letting go go and read from the with the visual and the say you find also what i mean. when i say, oh, i think you'll only see how i like the best funding the table of us to the title of ones in each state to let a move in this, the for the endeavor is out of it. i'm going to change what are they facing?
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moving all that i'm going that's awesome and singular brings are that bright foliage on trees, like magnolia and maple. and we were all struck by my deep strong cisco and mountain ash. red sanders usually stay in a one kilometer radius of their small instead of trees. but 1st, you have to find them the coast months to in summer does came out the bus in the winter time. the last 2 weeks is looking for red sand assigned by sign. a new mode help us find a sleeping beauty
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named out us to come from fund as mazda. she from this old ponder, gonna begin this about our presence disturbing his sleep. the zooming in the scheme did his heart's delight. he's perfectly hidden in his trees roost, and when he's had enough, in fact, he moves away slowly towards his next neck, the berries of the thing, the fruit this winter. many females have been spotted with tubs of good science, with the red band distracting the indemnified border, and even better for the local attract those who depend on them for their livelihood . when it's a drinking go to united someone. so even though they're unwilling to go to molly,
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what's the quantity that is that he has to what as the most around can miss a. can you going to hear that? so that's a good day. i. so what's funny, so the, the test and i wasn't going to find that thoughts highlighted the login. i think they did a voice. i remember they telling me you're listening to the point of my, let's say you're dragging out to them. find a photographic of today's i'm, i don't know what that kid is a little closer to determine what the genetic, which email i got here. you really don't need to do this. i'm sort of a headache and a find never to our new when detecting or they can do better than have just a mentor when you bundle customer ida. bundle taking the boys are going to take it. so i knew in order to you, i would do putting any choice headaches or my j. u
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comes a domain, i'm relaxed, i can have you come to go to the actually does a, i mean they are a income, which i don't want to search by any obama. so you need to have that set up an auto funny. can you hear me do find out what i have to go to and they saw you been to the god for, for the lady. i place that when you get a will to address. that's why wildlife biologist moment is working so hard to collect data from local trackers and forest cods that presents a loan keeps purchase and helps the local community knowing how to protect or find us. 2 dates. i'm not that that nice to log in. the field mouse them yet to get us out of the streets anymore. but this was some of the some good news or so let me, i'm gonna reach out to you later one. but as it was clear, so i'm gonna send them so that i will read bundle. so i'll do that. i may have,
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we've done little massey, no human, imagine polluted, have known so polluted. i'm not denser that we can't get to ask you them. but this, the data data to stick most, that'd be good to go. and after the study and then they find the city the middle. so in my analysis, i have only 74 send a suitable or 80 i sport. i find this is lies in the non predicted alias going all the of like districts in seeking dual conservation management. i mean, good, we need to change also a big factor for the have a good specially speaking because there are getting the any additional fees. and then the secret facility at dodge using indian scientists up reading some of the countries most. indeed, jared on the
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we have 5 major species that drake concentrate on out of doors. so that fund and small leopard are the species that immediately focus on for conservation reading. other than that, we have, he might even use a tibetan wolf and bushy. the, the cancel, the selected bundles under the does watch, will eventually be released from the zoo and back into the why the and we get
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a sneak peak of some of the lucky with the band us right before this is epic releases. so the beating season starts from january and last up to march. so in january, we generally will analyze the pedigree for their father was with their mother is with a grandfather is so there is no in reading among them and then put them in a suitable best and let them meet and read and buy a june july. they give birth. so right now in the reading center we have 2 pairs of fund us that are suitable to meet with each other. in 2002, we need to meet at least 7. and it bond us 2 males and females before releasing them into the way we keep them in the software, the specific thing which is in the habitat so that they get used to the habitat and
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after that, the money to them. and when the feed like they are fit to behavior, they need to take care of themselves in the wind. then me release them out of the fighting is that where the least 3 females have muted with white fonda and that they've given birth to a total of 5 cups. so we did see all the, all the 5 cups. we were able to track the mother and the cups with them and they were heavy and they were doing what is your hold for the rest time this species and especially looking at the conservation of reading programs. so it's not just the funds, the vision reading that is important. one of the most important things to console the species is to maintain their habitat, protect the habitat, and continuously improve the habitat. so i hope that side by
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side like the confirmation bidding their habitat goal to improve. so that's been really nice design removing the while there is a very good john. so then surviving and prizing the wind and the need for any orientation in the future if they do it where they like now the this greeny spike em footage of from baby find out waking up permit slumber is a huge sign of success for india is conservation. reading project and for all the new vendor for the playing against the on there is hope for some of the was read is peaches living under the was mighty as mountains. but how long can respond as pulled onto the precarious news?
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only as long as the trees in this cloud calling continue to bring the the latest news as it breaks this year's march. if the message not just for the card government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage, millions of pharma. now how rich thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the management of wait am phone from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside, when neighboring nigeria, restricted, as you will see, the caught a duty in a grove using for p, use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems costs on request. this is the 1st genocide that we see. and there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge. and the huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of
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their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide. the israel keeps up, it strikes on rough. uh, is the defense minister announces more ground troops being deployed to the city in the southern, gaza, the hello, i'm r m i z. this is alger 0 at life from dough. how is that coming up on the program? construction of a floating page helped get more humanitarian aiden to gauze. there is now complete as the one ones assignment and the newest spreading to the south.


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